Muslim Subjugation of Women is the Same the World Over

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Muslim Subjugation of Women is the Same the World Over

by Clare M. Lopez

This month, we include follow-up on the unspeakable atrocities HAMAS jihadis inflicted on Jewish women and girls on 7 October 2023 during the Shabbat Massacre. Including also a few other reports from elsewhere in the world, including Western Europe and right here in the USA.

First, a 5 November 2023 Twitter/X posting from a woman identified as a “Female Islamic Scholar” on the permissibility of taking sex slaves from among non-Muslims and raping them. In this way, they attempt to justify rape during the Shabbat Massacre.

[See the original post for embedded video.]

Hamas Targeted Israeli Women With Rape and Unspeakable Atrocities, Israelis Say” by Dan M. Berger at Epoch Times, 11/16/2023

“Kingwood teen allegedly beat, choked by own mother for not wearing hijab in social media post” by Bryce Newberry at, October 4, 2023.

This took place near Houston, Texas.

“Pakistan: Abducted and Forcibly Married Christian Girls Seek Justice in Courts” by Marco Respinti at, October 24, 2023

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Robert Fico: “Such Nonsense Could Only Have Been Invented by Greedy Pharmaceutical Companies”

Robert Fico, the new prime minister of Slovakia, has broken ranks with the New World Order in his pronouncements on the experimental mRNA treatment designed to prevent infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus, and related matters. It remains to be seen whether the actions of his government will line up with his words.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language report from Uncut News:

New Slovak government against WHO pandemic treaty and wants investigation into COVID measures

“One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccinations.” Fico puts vaccinations to the test

The new Slovak government will evaluate previous cabinets’ actions during the coronavirus era in terms of restrictions, vaccinations with untested vaccines and the purchase of expensive medical equipment and vaccines. Chairman and Prime Minister Robert Fico said this on Saturday at the party conference of the ruling Smer movement. At the same time, he announced that his party and thus other parties in parliament would not agree to strengthening the WHO’s powers in the event of a pandemic.

If someone has a different opinion about vaccination, they are dangerous for society, said Fico, about the Covid period. The media wrote that “everyone who is not vaccinated should squeal in pain like a pig,” criticized Fico, adding that the media also said that violence would be committed against those who refused to be vaccinated should be applied. “And today it turns out that our clear view regarding vaccination and the actions of the (then) government, which grossly violated human rights, were correct and justified,” Fico said.

“Study after study confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccinations with untested experimental vaccines,” he said. “Yes, I confirm that as Prime Minister I will support the efforts of some politicians in the ruling coalition to politically evaluate the government’s activities in 2020-2021 and to examine the financial aspect of the widespread and often pointless purchases of medical equipment and vaccines,” said the Slovak Prime Minister.

The Smer government will also not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the fight against pandemics at the expense of sovereign states. “Such nonsense could only have been invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies who sensed the resistance of some governments to compulsory vaccination,” emphasized Fico. He recalled that, according to the Slovak Constitution, such a transfer of powers requires the consent of the Slovak Parliament and he was convinced that the sovereign political parties would not give this consent. His Smer party will definitely not do this.

Czech source

Afterword from the translator:

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Alice Weidel: They Bring This Affinity for Violence With Them

Alice Weidel is co-leader (with Tino Chrupalla) of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany). In the following interview with the online news portal Nius, Ms. Weidel discusses the harm that mass immigration has done (and is still doing) to Germany.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, to Brunhilde for the timing, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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“We Are in the Middle of the Fight for Our Lives”

Julian Reichelt is a German journalist who used to work for Bild, but was fired after being accused of sexual harassment. He now presides over a YouTube show called “Achtung Reichelt”, and is also associated with the online news portal Nius.

The following episode of “Achtung Reichelt” discusses the recent urban ferment in Germany, in which Hamas supporters have taken over public spaces to chant about free Palestine and call for the death of the Jews. The crisis is compounded by growing public awareness that all those millions of third-world immigrants can never be “integrated”.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, Brunhilde for the timing, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Masquerade in Berlin

Masked Hamas supporters have been demonstrating on the streets of Berlin since the war in Gaza began. Participants who wear masks during those confrontations are not being punished, because a local law specifically permits the practice.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Absurd law: Islamist masks allowed at demonstrations in Berlin!

Anti-Israel demonstrations have been taking place all over Germany for weeks. In many of them you can see masked participants. This is legal in Berlin.

Hateful looks through the so-called keffiyeh, the “Palestinian scarf” — there is actually a ban on masking in Germany, but this does not apply to the capital.

Police work is becoming more difficult

This absurd law, passed in 2021, now makes it more difficult for the police to combat banned Islamist slogans and other crimes.

When asked by Nius, the Berlin police responded: “There is currently… no ban on masking up at gatherings.” When asked how that can be, the police replied: “Criminal liability/traceability only arises when the Berlin police issue an order regarding the wearing of masking items, which must then be explicitly designated, and when the wearing is aimed at “To protect yourself from police identification measures during or after previous violations of the law.”

In fact, the Berlin House of Representatives decided in 2021 that in the future it will only be possible to ban masking if there is a corresponding order from the responsible authority.

At some gatherings where it is feared that people will not follow the rules, these orders are in place before the gathering. This cannot be done at spontaneous gatherings.

It’s not just men who mask up at the demonstrations.

Former CDU parliamentary group leader Burkard Dregger criticized the law, saying it mainly protects “rioters” who seek violence during demonstrations and attack police officers. The AfD and FDP also expressed clear criticism and voted against the law.

Afterword from the translator:

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It’s Time for Slovenes to Arm Up

Janez Janša is a former three-time prime minister of Slovenia, and a staunch conservative anti-communist. He has observed the recent deterioration of the security situation in southeastern Europe, and has come to the conclusion that citizens of Slovenia need to arm themselves.

His statement posted on social media has been published by the Slovenian magazine Demokracija:

Janez Janša: The Situation Is Serious. Arm Yourselves. Legally.

Janez Janša has posted an extended post on the social network X about why he thinks the average Slovenian citizen should legally arm himself. The President of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka — SDS) believes that the current government is incapable of protecting Slovenia and its citizens.

“Thank you to all those who have spread the appeal. And also to those who have inadvertently done the same. I am thinking of the radicalised media stars who, during the time of the Covid-19 epidemic, daily called for illegal actions or promoted those who did so, but are now horrified when someone warns people of the danger coming in time, and calls for legal actions,” the former Prime Minister wrote on the social network X.

We are publishing the full text of his post below.

“The wise understood my call. Those smart and responsible will heed it. The rest will trust Golob, Poklukar and Šarec (or even Jenull, Kovac, Muki and the “pride” parades) to be able to protect Slovenia and to protect them personally in the event of terrorist attacks. Which is a bit like believing in 1991 that Školc, Jakic and Aksentijevic could protect Slovenia in the event of the Yugoslavian People’s Army’s aggression. These are officials of the current government of the Republic of Slovenia who, since June, have ignored calls from the SDS party to convene a meeting of the National Security Council to discuss measures to curb illegal migration and manage security risks. They have been tearing down the fence on our southern border, and so now, when in a panic they are reintroducing border controls with our neighbouring countries (although only yesterday Golob was claiming that such controls were of no help), they are merely diverting the flow of illegal immigrants from the roads to the cart tracks.

Prime Minister Golob even said recently that the only solution to the problem of illegal migration is to make it legal! Migrants understood that similarly to Angela Merkel‘s statement in 2015 that they are welcome in Germany. Interior Minister Poklukar said a few days ago that the police have proved their competence by processing more than 40,000 illegal migrants in the asylum procedure in Slovenia this year!? They did not prevent their entry, but instead enabled it! The current Minister of Defence is running his department like a reality show. At the same time, the current Golob government is richly financing the so-called NGOs who, at a recent rally in Ljubljana, directly called for the destruction of the State of Israel and threatened the “infidels” with a “holy” war.

We believe that Slovenian police officers would rather prevent illegal migration than play the role of taxi drivers from the borders to asylum houses. But as the African proverb says: An army of lions led by an elephant will always be defeated by an army of elephants led by a lion. Minister Poklukar is not even able to set up a police station in Ivancna Gorica, so the people of Suha Krajina have had to set up village guards.

The world has changed a lot in the last decade. In the Euro-Atlantic area, mostly for the worse. Western civilisation has been seriously undermined from within in its value foundations. Once again, unpunished evil from Moscow is physically threatening our eastern neighbourhood. The pressure of mass illegal migration is radically dismantling the existing way of life in the European Union and strengthening militant, pro-terrorist nuclei across European metropolises. Once safe and prosperous cities are experiencing an unprecedented increase in crime. Unfortunately, this includes Ljubljana.

The latest incursion into Israel by Palestinian terrorists (once trained en masse in Pancevo in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) has reaffirmed the importance of people being armed — legally and well. In many places, armed individuals in kibbutzim have successfully prevented even greater slaughter of women and children.

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Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any More Vile

I normally don’t offer much commentary on the translations I present here, but in this case I feel obligated to state my opinion.

The following report concerns a recent incident in France where a culture-enriching woman made vile jokes about the incineration of Jewish babies by Hamas. The French government is responding by initiating legal action against the woman who recorded the appalling video.

I don’t favor any government action restricting free speech, no matter how vile that speech may be. If it is not a direct incitement to imminent violence, then let a thousand flowers bloom.

It’s useful to know who holds these vile sentiments, because then they can be shunned and shamed. Or, if — as is currently the case — such vile behavior has become sufficiently mainstream so as to be immune to the shunning-and-shaming process, well, we need to know that, too.

Cracking down such disgusting remarks elevates the speaker to the status of martyr (of both the Islamic and Leftist flavors) and paradoxically helps reduce the visibility of the vileness involved.

Let the devotees of the prophet utter their nasty jokes. Then we know who it is that we are dealing with.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Israel-Hamas war: A woman jokes about a Jewish baby burned in an oven — Gerald Darmanin takes legal action

The video, disseminated on Instagram, of a woman joking about a Jewish baby burned in an oven by Hamas, shocked internet users. The minister of the Interior takes legal action.

Her video, disseminated on Instagram, had shocked many internet users. After having joked about a Jewish baby that had reportedly been placed in an oven during the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, the minister of Interior, Gerald Darmanin, announced that he had referred it to the national prosecutor’s office in Paris, Friday, November 3, Beauvau [Ministry of the Interior] stated to Le Figaro.

“On the story of the baby that was put in the oven, I wonder if they added salt, pepper, if they added thyme…” Thursday, November 2, this young woman, under the pseudonym “Haneia Nakei”, joked in a story posted on Instagram about the fate of an Israeli baby that was reportedly put in an oven, in reference to the unprecedented attack by the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas.

In an ironic tone, the young woman continued, “What was the accompaniment? Don’t you wonder?” On her video was added the inscription, ironically, “Israel, I love you”. A few seconds later, a childish voice from outside the frame states, “ The accompaniment with the baby’s leg was French fries with a ketchup and mayonnaise sauce.” “We marinated it with salt, thyme, and barbecue sauce,” in an amused tone.

Gerald Darmain referred it to the national prosecutor’s office in Paris on Friday, November 3, “under Article 40 of the Criminal Code,” states the Interior Ministry to Le Figaro.

Another complaint from Deputy Meyer Habib

The Israeli ambassador to France stated on X, condemning “with the utmost firmness, the filthy denialist and anti-Semitic remarks of the young woman.”

For his part, Meyer Habib, LR Deputy for the 8th District for French living abroad, also announced that he had filed a complaint for “support of terrorism” with the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office.

Insert of a posting by the Israeli embassy in Paris:

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Enemies of the State

The push for a totalitarian future in Germany is becoming more and more overt.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this post from Dr. Norbert Häring’s blog:

Faeser wants to give domestic secret services the right to socially destroy citizens at will

According to consistent media reports, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wants to pass a law that would allow the domestic secret service to blacken citizens who are critical of the government and whom they are investigating, in their social circles. This corresponds to the common definitions of totalitarianism. There are examples of where something like this leads, not only from National Socialism or the GDR, but also from contemporary Germany.

The Federal Agency for Civic Education defines:

“Totalitarianism describes a political rule that demands unrestricted control over the ruled and their complete submission to a (dictatorially predetermined) political goal.”

As first the Süddeutsche Zeitung (paywall) and then Bild and Cicero (paywall) reported, the Federal Minister of the Interior, who failed with the Hessian voters, wants to give the so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’, which is now there to protect the government from the constitution, the right to warn any citizens or institutions from among people they are watching. All that is needed is an assessment, which does not require any proof, that they might pose a danger.

Cicero formulates the not entirely apt headline “Welcome to the Republic of Informers!” and the even more apt first sentence:

“With the help of politics, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is increasingly developing into an authority that threatens to endanger democracy itself.”

The headline is not entirely accurate, because informers usually denounce other citizens to the state, whereas here the state denounces citizens to other citizens, which is much worse.

Apparently the traffic light coalition and in particular Faeser act according to the motto “Once your reputation and political career are ruined, things will be governed completely shamelessly (until the next election).”

Thus far, the so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’ has only been allowed to inform the police if it encounters specific crime or dangers, and in exceptional cases, with special individual approval from the Ministry of the Interior, also others.

The person affected would not have to be informed about the slander by the floppy hats. At some point, when first the bank account and then the cell phone contract have been terminated, he or she is rejected by clubs and potential landlords, and employers and customers suddenly start staying away or canceling orders, he or she will suspect that something like this could be going on in the background.

The current report by the blogger Hadmut Danisch, a left-hating and freedom-loving but otherwise — as far as I can tell — completely harmless governmental critic, shows that this is anything but irrational pessimism.

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The Muslim Underground Surfaces, Part II

As promised, here is the second part of Seneca III’s two-part essay on the Islamization of Britain.

The Muslim Underground Surfaces

Part II: Mosques, the Prepared and the Unprepared

by Seneca III

Prologue: The neologism “dimorphicloyalty” doesn’t exist in any dictionary, but it adequately describes the substance of the unctuous pro-Islam edicts emanating from that privileged rabble pontificating in the Palace of Westminster. Laws, rules and regulations, although occasionally written with the best intentions, often suffer a slip twixt cup and lip and our Courts exist to act as the ultimate arbiters when adjudicating between the intended spirit of such edicts, as opposed to the inventive interpretations and replacements superimposed by the new colonisers and their indigenous supporters. The reality is that Parliament, the courts and the legal profession as a whole have been infiltrated by the enemy within, so there is no hope that any help will be forthcoming from them, because the exact opposite is happening.

The false, constructed crime of ‘Islamophobia’ is getting increasing traction and airing in the media. It would appear that the people promoting this oxymoron are either unaware of the meaning, plain stupid or simply malicious turncoats. For their information, I point out that a phobia is defined in the OED as an irrational fear. Yet, in view of recent events on our streets, I see nothing irrational or fearful about it. It is definitely not a phobia but a natural survival reaction to an obvious threat, a threat that even our pathetic political classes now have to accept as they sit huddled in the Cobra Room in Downing Street deciding whether or not to raise the domestic terror threat from Substantial to Severe.

Mosques: As iterated in Part I, the number of mosques in the UK varies depending on the source and the definition of a mosque. However, a reasonable estimate is that there are around 1,800 to 2,000 mosques. These mosques serve about three and a half million Muslims, who make up about 5% of the UK population. The most common size for a mosque in the UK is between 101 and 200 people.

In the main, mosques are constructed by Muslim contractors and, where Muslim contractors are lacking the major project skills and the necessary licenses as are required by law, it is non-Muslim civil engineers who are contracted to build and certify the main structure, its foundations, its drainage and the overall safety thereof according to the approved plan.

The intricate maze of none-structural-weight-bearing accommodations, store rooms, offices, lavatories, kitchens and powerful sound systems to blast out sermons of hate and calls to Jihad are then carried out by Muslims away from unclean (and observant) infidel eyes. An additional factor is that most of these mosques have been built in areas controlled by Muslim majority Labour councils who appoint Muslim building inspectors to sign off on them, including the maze of internal sub-structures.

This is disturbing, because to my knowledge no mosque in the UK , other than Finsbury Park mosque which was raided by the Security Service in 2003, has ever been searched for any reason whatsoever, never mind for arms, explosives and other forms of contraband using sniffer dogs and cavity detectors. If this thought bothers you, then may I suggest that you carefully read the section on Luton airport and see if you can see any possible connections between it, British mosques and Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statement that “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets.”

So now to the infamous Finsbury Park Mosque, also known as the North London Central Mosque. It is a five-storey abomination located next to Finsbury Park station close to Arsenal Football Club’s Emirates Stadium in the London Borough of Islington. It is registered as a charity in England, serving the local community in Islington and the surrounding boroughs of North London.

The mosque hit the headlines after Abu Hamza al-Masri, a radical preacher, became its Imam in 1997. In 2003, the mosque was closed by its trustees following the anti-terrorist police raid, and re-opened in 2005 under new leadership. New leadership? Well, Hooky Hamza is certainly no longer there, as he is otherwise occupied enjoying life in an American high security hospitality centre, but the Jihadi Doctor Abdul Wahid, a.k.a. the GP Dr Wahid Asif Shaida, holds a high position on its executive council.

As head of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the UK, Abdul Wahid celebrated the barbaric Hamas terror attacks that slaughtered 1,400 Jewish men, women and children earlier this month as a ‘very welcome punch on the nose’ to Israel, but he has also spent more than twenty years practising as a family doctor under his real name, Dr Wahid Asif Shaida.

Wahid told the baying crowd: “Victory is coming and everyone has to choose a side. Whose side are you going to be on?” but some patients told the MoS his leadership of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain called into question whether he was capable of fairly treating Jewish, female or gay patients. Wahid is also said to have a close association with the infamous Finsbury Park Mosque. (More on that hotbed of Jihad later.)

[Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international Islamist movement seeking to unite Muslims under one Islamic caliphate. Hizb ut-Tahrir members have been linked to violent acts in multiple countries. The group itself has been banned in at least 13 countries, including many Muslim-majority countries, but not by the vote-whoring dhimmis of Westminster.]

A security source also questioned whether Wahid would follow his legal duty as a GP to report patients with signs of extremism to the Prevent anti-terror scheme, saying: “What guarantee is there he will refer extremists when he himself is one?” Professor Anthony Glees, a terrorism expert, added “A GP who glorifies Islamic extremism like this not only puts his patients at risk, but is a risk to national security.”

Labour MP Khalid Mahmood added that…

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Reality Bleeds to Death as the Ummah Celebrates

The view from Blighty, as sent by our English correspondent Seneca III.

Reality Bleeds to Death as the Ummah Celebrates

by Seneca III

In this once green and pleasant land where reality and truth are now under attack from every quarter there are few voices brave enough to speak out publicly. One of them is (was?) the relatively new Broadcaster GB News, which is rapidly overtaking the long-standing BBC in viewership. Since its inception GBN has had to exist under the axe of impending closure (i.e., having its broadcasting licence withdrawn by the Quangonistas of Ofcom, the Broadcasting Regulator staffed almost exclusively by ex-BBC apparatchiks who are determined to protect their mentor’s tax-funded monopoly).

As a consequence, GB News has to tread very carefully indeed, particularly with what it posts in the comments section below each programme.

As I write, the programme still being presented by the charming and erudite Emily Carver is dealing with the horrendous ‘demonstrations’ that took place in several major British cities yesterday, where howling mobs of Muslims of various flavours, including ‘Palestinians’ (to whom we have granted asylum, residency, free accommodation and endless handouts), vented their blood lust, both verbally and with banners, and called for another holocaust, essentially, the extermination of all Jews in general and Israelis and Israel in particular.

Our governing classes have since postured and snivelled in the public media, both broadcast and in print, in essence claiming that that these savages haven’t actually broken any laws and that is why the police were extremely limited in any actions that they could take.

Make of that what you will. I present it is as the background to the short story which follows and which illustrates what a collection of angst-ridden wet wipes some of us are becoming. Aux armes, mes amis!

To continue. I have an old friend, not just old in friendship but older in years as well, which is quite remarkable in view of my increasing decrepitude. That said, he is an acute observer of our troubling times, and occasionally posts in the comments section following GB News programmes. This morning he attempted to post a comment re. the Emily Carver presentation, but was knocked back twice without explanation, despite having asked why it had been knocked back in the first case.

He received no reply, so I will reproduce his comment below as a public service, but first I will tell you that he asked me if I could hazard a guess as to why this had happened. All I could offer was to suggest that his comment was both reasonable and correct in all particulars but that such things no longer carry any weight in public discourse, for the fearful and the treacherous now have full control of the levers of power and the mainstream media are fully complicit therewith.

Here is what he said:

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Welcome to Hamasburg

Revolting: This woman celebrated, according to her own statements, the Hamas massacres in Israel: “This is good, very good.”

The following article and video report on official efforts to track down and punish a Muslima in the German city of Hamburg who expressed her support for and celebration of Hamas in a media interview.

As an American, I consider it anathema to suppress people who state their support of this or that repugnant political movement. Isn’t it better to find out who holds disgusting opinions? Besides, it is the very essence of freedom of speech that even appalling sentiments are protected from sanction by the state.

But that’s the way an American thinks, not the way a German thinks.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Bild, and also the embedded video:

Police are looking for woman who celebrated Hamas murders

Hamburg — The statements are so loathsome that they make your blood boil.

A woman — obviously a Muslim — gave a statement to an NDR camera team near the Steindamm at Hamburg’s main train station.

“This is good, very good. I am happy that they (Hamas terrorists) accomplished such a thing. We celebrated at home.”

And as she says this, she laughs and grins. She couldn’t get any more contemptuous. Other respondents with migration backgrounds uttered similar sentiments in front of a rolling camera.

What will politicians do so that these kinds of things will NOT happen on our streets anymore?

Apart from appeals and assertions (“We stand on the side of Israel”), unfortunately not a lot.

Hamburg’s minister of the interior Andy Grote (56, SPD): “Whoever willingly advocates and endorses this kind of contemptuous and complete lack of humanity type of barbarian behavior by Hamas or is excited about this, there is no tolerance in our society for these people. The cheering and celebrating of the massacre of Jews by Hamas is unbearable, and there is no room for it on our streets. We will therefore proceed consequently with appropriate actions. Authorities will exhaust all legal latitudes for future assembly applications.”

The department of security at the State office of criminal investigation is investigating the woman on suspicion of sedition and hate speech. It is not yet clear if the woman has yet been identified.

Sedition means: A person will be indictable under it if a he or she openly call for hate or acts of violence, against strangers, against people of different skin color or people who have different political opinions. The degree of penalty lies somewhere between monetary penalties and five years in prison.

Additionally: Also “endorsement and approval of such criminal acts” is legally indictable under §140. It is against the law to endorse or approve of criminal acts such as murder, manslaughter, rape or hostage-taking. The sentence: monetary fine and up to three years in prison.

The risk that there will be more Israel— and antisemitic outbreaks, is high. The police in Hamburg expect protests in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza across all mosques in Hamburg Steindamm.

X text:

Matthias Hauer @MatthiasHauer

#NDR has asked Muslims their opinions about #Israel in Hamburg. The answers of the interviewees show reactions from ducking away all the way to outright contempt for humanity. This has nothing in common with Constitutional rights and raison d’état. Shocking. But I also know many Muslims who clearly condemn #Hamas-terrorism.

Personnel are now being mobilized in force to quash any turmoil and protests.

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Women of Unusual Size

Alain Soral is a conservative political activist, commentator, and actor who holds joint French-Swiss citizenship. Mr. Soral often expresses, shall we say, controversial opinions on various sensitive topics, and has been convicted in the past for his anti-Semitic remarks.

As reported in Tuesday’s news feed, Alain Soral’s latest transgression was to refer to a journalist named Catherine Macherel as a “fat lesbian”. I’ve looked at her photos, and that seems a simple factual description to me, but what do I know? Maybe he should have called her a dyke of size instead. And for good measure he might have added the descriptor “comeliness-impaired”.

After more than a year of legal maneuvering, Mr. Soral has finally been sentenced by a Swiss Court to sixty days in durance vile for his heinous crime. In the video below, he makes a statement after his sentencing to the assembled gentlemen of the press.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Invasion of the Country Snatchers

Our English correspondent Seneca III sends this report on the political and cultural Ragnarøk that is now underway in the failed state formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Invasion of the Country Snatchers

by Seneca III

Throughout the Western Ecumene including the UK socio-cultural collapse and ethnic treason in high places continue apace. Mind you, this debacle is not confined to this small archipelago; wherever one looks from the USA to Canada, from non-EU Europe (Norway, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.) and to the EU itself and then on south to the Antipodes, the picture is the same.

Simply put, we are in the midst of a mass invasion by primitive barbarian hordes, an invasion enabled and orchestrated by ruthless global power seekers who are pulling the strings in the background whilst at the same time paedophiles, perverts and deviants of every conceivable persuasion simultaneously infiltrate and poison virtually every public and private body with their toxic sexual indulgencies. The once Hallowed Halls of Academia have become so infested with this insanity that they now do little more than churn out young people with minds so crippled that they cannot differentiate between make-believe and reality.

Nevertheless, it is worth bearing in mind that Europeans became civilized only after several centuries of methodically executing criminals and invaders and imposing other violent forms of civilisation. In Africa, genetic patterns that had been significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species were never eliminated and are still prevalent there and throughout the African diaspora.

[Disambiguation: The short précis in the paragraph immediately above is written from my memory of an article I read quite some time ago but did not archive. Furthermore, I do not recall ever reading any anthropological or genetic arguments, either then or now, challenging or substantiating the article’s central hypothesis so I must leave that line of research to any interested readers, other than to say that it is not unreasonable to conclude that evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it most certainly does produce more socially coherent and smarter human beings. —SIII]

The latest result of this African-heritage genetic pattern was horrifically demonstrated a few days ago in the London Borough of Croydon, a.k.a. the stabbing capital of London, where a 15-year-old black schoolgirl trying to defend her friend on the way to school was stabbed to death by a 17-year-old black ‘youth’ because her friend had rejected his advances; he subsequently used a foot-long, serrated zombie knife to stab the girl in the neck and chest. This, however, is really no surprise when looks at the demographics of Croydon.

According to the latest 2021 census, Croydon is predominantly white at 48.4%** with non-white minorities representing the remaining 51.6% of the population. Black people were the largest minority group in Croydon accounting for 22.6% of the population. In England more broadly the portion of the population that is white is 81%, 10% are Asian and 4% are Black. Metropolitan Police statistics also show Croydon had more stabbings than any other London borough in the year to last month — recording 211 knife crimes. (** ‘Predominantly white’ is an obfuscation used to mislead the reader from the reality that Croydon is a minority white Borough in the heart of our capitol city). The barbarians are definitely through the gates and increasing by the day; this could well be described as a form of ethnic Quantitative Easing which is eliminating the civilised values of this nation.

So, we the people of the West have a choice: either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on criminals and invaders today that the medieval Europeans did, or watch our civilisation collapse everywhere such archaic genetic patterns are permitted to prevail. We must let Anarch’s Legions march or we are finished. Hence, the only question now is just how brutal and comprehensive the process of recovery will be, and as for the biology-denying plague of transgenderism, it is a fabricated attention-seeking condition used to legitimise abnormal behaviour, and will simply cease to exist in the midst of that great turmoil that will soon impact us.

Further on the home front, we now live with violent criminality by day and night in the form of drug peddling, stabbings, muggings, violent burglaries and gangs of organised thugs plundering shops and businesses [1] & [2], in the main perpetrated by a protected criminal sub-class with little fear of meaningful punishment in a system that is terrified of being labelled as racist unless the offender is white. As a consequence, the everyday activities of millions of law-abiding citizens are curtailed, and they now go in fear of their lives and livelihoods even before they are hit with yet more punitive taxes simply for leaving their homes in vehicles that are not compliant with Sadiq Khan’s highway robbery project.

Add to this the undefined number of homegrown benefit junkies sucking at the public teat and further emptying what little is left in the nation’s coffers already drained dry by supporting the hundreds of thousands of criminal predators and parasites who have invaded these islands by land, sea and air.

Where I live is not to too badly infected at the moment; it remains somewhat of a backwater, an island of semi-calm within the eye of the storm that is tearing the rest of the country apart, although this small town has had its quota of ‘asylum seekers’ secretly dumped on it (quietly in the dead of night, of course, in case we long-established inhabitants should be so white racist as to object to this forced non-British occupation) and who have taken up all of the available social housing where they are sheltered, fed and watered and provided with free pocket money at the taxpayers’ expense whilst our own young people despair of finding affordable rental housing for themselves.

Londonistan/Africa-on-Thames, long under the draconian thumb of a Labour Muslim Mayor, plus Birmingham, Manchester and every other large urban conurbation in the UK are no longer British in any meaningful sense of the word. They have become the fiefdoms of the imported scum of the world, in many cases by the Demented Slaves of Allah, who have arrived both illegally or, as with the Pakistani and Bangladeshi paedophile rapists…

…mostly legally thanks to decades of high treason on the part of the self-serving drones who are still warming their posteriors on the green benches in the House of Commons and the red benches in that geriatric nursing home known as the House of Lords, all of whom are now themselves being quietly cleansed and replaced in both the Legislative and Executive arms of government. The photograph below, published by Khan’s apparatchiks in the London Assembly, make it quite clear what future lies in store for what remains of the native British still managing to survive in their capital city and elsewhere throughout this once green and pleasant land.

Sadiq Khan’s official website recently published a photograph of a young white family with the words: ‘Doesn’t represent real Londoners’: [3]

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The Dialectics of the Communist Revolution in North America

Last month our friend Vlad Tepes spoke at Rally in the Valley in Pembroke, Ontario. His topic was the Communist revolution that has already taken place in Canada and the USA, and the role that Hegelian dialectics plays in it.

The video below contains the audio of Vlad’s talk. Note: The date that appears on the screen while the video is playing is incorrect; the rally took place on August 25, 2023.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading this video: