Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/27/2014

An Al Qaeda affiliate in Gaza has claimed responsibility for the downing of an Egyptian army helicopter with a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile. All five crew members onboard the helicopter were killed. The Egyptian government, however, reported the incident as an accident.

In other news, a Muslim leader in Borneo has urged her co-religionists to practice moderation so that they may have better relations with other faith groups in their communities.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Fjordman: Breivik’s Confession and the Media’s Silence

Fjordman’s latest essay has been published at FrontPage Magazine. Some excerpts are below:

From his prison cell, the confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik in January 2014 circulated a letter in which he repudiated all association with the Counterjihad and anti-Islamists. He gloated over how easy it was to fool the Western mainstream media (MSM) into supporting his intended witch-hunt on peaceful anti-Islamists:

The idea was to manipulate the MSM and others so that they would launch a witch-hunt and send their <<media-rape-squads>> against our opponents. It worked quite well. (…) I tried to hint about this double-psychology, by quoting <<war is deceit>> x number of times, but I couldnt make it more obvious, as it had to be credible to the aggressive army of 2000 media psychopaths (the MSM-rape-squad). The <<hug-your-opponents, kick-the-ones-you-love>>-tactic is one of the oldest in the book.


Breivik’s letter from prison was sent to a number of international media outlets. These included The Wall Street Journal, the largest newspaper in North America, Die Welt in Germany and Ekstra Bladet in Denmark. In January 2014, these publications acknowledged receiving the letter and stated that Breivik complained about “torture” in jail. Yet they were not honest enough to admit that he confessed that he had quoted anti-Islamic writers in order to harm them. The only outlet that stated this was the left-wing radical magazine Expo in Sweden, which is usually very hostile to Islam-critics.

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Unfree Dominion

One of our Canadian readers just sent us this message:

Some fairly important news out of Canada last week. Richard Warman closed down the Free Dominion website through litigation via the Human Rights Commission. There is the threat of jail now for the two very nice people who ran it.

Here is Mark Steyn article from 2012 about the execrable Richard Warman.

This is what Free Dominion said:

As of today, January 23, 2014, and after 13 years online, Free Dominion is closing its doors to the public. We have been successfully censored.

Today, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith issued an order in the Richard Warman vs Mark and Connie Fournier and John Does defamation case heard September, 2013. In addition to ordering that we must pay Warman $127,000, Justice Smith issued an injunction against us ordering we that never publish, or allow to be published, anything negative about Richard Warman. This means we are barred for life from ever operating a public forum or a blog (even about cookie recipes) where the public can comment. If we do so, any one of Warman’s handful of supporters could, and probably would, use a common proxy server to avoid being traced, plant a negative comment about Warman on our site, and we would both be charged with contempt of court. If that happened — unlike in the Ottawa courtroom where we blocked at every turn from presenting a defense — we actually would have no defense. We would both go to jail. This life sentence was imposed for our terrible crimes of voicing our honestly held beliefs and allowing others to do the same. Defamation law, in its current state, is entirely inadequate and counterproductive when applied to the internet. Now it is being used as a tool of censorship. Effectively!

We are assessing our options.

In faith,
Mark and Connie Fournier

Everyone outside Canada should post about this. Warman can’t screw you over outside Canada because he only does so when he makes money at it. He is a professional litigant. He does the HRC shakedown, and splits it 50-50 with the HRC.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/26/2014

The German anti-euro party AfD has changed its public image and garnered more support among German voters. The latest polls indicate that it will win seats in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament.

In other news, reports out of North Korea say that dictator Kim Jong-un executed the entire family of his late uncle, including his children.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Barbarism v. 2.0

Visualizing Neoreaction by Scharlach

I ran into the Dark Enlightenment a while back, and spent some time poking around among the various sites. Its proponents are also known as “Neoreactionaries”, which is an appealing term in itself. Among their characteristics are a distaste for modern politics and culture, skepticism about democracy, and an affinity for venerable and organically-formed traditions.

The culture they oppose is often labeled “The Cathedral”. It is the behemoth of progressive modernity that compels compliance through both incentives and punishments. On occasion I’ve called the same monster “The Empire”, in sardonic reference to the old Jefferson Airplane song “Greasy Man”:

Don’t change before the empire falls
You’ll laugh so hard you’ll crack the walls

In One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief Bromden called it “The Combine”.

But whatever name it goes by, it is the trans-national engine of Political Correctness and Multiculturalism. It is lavishly funded, relentlessly promoted, and enforced by coercion when necessary. It is pushed by Western governments, the media, the Academy, major corporations, the central banks, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the United Nations, and numerous deep-pocketed private foundations. Its primary purpose — sometimes stated clearly but more often covert — is to usher in a New World Order of “global governance”. When that glorious Utopia arrives, only the government and billions of atomized individuals will remain. All other mediating institutions will have been vacuumed up by the omnipotent State.

Meaningful dissent against the Cathedral is not permitted, not even among ostensible “conservatives”. Just ask John Derbyshire. Or Jason Richwine.

The greatest punishments are reserved for any deviation from orthodoxy on race and ethnicity. National Review dutifully excommunicates any race-heretics from its cramped crypt in the cellar of the Cathedral. But other topics are also frowned upon, such as skepticism about global warming. Or home-schooling. Or the gold standard — dissidents on fiat money are laughed out of the nave and down the front steps.

If mockery fails as a deterrent, then more stringent persuasions are brought to bear, running from denial of funding through loss of employment to lawsuits and prosecution. The Cathedral will not be gainsaid.

The Dark Enlightenment fails to heed such strictures, and takes exception to the doctrines of the Cathedral. It had remained in relative obscurity, but recently came to the attention of at least two commentators in Britain. On January 20th, Jamie Bartlett, in his blog at The Telegraph, told his audience to be alarmed: “Meet The Dark Enlightenment: sophisticated neo-fascism that’s spreading fast on the net”. He considered it a possibly dangerous “niche movement” that needs to be watched.

Two days later, Tim Stanley, also blogging for The Telegraph, reassured his readers that “The ‘neo-fascist’ Dark Enlightenment is more sad than scary”.

Sober-minded citizens who wish to remain the shelter of the Cathedral’s portico may well wonder which reaction to these cranks and misfits is more appropriate. Should we be alarmed? Should we pity them? Or should we subject them to ridicule and scorn?

To help readers make up their minds, our British correspondent JP has compiled a selection of excerpts from the writings of prominent Neoreactionaries. He includes this brief introduction:

Why I like the Neoreactionaries

Leave aside the occasional long-windedness, the sometimes plain silly or even outlandishly alarming, the Neoreactionaries appear marked by a curiosity and openness to humanity and its doings that does not stop at barriers erected arbitrarily for whatever reasons.

In short, Neoreactionaries appear to like humans and humanity. This is refreshing, encouraging, and ultimately liberating after experiencing the intense dislike for hominids so often displayed by those who have fixed ideas what and what should not be. I recommend that you linger in the Neoreactionary biotope, soak up its atmosphere, emerge refreshed for battles and wars to come.

Below is JP’s anthology of selected Neoreactionary writings.

Barbarism — Nick Land — The Dark Enlightenment: The Complete Series, part 4a

In much of the Western world, in stark contrast [to cities of the western Pacific Rim], barbarism has been normalized. It is considered simply obvious that cities have ‘bad areas’ that are not merely impoverished, but lethally menacing to outsiders and residents alike. Visitors are warned to stay away, whilst locals do their best to transform their homes into fortresses, avoid venturing onto the streets after dark, and — especially if young and male — turn to criminal gangs for protection, which further degrades the security of everybody else. Predators control public space, parks are death traps, aggressive menace is celebrated as ‘attitude’, property acquisition is for mugs (or muggers), educational aspiration is ridiculed, and non-criminal business activity is despised as a violation of cultural norms. Every significant mechanism of socio-cultural pressure, from interpreted heritage and peer influences to political rhetoric and economic incentives, is aligned to the deepening of complacent depravity and the ruthless extirpation of every impulse to self-improvement. Quite clearly, these are places where civilization has fundamentally collapsed, and a society that includes them has to some substantial extent failed.

The Cathedral — Michael Anissimov — Neoreactionary Glossary, 19 September 2013

The self-organizing consensus of Progressives and Progressive ideology represented by the universities, the media, and the civil service. A term coined by blogger Mencius Moldbug. The Cathedral has no central administrator, but represents a consensus acting as a coherent group that condemns other ideologies as evil. Community writers have enumerated the platform of Progressivism as women’s suffrage, prohibition, abolition, federal income tax, democratic election of senators, labour laws, desegregation, popularization of drugs, destruction of traditional sexual norms, ethnic studies courses in colleges, decolonization, and gay marriage. A defining feature of Progressivism is that “you believe that morality has been essentially solved, and all that’s left is to work out the details.” Reactionaries see Republicans as Progressives, just lagging 10-20 years behind Democrats in their adoption of Progressive norms.

Clans — hbd*chick blog, 5 April 2013

There is a vast amount of literature that considers the importance of the family as an institution. Little attention, however, has been given to the impact of the family structure and its dynamics on institutions. This limits our ability to understand distinct institutional developments — and hence growth — in the past and present. This paper supports this argument by highlighting the importance of the European family structure in one of the most fundamental institutional changes in history and reflects on its growth-related implications.

“Family Structure, Institutions, and Growth: The Origins and Implications of Western Corporations,” Avner Greif, American Economic Review, May 2006, pgs. 308-09

Note: hbd = Human Biodiversity

Complementarity — Michael Anissimov — Neoreactionary Glossary, 19 September 2013

The view that “men and women complement one another as separate parts that together make up a composite whole.” Also called complementarism. Related to the empirical view that men and women have different psychologies and are thus suited to different, complementary roles in society. Both men and women are seen as responsible for contributing “civilizing influence” to society as a whole, beginning with the atomic unit of society, the family. Among Reactionaries, most strains of feminism are seen as exacerbating male-female conflict and mortgaging long-term social vigour for the fleeting rewards of frivolity, hypergamy, and juvenilism. By the same token, misogyny, adultery, domestic abuse, fatherly irresponsibility, and the incessant whining of “men’s rights activists” are frowned upon as encouraging the same conflicts. Reactionaries acknowledge that securing the future depends on raising children in a stable and nurturing environment with a father and mother, and that the selfish desires of parents are secondary to this central goal. Without children, a culture simply self-terminates. Idolizing childlessness is a form of cultural suicide.

Cult — Mencius Moldbug — Unqualified Reservations, 11 October 2007

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We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Numbers

Perhaps you will, as I did, shake your head in disbelief at this brief glimpse into bureaucratic Washington D.C.’s yawning hole of ignorance. Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, Republican from California, asks two simple questions of members of the current administration- the first is about the costs to American taxypayers for the mess war in Afghanistan, and the second query concerns the numbers of the United States’ military who died or were wounded in Afghanistan in the previous year (the hearing took place in early December 2013).

Watch and weep and wonder what in tarnation these bureaucrats thought they were showing up on Capitol Hill to discuss if not these very basic questions:

Don’t you wonder what those three stooges are paid in salary and benefits each year? I’ll bet they know the answer to that in its full and obscene detail. Whatever they are paid, it is obviously far too much.

Dearest Baron, please get my smelling salts. I feel the vapors descending. What we need around here is a chaise longue so I can faint decorously whenever Washington’s foul depredations appear on the horizon.

NOTE: Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this to his MRC account.

Headed to the Middle Ages, or the Lebanese States of Europe

The Israeli journalist Alexander Maistrovoy describes what is happening in the Modern Multicultural West by examines the analogy of the forced multiculturalization of the Soviet Union.

Headed to the Middle Ages, or the Lebanese States of Europe

by Alexander Maistrovoy

The nations of the former Soviet Union experienced the grim consequences of social experiments on their own skin. Western Europe is next.

Marxist dogma suggests that “national question” should be resolved by “erasing national differences” and the affirmation of internationalism, and the artificial implantation of language and culture of the carrier of the “progressive ideology”.

According to Lenin, “international culture of the global labor movement” should be solely based on the great historic culture of Russia.

These principles were consistently implemented by the Soviet Communist Party, especially in the first decades of Soviet power.

On the one hand, there was the Marxist ideology, which suppressed “nationalist philistines” as Lenin called them. On the other, there was the expansion of the Russian nation as a “progressive nation”.

Ukraine became the first victim of this policy, and the current strife in this country is has its roots in communist ideology. In the 1920s Lenin worked to accelerate the process of assimilating Ukrainians by “migrating tens and hundreds of thousands Russian farmers and workers to the Ukrainian mines and cities”. According to Stalin, “Urban culture is superior because it is Russian; as for the rural (Ukrainian) culture, only the devil understands their language”.

These weren’t just empty statements. The “Rural culture” underwent total destruction, part of which was the artificially crafted Holodomor (“Hunger-extermination”). At the same time, “urban culture” was imposed by resettling millions of Russians in Ukraine. “Russification” became an instrument of Marxist dogma. Although the bloody deportations of people and settlement of Russians on the “liberated territories” were dictated by imperial considerations and personal pathology of Stalin, they fit perfectly into the Bolshevik concept of the “national question”.

The same policy was implemented in the Baltic States. Hundreds of thousands of Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians were deported to Siberia and the Kazakh steppe. The deported “nationalist philistines” were replaced by representatives of the “worldwide labor movement,” i.e., ethnic Russians. In some cases the domination of the “worldwide labor movement” was achieved by territorial manipulation. For example, Ukrainian Transnistria was forcibly attached to Moldova. Transnistria was turned into an industrial center of Moldova and was actively populated by Russians.

When the giant and unsustainable monster known as the “Soviet Union” collapsed, people who had been victims of bloodcurdling experiments gained independence, and with it the “national question” inherited from the “Red Empire”. It turned into a time bomb. Ukraine has split in two parts: the Western Ukraine – cast off from Poland with Lvov as its capital, and Russified Eastern Ukraine — with industrial facilities. President Victor Yanukovych represents Eastern Ukraine, and the current confrontation is not only between the supporters and opponents of “Europeanization”, but also between the “Russian proletariat” and the West Ukrainian “peasantry”.

As soon as Transnistria declared itself an independent republic with Tiraspol as its capital — Moldova, which had become independent as well — immediately plunged into civil war. Although the battles raged for several months in 1992, claiming the lives of more than a thousand people, the bleeding wound of the conflict is still open.

The Slavic population (Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians) exceeds 30% as a result of forced Russification of Latvia; prior to forcible annexation to the USSR it was less than 10%. Ethnic Russians who populate the south-eastern area of the country, which is adjacent to Russia, are quite capable, like the residents of Transnistria, of demanding independence, either by their own initiative or by Kremlin’s behest.

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Technical Difficulties

For the past twenty-four hours Gates of Vienna has been having technical difficulties with the site database. We were down intermittently through the night and into today. I’ve had trouble accessing the administrative portion of the site, never mind posting. Almost no comments came through overnight, so I assume commenters were having issues as well.

The problem seems to be resolved, at least for the moment. If the site remains stable, normal service will resume shortly.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/25/2014

A proposed mosque in a southern suburb of Glasgow in Scotland has been denied planning permission. The mosque would have been built on the grounds of a public school, but so many parents raised concerns that permission was refused by the local council.

In other news, three people were killed in a shooting at the Columbia Mall in Howard County, Maryland. One of the dead victims is thought to be the killer.

A personal note: I worked in that mall 41 years ago, as a sales clerk in a tuxedo-rental store on the second floor, although not close to the area of the shooting. It was one of the first malls in the area, and only the second I had ever seen (the other was the Galleria in Houston, if I remember rightly).

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Covering up for Allah

Montreal Muslim Community Centre (MMCC)
Video : How They Indoctrinate Little Girls

In this video, we see little girls explain why they wear the hijab. Their families are members of the MMCC .

These little girls are not forced into the hijab. They are brainwashed.

Many thanks to Susan Victoria for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Between the Glacier and the Fjord

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer returns with an astute analysis of Breivik’s letter and the political corner into which the Norwegian elites have painted themselves.

Between the glacier and the fjord
by The Observer

The latest letter from Anders Behring Breivik is significant for some very apparent reasons, but also for some reasons which are less obvious.

If we look at it in a rational and logical manner we soon realize that the authorities in Norway have been delivered a very decisive blow which it is almost impossible to recover from gracefully. That’s also why the state-sponsored media in Norway have decided not to write about the ‘accursed’ letter, because it would completely pull the carpet from under their own legs. It is of course also somewhat of a redress for Fjordman and everybody else who was hounded by the elites in Norway in the time after the 22/7 terrorist attacks. I guess better late than never…

In my opinion this letter is important irrespective of Breivik’s state of mental health. As a matter of fact, Breivik’s mental state is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter whether he is certifiably nuts or whether he is of sound mind in the criminal sense of the word.

The letter is relevant because the political and cultural elites in Norway have gone on record and categorically stated that Breivik is sane and that he is telling the truth. The courts have delivered a guilty verdict on the assumption that Breivik is sane and telling the truth, and the cultural and political elites in Norway have justified their highly defamatory arguments and guilt-by-association slander of ideological opponents on the assumption that Breivik is sane and telling the truth.

As a matter of fact, Breivik’s alleged sane mental health has been the premise of the entire case. Thus it is reasonable, if we are to apply the logic of the Norwegian elites, that the contents of this latest letter have been written by a person who is sane and who is telling the truth, and consequently it should be treated as such.

In the letter Breivik writes that he deceptively pretended to be ideologically influenced by counterjihadists in order to initiate a witch-hunt against those who adhere to this particular political ideology. The elites in Norway should take this claim as a truthful claim, just as they have done with almost every other claim made by Breivik.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to suggest that most people understand that if Breivik had been found criminally insane then the arguments made against his so-called ‘ideological mentors’ for their perceived culpability in his crimes would have been invalidated and rendered useless. The notion of rationality implies sanity, and consequently no one can be held accountable for the actions of an irrational and insane person. In order to rationalize the hatred spewed at Breivik’s ‘mentors’, Breivik himself had to be found to be of a sound mind, at least in the criminal sense of the word.

In essence, Breivik’s alleged sanity was a prerequisite for everything that transpired in Norway, before, during and after the trial. So worried were the cultural and political elites in Norway about maintaining this perception that they were able to force the court to disregard the first psychiatric report which found Breivik to be criminally insane, and get the court to order a second psychiatric evaluation, which, lo and behold, supported their highly biased claim of sanity.

Even people with below-average cognitive abilities should have no difficulty grasping that if the elites in Norway — who so vociferously and aggressively suggested that Breivik was sane before and during the trial, and who have kept on defending this view up until this day —were somehow now to do a complete U-turn and assert that Breivik is in fact insane, based solely on the content of this latest letter, and argue that it is simply the ravings of a madman, they would in effect be admitting that the conviction of Breivik was unlawful according to Norwegian law (people who are criminally insane can’t be sent to prison).

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The Breivik Ideology and Media Disinformation

After reading Anders Behring Breivik’s letter to the media, our Swedish correspondent Styrbjörn sends some thoughts about the killer’s ideology and the actions of the mainstream media:

The entire letter tells us who Anders Behring Breivik is — a classical Nazi (he calls himself a “nordicist”). He refers to persons such as Tore Tvedt, Varg Vikernes, Erik Blücher and Nicolay Kvisler. Check them out on Google. Nice fellows.

The interesting part of the letter begins on page 3, “When dealing with media psychopaths,…….” and includes the next two paragraphs. But first a background story:

In the 1990s, one of my very good friends in Copenhagen was Torben Bo Jansen, leader of “Center for Udviklingsteknologi” — something like the Institute of Developing Technology. Torben was one of the sharpest brains I’ve ever met (The EU killed him, but that’s another story).

Among many, many other things, Torben wrote about the “Evasion of Responsibility” that was spreading like a cancer in the society. The issue is: Identify the true merchandise!

One example is big companies hiring management consultants before reorganizing their companies. As we all know, this often leads to a catastrophe. The board put the blame on the management consultants, and the management consultants claim that the company haven’t acted according to their instructions. Evasion of Responsibility. This is the real merchandise, and there’s a big market for the product.

The real merchandise of today’s MSM is dezinformatsiya (disinformation) and taking every opportunity for beginning a witch-hunt as soon as they can detect the smell of blood. Especially regarding the witch-hunting — the market among “average” people is huge. I’m inclined to agree with ABB’s use of the word “rape”. Purposeful rape.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/24/2014

At least six people were killed in four separate explosions in Cairo today. A massive bomb that exploded in front of the main police station also did significant damage to a nearby Islamic art museum.

In other explosive news, a series of three blasts in the predominantly Uyghur province of Xinjiang in China killed three people and injured several others. Police are investigating the cause of the explosions.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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