Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/24/2023

The popular conservative commentator Tucker Carlson has been fired by Fox News. Meanwhile, Don Lemon was fired by CNN. Fox News reportedly lost more than 5% of its market value in the wake of Mr. Carlson’s departure. There’s no word yet on whether CNN stock rose in value after Mr. Lemon was fired.

In other news, aboriginal passengers on a domestic Australian flight got into a brawl, and one of the plane’s windows was broken out in mid-flight during the fracas. The plane was forced to make two emergency landings, and several passengers were arrested.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, Fjordman, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Shut Up and Stick to the Narrative

The German government wants to make it easier to get rid of “extremists” in the judiciary, which category includes those who engage in “hate speech”. “Hate speech” is one of those elastic terms that allows the Powers That Be to suppress any opinions they don’t like.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Der Spiegel. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Fight against extremists in the civil service

Stricter disciplinary law should also apply to judges

The federal government wants to remove extremists from public service more quickly in the future. Now the cabinet has decided: the tightening of the law should also include enemies of the constitution on the bench of judges.

Until now, it has often taken years before extremists can be dismissed from public service. The federal government wants to change that and quickly take action, even for enemies of the constitution who may be on the bench.

The federal government’s plans for a faster removal of extremists from the public service should also include judges. This was decided by the cabinet, which thus responded to a corresponding proposal by the Federal Council. The chamber of the federal states had asked to examine whether the judicial reasons for termination could be adjusted in such a way that the same standards apply to civil servants and judges in the case of criminal convictions for hate speech. [And who decides what hate speech is?]

In the future, the competent authorities should be able to issue all disciplinary measures by means of a decree and would then no longer have to file lengthy disciplinary actions before administrative courts. This applies to all disciplinary measures, including demotion, removal from civil service and withdrawal of pension. However, those affected can then defend themselves before administrative courts.

Doubts about the effectiveness of the planned reform

Disciplinary lawsuits in the federal administration currently last four years on average, and in some cases even much longer, according to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). Hesse’s Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) expressed doubts that the planned reform would lead to a significant acceleration of the process. This would only succeed in cases where those affected would not appeal against their dismissal from the civil service.

According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the reform is also intended to eliminate “disproportionate financial incentives to delay disciplinary proceedings.” Extremists who have been legally removed from service would have to pay back continued payments in the future. In addition, a final conviction for incitement to hatred should result in the loss of official rights with even a prison sentence of at least six months — previously one year.

Afterword from the translator:

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It’s Millstone Time

Our Swedish correspondent LN left the following text in the comments tonight. He included no link; presumably it’s translated from Swedish Twitter.

Update: LN has kindly supplied the Twitter link.

I have substituted a standard English translation of the gospel passage from Mark, with attribution. Otherwise the text is the same:

Magnus Söderman

@SvegotMagnus []

So, the Church of Sweden @svenskakyrkan talked sex with pupils in grade six in week six and called it “sexSEX6”.

In Höllviken parish, 20 km south of Malmö.

This had completely passed me by.

Do I need to tell you about the number 666? That it is the “number of the beast” according to the Book of Revelation? I don’t think so. Obviously the number is used deliberately. Obviously they made sure they could use it.

And what did they do? In the Church magazine we read:

“We have invited midwife Katarina Svensson Flood who will meet the students and talk about the body, consent, masturbation, sexual debut, LGBTQ issues and pornography.”

The Church of Sweden has fallen.

The Church of Sweden engages in Satanism. And they are doing it against children. This is probably the most serious thing I have seen.

But whoever causes one of these little ones that believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea, so says Jesus Christ (Mark 9:42). The devil prowls around us, wants to devour us, and he has the help of the Church of Sweden, which associates activities against children with the number 666. There are no excuses.

The mockery of God and of believers is unprecedented.

No further commentary is required. Satan is loose in the land.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/23/2023

500 migrants were “rescued” from a sinking fishing vessel off the coast of Sicily. Meanwhile, the migrant-ferry vessel Ocean Viking offloaded 29 migrants in Bari, the capital of Apulia.

In other news, three French protesters may do prison time for giving the finger to President Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Romania Refuses to Eat the Bugs

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language article from Uncut News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Setback for the WEF and the EU: Romania bans crickets and grasshoppers in food and the Netherlands wants to follow suit

PSD [Social Democrat] MPs have tabled a bill banning the presence of insects in food sold in Romania. For example, traditional Romanian products are not allowed to contain insects in any form, and products with a specific name containing grasshoppers, larvae, crickets and worms are not allowed to be marketed in Romania. Also, food containing insects must be sold at separate stalls that visibly indicate the presence of insects. [I rather doubt — after that law is passed — that many supermarkets will stock this rubbish.]

For the first time, Romania has managed to cleverly defy the European Commission without breaking EU rules. The approval of insects as food in the European Union has caused a wave of indignation and horror among Romanians, who fear being forced to eat insects without clear and unambiguous information. That is why PSD MPs have drafted a law that regulates the use of insect flour in the manufacture of products and the marketing of these products in Romania, which actually means a hidden ban on insects in food. The draft concerns the EU regulations governing the placing on the market of dried larvae of Tenebrio molitor (yellow mealworm).

“The need to regulate the use of insect meal in the preparation/manufacture of products and the marketing of these products on Romanian territory arose from the extensive debates in the Romanian public on the use of food containing insect species classified as novel foodstuffs from the EU area that may be placed on the market. At the same time, the regulation of the use of insect meal in the manufacture of products in Romania aims to protect traditional Romanian products, but also to correctly inform consumers so that they are able to distinguish and differentiate foods containing insects from classic products,” it says in the explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Duty to change product names

According to the draft law, economic operators on Romanian territory are prohibited from using insect meal for the production of products listed in the National Register of Traditional Products. Furthermore, the manufacture/preparation/marketing of products under the originally-used name is prohibited if they do not contain approved insect meal as ingredients. Only clear proper names may be used in the product names, which must contain one of the phrases “with…”, “from…”, followed by the common name of the insect species, regardless of their proportion in the end product, according to the draft. In order to protect consumers from confusion, products containing insects are presented in a separate stand in the direct sales areas and away from the traditional products.

“In order to provide consumers with adequate information and enable them to find clear and complete information about food that is made of or contains insect species, economic operators are required to place, in a visible, easily accessible place next to the separate stand, the information that the food is made of or contains insect species. This information must be placed by the trader on a stand or board in a color that contrasts with the background color of the board. The display medium or panel must be monochromatic, without gradients or other graphic markings or colors, clearly and unambiguously in an easy-to-read Times New Roman 20 font size,” the bill reads.

Fines of 100,000 lei (around US $20,000)

At the same time, the provision of information about food containing insect species and marketed online must be done in such a way that the information is available and accessible before the completion of the order on the remote sales medium, on the price tag or transport packaging and in any promotional material. And on menus in restaurants or other public catering establishments, information about the presence of insect species in food must be visible, easily accessible and indelible, and not obscured by other written or photographic material. Violation of the provisions of the draft law, with the exception of those relating to catering establishments, constitutes a criminal offense and carries fines ranging from 10,000 lei to 100,000 lei.

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Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia Resolution: Bad Idea

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia Resolution: Bad Idea

by Clare M. Lopez

At a press conference held outside the U.S. Capitol on 23 March 2023, the first day of Ramadan, Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib, (D-MI) jointly introduced a bill they claim is intended to combat “Islamophobia”. The bill was co-sponsored by 20 Democrat Party members of the U.S. House of Representatives. In December 2021, Omar led an initiative in the House to pass a bill that would establish a special U.S. government envoy on “Islamophobia”, although the term is nowhere officially defined. To date, no “Islamophobia” envoy has yet been designated by the Biden administration, although Secretary of State Antony Blinken did issue a formal statement on 15 March 2023 in support of “International Day to Combat Islamophobia”.

H.Res.250 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) (track it here — no action as of this writing after it was introduced in the House)

Editor’s Note

As the Sharia TipSheet noted on 11/7/22, Islamophobia legislation is a bad idea, starting with the free speech problems it would create. Defining ‘Islamophobia’ was under consideration in Britain in 2022, but the government abandoned the attempt. B’nai Brith points out the problems with trying to define the term: B’nai Brith: “The group says the broad definition could lead to students or staff being punished for expressing dislike for the Republic of Iran’s persecution of LGBTQ people or restrictions placed on women in Saudi Arabia.” British government officials said defining the term would also hamper counterterrorism operations and stoke community tensions. Moreover, Islamophobia legislation criminalizes scholarship and public debate reaching to, among other things, university cultural studies, and political science, as well as criminal justice studies textbooks, discussions, research papers, theses, and dissertations. For example, see page 11, 38, and 93 of the text, The Criminal Investigator-Intelligence Analyst’s Handbook of Islam, for World View discussions that would run afoul of Islamophobia legislation.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/22/2023

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia will send Britain into the abyss with nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the Russian government announced that it was expelling some 20 German diplomats in retaliation for a similar move by Germany.

In other news, the core inflation rate in Poland rose to a new high of 12.3%.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Jew-Hatred Among Muslims in Germany

Last week I reported on a recent demonstration in Berlin by culture-enrichers who support “Palestine”. Among the features of the protest were shouts of “Death to the Jews” and similar tropes.

The following report from Deutsche Welle — a stalwart bastion of the German MSM — tiptoes gingerly around the shocking Jew-hating sentiments of “New Germans”. It acknowledges that such opinions exist, but hedges its coverage with exceptions, and attempts to minimize the overwhelming Jew-hatred that is characteristic of Islam. In addition, it takes a gratuitous swipe at the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany), saying that the Jew-hating attitudes of Muslim immigrants are basically the same as those of AfD members.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article:

Investigation: Anti-Semitism among Muslims in Germany

Are prejudices or hate against Jews among Muslims or people with a migration background more widespread? The research is often contradictory.

Holy Saturday in the middle of Berlin, a Palestinian demonstration with several hundred people. Members of the association Democ, which monitors anti-democratic movements, observed the demonstration march and later posted a video. According to Democ, “Death, death, death to Israel!” was chanted several times by participants. In addition, one man shouted, “Death to Jews!” from a loudspeaker van.

Twitter insert:

“Death to Jews! Death to Israel!” About 300 people demonstrated on April 8, 2023 in Berlin from Neukölln to Kreuzberg. The participants shouted anti-Semitic words and glorified terrorist violence.

Investigated by State Security, two planned pro-Palestinian demonstrations were banned shortly thereafter, and the Israeli ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, saw in the demonstrations, “every possible red line” being crossed. On Twitter, he wrote that the participants had abused freedoms in Germany and had called for the “destruction of Israel and Jews”. For Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, there is the initial suspicion of incitement to hate.

Twitter insert (Buschmann):

When groups chant, “Death to Jews” on German streets, then there is an initial suspicion of incitement to hate under section 130, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. I am assuming that the responsible security authorities are accordingly taking action against this.

Research relatively thin

Such demonstrations are grist for the mill for those who believe that anti-Semitism is much more pronounced among Muslims than among people without a migration background and non-Muslims. But Sina Arnold of the Center for Anti-Semitism Research at the Technical University (TU) of Berlin says, “Depending on what kind of anti-Semitism you are looking at, people with a migration background and Muslims show a higher or lower anti-Semitic attitude than people without a migration background or non-Muslims.” Sweeping statements about anti-Semitism in the investigated groups cannot be made. She looked at and summarized the most important investigations on the topic for TU Berlin on behalf of the Media Integration Services.

Arnold is also project manager of the Research Institute of Social Cohesion and for years, has been investigating attitudes toward Judaism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East conflict. In that endeavor, she investigates the causes of the anti-Semitic attitudes of refugees and other newcomers. An almost new field, because the research on this highly explosive topic is up to now still relatively thin. On the other hand, there are countless scientific studies that show that anti-Semitism is a widespread phenomenon in German society in general.

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Is Catholic Bavaria Surrendering to Islam?

The Greens in Bavaria are ready to make the imposition of sharia official: they want to include Islamic religious instruction in the state school curriculum.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of the Epoch Times. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Bavaria’s Greens also want “Islamic instruction” in the upper grades

Elective subject should also be part of the Abitur (Matric). Parliament must now deal with the application.

In future, “Islamic teaching” is to be included as a compulsory elective in the upper school timetable at schools in Bavaria. At least that is the wish of the Greens, who have submitted a corresponding application to the Bavarian state parliament.

It stipulates that the state government should also create the necessary framework conditions for teaching in high school and vocational upper levels. It should also be possible for students to take the Abitur in this subject. [Are they turning German schools into madrassas now?]

Part of regular classes since 2021

The Greens justify their initiative with the fact that the subject has finally been transferred to regular teaching in 2021 after “many years of pilot testing”. So far not in high school.

Even if no “equivalent, denomination-oriented religious instruction” has yet been established — analogous to Catholic or Protestant religious instruction — this subject contributes to Muslim pupils being able to develop “a reflected religious identity”.

The number of registrations made it clear that the subject was “very well received” in Bavaria’s schools. A request from the Greens shows that the number of registrations is increasing. [I wonder in which particular ghettos/neighbourhoods this is happening?]

Greens see disadvantage

It is therefore incomprehensible that the subject has not yet been taught in grades 11 to 13 of colleges and vocational high schools.

According to the Greens, students who “want to take Islamic classes in high school are disadvantaged compared to others who either take confession-oriented religious classes or regular ethics classes.” [I guess they don’t learn in those how to detonate an explosive vest.]

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/21/2023

The population of Japan reportedly dropped by half a million during 2022. Meanwhile, Los Angeles County lost 2.9% of its population during the “pandemic”.

In other news, French police confiscated saucepans from citizens during a town’s protest against President Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron.

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Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, JW, LP, MR, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Becomes Today’s Fact

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from AUF1. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

System media give tips on dealing with “conspiracy theorists”

In the last three years, the term “conspiracy theory” has become the ultimate killer argument, used to smear anyone who dares to contradict the worldview dictated by government and mainstream media. The accusation is so well-suited to effectively undermining the basic right to freedom of expression that left-wing media are now even giving tips on how best to use it in everyday life to silence dissidents.

So “n-tv” now sees itself compelled to provide a comprehensive report on how to deal with alleged conspiracy theorists in the workplace. The pathologization of dissenting views as a kind of disease against which rules of conduct and “hygiene” are recommended has come a long way from the “special treatment” and psychiatrization of political dissidents. [“Hygiene”?Why does this sound so eerily familiar?]

Those who deviate are paranoid

The simple formula here: Anyone who takes critical and questioning positions on things such as globalism, the Great Reset, the background to the big “pandemic” and climate narratives or the active promotion of mass migration is declared a paranoid nutcase. It is claimed that the alleged problem of “conspiracy stories”, according to “n-tv”, has become clear “particularly in the past few years surrounding the Corona pandemic.” However, there is no explanation of how exactly this was expressed.

If you are confronted with something like this in the workplace, “tact and clear boundaries” are required, according to “n-tv”. For support, the social psychologist Pia Lamberty is consulted, who, together with the political scientist Katharina Nocun, wrote the guide “True Facts. What really helps against conspiracy narratives”.

Definitions that fall back on their creators themselves

“Very often we experience that a strong belief in conspiracies goes hand in hand with preaching behavior. Trying to convert others,” Lamberty explained. The fact that according to this definition public service commentators have to be the worst conspiracy theorists is of course not reflected. Instead, it is emphasized that “facts and discussions” would not usually help with the (of course always right-wing nutcase) “conspiracy theorists” because you are dealing with a “closed worldview”. [Although the Grim Reaper’s accounting is flawless, but if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit, especially into their “closed worldview”]

Next comes the usual pitying condescension: It might make sense to seek talks with the “conspiracy theory colleagues” — even without the goal of being able to convince them. Above all, it is about examining: “Where does the person actually stand? How did he/she get there? And how deep is he/she into the subject?” Lamberty continues.

“Therapy” instead of discussing [I believe the Nazis and the Communists had that approach too, now, didn’t they?]

She even recommends counseling centers such as “sect counseling centers” or “specific counseling centers against conspiracy stories or mobile counseling against right-wing extremism.” Incidentally, there do not seem to be any corresponding contact points for left-wing extremism (no wonder, they do not represent conspiracy theories, but pure doctrine).

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Tommy Robinson Exposes Western Censorship

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using one of the links at the bottom of this post.

Morten Messerschmidt, leader of the Danish People’s Party, in conversation with Tommy Robinson (right) in the Danish Parliament on April 1, 2023. Photo: Peder Jensen.

Tommy Robinson Exposes Western Censorship

by Fjordman

On April 1, 2023, the English activist and author Tommy Robinson was on an official visit to the Free Press Society in Denmark.[1] This was not his first trip to Copenhagen.

In early 2020, Robinson was in Copenhagen to receive the Sappho Award from the Free Press Society.[2] They have also granted free speech awards to such individuals as Daniel Pipes, Ibn Warraq, Flemming Rose, Kurt Westergaard, Melanie Phillips, Mark Steyn, Thilo Sarrazin, Ezra Levant, Lars Vilks, Gunnar Sandelin, Roger Scruton, Douglas Murray and Dennis Prager.[3]

During his visits to the Free Press Society and the Danish Parliament, Robinson received a standing ovation in both 2020 and in 2023.[4] He is not used to such treatment in Britain.

A few individuals such as Tommy Robinson and the Dutch politician Geert Wilders have a natural charisma. You notice this when seeing them in real life. They do not resemble each other physically. Wilders is quite tall even for a northern European man. Robinson is not very tall, but he nevertheless has a strong personal presence. Both Robinson and Wilders have suffered death threats for years after criticizing Islam.

Robinson has repeatedly been thrown in prison by British authorities after truthfully exposing how Muslim rape gangs target white British girls in towns across the UK.[5] He is thus harassed for having committed ideological crimes. He has also been forced to share prison with many Muslims who have committed violent crimes or have Jihadist terrorist sympathies. This resembles the way Communist regimes sometimes put thought criminals in jail with real criminals.

Even when people openly threaten his children with violence or rape, this rarely has any consequences for the individuals behind these threats. Tommy himself is now divorced and nearly bankrupt after enduring years of such harassment.

Michael Pihl, the deputy leader of the Free Press Society, had his account on Facebook suspended in the spring of 2023 after writing about Tommy Robinson’s visit to Copenhagen.[6] This case is far from unique. Big Tech censorship among major technology companies is widespread. Robinson has been systematically shut out of nearly all Western social media platforms.

On Facebook, the censorship is so aggressive that you risk having your account locked for linking to articles that mention Tommy Robinson in a neutral or critical manner. Even Members of Parliament such Morten Messerschmidt, the leader of the Danish People’s Party, can experience such treatment. This is Stalinist censorship in the supposedly free Western world. Certain individuals are to be treated as non-persons. You are not allowed to even mention that they exist.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/20/2023

The rocket “Starship” launched by SpaceX, the most powerful rocket ever deployed, experienced what was called a “rapid unscheduled disassembly” shortly after it took off — that is, it blew up. Nevertheless, Elon Musk said the launch wasn’t a complete failure, because a lot was learned from what happened.

In other news, as the situation in Sudan devolves into civil war, the Pentagon is preparing to evacuate the American embassy.

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Thanks to Apollon Zamp, Dean, Diana West, DV, LP, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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