Warning to Norwegian Civil Servants: Don’t Criticize Eskil Pedersen

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article about the latest casualty of the Norwegian state’s fierce intolerance for dissident points of view. The translator includes this note:

Here’s another example of the consensus tyranny that exists in Norway. If the person in question had made a less than flattering comment about, say, Fjordman on his Facebook page — in which he compared Fjordman to a high ranking German military officer from WW2 or described him as the ideological mentor of Anders Behring Breivik — there would have been no retribution from the political elites in Norway. Nor would there have been any retribution if the person in question had harassed the FrP (the Progress Party) for their ‘racism’ and right-wing policies, which has become somewhat of a sport in Norway among the über-PC crowd.

However, unfortunately for person in question, he chose Eskil Pedersen, the so-called Coward of Utøya, as his target, one of the ‘rising stars’ and the darling of the political leadership of the Labour Party. Hence an example had to be made.

Eskil Pedersen’s ‘retreat’ from Utøya is a big no-no in Norwegian public discourse. A lid has been clamped securely on top of this delicate subject, and it is not to be removed under any circumstances.

Here are links to an article about Eskil Pedersen’s less than honourable ‘retreat’ from the Island on that fateful day, plus two other articles about Norwegians who have lost their jobs because of critical remarks made about Utøya and the Labour Party:

The translated article from VG.no:

Government employee fired for harassing Eskil Pedersen

One of the stenographers employed by the Norwegian Parliament described AUF leader Eskil Pedersen’s escape from Utøya Island as “child sacrifice” on his Facebook page. The man in question has now been fired from his temporary job as a parliamentary stenographer.

The HR manager and Acting Director of the Norwegian Parliament, Bård Knutzen, has told Dagbladet that the behavior of the employee is in breach of the code of conduct, and that the employee will not be given any more assignments.

The man was working as a substitute stenographer for the Parliament’s Secretary Department, whose duties include taking minutes at meetings and debates in the Parliament.

Will not be given any new assignments

“The Code of Conduct, which has been thoroughly explained to all our employees, stipulates that they are bound by these guidelines even after working hours and as private individuals,” says Bård Knutzen to Dagbladet.

He can reveal that the parliamentary administration will send a letter to the individual informing him that he will not be given any new assignments as a stenographer in the future.

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The Iranian Infiltration of Latin America, Part 2

Below is the second of several parts of a summary of prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s much longer report on the 1994 bombing of the AMIA center in Buenos Aires, which was released at the end of May. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies issued the 31-page summary (pdf) when the larger report was published. (Previously: Part 1)

A word to readers who have emailed me about the quality of the prose in the FDD report: yes, the text is less than ideal in its syntax and phrasing. However, since the document has already been published as a pdf, I’m loath to edit it more than is absolutely necessary to repair errors that interfere with the conveyance of the intended meaning. Normally I would do a more intensive edit, as is my natural inclination.

My guess is that the summary was originally composed in Spanish, and then hastily translated the same day the full-length Nisman report was released.

This report is important for the light it sheds into the Iranian network in Latin America, including the penetration of Trinidad and Tobago. We’ve covered parts of the Trinidad connection here in the past, beginning with Sheikh Yasin Abu Bakr back in 2006, and then his associate Abdul Kadir last year.

In addition to Argentina and Trinidad, other countries targeted by Iran include Guyana, Venezuela, Dominica, Barbados, Antigua, Barbuda, Suriname, Grenada, and Brazil.

The section below is the “Summary” portion of the FDD report. Further topical sections will be covered in later parts of this series.


Delving deeper into the investigation and the measures aimed towards the capture of the AMIA Case’s fugitives, it was detected, in July 2010, the existence of a criminal case before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn), in which several defendants were being prosecuted for conspiring to commit a terrorist attack against the John F. Kennedy airport. The information pointed out that one of them, Abdul Kadir, had repeated contacts with Mohsen Rabbani, principal architect of the local connection in the AMIA bombing with an international arrest warrant and red notice by Interpol.

This circumstance immediately motivated the Prosecution Investigation Unit of the AMIA case to contact the US judicial authorities in order to start an information exchange to obtain evidence linked to the person and activities of Mohsen Rabbani. Mainly, the deepening of this investigative line had the purpose to establish the knowledge Abdul Kadir and his acquaintances could have had about the terrorist bombing to the AMIA Center and Rabbani’s involvement in it, especially considering that, from the beginning of this new inquiry, it was known that the contacts between Rabbani and Kadir were contemporary to the July 18th blast.

Although initially it was examined the possibility of any kind of involvement of Abdul Kadir himself and his acquaintances in the AMIA bombing, that hypothesis had not been supported by any evidence collected until now, which therefore entitled this office to produce certain investigative measures, given the proven relations between Kadir and Rabbani.

Along this line, besides the testimonies taken by the Prosecutor’s Office under the Argentina-United States Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, this Unit also received copies of substantial documents seized by the Guyanese Law Enforcement Agencies in the searches conducted in Kadir’s residence as well as those obtained by the Trinidadian authorities when he was arrested. In those searches, as it was corroborated while taking testimony to the FBI agent Robert Addonizio, there were seized, among other important documents, letters addressed to Mohsen Rabbani, newspapers articles that mention At Tauhid mosque — formerly run by Mohsen Rabbani — and a Kadir’s personal phone book with Rabbani’s contact information handwritten in it.

From the beginning it is worth mention that the study of circumstances and the context in which this conspiracy took place, revealed common patterns between the activities performed by Kadir in Guyana and those developed by Rabbani in Argentina. It became evident that in the Caribbean nation had been settled by the same Iranian intelligence infiltration system as was in Argentina, consisting of many stages, interactive and complex links, for example: the arrival of Iranian Mullahs with a radicalized vision, propaganda and ideological infiltration according to that vision, recruiting and training of local Muslims and new converts, funding, dual use of mosques, cultural centers and Iranian diplomacy, etc. The characteristics identified in Guyana are similar to those that have already been detected in our country and were widely detailed and explained in the October 25th 2006 indictment. Despite the fact that Guyana and Argentina are two far distant and extremely different countries, the building and development of both Iranian intelligence stations showed remarkable resemblance, resulting in the need to deepen even more the investigation to further the study of the context in which AMIA bombing occurred.

This new evidence, jointly analyzed with the probing elements that were already part of this investigation, showed that this intelligence structures had a single and unique leadership, which allows to conclude that they had been preconceived; that means they were not the result of the free will of the local leaders — Rabbani and Kadir — who were the means that executed a previously shaped idea. The origins and unique features that characterized these structures allowed associating them inescapably with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

So, it is possible to state that the Iranian Intelligence structures discovered in Argentina as well as in Guyana — which were suitable to provide essential support for the deadly terrorist attack of 1994 and the dangerous conspiracy of 2007 — were not only very similar in their components, ways of implementation and purpose, but they were also conceived within the framework of the policy for exporting the revolution.

The Prosecution Unit was able to demonstrate that the seminar held in Teheran in 1982 on the subject of the ideal Islamic government, which was attended by approximately 380 religious men from 70 countries, was a turning point in the regime’s policy for exporting the revolution which included, since then, the use of violence and terrorism when necessary. In other words, that seminar meant for the Iranian leadership the birth of a justification for the use of violence as an admitted and even promoted way for removing the obstacles that could be found in spreading their radical vision. That was stated, among others, by the First Commander of Revolutionary Guard Corps, Javad Mansouri, who declared: “Our Revolution can only be exported by grenades and explosives”, and subsequently summoned each Iranian Embassy to turn into an intelligence center and a base to export the Revolution.

The prosecutor explained the background that made the seminar possible, noting that in October 1980 it was created the Organization of Islamic Liberation Movements (OILM) which started to operate as the real machinery for exporting the revolution. Its leader, Mehdi Hashemi, was appointed Commander of a special unit within the Revolutionary Guard Corps (Pasdaran) and from that position he started organizing a structure which contained warfare guerrilla units, initially including Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi dissidents who, at that time, were refuges in Iran. In a short period, the OILM reached a spectacular development becoming the leader in exporting the Islamic Revolution. Since the beginning of OILM’s activities, a department called “Studies and Investigations Unit” was exclusively devoted to analyzing foreign situations so as to export the Revolution.

After the 1982 seminar it became clear that, in order to achieve its expansionist objectives, the Iranian regime considered the possibility of using violence and terrorism if necessary. Those guidelines were put into practice by establishing intelligence and espionage structures in third countries with the sufficient capability to provide support for terrorist operations.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/30/2013

UK Police are investigating an election that was held in Woking, Surrey back in May 2012, when the Liberal Democrat Mohammed Bashir defeated the Labour candidate, Mohammad Ali (Note: an English election with a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%). A judge has ruled that Mr. Bashir committed electoral fraud in order to win by 16 votes.

In other news, Anders Behring Breivik has applied to the University of Oslo to study political science, but some staff members at the university are reportedly refusing to teach him.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, McR, Papa Whiskey, Steen, The Observer, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A “French” Assassin in Tunisia

The assassination Chokri Belaid back in February caused a lot of unrest in Tunisia. Now there’s word that the assassin — who also took out Mohamed Brahmi more recently — is a culturally enriched “Frenchman”.

See ANSAmed for more on the Brahmi and Belaid assassinations.

From Novopress via Vlad Tepes. Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation:

A French-Born Islamist Sought by Tunisia for Several Assassinations

Boubakeur E1 Hakim (photo) is strongly suspected of being responsible for the recent assassinations of Tunisian opposition members Mohamed Brahmi and Chokri Belaid. The suspected killer was born in France and has been condemned for having organised jihadist groups towards Iraq.

Discovered by French intelligence in 2003 during demonstrations against the war in Iraq, Boubakeur was identified as one of the people responsible for the jihadist gang “filiere des Buttes-Chaumont” in Paris. This group facilitated the trip for foreigners who wanted to fight American forces in Iraq. The suspect, already sought for arms smuggling into Libya, is also thought to be implicated in the assassination of another Tunisian opposition member in February 2013.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/29/2013

At least a hundred Taliban fighters, including seven suicide bombers, attacked a major prison in Pakistan today using bombs, grenades, and automatic weapons. The outer wall of the prison was breached, an undetermined number of people were killed, and dozens of Taliban prisoners have reportedly escaped.

In other news, according to Syrian TV, forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad have retaken a key district of the rebel-held city of Homs.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, LS, MC, McR, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Pogo Project, Part 2

I had to visit Torquemada the retinal specialist this afternoon to undergo the fourth treatment for macular degeneration in my left eye. The treatment consists primarily of having incredibly bright lights flashed into the eye as part of a scan, followed by an injection through the sclera into the vitreous humor. The process has been very effective so far — the eye will never be what it used to be, but I can function normally and comfortably in most circumstances, only covering the left eye while reading or working at the computer screen.

The experience has left me somewhat washed out, however. At the moment I’m not up to finding any cultural enrichment stories or editing new translations. But writing about Pogo is another matter entirely. It’s quite relaxing, even invigorating.

The second selected daily strip in our series is from 1952, also from I Go Pogo. The context of these panels includes two intertwined threads: (1) the 1952 presidential campaign, in which Pogo was an unwilling candidate under the slogan “I Go Pogo”, and (2) the Boy Bird Watchers, an ostensibly ornithological club run by Deacon Mushrat.

The featured characters in the story are the three bats, Bewitched, Bothered, and Bemildred. Their antics include some of the funniest material in Pogo, what with their free-associative conversation, their endless card game, and their identity crisis — the bats are able to identify themselves and each other only by which pants they are wearing. If they lose their pants, they don’t know who they are, and if they happen to switch pants, they are forced into a temporary exchange of identities.

The birds in this sequence have walk-on parts, and are not part of the permanent cast of Okefenokee Swamp:

The jokes in the above panels demand some explanation for our European readers — and for any Americans who received a public school education after about 1975.

Part of the humorous impact comes from the breadth of the political campaign references, which span more than a century:

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The Laser Jihad Comes to Switzerland

Every video of the nighttime riots in Cairo shows the flashes and green spears of hand-held lasers being used by the demonstrators in an attempt to blind police and soldiers. Now the same tactic has been imported to France, and is being used to blind train drivers.

Yes, I know that there is no indication so far that the lowlifes who mounted the attack were culture-enrichers. However, assuming the suspects are ever caught, does anyone want to take any bets on the Mohammed Coefficient of the perps who did this?

Many thanks to SimonXML for translating this article from 20 Minutes:

Train driver blinded by a laser

The driver of an Intercity train from Geneva to St. Gallen was the victim of a laser attack on Sunday evening. The train had to stop in Wil (SG) to change drivers.

The train driver was hit in the eyes and blinded by a laser while the train was travelling near Aadorf (TG), said Lea Meyer on Monday, SBB spokesman, who confirmed information broadcast by Radio FM1. The train continued to Wil where it was stopped.

Laser attacks have increased over the past two years, Lea Meyer said in a Radio FM1 programme. People who do this are ‘dangerous and cowardly,’ she added. SBB reports every incident to the police.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/28/2013

The Israeli cabinet voted 13-7 to release 104 imprisoned Palestinians, clearing the way for the renewal of “peace” talks, as demanded by Secretary of State John Kerry and the United States. Among those released will be murderers responsible for terror attacks that killed innocent Israeli civilians.

In other news, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church warned against gay marriage, saying that the movement to legalize gay unions risks bringing on the apocalypse.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Iranian Infiltration of Latin America, Part 1

In 1994 a terror bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) building, a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, killed 85 people, most of them Jews. It was the most deadly terror attack in Argentine history.

On May 30, 2013, after many years of extensive investigation Alberto Nisman, the lead prosecutor in the case, issued a 502-page report with his findings. He concluded that there was overwhelming evidence that the Islamic Republic of Iran was responsible for AMIA bombing. In the process of their work on the case, the investigators uncovered an extensive network of Iranian infiltration, not just in Argentina, but in all of Latin America, from the Caribbean Islands to Tierra del Fuego.

There are, of course, contrary opinions about who bears responsibility for the AMIA bombing. For an example, see this piece in The Nation, which asserts that there is no real evidence of Iranian culpability in the attack.

On the day the report was released, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies issued a 31-page summary (pdf) of the Nisman report. Excerpts from the summary will be published here in several installments.

The FDD press release on the report noted:

Argentina’s Prosecutor for the AMIA investigation Alberto Nisman released a ground-breaking report detailing Iran’s extensive terrorist network in Latin America. Focusing both on the 1994 bombing of the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) center in Buenos Aires and more broadly on Iran’s use of cultural, religious, and educational centers as covers for illegal and terrorist activities, the report raises serious concerns about the ongoing threat to U.S. allies in the Western Hemisphere and globally.

Nisman’s 7-year investigation uncovered devastating evidence that the AMIA plot was orchestrated and planned by high-level Iranian officials including former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati and former Revolutionary Guard chief Mohsen Rezaei, both of whom are candidates in Iran’s presidential election to take place on June 14.

Iranian officials continue to operate with impunity despite Interpol red notices for Rezaei, former Iranian Intelligence Minister Ali Fallahijan, former cultural attaché Mohsen Rabbani, who oversees the Hezbollah network in Latin America on behalf of the Qods Force, and Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi, and Argentine indictments for Velayati and former President Hashem Rafsanjani.

Nisman’s report also highlighted that Iran’s terror networks throughout Latin America were used as part of the thwarted 2007 attack on JFK Airport in New York, which experts say could have rivaled the attack on 9/11 had it not been uncovered. “Nisman’s investigation revealed how Iran exploits the vulnerabilities of America and our allies to set up illicit financial and terrorist networks. Policy makers around the world should draw on Nisman’s investigation and expertise to develop strategies to counter Iran’s global network,” FDD Executive Director Mark Dubowitz said.

Below is the introduction to the FDD summary report.


For the first time in the Argentine and world judicial history, it has been gathered and substantiated in a judicial file, evidence that proved the steps taken by a terrorist regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to infiltrate, for decades, large regions of Latin America, through the establishment of clandestine intelligence stations and operative agents which are used to execute terrorist attacks when the Iranian regime decides so, both directly or through its proxy, the terrorist organization Hezbollah. These actions have been taking place within the so-called “export of the revolution”, which was never masked by Tehran and is, in fact, written in their own constitution.

Throughout a lengthy and very strong indictment of more than 500 pages, released today [May 30, 2013], the General Prosecutor of the AMIA case, Alberto Nisman, based on countless reports, evidence, testimonies, court and investigative records related to other countries of the region, North America and Europe and rulings of foreign courts against the Iranian regime, was able to corroborate and strengthen with new evidence, the responsibility of the Iranian regime in the AMIA bombing, stressing — in particular — the higher degree of responsibility that Mohsen Rabbani and Samuel Salman El Reda had in the attack, taking into account that both have international arrest warrants and red notices from Interpol. Also, the Prosecutor proved the way in which the fundamentalist terrorism sponsored and financed by Iran operates and hides in Latin America, its networks and operational system.

This intelligence and terrorist network had already caused devastating consequences in Argentina in 1994 and almost struck again in the United States in 2007, when the blowing of fuel pipes and tanks of “John F. Kennedy” New York’s International Airport was dodged by the timely intervention of US law enforcement agencies, which — in this case — led to the arrest of the plotters and their conviction to life imprisonment. Several of those terrorist were veteran Iranian intelligence agents that were active in the region. Among them was Guyanese citizen Abdul Kadir, whose importance lies in his close relationship and hierarchical subordination to Mohsen Rabbani.

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Spitting Season Has Started

Like many other interactive forums on the web, Twitter seems to encourage a nastiness of discourse which would rarely be encountered during in-person exchanges between people who disagree with one another. Sweden is no exception to this trend, and tweets in Swedish can be as nasty as any in English. In the following example a leftist monopolizes all the nastiness, as is often the case.

Erik Svensson is a professor of biology at the University of Lund who calls himself a “Marxist” on his Twitter account. On Friday he exchanged a series of tweets with Ingrid Carlqvist of Dispatch International, and the conversation was a notably vitriolic one on his part. Actually, “vitriol” fails to do justice to the level of bile that emerged from Dr. Svensson’s keyboard when confronted by an Islam-critic and — gasp! — Christian.

Below are excerpts about Erik Svensson’s Twitter love-fest with Ingrid Carlqvist from Avpixlat. Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for the translation:

Professor wants to spit in Ingrid Carlqvist’s face


Erik Svensson is a professor of biology at the University of Lund, Sweden. In an exchange of opinions on Twitter about religion with among others Ingrid Carlqvist of Dispatch International, the professor jumps in and provides an outlet for his misogynistic attitude.


ES:   As an atheist, I reject all religions. But Islam stipulates that one should give to the poor. Plenty.
IC:   And hate kafirs, hate homosexuals, follow the “laws of God”, beating women, marry off children with cousins… etc. Not good.

When Carlqvist emphasizes that she criticizes Islam as a whole, and not individuals, ES has difficulty defending himself.

ES:   Just as you have the right to spread your Islamophobic propaganda, I have the right to criticize and mock you.
ES:   In the right to free expression is included the right to consider SD [Sweden Democrat] activists as brain-dead idiots.
ES:   I’m criticizing you as a representative of an Islamophobic newspaper (DI) and a racist movement. You have to endure that. Are you easily offended?
ES:   Just as Joseph Goebbels did, you make the lie your primary tool. You have no journalistic honor.
ES:   … Christianity is a vile religion and @ingridcarlqvist is one of this religion’s many vile representatives
IC:   Christianity has had its plagues on the road to enlightenment. Islam, however, shall never be altered.
ES:   @ingridcarlqvist is a nuisance and never changes. In truth, a vile and little person.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/27/2013

A new round of deadly violence erupted in Cairo and other Egyptian cities as Muslim Brotherhood supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi clashed with police. Witnesses said police fired live rounds into the crowd, and at least 74 people were killed.

In other news, Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, the driver of the train that derailed on Wednesday in Spain, has been charged with reckless homicide for the deaths of 78 people killed in the crash. Mr. Garzon is still in the hospital recuperating from his injuries.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Pogo Project, Part 1

And now for something completely different…

After the onset of my eye affliction (macular degeneration) a few months ago, I decided to attempt to read everything I really, really want to read, in case the efficacy of the treatments declines, and leaves me unable to read anything at all.

My first and most important goal was to reread the rest of Jack Vance’s books. That task has been accomplished, so I have now moved on to the second one, which is to reread all the Pogo books, or at least the first eight or nine years, before the strip stopped being particularly funny.

Readers who only know Pogo from the days after it became famous — the “We have met the enemy and he is us” period in the late 1960s — may not realize that in its early days Pogo was one of the funniest things ever printed, in comic strips or otherwise. During the Golden Age of Pogo — from 1949 to 1957, roughly — there was nothing funnier you could read, and there has been nothing funnier since. At least not in English — if you can call the language used by Walt Kelly “English”. He referred to it as “swamp-speak”, the peculiar and mutable dialect he created for the dwellers of Okefenokee Swamp.

Much of the humor in the strip may be lost on everyone except Americans. Non-native speakers of English will have trouble making sense of the puns and other word play, and deciphering the fractured grammar and vocabulary may be impossible. Brits and Australians will have an easier time, but Pogo is thoroughly embedded in American culture, and Americans — especially those of a certain age, who have knowledge of the last century or so of our history, politics, and popular culture — will get the most out of these panels.

Walt Kelly has been compared with Charles Dodgson, a.k.a. Lewis Carroll, for his creative genius with the English language. But unlike Carroll, Kelly delivered his linguistic delights in the newspaper every day for about eight years. No one since William Shakespeare has torqued the English language into such fantastical new shapes.

I’ll present a series of four-panel daily strips in each post of this project, as scanned from my ancient and damaged copies of the books and lovingly repaired by digital means. These do not necessarily comprise “the best of Pogo”, but simply the funniest selections that are more or less complete in a single day’s strip. Some of the most hilarious episodes ran for ten or twelve days, and don’t make as much sense in isolated pieces. The Sunday strips are another matter: they are simply too big to reproduce in a blog format.

I’ll have more to say about Walt Kelly and Pogo, but first here’s a strip from the second book, I Go Pogo, which collected material from 1951 and 1952. The characters are Bun Rabbit, Howland Owl, and Churchy La Femme (the turtle). The context is Bun Rab’s mission to celebrate as many holidays as possible at the same time:

I won’t try to explain any of the humor, because I’d just end up waving my hands and gesticulating. I will say, however, that the referenced date is September 25, 1513, and “Mr. Balboa” is Vasco Núñez de Balboa, who first glimpsed the Pacific from the top of a hill on that day.

The dialect of the characters is obviously loosely based on that of Southern blacks. When Walt Kelly first created Pogo — in comic books, before the newspaper strips — the possum was a sidekick of a little black boy named Bumbazine, who lived at the edge of Okefenokee swamp in Georgia.

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Nidal Hasan Speaks Up

The killer shrink of Fort Hood, Major Nidal Hasan, is acting pro se in his defense for his upcoming trial, and, boy, does he have a fool for a client.

Maj. Hasan delivered a statement yesterday to Fox News in which he apologized to his fellow mujahideen for letting them down, and repented before Allah for his service in the U.S. Army.

So much for four years of dedicated effort by the Obama administration and the media to avoiding discussing JIM in connection with Fort Hood.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this news clip:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying Fox News article:

Acting as his own attorney, accused Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan has released a statement to Fox News claiming that the U.S. military is at war with his religion.


“My complicity was on behalf of a government that openly acknowledges that it would hate for the law of Almighty Allah to be the supreme law of the land,” the 42-year-old Army psychiatrist said. Hasan then apparently asked if this was a war on Islam. “You bet it is,” he said. “I participated in it.”

The statement, which begins “In the name of Almighty Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, my name is Nidal Hasan, Major Nidal Hasan, and I would like to convey a message to the world,” runs more than six pages.

Hasan also says he regrets his years in the Army, claiming that his service was inconsistent with his religious beliefs. “I would like to begin by repenting to Almighty Allah and apologize to the (Mujahideen), the believers, and the innocent. I ask for their forgiveness and their prayers. I ask for their forgiveness for participating in the illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims, their religion and their lands,” he said.

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