The Strangulation of Democracy

For the a change of pace, here’s a new pastiche from JLH, who has a knack for this sort of thing.

The Strangulation of Democracy

by JLH
(In memoriam Sam McGee, and thanks to Robert Service)

There are strange things done in the Silicon sun
By the men who spin the gold,
And the cyber trails hold their secret tales
That could make your blood run cold.
The city lights have seen bad sights.
But the worst they ever will see:
Is not far away from San Francisco Bay,
Where they’re strangling democracy.

Now the men gathered there are from everywhere —
But they are here, we all know why.
They all play the game and their goal is the same —
A slice of the American Pie.
Oh, the wages of sin! They are raking it in.
The billions come rolling along.
To the wealthy comes power, and now is their hour
To buy the world for a song.

But it’s not simply greed, there’s also the need
To determine what’s good and what’s bad.
If you’re not in their group, then you’re out of the loop,
You’re as old as yesterday’s fad.
Join the crowd, show your face, tell us what you embrace,
Give a glimpse of your shy little soul.
This service is free, no psychiatrist’s fee,
Since you’re telling the world as a whole.

It’s a magical realm with no one at the helm.
Your entrails exposed on the ground
Attract the trolls first, and they’re not the worst;
Carrion-eaters in this place abound.
And so you’ve been shilled, your guts have been spilled,
And the vermin crept into your life.
There’s no magic spell to conquer this hell.
Just chill out and witness the strife.

Sit back and relax, pursue some fun facts,
But be careful what questions you ask.
Algorithmically speaking, the answer you’re seeking
May incite a tortuous task.
Seek President Trump, and you may soon be jumped
To trumps in the game of Whist.
Should you next try to reach for freedom of speech,
You may find yourself on a list.

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“If We Don’t Speak Now”

“If we don’t speak now”

by Tabitha Korol

“Speak now or forever hold your peace” is based upon the marriage liturgy of the Christians’ Book of Common Prayer. Today it may refer to our self-monitoring for the irrational fear of not being politically correct.

After reading my essay, “An Assumption of Dignity” on the Internet, a reader commented, “I circulated it to our editorial board who found it very moving. However, based entirely on the reality of it not being ‘politically correct,’ I am recommending that it will not be posted on our educational site. That said, given its compelling nature, I will circulate it privately and selectively.”

This poignant communication appears to be from an academic, in a corporate or military milieu, who wants to share it but is constrained by a fear of being classified “intolerant”. In years past, he’d have thought nothing about forwarding and posting the article with his observations on said educational site. Today, in this post-Obama era, he is threatened by the vitriol that would explode were he to dispatch ideas antithetical to those of people who set the political agenda, intimidated by the possibilities that harm would come to his family, and concerned that he could be summarily dismissed from his position if the first two and harassed if the third.

Although our First Amendment remains unchanged, with its protections extended to all individuals in the United States, the writer nevertheless reasoned that sharing information contradictory to the views of the ruling class could offend and must be done surreptitiously and with extreme caution. He is judicious and self-monitoring, but feeling defenseless in his isolated position; he is slowly conforming to “the plan.” Guarded, he is gradually growing fearful of and more submissive to those in power.

The purveyors of hate-speech accusations work to divide us into groups based on their immutable features — race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, family breakdown, and views on innumerable subjects. They have always existed in history but are far more forcefully promoted by those who now hold sway over our schools, government, and the workplace. When these were still insufficient to more completely affect our massive population, the ruling class devised issues for additional divisiveness — climate, abortion and post-partum infanticide, American monuments and symbols, slavery and LGBTQ reparations, a unique foreign invasion, and so many more. And when our young adults leave the schools to join the mainstream of American life, they will take with them not only their learned prejudices, but also their ways of stifling the free speech of others who would dare to disagree.

The left has worked doggedly to insert their values into our lives, and because they use compassion as their tactic, traditional Americans failed to see that the compassion was highly selective. Compassion for the mother is denied the unborn child; compassion for the gender-confused is denied the healthy heterosexual; compassion for the Muslim newcomer is denied the indigenous Christian and Jew. We have even witnessed the compassion shown more for the criminal than for his victim in a court of law.

This selective compassion is denied our President, a man who serves his country selflessly, even donating his paychecks to worthy causes. Why does the Left rant about President Trump, insult his every sentence, mannerism, activity? For one thing, it serves to comfort the Left, to keep them engaged with trivia to dodge the discomfort of acknowledging his triumphs. For another, and perhaps the crux of the issue, is that when they cannot suppress his speech, they can still suppress what they hear. They impose their will on others by censoring what’s available to the public, such as on Google, Facebook and Twitter, and discredit the rest. The Shangri La for the left is when society is so controlled that it becomes self-censoring. We are almost there.

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This is Our Town! This is Our Pork!

The incident below reminds me of the issue of the Confederate flag here in the USA. People are offended by the Stars and Bars; there’s no doubt about it. Sometimes severely offended. But the police can’t come to your house and tell you to take your Confederate battle flag down. Maybe in San Francisco or Ann Arbor, but not here in Virginia. Not yet.

It’s my choice whether or not to celebrate my Confederate heritage by displaying the flag. As it happens, most of my neighbors are black. They would not view it the same way I do. Some of them would no doubt be offended, or hurt, or angry, or some combination thereof, by my flying the flag. Since I like my neighbors (most of them, anyway), I choose not to fly the Confederate flag, as a courtesy to them.

But it’s my choice. No political authority tells me not to do it.

Thank God for the First Amendment.

It’s not the same in the city of Chemnitz, in eastern Germany. There the police can tell you whether or not you can serve pork. The rule seems to be this: Pork is allowed to be cooked if no one can easily tell if what you are cooking is in fact pork. That means no head, tail, trotters, or clearly visible pig shape. And the police will come and check to make sure your pork barbecue abides by those rules.

It’s not clear whether the following video is from the same incident described in Jihad Watch last month, but it seems likely.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Here’s the full story from Jihad Watch:

Sharia Germany: Police stop pork barbecue for fear of offending Muslims, Muslim migrants attack participants

by Robert Spencer
June 13, 2019

According to Searchlight Germany, “After the barbecue, which was organised as a protest against the ‘interreligious Eid festival’, participants were attacked by two Syrians and attacked with a knife.”

It’s clear who is in charge in Germany now. How long will it be before Merkel’s government, seeing consumption of pork as evidence of “right-wing extremism,” bans it altogether?

“Pig triggers police action at barbecue by right-wing extremists,” translated from “Schwein löst Polizeieinsatz bei Grillfest von Rechtsextremen aus,” Lepiziger Volkszeitung, June 10, 2019 (thanks to Searchlight Germany):

The far-right group Pro Chemnitz organized a barbecue in protest. It was directed against Muslims who were celebrating the end of their month of fasting Ramadan. In the end, the police intervened.

The extreme right-wing group Pro Chemnitz launched a police operation with a pig. As a protest against an event for the Muslim Sugar Festival at the end of the month of fasting Ramadan, Pro Chemnitz had invited people on Saturday to a barbecue, where a piglet landed on the grill.

Whole piglet was not allowed

However, the local authorities had not allowed them to grill a whole piglet, which is why officials intervened, as the Chemnitz police department announced. The suckling pig had to be disassembled.

Pro Chemnitz itself wrote on Facebook that they had “strictly” adhered to the guidelines: no whole animals and no single pig heads could be displayed. The piglet had neither legs nor tail. Believing Muslims do not eat pork. This is what the action of Pro Chemnitz were targeting…

Video transcript:

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A Casualty of the Long March Through the Institutions

Unlike Europeans, Americans are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution, which means they have the right to speak freely — unless, of course, they want to keep their jobs.

The following report by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff recounts what happened to Karen Siegemund, the president of American Freedom Alliance.

A Casualty of the Long March Through the Institutions

by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

I am currently finishing up another tour here in the United States, educating patriotic Americans about the state of free speech in Europe and how America’s First Amendment rights are under siege.

Two weeks ago I attended a conference hosted and organized by my dear friend Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of American Freedom Alliance, in Los Angeles. The topic of the conference was prescient in so many ways:

“The Long March Through the Institutions: The Left’s Revolution by Other Means”

The roster of knowledgeable speakers included David Horowitz, Trevor Loudon, Jim Simpson, Maj. Stephen Coughlin, Charlie Kirk, Michael Walsh, Bill Whittle, and many more. In short, Karen assembled an astounding line-up of experts on the subject matter who were able to educate the large crowd.

Little did she know it, but Karen was about to become the latest victim of the Left’s destruction of America’s liberties. Only a few hours after the end of this successful conference, Karen was told her teaching contract would not be renewed. She was fired for being too outspoken about her political views.

As Ann-Marie Murrell wrote at Politichicks:

For the past several years [Karen Siegemund] has been teaching Advanced Math and Ancient Greece at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a private “dual language international” high school in Los Angeles. As an added bonus, she teaches these subjects in French.


Dr. Karen Siegemund should never have been fired (or “not renewed”) from her job simply because her employers didn’t believe the same way she believed. Karen probably didn’t like their politics either but that didn’t stop her from wanting to teach the children at that school. But that’s the difference between Totalitarians and true Americans. Americans believe in Freedom for all people. The ones stealing our Freedom of Speech only believe in freedom for a select few.

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Crackdown on Islam-Critics in Denmark

I woke up this morning to find this comment by a Dane posted on last night’s news feed:

I thought you may want to know; not sure where to post this, so here it is anyway: This morning, Steen from “Snaphanen” in Copenhagen, Denmark was picked up by six police officers and taken in for questioning in handcuffs, and his computers, hard drives etc. seized. Allegedly for linking to links from other links to links eventually leading to a video of a beheading.

Shakespeare was right. There IS something rotten in the state of Denmark.

I took a quick look at Steen’s Steen’s blog. He has posted — using a borrowed computer — about what happened. He’s not the only one who was rounded up this morning; evidently this was a big day for cracking down on “Islamophobes” in Denmark.

In Denmark! I thought Denmark was different, but evidently not.

This is the closest to home the repression has hit. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was prosecuted and convicted, but she was never arrested, nor did she have her computers seized. This is the first time a good friend of mine has been handcuffed and taken away to help police with their enquiries.

I spent many enjoyable hours in Steen’s company on several occasions a few years ago. He put me up in his apartment and introduced me to a number of Danish dissidents, including Lars Hedegaard. Steen is a superb photographer — that was his primary pursuit before he took up Islamophobia. He took the photo at the top of this post in happier days, when I was in Denmark back in 2009, enjoying a meal at a restaurant with a group of Scandinavian dissidents. You can see me sitting at the far end of the table.

Below the jump is a machine translation of Steen’s post, adjusted to the extent that I could manage it. The mention of “Joseph K.” is a reference to Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial:

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