Oz and Russia to Welcome Besieged South Africans

Good news! The white population in South Africa has been under the gun (and the machete) for far too long; a murderous heritage from Nelson Mandela to his people. But that legacy is about to turn.

That Russia is smart enough to offer experienced white farmers land to put into production shows how shrewd is the Bear. Heaven knows it needs people who are willing to be fruitful and multiply.

Meanwhile, Australia will have some balance for its leftist leanings, and some ballast for its ship of state that will eventually have to turn toward China.

An “America First” Judge Nominated to Supreme Court

Or so says Dr. Turley:

The Federalist essay recommending Kavanaugh as the strongest conservative candidate was written by one of his former clerks (who also clerked for Kennedy):

…Kavanaugh is by far the strongest choice for the job. His courageous and influential opinions on countless different issues—presidential power, regulatory overreach, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and the list goes on—leave no doubt that he would be a forceful conservative justice for decades to come. Conservatives should not be misled by misinformation. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has the principles, the record, and the backbone that we need on the Supreme Court.

But what does that matter? You can expect the “IMPEACH TRUMP!” screaming on the left to begin soon if it hasn’t already. Just one reason for hating him: Kavanaugh’s predilection for calling illegal aliens by their correct designation. This is not an Open Borders jurist.

I Am Germany

Oz-Rita found the following video at Politically Incorrect. It’s a collage created by a member of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) celebrating German history and culture, but without forgetting the stain of 1933-1945.

Rita has translated the video and subtitled it:

Rita notes that the creator of “I am Germany,” Martin Renner MP of the AfD faction in the German parliament, writes:

…We made a collage about us: About Germany.

This collage wants to show you what is being destroyed more and more. Destroyed by the internationalist, socialist and globalist policies of all established parties — here in our home country, but also in the EU.

This collage “Ich bin Deutschland” wants to make clear to you what needs to be preserved. What must not be destroyed — by the pseudo-elites of politics and their predatory community comrades in business, culture, the media, churches, trade unions and NGOs…

Elections Have Consequences

How quickly things can change.

America itself is now about to flip, in no small part due to Donald Trump’s presidency.

It’s Dr. Turley (again), this time with background and commentary on the breaking news of the resignation of a Supreme Court Justice:

Trump has already gotten one conservative on the Supremes’ team:
Neil Gorsuch. Adding another will change future generations of law in America. This is huge, guys.

Here is the White House list of possible candidates from the previous so-called “shortlist” used to pick Gorsuch.

And this is the infamous Federalist Society, which will have once more have significant input into President Trump’s second selection. The Senate grilling of whoever is chosen will be brutal. Expect every dirty political trick to be pulled out of the Dems’ hats in an attempt to short-circuit the next conservative nominee. The left is seeing its house of cards collapse; leftists never go quietly into that good night – you’ll be able to hear the shrieking from wherever you are.

Just think: these appointments could have been Hillary’s to make. She must be having another meltdown; by now, ol’ Hillary “Fukushima”* Clinton is probably radioactive. Bless her heart.

Next? Look for The Wall/Fence/Barrier to start growing again on our southwest border as Americans increasingly ask for a limit to immigration. With the Supremes’ recent upholding his list of terrorist countries as a valid immigration restriction, The Donald’s on a roll.

Will he gloat?? Does the sun rise in the east?

*edited for accuracy.

Everywhere But Antarctica

…Well, that’s what it feels like when I see all those diverse geographical locales in the PayPal notices as they come in.

During the recent fundraiser, donors came from the following places*:

Stateside: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington

Near Abroad: Canada and the Dominican Republic

Far Abroad: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Kuwait, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Thailand, and the UK

Canada: Alberta, Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan

Australia: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, and Victoria

Many thanks to all who donated. We’ll be back sometime in the long, hot summer.

* Note: I haven’t collected all the snail-mail yet, so some places may be missing from the list.

Paul Weston’s Cri de Coeur

I am tardy in posting Paul Weston’s response to the by-now infamous take-down of Ms. Newman by Dr. Peterson on Channel Four. The views on what I think of as the “We’re All Lobsters Now, Kathy” “interview” are up to five-and-a-half million by now and I’m sure that’s not the end of it.

Paul sent his response to us right after he posted it on YouTube, and I was quite taken by his own verbal evisceration of the crabby Inquisitor Newman. Nobody does it as well as the English, eh?

But beyond that, Paul’s despair over Britain’s current state was a sentiment I’ve often shared about the overwhelmingly ugly condition of our MSM mafia. [They were out in full force after President Trump’s State of the Union speech. And during his speech, the Democrats sat there like stone gnomes.]

Meanwhile, Dr. Peterson’s book continues to sell well.

I don’t know the total numbers of books sold, but I’ve little doubt they’re waaay up in that Pareto distribution Dr. Peterson likes to quote.

After the ugly attack against a Canadian professor simply trying to hawk his book, his London publisher arranged an evening’s talk for him. Or perhaps it had already been arranged as part of his publicity tour. But anyone familiar with the Peterson Effect could have told his publicists that one talk wouldn’t be enough. They ended up holding three events, each one successively larger. And they sold his autographed books at all of them. JBP might still be there, had his schedule not required him to move on to the Netherlands.

Below the fold is the third lecture in the London series. As usual, he demonstrates a firm grasp of his subject. He speaks without notes though he admits he can’t always remember the chapter titles for his book, which is why he had his own copy.

Continue reading

First Sunday in Advent 2017 AD

Growing up, I knew only the Latin words to this hymn. Some say it dates from the 12th century, some the 9th, some even earlier.

Advent is my favorite season of the Liturgical Year. Always thought of it as the new year when I was a child. Probably because the season of Pentecost just went on and on and on past all reason. Besides, I loved the anticipation of the twelve days of Christmas better than the reality. Also, it’s short and well defined.

Now, if I can just unearth my Advent Wreath frame. I was sure I’d put it with the menorah, but it’s not there…

Veterans Day 2017: Honor Those Who Served

In addition to being Polish National Independence Day, today is Veterans Day, a.k.a. Armistice Day, a.k.a. Remembrance Day, which commemorates the end of the Great War on the same day in 1918.

Here’s how Richard Falknor honored our veterans today at Blue Ridge Forum. See the original post for the embedded links.

Philippines, Bataan Airfield 1942, 24th Pursuit Group, P-40E Warhawk

Veterans Day 2017: Honor those who served by learning and teaching our unique heritage!

“We’re the battling bastards of Bataan;
No mama, no papa, no Uncle Sam.
No aunts, no uncles, no cousins, no nieces,
No pills, no planes, no artillery pieces
And nobody give a damn
Nobody gives a damn.”
–Frank Hewlett 1942

Six years ago on Veterans Day, we asked in our Will Veterans Day Fade When Only A Few Still Grasp Why?

“All this military history and much more should be part of our national conversation –– not topics relegated to the archives of academics and locked away from school children.”

Two years ago on Veterans Day, we reported in our Preserving Our National Heritage To Guide And Energize Our Next Generations

“This last year has revealed even more sharply the organized civic collapse of undergraduate bodies in too many of our universities.

Most recently, Yale University and the University of Missouri have brought shame to what was once the higher learning in America.

As Andrew McCarthy wrote yesterday–

’The university is a terrible deal for the country and for too many students. It is no longer a center of learning and the promotion of reason. It is a cauldron of hard Left indoctrination and victim narratives where reason no longer has a home.’”

Now traditional liberals like Camille Paglia highlight the collapse of learning in America which failure means that the work and sacrifice of veterans from 1775 to this day will disappear from ordinary memory.

Breitbart’s Dr. Susan Berry writes —

“In a discussion with American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, Paglia said:

’What has happened is these young people now getting to college have no sense of history of any kind. No sense of history. No world geography. No sense of the violence and the barbarities of history. So, they think that the whole world has always been like this, a kind of nice, comfortable world where you can go to the store and get orange juice and milk, and you can turn on the water and the hot water comes out. They have no sense whatever of destruction, of the great civilizations that rose and fell, and so on, and how arrogant people get when they’re in a comfortable civilization, etc. So they now are being taught to look around them to see defects in America – which is the freest country in the history of the world – and to feel that somehow America is the source of all evil in the universe, and it’s because they’ve never been exposed to the actual evil of the history of humanity. They know nothing!’

Paglia, a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, slammed the trend of public schools beginning the teaching of ‘identity politics,’ such as that found in ‘sexual harassment sensitivity training’ and ‘diversity training,’ all the while true education is absent.” (Highlighting added.)

Patriots of all persuasions must act to learn and to teach our special heritage of freedom.

If they do not do so, this heritage will shortly be lost!

Barbary Wars 1804: Navy Lieutenant & Eastern Shore Native Stephen Decatur Boarding Tripolitan Gunboat by DM Carter

An Australian Jewel

Our Australian donors this quarter were generous. It’s hard to grasp how really far away y’all are, and how strange it is that the Anglosphere stretches so far. There is something special in the Oz character, brash and friendly. When I see Prince Harry, I think he ought to carve out a monarchy in Oz. Much more fitting than the rest of ’em.

I came across this street musician a few months ago: everyone ought to be as full of life, melody and happiness as he.

A thank you back to Oz for the quarterly: