The Queer War on Biology

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this essay from The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

TransMad: Biological Women Aren’t Even Safe in Women’s Shelters Anymore

The destruction of the family as the nucleus of a functioning and survivable society has always been a special concern of the Left. A metrosexual utopia is to take its place, in which biology is contested and everyone is to be able to freely choose from an almost infinite variety of invented sexes.

This is the content of the utterly absurd “Self-Determination Law” that the government wants to impose on a people, for which it has already created a set of completely different problems, and with which the traffic light coalition* wants to deal Germany not only an economic death blow, but also the identitarian-cultural death blow. From now on, young people will be allowed to choose a different gender once a year — if necessary against the will of their parents.

The government doesn’t care what the consequences are for women when men, who can simply declare with the stroke of a pen that they are now women (and then also have the legal guarantee that their ridiculous quirk must be recognized by anyone under threat of punishment), is of course of no interest to the government. Not only can sex offenders and pedophiles easily gain access to women’s locker rooms or children; the potential victims then also risk being branded “anti-trans” and heavily fined if they refuse to engage in this outrageous idiocy. Even women who have already suffered violence and abuse now have to fear that they will become victims again. [They are turning here the perpetrator into a victim and the victim into a perpetrator.]

Erroneous impression of a mass phenomenon

This also applies in particular to women’s shelters, as reported by Die Welt. Monne Kühn, who sits on the board of directors of a women’s shelter in Uelzen, Lower Saxony, and has 30 years of experience in dealing with women affected by violence, explains to the newspaper: “Back then, the women’s shelters started with the self-image that the women affected by male violence were biological women.” Although there were already transsexuals back then, they were in extremely small in number. That still applies today. The number of actual trans people is minimal; only the ubiquitous propaganda of certain powerful lobby groups gives the false impression that this is a mass phenomenon. Boldly criticized: “With the rise of the trans movement and the ability to easily determine one’s own gender identity in the future, the range of people who use it will clearly expand. This means that the women must always assume that they may also meet biological men in the women’s shelter.”

This makes on-site work much more difficult. If women who have experienced violence at the hands of men meet a biological man again in a shelter, it can “trigger fears up to and including re-traumatization.” This applies above all to women from a “cultural and religious-patriarchal environment” in which strict gender segregation prevails. In plain language, it is about Muslim women, who are the most frequent victims of violence and who have made up the majority of the residents in women’s shelters for years. As early as 2020, 66% of the residents there had a migration background; most came from Islamic countries such as Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq. Due to mass immigration, which the government is constantly pushing, this proportion will increase even further.

Deprivation of “fear-free spaces”

“These women are in the shelter for one reason: because they have been raped, because they have experienced gender-based violence. And should we tell them now that they should accept women with penises as roommates?” laments Kühn. The women needed a “fear-free space” in which to recover. This would be taken away from them. The women’s shelter coordination (FHK), made up of 260 association-affiliated women’s shelters and 270 specialist advice centers, on the other hand, tries to downplay the problem and points out that “qualified specialists on site” would decide who would be admitted to a women’s shelter. Nobody gets access solely because of their declared gender. However, this had been claimed before — as it turned out, wrongly — with all previous cases of assaults by self-declared trans people on biological women.

FDP Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann, whose party also actively supports this green madness, only has empty gibberish in store: It is important that the law take “the legitimate interests of society as a whole” into account, he affirmed. Domiciliary rights and freedom of contract must therefore be preserved. Possibilities of misuse — no matter how remote they may be — must be ruled out. But they are not: The possibilities of abuse are by no means remote, but on the contrary extremely obvious.

Traffic light punishes real persecuted women [Everything that is natural must be destroyed]

Men with the right disposition will always find a way to gain access to such shelters, if necessary by invoking their rights as alleged “trans people” — and the number of such abusive cases in any case exceeds that of the tiny minority of people to which the Self-Determination Act should really apply under medical-psychological criteria of a trans identity.

Women’s shelter board member Kühn expresses fears to Die Welt — and in light of previous experience, rightly so — that the financing of women’s shelters will be made dependent on their “inclusivity” in the future — which practically means: The more “trans people” are admitted, the more the left-green, thoroughly ideologized state rewards this with public money. In addition, anyone who questions the self-designation of trans people must expect penalties. For this reason alone, hardly anyone will dare to reject the self-declared “women”. In doing so, the traffic light once again punishes real, biological and natural women who have already suffered enough — by once again exposing them to the potential for sexual assault and closeness to biological men. The woke trans madness must be executed, whatever the cost.

Afterword from the translator:

Nothing really changes, now, does it? In the past it was religious doctrine that was forced down people’s throats or else… and now it’s ideological doctrine. Same coin, different side.

These ideological retards have turned Germany — again — into a nest that is home to a family of corrupt and overfed RATS, in which all members harbour secret hatreds for each other. That nest is also festooned with webs spun from the purest and evilest lies, and on those webs scuttle enormous deadly spiders, almost as big as the rats. And this nest is located in a pit filled with vicious, venomous vipers and poisonous toads. Welcome to HELL. We paved this road specially with bad intentions and for your disadvantage.

Actually, this can be said for ALL of the governments and bureaucracies of this “brave” new globalists’ world.

*   “Traffic light” coalition government:
    Red:   Social Democratic Party
    Yellow:   Free Democratic Party
    Green:   Alliance90 / The Greens

6 thoughts on “The Queer War on Biology

  1. Makes children emotionally unstable, directionless and suicidal. They no longer see a clear place of future for themselves in society so like others who lose sight of a possible future, they will commit suicide.

  2. I am surprised the words butt hole and anus has not yet been redefined as a genital.

    • Those words are more useful as descriptors for variants of politicians and corporate managers.

  3. According to the latest news if you change your gender at the beginning of a war, it doesnt count.

    In case of a war, biological reality sets in and all biological males can and will be drafted.

    Thats the 150% proof that the entire Trans-…. is like the liquid that leaves the human body out of the rear entrance when you are ill with the running aka stomach flu.

  4. I wouldn’t want to be serving alongside of one of them even if they were drafted. Someone with an obvious mental disorder to where they want to cut off their genitals because they think that will make them a woman, can’t be trusted around weapons of any kind and is likely too stupid to be of much use in modern warfare except as a sacrificial diversion to draw fire.

    The real trick will be changing one’s race. Imagine all of the tax benefits and handouts one could get if they were able to self identify as a transgender lesbian female Native American irregardless of whether they were born white and biologically male!

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