Enemies of the State

The push for a totalitarian future in Germany is becoming more and more overt.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this post from Dr. Norbert Häring’s blog:

Faeser wants to give domestic secret services the right to socially destroy citizens at will

According to consistent media reports, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wants to pass a law that would allow the domestic secret service to blacken citizens who are critical of the government and whom they are investigating, in their social circles. This corresponds to the common definitions of totalitarianism. There are examples of where something like this leads, not only from National Socialism or the GDR, but also from contemporary Germany.

The Federal Agency for Civic Education defines:

“Totalitarianism describes a political rule that demands unrestricted control over the ruled and their complete submission to a (dictatorially predetermined) political goal.”

As first the Süddeutsche Zeitung (paywall) and then Bild and Cicero (paywall) reported, the Federal Minister of the Interior, who failed with the Hessian voters, wants to give the so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’, which is now there to protect the government from the constitution, the right to warn any citizens or institutions from among people they are watching. All that is needed is an assessment, which does not require any proof, that they might pose a danger.

Cicero formulates the not entirely apt headline “Welcome to the Republic of Informers!” and the even more apt first sentence:

“With the help of politics, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is increasingly developing into an authority that threatens to endanger democracy itself.”

The headline is not entirely accurate, because informers usually denounce other citizens to the state, whereas here the state denounces citizens to other citizens, which is much worse.

Apparently the traffic light coalition and in particular Faeser act according to the motto “Once your reputation and political career are ruined, things will be governed completely shamelessly (until the next election).”

Thus far, the so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’ has only been allowed to inform the police if it encounters specific crime or dangers, and in exceptional cases, with special individual approval from the Ministry of the Interior, also others.

The person affected would not have to be informed about the slander by the floppy hats. At some point, when first the bank account and then the cell phone contract have been terminated, he or she is rejected by clubs and potential landlords, and employers and customers suddenly start staying away or canceling orders, he or she will suspect that something like this could be going on in the background.

The current report by the blogger Hadmut Danisch, a left-hating and freedom-loving but otherwise — as far as I can tell — completely harmless governmental critic, shows that this is anything but irrational pessimism.

After he was given access to his file at the public prosecutor’s office and information from the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution, he recently wrote down what he found there. The report is long but entertaining and shocking. The short version, as presented by him and supported mainly by photos of the files:

He had written that it should be possible to say that a full-bodied politician is fat. After some delay, after this politician was elected leader of the Green Party, he was reported by a state-funded “reporting office” and the Berlin public prosecutor initiated criminal proceedings for insult. They “investigated” a case for over a year in which everything was out in the open.

The investigations ultimately led, after some illegal official actions, to his bank terminating Danisch’s account and to the public prosecutor’s office and probably also giving the so-called Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution access to the names and data of all financial supporters of his blogging activities. The so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’ can now target these people directly or through friendly institutions.

The court ultimately rejected the prosecution’s charges, which had since replaced the accusation with one that was no less absurd.

It is not difficult to imagine constellations in which the so-called ‘Office for the Protection of the Constitution’ would find it easy to remove citizens with uncomfortable opinions from social life. For example, anyone who holds opinions regarding the sovereignty of Germany, such as those held by Reich citizens — but also by former Federal Minister Wolfgang Schäuble — can easily be said to represent a danger, because he could be a Reich citizen. And according to current official interpretation, Reich citizens are fundamentally dangerous.

Everything that happened to Danisch, and much more, can then be used by the government via the Office for the Protection of the Constitution against critics, without blatantly resorting to illegality and contortions with a shady criminal case as a pretext for such actions.

Afterword from the translator:

It is said that the wheel of history turns, but somehow it looks — at least to me — like someone is stepping hard on the accelerator here.

And why does all of this sound so eerily familiar, from what I heard as a child from my grandparents, teachers and family friends who lived through the “glorious” Nazi era? And how is it possible that the vast majority are again oblivious to what is happening right in front of their noses? These are the selfsame people who asked their parents and grandparents how someone like a Hitler, along with his cronies, could take power in Germany and turn the world into a slaughterhouse in their name? Just look into the mirror, is all I have to say to these voices, since they are doing it all over again, letting tyrants run and destroy their lives, just in a different and even more nefarious way.

The enemies of the German people sit in the seat of government and do what their puppetmasters want. I guess I will never go back there — as if they actually would let me in — of my own free will. I doubt I could even chance going to my parents’ funerals when that day comes. After all, I have been critical and quite vocal over the years of the Merkel Regime in the past, and because of that received a “friendly” visit and chat from some embassy stooges ten or twelve years ago, and that chat didn’t end on a joyful note, either…

I don’t think I’d be welcomed with open arms. Handcuffs(?), maybe.

One thought on “Enemies of the State

  1. Germany and Germans have had very few writers/thinkers that champion individual liberty. The state is championed as is authority.

    Great Britain has many liberty champions as do the Austrians. Even French had Bastiat, De Tocqueville and lately Eric Zemmour but the Germans do not think this way hence Germany has given the world Communism, National Socialism and most recently Europe’s most dominant Green Party in Germany naturally – people hating philosophies all.

    So, anything that happens there comes as no surprise.

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