Citizens of the EU Pay the Poor Tax

Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated by the CBDC Borg. Today the European Union; tomorrow the rest of the Western world.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian news portal eXXpress. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Out for cash?

EU bans cash payments of more than €10,000

The EU is getting serious: cash payments of more than €10,000 will be banned. Luxury goods retailers must also verify the identity of their customers and report suspicious transactions to the authorities. The EU speaks of an important step against money laundering, the FPÖ warns against the abolition of cash.

Negotiators from the European Parliament and the member states agreed on Thursday morning on new regulations with which the EU wants to officially take action against money laundering. The stricter rules are intended to close loopholes in national laws and apply, among other things, to the trade in jewelry, luxury cars, private planes and ships.

According to the agreement, financially strong football clubs such as FC Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund will also be subject to the new law from 2029. Professional football, with its billions in investments from third countries, is seen as a possible gateway for money laundering in Europe.

Greater control of cryptocurrencies and banking

The authorities should also monitor cryptocurrencies and the banking transactions of the super-rich with assets of at least €50 million more closely. Owners of companies with a share of at least a quarter must be registered throughout the EU. This is intended, among other things, to prevent Russian oligarchs from being able to circumvent the EU sanctions as a result of the attack on Ukraine.

Stricter anti-money laundering rules for cryptocurrencies, banks, oligarchs and football clubs are “long overdue,” said European Parliament negotiator Eero Heinäluoma. An EU-wide uniform framework closes the national loopholes. “Up until now the member states have been losing billions of euros,” explained the Finnish Social Democrat.

Roman Haider (FPÖ): “Impending abolition of cash”

For the liberal EU MP Roman Haider, this is “a further step towards the impending abolition of cash,” as the Freedom Parliamentary Club explained in a press release. “While the cash limits are being tightened, the ECB is already planning to introduce the digital euro, which will officially supplement cash but can actually also replace it,” said Haider. [And will make money laundering so much easier for them, since now they can create everything from nothing to rob us blind.]

The law still needs to be formally approved by the European Parliament and member states. National authorities will be responsible for monitoring the new rules, coordinated by a new European anti-money laundering authority (Amla). The seat of Amla will be determined this year, and Vienna has also applied for it.

Afterword from the translator:

This utterly corrupt and unnecessary EUSSR wants to monitor everything and everyone through a form of Sharia — “SHEURIA”. Only they themselves are untouchable and can do anything they want — under the guise of immunity. Christine Lagarde was convicted of embezzling several millions of euros, but it went unpunished. And Von der Leyen has just as much dirt on her plate and countless dead through Pfizer in her basement. The people really shouldn’t put up with this anymore. The entire native European population should imitate the farmers in Germany and take to the streets. The mercenary thugs of the respective governments would be utterly overwhelmed and would be forced to make the choice, for or against their own families.

2 thoughts on “Citizens of the EU Pay the Poor Tax

  1. “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” —Benjamin Franklin

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