Railroaded in Rochdale

Regular readers are familiar with the work of Gavin Boby and the Law and Freedom Foundation. Below is an example of what happens when Gavin is not called in to help opponents of a mosque. It shows how new mosques obtain planning approval in Rochdale, which is infamous for its “grooming” scandal and one of the most culturally enriched cities in Britain.

From the point of view of the Muslims running this meeting, the most important thing is to force the issue to a vote without allowing opponents to present information or give their opinions in detail.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Copts Murdered and Beheaded in Jersey City

Speaking of Islam and beheading, two Copts in Jersey City were shot to death, beheaded, and had their hands cut off. The alleged perpetrator has a clearly Islamic name, but police have not yet identified a motive:

Below is the article on the same topic from News 4 New York:

A Jersey City, N.J. man has been accused of shooting two men to death before beheading them, removing their hands and burying their body parts in a wooded area in south Jersey.

State Police say the investigation began last Thursday with a report of suspicious activity in at an address in Buena Vista. Detectives arrived to search the premises, and in a wooded area behind that home, cadaver dogs found recently disturbed soil.

The bodies of the two men, also from Jersey City, were found buried there, and the heads and four hands were found at another burial site.

Police say Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot both the men, 25 and 27, in the chest and then removed their heads and hands.

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Geert Wilders in Melbourne

Below is the prepared text of the speech given by Geert Wilders earlier today in Melbourne, Australia:

Speech by Geert Wilders
Melbourne, Australia
Tuesday February 19, 2013

Dear friends,

Finally, I am here.

I am very happy to be in your beautiful and magnificent country, Australia.

400 years ago, the Dutch were the first Europeans to discover Australia. They named this land after their own and called it New Holland. So, here I am today, a visitor from the Netherlands, with a message from the old Holland to the New Holland.

I am here to tell you how Islam is changing the Netherlands and Western Europe beyond recognition. We are in the process of losing our culture, our identity, our freedom.

I am also here to warn Australia about the true nature of Islam. It is not just a religion as many people mistakenly think; it is primarily a dangerous totalitarian ideology.

I am here to warn you that what is happening in my native country might soon happen in Australia too, if you fail to be vigilant.

And I am here to advice you on how to turn the tide of Islamization. Inform people. Confront them with the truth. Don’t be afraid to speak. Use your right of free speech.

Because if you do not use it, you will lose it. And find and elect politicians who are not afraid to speak the truth about Islam.

Before I start, allow me to thank the Q Society for inviting me to your country. Thank you Debbie, Andrew, Ralf, and all the other volunteers for making this visit possible. Debbie never booked so many conference rooms in her life as in the past few weeks, and never had so many cancellations. Debbie, you are my hero. You have had a very hard time. But I bet you think twice about ever inviting me to Australia again.

The Q Society and its volunteers embody the courage for which Australians are known in Europe.

We, Europeans, owe our freedom in part to the thousands of young and brave Australians who fought, and died, at Passchendaele and at Gallipoli.

These Australians — your fathers and grandfathers — persevered against all odds.

And so did the Q Society, despite the efforts of the governing establishment to discourage my visit.

First, Chris Bowen, the then federal minister of Immigration, had me wait five long weeks for a visa, forcing us to postpone my visit from October to February.

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What Sources Provide Credible Information?

For the past couple of days I’ve been exchanging emails with a British journalist who made the original contact to request an interview with Fjordman. I explained to him that Fjordman is not giving interviews to the media at present, and in the process expressed my less-than-positive opinion of the legacy media.

We continued to correspond through several more emails. This morning he sent me a reasonable and thoughtful series of questions about what we (“we” meaning Fjordman, myself, and presumably other Counterjihad writers in the alternative media) think of various journalism-related issues.

As sometimes happens with email exchanges, his questions gave me the opportunity to express my opinions about topics that I often don’t have time to write about. His questions (shown in italicized block quotes) and my responses are reproduced below. Some of the discussion refers to what was said in earlier emails, but readers will be able to get the gist from the context.

You ask some interesting questions, so I’ll answer them in detail, seriatim.

By “shared preoccupation” I meant an interest in the role of the mainstream, or legacy, media in radicalising, or providing nurture, or provoking people to extreme acts.

No, this is not a preoccupation of ours. It’s hard to explain to someone who works solely or mostly in the “mainstream” media how things are in the “alternative” media, which is where Fjordman and I do all our writing.

Our view of the legacy media might be summed up this way:

1. It creates a bubble of shared assumptions, whose inhabitants remain largely unaware of those assumptions.
2. It enforces this shared uniformity through a combination of monetary/professional incentives (“You’ll never work in this town again!”) and the fear of shaming (“What you said in your article borders on racism!”). Those who step outside the boundaries may be consigned to a small ghetto of people who share similar opinions, or experience legal problems (e.g. Andrew Bolt, Ezra Levant). Some exceptions are those who are too famous and too shrewd to be suppressed, with Mark Steyn being the most obvious example.
3. It stigmatizes information obtained through sources other than those within the bubble. This is true even when the material in question is first-hand, original reporting — which is generally of higher quality than that of the legacy media.
4. Because of its immense financial resources, its protection by governments, and its virtual lock on popular awareness, practitioners in the legacy media do not have to hold themselves to high standards — in fact, the opposite is true: those outlets that hew consistently to the august high principles of journalism may not do well.

The blogosphere, on the other hand, is ruthless in culling out mendacity, obfuscation, short-cuts, etc. I learned this the hard way early on in my blogging career — when you make a mistake, you get eaten alive by your readers (assuming you allow comments) and your fellow bloggers. After a while, I learned not to publish things that weren’t well-sourced, and to issue prompt and prominent corrections and retractions when I made mistakes.

These characteristics are required in order for a blogger to be successful, but a legacy journalist has no such disciplinary pressures applied to him. I know this for a fact though personal experience, since a New York Times reporter published something factually incorrect about me (not opinion, simply fact). I wrote to the paper and demanded a retraction and correction, but received no reply, and the article was never amended. The same thing happened with The Guardian.

The mainstream outlets get away with that sort of behavior because they can — there is no meaningful check on their inaccuracy if it is not widely publicized in other legacy outlets. They may ignore facts selectively without any consequence. I have seen it happen over and over again to my friends in Britain — absolute nonsense about them, what you would call “rubbish”, terrible factual errors or distortions, published and allowed to stand and never corrected. As I said in my earlier email, such behavior is the norm.

5. Above all, the legacy media will do almost anything to avoid re-examining their most cherished core assumptions. For example, they take it as fact that mass immigration from the Third World into Western countries is a net plus, and explain away the manifold, evident, obvious, suicidal destructiveness of such policies using untested assertions and opinion disguised as fact, all the while ignoring the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Sociological evidence, economic data, crime statistics — all these must be glossed over to maintain the fiction and preserve the cherished assumption. Those who dare to take a look at the evidence to the contrary are subjected to the “shunning and shaming” treatment as described in numbers 2, 3, and 4 above.

I recognise much of what you describe in my profession. Largely it is bad journalism. It does, however, seem like you are describing a profile of a person, or an interview focusing on a single person, which is rare, compared with a news story or a feature with multiple sources.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/18/2013

Geert Wilders has arrived in Oz, and will speak tonight in Melbourne. In addition to the articles below, see this blog post for a photo of Mr. Wilders hugging a koala.

In other news, an unnamed source in Connecticut law enforcement says that Adam Lanza, the late perpetrator of the Newtown massacre, was inspired in his shooting rampage by the Butcher of Utøya, Anders Behring Breivik. Mr. Lanza, a video game enthusiast like his Norwegian idol, is alleged to have seen Mr. Breivik as his competitor, and intended — but failed — to beat the master’s “score”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to heroyalwhyness, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Mary Abdelmassih, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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An Enriched Incident in Bodø

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated a news video and an accompanying article about the arrest of a suspected serial rapist in Norway.

The suspect is — wait for it — culturally enriched. A major Norwegian daily tried to make hay out of “police brutality” during the arrest. Was this another deliberate attempt to paint “persons of Norwegian background” as “racists”?

The translator includes this note:

The clip shows the arrest of a suspect after a sexual assault which occurred in Bodø over the weekend. The alleged perpetrator happens to be a culture enricher — surprise, surprise…

The arrest seems pretty straightforward to me, but VG obviously wants to make an issue out of it, and questions the integrity of the police officers carrying out the arrest.

It would be interesting to find out what VG thinks the officers should have done differently. Would they have preferred that the police officers ask the suspect politely to accompany them to the police station, perhaps wait for an interpreter?

The guy was quite clearly resisting arrest, and the police were well within their rights to use appropriate force to subdue him.

If the man in the clip is indeed the rapist, then I think the police were very gentle with him. I know that wouldn’t have been the case with me if I had caught someone raping a woman.

First, the video. Thanks to The Observer for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

The article from VG.no, also translated by The Observer:

Man charged with sexual assault

(VG Nett) A woman was raped by a man in his 30s while she was walking home from the city centre of Bodø (city in Northern Norway).

The police in Salten were notified of the incident at 04.32 on Sunday morning, and they immediately started looking for the perpetrator. Eleven minutes later a man of African origin was arrested.

“She was assaulted, subjected to violence and sexually abused, but she managed to cry for help. This alerted people in the area who quickly arrived at the scene,” says police inspector Heidi Kløkstad to Avisa Nordland (local newspaper).

The man in his 30s has been charged with the rape, but he has so far not been formally questioned by the police and has not been appointed a defense attorney.

Police tell VG Nett that the suspect will be appointed a defense attorney before the police start questioning him on Monday.

Video transcript:

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A Boy And His Dog

The following article tells the story of a little Norwegian boy who was forced to get off a bus in the middle of nowhere because some “men of foreign origin” among his fellow passengers didn’t like the fact that he had brought along his dog.

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer, who translated the piece, has this to say about it:

This article concerns an incident of Islamic dog-aversion and the effect it is having in Norway at the moment. Who said that Islam isn’t putting pressure on Norwegian values?

The distance between Egersund and Stavanger is approximately 90 kilometres [about 56 miles]. Sirevag/Hellevik, where the boy was dropped off, is a thinly populated area and approximately 20 kilometres [12 miles] away from Egersund, and more than 70 kilometres [44 miles] away from Stavanger (western part of the country).

The translated article from Aftenbladet:

Boy with dog felt pressured to get off the bus

The men of foreign origin didn’t appreciate that the boy had brought with him a dog on the “replacement bus for the train.” Eventually, the atmosphere got so heated that the boy felt pressured to get off along a deserted stretch of the road.

On Saturday evening at 22.23 the young boy was on his way home to Stavanger. He was dropped off at the train station in Egersund. The train was cancelled and a replacement bus service was organized. Normally dogs are not allowed on a bus, but an exception is made for replacement bus services whenever a train service is cancelled. — In those instances it’s allowed, according to Dag Brekken from NSB [Norwegian state railway].

The driver confirmed that it was OK for the boy to bring along the small dog.

Tone Susann Aakre, the woman who dropped off the boy at the train station, says that they received a text message from the boy while they were driving home in their car. In the text messages the boy told her that three men of foreign origin on the bus clearly resented the fact that he had brought a dog along.

“The boy says that one of the men went to front of the bus and spoke to the driver. Another one went up to the boy and asked him to get off the bus. If not he would be beaten up,” says Aakre.

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More on Anjem Choudary

Below is the infamous video footage of a recent talk given by Anjem Choudary at a meeting in Britain. It was recorded secretly by The Sun and released earlier today.

Vlad Tepes has clarified parts of the audio so that more of Mr. Choudary’s enlightened observations may be more easily heard and included in the subtitles:

Open Mike Night With Anjem Choudary

The notorious Ilford firebrand Anjem Choudary can always be counted on to produce compelling video footage. Now that Muammar Qaddafi is no longer with us, Mr. Choudary is perhaps the world’s most reliable dispenser of entertaining Islamic rhetoric.

The video below was secretly recorded at an event where Mr. Choudary discussed the fleecing of the kuffar with unrestrained joviality. It’s refreshing to hear such a prominent Muslim speak the plain truth in public — he told his audience that taking welfare benefits from the British state is a form of jizyah for British Muslims. Everyone within earshot had a jolly good laugh at that quip!

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Below are excerpts from an article in The Daily Mail about the same incident:

Anjem Choudary: Hate Preacher Pocketing £25,000 a Year in Benefits Calls on Fanatics to Live Off the State

A controversial Muslim cleric who lives off benefits is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers by claiming their ‘Jihadseeker’s allowance’.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/17/2013

Supporters of the late Christopher Dorner, the ex-LAPD cop who is suspected of killing four people and wounding a number of others, demonstrated yesterday outside police headquarters in Los Angeles. The protesters were objecting to what they identify as rampant corruption and brutality among LA police. They said they don’t agree with Mr. Dorner’s murderous methods, but share his sentiments about problems in the police force.

In other news, an official with Germany’s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority says that the euro crisis is far from over. He maintains that the excess liquidity flooding the banking system has not solved the underlying structural problems in the Eurozone.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Nilk, Paul Green, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Somalia vs. Africa

Last week a high school in Minneapolis made the headlines after a two groups of students stage a brawl in the school cafeteria. Hundreds of students were involved, and the two police officers at the school were unable to cope with the violence. They called for backup, and were forced to use mace to break up the riot.

The occasion for the fight was an encounter between Somali students and American blacks, with the latter group said to have disrespected the former.

An interesting aspect of this incident is the description of the Somalis as “Somali Americans” and the native blacks as “African Americans”. Aren’t Somalis just as “African” as the descendants of slaves brought to North America in the 17th century?

We all know what the code words represent: “Somali Americans” are either recently-arrived Muslim immigrants, or the children of such. “African Americans” are descended from slaves who arrived much earlier, and are from an at least nominally Christian culture.

That’s the issue — Muslim vs. non-Muslim. And, as a matter of interest, both groups are descended from people who were taken as slaves by the Arab colonizers of Africa, who were also Muslims.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

As Vlad says,

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The Bee and the Lamb, Part 10

*** This article was sticky. Scroll down for more recent posts. ***

The essay below is the tenth in a series by Takuan Seiyo. See the list at the bottom of this post for links to the previous installments.

Left: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876
Right: George Grosz, Metropolis, 1916/17

The Bee and the Lamb
Part 10

By Takuan Seiyo

In the bog of Demonic Mendacity

The undead zombies of the academy

The academic creators of postmodernism, most of them PhDs in philosophy of the German kind, were all far-left socialists around the time that their creed showed its decisive failure as theory and as morality. The booming prosperity and relative freedom of the West and of its working class, particularly in super-capitalist America of the 50’s, belied Karl Marx’s dialectics. The Western proletariat, instead of rising against its capitalist masters, was busy buying homes, cars and TVs, and enjoying the good life. Meanwhile, the communist Valhalla, the Soviet Union, revealed itself after Stalin’s death to have been a machine of mass murder of the malnourished, run by a megalomaniac monster.

“Postmodernism,” wrote the philosopher Stephen Hicks in Explaining Postmodernism, “is the academic far Left’s epistemological strategy for responding to the crisis caused by the failures of socialism in theory and in practice. Confronted by harsh evidence and ruthless logic the far Left had a reply: That is only logic and evidence; logic and evidence are subjective; you cannot really prove anything; feelings are deeper than logic; and our feelings say socialism.” [1]

Conveniently, by the middle of the twentieth century, epistemology and linguistics had already turned into gibberish, not the least due to earlier efforts by illustrious names such as Russell and Wittgenstein. Hicks quotes the German philosopher-scientist Moritz Schlick whose prolific output in the 1920’s revolved around issues such as the meaninglessness of the proposition: “Does the external world exist?” and the corollary issue of the null connection between cause and effect, belabored by Wittgenstein.

Of course any Zen adept would react to the question “Does the external world exist?” by whacking the questioner with a staff, thereby proving the existence and, later, when the blue-red welts formed on the budding philosopher’s backside, the causality as well. But the peculiar perversions of 19th century German philosophy and the great catastrophe of World War I have somehow leeched the vital sap of life from European culture. Instead of climbing or hewing or just classifying rocks, the philosophes preferred being chained to them in Plato’s cave, arguing endlessly about the flickering images.

While Reality’s thorough thrashing of socialism sent many Left intellectuals into terminal despair, for others the crisis meant only that a more radical assault on capitalism was needed. Instead of accepting that Reality had proved them wrong, determined academic socialists declared Reality itself null and void, along with reason and even the possibility of telling true from false and right from wrong. Consequently, as Hicks puts it, postmodernism has recast the nature of rhetoric into “persuasion in the absence of cognition” — a sheer political weapon with which to swat aside and overpower any opposition to socialism in any form.

“The regular deployments of ad hominem, the setting up of straw men, and the regular attempts to silence opposing voices are all logical consequences of the postmodern epistemology of language. Stanley Fish [snip] calls all opponents of racial preferences bigots and lumps them in with the Ku Klux Klan. Andrea Dworkin calls all heterosexual males rapists and repeatedly labels ‘Amerika’ a fascist state. With such rhetoric, truth or falsity is not the issue: what matters primarily is the language’s effectiveness.” [2]

Postmodern (“PoMo”) ideology explicitly rejects truth and logic. In such a framework, it’s easier to understand the curious mixture of presentism and relativism we visited earlier. Hicks summarizes this perverse phenomenon as: “On the one hand, all cultures are equally deserving of respect; on the other, Western culture is uniquely destructive and bad.” He adduces enduring examples of postmodernist theory blatantly at odds with historical facts:

Postmodernists: The West is deeply racist.
Fact: The West ended slavery for the first time ever, and racist ideas are on the defensive only in places where Western ideas have made inroads.

Postmodernists: The West is deeply sexist.
Fact: Western women were the first to get the vote, contractual rights, and the opportunities that most women in the world are still without.

Postmodernists: Western capitalist countries are cruel and exploitive of their poorer citizens.
Fact: The poor in the West are far richer than the poor anywhere else, both in terms of material assets and the opportunities to improve their condition.

The place of honor in the postmodernist Pantheon belongs probably to Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). Derrida’s main task in life was to help advance Marxism by deconstruction of the rational foundations of the West. An academic superstar, the list of universities where he coughed the infecting mist into the brains of adoring tens of thousands included, among others, France’s three most prestigious universities: Sorbonne, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Johns Hopkins, Yale, New York University, The New School for Social Research, Stony Brook University and the University of California at Irvine.

The Australian mathematician and architectural critic Nikos Salingaros summed up Derrida’s “contribution” to Western Civilization as a lethal virus absolutizing subjectivity, motivated by the will to destroy [3]:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/16/2013

A mob of angry Muslims damaged the dome of a Coptic church in Fayoum province, collapsing the roof into the nave and setting the structure on fire. They destroyed the church’s icons, attacked the altar, and injured the pastor. Copts in the area remain indoors out of fear of the mob. The local police observed the destruction, but did not intervene, and no one was arrested.

In other news, five people have been arrested in Sicily in connection with an attempt by the Mafia to infiltrate the lucrative wind farm business. Authorities say the Cosa Nostra has been trying for years to break into the subsidized industry.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Mary Abdelmassih, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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