Time to Take Off the Rose-Colored Glasses

The two videos below discuss the remarks made by a former French intelligence agent, who has sparked a controversy with his statements about the inevitable Islamization of France, and all of Europe.

RAIR Foundation provides this background for the videos:

Former DGSE (General Directorate for External Security) agent Pierre Martinet, who served in a specialized French intelligence agency, delivered a chilling warning about the impending Islamic threat to Europe in an interview on the Les Bâtisseurs podcast.

Martinet, a veteran of the 3rd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (3e RPIMa), foresees a terrifying future where Europe faces complete Islamization within the next 50-70 years. The portion of the interview presented below unravels the profound ideological threat posed by Islam, particularly the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the unsettling transformation of Europe. Watch the video, which has been translated into English by RAIR Foundation USA, to gain a deep understanding of this alarming prediction and the urgent threat it raises.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

The first video shows excerpts from the TV interview Mr. Martinet:


The second video features a panel discussion on the topic from French television:

Video transcript #1:

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Everyone Must Come Along

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Federal government officially decides: free travel for smugglers in the Mediterranean

On Thursday, the German Bundestag passed Nancy Faeser’s (SPD) repatriation improvement law. The draft law originally also envisaged an expansion of the criminal liability for helping escapees, which would have affected the actions of the so-called “sea rescuers” in the Mediterranean. But this has now been completely deleted. How did that happen?

The Committee on the Interior and Homeland met one day before the vote in Parliament. The draft law was changed and supplemented at short notice. One of these innovations: “Exclusion of sea rescue from the scope of smuggling offenses by reference to land routes.”

Pick them up and then bring them to Europe

On Thursday, the Bundestag adopted the changes with the votes of the SPD, Greens and FDP. The CDU/CSU and AfD factions voted against it. The Bundestag has thus issued a free pass to the so-called “sea rescuers” in the Mediterranean. For years, reports have been circulating about the way the predominantly German organizations such as “Jugend sucht” [another meaning for the word “Sucht/search” is “Sucht/addiction”, and in this case these hateful and traitorous “youth” are addicted to the destruction of their own families and country], “Sea-Watch” and “SOS Humanity” are colluding with human traffickers. The smugglers pick up African migrants in small boats and set them loose from the beaches in Tunisia or Libya; the “sea rescuers” then collect them a few kilometers off the coast and take them to Europe.

The traffic light government originally wanted to tighten Section 96 of the Residence Act in order to be able to take tougher action against smugglers. The judiciary in Germany only assumes smuggling if a monetary advantage is achieved or promised. Volunteers are therefore exempt from prosecution.

Refugee lawyers opposed this [Refugee lawyers? That’s nothing less than the same league as a drug cartel lawyer, a criminal parasite who found a loophole niche for his or her criminal activity. In short, they are ideological and greed driven advocates for white genocide.]

Pressure grew from the ranks of organizations active in the Mediterranean to change the law. After reading the paper, numerous refugee lawyers raised objections: lawyers associated with “SOS Humanity,” a “sea rescue” association that collected €790,000 in tax money last year, accused the coalition of “criminalizing civilian sea rescue.”

The draft will “lead to considerable legal uncertainty and enable the risk of criminal investigations being initiated against civilian sea rescue,” warned law professor Pauline Endres de Oliveira from Berlin’s Humboldt University together with other lawyers in a statement to the Bundestag . “In the opinion of the signatories of this statement, civil sea rescue should not be subjected to criminal prosecution,” it says. [Since they claim to be “sea-rescuers”, then they should follow the international rules of the nearest harbour, now, shouldn’t they? Anything else is human trafficking.]

Afterword from the translator:

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The EU is the place where, when you go there, they have to take you in

Political leaders and the media normally play on our heart strings by showcasing the suffering of the Puir Wee Bairns of the Third World. It’s always about the kids — that way, anyone who opposes the proposed policy (whatever it might be) is a heartless wretch, an amalgam of Ebenezer Scrooge and Adolf Hitler.

When it comes to the “refugees” pouring into Europe, however, there’s a problem: almost none of them are puir wee bairns. The vast majority of them are military-age men. Some of them pretend to be “unaccompanied minors” to game the asylum system, but almost all of those swarthy heavy-bearded fellows turn out to be full-grown men.

Now it seems the Powers That Be have hit upon a solution to the puir wee bairn problem: any woman who is a victim of domestic violence qualifies for asylum protection in the EU. Which means virtually 100% of the female population south of the Mediterranean or east of Aqaba. And most of those puir battered wives have plenty of wee bairns to bring in with them when they arrive. Then later their husbands can join them under family reunification policies!

What better system could be devised?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian portal Heimatkurier:

300 million people entitled to asylum: ECJ declares domestic violence to be a legitimate reason for fleeing

The European Court of Justice recently made a momentous decision. According to a recent ruling, experiencing domestic or sexual violence is enough to be eligible for asylum in the European Union. This suddenly turns hundreds of millions of women worldwide into potential asylum seekers .

The European Court of Justice has repeatedly been noted for fueling population exchange in the EU member states with questionable decisions. This was also the case last Tuesday. A landmark decision in Luxembourg ruled that domestic violence can be a legitimate reason for asylum in Europe. According to “Brot für die Welt/ Bread for the World”, this affects almost 300 million women worldwide — who, at least according to the ECJ, now all enjoy the right to asylum in Europe.

Kurdish woman fled from forced Islamic marriage

The case in which the fatal verdict was pronounced was an ethnic Kurdish woman with Turkish nationality. She was forced to marry as a child and got divorced. In the Islamic world, this often results in honor killings. The European Court of Justice has now ruled that women are considered refugees if “they are exposed to physical or psychological violence, including sexual violence and domestic violence, in their country of origin because of their gender.”

Honor killings have long been imported into Europe

Particularly bizarre: Through the population exchange, the practices from which the Kurdish woman is actually seeking protection have long since been imported to Europe. Honor killings are commonplace, especially among the imported clans. Forced Islamic marriages and child marriages also take place again and again, albeit hidden from the public.

Asylum is completely unrestricted

The judgment is an example of the ECJ’s increasing delimitation of the right to asylum. The question arises as to where the line should be drawn — should victims of bullying or death threats also be entitled to asylum in the future? If you follow the logic of liberal extremism, there is probably no one in the world who cannot concoct a reason to flee. An example of this is the demand of the African-born Green Party politician Aminata Touré — she wants to recognize genital mutilation “unconditionally” as a reason for asylum.

Afterword from the translator:

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Citizens of the EU Pay the Poor Tax

Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated by the CBDC Borg. Today the European Union; tomorrow the rest of the Western world.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian news portal eXXpress. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Out for cash?

EU bans cash payments of more than €10,000

The EU is getting serious: cash payments of more than €10,000 will be banned. Luxury goods retailers must also verify the identity of their customers and report suspicious transactions to the authorities. The EU speaks of an important step against money laundering, the FPÖ warns against the abolition of cash.

Negotiators from the European Parliament and the member states agreed on Thursday morning on new regulations with which the EU wants to officially take action against money laundering. The stricter rules are intended to close loopholes in national laws and apply, among other things, to the trade in jewelry, luxury cars, private planes and ships.

According to the agreement, financially strong football clubs such as FC Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund will also be subject to the new law from 2029. Professional football, with its billions in investments from third countries, is seen as a possible gateway for money laundering in Europe.

Greater control of cryptocurrencies and banking

The authorities should also monitor cryptocurrencies and the banking transactions of the super-rich with assets of at least €50 million more closely. Owners of companies with a share of at least a quarter must be registered throughout the EU. This is intended, among other things, to prevent Russian oligarchs from being able to circumvent the EU sanctions as a result of the attack on Ukraine.

Stricter anti-money laundering rules for cryptocurrencies, banks, oligarchs and football clubs are “long overdue,” said European Parliament negotiator Eero Heinäluoma. An EU-wide uniform framework closes the national loopholes. “Up until now the member states have been losing billions of euros,” explained the Finnish Social Democrat.

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Time For Those Wonderful Global Partnerships

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, made some inspirational remarks this week in Davos. She sees the WEF’s primary task as the suppression of free speech, although she expresses it somewhat differently: fighting “misinformation and disinformation.”

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

At the WEF

Von der Leyen: Our biggest enemy is disinformation [says the Queen of “safe and effective” disinformation]

The biggest challenge of our time is disinformation, says Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum. Conflicts can only arise from this, said the CDU politician. It is time for global partnerships, “and we can do it,” (“wir schaffen das”) says von der Leyen.

This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos (WEF) wants to “build trust” again — that is the motto of the meeting, which is also attended by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. On Tuesday, the CDU politician presented what she considers to be the most important factors for the next few years, quoting the WEF’s annual report almost verbatim. Her speech should also have the motto “Building trust,” or at least that’s what she says. “And I believe we can do it,” assures the former Federal Defense and Federal Minister for Family Affairs. [The only reason these people build up trust is so that they can push the dagger into people’s backs more forcefully and deeper.]

The most crucial issues in the coming years, according to von der Leyen, are “not conflicts or the climate” — she avoids the term “change” here; by now everyone should know what “climate” is aimed at — but “disinformation and misinformation.”

The 65-year-old also believes that “polarization in our societies” is a big problem and that “changes in demographics” also make global coexistence more difficult [Really? Then why do you want even more demographic changes and refuse to deport those who are criminals out of Europe?]. These risk factors also give rise to “geopolitical conflicts” and global disputes. Above all, as von der Leyen says specifically, this “impacts supply chains.” [A toddler in his or her first week in kindergarten could have told her that. What a lying harpy.]

Because the world’s situation is more dire than it has been for decades, the motto of this year’s WEF is all the more important: “Rebuild trust,” the EU politician emphasizes stoically. Because we would not live in a time of polarization, but should “build trust,” she repeats again and again.

“It is time for global partnerships, more than ever before. That’s why we need immediate and structured answers to the global challenges,” von der Leyen warns again and adds the sentence mentioned at the beginning, “I think we can do it,” with a diplomatic smile. We are familiar with quick decisions and “we can do it” slogans from another Christian Democrat.

Afterword from the translator:

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“Davos is the Representation of the Devil”

In the following video, Vicente Montesinos (whose website is Adoración y Liberación) discusses the blessings heaped by Pope Francis upon the World Economic Forum, globalism, and everyone attending the current gathering in Davos. Mr. Montesinos finds himself, shall we say, in disagreement with the Holy Father — whom he views as neither holy nor fatherly. He refers to Bergoglio as the “chaplain of the United Nations”

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Those High-Maintenance Migrants

It’s widely accepted that “migrants” are a net financial drain on any Western nation that decides to import them en masse. The following article reports on the research conducted by a German economist in an effort to quantify the amount of money lost due to all the cultural enrichment.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets.

Note: the translator has also appended some interesting and useful material at the end of this translation:

Raffelhüschen: Immigration costs €5.8 trillion

The pension and social expert Raffelhüschen calculates the overall economic price of immigration. He dispels a myth, and describes migration policy as “dumb as straw”.


The economist Bernd Raffelhüschen has presented a calculation of how expensive immigration is for the German population. Accordingly, mass migration creates an overall economic hole of €5,800,000,000,000 — in short, €5.8 trillion. [I’d love to know how much of that money has ended — and is still ending up — in the offshore accounts of the political “migration” mafia?]

The Freiburg professor dispelled the myth, promoted by all established parties, that immigration saves pension and social security funds. According to Raffelhüschen, there is already a large gap in the aging German society between what employers and employees pay in taxes, nursing care, pension and health insurance contributions and what they will be paid out in the future, says Raffelhüschen.

According to the expert, this “sustainability gap” will grow to €19.2 trillion if Germany continues to accept 300,000 foreigners annually. On the other hand, if we no longer allowed migrants into the country, the number would only be €13.4 trillion. Immigration increases the hole by €5.8 trillion. Raffelhüschen: “That is the price of immigration in our current system.”

Raffelhüschen: Foreigners pay little

On average, migrants would need six years to integrate into the German labor market. During this time they have scarcely paid anything into the social system. But even after that, according to his study, which he prepared for the Market Economy Foundation, things will hardly get any better. Because they earned significantly less than their German colleagues due to a lack of qualifications. As a result, they also paid fewer taxes and duties. However, they received the same sickness, nursing and pension benefits.

Raffelhüschen explained: “Although the age structure of migrants potentially has a demographic rejuvenation dividend, this does not lead to a positive fiscal balance of migration in any of the scenarios considered.”

To illustrate his results, Raffelhüschen chose an example: “An asylum seeker comes to Germany at the age of 26, is rejected after two to three years, but remains here with tolerance. Then he gradually begins his first jobs, gets qualified and, at the age of 35, begins a career as a tax and contribution payer. Because his pension entitlement is low, he receives basic security as a pensioner — for which his contributions would never have been enough.”

Even skilled immigration brings a loss

The 66-year-old scientist, who once advised the federal government in the so-called “Rürup Commission,” said: “It doesn’t pay off. This is all far too expensive.” This year alone, the federal government is making almost €50 billion available in its budget for migration — not including the costs to the social system.

Raffelhüschen has calculated that even with an additional immigration of 100,000 trained skilled workers per year, Germany would still show a loss. The “sustainability gap” would then still be €14.2 trillion — and therefore €800 billion above the financing burden without any immigration.

Raffelhüschen found clear words for the migration policy pursued so far by both the Merkel and now Scholz governments: “If we carry on as before, we are dumb as straw!”

Afterword from the translator:

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An Electrifying Experience in Schleswig-Holstein

A Swedish battery company will be given a massive subsidy by the EU to build a battery factory in Schleswig-Holstein. The batteries produced there will be used by for electric vehicles; the project is part of the push for Net Zero in the EU.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the daily news program Tagesschau. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

EU approves subsidies

Northvolt battery factory can be built

The Swedish company Northvolt is permitted to build a large battery cell factory in Schleswig-Holstein near Heide as planned. The EU Commission approves subsidies worth €900 million.

The Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt can build its planned factory in Heide in Schleswig-Holstein. The EU Commission has approved the proposed funding for the billion-dollar project, it announced today. According to the commission, without the subsidy, Northvolt would have chosen a location in the USA.

“This €902 million measure is the first individual aid approved to prevent an investment from moving outside Europe,” said EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. The EU wants to produce more strategically important technologies such as batteries and semiconductors itself in order to become more independent from third countries such as China and the USA. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) emphasized: “I am very, very happy that this is happening today.” [I wonder how much of that money ends up in his offshore account and in gold bullion?]

3,000 new jobs

The Northvolt company was also pleased: “The EU Commission’s positive aid decision is groundbreaking not only for Northvolt’s settlement project in Heide, but for the European battery cell industry as a whole,” said a company spokesman. “We are now waiting for the municipal decisions as part of the ongoing land use plan process.”

Northvolt wants to produce battery cells for electric cars in the factory in the Dithmarschen district. According to the EU Commission, the plant in Heide will be able to produce batteries for 800,000 to one million electric cars per year. Production is scheduled to start in 2026 and reach full capacity in 2029. The €4.5 billion investment is expected to create 3,000 jobs. The company has already invested around €100 million of its own funds in the construction project in Heide, according to people close to the project.

Location advantages in Schleswig-Holstein

The federal and state governments are funding the project with around €700 million. There are also guarantees for a further €202 million. Of the funding, around €564 million go to the federal government and up to €137 million to the state. The funding is spread over several annual installments. The federal government released a funding decision in December. It was subject to state aid approval from the EU Commission.

The project will be the largest industrial project in Schleswig-Holstein in decades. Northvolt had always emphasized the locational advantages of the west coast. A lot of wind power is generated there on land and at sea, which the factory needs in large quantities.

Afterword from the translator:

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It’s the Religion, Stupid

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language post from Twitter:

Thought experiment shows: Climate narrative has long since become an ideology

Let’s assume for a moment that science finds out that temperatures on earth are falling, that CO2 is not the main driver of the climate, or that climate change has a positive impact on crop yields and prosperity will impact worldwide. In other words, the climate panic would be canceled for one of the reasons listed.

What would sound like good news would have massive consequences for the course chosen. The agreements between states to reduce emissions would be invalid, and the restructuring of industry and energy supply that has taken place so far would be meaningless in the new context. Capital flows amounting to thousands of billions of dollars would suddenly be called into question. Party programs would have to be rewritten.

In the thought experiment we can now test how realistic it is to assume that these new scientific findings would actually become widespread. Would the truth be stronger than all party-political, industrial and ideological interests? No, of course not. This assumption would be naïve. No one in power would simply agree to change the climate narrative and put their own interests aside. There is far too much at stake for that.

If this is not the case today, what year was the “point of no return”? When did the climate course become set in stone? The course was set at the latest with the Paris climate agreement in 2015. Presumably already with the establishment of the IPCC in 1988, which had the task of proving man-made climate change.

When viewed from a meta-level, the matter is clear: the climate narrative is an ideology. Science is no longer open-ended. Since probably 1988, at least since 2015. Everything else is wishful thinking. The harsh treatment of critics, the censorship we experience, the massive propaganda in the media underline this result of the thought experiment.

Afterword from the translator:

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Hungarian President: “In many families, there is almost constant sickness”

Our Hungarian correspondent László has done a detailed analysis of the startling remarks made by Hungarian President Katalin Novák in her New Year’s address to the nation. After he wrote his initial analysis, the transcript of Ms. Novák’s speech was removed from the media site where it had been posted, and the state broadcaster dubbed her speech at the critical point so that her problematic remarks could no longer be heard.

László adds this note:

I assume the president wasn’t supposed to tell us that snippet of truth about our “constant sickness” and the state of “our immune systems”. But at least now we know that they know. And now they will know that we know that they know. And now we also know that they care that we know.

Update from László, posted in the comments after I went to bed:

The two articles in question became available again on Magyar Nemzet after a while (before this post on GoV was published) — and they are there now as I’m writing this comment. It’s difficult to know what machinations have been going on in the background.

I assume that with the temporary removal of the transcript of the speech, the media outlet might have intended to bypass the period of peak traffic in order to do some damage control. I mean, after a day the public’s interest in the president’s speech naturally drops, plus it is not on the front pages any more — so it could be reinstated.

In the meantime I also learned that there was a cyber attack against several Hungarian conservative media outlets yesterday. But since “future cyber attacks” have been heralded by the WEF, we cannot trust even cyber attacks to be genuine, can we?…

And this is the very nature of this war that we just don’t get to know what They do to us and why. Therefore what exactly was behind the temporary deletion doesn’t matter that much to me now.

What remains however, is the president’s strange statement about the “constant sickness” of the populace, and the fact that she connected that to the state of “our immune systems”.

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“As if our immune systems have been weakened”: Hungarian President’s New Weird Order Address to the Nation

Original analysis written by László on 1 January 2024:

Hungarian President Katalin Novák’s 2023 New Year’s Eve address to the nation was as weird as it could get. In the translation below I have highlighted the parts that sound very NWO to me. Actually, I think only the highlighted parts are interesting — the rest only serves as context for this post.

The president’s weirdest statement is the first highlighted sentence (see the transcript of her speech below) about the “constant sickness” in “many families” in Hungary. Katalin Novák said:

“In many families, there is almost constant sickness, as if our immune systems have been weakened.”

As if…

Is it an attempt to do damage control after the mass effects of the Poison Poke can no longer be hidden? “…as if our immune systems have been weakened,” she suggests, and apparently attributes this weakening to the fact that “the world is a roiling sea around us”:

“The world is a roiling sea around us. Whirlwinds rage, stormy waves crash everywhere. War in Ukraine and now in Israel, mass protests, economic and political uncertainty. Here at home, anxiety, the struggle for everyday life. Life is more expensive, spending has to be considered, reserves have had to be tapped.”

Yeah, anything but the Jab…

Note also in the transcript that below the Katalin Kariko cult can never end in Hungary.

Beware the roiling seas!

Update by László (2 January 2024):

The transcript of the president’s speech seems to have been scrubbed from the only source (magyarnemzet_hu) that first posted it. At least for me, the original link of the transcript returns a 404 error message. And the transcript has been deleted from another link of the same media outlet as well… making it a pattern. I also noticed that the Hungarian state TV has dubbed her speech at the critical sentence so that it cannot be heard:

“In many families, there is almost constant sickness, as if our immune systems have been weakened.”

So I had to use the Wayback Machine in order to retrieve the original transcript, only one day after it was published by Magyar Nemzet. That said, the whole video of her speech is still available on Facebook where her PR team posted it, and the sentence in question can be heard at 3:07.

I can only guess what has happened in the meantime, but if I use Occam’s Razor with the information that’s available to me, the president’s PR advisors or some journalists must have noticed that she made a serious mistake, and now they decided to silently delete it from the public mind without creating a Streisand Effect. (At least one regional paper that had taken the transcript over from Magyar Nemzet still has it on their site.)

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A Green Holodomor for Germany?

The “climate crisis” provides a useful pretext for the oligarchs that rule over us, justifying interference with our daily lives down to the finest details — what we eat, what we wear, what we drive, where we live, and, most importantly, how much of each of these things we do. Saving the planet requires sacrifices on our part, and we are assured that will be brought to heel in service of this noble purpose.

The Green party in Germany is in the vanguard of the Western push to impoverish ordinary people in order to accomplish environmental goals. And, since the Greens are part of the current governing coalition, they are now in a position to impose their will on German citizens.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Is the next bureaucracy monster coming? Greens demand “Resource Protection Act”

The Greens believe that Germany consumes too many raw materials. And that’s why they’re calling for a “resource protection law”. Is the next bureaucratic monster already lurking here?

The environmental policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group, Jan-Niclas Gesenhues, called for a “resource protection law” on Thursday. The reason for this: Germans live well above their “ecological standards”.

“We need a resource protection law at the federal level in order to legally limit and reduce resource consumption in Germany,” said the member of the Bundestag in an interview with the editorial network Germany. “We live massively beyond our ecological circumstances.”

An environmental levy per ton of material is to be introduced

Germany consumes 16 tons of raw materials per capita every year. Germans would use 340 kg of packaging waste per capita. This would put Germany in second place in Europe. “We have to correct this in order to protect the environment and not burden future generations.” The Green politician called this government intervention a “market economy instrument”.

That is why there should now be binding reduction targets for materials such as gravel or sand by 2030. In addition, there should be an environmental tax per ton of material. Green lobby groups such as BUND have been calling for such a law for years. So far they have not been able to get their demands accepted.

Afterword from the translator:

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Tom Vandendriessche: “We Never Signed Up for This”

Tom Vandendriessche is a member of the European Parliament for Flemish separatist party Vlaams Belang. In the following video he describes the emerging totalitarian state that the European Union has become.

I agree with everything he says, except for one point: he says that we must take back control before it is too late, but unfortunately it’s already too late. This same is true on my side of the Atlantic. All we dissidents can do at this point is to watch what happens and chronicle it for as long as we can.

More than fifteen years ago, when I first started writing about these matters, I said that it was still possible to turn the situation around, but we didn’t have much time, maybe ten or fifteen years. Well, those fifteen years have come and gone, and conditions have gotten much worse since then. The means of state control have been welded into place, and there remains no peaceful way to dislodge them. We have passed the point of no return.

Many thanks to H. Numan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Windmills of Your Mind

Intuition tells us — at least those of us who are thoughtful observers — that the “net-zero” craze is a hoax that will not work, and will bankrupt any nation that seriously attempts to implement it.

There is now an academic study that backs up that intuition. It quantifies the catastrophic economic failure that would result if Greta Thunberg were to get her wish, and the developed world attempted an implementation of net-zero.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Report24. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The Paris climate targets do not pass the cost-benefit test

A new comprehensive analysis examines whether implementing the Paris Agreement’s emissions policy goals will produce more good than harm. The result is sobering and should also alarm climate fanatics. We cannot destroy our economy just because we hope that it will have an improbable temperature effect.

Regardless of whether or not the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions actually has an effect on global temperature development, the implementation of laws, regulations and measures in this regard is guaranteed to have an effect on the world’s economic development. The — highly questionable — measures decided by politicians will also lead to massive economic upheaval in the coming decades. This is also illustrated by a new comprehensive analysis on this topic.

The analysis shows that even in the best-case scenarios, the trillions of dollars in costs (4.8% of GDP) associated with transitioning from fossil fuels to net-zero emissions by 2050 still outweigh the net benefits (3 .0% of GDP) in 2100. “The central estimate of the costs of climate policy, unrealistically assuming implementation at minimal cost, is in the range of 3.8-5.6% of GDP in 2100. The central estimate of the benefits of climate policy, unrealistically assuming high emissions without policy and constant vulnerability, is between 2.8-3.2% of GDP,”, according to the researchers.

These also explain that in 2050 — when “net zero” should be achieved according to politicians’ plans — “the best estimates of the benefits of the 1.5° C target would be around 0.5% of GDP”, “while the costs would be almost 5%”. So we are talking about a negative contribution ten times greater than any possible benefit. In various medium-sized model calculations you also get a negative cost-benefit ratio with a factor of two to four.

However, one should not forget that this analysis assumes a correlation between the CO2 content of the air and the temperature development. An assumption that has already been refuted by several research teams. For example, Report24 already has reported here, here, and here. This also means: All the measures taken by politicians to reduce CO2 emissions will have no significant impact on global temperatures, but will have a massive impact on economic developments. So we should prepare for a worst-case scenario for the economy…

Afterword from the translator:

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The Enormity of the Corona Scam

Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg is a professor of economics at the University of Hannover. He gave the following talk at the Second Corona Symposium sponsored by the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) last month in the German Bundestag.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading this video. Vlad notes that it is “yet another smoking gun sitting here in a used gun store full of smoking guns”:

Below the jump is an HTML version of the PDF document mentioned by Dr. Homburg during his talk:

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