Tolerance, Respect, and the Islamic Conquest of France

The young woman in this video speaks with eloquence and common sense about the Islamization of France, and the absurdity of any French self-chastisement over the country’s lack of “tolerance”. If an ordinary citizen can reason so lucidly about what is happening to France, why can’t French political leaders do the same?

We all know the answer to that question — or at least the regular readers of this and similar sites do.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/26/2013

Six people who produce or retail electronic cigarettes have gone on a hunger strike in front of the Italian parliament building in Rome. They are protesting the increase of the tax levied on their product, which is now set at 58.5%.

In other news, according to the latest crime statistics, 1.1 million people were murdered in Brazil in the 32 years from 1980 to 2011, making the country the seventh most violent in the world.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, McR, Papa Whiskey, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Give us Lots of Refugee Camps!

The following article about yet another “refugee” camp in a German city was published last week in Politically Incorrect. JLH, who translated the piece for Gates of Vienna, includes this note:

From PI, a lively discussion of the refugee camps in Berlin-Kreuzberg with some observations that apply to our own situation. Kreuzberg is the district that turned its long-term SPD mayor into a blunt critic of integration and immigration policy. Now it has a Greenie.

The translated article:

Give us Lots of Refugee Camps!
by Falko Baumgartner

What do Communism and Multiculturalism have in common? Both are ideologies which look more broken the closer you look. A current example of vegetating Multiculturalism is the refugee camp in left-green Kreuzberg. Here is a clash of cultures: Turkish Kreuzberg, eco-Kreuzberg, leftover-German (non-Berliners) Kreuzberg, and for some months now, Afro-Kreuzberg.

The last is a so-called “wild” protest camp of circa 100 black African asylum seekers on Oranienplatz, protected by supporters, as is familiar from the camp dispersed in Munich’s Rindermarkt. The demand is naturally the same: unlimited right of residence for camp members. But it would be best to award it to all persons in Germany. That could potentially be 7,000,000,000 people or, to put it another way, 20,000 per square kilometer. Colonialism today is an import from Africa and Asia, compliments of the Antifa. Let Germany kick the bucket. Left radicalism is smart enough to recognize that its dream of a final solution can be accomplished most rapidly and most fundamentally with unregulated mass immigration.

The camp is a big field test, a brave step in the leftist university city of Berlin from gray theory to live, multicultural reality. Every day, local residents can personally experience the fact that immigrant societies are conflict societies. Experience means seeing, hearing and, during he heat of summer, smelling. Several media outlets such as PI, the Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung or Blu-News have reported on the impossible conditions and growing tensions between the protesting refugees and Kreuzberg residents. Below, I would like to analyze briefly the logic of the protests and describe why the laissez-faire policy of the Green district mayor, Franz Schulz, could prove to be a boomerang. For more than a year, the movement of refugee protests across the country has followed the same pattern. Politicized asylum seekers — just as brazen as they are desperate — slip into the role of compliant peasants, while the asylum lobby in the background pulls the strings. Illegally erected, makeshift camps are intended to attract the greatest possible interest from the media and poke the nose of the always-interested “well-to-do mob” deeply into this diversity. The planning and execution of the action are accomplished by a left-radical support network which takes over the work of propaganda, demanding the right to remain for everyone — nothing more nor less than the complete and permanent doing-away with Germany itself. The low points of the street fighting are presided over by the party-organized multi-culti aristocracy, above all the Left party and the Greens, who pseudo-objectively “interpret” for the public the course and goals of the asylum extortion. Schulz, for instance, who has been demonstratively unmoved for months by the colorful activity in the camp on Oranienplatz. His perfidious calculation: the closer Africa is brought to Berliners’ front door, so much more is increased the pressure on the population and the Berlin senate to accede to the refugees’ demands.

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Sexual Abuse in Islam

Muslim spokesmen in the West and their apologists among our politicians and in our media would have us believe that the “Asian” sex-slavery gangs in Britain are an anomaly, a misinterpretation of Islam, and “have nothing to do with Islam”. However, if one studies Islamic theology and culture, it becomes easy to understand why the rape of infidel women is in fact an intrinsic part of Islam.

Mark Durie is an Australian theologian and Anglican pastor. In the presentation below, Dr. Durie gives a talk and a slide show introducing his audience to the historical, cultural, and theological background for sexual abuse in Islam.

The presentation, entitled “From Pakistan to the Streets of Oxford – Understanding the Ideological Foundation of Sexual Abuse in Islam”, was given at the Q Society of Australia in Melbourne on July 18, 2013:

Hat tip: Nilk.

Bully or Hermit?

Our Austrian correspondent AMT sends a European’s review of a book about American foreign policy, and includes this prefatory note:

The following book review was written by a student of International Relations at a university in central Europe. I believe this book may be of interest to Gates of Vienna readers, as it describes United States foreign policy from a interesting and different point of view from, say, foreign policy icons such as Henry Kissinger.

Book Review:

Special Providence — American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World
by Walter Russell Mead

“God has a special providence for fools, drunks and the United States of America.” — Attributed to Otto von Bismarck

Those interested in the foreign policy of the United States can be divided roughly into two groups: those who believe the US pursues an isolationist foreign policy, and those who think the US wants to take over the world. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Henry Kissinger asks whether America even needs a foreign policy. (It does.)

Walter Russell Mead takes on a topic of long-time contention among politicians, scholars, and students: does the United States have a foreign policy to speak of? Did it ever? What is it, if it even exists? How does it compare to that of Europe? And with this we come to the two main premises of this very readable book:

1.   What works in European foreign policy — i.e. Continental realism — does not necessarily work in and for the United States. On the one hand, Europeans play a game of chess (“If you move your piece here, I’ll move mine over there.”) On the other hand, the United States has traditionally been more driven by economics. Meade argues that these two views do not correlate: “It’s like using a map of Oregon to plan a trip to Georgia.” America simply does not work in the style of Metternich or Bismarck.
2.   In contrast to Metternich’s view that politics is all and economics merely a second thought, in the Anglo-American tradition it is economic success that creates the financial backbone for power. Because continental realism is unable to explain American reality, Meade introduces a new paradigm. He argues that American foreign policy is shaped by four schools of thought based on four presidents: Jefferson, Hamilton, Wilson and Jackson. Thereby Meade cleverly offers every American the opportunity to identify with one of the schools, even though American foreign policy is shaped by a combination of these schools at all times.

The four schools Meade introduces deserve a closer look. Hamiltonians find much of America’s foreign policy rooted in that of Great Britain and see commerce as the main driver of peace, much like the original European Community. Freedom of the seas, the free flow of money, and freedom of cargo, i.e. freedom of the skies — all this is needed for the free movement of goods. Hamiltonians introduced the most important principle of US diplomatic history, namely the right to respond with force. Any interference with the freedoms enshrined in Hamiltonianism is considered the fastest way to the start of a war with the US.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/25/2013

The governor of Campania is warning that riots and unrest will erupt in Naples and southern Italy if the economic situation continues to deteriorate. Italy is expected to lose a total of 250,000 jobs this year, and southern Italy has been particularly hard-hit.

In other news, a bomb left behind a Sydney police station is thought to be a Muslim response to last year’s Hyde Park riots in Sydney, when Muslims clashed with police.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, McR, Nilk, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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North Carolina Senate Passes ALAC-Inspired Bill

A few days ago North Carolina Senate became the latest state legislative body to pass a bill modeled on the “American Laws for American Courts” legislative initiative.

Below is an report on this happy occasion from The Raleigh News and Observer. The article includes the usual PC media spin; I’ve bolded a few relevant phrases for further discussion:

NC Senate Passes ‘Sharia Law’ Bill

Raleigh — The state Senate on Friday passed a bill that would keep courts from recognizing Sharia law.

While proponents of the legislation said it would keep people safe from foreign laws, critics derided the bill as sending a message of intolerance and bigotry to followers of Islam.

“Critics”? Which critics? Got any (non-Muslim) names?

Is it “intolerant” and “bigoted” to insist that the constitutions of North Carolina and the United States be the law of the land in North Carolina?

Notice that the newspaper reporter brought up “sharia” — the word is not in the bill. That is, the paper is making sure that its readers think about Islamic law as being contrary (or at least at variance with) the United States Constitution.

This is, perhaps, an unintended consequence of their knee-jerk politically correct journalistic spin.

The article continues:

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Halal Stickers and Product Tampering in Australia

An Australian candidate for political office is causing controversy by selling halal product stickers to raise money for his campaign. He is adamantly opposed to halal, especially unlabeled halal, and urges his supporters to put the stickers on halal items to inform culturally unenriched Australians about what they may be buying.

A peculiar incident of apparent product tampering has clouded what would otherwise have been a colorful, if contentious, political campaign:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

Your Altar is Our Latrine

Vlad Tepes has a translated article from Gazzetta di Mantova about an incident of culturally enriched thievery that included additional activity that was far nastier than mere theft:

SERRAVALLE. First they gained entry to the rectory of Libiola and stole the money collected by the children of Grest, and then, still not happy, they entered the nearby church which, since last year’s earthquake, is a simple tensile structure made of plastic and defecated and urinated next to the altar. This was a contemptuous act of vandalism and sacrilege. The culprits were identified, because a woman saw them coming out of the tent. They were four boys of Moroccan origin, one resident in Serravalle, the others from Ostiglia and surroundings.

The incident happened on Thursday afternoon, but the parish priest, Father Eugenio Ferrari, has only yesterday made an official complaint to the police. That day the parish house of Libiola, inhabited by two nuns, was empty and locked because the sisters, along with the parish priest, had gone on a trip with the children of the Grest on a day trip to a mountain resort. Undisturbed, then, the criminals broke the lock of a back door and entered. They climbed upstairs and also forced the lock on the bedroom of the Sister Superior. In a bag in a drawer there were about eighty euro, the takings of the third week of Grest, plus a portion of the proceeds of a summer risotto organized by the group of children and parents. Having carried out the theft, the group was still not satisfied to leave. They wanted to leave their mark. A mark of vandalism, that because the place where it was made, also takes on the meaning of a provocation, a disgraceful affront.

Read the rest at Vlad’s place.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.


Some observers are speculating that yesterday’s horrific train derailment in Spain — which killed at least eighty people and injured upwards of a hundred others — may have been sabotage. The proximity of the disaster to the Santiago de Compostela festival and the association with Matamoros have fuelled speculation about (presumably Islamic) sabotage of the train.

However, the evidence available so far — which is admittedly scanty — doesn’t support the idea of sabotage. Below is a CCTV clip of the derailment, first at normal speed, then in slow-motion:

What we see in the video is that the second car in the train derailed first. The flash — which some people describe as an “explosion” — came after it tipped over, when it hit something near the track. The video is not clear enough for us to discern what flashed, but it could have been a transformer on a pole, or something similar.

Another car further back also buckled out of line a split second later.

This is consistent with the train’s hitting a curve at a high rate of speed while beginning to brake. It was, according to numerous accounts, traveling at more than twice the speed limit.

When the engineer realized what was wrong, he must have said, “[expletive deleted]!”, and hit the brakes hard. If all the cars didn’t have equally effective brakes, they would tend to accordion, which is exactly what we saw in the video. The ones with weaker brakes buckled out of line, since they were now going faster with the ones with stronger brakes in front of them.

Thus the accident could be explained by the excessive speed, and then braking. No sabotage is required.

We are left with some questions, however:

  • Why was the train going so fast?
  • Isn’t the speed on these trains automated?
  • What was the Mohammed Coefficient of the train driver?

In this case, there were actually two drivers. Both survived, and one of them (who is under police custody in the hospital) is named Francisco José Garzón Amo. So the Mo-Co here can’t be more than 50%.

Then there’s the report than someone heard an explosion. But, after watching this video over and over, I’d say that there must have been a lot of events in those first five seconds that sounded like explosions.

The only possible point of sabotage would seem to have been a disabling of the train’s automatic speed control. However, the train driver is said to have boasted on Facebook about how fast he likes to drive his train. Could he have overridden the automated controls in order to travel at the speed he preferred?

Below are relevant excerpts from a Reuters report:

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I Demand Halal Pork!

Our Perth correspondent Anne-Kit has translated a rousing op-ed from the opinion pages of yesterday’s Berlingske Tidende, one of Denmark’s leading dailies:

I Demand Halal Pork
By Henrik Day Poulsen, Psychiatrist, PhD

WE are in the middle of the Muslim holy month, Ramadan. I’ve already treated two women with scarves who were ready to faint in the summer heat, due to the ban on eating and drinking during daylight hours.

This week both Berlingske Tidende and other media have covered Islam for better and for worse. Zenia Stampe, the village idiot in charge of Radikale Venstre [Denmark’s radical liberal (or left) party], showed herself to be devoid of psychological insight into what Danish soldiers and their families might think and feel about the armed forces’ exit from Afghanistan. Stampe’s party supported Denmark’s involvement in upholding Muslim women’s rights in Afghanistan, including girls’ access to education. They also supported the prevention of the formation of terror cells, thereby creating a more peaceful world.

But now, in the clear light of hindsight, Stampe thinks this was a big mistake. Consequently, in her view 43 Danish soldiers lost their lives by mistake, and their families lost their sons by mistake. I don’t know if it was a good idea to invade Afghanistan. But I do know that politicians need to think very carefully before they express opinions on sensitive issues that affect people deeply. Many veterans struggle with psychological problems, and again this is due to a regrettable mistake, says Stampe. She forgets to mention that Denmark and her allies are owed a big debt of gratitude by the Muslim world for trying to support democracy and human rights, and for fighting the Taliban, whose reign of terror is comparable to those of Hitler and Pol Pot. Imagine if England and the US had not fought Hitler, and just didn’t care?

I call for prominent Muslims to thank Danish soldiers for their efforts. This would be especially timely during their holy month. A big “thank you” to the 43 soldiers who died for what they believed in, i.e. freedom. A “thank you” to Danish taxpayers for the billions of DKK that have been and still are being sent to Afghanistan. Denmark is among the foremost countries that support equal treatment of Muslims on the world stage.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/24/2013

The International Committee of the Red Cross is cutting back its services in Afghanistan due to an attack on its offices in Jalalabad at the end of May. A security guard was killed and the building was badly damaged in the assault.

In other news, a number of major European banks will be taking a hit from the bankruptcy of Detroit, since they hold substantial quantities of unsecured Motor City debt.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, McR, Papa Whiskey, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The New Appeasement

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

The New Appeasement
by Fjordman

Who really won the Cold War? If we truly and decisively “won” the fight against Marxism, why does the “victorious” superpower the USA a mere generation later have a President Obama who champions Socialist doctrines and practices, barely concealed? Did we fail to fully expose and confront Marxist aggression and infiltration, and has this failure made the Western world vulnerable to Islamic aggression and infiltration today?

The eloquent author and columnist Diana West raises some of these questions in her new book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character. I will do a more thorough review of this book later this year. At the moment, I am tied up with completing my own upcoming book, Witness to Madness.

As Diana West states: “Since the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, the findings that confirm the secret Soviet penetration of U.S. institutions have uneasily co-existed with the old legacy of Soviet-fanned disinformation that tells us the ‘Red scare’ was just a ‘Red-baiter’s’ fantasy. It is this consensus that conditions us, for example, to sentence Sen. Joe McCarthy to burn in hellfire forever for Senate investigations into Communist penetration, but views a portrait of Chairman Mao by Warhol as just the thing for the chic mantelpiece. Never mind the 30 to 40 million people the Communist dictator killed. Such mental conditioning may have ruptured our moral and logic processes. But it left the field wide open for some serious new revision. Once-secret sources — among them, the Mitrokhin archive, the Venona archive, the Vassiliev archive, and declassified FBI files — reveal the Moscow-directed maneuvers of a strategically-placed intelligence army of American traitors fighting to advance Soviet interests. That’s not one Aldrich Ames or five Cambridge spies. Hundreds of American traitors operated surreptitiously in the public square, many of them entering government positions under FDR in the 1930s.”

This subject is also briefly touched upon in the book Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me, by the courageous Dutch politician Geert Wilders. Vladimir Bukovsky, a former Russian dissident under the Communist dictatorship of the Soviet Union who spent years as a political prisoner in the Soviet Gulag, argues that there should have been a “Nuremberg trial” of sorts after the fall of Communism, just like there was after the fall of national Socialism at the end of the Second World War.

Since this didn’t happen, he figures that we never truly won the Cold War as decisively as we could and should have done. International Socialism in the form of Communism was not fully exposed as the inherently evil system that it was. As a consequence, therefore, it carries much less social stigma in the Western world today to call oneself a Communist or a Marxist than to call oneself a national Socialist, although both were murderous, totalitarian belief systems.

Vladimir Bukovsky stresses that such a Nuremberg trial against Communism should have focused on exposing and judging the evil system and the ideology behind it, more than on punishing specific individuals. If you were to punish all those who had collaborated with the repressive Communist regimes you would have to jail millions of people, and Mr. Bukovsky doesn’t want to replace the old Gulag with a new one.

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A Notice About Comments

Dymphna is ill at the moment with bad eye allergies, among other ailments, and can no longer monitor and approve comments on her posts. It’s all I can do to manage that with my own posts, so I don’t have time to do hers, too.

For this reason she has closed her recent posts to comments, and will continue to do so with additional posts until her health improves.

Commenting will proceed as usual on my posts.