Culture-Enriching Machetes on a School Bus

The following French-language video shows events that took place on a school bus on the island of Mayotte. Michael Copeland sends this introductory note about Mayotte:

Mayotte, off Madagascar, is part of the EU. It is a Departement of France. Predictably, it is a target destination for culture-enrichers, principally from the neighbouring Comoros Islands, who are unwilling to take back their citizens. A large shantytown of illegal migrants was about to be demolished in “Operation Wuambushu”, but this was suspended at the last minute by a Court Order.

There are videos on (in French).

It was the EU that announced “Europe needs 50 million Africans”, to further their unstated goal of destroying European culture. Mayotte is the example.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:07   Mayotte, November 2022.
00:11   On its way to school, a bus was attacked by a group of young males.
00:17   Armed with a machete, they smashed the doors of the bus, before breaking into it.
00:38   An attack of appalling violence, to steal some cell phones.
00:41   The outcome of the attack: five wounded because of machete blows and shards of glass.

7 thoughts on “Culture-Enriching Machetes on a School Bus

  1. Every last one of these elites behind the importation of hordes of orcs into the West needs to be made into lampost and overpass ornaments “Pour encourager les autres”.

    Until then, nothing can or will change.

    • Since no one is ever able to answer a question I have about this, I’m going to try you.
      Why do you think the “elites” will want to live in the hellscape they’re creating? It WILL impact them. There’s no escaping that.

      • The “elites” when I use that word is not really the top ten percent, or even the top one percent, although a good portion of those who fall into those percentages are sympathetic to the goals of the top tenth of 1 percent, who are pushing these policies. As such, they already live in their own rarified world of private jets, private islands, secret meetings with fellow elites protected by thousands of private armed guards, and boltholes and physical and financial resources stashed all around the planet.

        For them, they are already living in a hellscape, where there are far too many of us, there’s the necessity to always interfere in selecting tame leaders and squashing nationalist movements since they’re not able to rule by decree like the royalty many of them consider themselves to be, and any upstart with a billion or so can have access to the same kinds of luxuries and exclusive locations that they’ve come to consider their exclusive birthright.

        They don’t think or likely even consider that by importing millions of orcs from Africa to dilute the populations of ethnic Europeans who long ago stopped reproducing anyway, is going to have an effect on their lives because they don’t go to those places anyway. What member of the top 1/10th of one percent ever goes to downtown Paris or London or Berlin or Rome? They certainly never go to more rural communities where their placing of gigantic orc camps are even more destructive of the quality of life. When the elites venture to big cities its likely in private jets and whisked to wherever they want to go in private helicopters or in armed convoys. Swank restaurants are cleared of all patrons before they arrive, same for exclusive upscale sellers of luxuries. More likely, those sellers and cooks are summoned to them so that their interaction with commoners is kept to an absolute minimum.

        The mindset of that class of “people” is so different that it might as well be alien when compared to how you and I think. Take for example, a trip to buying groceries at Walmart. Firstly, an elite would never engage in something so menial since they have multiple layers of underlings to do such things. But for me, I have no such choice. I dislike the experience immensely, and I try to do my purchases midweek outside of normal hours to keep my interactions with the other shoppers and employees to a minimum. The experience is still terrible, between the items one needs being unavailable, the general dirtiness of the place, getting stuck behind waddling fatties and trundling sows with their hordes of screaming brats each from a different sperm donor, the employees standing around jabbering to one another in spanish or some barbaric african yawp, and the sullen purple haired nose ringed, tatted, and gauged person of indeterminate gender at the checkout. The Walmart experience is a metaphor for what the elites have done to Western civilization and turned it into since the turn of last century.

        They rightly want no part of going to the store, and their immense wealth and power insulates them from such experiences anyway. If they were to think about such things at all it would be to think about the problem in terms of getting rid of both the employees and the customers and replacing them with automation, robots, and AI, without thinking much at all about where the goods come from or how they get there, and anyway would be irrelevant if almost all of us were somehow eliminated. I don’t think that those who are actively pushing these schemes are too worried about how they will be affected when they come to fruition, since those concerns are problems for their underlings to deal with. The world they live in is already far into the abstract, and such problems as security, fuel for private jets, supplies of Chilean sea bass and Dom Pérignon, females for their beds, crews for their yachts, etc., are just things that happen or magically appear.

        So, to summarize, they don’t worry about how these changes they’re creating will personally affect them since that’s a concern for their underlings to manage, and for that class of people the overcrowded planet with far too many lower classes that have access to the same luxuries while not acknowledging their inherent superiority is already a hellscape which through their schemes they’re correcting.

        • I am in manufacturing. This experience has informed my perspective on this subject of elites destroying the world, and directed it into specific avenues.

          I’m not just talking about how PLACES will change, (although the elites will have to downgrade their taste in wine if it’s ever produced anywhere else but in a vast vineyard). I’m wondering how the elites will have their air conditioning and plumbing and cars maintained. I’m also talking about goods such as mattresses, insulated windows, and many other items that seem so mundane, but become luxuries when considering the possibility of doing without them. These kinds of items require SO MANY people and so many stages of manufacturing to produce them, that I’m left wondering who is going to be able to DO that.
          The incoming Orcs are not going to have those skills.

          And before you bring up AI, let me just make clear that I will not be impressed by robots until I see one fix a mechanical problem with yellow electrical tape and zip ties.

          • I don’t think AI is the cure-all that so many of its proponents believe it to be. I do a decent amount of CAD for my hobbies, and it irritates me to no end when I hear someone say “it’s simple to make once you have a CNC file”. So I get your point about how difficult it is to manufacture anything without all kinds of prior processes and inputs.

            My point is that for you and I and the average person who perhaps has a little knowledge of what goes into making something as mundane as a mattress or keeping an air conditioner running, we don’t see how destroying a society is going to not have consequences for one’s luxuries or quality of life. However, these obvious observations are just so far beneath the concerns of these creatures who see themselves as some kind of royalty or gods even that it simply never occurs to them that if their policies were enacted it would have consequences for themselves.

            Its similar to a spoiled female who is given a brand new Mercedes and never bothers to learn how to change a tire or replace the oil, or even replace the wiper blades. That kind of female has no knowledge of how anything on the car works other than working the stereo, gas, and brake, and no interest either. Why would she? All she needs to know how to do is call OnStar if something isn’t working, and like magic, someone shows up to fix it. And because she has a new Mercedes she considers herself far superior to all those other drivers around her in their cheap cars, and who just clog up the road anyways. Now, apply this metaphor to the elites and you’ll start to get a sense of how they just assume nothing will change for them because things always work or appear whenever they desire it, and they assume that they always will.

  2. Lenin himself said that the more of this is the better (or words to that effect).

    France pioneered to answer.

    Ah well.

  3. “Around half of Mayotte’s roughly 350,000 population is estimated to be foreign, most of them Comoran.
    In 2019, France pledged €150 million ($161 million) in development aid as part of a deal to tackle human trafficking and ease the repatriation of Comorans from Mayotte.”

    Some of the illegals have been very violent, as shown by the machete attack.

    About 98% of the population in the Comoros are Sunni Muslim.

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