Requiem for a Culture, Part 7: The Traitresses of Roswell

This is the seventh essay in an occasional series. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Requiem for a Culture

Part 7: The Traitresses of Roswell

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

— William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, Act I, Scene III (page 80 in the Vintage paperback edition)

In the annals of the American Civil War, the story of the women of the Roswell cotton mill in Georgia is relatively obscure. I had never even heard of the incident until just a few days ago, when a talk was given at a meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

General Kenner Garrard, U.S. Army

In July of 1864, during the march on Atlanta, Union General Kenner Garrard burned the mills at Roswell in northern Georgia. The cotton mill in Roswell had been producing fabric for Confederate uniforms, plus tent cloth and other products destined for military use.

The next day, under General Sherman’s orders, General Garrard arranged for the deportation of about 400 civilians, most of them women and children. The women had worked in the mill, and were thus judged by General Sherman to have committed “treason”. They and their offspring were carried by wagon to Marietta, where they were loaded onto railroad cars and shipped north, first to Nashville, and then to Louisville. From there they were deported across the Ohio River into Indiana. Whatever processing they underwent after that was rudimentary; they were basically abandoned, and left to their own devices.

An undetermined number of the deportees died in transit under horrific conditions, and more died after arrival. Almost none of them are known to have ever made it back home, and there are very few records of what became of them.

During their travels they were guarded by Union soldiers, who were probably less bestial than Hamas mujahideen in the treatment of their charges, but still… One may assume that Union soldiers who were suffering from “sexual emergencies” took advantage of the opportunity presented by all those teenage girls in their care.

Also, given the privation those girls were to face in Indiana, it wouldn’t be surprising if many of them joined the ranks of the world’s oldest profession.

Why is it that there are so few historical accounts of what happened to the Roswell women?

The deportees were largely Scots-Irish, the descendants of immigrants who came to western Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia beginning in the early 1700s, and then migrated south along the Appalachians. In other words, they were the poorest of poor whites, commonly known as hillbillies or white trash. My guess is that they were illiterate, or nearly so, and thus never wrote any letters to their relatives back home. No journals or memoirs — they just disappeared into the poverty and chaos of southern Indiana, and were lost to history.

Before I get to more detailed information about the deportation of the mill workers from Roswell, I’d like to touch briefly on the absurd notion that by working in the mill they had committed “treason”.

It reminds me of a conversation I had a couple of years ago while manning a booth for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Members in period uniforms with muskets had set up a mock encampment with a tent, etc., and next to it were selling Confederate-related merchandise from a small pavilion, which is where I was working.

One young white man came by the booth with a chip on his shoulder, and obviously wanted to argue with us. He wasn’t a Northerner. He was probably a transplant from further north in Virginia, but not a Yankee. I reported on the conversation not long after it happened, in the first post of this series:

Visitor: “I just want to know why you people think it’s a good idea to do this, to pay respect to traitors.”

Baron: “We’re here to honor our ancestors, who fought to defend the Commonwealth of Virginia. We were invaded, you know — just like Ukraine was invaded by the Russians.”

V: “But Ukraine is different. It was invaded by the forces of a completely different country.”

B: “Exactly. And Virginia was sovereign until 1865. Did you know that? It considered itself a sovereign state. You can see it in the printed materials from the time: ‘The Sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia’. Union troops came up the Shenandoah Valley, torching the fields, requisitioning food and supplies, and taking prominent citizens hostage for the good behavior of their fellow townsfolk. We were invaded, and we were defending ourselves.”

V: “Well, I have an ancestor who fought, and I don’t want to honor him. I don’t know anything about him, and I don’t want to know, because he was a traitor.”

It’s a peculiar idea, that someone who resists the invasion of a sovereign state might be considered a traitor to the invading country. Imagine, for example, a war between Prussia and the Kingdom of Saxony. Saxony was an independent, sovereign state until 1871, when it became one of the states comprising the newly-formed German Empire. Prior to 1871, if Prussia were to invade Saxony, it would be the duty of every able-bodied adult Saxon male to take up arms and resist the invader. If Prussia won the war, it might annex Saxony, or turn it into a vassal state owing fealty to the King of Prussia. But nobody involved, whether Prussian or Saxon, would have considered a Saxon who fought back against the Prussians to be a traitor to Prussia. The idea would have been ludicrous, and would never have been entertained.

The same is true of any Virginian who resisted the invasion of his sovereign state between 1861 and 1865. Or should be true, but we live in a degraded age in which language has been torqued beyond belief, and the ability to think logically about this and similar matters has atrophied.

The North won the war, and therefore got to write the terms of political arrangements afterwards. Among those terms was this: any citizen of the sovereign South who dared to resist Northern aggression was retroactively to be identified as a TRAITOR to an entity that didn’t exist before 1865. Dig it?

The paragraphs below are excerpted from “Charged With Treason: The Plight of the Roswell Women” from the American Civil War Forum:

At the time of the American Civil War, the four hundred women employed by the Roswell Mills were mostly of Scottish-Irish descent. As the mill increased in production, so did the number of people living in the area, but once the war was in full swing, the leading families of Roswell fled in advance of Sherman’s army, leaving the fate of the mills and their employees in the hands of Federal forces. Innocent civilians were left to fend for themselves and receive the entire brunt of Sherman’s wrath and vengeance.

Looking for a way to get his army across the Chattahoochee and thus into Atlanta, on July 6, 1864, Sherman sent General Garrard back upstream with orders to capture Roswell. In Garrard’s report to Sherman, he relayed that, “there were fine factories here. I had the buildings burnt, all were burnt. The cotton factory was working up to the time of its destruction, some 400 women being employed.” On July 7, 1864, Sherman wrote to General Garrard, “I repeat my orders, that you arrest all people, male and female, connected with those factories, no matter the clamour, and let them foot it under guard to Marietta, then I will send them by cars to the North.”

Thus the Roswell women were charged with treason and deported from the only homes they had ever known.


The women of the Roswell Mills and their children were kept in the open town square in the blistering heat of a Georgian July, before they were forced to march to Marietta. Roswell’s whiskey stores found their way into the hands of the Union guards and from that time on and during their escort to Marietta, the young girls of Roswell lived in a continual nightmare.

In 1860, forty per cent of the women living in Roswell were seventeen years old and younger. Therefore, at the time the Roswell Mills were burned to the ground, almost half of the population consisted of young girls on the cusp of womanhood. Along the way to Marietta, many of the women were forced to ride behind the cavalry men, which they hated. One Illinois soldier wrote home, “The employees (Roswell Mills) were all women and they were really good looking. We always felt that we had a perfect right to appropriate to our own use anything we needed for our comfort and convenience.” One Union officer found it necessary to move his troops a mile away from the women in order to control his men.

A northern newspaper correspondent reported on the deportation of the Roswell women, “Only think of it! Four hundred weeping and terrified Ellens, Susans, and Maggies, transported in springless and seatless army wagons, away from their loves and brothers of the sunny South, and all for the offense of weaving tent-cloth.”

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Wokist Socialism

MC includes a discussion of various types of socialism as a preface to his latest update from Sderot.

Wokist Socialism

by MC

Marxism is just the most successful of a long line of ‘socialisms’ and most people have been programmed to perceive Marxism as the only socialism.

This is simply not true. In the period after the First World War, three socialisms started competing against each other for popularity: Class-based socialism (Marxism), Race-based socialism (Nazism) and Nation-based socialism (Italian Fascism and maybe FDR-driven Americanism).

The US Supreme Court scotched ‘Blue Eagle’ FDR’s version of full on socialism pretty quickly.

National Recovery Administration (NRA) logo from the 1930s

Also, other centuries had other forms of socialism; Islamic (religious) socialism and Jacobin (equality-based) Socialism stand out as being highly lethal in their respective heydays. The Spanish Inquisition could also qualify as religion-based socialism, but was by no means as lethal as other forms.

Under pressure from Marxist class-based socialism, Nazi race-based socialism was contorted into a supposed ‘right-wing’ slot, and yes, compared to class-based Marxism, it was a little bit to the right.

Marxists have proven to be extremely good at lies, and their propaganda reflects it. Marxist propaganda creates a fictional fantasy of Utopian ideals, much like the Star Trek picture of the planet free from religion and capitalism.

As Marxists began to grab hold of the institutions, so Marxist socialism began to dominate Western culture, and the other ‘socialisms’ were suppressed and (relatively) demonized.

Race-based socialism (Nazism) was somehow equated to conservatism because of a perceived ‘racism’ amongst conservatives. But it was Democrats (Marxists) who demonstrated this particular racism: Jim Crow, the KKK, etc.

This race-based socialism of the Nazis was particularly focussed on Jews, but also Slavs (whose land was needed for Lebensraum) Gypsies, gays and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those with non-white skin colours were perceived as just a slave class of Untermenschen.

Jews were ‘dangerous’ Untermenschen and a threat to the Aryan culture, whereas Africans were compliant Untermenschen.

Marxism redefined ‘socialism’ in its own image. To many, it became the only standard of socialism, and Marxism became “king of the castle” as such.

The Moral High Ground of ideas has always been a feature of Marxism. It is like a Wild West street at Universal Studios, a theatrical foreground shielding the Gulag mass killing machine behind the façade. The stars were Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, all mass murderers with a smile for the camera.

They had many acolytes in the West. They infiltrated Defence, Administration and the executive and probably even the FDR White House (Hopkins).

All socialism is a death cult where unbelievers forfeit their right to life and can be exploited as slaves, or just plain exterminated.

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The Road Back to Slavery

Our Hungarian correspondent László brings a European perspective to bear on the frame of mind that makes people long for slavery.

Escaped slaves, Cumberland Landing, Va., May 1862

The Road Back to Slavery

by László

I was reading this article about the American Civil War when I saw this picture of a group of “contrabands”. The site defines the word, in the context of the Civil War, as “a term used to describe freed or escaped slaves.”

Then it struck me that while they (in the picture) are halfway out of slavery, we seem to be halfway in.

Look at the picture: how disoriented, confused, purposeless these people seem to be. I searched for more pictures and they all look the same in all of them.

Actually it’s a specific phenomenon, what I call “prisoners’ nostalgia”, popularly known from the movie The Shawshank Redemption, in which long-time prison inmates become unable to function properly in society when they finally get out of jail, and hence they kind of long for their old “home”.

I conclude that capabilities for freedom (an inner capacity) are indispensable for living in liberty (an outer condition).

So again, ex-slaves apparently go through a state of disorientation, confusion and purposelessness. They’re obviously unable to live in, and with, liberty in that state of mind and level of education and life experience.

Now, what’s happening to the people of the West? With every new generation folks are becoming increasingly more disoriented, confused, purposeless: the exact condition in which people long for slavery and captivity. The point where they give up liberty for safety.

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Think No More

MC’s latest update from Sderot is prefaced by some historical musings and a look at the larger political context.

Think No More

by MC

Over a hundred years ago Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a French Jew, was stripped of his rank and imprisoned. The world was happy that “the Joo done it” and no more questions were asked.

Whilst it was obvious the Dreyfus had not done ‘it’, the alternative was not thinkable; thus Dreyfus remained ‘guilty’ until Émile Zola forced a reinvestigation to prove him innocent.

Largely as a result of the Dreyfus affair, Theodor Herzl realized that Jews could not overcome anti-Semitism and would always be unacceptable in European circles. Thus he gave birth to the Zionist movement, the essence of which was to provide a homeland where Jews could be Jews.

The word ‘Zionist’ has changed meaning over the last 129 years, and has been turned into an epithet of all that leftists hate about Jooz.

Zion is the ancient name of Jerusalem, but like most Hebrew words carries a much deeper meaning, that of a place with a direct connection to Yahovah.

The word Yahovah itself has the meaning “I was, I am, I will be”. But unfortunately its meaning is lost in the translated Greek of the New Testament; see John 8 v 5. ‘Yahovah’ is a word of power and caused the Pharisaic arrest team to fall over.

There is a reason why Satanic forces continue to attack Jews, and Romans 10 & 11, oft ignored or glossed over, explains.

One must apply Occam’s Razor to both Judaism and Christianity to try and cut away the pagan influences and get to the TRUTH of Creation. Satan knows this so much better than we do, and thus continues to attack Jews.

Palestinian propaganda has been wildly successful, and even the White House is quoting the Hamas Gaza ‘Health’ Ministry (GHM) unchecked and verbatim.

Thus the canards of ‘starvation, Aid Worker protection and Rafah’ go both unresearched and unchallenged.

The UK called in the Israeli ambassador solely on the basis of a propaganda statement from the GHM — folly, considering the GHM’s past performance.

There are no ‘lies’ as such in Islam, and any fabrication is permitted if it hurts the enemies of Islam. It is incredible stupidity to trust any statement originating from the depths of the GHM.

But, of course, if that information is useful to pacify the residents of Dearborn (and help them vote Democrat), then think no more…

This also explains why the feminist left had such problems condemning Hamas’ (sexual) violations of female Jooz (and males). They had to make some decisions, and the thought of supporting ‘colonialist and oppressive’ Jewish women in the face of non-colonialist and non-oppressive Muslims proved too much. Rape is not a crime if the victim is deemed to be an oppressor.

So now, October 7th having been forgotten, they are free to support ‘Palestine’ and the institutionalized slavery of Muslim women — toujours c’est la même chose…

The burka is very pleasant to wear, you know — it stops men looking at you!

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Biden Administration Sides with Terrorists

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Biden Administration Sides with Terrorists

by Clare M. Lopez

Ramadan this year runs from sundown on March 10, 2024 to sundown on April 10, 2024. The White House Statement of support for the Islamic observance included sympathetic references to Gaza, where over 80% of the people have told pollsters that they support HAMAS.

“Statement from President Joe Biden on the Occasion of Ramadan”, The White House, March 10, 2024

“Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing With Hamas Supporters” by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine, March 11, 2024

“AOC and ‘Squad’ Dems Melt Down After CNN Panelist Accuses Ilhan Omar of Hamas Connection” by Jonathan Jones at The Western Journal, March 15, 2024

  • Seems this one struck a little close to home!

“US Intel Agency Wants To Ban Terms ‘Radical Islamists’ and ‘Jihadist’ Because They’re Hurtful to Muslim Americans” by Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon, March 27, 2024

  • The term “Radical Islamists” indeed ought to be banned, given that those, like “jihadis”, who are faithfully obedient to the doctrine, law & scripture of Islam are in fact mainstream, normative, and orthodox.
  • More here — “DEI top dogs warn intelligence officials to avoid using words such as ‘jihadist’ and even ‘Radical Islamists’“ by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 24, 2024

Biden Regime Invites Hamas-Linked CAIR to the White House, Then Lies About It” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, March 16, 2024

What does MENA mean? The U.S. Census’ new category” by Joe Grimm, March 30, 2024

  • The U.S. Census Bureau issued a formal announcement on March 29, 2024 that added a new category to its U.S. population count. It’s for “Middle Eastern/North African” (MENA).
  • “White House releases Census revision to include Middle Eastern or North African category” by Dorothy Tucker & Samah Assad at CBS News, March 29, 2024

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Requiem for a Culture, Part 6: The End of Reconciliation

This is the sixth essay in an occasional series. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Requiem for a Culture

Part 6: The End of Reconciliation

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

— William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, Act I, Scene III (page 80 in the Vintage paperback edition)

Southern partisans, especially those who have ancestors who fought in the War for Southern Independence, are well aware of the depredations that have been visited upon Southern monuments in the last three or four years. The process culminated late last year with the desecration of two cherished monuments, the statue of General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. I’ll give a brief recapitulation of these events for readers who may not be familiar with what happened.

A bronze statue of General Lee, the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, had stood since the 1920s in a little park next to the library in downtown Charlottesville. The “Unite the Right” false-flag fiasco in 2017 started the ball rolling on the statue’s removal. Late that summer General Lee and his horse Traveller were covered with a burka to prevent passers-by from being triggered by the sight. Then in 2020 the fentanyl overdose of Saint George Floyd provided the coup de grâce: the following year the statue was finally removed from its plinth. To make sure that the South would never rise again, last October the revered general was cut into pieces and melted down.

The widely-published photo of General Lee’s molten bronze face was like a knife in the heart for Southern partisans (or at least for this one).

The second destructive event is not as well-known as the immolation of General Lee, but may well turn out to be even more of an outrage from the perspective of those who revere the memory of the men who fought and died for the right of Southern states to be free of Federal tyranny. I refer, of course, to the renowned Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

The national memorial for Confederate soldiers was commissioned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the early 1900s. It was designed by the widely acclaimed sculptor Moses Ezekiel, a Confederate veteran as well as the first Jewish cadet to be enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute. Completed in 1912, the monument was unveiled in 1914 in a ceremony that featured a speech by Woodrow Wilson, and was attended by numerous grandees from both the North and the South.

A full account of Moses Ezekiel’s monument would be too long for this space, and would require a deeper knowledge of the topic than I possess. For an excellent overview, I recommend this article by Richard Hines at Chronicles.

Last December the Arlington monument was dismantled and removed from its pedestal by the Army (which owns it) and moved to an unknown location. Its final destination has not yet been announced, and it may or may not eventually be melted down (see this article from The Northern Virginia Daily).

The national Confederate Monument was above all intended to be a memorial of reconciliation, bringing together the two sides in the Recent Unpleasantness so that they could coexist in the same polity without rancor and recrimination. Southern soldiers were thereby honored as patriotic and courageous fighters for their home states, and accepted as such in the official collective memory of the new (and now completely Federal) republic.

Mind you, the Northern hegemonists had an ulterior motive for embracing reconciliation: they needed the fighting prowess of Southern soldiers for their new wars of Manifest Destiny. Confederate soldiers had shown themselves to be a superior fighting force, and only lost to the Yankees because they were so badly outnumbered and so ill-supplied. Southern boys, especially the pugnacious Scots-Irish of the southern Appalachians, have been the mainstay of the U.S. military ever since. Whenever Uncle Sam deployed troops abroad to make the world safe for democracy, the descendants of the Confederacy were in the van bearing the brunt of the fighting.

That’s what reconciliation was for. But reconciliation is now officially dead.

For the first time since the late 1800s, Southern “cracker” families are discouraging their sons from serving in the military. The U.S. government and the armed services have made it clear that they have no respect for the Confederate heritage, and nothing but contempt for the descendants of those who fought for the Stars and Bars from 1861 to 1865.

So they’re on their own now. When the pink-haired correctly-pronouned trans creatures go forth to fight the next war with Russia, or Iran, or China, or whomever our neocon masters decree to be the enemy, they will do so without the assistance of Southern partisans.

If the rebel yell is ever heard again in combat, it will be in a completely different kind of war.

Today is the 159th anniversary of the Confederate nakba, the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9th, 1865.

In honor of the occasion, I present the story of the encounter between General John Brown Gordon, CSA, and General Joshua Chamberlain, USA, that took place at Appomattox three days after the surrender. More than any other occasion, that incident exemplifies the spirit of reconciliation that the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery was intended to convey.

This is quoted from “The Last Salute: Gordon and Chamberlain at Appomattox”, published by Ultimate Flags:

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The Moldavian Gambit

Moldova did not exist as a sovereign nation-state until after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Earlier in its history it had been Moldavia, which was variously part of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, Romania, and then the Soviet Union. When the USSR fell apart, the Moldavian SSR declared its independence as Moldova, and along with Ukraine became an autonomous state.

Like much of Eastern and Central Europe, Moldova is an ethnic hodge-podge. Its largest ethnicity is comprised of Moldovans (who are, for all practical purposes, Romanians who happen to live in Moldova). Ukrainians, Russians, and Gagauzes (a Turkic ethnicity) form small minorities within Moldova. Gagauzia is an autonomous region within Moldova for those who speak the Turkic Gagauz language, but are Eastern Orthodox Christians. The region across the Dniester from Moldova proper is known as Transnistria. It is ethnically distinct, with a slight Russian plurality, followed closely by Moldovans (Romanians) and then Ukrainians. It seceded from Moldova back in the ’90s and declared its independence as the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic, although it is not internationally recognized.

The potential for civil strife is ever-present, because the Gagauzes and the Russians in Transnistria lean towards Russia, while the rest of Moldova leans towards Romania and the EU. To complicate matters further, Gagauzia recently threatened to declare independence if Moldova moves to unite with Romania.

Now NATO has stuck its nose into this cauldron of boiling Black Sea tar. According to a report published by The New Voice of Ukraine:

Moldova’s Defense Ministry announced the commencement of the JCET-2024 military exercises with US and Romanian forces starting April 1, the country’s Defense Ministry’s press service reported.

These exercises, set to run through April 19, aim to foster training and experience exchange among special forces and enhance the interoperability of the troops involved.

The training will encompass a range of activities, including parachute jumps, live-fire exercises during both day and night, and field training on specialized tasks, tailored to various scenarios.

This military collaboration occurs against the backdrop of NATO’s extensive Steadfast Defender exercises, which started on January 24 and are expected to extend through spring 2024.

An essay on the topic by Stephen Bryen has a wealth of additional detail, and Simplicius the Thinker, who is always worth reading, has woven it into his latest Substack.

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“Christians Are Persecuted by People of Muslim Faith”

The Italian city of Trieste lies at the head of the Adriatic, close by the Slovenian border. In the late 19th century Trieste was the epicenter of Italian Irredentism; today it is a hotbed of Muslim infiltration into Italy. The Balkan Route is currently one of the predominant pathways for clandestine immigration into the European Union, and Trieste is the western gateway on that route, opening into Italy and points further north and west.

The following report from Trieste features interviews with various participants in the migration drama, both Muslims and (persecuted) Christians.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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I Was Only Following Orders

The walls of censorship are closing in now in all Western nations. Some countries have it worse than others, notably Canada, the UK, and Germany. The following example illustrates the DDR-like conditions that exist now in the German Federal Republic.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Politically Incorrect:

An ordinary school principal and the Eichmann complex

The school principal Jan-Dirk Zimmermann from the northeast German province of Ribnitz-Damgarten has made national headlines in recent days. His unexpected popularity arose from his sucking up to the supposed spirit of the times, which demands political conformity.

He called the police to “his” school. Not because a crazy gunman threatened to massacre his classmates and teachers. No. Because of the student “Loretta”, who allegedly announced on social networks that Germany was not a speck on the map, but rather her home, and shared a Smurfs video on TikTok, he had the police called for no apparent reason to publicly expose and humiliate the student in front of her classmates. She was taken away by three police officers. The student’s desperate mother contacted the weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit about it. In his defense, Zimmermann said he was just following “rules.”

In doing so, he makes his sinister motives clear. The journalist Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) described this behavior, the reliance on regulations to suppress one’s own responsibility for evil, as the Eichmann complex. Arendt followed the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in 1961 and published many articles about it.

Adolf Eichmann was a German-Austrian SS officer who had neither a degree nor completed professional training, but who fit seamlessly into the machinery of the organized extermination of Jews and took a leading position there. After successfully escaping to Argentina at the end of the war, he was arrested by the Israeli secret service and taken to Israel.

This happened because the words of the Frankfurt Nazi hunter and Attorney General Fritz Bauer fell on deaf ears by the German authorities, who showed no interest in Eichmann’s arrest and extradition. Adolf Eichmann denied his responsibility during the trial and stated that he had only followed “regulations”. He was sentenced to death and executed shortly afterwards.

It is symptomatic, both for National Socialists and for eco-socialists, not to take personal responsibility for the obvious evil they have caused and to denounce and report other fellow citizens who do not march in step. Yes, Zimmermann from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania found it really nice to report his student to the police for no reason, knowing full well that there was no crime. He was obviously comfortable with it.

This may not be an isolated case at this school. It seems to be a system. Also at other schools. There you also have “regulations”. The countless informers who anonymously report their fellow citizens to the numerous reporting centers set up by the state also feel good, even if it’s just out of spite. All these little Zimmermänner and all these little Eichmanns. The Eichmann complex is visible and audible everywhere. It’s always someone else’s fault or, if necessary, the “regulations”.

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A Historic Event Just Happened

I reported last week on the intifada staged outside of the Holocaust museum during its official opening in Amsterdam. The incident was organized by the demonic convergence of Muslims and the far Left. Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this report with details and historical background for what happened in Amsterdam.

A historic event just happened

by H. Numan

A week ago the extreme Left blew any chance of governing the country for the foreseeable future. Femke Halsema, the mayor of Amsterdam, denies everything. However, she was deeply involved in the anti-Semitic demonstration during the opening of the Holocaust museum in Amsterdam. That museum was not something set up in an available building. Nope. It was set up in the exact building where the deportations were organized. Inside the king, the government, the president of Israel and the elites were painfully embarrassed by the pogrom going on outside. You know, because it was reported here. However, there is much more going on than just a national humiliation of epic proportions. This wasn’t a demonstration; it was a pogrom. And like the one in Germany, orchestrated by the (municipal) government. A real, full-blown pogrom.

During WW2 the Dutch elites and entire civil service were, as we call, it ‘fout’ (wrong). They served the Germans far better and much more efficiently than our own quislings. Almost all Jews were rounded up and exterminated. Our national railway company NS was praised by Himmler himself for her excellent work and superior management in shipping Jews directly to concentration camps deep inside Germany. The police had to be reorganized after the war to regain popular support. It took them until the early ’70s before that happened. The Dutch ID card was the most difficult to forge of all ID cards in Europe issued on German orders.

Westerbork is the most infamous concentration camp in The Netherlands. Westerbork was set up near a remote village in Drenthe (itself a remote province) to house Jewish refugees from Germany. It should have been Het Loo. Somewhat too close for comfort for queen Wilhelmina, who had a residence, the palace Het Loo, in the area. She explicitly forbade building a Jewish refugee center. She didn’t want to have ‘that’ kind of people, even ten miles away, from her royal palace. The Germans were pleasantly surprised to find it, full with refugees. Saved them a lot of work.

After the war people realized what had happened and made amends. Since WW2 The Netherlands has been a staunch ally of Israel. Even the Labor party strongly supported Israel during the Six Day War. The (Labor) prime minister personally called his counterpart and said: “Don’t worry. We’re behind you all the way.” The minister of defense ensured vital military cargo was sent to Israel. Even though it was outright illegal. He was a reprehensible guy for defense, but morally commendable. That’s something you have to know why the Dutch as a nation are such strong Israel supporters.

That pro-Israel stance changed in the Labor party when New Left (young far-left highly educated socialists) took over. A pro-Israel stance was never present further to the Left, in parties such as the Socialist and Communist Parties. It disappeared in the Labor party when they dropped the common man and picked up mohammedan migrants. It’s now completely gone since they were merged with the communist party. GL stands for Green Left, and is the communist party in all but name. The communist party was never popular here, with little support from the common man. Their support comes from the disenchanted upper middle class.

When Labor and the conservative VVD became more progressive, they electorally declined. Labor so much that they merged into GL. GL didn’t decline, or at least not as much, because they attract extremists and weren’t that big anyway. You can’t decline if there is nothing to decline, right?

Then the opening of the Holocaust museum happened. I was appalled. Not just me, the entire nation was flabbergasted. Humiliated. How did something like that happen here?? Not only that, but it is organized. Yes, Femke Halsema claims she didn’t know anything about it, but she almost always lies.

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Olaf Scholz Meets With Benjamin Netanyahu

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday in Jerusalem. Below is a brief report on the press conference following the meeting.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Jüdische Allgemeine:

Netanyahu and Scholz: Hamas must be eliminated

“We have no future if Hamas, which is determined to carry out genocide against us, remains intact,” stressed the Israeli head of government.

March 17, 2024

After a conversation with the German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu explains that he and his German guest are in agreement that “Hamas must be eliminated”.

There will be no peace as long as the Islamist terror organization remains in the Gaza Strip, said Netanyahu on Sunday in a joint press conference with Scholz in Jerusalem. “We have no future if Hamas, which is determined to carry out genocide against us, remains intact.”

On Friday Netanyahu approved a ground offensive in the town of Rafah on the Egyptian border. Before a planned offensive in Rafah, the civilian population will be brought to safety, Netanyahu said. Israel is also undertaking every effort to enable aid deliveries for the people in the Gaza Strip, “over land, over sea, and from the air.”

At a meeting with Netanyahu, Scholz emphasized that Israel has the right to defend itself against the terror of Islamist Hamas. At the same time, he expressed doubts as to the military action of Israel in the Gaza war in view of the high victim toll. He urged Netanyahu to rethink his strategy in the Gaza Strip.

In the five months or so of the war, the number of civilian victims has reached an extremely high level. “Many would say too high,” said Scholz. “No matter how important the goal may be, can such a terribly high cost be justified, or are there other ways to reach this goal?” Scholz asked.

Scholz arrived in Israel for a visit on the same day, the second since the start of the Gaza war on October 7.

In addition to Netanyahu, Scholz wanted to meet with President Isaac Herzog and Minister Benny Gantz, as well as relatives of hostages. It is believed that there are still about 100 of them alive. He previously met with Jordanian King Abdullah II in the Jordanian seaside resort of Akaba.

The federal Chancellor first traveled to Israel ten days after the Hamas attack to assure the nation of German solidarity. “Israel’s security and that of its citizens is a German state interest,” he said then. “Our responsibility growing out of the Holocaust makes it our duty to stand for the security and the existence of Israel.”

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A Small Country Far Away

Our Israeli correspondent MC sends an update from Sderot, preceded by a reflection on the history of appeasement.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shakes hands with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Munich, September 1938

A Small Country Far Away

by MC

Most people who are blind to Hamas’ atrocities probably think along the lines of Israel being “a small nation, far away”, with little understanding that Hamas is only as far away as the nearest CAIR or Muslim Council office. When Chamberlain waved his piece of paper in 1938, everybody (except the Czechs) heaved a sigh of relief.

What the world did not understand was that the Nazis (and all other socialists) are liars, and deceit is part and parcel of being a social humanist as well as being an Islamist.

Lying is a natural way of life. One reason the Ten Commandments were so revolutionary was that they forbade both ‘false witness’ and murder.

A corollary to the Ten Commandments and Torah is that every word and action that we take adds to or changes Creation and thus can we be judged at the appropriate time.

Kibbutz Beeri was a ‘socialist’ kibbutz as kibbutzim go, but Hamas is no respecter of any Western political nuances. The ‘useful idiots’ are always disposable once they become ‘useless idiots’, maybe even dangerous idiots, because they think they are deserving of rewards and privileges.

Both Communism and Nazism had the tendency to make that reward a bullet in the back of the neck…

Jews have been with us for some thousands of years. Thus there must be something unique behind Jewish culture. Those who do not believe that God is behind that culture should appreciate that there must be something special at the root of Judaism that makes it so persistent.

Secular humanists should take note: Socialism failed in France and turned to mass murder. It failed in Russia and turned to mass murder. It failed in Germany and turned to mass murder. Same with Cambodia and Cuba. Chinese communism resorted to mass murder even before firmly in power.

Is there a noticeable trend here? One would think not, judging by the avidity with which people try to repeat the socialist ‘experiment’ and hope for different results.

But Islam is probably the biggest mass slaughterer of all time, and we call it a “Religion of Peace”. Is this existential irony a part of that same insanity?

Those Ivy League universities which allow the persecution of Jews because woke-fake propaganda says that Jews are colonialists and settlers should read the real history of Israel and the Jews. The idea of the modern “Jewish Homeland” entered international law with the San Remo treaty in 1922. This treaty was included in the United Nations Charter under article 80, so EVERY signatory of the United Nations Charter accepted that Israel has the right to exist.

Gaza and “Judea and Samaria” were illegally occupied by Egypt and Jordan respectively when the world left Israel to the wolves and vultures in the 1948 War of Independence, when the Arab world tried to continue the work of the Holocaust, but were beaten back.

There has always been Jewish occupation of the land. If you dig a hole in Israel you find mainly Jewish, but also Roman, Philistine or Canaanite remains, but not ‘Palestinian’, because the current iteration of ‘Palestine’ was only invented in 1963.

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Ruction at the Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam

The National Holocaust Museum was officially opened in Amsterdam on Sunday, but the occasion did not go off without a hitch. Massed pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the building, chanting slogans and attacking the police. The protesters specifically objected to the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the ceremony.

The video below gives a brief account of what happened. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Below is an article from Algemeen Dagblad about the confrontation at the Holocaust Museum, also translated by Gary Fouse:

Holocaust museum opened in grim atmosphere, riot police have to keep demonstrators away

Update: King Willem-Alexander was greeted with boos today upon his arrival at the Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam and at his departure. The atmosphere in the demonstration on Waterloo Square became grim. Demonstrators are angry over the presence of the Israeli President, Isaac Herzog. Thirteen demonstrators were arrested.

Domestic editorial staff, March 10

During the condoning off between Waterloo Square and Visserplein in Amsterdam by police, several demonstrators climbed onto the police buses that were set up as a cordon. The police beat them away with batons. Later, the activists set off fireworks. Those flew over the cordon that police put up there.

Demonstrators then threw fireworks and eggs over the police buses at the police. On the buses, the demonstrators glued pamphlets with the head of the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, with the text: “Wanted”.

Groups of demonstrators challenged each other in front of the door of the Holocaust Museum. A group of Palestinian supporters shouted slogans such as “shame on you” to a dozen pro-Israel demonstrators in an adjacent section. Who, for their part, defiantly waved Israeli flags.

In the pro-Israel section hangs a banner with photos of people who were abducted on October 7. The police come between both parties to calm the mood down. The atmosphere has now become grim. Police buses were shaken back and forth by demonstrators.

Around 3pm peace is restored in Amsterdam. A total of 13 demonstrators were arrested. The arrests were carried out, among other things, for disturbing public order and vandalism, such as throwing rocks and the destruction of a police bus. All suspects are still in custody and are being questioned, the police report. Among the suspects is a minor, according to a spokesperson.

Herzog calls for the hostages to be freed

In his speech at the opening of the Holocaust Museum, Herzog called for the release of Jewish hostages being held in Gaza. He feels that the Holocaust Museum is a reminder of “the horrors that come from anti-Semitism”. “Hate and anti-Semitism are now flourishing worldwide.” Herzog also said in his speech that “too many Dutch people” helped the Nazis, but he also spoke of the Dutch people who protected persecuted Jews.

King Willem-Alexander said in his speech at the opening of the National Holocaust Museum that “people must remain aware how the Holocaust began and how it went from bad to worse.” He described how the Sobibor Extermination Camp “began with a sign in the Vondelpark” on which was written “Forbidden for Jews”.

“This museum shows us how it happened, not so long ago,” said Willem-Alexander. The king presented a mezuzah to the great-granddaughter of the Holocaust survivor Rudie Cortissos. A mezuzah is a text casing with a fragment from the Torah, which according to Jewish customs, is placed on the doorpost of a Jewish home. Upon his arrival and departure from the Holocaust Museum, the king was treated to boos.

Protesters outside could be heard clearly in the synagogue as Willem-Alexander spoke. In the house of worship the chants of the protesters could be heard. What exactly they were yelling was not clear.

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Kiddie Snitches

When I was in junior high school back in the early 1960s, we were taught about children in East Germany who were encouraged by the authorities to report their parents for counterrevolutionary activity. The kids would tell their teachers, the teachers would notify the Stasi, and the unmarked van would show up in the dead of night to carry the offending parent away.

Sixty years later, it appears that the intelligence services of the German Federal Republic are honoring their predecessors in the DDR. Children, beware: Your parents may be far-right extremists!

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Be careful what you say at home…

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution calls on schoolchildren to “report right-wing content”

On February 28th, Deutschlandfunk published a report from the program Agenda with Jörg Müller, the head of the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, about the right-wing danger in social media and gaming. The focus of this article is the large reach that the AfD achieves on TikTok. The audience does not find out exactly what potentially dangerous content is involved.

Müller reports on his visits to schools: “I ask every school class, how often have you actually reported a right-wing video? Often this isn’t done and then I get a response a few weeks later that they have now reported videos.”

What this means is that children are actually encouraged to report and are later asked whether they have complied with Müller’s request. The extent to which schoolchildren can classify political content and evaluate whether it is justiciable is not discussed.

TikTok may only be used from the age of 13 and only with parental consent. The app also offers special security measures for minors that can be activated. Wouldn’t it then be the responsibility of parents to take action against questionable content in case of doubt?

Müller encourages reports below the criminal liability threshold

“What should you report if no crime has occurred?” the moderator wants to know from the head of the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution [Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency]. He emphasizes once again that he asks the children to use the reporting function diligently; after all it is easy to use: “You just have to tap! And I would always recommend doing that,” says Müller, referring to the “incitement and hate speech” reporting centers at the state criminal investigation offices and the Federal Criminal Police Office.

Schoolchildren are manipulated

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution monitors extremist accounts on social networks and it is therefore the authority’s job to take action against content that is punishable. Müller does not seem to know in detail which guidelines the networks use to censor content. He relies on mass reporting: “I actually believe that companies also have their own counting methods. The technology has also intervened there and if channels are reported often enough, then they are blocked, deleted or at least the content is searched.

One cannot help but get the impression that schoolchildren are being used to remove political opponents from social media. This is apparently best achieved with mass reporting and this requires numerous users, in this case schoolchildren, to eagerly report content.

Afterword from the translator:

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