Breakthrough in Vienna

Sources close to Geert Wilders inform me that a historic meeting took place today in Vienna between Geert Wilders, the leader of the PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid, Party for Freedom) and Heinz-Christian Strache, the leader of the FPÖ (Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party) in Vienna.

The meeting was arranged by David Lasar, who is a Jewish contact for the FPÖ, a member of the city council, and Mr. Strache’s confidant.

Mr. Wilders arrived in Vienna at noon, and the meeting took place between 1pm and 2pm at Mr. Strache’s party office opposite the Austrian Parliament. The two men also toured the parliament building together.

The two leaders got along famously. Mr. Wilders said that his party and the FPÖ have much in common: “We have more in common with the FPÖ than with the rest of the Dutch Parliament.” He said he looks to Austria and the FPÖ with admiration.

“I came to Vienna to pay respect to the party and to Heinz-Christian Strache himself,” said Mr. Wilders. “The voters expect us to work together.”

We’ll be posting more a detailed report on this momentous occasion later on, as the information comes in.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/19/2013

As part of its dispute with Britain over Gibraltar, the Spanish government has instituted extra border controls at the border with enclave. European Commission President Barroso warned Spain that such actions between EU countries are illegal. In related news, the Royal Navy has sent several ships to Gibraltar as part of Mediterranean maneuvers.

In other news, North Korea has officially abandoned socialism and communism, replacing them with the concept of “Juche revolution”. The country is no longer a “Democratic People’s Republic”, but a de facto monarchy, to be ruled forever by the line descended from its founder Kim Il-sung.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, KP, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Mohamed Morsi and the MAC Daddy

The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is a prominent Islamic advocacy group that receives a lot of money from the Canadian government. It is allowed to maintain its cozy relationship with the state because it has always insisted that it has no ties to Islamic movements outside Canada. To hear it tell the story, it is squeaky clean.

“Terrorism? What terrorism? Never heard of it.”

Needless to say, it’s not hard to track down MAC’s connections with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and various terrorists through the usual front groups. However, never has the connection been so clear as it is with former MAC president Wael Haddara, who served as an advisor to Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi for several months before the latter was deposed.

Pointe de Bascule has done a thorough job ferreting out the story of Wael Haddara. Below are excerpts from its investigative report:

Former MAC president Wael Haddara was senior advisor to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and member of the Egyptian delegation at the United Nations

On his Twitter account, Wael Haddara introduces himself as an “ICU physician (and other things).” In recent months, one of these “other things” done by Haddara has been advising ousted Muslim Brotherhood-backed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. In an interview to Canadian network Global TV on August 15, 2013, Wael Haddara was introduced as a “former advisor to Mohammed Morsi.” According to his own professional profile, Haddara was born in Egypt.

Haddara’s mandate for Morsi likely started after he resigned for “personal reasons” his position as president of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) on December 12, 2012. Besides his involvement with MAC, Wael Haddara has also been associated with the following Islamist organizations in the past: Muslim World League, CAIR-CAN, London Moslem Mosque, IRFAN-Canada and the Muslim Students Association (National). Appropriate references about Haddara’s leadership roles with these organizations are available in our previous article announcing Haddara’s resignation from MAC’s Board. This may not be a complete list of Islamist organizations with which Haddara has been involved in North America.

So far, the oldest official mention of Wael Haddara’s role as an advisor to President Morsi that we found is dated December 28, 2012. On an official United Nations document, Wael Mahmoud Haddara is listed as a member of the Egyptian delegation at the UN.

Wael Haddara’s older brother, Yaser (also spelled Yasser and Yasir), was likely an advisor to president Morsi also. A person by the name of Yasser Haddara was identified as a “Presidential aide” by the BBC and as “a Communications adviser” to Morsi by Ynetnews at the beginning of July 2013. In this case however, we do not have a picture or other information that could confirm without a doubt that we are dealing with the Yaser Haddara active in Muslim Brotherhood circles in North America. In 2012, Wael Haddara’s brother Yaser was on the Board of directors of Islamic Relief USA and, on the most recent (2011) Islamic Relief Canada’s financial statement available on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website, he is also on the Board of the Canadian branch.

Both branches belong to Islamic Relief Worldwide headquartered in London, one of the main charities controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. On its British and Canadian websites, Islamic Relief lists eight categories of beneficiaries for the zakat (charity) that it collects. Besides various expected groups of needy people and the zakat collectors themselves, Islamic Relief openly promises to fund “those struggling in the path of Allah”, Muslims involved in jihad.

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Playing the Victim

This time last month a mob of Muslim protesters attacked a French police station in Trappes and injured several officers. The ostensible issue was the detaining of a Muslim woman for violating the ban on face veils.

However, the real reason for their culturally enriched response was obvious: the incident provided a golden opportunity for the Muslim community in Trappes to display its belligerence, its propensity for violence in support of Shariah, and its dominance over the local organs of the secular French state.

Now, a month later, Muslim women are recasting what happened as yet another example of prejudice, discrimination, and “hate” directed at poor Muslim victims by French infidels.

Many thanks to Bear for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for subtitling and adding commentary to this news video:

On a related note, consider these Swedish feminists who showed their solidarity for their victimized Muslima sisters by wearing the hijab.


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/18/2013

The price of oil has spiked in the wake of the violent crisis in Egypt, due to the fact that the Suez Canal and the Suez pipeline carry a large percentage of the world’s oil supply, and the market is factoring new risks into its price calculations.

In related news, a professional association of Egyptian archeologists has called for the government to cut all ties with foreign missions and ban foreigners from doing archeological work in Egypt, to protest the policies of the United States and the EU on the Muslim Brotherhood.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the U.S. Congress is unable to decide whether to curtail foreign aid to Egypt in response to the military crackdown.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Mary Abdelmassih, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Form and Substance

The debate about Diana West’s book American Betrayal continues to rage in the conservative blogosphere, with new articles attacking her (and others supporting her) appearing too fast for me to keep track.

Because I haven’t read the book, my discussions up until now have concentrated on the form (ad-hominem attacks on the author by people who haven’t read the book) rather than the substance (the degree of penetration of the Roosevelt administration by Soviet agents in the 1930s and 1940s) of the debate. This post will adjust the balance by providing excerpts from substantive critiques and analyses written by people who know far more than I do about the topic.

First, however, I’d like to point our readers to a brief post at Diana West’s blog featuring a comment made by Marten Gantelius here at Gates of Vienna

For those who are interested in what Ms. West has to say about her book, among other topics, see these radio appearances:

And now on to the substantive discussions of American Betrayal.

Diana West has posted a partial rebuttal of the Front Page article by John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr at her blog:

Harry Hopkins: Did He Warn the Ambassador or Did He Warn the Embassy?

by Diana West

John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr have posted a new article titled, “Was Harry Hopkins a Soviet Spy?”

There will be more to say about the Hopkins debate in the future, but I would like to call attention to one passage in the Haynes and Klehr article.

Referring to the Mitrokhin archive of KGB documents, they write:

The only new material Mitrokhin provided on Hopkins was a 1943 report that Hopkins had notified the Soviet ambassador in Washington that the FBI had observed a Soviet diplomat meeting covertly with Steve Nelson, who supervised San Francisco area operations of the Communist Party of the United States.

This full incident, as excerpted in American Betrayal, is described here.

For now, I would simply like to address this matter of the Soviet “ambassador.” Haynes and Klehr’s source on this information is Andrew and Mitrokhin, Sword and the Shield, 111. However, the relevant passage from Andrew and Mitrokhin tells us:

Earlier in the year he [Hopkins] had privately warned the Soviet embassy in Washington that the FBI had bugged a secret meeting at which Zarubin (apparently identified by Hopkins only as a member of the embassy) had passed money to Steve Nelson, a leading member of the US Communist underground.64

I don’t see any mention of Hopkins warning the “ambassador.”…

Read the rest at Diana West’s place.

For text taken directly from the book, see Chapter 9, the latest installment of Breitbart’s excerpts with an introduction by the author:

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The Black Flag of Jihad Flies Over St. George’s

Churches are burning in Egypt as fast as Muslim Brotherhood supporters can pour the gasoline and light the fires. Of those spared from the flames, some are being used as mosques, hosting Islamic prayers this past Friday. And al-raya — the black flag of Jihad — has been raised over St. George’s church in Sohag.

Here’s the report from AINA:

Coptic Pope Blasts Muslim Brotherhood, US, EU

by Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) — Since ex-president Morsy’s ouster on July 3, attacks on Egyptian Christians by members of the Muslim Brotherhood have taken place in most governorates across Egypt. These attacks have escalated since security forces ended the pro-Morsy protests in central Cairo on August 14th. During their 6-weeks of protests, Muslim Brotherhood leaders explicitly threatened to harm the Copts should they be forced to end their protests, which they vowed to prolong until Morsy is restored to power.

“Over the past weeks we have witnessed an increasing trend of anti-Christian rhetoric calling for ‘the attack upon and eradication of Christians and churches’ in Egypt,” said Coptic Bishop Anba in the United Kingdom. “The result of such incitement, at least in part, has been the unprecedented attack on fifty two churches and numerous Christian homes and businesses across eight governorates in Egypt, within the space of twenty four hours.”

Yesterday Dr. Naguib Gabriel, President of Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization, said “82 churches, many of which were from the 5th century, were attacked by pro-Morsy supporters in just two days.”

Coptic Pope Tawadros II issued a statement yesterday expressing his views on the violence which engulfed Egypt, accusing the Muslim Brotherhood of fomenting sectarian clashes.

The Pope said the Church is on “the side of Egyptian law, the armed forces and all the Egyptian civil institutions when it comes to confronting violent armed organizations and terrorizing forces, either within the country or from abroad.” The Pope pointed out that one should look beyond the squares where the Muslim Brotherhood have been holding their protests, in order to gain a general overview of what has been happening for weeks in Egypt. “The attacks on government buildings and peaceful churches terrorize everyone, whether they be Copts or Muslims. These actions go against any religion, any moral code and any sense of humanity.”

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Hackneyed Phrases from the State Bishop

Our Canadian correspondent Rembrandt Clancy has translated another follow-up report on the church-burning in the German town of Garbsen last month. The translator includes this introductory note:

This essay by C. Jahn, “City of Garbsen: Hackneyed Phrases from the State Bishop”, was originally posted at Politically Incorrect on 16 August 2013. It is the third in a series of short essays by the same author following the recent, historically important, first culturally enriched church arson in Germany in the multiculti era. The first two essays, which also appeared at Gates of Vienna, are entitled: Garbsen: Crystal Night of the Multicoloured Republic? and City of Garbsen: Why the Evangelical Church of Germany is at a Loss for Words. Gates of Vienna also posted some initial reports of the arson attack on the Willehadi-Kirche which took place on the night of 29/30 of July 2013. The church is located in Garbsen, Lower Saxony, and falls within the jurisdiction of the Evangelical-Lutheran State Church of Hanover.

The translated article is below.

City of Garbsen: Hackneyed Phrases from the State Bishop

Even after more than two weeks following the burning down of the church in Garbsen, the Chief of the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD), Nikolaus Schneider, shrouds himself in a deafening silence, but at least he sends the State Bishop on ahead. This Reverend Father, after 16 days’ delay, on 14 August uttered a short statement consisting of facile, hackneyed phrases which in Garbsen must have sounded like mockery. Here is a sentence by sentence analysis.

(By C. Jahn)

“I am shocked [erschüttert] that a man-made fire has destroyed the Evangelical-Lutheran Willehadi-Kirche in Garbsen.”

Already, with this introductory sentence the State Bishop, Ralf Meister (see photo), deftly wriggles his way around an unequivocal condemnation. To confide his personal feelings (“I am shocked”) to the Christians in Garbsen is too little, given the magnitude of this crime and its historical significance. Still overdue is an unequivocal statement from the church leadership which calls this heinous crime by its name in the clearest language and denounces it in the strongest possible terms. “This act was a heinous crime which is to be excused by nothing, absolutely nothing.”

“To the guilty ones, the extent of their crime must be clear. Their deliberately set fire has destroyed a place of worship which was a spiritual home for many people. At worst such an act of arson could have endangered human lives.”

The formula “To the guilty ones, the extent of their crime must be clear” is strangely out of focus. Here the State Bishop appears to suggest a certain delayed regret and insight on the part of the perpetrators into the reprehensibility of their act. Is an endorsement of extenuating circumstances not already discernable in this statement? Or is the present tense “must be” only a careless mistake and the sentence actually should have been written in the past tense (“must have been”): “To the guilty, the extent of their crime must have been clear”? By such a usage of the past tense the Bishop would have expressed the natural assumption that the extent of their crime must have been already clear to the perpetrators beforehand — but he failed to do that. And then there is the completely intolerable downplaying in the last sentence: “At worst such an act of arson could have endangered human lives.” No, Reverend Father, at worst such an act of arson could have cost human lives!

“Now this crime threatens the social peace in this district of the city.”

What social peace does the Bishop mean? Already, in the months preceding the crime, the residents in Garbsen were harassed and beaten, garden and refuse bins were torched and homes were set on fire. Are such conditions in the eyes of the Bishop constitutive of “social peace”?

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A Church Burns in Egypt

Yesterday I posted a list of the fifty-eight churches and Christian schools that have been torched and looted by Muslim Brotherhood supporters in the past three days.

Here’s some footage of one such building going up in flames:

Below are excerpts from a related news report:

Egypt: Islamists Hit Christian Churches

CAIRO (AP) — After torching a Franciscan school, Islamists paraded three nuns on the streets like “prisoners of war” before a Muslim woman offered them refuge. Two other women working at the school were sexually harassed and abused as they fought their way through a mob.

In the four days since security forces cleared two sit-in camps by supporters of Egypt’s ousted president, Islamists have attacked dozens of Coptic churches along with homes and businesses owned by the Christian minority. The campaign of intimidation appears to be a warning to Christians outside Cairo to stand down from political activism.

Christians have long suffered from discrimination and violence in Muslim majority Egypt, where they make up 10 percent of the population of 90 million. Attacks increased after the Islamists rose to power in the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that drove Hosni Mubarak from power, emboldening extremists. But Christians have come further under fire since President Mohammed Morsi was ousted on July 3, sparking a wave of Islamist anger led by Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/17/2013

According to the latest reports, the Syrian rebels are to receive shipments of heavy weapons from Sudan. The shipments, which will contain anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft systems, are being financed by Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

In other news, the U.S. government has opened a bribery inquiry into the operations of the JPMorgan company in China. The investigation centers around the alleged practice of hiring the relatives of prominent Chinese officials.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, MC, McR, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Busted for Jihad Fundraising

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated a brief article from today’s VG about the culturally enriched behavior of the Al Furqan Relief group in Norway. He includes this introductory note:

This article concerns an individual (more than likely a culture enricher) who was arrested earlier this week and subsequently charged by the PST with the crime of financially supporting a terrorist organization.

I have read some Norwegian articles about the organization in question (at least I believe it was the same group). Apparently they have been involved in fundraising activities on the streets of Grønland in Oslo just a stone’s throw away from the biggest police station in the city.

That must mean that the police were able to behold these activities from behind their office windows while they were frantically twiddling their thumbs and pushing pencils back and forth across their desks whilst thinking up new methods to smear and prosecute Fjordman and other dastardly dangerous Islamophobonazis.

I suppose that by taking this drastic step and actually arresting this stand-up guy, the PST is guilty of terroristophobia.

Another article (in English is) here.

Here’s a picture of Mohammad Mohyeldeen raising funds for the group at the town square in Grønland. I believe that picture was taken earlier this year.

See the wiki on Mohyeldeen, and an earlier article about him from Gates of Vienna.

The translated article:

Fundraising coordinator apprehended for supporting terrorism

The Police Security Service (PST) have charged the leader of a group that has been raising money for Muslims in Syria and Myanmar for giving financial support to terrorist organizations, according to TV2 [Norwegian national broadcaster]

On Friday the PST raided the headquarters of the organization Al Furqan Relief in Oslo. According to TV2 a member of the group has been charged with financial support of terrorist organizations. The story was first broken by TV2.

“We can confirm that we have carried out a raid at an address in Oslo and that we have made an arrest. The person that we arrested has now been released, but charges have been laid against him,” says Martin Bernsen, a spokesperson for the PST.

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The Roster of Christian Persecution in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood is on the run in Egypt, and there is a possibility that it will be formally banned again, just as it was for many years before the “Arab Spring”.

Yet in the three days since the military government began its crackdown on the supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood has managed to find the time to torch and loot fifty-eight Christian institutions, even while its members are on the lam from the police and the army.

Here’s the story from AsiaNews:

The list of Christian churches, schools, institutions, shops torched by the Muslim Brotherhood in the last three days

The following list of 58 looted and burned buildings (including convents and schools) has been verified by representatives of the Christian Churches.

Cairo (AsiaNews) — At least 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops have been attacked, looted and torched over the last three days by the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the former Egyptian president who was deposed on 3 July . On August 14 the army has tried to evict the sit-in of the Islamists in Rabaa El Nahda Square and Adaweya. In a wave of devastating violence, over 600 people were killed and thousands injured. But violent attacks were also carried out on Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical churches as well as the homes and shops of Christians, as we have documented.

The representatives of the Christian Churches have drawn up a list which we publish below. The list was handed over to AsiaNews by the Press Office of the Catholic Church in Egypt.

Catholic churches and convents

1.   Franciscan church and school (road 23) — burned (Suez)
2.   Monastery of the Holy Shepherd and hospital — burned (Suez)
3.   Church of the Good Shepherd, Monastery of the Good Shepherd — burned in molotov attack (Asuit)
4.   Coptic Catholic Church of St. George — burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
5.   Church of the Jesuits — burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
6.   Fatima Basilica — attacked — Heliopolis
7.   Coptic Catholic Church of St. Mark — burned (Minya — Upper Egypt)
8.   Franciscan convent (Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) — burned (Beni Suef, Upper Egypt)
9.   Church of St. Teresa — burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
10.   Franciscan Church and School — burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
11.   Convent of St Joseph and school — burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
12.   Coptic Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart — torched (Minya, Upper Egypt)
13.   Convent of the Sisters of Saint Mary — attacked (Cairo)
14.   School of the Holy Shepherd — attacked (Minya, Upper Egypt)

Orthodox and Evangelical Churches

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/16/2013

Italian travelers are being warned not to visit Egypt because of the violence and turmoil there, and travel agencies in Denmark and Sweden have canceled tours to Egypt until at least October. Meanwhile, Muslim Brotherhood supporters continue to act out their anger by burning Coptic churches.

In related news, the Syrian National Coalition — more commonly known as the “Syrian rebels” — has moved its headquarters from Egypt to Turkey, after the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi chilled the climate in Egypt against the Syrian Islamists.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Diana West, Fjordman, ICLA, JD, KP, McR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Banishing the Cathars

In the late 12th and early 13th centuries a splinter sect of Christianity became popular in the Languedoc region of Aragon, in what is now France. The movement is known to historians as the Albigensian Heresy, and its adherents are often referred to as Cathars, although it is doubtful whether they used that term to describe themselves. They were persecuted and eventually crushed by the Church of Rome under the leadership of Pope Innocent III. The dénouement was ugly and bloody, as was the case with most religious conflicts in medieval Europe.

From the perspective of the established Christian Church, Albigensian doctrine was definitely a heresy. It was an attempt to resolve what is nowadays known as “the problem of evil”, and the Cathars accomplished this through theological dualism, by positing the existence of two deities, a good one (God) who created the spiritual realm and heaven, and an evil one (Satan), who created the Earth and dross matter. The two deities were in constant battle with one another, and would remain so until the End of Days.

However, it wasn’t their doctrine that made the Albigensians dangerous, it was their political impact. Some local political leaders supported the Cathars, and dissident bishops found it expedient to back them as a foil against Rome. The popularity of the sect sealed its fate, and the Roman hierarchy eventually regained full ecclesiastical control of southern France.

Although it is only figuratively bloody, the current uproar over Diana West’s book American Betrayal reminds me of the reaction to a medieval heresy. There is no room for gentlemanly disagreement: anything that is viewed as an incorrect interpretation of historical events must be ruthlessly exterminated.

Today’s installments in the ongoing drama showed no signs of any return to civility regarding the book. The most prominent of the less-than-courteous reviewers is Conrad Black, who in NRO and The New York Sun referred to Diana West as a “right-wing loopy” exhibiting “jejune dementedness”, among other epithets. Mr. Black provides a long discourse on the history of the Second World War, but it remains unclear whether he has actually read American Betrayal, or whether he simply gleaned snippets about it from reading earlier denunciations of the book by some of its prominent critics.

Ms. West has responded to this latest salvo, also at NRO. Numerous other attacks on the book appeared today, some of them nastier than Mr. Black’s, by various writers from the “mainstream” Right as well as from the Left.

For sympathetic support, see John L. Work, “Carpet-Bombing American Betrayal At Amazon”.

Thanks to Ronald Radosh and David Horowitz, Ms. West’s book has become so controversial that more and more people are airing their opinions about it, both positive and negative. This cannot help but increase the book’s sales, so we owe a debt of gratitude to Front Page Magazine.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

So what’s going on here? Why has a disagreement that should have centered on the reliability of sources and the interpretation of historical material turned into such a deplorable orgy of mud-slinging?

One must assume that the vicious invective coming from the book’s detractors is a sign that this is indeed a political issue, just as the heresy of the Cathars was a political issue. Powerful people feel they have something to lose, and their vituperation is a sign of their desperate determination to hang onto it. What “it” might be — money, social position, academic standing, the respect of one’s peers — is hard to determine. But there’s little doubt that what we’re witnessing is a struggle to defend crucial turf.

Another sign of the heavy political baggage involved is the fact that since the first barrage was launched by Ronald Radosh last week, no prominent conservatives — what I would term “celebrities”, if conservatism had such creatures — have stood up to decry the ad hominem attacks against Diana West by people who have never read her book.

In contrast, ordinary people are standing up and saying that Messrs. Horowitz and Radosh are wrong, and saying it “to their faces” in the comments section on Front Page and other venues. These “little people” must have nothing to lose, because they are fearless about speaking out.

But prominent people… Well, that’s another matter. They stand to lose [fill in the blank here — funding, a seat on the board at Heritage, being invited to make an appearance as a talking head at Fox News, being allowed to publish at prominent sites, having their own books recommended by orthodox reviewers, etc.], so they don’t stand up. They don’t let themselves be counted as opposing the personal attacks on and vilification of a colleague.

The only conceivable explanation for their behavior is fear.

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