Western Women, Wake Up! Islam Is Not Your Friend

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Western Women, Wake Up! Islam Is Not Your Friend

by Clare M. Lopez

“Egypt: Muslim stabs his sister in the neck, killing her, because she got engaged without his consent” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, September 14, 2023

  • In observant Islamic communities, women are not independent actors but subservient their entire lives to a male: father, brother, son… who are raised to believe they have the right to complete control over the lives of women in their family. Even state-level criminal codes in many Islamic countries treat so-called “honor” crimes very leniently.

“Anti-Islamic State (ISIS) Outlet Publishes ISIS Internal Document Discussing Measures Taken To Deal With ‘Female Slaves’ Who Suffer From AIDS In Group’s Mozambique Province — Pro-ISIS Outlet Asserts Authenticity Of Document”, Middle East Media Research Institute, August 17, 2023

  • This is definitely an odd one. An online channel affiliated with Al-Qa’eda but opposed to the Islamic State (IS) got access to an IS document dated January 9, 2022. The document describes how female slaves who’d been given to IS fighters in should be treated if found to have contracted AIDS. Enslavement of these women and their forced marriages to IS fighters is considered normal and taken for granted. If testing shows they have AIDS, however, the marriages are dissolved, and the women are then married off to an IS fighter who likewise has AIDS. They can also be offered for ransom or killed if they refuse to become Muslims.

“UK: Previously deported Muslim migrant rapist brutally beats, rapes 66-year-old London woman” by Christine Douglass-Williams at Jihad Watch, September 12, 2023.

  • Over the last decades, Western European countries have opened their borders to untold thousands of unvetted migrants, many from Islamic societies whose moral codes are at complete odds with rule of law in Europe. Muslim men now prey regularly upon women of all ages across the continent. Under Islamic Law (sharia), sexual assault against infidel women is completely permissible.

“UK: Muslim father urged to flee country to avoid being ‘mistreated for being Muslim’ after killing his daughter” by Christine Douglass-Williams at Jihad Watch, September 12, 2023

  • After murdering his 10-year-old daughter, this Pakistani father was advised to flee Britain, lest he “would be mistreated for being Muslim”. No, he would not be “mistreated for being Muslim”, but he might face the legal consequences for murder in a civilized country. Of course, under Islamic Law (sharia), a father faces absolutely no consequences for killing his own child.

“IntelBrief: Two Years After the Taliban Takeover, a Surge of Suicides Among Afghan Women” at The Soufan Center, September 7, 2023

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Whipping the Little Hussies Into Line

Any Western country with a significant Muslim minority has its local version of the mutaween, the Saudi religious police who are tasked with enforcing virtue and suppressing vice among the Islamic population.

The following article concerns the actions of self-appointed mutaween in Vienna, who took it upon themselves to correct a shameless hussy who failed to cover up, or otherwise engaged in filthy infidel practices. Notice that any mention of Islam in the following report is discreetly avoided, until an Islamophobe from the FPÖ is quoted near the end.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from ORF:

17-year-old attacked by “moral watchdog”

A 17-year-old was insulted, spat upon, and knocked down with a fist blow at Handelskai [subway terminal] in Brigittenau (Vienna). The attacker is a “self-appointed moral watchdog”, the Kronen Zeitung reported.

“The investigations are ongoing into the circumstances and suspicion of a criminal act,” confirmed a police spokesperson regarding the incident. According to the 17-year-old, she “had arranged a meeting with a person unknown to her via social media after the man had exposed her over photos she had uploaded on the internet,” said police spokesperson Matthias Schuster on Thursday. At the meeting, the man reportedly showed up with three other young men.

The men fled

He spat on her, whereupon, the young girl spat back. “Then the unknown man reportedly hit her in the face with his fist. Then the men fled,” according to the spokesman. According to a witness, the young girl was first “vilely insulted and then physically attacked,” wrote Krone. A female friend of the victim, who was wearing a head covering, was unharmed.

On the subject of “moral watchdogs”, the police spokesperson stated that the State Office for Protection of the Constitution and Anti-Terrorism (LVT) and the State Criminal Police “are watching the situation on a continuing basis.” To date, the situation is “calm” and there is “no noticeable rise in cases or reports.”

Police focus on prevention

In this area, the police focus on prevention, and there is “close cooperation with schools and youth organizations in order to counter such developments and crimes at an early stage and carry out explanatory work.” Social networks are a “big point” on this subject and are “appropriately included in the measures.” The LVT in Vienna has the lead role for specific prevention.

Brigittenau District Leader Christine Dubravac-Widholm (SPÖ [Social Democratic Party of Austria]) told Krone, “This is not a tenable situation that once again, someone thinks they can act as moral watchdogs. We have already proceeded against this successfully and will now also apply appropriate measures.” However, “more police” are needed.

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Silvia Sardone: “The Islamic Veil is Not a Symbol of Freedom”

Silvia Sardone is an Italian member of the European Parliament for the Lega party. The following video shows remarks made by Ms. Sardone on the floor of the EP.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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What About Viktor Orbán?

Long-time readers will remember our Hungarian correspondent CrossWare, who has translated large numbers of Hungarian-language videos and articles, including many speeches by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Long-time readers will also remember the dismay experienced by many people — including our Hungarian correspondents — when Mr. Orbán jumped aboard the COVID bandwagon, and then pushed vax mandates on Hungarian citizens.

The following reassessment of Viktor Orbán was written by CrossWare and published earlier today at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

What about Viktor Orbán?

Thoughts by CrossWare

First of all, what is the connection between the Prime Minister of Hungary and myself?

We were both born and raised in the very same country town, both went to high school there (different ones) and Orbán is one year older than me. But we both grew up in the last period of socialism, so we are both a product of the same era. He went to law school after high school; I went for a BA in Engineering. So even though we ended up in very different places, our beginnings were pretty close to each other.

When socialism ended in 1989, I did not really care much about politics. However I followed his media presence, because he came from the same town as me. Fidesz was an insignificant liberal party at the time, with exactly the same type of message as all the other liberal parties in the world. That was the time when Gorge Soros (a.k.a. Schwartz) “helped” all these liberal parties against the dying socialist/communist powers. In 1998 the Fidesz party won the election (that was the year when I left Hungary and emigrated to Canada) and after just a single term, they were defeated by the communists and their latest liberal party partner the SZDSZ (Federation of Free Democrats). The voting process was suspiciously similar to the later 2020 USA election; the voting papers were destroyed before recount could be requested (against the rules), and Hungary faced eight years of the same type of system that the USA now lives under with Joe Biden.

Viktor Orbán and Fidesz regained power in 2010, and now he is the Prime Minister of Hungary for the fourth time with a two-thirds super-majority. (There are no term limits in Hungary.)

I started focusing on politics again and OV’s role in it when the great migration started in 2015 and he had such a remarkable staunch view on it. That is when I started to translate videos of his speeches for both Gates of Vienna and VladTepesBlog. In 2017, I had to move back to Hungary to help my aging parents and my sister, who suffered some losses and chronic diseases in her life.

That was the point when I started to face reality, which was not always in sync with what Orbán spoke about in his speeches.

In his early years, Viktor Orbán was confronted by a journalist about some difference between what he said and what he did, his answer was eye-opening (at least for me):

“Never listen to what I am saying, only what I am doing” — Viktor Orbán

Well, herein lies the problem…

Living in Hungary opened up for me various sources of information, which contradicted the rosy picture suggested by Orbán’s speeches. Also, I watch all politicians with suspicion, looking for alternate motives for their behaviour. (This could be my personal issue with this “profession”.)

Let’s review all the issues based on some groupings of mine:

His personality, leadership:

I think Viktor Orbán is a highly intelligent, talented politician. Without his knowledge and diligence, Fidesz as a party could have never become so organized and ready to lead. He has a typical type A personality, which makes him a strong, charismatic leader. But it comes with all the negative side of such personality: controlling, aggressive and looking at team members as potential risk to his own power. Orbán successfully eliminated most of the potential talent for leadership in his environment, which means that when he is no longer able to lead Fidesz, the party will face a crisis finding a similar talent to continue to lead.


In 2010 the new Orbán government announced a new “movement”, which they called the NER (National Cooperation System). The idea behind it was to strengthen Hungarian-owned companies in all sectors of the economy and with that decrease our dependence on foreign companies, which many times followed their owners’ economic and political agendas. The point was to try to recreate layers of Hungarian owners, rich people who can support national causes. This societal layer was completely eliminated in the communist era. This idea worked completely in theory, but only partially in practice. As with any successful political movement, the hyenas showed up and slowly they built into the system. I have heard multiple rumours about occasions when a successful small business owner receives a visit from a representative from a large NER company, who has “excellent political connections” and makes an offer to buy the business. This is the type of offer which nobody can refuse, because the next day the tax office people arrive, and because of the overcomplicated tax system (which Fidesz, after twelve years of rule, could not fix or never wanted to fix), everyone may be found guilty of breaking some of the rules. So, mafia behaviour is rampantly present in the system, and it does not seem like there is any political will to fix the issues.

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First the Climate, Now Artificial Intelligence

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

As with the climate: Von der Leyen wants a World Council for Artificial Intelligence

In view of the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI), EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has proposed the establishment of a new global advisory body. A body similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) could deal with the social risks, but also with the possible benefits of the technology.

Together with its partners, Europe should develop a global regulatory framework. “The crucial question is how we use a rapidly developing technology,” said von der Leyen. It is significant that even the AI inventors and developers are demanding regulation from politicians. [What about scrapping it completely? But that would mean they’d have to give up control, and that is something those freaks will never do on their free will.]

The possible dangers of artificial intelligence have been intensively discussed around the world for months. The text machine ChatGPT, Google’s competing software Bard and programs that can generate images based on text descriptions are causing a lot of public attention. There are concerns, for example, that their skills could be used to produce and spread false information. [Could? Their whole control mechanism depends on it. It’s going to be a given that they will use it to push their narratives despite reality.]

Council shows options for actions

In March, a number of tech experts such as Tesla boss Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak proposed a minimum six-month moratorium on the development of powerful artificial intelligence. This should give the industry time to set security standards for the development of AI and avert possible damage from the riskiest AI technologies, it was said at the time.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which Ursula von der Leyen named as a model for a possible new AI committee, is considered enormously influential. For the UN institution in Geneva, experts compile the scientific knowledge on climate change every five to seven years. They also show options for action and their respective consequences. The IPCC reports are the most important basis for political decisions to mitigate climate change. [And the taxpayers are bled even more to pay for this panel’s lavish upkeep while their jobs and incomes are being destroyed at the same time by AI.]

Afterword from the translator:

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To Veil or Not to Veil?

Vincent Lapierre is an “extreme right” independent documentary maker in France. Last Tuesday I posted his report about the African culture-enrichers camped out on the street in front of the City Hall in Paris.

The French government recently passed a law forbidding religious garb in public schools, which is understood to specifically target the Islamic veil. In the following series of man-in-the-streets interviews, Vincent Lapierre asks people their opinions about whether the abaya should be banned in schools.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Getting Rid of the Danes

It’s hard to believe that almost eighteen years have passed since the onset of the Danish Mohammed Cartoon Crisis. Kurt Westergaard’s “Turban Bomb” was the iconic image for the affair, but it’s important to remember than twelve cartoons were actually commissioned and published by Jyllands-Posten, and one of the others is shown at the top of this post.

Dymphna and I covered the Motoons — for that was the shortened version of the name that rapidly emerged in the blogosphere — in the early days of this blog. Then, a couple of years later, when I became more closely involved with the European Counterjihad, I was able to make the acquaintance of some of those doughty Danes, and got to know the Scandinavian scene fairly well.

Back then Denmark was refreshingly different. Not only did the Danes tolerate political incorrectness, they even celebrated it on certain occasions. And freedom of speech was vigorously defended, even by government ministers.

That was then; this is now.

The Danish government is planning to reintroduce a blasphemy law so that the burning of Korans can be forbidden. They have been successfully mau-maued by Muslim leaders — including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — who demand that the Danes and the Swedes forbid their citizens to engage in activities that Islam deems offensive.

This is a watershed moment in the history of the West. It marks the beginning of the official transfer of power from the secular humanists to the proponents of sharia. The process will be slow, but inexorable. It will probably take a couple of decades before it is complete. In the end, the tenets of Islamic law will reign supreme in what were formerly known as the Western democracies. Savvy and cynical politicians and bureaucrats will convert to Islam in order to enjoy the privileges and perquisites of the new system. Those who don’t will become second-class citizens.

It will take a while, but we’ll get there in the end.

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One of the people I was privileged to meet during my involvement with the European Counterjihad was the redoubtable Mark Steyn, who has been untiring in his struggle against sharia and in support of free speech. His latest essay is a retrospective on the Motoon crisis, and a somber recognition of the emergence of a dhimmi government in Denmark — The Danes, Gelded. Below are some excerpts:

Many years ago, my compatriot Ezra Levant observed that one day the Danish Mohammed cartoons would come to be seen as a more consequential event than 9/11. Not in the overall death toll, obviously — although the corpse count of the Motoons continues to rise (Charlie Hebdo et al) — but in its lessons for a free society’s enemies. 9/11 led to two decades of ineffectual warmongering in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and the goatherds with fertilizer soon had the measure of that. But the cartoons and the west’s reaction to them told the world that we would not defend core liberties such as freedom of speech. You don’t need to blow up our skyscrapers; we’re happy to surrender to subtler pressures.

And here we are eighteen years later, with the Danish Government proposing to criminalize the burning of the Koran and make it an offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.


~In 2005 Jyllands-Posten, one of the biggest-selling newspapers in Denmark, as part of an exploration of the state of free speech, was willing to publish a dozen cartoons of Mohammed by prominent cartoonists.

~In 2010, on the fifth anniversary, I was given an award by the Danish Free Press Society and appeared on stage with the society’s founder Lars Hedegaard and fellow freespeechers from across the Continent: the Norwegian comedienne Shabana Rehman, the Dutch cartoonist Nekschot, the Swedish artist Lars Vilks and the Danish-Iranian actor Farshad Kholghi.

If those names don’t ring a lot of bells for you, here’s the scorecard so far:

  • Shabana Rehman’s family restaurant was firebombed, and she was forced to live under 24/7 police protection, which is not terribly conducive to a career in observational comedy. She died of cancer last year at the age of forty-six;
  • Nekschot was already under so many death threats that he could only appear at public engagements with his face obscured and unidentifiable. So in Copenhagen that day he chose to wear a burqa. Funny, but not quite secure enough. He had already been arrested for “hate speech” with the Dutch authorities openly taunting him about the impending loss of his anonymity. The year after our appearance in Denmark, he gave up cartooning and went into hiding. I assume he is still alive;
  • Lars Vilks was speaking at an event on art and blasphemy when a Muslim opened fire with a semi-automatic. A Danish film director was killed and three police officers. The jihad boy then went to a nearby synagogue and killed a second man. Lars retired from public life, and died in 2021 with two of his security detail when their unmarked police car crashed;
  • oh, and our host Lars Hedegaard was shot at point blank range, but fortunately by an incompetent. So Lars survived, but his opponent managed to flee to Turkey.

Most of the above did not impinge on the media in a big way: There were no celebrities wearing #JeSuisLars buttons. Nevertheless, of the six who were on stage that day in 2010, there would be only two of us today: me and Farshad Kholghi, last men standing in an Agatha Christie for the jihad set — And Then There Were None. Come to think of it, that might make a blackly comic play, or novel, or film… But good luck finding a publisher or producer.

~In 2015, on the tenth anniversary, I was back in Copenhagen, this time with Douglas Murray:

Like Mark Steyn I’ve been doing these ‘defend free speech’ gigs for some years now and as Mark recently mordantly observed, I also sometimes wonder why I keep ascending up the running order only to realise that it’s because everybody who used to be ahead of me is either in hiding or dead.

As Douglas also remarked:

The event will be in the Danish Parliament apparently because it’s the only place in Denmark sufficiently secure enough that — we hope — the now traditional gunmen won’t be able to get in and shoot everyone.


As Marie [Krarup] said, the walls of Christiansborg are “thick and massive”. However, I woke up on the morning of the event to find that both the US State Department and the British Foreign Office had issued travel advisories warning their nationals to steer clear of both Copenhagen in general and Christiansborg Palace in particular.

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“This is the End of Freedom of Expression in Europe”

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is the president of the French party Debout la France, and a deputy in the National Assembly. Previously he was Mayor of Yerres, a southeastern suburb of Paris.

In the following video Mr. Dupont-Aignan discusses the piece of EU legislation that goes by the Orwellian name of “European Media Freedom Act”. The unelected panjandrums of Brussels intend to use the Act to implement total control of the media in the member states of the European Union.

The European approach is somewhat different from the one being used in the USA. Here the federal government collaborates with major social media outlets — squeezing them using its regulatory authority when necessary — to privatize the process of suppressing free speech.

Same end, different means.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Koran in Tatters

Earlier this month I posted about PEGIDA, the anti-Islamization group that has chapters in several European countries. I had thought that the organization was mostly inactive, but now comes word from the Netherlands that PEGIDA is alive and kicking. Last Friday in The Hague there was a PEGIDA Koran demonstration in which a Koran was torn up, after which Muslims reacted in a predictable fashion.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Algemeen Dagblad:

Turkey calls the Netherlands on the carpet after a Koran is torn up

The Dutch deputy ambassador in the Turkish capital of Ankara has been called on the carpet by Turkey. That is confirmed by the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Turkey summoned the diplomat after Pegida leader Edwin Wagensveld tore up a Koran near the Turkish embassy in the Hague.

The deputy ambassador was told that Turkey is “troubled” by the continuing violations of the Koran and “strongly condemns” such actions, CNN Turk earlier reported. The top Danish diplomat also had to show up after incidents with the Koran in Denmark, according to Turkish media.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the deputy ambassador explained that the Netherlands considers the tearing up of the Koran a “completely tasteless and deliberately provocative act.” But the diplomat also stresses that freedom of expression is an important fundamental right in the Netherlands. “Ultimately, in the Netherlands, it is up to the courts to determine if the law has been violated, and not up to the government.”

Turkey has repeatedly expressed its disapproval of public violations of the Koran in Western lands. At the end of July, Ankara expressed its anger over a Koran burning in Sweden. That country wants to join NATO and therefore needs the approval of Turkey.

Counter-demonstrators also came to Pegida leader Edwin Wagensveld’s event on Friday. They shouted, among other things, “Shame on you,” and rocks were thrown. Wagensveld, in turn, said in the direction of the Turkish embassy, “You don’t belong here.”

Pakistan also has condemned the incident as “very offensive”. The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes the deliberate damage to the Holy Book as hurtful for all Muslims in the world. Pakistan is asking the Netherlands to ensure that such “hateful and Islamophobic acts” cannot take place. The Pakistani ministry says that nations are obliged under international law to prevent “incitement to hate”. The deliberate damage to a Koran, according to Pakistan, does not fall under freedom of expression.

Great outrage

Similar incidents in other European countries have caused great outrage in Muslim countries. Sweden saw the recent need to raise the terror threat level after Koran burnings. Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz said last week she would take into account that the denigrating or burning of a Koran, also in the Netherlands, can lead to a heightened terror threat.

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Whoops! Never Mind.

The European Union, through its disease control agency, has locked the barn door after the horse has been stolen. In fact, not only has the horse been stolen, it has been sent to the knackers’ and rendered down into stew meat and gelatin.

It seems that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has determined that all the COVID-19 measures it enforced against the population were stupid and counter-productive. We “Corona-deniers” were saying exactly the same thing more than three years ago, and for our efforts we were vilified, stigmatized, cancelled, censored, and occasionally prosecuted.

It’s cold comfort to say “I told you so”, especially now that almost everyone has been jabbed with the Myocarditis Turbo-Cancer Special.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The conclusion of the European authorities: Pandemic restrictions should not have been imposed by law

According to a study by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), measures such as house arrest and contact bans should not have been imposed during the pandemic, but only issued as a recommendation. The European authority reveals that the 2020-2022 restrictions had a catastrophic impact on all EU citizens.

ECDC research into the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the lives of adults in the EU during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022) seems preposterous without knowing how disastrous the impact of the restrictions and bans have been. However, the action taken by the European authorities is not accidental, but is preparing a different approach to a future pandemic, which is being talked about more and more on all channels. In summary, the investigation concluded that the measures, which severely restricted and impaired citizens’ freedoms, should not have been enforced by force. The most correct approach would have been to leave these measures at a recommendation level, most likely referring to the case of Sweden.

Likewise, the ECDC concludes that while it would be better not to introduce such restrictions, when they are imposed they should not be generalized, and the impact they would have on both the different social categories and the economic sector should be analyzed carefully. Although it is not said directly, the ECDC acknowledges that the measures taken to combat the pandemic have been inadequate in every respect and have had dramatic consequences at all levels.

“When planning the implementation of NPIs (non-pharmaceutical measures) at the population level, the scientific community and policymakers should consider not only their effectiveness in controlling disease and improving population compliance with NPIs, but also other aspects in the context of their impact on the community in general and on groups that have been shown to be more vulnerable to adverse impacts. An example could be public health, including health indicators not directly related to infectious diseases,” the ECDC document said.

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Paul Weston: “Question Everything”

After an extended sabbatical — during which he decamped from Blighty and set up camp at an undisclosed location abroad — Paul Weston returns with this video about the Rainbow Curtain of Science that is now descending over the entire West and ushering in our totalitarian future:

Donald Trump and Janez Janša: The Parallels

Last year I posted about Jože Bišcak, a Slovenian literary figure who was tried and convicted on spurious “hate speech” charges. In the following guest-essay, Mr. Bišcak explores the parallels between the judicial persecution of the conservative Slovenian politician Janez Janša, and the current vendetta against Donald Trump.

The Trump case vs. the Janša case

by Jože Bišcak

The indictment against Trump is a product of the communist school; we experienced this in Slovenia, for example, with the conservative politician Janez Janša in 2014

For a long time I regarded the United States of America as the beacon of freedom, the lighthouse of the free world. In recent years I have noticed that it is becoming a quagmire of wokeness, where people are losing their jobs because of spoken words, and the Democratic Party, currently in power in the White House, is resorting to communist methods to deal with political and ideological opponents. I know what I am talking about, as I spent half of my life in socialist Yugoslavia, where the Communist Party of Yugoslavia ruled with the help of the political police (UDBA). It either physically liquidated rare dissidents or sentenced them to long prison terms in fabricated political trials, since it had law enforcement and the judiciary completely under its control.

The indictment against Donald Trump is a product of communist thinking; it is a product of communist ideology. In any truly legal state where the rule of law prevails, such prosecution against an individual would never occur, as the witch hunt through hijacked institutions is inconsistent and serves one purpose — to prevent Trump from winning the 2024 elections. And you can be certain that the trial will be dragged out and prolonged precisely into the time of the elections.

We have already experienced this in Slovenia. The communist regime (its blood and ideological successors), which seemingly fell in 1991 when Slovenia gained independence and declared itself a democratic parliamentary democracy in its constitution, retained influence over the judiciary (and other institutions, from education to public administration). The Slovenian judiciary was never lustrated; judges with a socialist mindset, who were directly subordinate to the Central Committee of the Communist Party, continued their work seamlessly even in a democratic state. They never shed their ties to the totalitarian regime. Just for lustration. Shortly before the fall of the communist state, a survey was conducted among judges (source: Dr Albin Iglicar in the book Introduction to Sociology of Law). It showed that 94.9 percent of professional judges of the courts of united labour were members of the League of Communists of Slovenia (all members of the LC at the Supreme Court and 61.9 percent at the basic level). Almost half of the judges stated that in their professional work, they “always rely on general social values and the moral principles of socialism”, with the “vanguard role of the League of Communists” taking the forefront in the realisation of “new ideas and concepts in our socio-political system”. Moreover, 80 percent of the judges emphasised that “moral principles of the socialist society” hold significant importance in their judgments. Therefore, judges were rendering decisions in accordance with the desires of the totalitarian regime.

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The Forbidden Video

In my previous post, I reported on an unsuccessful attempt by a purported legal firm to get me to take down this post from 2015. It had to do with an Israeli psychologist who spoke at a PEGIDA rally in Germany. The post mostly just consisted of an embedded video, which has since disappeared. Vlad’s YouTube channels have all been deleted, one by one; that’s why the video is gone.

Fortunately, Vlad still had the video file, and has now restored it on Rumble. It features Heidi Mund and Dr. Rotem Avituv. Many thanks to RAIR Foundation for uploading this video:

Dr. Avituv spoke in English, with interspersed translations into German, so I don’t have any transcript for the video.

My guess is that he has since encountered professional difficulties due to his association with German “neo-Nazis”, and I can sympathize with that. If he had come to me himself and explained his problem, I might well have quietly removed the post. I’ve done it two or three times in the past for people who were on our side, but were facing difficulties trying to get or keep a job, or who wanted to get into a doctoral program or something similar. As cancel culture has become more pervasive, people have belatedly discovered the totalitarian reach of political correctness, which can now easily ruin their lives if they depart from the Narrative.

As I said, I can sympathize with someone who suffers from that sort of suppression, and would have seriously considered helping him out if he had brought his problem to me.

However, when someone throws lawyers at me from the get-go, they foreclose all chance of getting an empathic response. That sort of heavy-handed coercive behavior awakens the Scot in me, and prompts me to absolute DEFIANCE.

The [epithets] should have left well enough alone.

For links to previous articles about PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) and related movements, see the PEGIDA Archives.

We Lawyers Want to Silence You

Remember PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West)? It’s been eight years since their heyday, although it seems like a lot longer, given all that has happened in the interim. I haven’t heard anything about it for awhile, and I’m not sure if the organization still exists. There were multiple franchises in various European countries, and some of them may still be extant.

Anyway, the reason I bring all of this up is that I received the following email this morning:

Dear Gates of Vienna Team,

We are contacting you regarding the following URL for your website: https://gatesofvienna.net/2015/01/an-israeli-addresses-pegida/

We are submitting this request to report the breach of Mr. Rotem Avituv’s privacy. Your website is found to be in violation of the European GDPR regulation.

We kindly request that you take steps to remove the URL completely for the following reasons:

  • The information is displayed from 2015, i.e., more than 8 years ago, and is, therefore no longer true. Thus, this information has lost its social relevance and is irrelevant today. As a result, the personal data of Mr. Rotem Avituv are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected or otherwise processed.
    Please note that the Federal Data Protection Act(BDSG), Section 58, states: (2) The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without delay where processing such data is unlawful, knowledge of the data is no longer necessary for the performance of tasks, or the data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation.
  • Personal information was gathered and disclosed without the explicit consent of the data subject.
  • This information is considerably damaging Mr Rotem Avituv, on a personal, family and professional level, as it continues to expose him to this situation via the Internet and people who come to read this article are left with the wrong profile. Therefore, it is not fair that his full name remains linked to this URL, which affects both his daily life and that of his family.
  • This situation prevents him from having a normal use of the Internet, because his name is exposed and associated with these events, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it becomes a painful and complicated reality for him and his family.

This request is legally founded on the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and the Legislative Decree 10 August 2018, No. 101, which encompasses provisions for the alignment of national legislation with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 27 April 2016. This regulation deals with the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, while also repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Your cooperation is highly appreciated, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

I look forward to your response. If you require any clarification or information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

[Logo for WeLawyers law firm]


The information contained in this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in the message only. Sharing any part of this message with a third party without the written consent of the sender is strictly prohibited. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and delete it to prevent any future mistakes.

I feel compelled to point out that I have violated the stern warning at the bottom of the email against sharing it with anyone without WeLawyers’ written consent. It is absurd to assert that the sender of an unsolicited email has the right to forbid its being shared. Especially given Gates of Vienna’s policy on unsolicited emails, which is posted prominently on the sidebar just below the email link, and is where the esteemed gentlebeing of the bar acquired my email address.

For your edification, here is the text of the caveat:

Our policy on unsolicited email is the following: The general rule is that we keep it confidential. This rule has two exceptions: 1) If the sender indicates otherwise; and 2) The content of an email is threatening, malicious, obscene, insulting, or vituperative, in which case it may be published in full or in part, including the name and email address of the sender, at our discretion. You have been warned!

Exception #2 definitely applies to the above email. The sender failed to heed my warning.

This was my reply to the email:

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