“Islamophobia” Rising Among Czechs and Slovaks

Last October Takuan Seiyo wrote about the push to stop the growth of Islam in the Czech Republic. Our Czech correspondent Gemini just sent this brief update about the situation in both Czechia and Slovakia:

I wish I could write more to you about what has recently been happening in the Czech Republic when it comes to citizens’ anti-Islamic activities. It looks very optimistic over here. A strictly anti-Islamic block has been established.

In Slovakia, things have suddenly started to get into motion, too! An anti-Islamic and anti-immigration rally, backed by no political groups, has been announced. So far more than 6,000 people have signed up on the Facebook page to attend it (a week before). It will be something to remember, I expect!

Right now I am somehow too exhausted to translate articles, but I wanted to drop you at least a few lines…

Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/13/2015

The home address of the Counterjihad blogger and activist Pamela Geller has been tweeted by the Islamic State. An ISIS tweet posted Ms. Geller’s address in New York, including her apartment number, and advised believers to go forth and kill her. The Twitter account involved has since been taken down. Ms. Geller was relieved to learn that the threat had nothing to do with Islam.

In other Twitter news, a British Muslim activist for MPAC said in a tweet that agents for the Mossad had entered his home while he was asleep and removed one of his shoes.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AN, Fjordman, JD, RD, TMcD, Vlad Tepes, VS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Stephen Coughlin: Part 4 of the Red Pill Briefing — Jihad is Spiritual Warfare

The following video is the fourth part of the “Red Pill” briefing given by Maj. Stephen Coughlin to the Wiener Akademikerbund on May 23 under the auspices of Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa, following his participation with the team at the OSCE conference in Vienna. Previously: Parts 1 and 2, Part 3.

In Part 4, Maj. Coughlin continues his discussion of The Quranic Concept of War by S. K. Malik, highlighting the repetition in the Koran of Allah’s command to “strike terror into the hearts” of infidels.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading it:

Maj. Stephen Coughlin is a retired U.S. Army officer and the author of Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, which incorporates material from the “Red Pill” brief, as well as much additional material on the Muslim Brotherhood’s penetration of Western governments, transnational bodies, NGOs, and the “interfaith” industry.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

For more on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, see the OIC Archives.

Which Lives Matter?

This excellent rant by Mike Vanderboegh is worth reposting in its entirety:

I had a run-in at a local thrift store (one of my favorite haunts) the other day with yet another black fellow wearing a “Black lives matter” tee-shirt. There’s nothing that sets me off like racial identity politics, black or white, so I said in a reasonable tone, “You know, I don’t want to pop your balloon, but ALL lives matter.” You could see he immediately got pissed off, but before he could give me a rejoinder, I said, “That’s why God invented firearms,” and patted my right front pants pocket. He saw the gesture and said the first thing that came to his mind, “F*** you, m**********r.” I replied, still quite reasonably, “No, that’s what the pistol is preventing, but I’m serious, all lives matter, yours, mine, everybody’s, regardless of skin color. We all matter, don’t you agree?”

This gave him a bit of pause, not being used to being asked to think about life in terms other than that of slogans. “I’m talking about cops killing young black men,” he replied. “Oh I know what you’re talking about, and I’m no fan of killer cops either, but when you put things in terms of race and race alone, you’re no better than the cowards of the Klan.”

Now he just looked at me. “You know,” I said, “I’ve been fighting THOSE bastards all my life and I’ll tell you something, they are damned happy to see you adopt their way of thinking about life in pure racial terms. And I’ll tell you something else, they are happy as s*** to see y’all murdering each other by the bushel-full every damn day. Hell, not even at the height of their power could they lynch you that fast. And I’ll tell you something else as well. The ghost of every Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and every wanna-be Neo-Nazi fuhrer who ever lived laughs like hell every morning when the abortion clinics open for business in your neighborhoods. They love white people killing black babies (and most abortionists are white) and they love black kids killing other black kids. Hell, y’all are putting ALL the lynchings of the Klan throughout history in the deep shade and you’re giving the Holocaust a run for its money (and here I raised my voice for the first time) — AND YOU’RE DOING IT ALL TO YOURSELVES. Lord knows that you’re good for comic relief in the parts of Hell that THEY inhabit. And the Devil does too.

He just gaped at me. And we were drawing a small crowd, mostly black women. And two of them were nodding.

“And when you put it terms of ‘Black lives matter,’ that implies that white lives, and Asian lives, and Eskimo lives, and every other kind of lives don’t matter. So we get the feeling that if this is all about some sort of race test that we can’t hope to pass to your satisfaction because of who we are, not how we act, then screw you buddy, we’re not gonna play that game. So the rest of us get the feeling that if our lives don’t matter then why the hell should we care if you think ‘black lives matter?’ And it’s just a little ways from there for the rest of us to conclude that black lives DON’T matter either.”

“That’s right,” said one of the black ladies softly.

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Geert Wilders in Denmark: “Freedom is our Birthright”

Below is the prepared text for the speech given earlier today on Bornholm by Geert Wilders.

(Photo © Snaphanen)

Speech by Geert Wilders, June 13 2015

Hallo Danmark! Det er dejligt at være her. Jaj elksker Danmark.

Thank you for inviting me here on the beautiful island of Bornholm.
It is great to be here as a guest of the Free Speech Society.
I love Denmark. And I love your fantastic organization.

There were people who wanted you to disinvite me. But you did not give in to their demands. There are extremists out there who are prepared to use violence to stop us from gathering. But you do not bow to intimidation.

Believe me, the Danish Free Press Society is one of the most courageous organizations in the world.
It is a great honor to be here with you.

In your breast beats the true spirit of Holger Danske – the realization that if we give in to intimidation and threats we are bound to lose our freedom.

And we will never let that happen!

Because we are the free men and the free women of the West.

Last month, I was in Garland, Texas, at a contest and an exhibition of Muhammad cartoons.
The event was organized at exactly the same location where in January, after the Charlie Hebdo assassinations, an Islamic organization convened to demand that Muhammad cartoons be forbidden.
The Garland event was organized, not to provoke, but to make a stand.
The Islamic demand that we censor ourselves is the real provocation.

Every demand that we give up our freedom of speech is an intolerable provocation which we should not leave unanswered.

We have been born in free Western nations. Freedom is our birthright. And those who want to deny it to us do not belong in our society. It is as simple as that.

As you probably have heard, the Garland event was attacked by two jihadis from Islamic State. They shot a policeman in the leg, but, fortunately, the American police shot them before they could enter the building and shed more innocent blood.

After the attack in Garland, I proposed on American television that we exhibit the Garland cartoons everywhere in the free world.
Because I believe the only way to show terrorists that they are not going to win is to do exactly what they do not want us to do.

Next week, I will show the Garland cartoons on Dutch state television in the broadcasting time allotted to my party. I don’t do it to provoke.
I do it because we have to show them that we will not be intimidated.
We have to show them that we will never submit.
That is the only way – I repeat the only way – to make it clear to Islam that we will never surrender and that we will always remain the free people we are.

I know that there are people, also in this room, who will say to me: “You are an advocate of free speech, and yet you want to ban the Koran and close down mosques and Islamic schools. Isn’t that a contradiction?”
I tell you: It is not.

There are at least three good reasons why.

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Live Stream From Bornholm

The big annual political gathering is underway on the Danish island of Bornholm. Geert Wilders was one of the featured speakers early this morning. The live stream is below; Vlad is watching for video of the speeches:

“Spend That Money on Our People!”

The video below shows a speech given on Thursday by Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in Lower House of the Dutch Parliament. In his talk about the European migration crisis, Mr. Wilders confronts the Prime Minister Mark Rutte with a motion that further asylum seekers be banned from the Netherlands, so that the billions of euros spent on them may be redirected to the needs of the Dutch people.

Many thanks to H. Numan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/12/2015

Muslims who live north of the Arctic Circle are scrambling to make up special rules for breaking their fast during Ramadan. This year the holy month falls during the time of the Midnight Sun, and there will be no sunrise or sunset to mark the beginning and end of the fasting period. To avoid a starvation situation, new rules are being discussed by Islamic scholars in Sweden so that the faithful may manage to have a meal each day while still abiding by the requirements of Islamic law.

In other news, the Finnish government is debating whether to allow any “Finnish” mujahideen to return from fighting jihad Syria, and if they do, how the veteran kinetic activists will be treated.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, K, Papa Whiskey, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Grand Mufti: Airbrushed Out of German History

In the following video from Munich, Michael Stürzenberger interviews a woman who is protesting in front of the German museum of information about the Nazi period (NS-Dokumentationszentrum München). She carries a sign with a photo and text about the pact between the Nazis and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

Her protest was prompted by the fact that there is nothing in the museum about the alliance between Hitler and the Mufti, nor about the Islamic support for and participation in the European Holocaust of the Jews.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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A Mohammed Billboard — Covered Up Already

Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative have arranged for Bosch Fawstin’s prize-winning Mohammed cartoon to be displayed on a series of billboards across the United States. One of them was put up in Marion County, Arkansas, but it didn’t stay up long before it was covered over by the nervous owner of the billboard.

When the Memphis Fox 24 station aired a photo of the “Islamophobic” billboard, they blurred out the face of the cartoon Mohammed in deference to the sensibilities of their Muslim viewers. However, the billboard’s message was allowed through loud and clear: “Support Free Speech” and the AFDI logo, with the cartoon’s speech balloons clearly readable:

Below are excerpts from an article on the billboard controversy from LocalMemphis.com:

SUMMIT, AR (localmemphis.com) — Pictures depicting the Islamic Prophet Muhammad were recently posted on billboards in Marion County, Arkansas.

The billboard shows an angry, sword-wielding, Muhammad that is being drawn by a hand. The text coming from the Islamic Prophet says, “You Can’t Draw Me,” with the response of “That’s Why I Draw You.”

The signs also features the seal of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) with “Support Free Speech” written above it. The AFDI website says the picture was the winning entry of a Muhammad drawing contest in Texas, in May — the same contest where two Muslim extremists were shot and killed after they opened fire on a security officer.

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Stephen Coughlin: Part 3 of the Red Pill Briefing — The Quranic Concept of War

The video below is the third installment of the “Red Pill” briefing given by Maj. Stephen Coughlin to the Wiener Akademikerbund on May 23 under the auspices of Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa, following his participation with the team at the OSCE conference in Vienna. Parts 1 and 2 may be viewed here.

In this portion of the briefing, Maj. Coughlin focuses on The Quranic Concept of War by a Pakistani brigadier general named S. K. Malik. Gen. Malik’s book lays out the scriptural basis for war against the infidel as a perpetual mandate for Islam.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading it:

Maj. Stephen Coughlin is a retired U.S. Army officer and the author of Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, which incorporates material from the “Red Pill” brief, as well as much additional material on the Muslim Brotherhood’s penetration of Western governments, transnational bodies, NGOs, and the “interfaith” industry.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

For more on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, see the OIC Archives.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/11/2015

A coalition of Islamic groups in the Libyan city of Derna has declared a jihad against the Islamic State, due to ISIS’ brutality towards local residents. The Islamic State, which has ruled Derna for a number of months, has had to set up checkpoints in the city to deal with the unrest and regain control.

In other news, the Oxford Union has passed a motion declaring itself to be “institutionally racist”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Refugees: Boundlessly Reckless

The following op-ed with a Swiss perspective on immigration was published in the Austrian daily Die Presse. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Refugees: Boundlessly Reckless

by Roger Köppel
June 7, 2015

Under the pressure of waves of refugees, politicians are demanding a further opening of European borders. The opposite is correct.

The waves of immigration are swelling There are more than a billion people in Africa. Europe has 733 million. The excess demographic pressure in the South is breaking new paths into the wealthy North. UNO estimates that by the year 2050, two billion mostly young Africans will be confronting ca. 691 million aging Europeans. The answer of our politicians and spin-doctors is that we should take in even more illegal economic immigrants — erroneously called refugees. This friendly offer will increase the demand.

The southern border of Europe is as open as a barn door. There is no Fortress Europe. 220,000 illegal immigrants landed on the Italian coast in the past year. This year, Germany alone expects a doubling of asylum-seekers to 500,000. No one claims responsibility for the constitutionally asserted protection of Europe’s external borders. The Italians know that illegal immigrants prefer to go to the wealthy North, and they put them on trains without registering them. Recently a Roman diplomat assured us, with charm and amid copious gestures: “The refugees just disappear.”

It is essentially clear to everyone, although no one dares to say it, that what is going on here is a widely applied abuse of our right of asylum by illegal economic refugees. It is an officially tolerated breach of the law in grand style. The Dublin Treaty on Refugees does not work. In a Europe of open borders, the overburdened Italians have no motivation to carry out the bureaucratic directives from Brussels. It is illusory to introduce an orderly asylum process in the case of tens — indeed hundreds — of thousands of immigrants flooding in. It is hardly possible to expel those who threw away their papers. Illegal, economic refugees would not be coming if they didn’t know that they could stay.

The tragic pictures and tales of capsizing smugglers’ boats and drowning people are deceptive. Most illegal immigrants manage to afford the expensive passage across the Mediterranean. It is worth the investment to escape the misery zones of Africa and Arabia for the welfare paradise of Europe. Television reports talk about war refugees and pregnant women, but the pictures show mostly young black Africans traveling north. There may be a few, individual, genuine, Geneva Convention-appropriate refugees among them. But the fact that these illegals pay thousands of francs to make the difficult passage suggests that this is more about escaping the general misery than fleeing imminent persecution.

What is the meaning of “asylum”? The motives for immigration are understandable, but there is legislation and there are asylum laws. The Federal Republic, like Switzerland, recognizes the legal claim of asylum as intended for those in peril of life and limb — for the politically persecuted. Refugees from civil war or poverty, people with no prospects, do not qualify. It isn’t that complicated. If you want to adhere to the asylum law, you must oppose its abuse. Like infractions of the tax laws or trade regulations. Those who qualify for asylum may be taken in; illegal immigrants must be immediately expelled. The opposite is true nowadays in many countries. Problems of implementation are acute. Here is one absurd example from many: the fastest growing group of asylum seekers in Switzerland isn’t Syrians, but Kosovars. At the same time, the Swiss army is serving side-by-side with the German army in Kosovo.

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More “Islamophobia” in Tennessee

The Muslim Brotherhood has taken offense at the man Sen. Ted Cruz (now a presidential candidate) has chosen as his Tennessee campaign chairman. Based on CAIR’s objections, I’ve taken a real liking to the guy.

The following press release from “the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization” and Ikhwan front was posted on Tuesday at Tom Humphrey’s blog:

CAIR urges Cruz to drop Kookogey as TN chairman

News release from Council on American-Islamic Relations:

WASHINGTON, June 9, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today urged Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz to remove Kevin Kookogey as his state chairman for Tennessee because of his longstanding support for anti-Muslim and Islamophobic causes.

“If Senator Cruz chooses to keep Mr. Kookogey on his campaign staff, it would serve as an endorsement of anti-Muslim hate,” said CAIR Government Affairs Manager Robert McCaw. “In the past few months, Senator Cruz has attended several conferences featuring notorious Islamophobes like Robert Spencer and Frank Gaffney. Despite calls to distance himself from such anti-Muslim bigots, it seems that Senator Cruz is only drawing closer to hate-mongers.”

McCaw noted that in 2012 — as chairman of the Williamson County Republican Party — Kookogey oversaw the adoption of a resolution condemning Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam for appointing a Muslim lawyer to the state’s Department of Economic and Community Development.

The resolution stated in part:

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