Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/6/2015

Hayat Boumeddiene was the moll of the late Amedy Coulibaly, who committed the kosher supermarket massacre in Paris last month. Ms. Boumeddiene is now the most wanted woman in France. She is reportedly the female mujahid (mujahidess? mujahidette?) featured in the latest propaganda video released by the Islamic State, which calls on French Muslims to decamp from France and take up arms for the Caliphate.

In other news, the suicide rate in Greece has increased by almost 36% since the current “austerity” regime began in 2011.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Phyllis Chesler, RL, Steen, UB, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Showdown in Olympia

Tomorrow may turn out to be a big day in Olympia, the capital of Washington State. Supporters of the Second Amendment from across the state and beyond are gathering at the state capitol to protest the state’s latest restrictive anti-gun measure. Their method of protest will be to openly carry their firearms in the gallery of the state legislature.

Some background: A Washington State ballot initiative further restricting citizens’ gun rights was passed last November. Among other forms of protest, gun owners in Washington expressed their displeasure with the government by openly carrying their firearms in the viewing gallery of the legislature. State legislators were alarmed, and afraid for their safety.

Hmmm… Why would politicians fear peaceful but armed American citizens?

In response, the leadership of the Senate and House reinterpreted existing rules by defining guns as “props” being used for demonstrations, analogous to signs and banners. Openly carried firearms have now been prohibited under the new interpretation. Violators of the rule who refuse to leave when ordered have been told they will be arrested.

At 10am tomorrow determined patriots will be there with their “props” in defiance of the new rule. What will happen after that is anybody’s guess.

I don’t know if anyone will be live-blogging the event. Mike Vanderboegh can’t do it, because he is one of the speakers, and may end up getting himself arrested. However, Western Rifle Shooters Association will probably be covering it.

David Codrea has written an inspiring essay about tomorrow’s protest, excerpts from which are reproduced below. For readers unfamiliar with the history of the American Revolution, Mr. Codrea’s use of the phrase “intolerable acts” is a specific historical reference to repressive legislation that was passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party:

“Gun Owners Prepare for Arrest at WA State Capitol,” Kit Lange of The Patrick Henry Society reported Monday. “Liberty activists and gun owners organized by Liberty for All and The Patriots Stand are converging at the WA State Capitol in Olympia on Saturday at a rally meant to protest and violate new rules imposed by the legislature banning open carry in public viewing galleries.”

Lange was referring to the Our Capitol Our Rights response to politicians closing off open carry of firearms in the legislature. Armed activists will be going there this weekend to test the new rule by disobeying it.

Among those going is my friend and colleague, citizen journalist, blogger, public speaker, activist and founder of the “Three Percent” movement, Mike Vanderboegh. There has been no shortage of criticism for the actions and intentions of the open carriers, and by that I mean from the “pro-gun” side. I have had doubts of my own about the wisdom of Mike participating in the event, which I expressed to him in a private email, and consented to allowing him to post it for others to read and comment on.

Many of those doubts have since been partially allayed by seeing some concerns addressed, particularly that legal counsel has been identified and potential consequences understood, that funding is being established to help with legal costs, and that communications are being set up to provide real time information to offsite monitors and interested parties as events unfold.

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Ezra Levant on ISIS recruiting in Canada

Two “Canadians” are currently on trial for plotting to blow up a Via Rail train, among other culture-enriching deeds. Although their nefarious plans had nothing to do with Islam, by a strange coincidence the two men worshipped at mosques and were involved with the Muslim Students Association (as were numerous other student activists who have planned or carried out violent un-Islamic actions).

In the following clip Ezra Levant takes a tough, unblinking look at what is happening now among members of the Religion of Peace in Canada. WARNING: Mr. Levant uses some graphic video footage to illustrate his point. Readers who are sensitive to images of grotesque violence may want to skip this video:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/5/2015

Brian Williams, the top anchor at NBC News, encountered a major kerfuffle when it was revealed that he had not actually been a passenger on a military helicopter that had been downed in Iraq by enemy fire in 2003, as he had been maintaining for years. Mr. Williams is too young to have a senior moment (he’s not even sixty!), so perhaps he is confusing his helicopter with the plane that Hillary Clinton was travelling in that was under sniper fire when it landed in Bosnia during the Nth Balkan War.

In other news, Jordan has launched air attacks on Islamic State targets in retaliation for ISIS’ recent immolation of a captive Jordanian pilot.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, K, Papa Whiskey, Phyllis Chesler, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Learning From Islam Means Learning How to Win

Below is a recent essay by Henryk Broder from Die Welt, kindly translated by JLH.

Learning From Islam Means Learning How to Win

There are fanatics in every religion, but in no other one is there such a stubborn denial that they have anything to do with the religion they profess.

by Henryk M. Broder
January 11, 2015

The German-Soviet Friendship Society (DSF) was the second-largest mass organization in the German Democratic Republic. It had about six million members. Only the Free German Trades Unions were larger.

The DSF sponsored Russian courses and study trips to the Soviet Union. It awarded badges of honor to especially deserving members and organized pen-pal correspondence between German and Soviet young people.

In the early 1950s, the DSF coined the saying “Learning from the Soviet Union is learning to win!” The DSF has been history for 25 years. But its spirit still hovers over the land. Except that it is no longer about the organized friendship of two peoples, but about the relationship between two cultures — one aggressive and one defensive. The aggressive culture sees itself as the victim of the defensive culture, while the defensive culture is twisting itself into a pretzel to avoid being seen as aggressive.

Good Islam, Bad Islamism?

After the attack on the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, all the news was not only about the dead, who were at the wrong place at the wrong time, but about the obligation of the majority society to retain its propriety. Still on the day of the bloodbath, Sigmar Gabriel warned against “misusing” such an act of violence to “paint Muslims as violent perpetrators or as Islamists,” which no one had done, either in Germany or in France. According to the head of our own SPD, what had happened in France had “nothing to do with Islam,” but “I would say, with bloodlust and terrorism.”

According to Justice Minister Heiko Maas, anyone who would suspect “Muslims in general” is “only interested in dividing society and sowing hate.” At the end of the day, it was unclear with whom we should sympathize more — the victims of the attack or the repeatedly confirmed “peaceful majority of Muslims,” who do not deserve to be put under general suspicion.

That was not enough for Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière. He demanded that YouTube delete a 42-second clip in which one of the two terrorists is seen executing a police officer lying helpless on the ground with a well-aimed shot to the head. De Maizière said that “you could see many things on YouTube, but not all of it should be allowed to remain there.”

Such a comment not only testifies to the desire to make what has happened unhappen, but also to a catastrophic misunderstanding of the situation. Just as spilled milk cannot be conjured back into the bottle, a video that has made the rounds cannot be made to disappear by order of the Grand Poobah.

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A Tale of Two Videos

The two videos below have something in common.

The first is a slickly produced Dutch public service announcement (i.e. propaganda message) designed to undermine the “profiling” of Moroccans among the Dutch public.

The second contains excerpts from this morning’s remarks by President Barack Hussein Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C.

What they have in common is the use of false equivalences when dealing with the issue of Islamic violence. It is a very common practice among our political and media elites to find parallels between Muslim terrorism and Christian behavior, or Jewish behavior, or Hindu behavior. As if, from a nice safe atheist point of view, all religions are roughly the same, so there’s nothing we can really do about religiously inspired violence, except maybe outlaw the practice of all religions. (Which some of them probably want to do.)

The Dutch video, which has been subtitled in English, uses false equivalences such as hair color to induce guilt and self-doubt in its audience about their shameful propensity to notice the overwhelming representation of Moroccans among those who commit criminal acts in the Netherlands. What makes this production even more ghastly is the fact that it uses the indoctrination of very young children — who are barely old enough to talk, never mind understand the bogus moral imperatives that are being thrust upon them — to make its point:

Now we turn to the President of the United States, who led the nation in prayer this morning from the Washington Hilton. His speech also abounds in false equivalences — and much more.

All the examples of religiously-motivated from current affairs violence cited by Mr. Obama involve the behavior of Muslims. No other religion is mentioned as committing violent acts today. When he segues into the (wait for it) Crusades and the Inquisition, there’s no indication that he is reaching eight and five centuries into the past, respectively, to pick out examples of violence committed in the name of Christianity. Nor is there any acknowledgement that the Crusades were defensive wars intended to recover Christian lands that had been forcibly converted to Islam centuries before during violent Muslim invasions.

Next, when Mr. Obama cites slavery and Jim Crow as Christian institutions, he is on even shakier ground. As a cursory study of the history of the mid-19th century will reveal, the most fervent Christians were also the most dedicated Abolitionists. The same was true a hundred years later during the campaign for civil rights for blacks: devout (white) Christians were among the leaders of the movement. Yes, there were occasional arguments that attempted a religious justification for the subordination of blacks, but they were made by (dare I say it?) a tiny minority of Christians.

Let’s take a look at excerpts from what Mr. Obama had to say this morning. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for annotating and uploading this video:

The last segment of he above video catches President Obama out in what is either a statement of appalling ignorance, or an outright lie. Mr. Obama asserts: “No God condones terror.” Yet there is one god who most emphatically does condone terror. In fact, he requires it of his devotees.

Consider Koran 8:60 (Yusuf Ali translation):

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Nothing But the Tooth

As Dymphna reported last night while still in a woozy condition, she is suffering from the after-effects of a root canal she had to endure on Tuesday. That has interfered with her normal activities, so if you have written her any emails in the last few days, she may be delayed a while in her replies.

She’s feeling somewhat better today, but is nowhere near back to her usual rambunctious self.

Her troubles have also interfered with my activities to a certain extent. The pharmacy in the little town nearest to us was closed, so I had to make the long round trip to the big pharmacy in town late last night to get a prescription for an antibiotic.

But today has been less hectic, and I’m gradually catching up with the backlog. With luck, normal programming will resume soon.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/4/2015

A letter was sent to a Flemish newspaper, purportedly by the Islamic State, threatening terror attacks on Belgium like the ones that have taken place recently in France. In possibly unrelated news, Flemish courts are facing serious staff shortages, and there will be additional future reductions in the numbers of judges and clerks.

In other news, while meeting with visiting congressman from the House Armed Services Committee, King Abdullah of Jordan vehemently promised that he would respond forcefully to ISIS’ immolation of the captured Jordanian pilot. He reportedly quoted Clint Eastwood during his angry diatribe.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, Papa Whiskey, Phyllis Chesler, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/3/2015

A knife-wielding culture-enriching “Frenchmen” attacked three policemen guarding a Jewish community center in the southern French city of Nice. Two of the policemen were lightly wounded, and their attacker was arrested. Some reports say the man carrying the knife had an accomplice, who was also arrested. The incident had nothing to do with Islam.

In other news, Charlie Manson, the infamous 80-year-old murderer serving a life sentence in California, will apparently not get married after all. Mr. Manson was engaged to a 26-year-old woman, but the marriage has not yet taken place, and their license will expire on Thursday.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, LS, Nick, Papa Whiskey, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Incendiary Nature of Islam

I had to take Dymphna to the dentist today, and was gone all afternoon. A little while before we left email tips started coming in about the immolation by the Islamic State of the captured Jordanian pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh. I only had time to grab them and add them to tonight’s news feed dataset just before we left.

Coming on the heels of the story about Maria P. in Berlin, we may conclude that Islam has a thing about burning people alive.

I’m glad I posted the Israeli satire of an ISIS beheading video before the latest news broke. Otherwise I would have been reluctant to inject humor into such a horrific moment.

However, I can’t agree with those who maintain that it’s in poor taste to engage in mockery while the Great Jihad is still being waged against us, before the war is clearly won. I maintain that humor is an absolute necessity at times like these.

A case in point is Spike Jones’ classic send-up of the Nazis in “Der Fuehrer’s Face”. It was released in 1942, before it was at all obvious that the Allies (and especially the British) were going to be victorious over Hitler:

Maybe it isn’t a European tradition to make fun of your enemies during wartime, or at the moment when it seems that all hope may be lost. But it sure as heck is an American tradition, especially among Celtic Americans.

And it seems to be an Israeli one, too.

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Below are excerpts from news reports about the execution of Mouath al-Kasaesbeh (with several variant spellings of his name).

First, from Reuters:

Islamic State Shows Burning of Hostage, Jordan Vows ‘Earth-Shaking’ Response

(Reuters) – Islamic State militants released a video on Tuesday appearing to show a captured Jordanian pilot being burnt alive in a cage, a killing that shocked the world and prompted Jordan to promise an “earth-shaking” response.

A Jordanian official said the authorities would swiftly execute several militants in retaliation, including an Iraqi woman whom Amman had sought to swap for the pilot taken captive after his plane crashed in Syria in December.

Reuters could not immediately confirm the content of the video, which showed a man resembling airman Mouath al-Kasaesbeh standing in a small black cage before being set ablaze.

The furious reaction of the Jordanian authorities made clear they treated it as genuine.

From ANSAmed:

ISIS Killed Jordanian Pilot on Jan. 3, Says Gov’t

Reports BBC

(ANSAmed) – ROME, FEBRUARY – Jordan announced that the pilot shown being burnt alive by the Islamic State (ISIS) in a video released on Tuesday had actually been killed on January 3.

It added that this was why ISIS had refused to provide proof that he was alive, the BBC quoted Jordanian television as saying.

From RT:

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Nicolai Sennels and PEGIDA in Denmark

Long-time readers are familiar with the work of the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who recently started a Danish branch of PEGIDA. Mr. Sennels has now been threatened with the loss of his job. Below is a report on the TV debate about the issue from our Danish correspondent Liberty DK.

February 02 on Danish TV — DR2

Debate on Danish TV between Rasmus Jarlov (Conservative) and Jan Hoby (Socialist) re Nicolai Sennels, leader of the Danish branch of PEGIDA

by Liberty DK

The program aired yesterday evening (with a rerun this morning) on Danish TV, on one of our most trusted news channels, DR2. The debate was between Rasmus Jarlov, one of our Conservative leaders and left-winger Über Socialist Jan Hoby from (LFS) the National Association of Social Pedagogues on the topic of Nicolai Sennels and why he should (or should not) lose his job as a psychologist in the public service. An action almost singlehandedly instigated by Jan Hoby, and which has now become quite a public kerfuffle.

In the debate Jan Hoby was virtually frothing at the mouth from repressed rage, stabbing his finger in the air, stuttering with indignation and practically vomiting bile about how inappropriate it is that Nicolai Sennels, a psychologist, should be working for the public service, given his views on humanity. In the debate he was throwing around a plethora of seriously libelous claims about how Nicolai Sennels was a “professional racist”, lumping him in with Nazis, racists, anti-Semites, Islamophobes as he in the very same breath proclaimed, in self-aggrandizing self-righteous tones, how WE the people (with himself at the helm of course) draw the line at THAT sort of thing and yada yada yada…

He furthermore pulled all sorts of below-the-belt stuff about how his fellow pedagogues had been suspicious and unhappy and made nervous by Nicolas for a long time. However, when Jarlov challenged this claim, Jan Hoby failed, in any manner, to verify any of said complaints made by anybody about Nicolai Sennels. No letters, no phone calls to so on and soon… nothing. Apparently just his “word”. His explanation of this rather incredible lack of evidence was that they had been afraid of incurring a veritable “s***storm against Muslims, thereby threatening their freedom of expression”…

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/2/2015

An Austrian offshoot of PEGIDA staged a rally in Vienna today. The demonstrators were far outnumbered by “anti-fascist” counter-demonstrators, and 1,200 police were on hand to make sure that no one got hurt.

In other news, a 14-year-old “Norwegian” boy has been discovered in Iraq, fighting against the Islamic State.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DS, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, K, Papa Whiskey, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Nashville’s Mayor Celebrates Sharia Enclaves

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #160 — Nashville’s Mayor Celebrates Sharia Enclaves

Is Nashville “Music City, USA” or “Little Kurdistan”? You decide.

Nashville Mayor Karl Dean said the needs of “new Americans” were a top priority, so he established the city’s Office of New Americans:

“The number of foreign-born residents in Nashville has more than doubled over the past decade. And today our city is the proud home of the nation’s largest Kurdish population, as well as growing enclaves of immigrants from Somalia, Sudan and all over the world.”

Mayor Dean refers to the two out of three groups that have brought political Islam and sharia law to Nashville; Kurds and Somalis. They have been brought to Nashville through the federal refugee resettlement program.

Immigrants-turned-advocates talk about “Nashville for all of us” but instead choose to live like the Mayor’s office said, in enclaves. They complain about being treated as “the other,” but through self-segregation, guard against assimilating into and adapting to the American culture.

When they self-segregate its called preserving their culture. When native-born Tennesseans self-segregate, it’s called racism.

Kurdish Islamist agitator Remziya Suleyman whines endlessly about being thought of as “the other.” However, she was quick to appropriate Nashville’s generous spirit for her community’s political purposes, calling it “Little Kurdistan.”

Drost Kokoye, an activist Nashville’s Kurdish activist community, is known for her Jew-hatred and pro-Hamas politics. She worked in Suleyman’s organization, TIRRC, the ACLU and helped establish and is a board member of the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC). She’s now at UTKnoxville where she agitates with the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and has led pro-Ferguson rallies.

Ironically, Drost’s mother is a Parent Ambassador to new immigrant families as part of Mayor Dean’s Office for New Americans, even while her daughter Drost doesn’t want to be called a “new American” or even an “American.”

Enclaves in Tennessee?

Early on, the federal policy for resettling refugees advised scattering them across the country as a way to disperse the impact on receiving communities. In 1981 the federal government reversed this practice and instead started placing refugees of similar ethnic groups in the same area. Today, migration patterns upon arrival in the U.S. either for jobs, welfare benefits or to join an established ethnic community, help fuel the growth of the enclaves described by Mayor Dean.

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