Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/15/2018

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš said that his country would refuse to take in any migrants from Mediterranean “rescues”. He referred to Italy’s request to do so as “the road to hell”. Meanwhile, Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said much the same about his country.

In other migration news, Spain rescued 479 migrants over the weekend. Also, Algeria deported 400 migrants, sending them back to Niger.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to MP, Reader from Chicago, RL, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Robert and Emmanuelle Ménard on Mass Immigration

Robert Ménard is the outspoken mayor of Béziers in southern France, and his wife Emmanuelle is a member of the Chamber of Deputies. Both represent the Rassemblement National (formerly Front National), and both are vociferous opponents of mass immigration into France.

The following discussion featuring the Ménards took place recently on a talk show on French TV. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/14/2018

After Italy refused to let a boat carrying 450 migrants land on its territory, France and Malta each decided to take some of the “refugees”. Meanwhile, Spain’s maritime rescue service rescued 340 migrants in twelve separate vessels, most of them crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco.

In other news, European Catholic bishops are gathering in Stockholm — where else? — to plan a PR campaign touting the benefits of mass immigration.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, JD, MC, Reader from Chicago, Red Mike, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The MSM Pushes Back Against the #FreeTommy Movement

One of our anon commenters left a link to an unusually vile “news” report on Tommy Robinson. Gone is the news from real journalists who limited their reports to who, what, when, where, eschewing purported motives. Now MSM jornolistos comment mostly on the various aspects of “why”. For example, there is the description of Tommy:

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, though he also uses other aliases, is a founder of the English Defense League, which has organized violent demonstrations against Islamic immigrants in the UK in the past decade. More recently, Robinson has branded himself a journalist and campaigner against Islamic extremism, a move that won him contacts with American anti-Muslim activists.

Robinson was arrested in late May outside a courthouse in Leeds, England, while making video recordings about a trial related to child molestation and jailed for 13 months for violating English law limiting publicity during criminal trials.

The real point of this slam by Reuters — aside from its snarky condescension toward TR — is its questioning of the probity of inquiries formally made to the U.K. ambassador in Washington by America’s Ambassador (at-large) for International Religious Freedom. Those queries center around concern for Tommy’s safety while in prison.*

Furthermore, since when does Reuters, infamous for using non-accredited news stringers worldwide, get to decide who is a reporter and who is not? Tommy’s “credentials” would stand up well against those of Reuters’ boys and girls. Tommy Robinson has often been a lone voice raised against Islam’s depredations in his beloved country; who better to report on the story than one of the leading voices crying out for justice?

Certainly, Reuters and the rest of the MSM cabal had set up a wall of silence to not cover this MSM soi-disant “child molestation” story. The collusive, ringing silence allowed Britain’s national shame of horrors to grow unchecked for decades. Had it not been for the UK’s near-total fear of being publicly perceived as “racist”, the massive drugging and grooming of thousands of young British girls, tacitly allowed by cowardly local government agencies (including police), would not have been possible. The pusillanimous MSM went along to get along. It was only with the rise of alternative journalism — e.g., Tommy Robinson, et al. — that the exposure of these grisly crimes became possible. Yet how many hundreds of families’ lives were ruined over the years because of this concatenation of evil and cowardice?

Why are organizations like Reuters permitted to twist reality to suit their own purposes?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Another alternative news source has stepped into the breach to make certain there is adequate coverage of Tommy’s new hearing.

Ezra Levant reports:

I am glad he is traveling to once-Great Britain for this hearing; we made a small donation toward his flight. But while it is important to shed as much sunlight on these proceedings as possible, I have little hope that the hearing will change much. There is now a panel of three judges for the new hearing — rescheduled yet again, this time moved to July 18th — and presided over by Sir Ian Burnett, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. Mr. Levant says this is akin to a small case in the U.S. being brought before the U.S. Chief Justice. But his analogy limps (as do they all). While he’s right about the new gravitas, things are different here. In America, no matter its notoriety, any legal case would have to work its way through the python; there might be intense oversight, but it would have to go through each judicial step. [Remember the Supremes’ refusal to hear the Elian Gonzalez case when Clinton and Janet Reno were pressing to send him back to Cuba? That’s an example.] The UK system appears to be less insulated from quotidian political pressure. If that weren’t the case, why is Britain playing switchies with court dates, judges, and prisons, while stonewalling?

How high-handed can you get?

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The #FreeTommy Rally

I found this on Twitter. Short but clear. And the chant has mercifully replaced the cadences of “Who Killed Cock Robin” – which heretofore had looped in me noggin every time I wrote or spoke about the man.

I don’t usually upload videos to my channel. I save that task for our friends. But since this Bastille Day is also another #FreeTommy occasion, I couldn’t resist.

A longer essay, concerning the new #FreeTommy news will eventually be posted [After I get the quiche in the oven].

Geert Wilders to the #FreeTommy Rally: “We Are Tommy’s Band of Brothers”

Geert Wilders had been scheduled to speak at today’s #FreeTommy rally in London. However, the British government refused to allow his bodyguards to carry guns while in the UK, and the Metropolitan Police declined to provide him with a protection detail, so he was unable to attend.

Mr. Wilders sent the following video message to be shown in his absence to Tommy Robinson’s supporters in London today:

Below is the transcript of Mr. Wilders’ message, including the text of the speech he would have given if he had been able to attend the rally:

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The “Gender Dimension” of Mass Migration into Europe

The priorities of the Austrian Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers were presented in a series of meetings in the European Parliament last week. On Tuesday Chancellery Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauss presented the presidency’s priorities to the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM).

Below is the relevant snip from the press releases of the European Parliament posted last week:

Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: raising awareness among young Europeans

On Tuesday, Juliane Bogner-Strauβ, Federal Minister within the Chancellery for Women, Families and Youth, told Women’s Rights MEPs that gender equality was at the top of Presidency’s priorities. A conference on the future of gender equality will be held in Vienna in October, with a focus on youth, as well as smaller events in schools throughout Europe. Among the other priorities of the Austrian Presidency: the opportunities of digitalisation for young girls and boys, gender mainstreaming, work-life balance and the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women.

MEPs welcomed the organisation of this conference on gender equality and urged Austria to encourage the 10 member states that still have not done so to ratify the Istanbul Convention.

Krisztina Morvai is a member of the European Parliament for Hungary. During the meeting chaired by Juliane Bogner-Strauss, Ms. Morvai asked some pointed questions about the treatment of women by recently-arrived migrants in Europe. She wanted to know: Will the Austrian presidency protect European women from violence by migrants?

The following video includes Krisztina Morvai’s questions (in English), followed by excerpts from Minister Bogner-Strauss’ reply (in German, with English voice-over):

For those who read Hungarian, in an entry on her blog, Krisztina Morvai asks her readers to share this video.

Qassam Rockets and Incendiary Kites

I received an email this morning from our Israeli correspondent MC, who lives in Sderot:

Hi Baron,

The noise started around 2:00am last night with a couple of explosions which could have been ours or theirs; there was no alarm. That came later, and in spades.

It is Shabbat, so the news desks are not working to full capacity, and we just don’t know.

We have had incoming missiles and Iron Dome intercepts all morning. It is seven o’clock, and we have had seven intercepts just in Sderot.

We have also had the outgoing artillery. It is very reminiscent of 2014: I expect Hamas is broke again and needs to kill a few joooz in order to get a top-up of blood money from the likes of Norway and Qatar.

Conditions in Gaza must be appalling. Their lifeblood is being spent by their feudal landlords chasing a (pseudo-religious) pipe dream.

The government here must now make up their minds. After weeks of provocations, they must do something. Their predecessors made a deal with the devil and we have all suffered as a consequence.

The Hamas leadership cowers under a hospital, defended by world opinion, yes, the opinion of American (liberal) socialists and fellow travellers, the Hillaries and Bernies and their ilk. They may not be lighting the blue touch paper, but when they scream “disproportionate response,” they enable war crimes. Whilst the Europeans send in the resources under the disguise of “humanitarian aid”. In the hope that the crocodile will eat them last.

In the warped world of leftist politics, Jews, especially Israeli Jews, are not human. If you prick them they do not bleed. Because they are Untermenschen they have no human rights, so the idea of self defense has no credibility.

So Hamas reverts to 8th-century crop burning and the world applauds their inventiveness. When Sherman marched to the sea, his aim was to destroy the economy of the Southern states, to cause starvation and lawlessness. This was a huge war crime, the nuances of which were hidden behind the self-righteousness of the ‘emancipation’. Did anybody stop to count how many of those ‘liberated’ slaves starved to death?

And all the time that Hamas throws its childish tantrums, Israel is supplying food, natural gas and electricity.

It really is time to throw the switches.

News stories about the latest Israeli response:

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

Welcome to the Islamic People’s Republic of Amsterdam

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this report on the latest political news from The Netherlands: the appointment of a commie chick as the mayor of Amsterdam.

Welcome to the islamic people’s republic of Amsterdam

by H. Numan

Amsterdam lost its mayor Eberhard van der Laan; he died last year. Eberhard was temporarily replaced by Jozias van Aartsen. This gentleman was the mayor of The Hague. Under his capable administration that city acquired its first banlieues. He continued the good work in Amsterdam. Until a new mayor was appointed, which is now. Habemus papam, we got one! It will be Femke Halsema. She was leader of Green Left, and that party won the elections.

Now, that looks clear enough, and democratic on first sight. But in Holland most things are somewhat different on second sight, especially in politics. Not everything is what it seems. We have municipal elections, and you vote for persons, not for parties. So far, so good. Here comes the snake in the grass: you can’t vote for a mayor. Or even which alderman actually represents you in the city council.

That is decided beyond firmly closed doors by the parties. Yes, it’s possible for a popular politician to be elected with preferential votes, but that’s not the norm. Everybody in The Netherlands knows “had-je-me-maar”. Roughly translated as ‘you wished you got me’. His real name was Cornelis de Gelder, and he was a tramp with a severe alcohol problem. He ran in 1921 for office, more or less as a joke. He was elected nevertheless. Back then the people were just as fed up with back-room politics as we are today. (He never took his seat in the council, as he was sentenced for drunkenness to a rehabilitation clinic prior to his election.)

So it does happen, just not often. The normal procedure is that the most the likely parties get together and negotiate a deal. As long as it pleases the lords regent, that is. In Rotterdam the party Leefbaar won by a landslide and was boycotted out of office. That’s how the council is formed. Electing a mayor is a very different story. Mayors in The Netherlands aren’t elected, but appointed by the king. The king himself doesn’t decide who becomes mayor; he merely appoints the preferred candidate. Not even the national parties do that. Though they, of course, are in the know. It’s the local parties who decide. Again, behind firmly closed doors. Who, what and how that is decided is none of your business! In fact, when a journalist got hold of information about the new mayor of ’s Hertogenbosch, the city filed criminal charges with the Rijksrecherche (our FBI).

Amsterdam has always been a bit different. It was the last city to join the revolt against Spain, for example. It always had strong communist and socialist parties. Since WW2 the mayor has always been a socialist. That’s a bit difficult now that party is in severe decline. The new kid on the block is GreenLeft (former communist party), which won the municipal elections.

The results: GreenLeft 10 seats, D66: 8 seats, PvdA: 5 seats, Socialist Party: 3 seats, Conservatives (VVD): 6 seats, Forum for Democracy (FvD): 3 seats, Denk (a branch of the Turkish AK party): 3 seats, the other parties combined (including the CDA): 7 seats.

GreenLeft calls the shots. They immediately boycotted a council with FvD and the VVD in it. They wanted, and got, a near-communist council. Of course they invited everybody who cared to apply for the position of mayor. In real life, Rutger Groot-Wassink, the leader of GL Amsterdam, is the kingmaker. He decided the next mayor must be a socialist or better, and a woman. No one else needed to apply. With hope of succeeding, that is. Who is Groot-Wassink? If you search online, you won’t find much. He prefers to operate in the shadow behind the scenes. He represents the extreme left wing of GL. If you’re looking for a possible/likely link between Antifa, anarchism, vegan terrorism and jihad, look no further. I can’t accuse the man of anything, but he’s a very likely candidate to begin your research with.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/13/2018

When an NGO boat loaded with 450 migrants was passing through Maltese waters, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini demanded that Malta take action to deal with it, and warned that Italy under no circumstances would allow the vessel to land. The Maltese did nothing, and the ship has now moved into Italy’s “competence zone”, but Mr. Salvini still insists that he will not allow it to land.

In other migration news, the Hungarian foreign minister is proposing that his country pull out of talks on a United Nations migration agreement, because the pact will encourage more immigrants to come to Europe, and force European countries to take them in.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Angela Merkel: Europe’s Basic Message is “Humaneness”. Viktor Orbán: Close the Borders.

Earlier this month Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. Hungary and Germany are polar opposites on the migration issue, so it’s no surprise that the two leaders could agree on only blandest of generalities concerning immigration into Europe.

The following video shows the press conference held by Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Orbán after their discussions. If you can dig your way through the Mutti-speak used by Angela Merkel, you’ll notice the essential difference between the two leaders: Chancellor Merkel’s most important concern is “humaneness” towards the migrants, while Prime Minister Orbán focuses on national sovereignty, border security, and the protection of the Hungarian nation.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating the German, to CrossWare for translating the Hungarian, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Trump and Brexit

Seems as though once-Great Britain has just experienced a series of Trump stinkbombs, the biggest of which is his public callout of PM May.

She must be seething and Boris Johnson must be showing all his teeth.

My favorite of Trump’s stinkers was his denouncement of Sadiq Khan. But you’ll look long and hard on Google to find it. Same with Duck Duck Go. I don’t have the patience to look for the quote I saw regarding London’s soaring crime rate but it’s out there if you parse your search just right.

Wait till Scotland gets to tell him what they think of his golf course. Watch hiim do battle with the nay-sayers. Must be his heritage on his mother’s side.

Culture-Enricher Attacked His Ex With an Ax, But Didn’t Intend to Kill Her — So His Sentence Is Reduced

Another day, another gripping story of cultural enrichment from Sweden.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this report from Expressen:

Swiped at ex-wife with ax in revenge attack

Abdi Houssein hit his ex-wife in the head with an ax

July 6, 2018

Abdi Houssein, 51, lay in wait in a stairwell, armed with an ax.

When his ex-wife passed, he went on a senseless attack and hit her up to twenty times.

Now the court of appeal has reduced the sentence to sixteen years in prison, after the court had already sentenced him to eighteen years.

In early 2018, the Uppsala resident Abdi Houssein was arrested and charged, suspected of threatening his ex-wife’s life on several occasions. During the investigation, the woman said that she had been given away in marriage to Houssein when they both lived in Ethiopia, but that they had been separated in Sweden for five years.

In February, the case was closed when the 51-year-old was sentenced to fines for unlawful threats — and freed.

Then he was ordered to have no contact with his ex-wife, and a proceeding that would give her sole custody of the children was in progress. He also saw it as a threat that she could disappear into a sheltered accommodation.

Planned revenge while in detention

But in the meantime he had planned his revenge.

He was released on February 2. On February 5, he bought an ax at the Bauhaus. The day after — February 6 — he went to work.

Surveillance pictures show how Abdi Houssein is on the ground floor in a stairwell in the Gottsunda district of Uppsala, armed with a red ax. There he waits for half an hour before he sees his ex-wife — who is heading to pick up the children at the kindergarten — walking by.

The pictures show how he walks out of the stairwell, with the ax behind his back, and rushes towards the woman.

In front of several witnesses, he begins to chop wildly at the woman. When she falls to the ground injured, he continues to chop. According to testimony he hit her between ten and twenty times with the ax.

The witness: “You must stop!”

“I began to bark at him and told him to stop your damned… you must stop!” I said this three, four times to him. In the end he stopped and then he raised his ax against me and shouted “Come on, come on!” Then he backed off a few meters. The woman was lifeless in the snow, the witness, Daniel El Mallah, 63, had previously said.

After the attack, Abdi Houssein was still armed with the ax, which he eventually threw in a pile of leaves along the escape route.

The woman was severely injured in the attack, but survived.

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