Breivik’s “Double-Psychology”

Two weeks ago we published a translated article from Expo (the original is here) in which Anders Behring Breivik repudiated all association with the Counterjihad. In a letter sent out to various email outlets, the Butcher of Utøya told the world that his purported admiration for Fjordman, Robert Spencer, Bat Ye’or, et al. had just been a ruse on his part, and that his real ideological commitment was to what he calls “ethno-nationalism” or “nordicism”. He had embraced the Counterjihad in order to damage it, and to draw attention away from his allies among white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

Strangely enough, no media outlet except for the far-left Swedish foundation Expo published this portion of Mr. Breivik’s missive. Other sources — reportedly including The Wall Street Journal, Die Welt, Dagbladet, ABC Nyheter, and Ekstra Bladet — wrote about his claim that he had been tortured in prison. But none of them thought to mention that the killer had said he was just kidding about his ideological alignment with Islam-critics — an undetermined number of whom have been harassed, threatened, fired, defunded, and exiled for “inspiring” the madman’s massacre.

Funny about that.

Expo had only published excerpts from Mr. Breivik’s letter. I was curious to see the entire text, and spent some time searching for it online. The process was made more difficult by the fact that the original letter was said to be in English, but the published excerpts existed only in Swedish translation. Our Scandinavian contacts were all but certain that the full text of the letter had never been published on the Internet.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of one of our Scandinavian readers, I was able to obtain the entire text of the “ideological” portion of Anders Behring Breivik’s letter. The first half of the text — the part that contains his assertions of being tortured in prison — was apparently imaged separately, and the PDF that was sent to us was devoted solely to an explanation of the ethno-nationalist motives for his actions.

Mr. Breivik’s letter was actually written last September, but for unknown reasons was embargoed by the Norwegian prison authorities until earlier this month. Then, when it was finally sent, all media outlets but one chose to bury those portions of the text that would destroy the “narrative” they had so painstakingly crafted over the past two and a half years.

If there were any honesty and decency left among journalists, they would have immediately issued an apology for their previous blindness and stupidity, and a retraction of all the stories in which they had so faithfully promoted a false explanation for the deeds of a mass killer — just as the murderer himself had intended.

But honesty and decency do not have any place in modern journalism. This follow-up on the events of July 22 2011 has been buried, and will never be exhumed, not if the legacy media can help it.

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The “ideological” portion of Breivik’s letter was sent to us as a six-page PDF file, the final page of which was blank. The contents were entirely image-based; that is, there was no text that could be copied and extracted. I printed all five pages, scanned them, ran them through OCR software, and corrected all the errors I could find.

The resulting text is reproduced at the end of this post. Our publication of the entire document serves as the due diligence that the MSM entirely neglected to perform: we are providing the public with the raw text, which they may read for themselves.

I expect that we will be accused of aiding a mass killer in his efforts to propagate his unhinged ideas. Yet our readers deserve more credit than that: they are capable of reading and evaluating what Mr. Breivik has to say and making their own informed judgment. They will easily discover that the murderer espouses a fringe ideology, one that is essentially trivial.

Unlike his “manifesto” (which he, interestingly enough, refers to as “the compendium”), the letter seems to be written with a single authorial voice. As I made my way through it, I found myself assessing the ideas — “Hmm, this seems true.” “This is nonsense!” etc. — just as I would with any other writer’s conclusions.

Then I would encounter a sentence like this one:

22/7 was an attempt to force these 20 editors, and their colleagues in the other 12 nordic countries into dialogue with their countrys nordicist-movements (you call them Nazi-movements).

…or this one:

As for my efforts to try to force the editors and ruling politicians in each of the 13 nordic countries into dialogue with the nordicist-movements, I failed miserably, not surprisingly.

… and I would be brought up short, brutally reminded of the nature of the mentality that had written those words.

No one in his right mind believes that the mass-murder of dozens of unarmed teenagers will force newspaper editors to engage in “dialogue”. A person who seriously entertains the idea is deeply, deeply deranged.

Regardless of whatever ideology Mr. Breivik might adhere to, his belief in mass killing as an effective means to achieve dialogue with media moguls is totally disconnected from it. Whether his cause is “racial hygiene”, environmentalism, socialism, or the need for fluoridating the water supply, the means he employed to promote it have nothing to do with it.

It’s easy to see why the MSM wanted to bury this half of the letter. It shows them up as gullible fools who took a shrewd psychopathic killer at his word, and parroted the exact line expected of them. Their case against the Counterjihad as “Breivik’s mentors” has been totally destroyed. As a result, they’re no longer interested in discussing the topic.

The Butcher of Utøya positively gloats over how easy it was to fool them:

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Bunga Bunga in London’s Little Banglatown

Lutfur Rahman is the mayor of the culturally enriched borough of Tower Hamlets in East London. Mr. Rahman’s name has frequently been in the headlines recently, not least because of a dodgy deal in which a piece of borough-owned real estate was sold to his cronies for a rock-bottom price.

Our British correspondent JP takes a look at the context of Lutfur Rahman’s meteoric rise in the diversity-rich environment of Modern Multicultural London.

Bunga Bunga in London’s Little Banglatown
by JP

For the crime of giving humanity parliamentary democracy, night after night, latter-day gods bind London’s Tower Hamlets to a rock for fallen angel Lutfur Rahman to gorge himself silly on a young civilization’s liver while applauded by a chorus of blind and ecstatic cultural diversificationists. Thus do the gods wantonly sport with our venerable heritage?

A recent report in a national newspaper once again brought to light one of Rahman’s artful dodges, this time the sale of Old Poplar Town Hall at a knockdown price to his business associates and electoral advisors. The report concluded with the dismal conjecture that there was no little or no prospect of bringing Rahman to account for fear of being labelled race-mongers. Unseemingly, London’s authorities have given this latter-day Artful Dodger carte blanche to fleece its pockets, not only for his own benefit, but also — and this is what lifts the story from the mundane to the alarming— for his corrupt religion, Islam.

In an endless merry-go-round of easy cash for worthless causes, Rahman is as scrupulous at glad-handing his campaign coffers as he is massaging useful multiculturalists. The latter, blinded by the untested benefits of cross-cultural pollination, stumble when it comes to recognition of the inevitable ambient cultural disharmony produced by the elevation of an Islamic Overlord to a position entailing civic responsibility and impartiality.

Tower Hamlets First is the name given to Rahman’s new party, a ticket on which he hopes to gain re-election as its Mayor later this year. Less than a megaparsec away from full-on Sharia implementation in this sorry hamlet, it is not difficult to decipher the message in this seemingly innocent and banal campaign slogan. Yes, we the British taxpayers will pay through our noses as well as being led by them, for Tower Hamlets to be London’s first officially-sanctioned Sharia borough. Others will no doubt follow, keen to emulate this easy glide into peaceful and munificent conquest.

Signs of peaceful conquest abound in the borough, from recent demonstrations in Brick Lane calling for the prohibition of the sale of alcohol, to hate sermons at East London Mosque, to other activities hazardous to ordinary citizens of the UK — the Islamic killing machine otherwise known as Sharia is the ever-looming shadow which gives these events meaning in the here and now. The indolent tameness of the conquest in its initial stages belies the excessive severity that will undoubtedly be its fruit.

Not Tower Hamlets First, but Tower Hamlets More… more Sharia, more corruption, more mayhem.

Recent articles and blog posts on events in the London borough of Tower Hamlets:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/23/2014

Two young “Britons” were arrested at Heathrow Airport, allegedly on their way to Syria to support the jihad. Both are culturally enriched teenage girls. One of them had €20,000 stashed in her knickers, reportedly intended for the Syrian mujahideen.

Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, was sentenced to eighteen months in prison for mortgage fraud. He will have to spend the entirety of his time in prison — which may be about nine months — in solitary, since his life will be in danger. Al-Shabaab reportedly has a price on his head.

In other news, Pope Francis called upon all nations of the world to welcome immigrants.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, ICLA, Insubria, JP, Nick, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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ARD: Crass Manipulation on the Subject of Immigration

Our Canadian correspondent Rembrandt Clancy has translated an article and a video clip about Romanian immigration in Germany. The video is blatant pro-immigration propaganda put out by German state television. As the translator notes, “The question arises as to whether the broadcaster, to present crude material with such confidence, boldness and naivety, is not assuming the accomplished ‘deratiocination’ (Hans-Peter Raddatz) of the population, unless it is the only journalists who are isolated in that condition.”

ARD: Crass Manipulation on the Subject of Immigration

by Rembrandt Clancy

Are the German people really Dummköpfe (dunderheads)? An affirmative answer to this question is what may be in the minds of the journalists of the ARD, the public broadcaster which aired in their Tagesschau (Day Show) programme of 16 January 2014 an example of crude pro-immigration propaganda. The video clip appears below, introduced by a commentary by Michael Mross, the original German of which is on his internet portal Mmnews (19 January 2014). The ARD, das Erste (The First), is Germany’s “first” and largest public broadcaster (1950), the rough equivalent to the BCC.


At issue is an anticipated influx of benefits applicants to Germany from the EU’s poorest countries, Romania and Bulgaria. As of January 1st, the unelected EU Commission has lifted restrictions on the free movement of workers (Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit) from these countries. With its minimum wage several times higher than what it is in Bulgaria and Romania, Germany could present a particularly attractive destination for the unemployed of these countries.

Sü reports that the conservative CSU Bavarian wing in the CDU/CSU governing faction released a position paper in early January containing the slogan “If you cheat, you’re out”. It calls for sharper rules against “poverty immigration”, thereby unleashing a reaction from those who support unrestricted immigration:

The CSU now fears a strong influx from these two countries. The Institute for Employment Research [Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung — IAB] expects that the number of Romanians and Bulgarians could rise from 100,000 to 180,000. Currently about 370,000 citizens from both of these countries are living in the Federal Republic.

The Association of German Cities and Towns [Städtetag] had already declared at the beginning of the year that many communities are overextended by poverty migration. In the “Position Paper on the question of immigration from Romania and Bulgaria”, reference was made to the “often poor educational and training situation, as well as the absent or deficient language proficiency. In this way immigrants “frequently find it difficult to gain a foothold in the labour market, and in many cases, not at all”.

As an example of the reaction against the CSU position paper, a Focus Online article quotes the immigration researcher, Klaus F. Zimmerman, who is with the Institute for the Study of Labour (Das Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit — IZA) with its seat in Bonn. The article is entitled “Immigration of Romanians and Bulgarians is good for Germany” (Zuwanderung von Rumänen und Bulgaren ist gut für Deutschland). According to Zimmerman, the prospective influx of immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria from 1 January is a “good chance” for Germany since the great majority of the them are “well-qualified specialists” (gut qualifizierte Fachkräfte) such as doctors, engineers.

The term Fachkräfte figures in the ARD video below, and is normally used to counter the critics of unrestricted immigration, since its meaning is the very opposite of “poverty immigration”. In normal usage, the term Fachkräfte is of general application, and includes highly trained, skilled, and educated people. Immigration critics, citing evidence that over the years a host of unscreened immigrants arriving in Germany without basic skills have been taking far more out of the welfare system than they pay into it, often apply the term Fachkräfte ironically as a subcategory of “culture-enrichers” (Kulturbereicherer). To illustrate, Die Welt quotes the chairman of the Greens, Simone Peter, who in reference to the anticipated Romanian and Bulgarian immigration, says that…

…immigration should be understood fundamentally as “enrichment of our socio-cultural life.

In her affirmation of the German tax payers’ support for immigrant life-style she cautioned about “hysteria and scaremongering”:

Whoever warns against ‘immigration into the social systems’, serves first and foremost xenophobic resentments, which right-wing parties and groups use for their unscrupulous purposes.

The immigration researcher, Klaus Zimmerman, continues…

In any case, one cannot speak of a mass immigration out of poverty into the German social welfare systems. This is irresponsible propaganda.

Contrary to many German table-talk pub clichés (Stammtischparolen) Romanians and Bulgarians rank among the especially well integrated immigrant groups living among us. … A quarter of them are even highly qualified.

Zimmerman’s opinion represents the theme of the ARD propaganda clip, which heaps much praise on both Romanian immigrants generally and gypsies in particular.

Here is the translation of the MMnews commentary on the ARD’s Tagesschau broadcast:

ARD: Crass Manipulation on the Subject of Immigration

by Michael Mross
19 January 2014

If the Day Show [Tagesschau] soon equates war with peace, one should not be surprised. For they are disseminating blatantly false information, they are turning facts on upside down and they are practising primitive manipulation of opinion; for example, there is their report regarding the EU’s decree on freedom of movement and residence.

Germany is the main country of immigration in Europe “and that is good news”. That is how the ARD’s chief ideologue, Gabi Bauer, begins the Nachtmagazin on das Erste [The First]. The state broadcaster does not discharge their viewers for their night’s rest without first brainwashing them.

Apparently the ARD have never heard a thing about objective reporting and the weighing of facts and opinions. For surely there can be differing views on whether or not it is good news that Germany is a major country of immigration in the EU. And this statement is by no means “news”. It is crude propaganda — typical for the ARD, which is financed by coercion through the GEZ. [“GEZwangsfinanzierte ARD“ — the GEZ is the agency which collects the compulsory TV licence fees.].

The bad news is that the political and economic conditions under which so many people live are so bad that they have to emigrate, so says Gabi explicitly. In saying this, perhaps she had Africa in mind, or the Congo, or Sudan. But no, she means the Romanians!

“Now finally begins the desired migration to us of qualified specialists [Fachkräfte]”. It is with these words that the announcer lies into the running camera without turning red. This is especially pleasing to the Interior Minister whose corresponding statement on the matter is inserted into the ARD Brainwashing Show.

The debate, according to the “news presenter”, is between facts and populism. By “facts” she means her false information and she shunts “populism” into the sphere of critics. That is pure “Current Camera” [Aktuelle Kamera: the name of the former East German state newscast]. What a beautiful new ARD-world! Different views count for nothing at the ARD — and that is what constitutes the programme mandate of public service broadcasting.

But even in matters geographical they twist things together; or better, they lie through their teeth. As a splendid example, that is to say, of how splendidly things are going with the Romanians, they pick Spain of all places. Spain, according to the moderator — it is in this way that she intends to drum it into the perplexed viewers — is only half the size of Germany and has admitted 800,000 Romanians.

Let us repeat that once more: The ARD maintains that Spain is half the size of Germany.

The reality, however, is that Spain is almost double the size of Germany (ok, this is somewhat of an overstatement: Spain’s surface area = 506,000 km2 / Germany’s surface area = 357,000 km2).

Who has not yet switched off, because he has become ill, is besmirched now by a contribution from a correspondent in Spain who is financed by the compulsory [GEZ] levy. He is supposed to show how super things are with the Romanians.

In Spain there are indeed no problems at all with Romanians — on the contrary. They are fantastically integrated; and the Spanish, in spite of the economic crisis, are happy that the Balkans are coming. As proof they show two females, a Romanian translator and a Romanian coffee bar keeper. The former is drinking her coffee, the latter is learning how to cook Spanish specialities, and everybody’s happy.

Oh yes, there are gypsies in Spain; and it is this ‘by the way manner’ that the report mentions this fact. But not even they cause problems. On the contrary: nowhere in the world than in the Iberian Peninsula is it known how to treat the begging, migrant folk in such an easygoing way.

No, the report was not a gloss; neither was it intended ironically. It is a typical ARD concoction and gives some idea of how public institutions handle other topics, turning them on their heads in just such a politically correct manner. And it is for this sort of disinformation that unsuspecting citizens, on top of it all, are asked to pay 8 billion Euros annually. Refusal to pay must therefore actually become a civic duty.

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Here is the ARD Report with English subtitles. The original is on the ARD’s Tageschau website.


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/22/2014

A dozen illegal immigrants from Afghanistan and Syria fell off a boat in the eastern Aegean, and are presumed to have drowned. The boat was allegedly being towed back to Turkey by the Greek coast guard when the tragedy occurred. The Greek authorities disclaimed any responsibility for what happened.

In other news, a female Austrian tourist in Dubai who says she was raped will be charged with a crime herself, for having sex outside of marriage.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to ESW, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, Papa Whiskey, Steen, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Time to Ask Ourselves Questions

As we reported here earlier today, Quebec is in the midst of debate over the proposed charter of secular values, and the Muslims of the province are upset because the new law would ban the wearing of the niqab by public employees.

Below are more excerpts from citizens’ testimony before a national assembly commission in Quebec City. Many thanks to Bear for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Calling Out the Lib-Dems

Last November our regular British reader and commenter Mark H sent an email to his Member of Parliament, gently chiding the honorable gentleman for his misguided “outreach” to the Muslim community in Britain through his participation in the Global Peace and Unity Conference.

Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, never deigned to respond to his constituent’s message, even after he had been sent it a second time.

Today Mark H contacted Mr. Hughes yet again, this time to discuss his concerns about a new issue (discovered via a petition on the website) concerning the Lib-Dems:

From: Mark H
Date: 22 January 2014 17:51
Subject: Maajid Nawaz

Rt Hon Simon Hughes, MP

Dear Mr Hughes,

I wrote to you on November 8th last (sent again in December, as the original was apparently mislaid), expressing concern at your planned attendance at the Global Peace and Security Conference, and have not had the courtesy of a reply to date.

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With What Will We Be Protected?

A controversy arose in Quebec last summer over a proposed law known (in English) as a “Charter of Quebec Values”. The values codified in the new law are secular ones. It would ban the wearing of religious symbols and garments (including the niqab) by employees in public institutions.

Needless to say, Quebec’s culturally enriched community is vociferously unhappy with the planned law. The coalition of Muslims and elite progressives has found itself at odds with the ordinary citizens of Quebec, who are not all that fond of seeing their province rapidly Islamized.

The following video shows excerpts from citizens’ testimony before a national assembly commission in Quebec City. Anglophones will find it refreshing to hear so much political incorrectness voiced in a public forum — no one would be allowed to say anything so “racist” at a congressional hearing in Washington D.C.

Many thanks to Bear and CB Sashenka for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is a CBC report discussing the same testimony:

Pineault-Caron’s secular charter comments raise questions

Quebec ‘values’ charter hearings should not be a platform for racism, says Canadian Muslim Forum

Questions are being raised about the role of commissioners in censoring speakers at the Quebec secular charter hearings, after some recent testimony sparked outrage.

On Thursday, Quebecer Geneviève Caron spoke before a national assembly commission in Quebec City, describing her shock after visiting a mosque in Morocco.

“There were men on all fours on the ground … ‘Come on!’ I said, “Praying on all fours on the ground on little carpets…what the heck is that all about?’”

An excerpt of that testimony was posted on YouTube, and so far has received close to 300,000 hits.

The couple’s daughter, Manon Pineault said her parents are far from racist and believes they were misunderstood.

“There was nothing controversial (in their remarks),” Pineault, who also testified at the hearing, said in an interview from her home in the Quebec City area.

“At a certain point, I thought that maybe they misunderstood what we wanted to express, that maybe they saw it as racism — it’s not racism… We simply gave our opinions, but there’s no racism.”

Pineault said her family is very open to other cultures and her children have friends from different backgrounds.

“My daughter is dating a black man and he’s very well accepted at our house,” she said.

No vetting process for speakers

Luciano Del Negro, the Quebec vice-president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said someone should have stepped in to stop Caron.

“It demeans the whole process,” he told CBC’s Daybreak.

“Certainly one would think that a parliamentary commission begs for more decorum.”

There is no vetting process for the groups and individuals who present at the public hearings. A spokesman for the national assembly said anyone who submitted a brief before the deadline will be given the opportunity to speak, (barring any scheduling difficulties) based on a first come, first serve basis.

CBC Daybreak requested an interview with Bernard Drainville, the minister responsible for the secular charter, to find out why Caron’s testimony was not interrupted.

Drainville’s office refused to comment.

Daybreak also made calls to the offices of all four parties who sit on the commission, but they refused an interview.

Samer Majzoub, president of the Canadian Muslim Forum, said Caron’s testimony may have been shocking, but it didn’t come as a surprise.

“Honestly the whole process of the charter is offensive,” Majzoub said.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/21/2014

The Thai government has declared a state of emergency as mass protests against the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra continue in Bangkok. The government says it has no plans to use force against the demonstrators, but some civil rights will be curtailed during the emergency period.

In other news, a top jihad leader in the North Caucasus was killed in a shootout with Russian security police.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, KGS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Western Media Distort Egypt’s Constitutional Approval

This guest-essay by a Coptic Christian named Ashraf Ramelah reports on the recent constitutional referendum in Egypt and the misplaced support by the American government and chattering classes for deposed President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Western media distort Egypt’s constitutional approval

by Ashraf Ramelah

Egyptians, passionate and elated, leap for joy in the aftermath of a major victory sealing the death of Morsi’s autocratic regime and his Muslim Brotherhood backers as Egypt’s new draft constitution is approved by a huge margin. A woman exiting a poll opens her heart and cries out to the object of her affection, “General Al-Sisi, I love you and I will marry you.” She is 75 years old. Islamist poll judges were removed early on for directing voters to vote “no.” A 91-year-old Copt receives a cup of tea at his Cairo neighborhood poll after casting his vote where he was blocked from voting in two previous 2012 elections — the constitutional referendum and the presidential. Call it “bogus” as The Washington Post has or call it “justice” as Egyptians demonstrate.

On January 13, one day before the inevitable “yes” vote approving Egypt’s new draft constitution, The Washington Post editorial board (Fred Hiatt, Jackson Diehl, Jo-Ann Armao, Jonathan Capehart, Lee Hosckstader, Charles Lane, Stephen Stromberg, Tom Toles, Autumn Brewington, and Michael Larabee) published an article entitled “Egypt’s bogus democracy doesn’t deserve U.S. aid,” arguing on behalf of a “no” vote. The Post article glosses over the real meaning of critical facts, transforming Egypt’s military into a Nazi revival rounding up innocent bystanders. It advocates for rejection of the new draft constitution even as Egypt’s violent streets show us that Muslim Brotherhood thugs would be fueled by a “no” vote — empowered by the defeat of what they consider to be an anti-Morsi constitutional draft.

The article indicts Egypt’s military and General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi essentially on the basis of Egypt’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood (now blacklisted as terrorists) and the former autocrat Mohammed Morsi. It sanitizes Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric and violence with such terms as “peaceful”, “activists,” and “an elected Islamist government.” Calling Egypt’s military a “regime” and tying it to a nonexistent coup d’état, the article views Al-Sisi as Egypt’s enemy spun out of control and an imminent threat to the welfare of Egyptians. This is nonsense and an insult to Egyptians who have suffered much to arrive at clarity (the Muslim Brotherhood is bogus and dangerous) and a solution for this crisis.

Ninety-eight percent of 21 million voting Egyptians approved Egypt’s new draft constitution, which represents a vote of confidence for the work of the military, police and interim government. Egyptians endorsed it with double the voter turnout this time for the Monsour interim government’s constitution referendum than before in 2012 for Morsi’s constitutional draft with 11 million voters. Egyptians want this crackdown by authorities, which does not impede law-abiding freedom fighters but Muslim Brotherhood members, sympathizers and gangs opposed to them — supporters of ousted President Morsi tearing down the country with violence and bloodshed, threatening civil war.

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Five Reasons Why Islam is a Cult

Bob Smith returns with a guest-essay about the cultic characteristics of Islam.

Five Reasons Why Islam is a Cult

Unpleasant fact — worldwide consequences

by Bob Smith

1. A Muslim who quits Islam has to worry about being killed by another Muslim.

This is the first rule of Islam. This is why so few Muslims quit the faith. This simple fact — alone — makes Islam a cult. It is hard to understate the significance of this cold hard fact about Islam.

This practice is widely followed today throughout the Islamic world. The most frequently quoted Islamic theological source is Sahih Al-Bukhari Number 6922:

Allah’s apostle said, “if anyone changes his (Islamic) religion, then kill him.” says the following: “the rejection of faith, is a serious offense in Islam. The punishment for apostasy as prescribed by Prophet Muhammad is death”.

Don’t let any Muslim try to deny this fact by quoting the Islamic phrase “there is no compulsion in religion”. All Muslims know the Islamic doctrine of “abrogation” negates this phrase. And Muslims only use this phrase when they are trying to deceive non-Muslims

In Afghanistan, NATO had to use a promise of asylum in Europe to get Said Musa out of prison for the crime of converting to Christianity.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (, in clip #3926, translated a broadcast from Al-Arabiya TV on June 14, 2013, which quotes Egyptian Islamist Abu Al-’Ela Abd Rabbo, one of the assassins of secularist Farag Foda in 1992:

Interviewer: What was the religious justification for the assassination of Farag Foda?

Abu Al-’Ela Abd Rabbo: The punishment for an apostate is death, even if he repents.

Need more proof? Simply Google “quit Islam” or, click the this link for an insightful discussion on the issue.

2. Muslims are encouraged to commit violence in the name of Islam.

Muslim theological documents — the Koran, Hadith, and Sunna — are filled with statements which encourage devout Muslims to commit violence in the name of Islam.

Here are just a few:

  • Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them(2:191)
  • Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood (9:123)
  • When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)
  • Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)
  • Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
  • The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)
  • Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam (5:33)
  • The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28)
  • Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies (22:19)
  • Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)
  • The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)
  • Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)
  • Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)
  • Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels

In addition to the Muslim theological documents mentioned above, Islamic social norms encourage violence. It is widely noted that Friday is the most likely day when jihad attacks will occur within Muslim society. This is because the mullahs use their Friday pulpits to encourage their flock to commit violence in the name of Islam.

In Muslim societies, even the media become involved in the incitement to violence. has translated thousands of articles from print and electronic media. These translated articles are filled with direct incitement to commit violence in the name of Islam.

Remarkably, some of the most glaring examples of incitement to violence come from new “converts” to Islam. Why would a new convert to Islam commit violence? The obvious answer is the “theological” incitement from their new religion — Islam’s core texts.

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Reds Weren’t Under the Bed…

…They were in the Cabinet. And the State Department. And the offices of military procurement. And the White House.

In other words, Joe McCarthy was right.

Below are excerpts from “‘McCarthyism’ by the Numbers” by M. Stanton Evans, published yesterday at Breitbart:

The orchestrated attack on Diana West’s important book, American Betrayal, has been brutal and unseemly, but in one respect at least it has served a useful purpose.

This lone positive angle — counter-intuitive at first glance — is that her iconoclastic Cold War history has sparked a barrage of charges about “McCarthyism” and the senator from Wisconsin who gave his name to a decisive epoch in America’s long death struggle with the Kremlin.

As is well-known, “McCarthyism” was an alleged focus of political evil in the 1950s: accusations of Communist taint, without any factual basis; bogus “lists” of supposed Communists who never existed; failure in the end to produce even one provable Communist or Soviet agent, despite his myriad charges of subversion.

Such is the standard image of “McCarthyism” set forth in all the usual histories and media treatments of the era. Such is the image relied on by the critics of Ms. West to discredit her book and dismiss her as a crackpot and “conspiracy theorist.” By arguing that pro-Red elements in our government exerted baleful influence on US policy to suit the aims of Moscow, it is said, she becomes “McCarthy’s heiress,” reprising the evils of the fifties.

All of which, from my standpoint, has one beneficial feature — though it doesn’t make things less unpleasant for Ms. West. It pushes the issue of McCarthy and McCarthyism to the forefront, where it ought to be, and where it is now possible to view his cases in ways not feasible years ago when the relevant data were not open to the public.

Even today, there is much that we don’t know — documents that have vanished, ancient records still being censored, deceptions still in circulation. However, there is also a good deal of information available for those who care to view it: sizable tranches of McCarthy’s papers, and those of his opponents; reams of formerly confidential data from the FBI; thousands of pages of hearing transcripts and archives of his committee and other panels of the Congress; intercepted Soviet communications and revelations from Cold War defectors; and so on.

Looking at this mass of materials and matching them up with McCarthy’s cases, the main thing to be noted is a recurring pattern of verification. Time and again, we see the suspects named by McCarthy and/or his committee — treated at the time as hapless victims — revealed in official records as what McCarthy and company said they were — except, in the typical instance, a good deal more so.

The accompanying table provides a sampler of some of the suspects named by McCarthy, his aides, or in his committee hearings, and reflects what is now known about them, based on official records (some of it was known even then but ignored or misrepresented).

Suspects named by McCarthy, his aides, or before his committee; identified in sworn testimony, FBI archives, or other official security records as Communists or Soviet agents; or took the Fifth Amendment when asked about such matters:

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Who’ll be the Lamb Today?

This joke just came in via email. Although it’s an old one, it seems a perfect parable for our time:

A few years ago the Pope visited New York and was shown the sights by Henry Kissinger. The two men visited the Bronx Zoo, where Kissinger showed the Pope to a lion’s cage. A young lamb was also in the cage, snuggled up against the lion.

The Pope was amazed. “For 2000 years, we’ve prayed for signs of the messianic era and the fulfillment of the prophecy that the lion will lie down next to the lamb. I see you must really be a man of peace. How did you do it?”

To which Kissinger replied, “All it takes is a new lamb every day!”

I especially like the type-casting of Henry Kissinger as the Impresario of New Lambs…

A Black Widow Comes to Sochi

The other day a jihad group in the Caucasus posted a video warning the Russian government to expect terror attacks against the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi. Today the threat to the Olympics has acquired a face: that of the “Black Widow” mujahidette Salima Ibragimova.

This young woman has a distinctive appearance, and it’s hard to see how she could move around the Sochi area without being detected. She can cover her facial scar, but even a burka can’t conceal the lameness in one leg.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying CNN article:

Police Warn Sochi Hotels of Terror Suspect as Olympics Near

(CNN) — New details fueled debate Monday over security at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi: Wanted posters of a terrorism suspect on the loose, warships at the ready and a video threat from beyond the grave.

Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that his country has stepped up security and is prepared to handle any threats.

But some U.S. lawmakers — and at least one Olympic athlete — have said they’re worried about the situation.

Hotels warned about terror suspect

Police in Sochi have handed out fliers at area hotels warning of a woman they believe could be a terrorist and who may currently be in the city.

One flier, obtained by CNN, asks workers to be on the lookout for Ruzanna “ Salima” Ibragimova, described as the widow of a member of a militant group from the Caucasus region.

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