How Bad is Your Batch?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language article from Report24:

Particularly deadly vaccine batches were injected less often — who knew?

A study from Denmark shows: Individual batches of Pfizer’s so-called “Covid-19 vaccine” Comirnaty (BNT162b2) have a particularly problematic safety profile. This is due to the accumulation of severe side effects. The differences with less problematic batches are statistically extremely significant. Under normal circumstances, the mere fact that these variations exist would be a warning sign and reason for a recall of the product. But worse: there seem to be accomplices.

The study, which has criminality potential, can be found under the name “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine”. The scientists involved are the Danes Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche and Peter Riis Hansen.

First of all, it should be noted that in Europe alone, as of November 11, 2022, there have been 971,021 reports of serious adverse events. The approach of the investigation briefly explained:

Not least with regard to the emergency market approval and the rapid implementation of large-scale vaccination programs, however, the possibility of a batch-dependent variation seems worthy of investigation.

Study “Batch-dependent Safety of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine”

The investigation deals with the side effect reports in Denmark from December 27, 2020 to January 11, 2022. These are recorded in the state safety database DKMA and classified according to severity. The batch number is also saved there with the suspicious activity reports. Classifications include: Non-serious, severe (involving hospitalization, life-threatening illness, permanent disability, or congenital malformation), and death.

A total of 7,835,280 doses were administered to 3,748,215 subjects using 52 different BNT162b2 vaccine batches (2,340-814,320 doses per batch) and 43,496 serious adverse reactions were recorded in 13,635 subjects.

A total of 66,587 side effects were spread across 52 batches, meaning that when multiple doses were administered, individuals suffered and severe side effects were recorded each time.

The evaluation of this data made it possible, after excluding all reports without batch numbers, to assign 61,847 reported serious side effects to the respective batches. Of the serious side effects, 14,509 (23.5%) were classified as serious and 579 (0.9%) as fatal.

Result indicates complicity

The scientists would have expected that the vaccine “quality” would be largely identical in all batches and that the occurrence of side effects would therefore be equally distributed. This would also be expected from a properly approved and tested active substance. The result was all the more surprising.

However, the number of serious side effects reported varied significantly between batches of the vaccine, ranging from 0.09 to 3.59 per 1,000 doses administered. This difference is dramatic and can only be explained by extremely different vaccine quality.

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Culture-Enriching Machetes on a School Bus

The following French-language video shows events that took place on a school bus on the island of Mayotte. Michael Copeland sends this introductory note about Mayotte:

Mayotte, off Madagascar, is part of the EU. It is a Departement of France. Predictably, it is a target destination for culture-enrichers, principally from the neighbouring Comoros Islands, who are unwilling to take back their citizens. A large shantytown of illegal migrants was about to be demolished in “Operation Wuambushu”, but this was suspended at the last minute by a Court Order.

There are videos on (in French).

It was the EU that announced “Europe needs 50 million Africans”, to further their unstated goal of destroying European culture. Mayotte is the example.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Think Bosnia, Not Gettysburg

A reader who goes by the nom de guerre fred333 sends the following observations on the current Culture War underway in the USA:

The US is NOT headed for Civil War!

However, we’re definitely on a crash course for armed conflict, just not one separated by a geographic dividing line. Think: Bosnia, not Gettysburg.

During the US Civil War, the country was severely divided over three principal issues: states’ rights; the right of individual states to secede from the union; and “Bleeding Kansas” — whether new states would be permitted to choose whether to implement slavery or not. On virtually all other issues of law and morality, the country was in complete — Judeo-Christian, constitutional — lock-step.

Today, however, hyphenated and non-hyphenated Americans can’t even agree on the definitions of “victim” and “victimizer” — the basic building blocks of law and morality, and the foundational moral and legal tenets around which healthy civilizations must coalesce. And therein lies the difference… and the great danger. When civilizations forced to live amongst one another lack any shared foundational understandings — with radically contrasting and, on one side, ever-”evolving” views of right versus wrong, good versus bad, success versus failure, legal versus illegal — they must inevitably and unavoidably find themselves confronted with three options: Assimilate, Separate or Assassinate (i.e., go to war). History offers no other solutions that I’m aware of.

With one side armed with the Bill of Rights and the rule of law, and the other actively working to erase them, I fear we’re on a divisive and chaotic carnival ride that isn’t likely to end where it began.

Watch this space…

(PAA = President Affirmative Action, paraphrasing Thomas Sowell’s description of former President Obama)

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/28/2023

President Biden commuted the sentences of 31 non-violent drug offenders. In possibly unrelated news, a little girl refused Mr. Biden’s invitation to see the inside of the White House.

In other news, the general serving as chief of staff for the Polish Armed Services told the National Security Bureau that Poland can no longer supply Ukraine with ammunition.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Muslim Brotherhood in France, Part 8

A French researcher is under death threats for publishing a paper on the Muslim Brotherhood in France. Below are excerpts from a relevant article in Charlie Hebdo. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation:

Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, a researcher targeted by bearded men

by Jean-Loup Adenor
April 20, 2023

Since the appearance of her work “The Brotherhood and its Networks” on January 25, the CNRS researcher Florence Bergeaud-Blackler has been the target of a wave of death threats, putting her under police protection, a first in at least the last ten years, the research institutes informs us.

Police protection at Charlie, that we know. But at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS)? We will have to face that. One of their researchers, the anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, has just been placed under protection per the request of the Protection Service (SDLP), the organization of the Interior Ministry charged with the protection of persons threatened with death.

No, Bergeaud-Blackler has not discovered a late vocation as a caricaturist. Her offense? Publishing a work, “The Brotherhood and its Networks, the Investigation”, in which she analyzes, dissects, and exposes the history of the Muslim Brotherhood — the Islamic organization that became international, founded by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928 — and its implantation in Europe.

“A scientific racism”

“I am developing a new definition of the Brotherhood,” she summarizes for Charlie Hebdo. An Islamism adapted to European societies, born in the 1960s on their soil, which bypasses the political to pass to the cultural and the economic in order to construct an Islamic society.” Since the appearance of her book, and more particularly, since a seminar in which she participated on March 10, along with Gilles Kepel, director of the Mediterranean Middle East Chair at the Superior Normal School, and who wrote the preface to her work, the researcher says she has been the target of numerous death threats. Threats that have justified her placement under police protection— a first in at least ten years at CNRS.

Since its release, “The Brotherhood and its Networks, the Investigation” has sparked a violent outcry. At the head of the pack is the Islamologist Francois Burgat, who does not hide his connections with Qatar, nor his admiration for Tariq Ramadan. This director of research emeritus at CNRS, president of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Paris (Carep), a Francophone lobby for the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies of Doha, immediately condemned the work with several big salvos from blog postings and vengeful tweets. According to Burgat, Bergeaud-Blackler’s thesis would fall under “scientific racism” and a “witchcraft trial”, and her work would be nothing more than a “rant in the delusional paradigm of the great replacement.” In short, “her thesis borrows from the most uninhibited anti-Semitism.”

FBB accused of being the new Drumont

Here we are: The work of Florence Bergeaud-Blackler on the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing more than racism, Islamophobia, and a new anti-Semitism. It is, in addition, exactly what the lawyer and militant Rafik Chekkat claims in a posting in the form of a review, published in the online journal Orient XXI (on whose editorial board sits Francois Burgat). “In reading ‘The Brotherhood and its Networks’, the reference to the anti-Semitic pamphlet by Edouard Drumont, Jewish France (1885) becomes disturbingly clear.” Jewish France, considered as the work of reference for anti-Semitic thought at the end of the 19th century and start of the 20th century, develops a very vehement racial anti-Semitism, feeding its obsessions of the Jewish deicide thesis, thus very much the enemy of French Christians.

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Giorgia Meloni: Fast-Track Ukraine Into the EU

In the following video recorded at a conference in Rome on Wednesday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni promotes the rapid assimilation of Ukraine into the European Union.

Ms. Meloni’s position puts her at odds with a substantial portion of her fellow Italians, among them Silvio Berlusconi and other members of her government. Italian public opinion is, generally speaking, pro-Russian.

One may speculate about the prime minister’s reasons for pushing Ukrainian membership in the EU and lionizing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. She’s an intelligent woman, and must surely realize that Mr. Zelensky is an American puppet. Perhaps she wants to curry favor with the USA. Or maybe there are Italian commercial interests lobbying for Ukraine — who knows?

The resistance to the globalist Left isn’t monolithic. To take another example, Donald Trump is still promoting the vax. And Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán imposed a strict lockdown during the “pandemic”. I don’t often encounter fellow dissidents whose positions are in exact alignment with mine.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from an English-language article in Remix News (hat tip Reader from Chicago) about Ms. Meloni’s remarks:

Meloni Urges EU to Speed Up Accession Talks With Ukraine

Speaking at a conference in Rome on Wednesday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called on European allies to start accession negotiations with Ukraine as soon as possible.

In a joint statement with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmihal, the Italian prime minister underlined that Ukraine’s future must be shaped in such a way that it can increasingly adapt to European dynamics and institutions.

“The smartest way to thank the Ukrainians for what they are doing is to accelerate their chances to participate in European institutions,” the Italian leader said. “We must acknowledge the enormous efforts made by Kyiv to reform its system and bring it more in line with the European Commission’s requirements.”

She added that Italy wants to play a leading role in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Video transcript:

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The Queer War on Biology

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this essay from The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

TransMad: Biological Women Aren’t Even Safe in Women’s Shelters Anymore

The destruction of the family as the nucleus of a functioning and survivable society has always been a special concern of the Left. A metrosexual utopia is to take its place, in which biology is contested and everyone is to be able to freely choose from an almost infinite variety of invented sexes.

This is the content of the utterly absurd “Self-Determination Law” that the government wants to impose on a people, for which it has already created a set of completely different problems, and with which the traffic light coalition* wants to deal Germany not only an economic death blow, but also the identitarian-cultural death blow. From now on, young people will be allowed to choose a different gender once a year — if necessary against the will of their parents.

The government doesn’t care what the consequences are for women when men, who can simply declare with the stroke of a pen that they are now women (and then also have the legal guarantee that their ridiculous quirk must be recognized by anyone under threat of punishment), is of course of no interest to the government. Not only can sex offenders and pedophiles easily gain access to women’s locker rooms or children; the potential victims then also risk being branded “anti-trans” and heavily fined if they refuse to engage in this outrageous idiocy. Even women who have already suffered violence and abuse now have to fear that they will become victims again. [They are turning here the perpetrator into a victim and the victim into a perpetrator.]

Erroneous impression of a mass phenomenon

This also applies in particular to women’s shelters, as reported by Die Welt. Monne Kühn, who sits on the board of directors of a women’s shelter in Uelzen, Lower Saxony, and has 30 years of experience in dealing with women affected by violence, explains to the newspaper: “Back then, the women’s shelters started with the self-image that the women affected by male violence were biological women.” Although there were already transsexuals back then, they were in extremely small in number. That still applies today. The number of actual trans people is minimal; only the ubiquitous propaganda of certain powerful lobby groups gives the false impression that this is a mass phenomenon. Boldly criticized: “With the rise of the trans movement and the ability to easily determine one’s own gender identity in the future, the range of people who use it will clearly expand. This means that the women must always assume that they may also meet biological men in the women’s shelter.”

This makes on-site work much more difficult. If women who have experienced violence at the hands of men meet a biological man again in a shelter, it can “trigger fears up to and including re-traumatization.” This applies above all to women from a “cultural and religious-patriarchal environment” in which strict gender segregation prevails. In plain language, it is about Muslim women, who are the most frequent victims of violence and who have made up the majority of the residents in women’s shelters for years. As early as 2020, 66% of the residents there had a migration background; most came from Islamic countries such as Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq. Due to mass immigration, which the government is constantly pushing, this proportion will increase even further.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/27/2023

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced her approval of the Biden administration’s call to require all U.S. military vehicles to be electrically powered by the year 2030. Sec. Granholm said the requirement was necessary in order to achieve energy security.

In other news, the migrant reception center on the Italian island of Lampedusa will be expanded to include an additional 850 beds.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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All in the Family, German Version

What better way to express fraternal devotion than to award a prize to your brother? Especially when your brother is a prominent politician, and the prize is publicly funded.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


When Habeck’s brother invents a prize

Economics Minister Habeck has been waiting for an award for his controversial energy policy. Now he has it — from his brother’s taxpayer-funded facility. He [the brother] personally presented the trophy.


At the Hanover Fair, Hinrich Habeck , Managing Director of Economic Development and Technology Transfer Schleswig-Holstein (WTSH), presented the “Energy Coasts” award to his brother Robert, the Green Federal Minister of Economics. This is the first time this award has been given. [What does Energy Coasts (Energieküsten) mean? These people make up utterly meaningless phrases, willy nilly, to suit their nefarious agenda, which is in my eyes to “rob everyone blind and destroy that which they can’t carry.”]

On behalf of the state-sponsored company, the 50-year-old honoured the commitment of his three-year-older brother for his commitment to the energy transition. Because the Green politician fights “tirelessly for climate protection, renewable energies and for his homeland Schleswig-Holstein.”

Prize “invented” especially for Habeck

The WTSH is financed by the black-green state government from tax money. The pink trophy that Hinrich Habeck presented bears the words “Great work, well done”.

Criticism comes from the FDP: “It is not the task of public institutions to invent awards for active politicians. It’s really bizarre that he also gets the award from his own brother,” said Schleswig-Holstein parliamentary group leader Christopher Vogt to the Bild newspaper.

The Green Economics Minister also sees himself exposed to accusations of nepotism. His state secretaries are related by marriage and, through other close family connections, commissioned NGOs with expert opinions, which, among other things, prepared Habeck’s heating ban. [They are definitely “experts” in having ideologically-based opinions that are detriment to the German people, and must therefore be promoted. After all, there are still German people who are ALIVE, and we can’t have that, now, can we?]

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/26/2023

More than 800 migrants arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa in the space of 24 hours. Meanwhile, German police stopped a van in which human smugglers were transporting 29 suspected Syrian migrants.

In other news, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reportedly suffered a heart attack and is hospitalized in critical condition.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, LP, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Now the Hour of the Reformation 2.0 Strikes”

This coming Saturday a major demonstration will take place in the German city of Magdeburg, the place where the Reformation began almost five hundred years ago, when Martin Luther arrived there in 1524.

Below is a video out by the organizers of the event. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

A summary of the planned event, courtesy of our Swedish correspondent LN:

Large demonstration in Magdeburg with Prof. Bhakdi on April 29, 2023: “In my whole life I have never had more important things to say than now.”

Prof. Bhakdi encourages people to join him and come to Magdeburg. On April 29 there will be a large demonstration in front of the cathedral square. He said he has never had more important things to say in his entire life. Also people such as Dr. Wodarg, Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Griesz-Brisson, Dr. Javid-Kistel, Anselm Lenz and Michael Ballweg are invited there as guests. Demonstrations will be held for a Reformation 2.0, Lauterbach’s liability, stopping the Green ID passport and leaving the WHO. Prof. Bhakdi says in his short video contribution: “Come to the cathedral square in Magdeburg, experience in front of God’s house how brutes have dared and managed to commit this inconceivable outrage and to give themselves super-divine omnipotence. Here in this place, 499 years ago, Magdeburgers stood up to be the first to initiate the Reformation. Now the hour of the Reformation 2.0 strikes and this time it is about everything. Namely, the salvation of mankind. All those who are united here today in Magdeburg: stand up once again after 700 years, for God, for truthfulness and for humanity.”

Prof. Bhakdi addresses the population with a new video. He calls for people to meet in Magdeburg on April 29, 2023. Those who attend “will understand why it is now about everything.” In 15 minutes he wants to summarize the inconceivable.


  • Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
  • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
  • Dr. Michael Yeadon
  • Dr. Magareta Griesz-Brisson
  • Dr. Daniel Langhans
  • Dr. Carola Javid Kistel
  • Dr. Bodo Schiffmann
  • Dr. Christina Baum
  • Anselm Lenz (Journalist)
  • Pfarrer Martin Michaelis
  • Michael Ballweg (Ehrengast)
  • Lars Hünich (Parl. C-Ausschuss)
  • Frank Liske (Vorsitzender Unternehmerverband ASU)
  • Udo Merx (Friedensaktivist)
  • Dirk Hoffmann (Reformation 2.0)
  • Beate Bahner (RAin)
  • Wolfgang Greulich

Video: Reformation 2.0 in Magdeburg am Dom (29.04.2023)

Basisdemokratische Partei Deutschland

Video transcript:

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The Bear and the Panda Join Forces

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Beijing and Moscow form a military alliance and challenge the Pentagon

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shanfu has brought a comprehensive package of strategic agreements with him from Moscow. Beijing has openly supported Moscow in the Ukraine conflict. And in doing so, it has shamed the West, which has attempted to issue an ultimatum to the Chinese authorities.

Robert Sutter: China and Russia together can withstand any “Ukrainian Blow”.

After arriving in Moscow on Sunday, Li Shanfu was immediately received by President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was also present at the meeting. General Li also visited the General Staff Military Academy, which has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the PLA National Defense Academy.

Most of the four-day visit was classified. A spokesman for China’s defense ministry said Beijing and Moscow had “strengthened their strategic ties.”

The two countries also pledged to “jointly resist attempts by outside forces to interfere in internal affairs,” according to the spokesman. This sounds ominous to the West as Russia supports China’s territorial integrity. That is, it does not recognize Taiwan’s independence, which the West insists on.

Another blow to Western interests is Li Shanfu’s promise to exchange military technology and trade in arms. It is the first time General Li has traveled abroad since he became defense minister. And he has repeatedly made it clear that he chose Russia on purpose: this only underlines the specificity and strategic importance of the relationship between the two countries.

With his trip, Li Shanfu wants to show the world that military relations between the two countries can withstand the “Ukrainian blow”. It’s a very strong relationship! — says Robert Sutter, Professor of International Relations at George Washington University.

The West, of course, is concerned about the possibility of China providing direct military support to Russia. The Washington Post cites secret Pentagon documents showing there is an agreement in principle for such assistance. At the same time, for example, the European Union’s High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, stated that Chinese components were allegedly found in Russian weapons in Ukraine (including drone navigation systems and tank fire control systems). [After they “sold” them the technology and knowhow for decades now, what the hell did they expect?]

There was no official confirmation of this. But it is a reason for Congress and the Joe Biden administration to prepare new sanctions against Chinese dual-use technologies. Just as before, the Europeans unduly imposed sanctions on Iran for the accusation that it supplied Russia with Mohajer and Shahed drones.

Joseph Wright: China is playing the role of the world’s chief peacemaker [with a .45 caliber to the head]

Given its unprecedented foreign trade, China is interested in a predictable and stable Russia — another factor behind Beijing’s support for Moscow, says City University of New York political science professor Xia Ming. The scientist is convinced that the West is aiming for a scenario similar to that of 1991 against Russia — a change in the state system and the actual collapse of the state. [To me it looks more the other way around, the West is not just crumbling, it uses a wrecking-ball on itself through pandering to Big Tech and Central Banks.]

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/25/2023

My Internet went out last night just before news feed time. I spent an hour or so on hold with the phone company, only to learn that there was a regional outage, and I just had to wait. It came back on at lunchtime today (Wednesday), but I’ve backdated this post.

The most significant news seems to be that an American woman may face up to ten years in prison for carrying a gold-plated handgun in her luggage on a flight to Australia.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, JW, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Steen, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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An “Allahu Akhbar” Moment in Vicenza

Yesterday in the province of Vicenza in northern Italy a mentally ill culture-enricher from Morocco, presumably traumatized by having to live among infidels, went on a rampage and shot a police officer while shouting “Allahu Akhbar”. I know readers will be saddened to learn that the youngster did not survive the incident. He was shot dead by an officer of the Carabinieri, who is probably a WAYCIST.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating this news video, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The following article about the incident is from Il Tempo. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation:

Vicenza, Moroccan shoots and wounds an officer. Killed. “He was shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’”

Weapon taken from a Carabiniero. Wounded officer has lung surgery.

April 24, 2023

Fear in Fara Vicentino, in the province of Vicenza. A Moroccan citizen was killed in a firefight with the Carabinieri after shooting at a local police officer, wounding him with the pistol taken from one of the two Carabinieri who arrived at the scene. It happened this morning. According to an initial reconstruction, the man, out of his mind, reportedly went into a rage in the street and managed to take the weapon from one of the two Carabinieri who intervened, firing at a police officer who arrived to help his colleagues: Reportedly, the other Carabiniero shot him dead at this point.

The non-EU citizen was walking barefoot in a confused state then allegedly went into a rage, shouting in the street. A Moroccan immigrant who was passing by reportedly heard him shouting insults in Arabic. According to what Corriere della Sera is reporting, the man allegedly also uttered the phrase “Allahu Akhbar”, God is greater. When the police intervened, the man reportedly took the service pistol from a Carabiniero, firing several rounds, two of which hit one of the local police. The Carabiniero who still possessed his weapon then shot and killed the suspect.

The 40-year-old local police officer involved in the shootout this morning was hit by two projectiles, one in the right foot and one in the left side which caused a lung to collapse. He was operated on at the Alto Vicentino Hospital of Santorso, a lung drainage was applied, and at this time a second lung CT scan is in progress. The prognosis is guarded, but should not be life-threatening.

Video transcript:

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