Deaths Among the “Unvaccinated”

It’s become clear over the past few months that one of the key strategies for hiding the deadly adverse effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is the use of the official definition of “unvaccinated”. A patient who is injected with the experimental mRNA treatment is considered “unvaccinated” until fifteen days have passed since his second jab. Some of the most severe reactions to the vax — including those resulting in death — occur within two weeks, so those serious adverse effects are conveniently being recorded as occurring among the “unvaccinated”. Those who experience adverse reactions to the vax often show symptoms that resemble those of Corona, so that deaths among the recently “vaccinated” are sometimes reported as “unvaccinated patients who died of Covid”.

The following report from Germany, using graphical data from the UK, makes it quite clear what is happening. Those sudden spikes in deaths are statistical anomalies for which the only reasonable explanation is that they are the result of the jab in each given age group.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/21/2022

According to the latest polls, two-thirds of Canadians support making the Corona “vaccine” mandatory, and 25% of them favor jailing the unvaxed. Meanwhile, a talk show in Quebec featured primary school children who said that the police should be called on “unvaccinated” people.

In other news, bands of wild boars are becoming an increasing nuisance in various parts of Rome, prompting Lega politicians to call out the regional government for failing to deal with the issue.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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We Need More Culture-Enrichers!

Last fall Germans went to the polls and elected a new batch of legislators, and the new government they voted for is planning to abolish them with even greater alacrity than Angela Merkel intended.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of Epoch Times:

Interior Minister Faeser wants to make immigration easier

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) is changing course in migration policy, clearly setting herself apart from her predecessor Horst Seehofer (CSU). “Of course, Islam belongs to Germany. It has been part of cultural life for decades,” she told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Thursday edition).

Germany is an immigration country and must “finally become a good integration country”. This included making it easier to accept German citizenship, but also promoting legal immigration.

“We need to facilitate labor migration. On the other hand, we also want to force repatriations and voluntary departures for those who cannot stay,” said Faeser. The minister reiterated her intention to lead the way together with France in a coalition of the willing in the distribution of refugees in the EU in order to relieve states on the EU’s external border.

“I hope that countries like Italy or Spain will follow the path. After initial talks, I’m optimistic,” she said. The SPD politician rejected criticism from the Union that her new course was promoting illegal migration to Germany.

“It’s amazing how quickly the Union is turning its back on Angela Merkel’s legacy. In any case, cheap populism doesn’t help anyone,” she told the SZ. The Union-led previous federal government also supported Italy and Greece along with other European countries. “It wasn’t the whole EU that took in refugees, just a group of states,” says Faeser.

Three Corona Tales From Central Europe

Below are three German-language articles concerning COVID-19 in Central Europe and the experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate its effects. All have been translated by Hellequin GB.

The first article is from Austria, and concerns the planned incentives for inducing citizens to take the (mandatory) vax.

From the German-language service of Epoch Times:

Carrot and stick? Vaccination lottery and compulsory vaccination decided

After a long debate, a lot of criticism and some changes, Austria is introducing a general corona vaccination obligation and thus the most far-reaching regulation in the EU to date. In addition to penalties for those who refuse to vaccinate, there will also be financial incentives for those who have been vaccinated.

Austria was the first country in the European Union to decide to introduce general corona vaccination. The draft law was approved by a large majority on Thursday evening after a debate lasting several hours by the members of the Vienna Parliament.

The step is the most far-reaching regulation in the EU to date. Italy and Greece only have mandatory vaccinations for older people. In addition, a vaccination lottery worth up to €1.4 billion in Austria is intended to increase the willingness to immunize.

The compulsory vaccination will apply to all citizens who are at least 18 years old. Exceptions are made for pregnant women and anyone who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Those who have recovered are also exempt from the obligation to vaccinate for up to 180 days after contracting Covid-19.

Violations of the obligation are subject to income-related penalties of up to €3,600 euros. The Bundesrat, that is, the chamber of the federal states, will probably also have to approve the law on February 3 — but that is considered a formality.

Criticism and Defense

Austria’s Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) defended the Corona vaccination requirement in the parliamentary debate as an act of solidarity and cohesion. “The more people who have a Corona vaccination, the fewer die as a result of a Corona pandemic,” said the minister on Thursday.

The FPÖ is the only parliamentary party that opposes compulsory vaccination. “The introduction of this compulsion is a gigantic attack on the freedom of the people in Austria, an attack on the human dignity of the population,” said FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl.

The new law has triggered massive public criticism. During the assessment phase, more than 100,000 mostly critical comments reached Parliament. Tens of thousands demonstrate regularly in Austria against the Corona measures.

Implementation in stages

The law is to be implemented in several stages. Random checks by the authorities are not planned until mid-March. For example, the police should also check the vaccination status during their operations. There has also been criticism from the police union for this additional task.

The originally planned seamless control by comparing the population register with the vaccination register is only intended as an option. This measure should be made dependent on whether the vaccination rate increases significantly.

According to the government, €500 may be won for each partial vaccination in the vaccination lottery, which can be redeemed as vouchers in restaurants or in retail. Not only those who have already been vaccinated can take part, but also those who have yet to be vaccinated. Around every tenth person vaccinated should have a chance of winning.

A total of €75 million will be distributed for communities with a vaccination rate of 80 percent, €150 million for 85 percent and €300 million for 90 percent.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) described a quota of 85 to 90 percent among the “vaccinable population” from the age of five as a target. It is currently around 75 percent. The vaccination rate of the total population is 72 percent.

The second article discusses Czechia’s decision to back off from the mandatory vax.

From the news service of

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“The State is Tiny Compared to God”

In the following video, an Italian nun announces that she will not agree to get the vax unless the state signs an agreement whereby it will pay her order a compensation of €7 million if she suffers a severe adverse reaction to the jab.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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My Day in Court

I went to my local General District Court this morning prepared to testify as a character witness on behalf of a friend and neighbor who was assaulted by one of his relatives. I had to be there at 10:00am, but what with one thing or another — mostly innumerable traffic offenses — my neighbor’s case didn’t get heard till the afternoon, so I ended up spending most of the day there.

My neighbor’s assailant was convicted, so justice was seen to be done. The point of this post, however, is a couple of ancillary incidents that I found interesting.

When I was young my father told me that I should always wear a coat and tie when I went to court, even if it was just to be a witness or for jury duty. So I did. I looked like a sober middle-class citizen, except for the heavy boots I was forced to wear because of the sheets of ice outside.

When I entered the courthouse foyer I had to go through the checkpoint, which nowadays involves a metal detector, a briefcase check, and Covid screening. I watched the guy in front of me sign the register, have his temperature taken, and get metal-detected, after which the guard handed him a mask. So I thought, “Oh, [expletive redacted] — I’m going to have to wear a mask.” I absolutely HATE masks.

I filled out the register, had my forehead zapped with the no-touch thermometer, and cleared the metal detector. But no mask was handed to me — wonderful! I didn’t mention the oversight, and just slipped around the corner to the benches in the hall where everyone was waiting.

I found my neighbor and greeted him. He said, “Where’s your mask?” I replied, “They didn’t give me one.” Behind me, on another bench, a stranger said, “That’s because you’re an attorney.” I said, “No, I’m not an attorney!”

The guard at the desk must have overheard us, because I turned around to see her behind me, holding out a mask, as if she had forgotten it earlier. So I had to wear the [vulgar intensifier] thing after all for the five hours I was there.

From that exchange, I inferred that attorneys are exempt from the mask rule. Which must be nice. However, as a matter of interest, all the lawyers I saw were wearing masks, except for the Commonwealth Attorney and the defense counsel, who took them off when speaking to the court.

As it turned out, the assumption that I was a lawyer wasn’t a one-time anomaly. I heard it twice more during the course of the day under different circumstances. I had a coat and tie on, so I must be a lawyer. And, for a fact, I was the only one in the courtroom besides the lawyers who was dressed that way. The defendants in particular seemed to have chosen the most slovenly and appalling clothes to come to court in.

I’m not sure, but I don’t think conditions were the same fifty years ago, when I first learned my court-appearance protocol. Surely there were some non-attorneys back then who came court dressed properly? As if they respected themselves, and wanted to be respected?

Or maybe not. Maybe my memory is faulty. Maybe I’m a throwback to another time, in a galaxy far, far away…

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/20/2022

Austria has passed a law mandating the “vaccination” of all adults, but the Czech Republic has decided against the mandatory vax. Meanwhile, the actor John Malkovich was turned away from a high-end Italian hotel for having an expired vaccine passport.

In other news, thousands of Iraqi migrants who had been trapped at the border between Belarus and Lithuania have been flown home by the Iraqi government.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“The System is Now at the Level of the DDR in 1989”

Markus Gärtner is a German journalist and vlogger. He writes for Politically Incorrect and acts as the editor of the YouTube channel Politik Spezial — Stimme der Vernunft (Politics Special — Voice of Reason).

In the following video Mr. Gärtner reads an email from a participant in one of the “Monday Walks” where citizens protest vax policies.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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I Am a Liberal, and So Are You!

In his most recent essay, H. Numan lamented what has been done to the word “liberalism”. In the piece below he expands on the topic, charting the demise of true liberalism and tracking the course of the Culture Wars.

I am a liberal, and so are you!

by H. Numan

That’s a of a bit controversial title, right? I have to be honest: it’s click-bait, so you folks will start reading it. Yes, I am a liberal. And proud of it. Much better: you, too, are liberal. Even though you probably don’t know it. Before you get offended by being called a liberal, do read on.

Socialism is like cancer: it takes everything. It took the name — and very little else — of its mortal enemy, liberalism. Especially in America, calling someone a liberal is calling him a commie. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s close to calling a Jew a Nazi, or a black person a Klansman. It makes no sense at all. The same happened in Europe, but much more deviously. The liberal parties changed, or were changed, into full-blown socialist parties. They pretend to be liberal, but in reality are socialism light — at best.

According to Wikipedia, liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, the consent of the governed and equality before the law. In short: the individual matters.

Wikipedia gives the definition for socialism as a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterized by complete, or mainly, social ownership, social control, socialization, or regulation of the means of production. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems. In short: the state matters.

These are the fundamental differences between the two. In the first case, you matter. The law is there to protect you. In the second case, you are nothing, the state is everything. The first quote is from Hitler. The well known and popular socialist John Fitzgerald Kennedy phrased it more subtly: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. He said exactly the same as Hitler, only phrased it better.

See the enormous differences between the two ideologies?

Look at the definitions again. What does it cover? Liberalism doesn’t cover a lot. Certainly not economics. Socialism covers … everything! That is not a strength, but a weakness. Nothing can encompass everything.

Take any religion you want. Almost always economy is a very weak point in it. Seems like God or the gods are clueless how that should work. Also, ‘inherited sin’ is a concept that is legally impossible. Are you guilty of stealing horses if your great-great-great-granddaddy was a horse thief? Of course not. The concept of inherited sin has been taken by socialists from religion and used in a slightly different form on society. Whitey has done it! The patriarchy is evil! Mankind (especially white men) is responsible for global warming! All monotheistic religions have a concept of inherited sin, that’s why nobody even blinks an eye when it pops up in politics.

This is completely unthinkable for liberals. Real liberals, that is. You can’t inherit sin. One can be judged in a court for any actual crimes you committed yourself. That is a benefit, and also a severe weakness. As you are entitled to your own opinion, that includes being a socialist as well. What about McCarthyism? Even at its worst, it was nothing compared to what socialists invariably will do, given half a chance. Compare McCarthy (who wasn’t a liberal to begin with) with the Night of the Long Knives or Stalin’s Purges. It can get much worse, if you look at Mao’s Great Leap Forward or Pol Pot who killed 25% of his entire population.

Socialism is much older than liberalism. It began in the 18th and 19th centuries, as voluntary movements, loosely based on Christian ideas and some of its morality. Even then it always failed. A nice example is the Oneida Community. That was one of the more successful ones. It failed because humans aren’t ants.

Humans are social mammals. We need to interact with other humans to function. Solitary hermits are a rare exception. However, that is where the buck stops. We aren’t beavers who must build a dam, when they hear running water. The experiment has been done: beavers start building dams when they hear the sound of running water, even if it is a tape being played.

Some people like to lead, others do not. Some people like to excel. Most people like to do a reasonable job, for a reasonable wage. It’s just that everybody thinks he himself earns too little, while everybody else earns way too much. The problem isn’t the leaders who got the lion’s share in Oneida (or any other commune). Nor the people at the bottom who got little. The problem was in — and is — in the middle.

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Freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball

French President Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron recently raised some eyebrows with his public remarks on the “vaccine” against COVID-19. In order to overcome the “vaccine hesitancy” of his subjects fellow citizens, Mr. Macron said that he wanted to “freak out” the unvaxed.

The Spanish news report below looks at the French president’s statements and compares them with what the other presidential candidates have to say about the vax.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Erdogan Triumphs as Putin Stabs His Best Ally in the Back

With tension ratcheting up over Russia’s possible plans for an invasion of Ukraine, David Boyajian examines some other major issues of the region, especially in the Caucasus.

Erdogan Triumphs as Putin Stabs His Best Ally in the Back

by David Boyajian
January 19, 2022

President Putin has been making some astonishing demands, including:

  • NATO mustn’t admit additional countries near Russia, such as Ukraine and Georgia.
  • NATO must cease military activity in non-NATO territories: Georgia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and parts of eastern Europe.

Yet, incredibly, Putin has himself been enabling a NATO member’s aggression bordering Russia.

In 2020, the Kremlin embraced Turkey’s sending American-designed/equipped F-16s and Bayraktar drones containing NATO components into Azerbaijan.

Turkey and Azerbaijan (“one nation, two states”) subsequently defeated the Armenian populated Artsakh Republic/Nagorno-Karabagh and Russia’s longtime ally, Armenia. Israel backed Azerbaijan militarily.

The brutal 44-day war ended with a so-called peace agreement on November 9, 2020.

Russia facilitated Turkey’s (and, de facto, NATO’s) participation in Putin’s self-defeating grudge war against Armenians:

  • Putin stood aside as Turkey openly deployed troops, weapons, and thousands of Russian-hating international terrorists into Azerbaijan.
  • Turkey and Azerbaijan struck parts of Armenia, not just Artsakh. Yet Russia and the Russian-led CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) patently ignored their defense pacts with Armenia.
  • For decades, Russia had stopped battles over Artsakh between Azerbaijan and Armenians at an early stage despite Artsakh’s lacking a defense treaty with Russia. This time, though, Moscow intervened only belatedly (November 2020) as it posted Russian “peacekeeping” troops in parts of Artsakh.
  • Moscow welcomed Turkish soldiers to partner with Russians in “monitoring” the peace agreement.
  • Since the war ended, Putin and the CSTO (Azerbaijan isn’t a member) have shamelessly humiliated their Armenian ally. For instance, Russia is permitting Azeri troops — unquestionably at Turkey’s urging — to invade southern Armenia, seize highways, kill civilians, and attack Armenia’s diminished military.
  • Russia and the CSTO continue to rebuff Yerevan’s legitimate requests for assistance.
  • In contrast:
    • In January, Putin promptly dispatched CSTO troops into member-state Kazakhstan to subdue violent protests.
    • NATO never signed a formal agreement barring eastward expansion. Therefore, despite the Kremlin’s contention, NATO isn’t legally required to bar Ukraine’s possible membership. Russia and the CSTO are, however, legally required to adhere to their signed, formal defense pacts with Armenia but aren’t doing so.

Russia’s Angry President

Elected on an anti-corruption platform in 2018’s democratic “Velvet Revolution,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was reelected in 2021.

Russia dislikes democratic leaders. They’re harder to arm-twist and bribe. True, Pashinyan has been somewhat friendlier to Western nations than Armenia’s earlier leaders.

Yet, post-independence (1991), Yerevan has maintained excellent political and economic relations with the EU, U.S., and NATO. In 2005, America built one of its largest embassies in the world under President Robert Kocharyan, a Putin favorite.

Regardless, Putin hated Pashinyan, barely spoke to him, and never gave him a chance.

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Never Miss an Opportunity for Censorship

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of Epoch Times:

BKA wants to flood messenger service Telegram with inquiries from the authorities

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) wants to increase the pressure on the messenger service Telegram. According to information from “Welt” (Monday edition), representatives of the authorities in the Bundestag Interior Committee have announced that the service will be flooded with deletion requests or data requests in the future. Although Telegram has so far hardly cooperated in this area, corresponding requests should be transmitted without exception. That would make the scale clear — and possibly increase the pressure to work together.

At the request of Die Welt, the BKA declared the goal of wanting to achieve cooperation with Telegram while coordinating with the police authorities of the federal and state governments. The authority did not want to comment on specific statements in Parliament because the meeting was not public, as a spokeswoman explained.

Politicians and authorities are increasingly on a confrontational course with Telegram because, in their opinion, the service is used particularly often “by right-wing extremists and supporters of conspiracy theories.” According to the BKA, Telegram is not interested in “collaborating with the security authorities” according to “local experience”. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) recently threatened Telegram with being switched off in Germany because of this refusal.

Members of the government welcomed the BKA’s announcement. The deputy chairman of the Greens parliamentary group, Konstantin von Notz, told the newspaper: “Security authorities and politicians must finally present a more robust approach when it comes to dealing with companies that earn their money with personality violations, hatred and agitation and the destruction of democracy.” The defensiveness of the rule of law is also measured “by whether it is possible to stop the obvious violations of the law,” said von Notz.

The domestic political spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Manuel Höferlin, pointed out that many of the messages at issue in the messenger service were not in shielded areas, but were freely available: “We see with Telegram that criminal content is published primarily in openly accessible groups — here the service has the character of a website,” said Höferlin of the “Welt”. “Law enforcement agencies must keep an eye on this area and pursue it consistently.”

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/19/2022

With British Prime Minister Boris Johnson floundering due to the “Partygate” scandal, England has scrapped all vaccine passports, mask mandates, and work-from home requirements. Meanwhile, some Dutch museums are offering haircuts and manicures so that they may be classified as salons, which are permitted to remain open under the new lockdown rules. Also, after the recent Supreme Court decision against the OSHA mandates, Starbucks has withdrawn its requirement that employees be “vaccinated” against COVID-19.

In other news, the British government has been warned that 65,000 migrants are likely to cross the English Channel and land in the UK this year.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Muslim Brotherhood in France

The following article from a French Christian website concerns the Muslim Brotherhood in France. It was first published in 2020.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation:

The hellish network of the Muslim Brotherhood in France

by Guillaume Gattermann
June 16, 2020

Last February 17, the independent media site Lieux Communs published a document of utmost interest: A complete layout of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (re-named Muslims of France in 2017), representing the French network of the international Islamic organization. In other words, the galaxy of the Muslim Brotherhood in France, its allies, and supporters.

In total, the document lists almost 100 individuals and some 50 radical organizations, which provides quite a worrisome overview of the situation.

The development of such a document has as its objective to “expose the collection of individuals, of structures, and sectors of activity tied in various degrees to the circle of the Muslim Brotherhood in our country, and provide precise information on each of them,” and, “shine the light on the interconnection of the entire galaxy with the Association of Muslims for an Islam of France (AMIF), which tends to favor communitarianism [the establishment of parallel societies] and separatism,” the site states.

As a reminder, the Muslim Brotherhood, born in 1928 in Egypt, constitutes “one of the two great currents of worldwide Islamism, with Salafism,” whose goal is, “Islamic hegemony by the infiltration of societies, construction of mosques, and education of youth in religious schools. Its ideology is based on the notion of “Islam as a just middle ground,” and it gives itself a peaceful, even peace-making image.”

At the heart of the Brotherhood is found the UOIF, which for years has been weaving together a powerful network of different movements and militant associations around media personalities such as the Islamologist Tariq Ramadan.

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