What About Viktor Orbán?

Long-time readers will remember our Hungarian correspondent CrossWare, who has translated large numbers of Hungarian-language videos and articles, including many speeches by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Long-time readers will also remember the dismay experienced by many people — including our Hungarian correspondents — when Mr. Orbán jumped aboard the COVID bandwagon, and then pushed vax mandates on Hungarian citizens.

The following reassessment of Viktor Orbán was written by CrossWare and published earlier today at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

What about Viktor Orbán?

Thoughts by CrossWare

First of all, what is the connection between the Prime Minister of Hungary and myself?

We were both born and raised in the very same country town, both went to high school there (different ones) and Orbán is one year older than me. But we both grew up in the last period of socialism, so we are both a product of the same era. He went to law school after high school; I went for a BA in Engineering. So even though we ended up in very different places, our beginnings were pretty close to each other.

When socialism ended in 1989, I did not really care much about politics. However I followed his media presence, because he came from the same town as me. Fidesz was an insignificant liberal party at the time, with exactly the same type of message as all the other liberal parties in the world. That was the time when Gorge Soros (a.k.a. Schwartz) “helped” all these liberal parties against the dying socialist/communist powers. In 1998 the Fidesz party won the election (that was the year when I left Hungary and emigrated to Canada) and after just a single term, they were defeated by the communists and their latest liberal party partner the SZDSZ (Federation of Free Democrats). The voting process was suspiciously similar to the later 2020 USA election; the voting papers were destroyed before recount could be requested (against the rules), and Hungary faced eight years of the same type of system that the USA now lives under with Joe Biden.

Viktor Orbán and Fidesz regained power in 2010, and now he is the Prime Minister of Hungary for the fourth time with a two-thirds super-majority. (There are no term limits in Hungary.)

I started focusing on politics again and OV’s role in it when the great migration started in 2015 and he had such a remarkable staunch view on it. That is when I started to translate videos of his speeches for both Gates of Vienna and VladTepesBlog. In 2017, I had to move back to Hungary to help my aging parents and my sister, who suffered some losses and chronic diseases in her life.

That was the point when I started to face reality, which was not always in sync with what Orbán spoke about in his speeches.

In his early years, Viktor Orbán was confronted by a journalist about some difference between what he said and what he did, his answer was eye-opening (at least for me):

“Never listen to what I am saying, only what I am doing” — Viktor Orbán

Well, herein lies the problem…

Living in Hungary opened up for me various sources of information, which contradicted the rosy picture suggested by Orbán’s speeches. Also, I watch all politicians with suspicion, looking for alternate motives for their behaviour. (This could be my personal issue with this “profession”.)

Let’s review all the issues based on some groupings of mine:

His personality, leadership:

I think Viktor Orbán is a highly intelligent, talented politician. Without his knowledge and diligence, Fidesz as a party could have never become so organized and ready to lead. He has a typical type A personality, which makes him a strong, charismatic leader. But it comes with all the negative side of such personality: controlling, aggressive and looking at team members as potential risk to his own power. Orbán successfully eliminated most of the potential talent for leadership in his environment, which means that when he is no longer able to lead Fidesz, the party will face a crisis finding a similar talent to continue to lead.


In 2010 the new Orbán government announced a new “movement”, which they called the NER (National Cooperation System). The idea behind it was to strengthen Hungarian-owned companies in all sectors of the economy and with that decrease our dependence on foreign companies, which many times followed their owners’ economic and political agendas. The point was to try to recreate layers of Hungarian owners, rich people who can support national causes. This societal layer was completely eliminated in the communist era. This idea worked completely in theory, but only partially in practice. As with any successful political movement, the hyenas showed up and slowly they built into the system. I have heard multiple rumours about occasions when a successful small business owner receives a visit from a representative from a large NER company, who has “excellent political connections” and makes an offer to buy the business. This is the type of offer which nobody can refuse, because the next day the tax office people arrive, and because of the overcomplicated tax system (which Fidesz, after twelve years of rule, could not fix or never wanted to fix), everyone may be found guilty of breaking some of the rules. So, mafia behaviour is rampantly present in the system, and it does not seem like there is any political will to fix the issues.


In 2015 Hungary was the first to build a fence, and Viktor Orbán gave numerous speeches, in which he very correctly examined and analysed the expected results of overwhelming migration to white European countries. He was correct, even though the Western media immediately called him racist, fascist and whatever neo-communists call anybody with some common sense.

The Orbán government established a new organisation: Border Hunters (Frontier Guard) to guard the fence and stop illegal migration. Unfortunately, one of the historical sins of all the Orbán governments and Fidesz is that they never cleansed society of the NGOs, especially George Soros’ organizations. They tried to add some weak control measures, similar to the USA Foreign Agents Registration Act, but a much lighter version, only trying to force seemingly independent NGOs to publish where they receiving their support. The law never worked; after some EU lobbying it was rejected. So all these Soros NGOs started lawfare against the Hungarian government, suing it for every migrant who got restrained at the border. The government reacted in a sheepish way, essentially using catch and release for the illegal migrants and the human smugglers. The morale of the border guards is really low, because they have to politely walk back the migrants coming over the fence, where they can try again five minutes later, and sooner or later they all succeed. There is no weapons-free order at the border, even though the human smuggler mafias are using automatic weapons to fight a war among themselves for the “market”. It is sheer luck that no Hungarian citizen has yet died there, but the only question is when.

The latest announcement of the Orbán government is that they will bring significant numbers of guest workers into Hungary to serve the requests of many foreign companies, who already received significant taxpayer money to bring their factories to Hungary. But this is no longer happening to provide work to Hungarian workers or bring added value of new technologies. The latest investors are mostly Chinese companies, for example electric battery factories to serve out the needs of car factories already established in Hungary. These places using a lot of electricity, water, high polluters and it seems they do not even want to hire Hungarians to do the work, but rather want cheap labour from Asia. With this decision Hungary starts on the very same path as Germany (1970s Turkish guest workers), or the United Kingdom with various ex-colony nations, or the USA with cheap workers from South and Central America. All of them proved, that guest workers tend to not return home when their visa expires and the companies lobby heavily to extend that and provide a legal way for them to receive citizenship and family reunification.


This moment in time was a real eye opener for me. When the Covid lockdowns and vaxxing started almost all conservative forces worldwide very correctly identified it as globalist-liberal power grab and they all moved against it. But not in Hungary. The seemingly Christian-Conservative government fully embraced the WHO directives, censorship, distorted statistics, and even forced some state professions (medical, police, army) to make the (Pfizer) vax mandatory. I have a personal story about this. My cousin worked as a junior medical database manager in a major hospital (so she had no direct contact with patients) in Budapest. She is a young girl in her early 20s. When she refused to get vaxed, she was suspended WITHOUT PAY and sent home. When she tried to quit, she was told that based on recent government regulations she cannot quit, because her job counts as a military position. Because she was left without income after a couple of months of torment, she allowed herself to be vaxed. She got three doses of Pfizer, and since then we constantly worry about her health. So far it seems, that she was lucky, but one never knows.

It also cynically outsourced making the vax mandatory for civilian companies, but luckily not many used this opportunity. The only difference was that, citing the slow pace of European procurement, they ordered some Chinese and Russian vaxes. I do not know about the Russian one, but the Chinese version was a standard non-mRNA vax with no significant health issues… maybe it not even were useful, but at least I have not heard anybody dying of that vax. Even Orbán made a speech telling the people, that to get vaxed or you will die! In my opinion, what they did, fully exhausted the definition of a crime against humanity.

Globalist connections:

When Viktor Orbán was still a leader of a purely liberal party, he was educated in Oxford, paid by George Soros. But after a couple of months he interrupted his studies and travelled home to become prime minister after the 1998 election. He also completed the WEF’s Global Young Leader program. I attach a excel sheet with all the data about that.

The governments under Viktor Orbán accepted every directive, voted for every restrictive law in the EU, which later come to bite us in the ass. It really works, his saying to watch what he is doing, not what he saying… So almost all international agreements signed, giving a green light for globalism to progress, while he constantly makes speeches about fighting for freedom against Brussels and the evil globalist EU influence. For example, to combat the spreading of the woke LGBTQ+ (P) agenda the government made a child protection law to restrict such influences from indoctrinating children. Sounds great, right? Well, only they “forgot” to include the criminal code part of the law, so it is essentially does not contain any punishment for anyone breaking it, so it is as useless as Biden economics or a Trudeau promise.


I have a couple of different speculations, depending on whether I feel black-pilled or white-pilled.

I still think that Orbán loves Hungary, but is being blackmailed by globalist forces, which restrict his room to manoeuvre and leave him with just a semblance of measures and propaganda towards the local population to keep himself in power. As I wrote above, we were both born and raised in the same world. Based on that, I can safely state that Orbán is a strong atlanticist, a believer in the supremacy of the western culture. I would have agreed with him 20 years ago, but since then in the West, the woke Marxist 2.0 (Frankfurt school) is spreading rapidly, quickly turning it into a third world. I think maybe Orbán thinks the Great Reset and globalist takeover cannot be stopped, so he might think to bring Hungary into the direction of the least-worse solution: instead of extermination, he hopes to turn the Hungarians into slaves so at least some of their lives will be spared and THEY WILL OWN NOTHING, but at least they can survive. That would explain his government’s attempt to bring as much industry into the country they can, making it indispensable. Personally I think it is better to die standing up than become a slave on our knees, and many of my compatriots agree with me. We Hungarians always fought for our freedom; our history recorded a revolution in every century. We do not have numbers for our streets, because we have plenty of dead heroes to name them for.

After the election and behaviour of Meloni in Italy, another theory came to my attention. She also pretended to be a right-wing patriot, but after her election she is following a full globalist agenda.

This also makes me suspicious about Orbán, if we recognize and account for the gap between his speeches and how his government acts, especially after his saying that it does “not matter what he says, but what he does.” And he does some frightening globalist stuff!

— CrossWare

20 thoughts on “What About Viktor Orbán?

  1. Seeing what is being done to Trump, I’m guessing that there’s something to be said for the blackmail theory.

    I’ve seen other politicians “turn”. They must have something on them.

    Interestingly, in some cases of things like COVID mandates, they were almost deliberately done in an inefficient way. Which makes me think that the people implementing them were *told* to do so, but might not have had all that much true willingness. (Unlike in Australia, where they were fully enjoying themselves.)

  2. I’m old enough to remember that, except for one day every other year, no one talking about politicians.

  3. The next watershed moment which is coming the WHO treaty, where if signed, they will sign away all our sovereignty. If they doing this step (then possibly saying its not their fault what is happening, because it is in the treaty), it will be absolutely clear they are traitors!

  4. Regarding the possibility that Viktor Orban is being blackmailed, it doesn’t really matter if there is anything genuinely actionable against him on that basis – or not since if there isn’t anything real on him which can be used for that purpose it is now quite feasible for the black-bag artists to manufacture salacious or scandalous content to order and then implant it on the target’s laptop, phone, or whatever.

    It is all quite redolent of Lavrenti Beria, the infamous founder of the old Soviet NKVD-KGB who famously said, “Show me the man, and I will show you the crime…”

    • I believe that is the most likely explanation and it matches the observations.

      I would think that threat of a manufactured scandal is possible, but more likely are credible threats of death against his children and family. Perhaps they killed an acquaintance or distant family member in a deniable manner to show they’re serious and have the ability to do worse and from that point on he’s trapped.

      The manner of Beria’s fall from power and eventual manner of execution is a quite interesting story. What finally tripped him up was ignoring the senior leadership of the Politburo and authorizing projects and making decisions without consulting them, at which point they realized he needed to be eliminated since he already saw them as superfluous.

      He reportedly begged and blubbered for his life while crawling on the floor in a basement cell at the Lyubyanka before his evil life was ended by a bullet to the brain. And, as one version of the tale went, they didn’t even bother to remove his corpse but burnt it where it lay. That I wonder about, as it implies a good ventilation system, and how would they have burnt it? With a flamethrower? But it illustrates how much of a monster he was and how hated that there wasn’t the slightest shred of dignity given to him even in death.

        • I don’t think so. At least the historical record doesn’t definitively say he was.

          He was a Georgian like Stalin and likely was raised Orthodox but whatever religion he was raised in it is fairly obvious he didn’t observe any of its teachings.

          Of all the stories about him the one I find the most disturbing was that he would have his NKVD officers pluck random young girls from the Moscow streets and have them delivered to his office or personal residence where he would rape them, and presumably had them killed afterwards.

      • @ The Moon

        Re: “I would think that threat of a manufactured scandal is possible, but more likely are credible threats of death against his children and family. Perhaps they killed an acquaintance or distant family member in a deniable manner to show they’re serious and have the ability to do worse and from that point on he’s trapped.”

        If that is in fact what has happened, then we have well-and-truly crossed the Rubicon. A civilized people and society neither engage in or nor tolerate such conduct. In ancient tribal and other cultures, political succession was often done by violent means, i.e., assassination, palace intrigues, and coups de etat and revolts of various kinds. If we have devolved backwards to such crude and harsh methods of determining who is to rule, then what does that make our present society? Whatever the answer, it can’t be anything good.

        • Just look at it from the perspective of the parasite class. They could care less who governs as long as they can be controlled. Certainly there are plenty of useful idiots who they don’t need to coerce who actually believe the bilge they legislate, but for those few of principle who for whatever reason manage to sneak through the vetting process, manufacturing a scandal or just threatening the safety of their loved ones or themselves is sufficient to keep them in line.

          For the record, I don’t think that there was a time when this wasn’t the case. Or at least very rarely. Parasites are very good at finding a new host when the usefulness of their current one is at an end. History is rife with stories of palace intrigues and murders of rulers. Rome had its Praetorians who basically chose the next Caesar based upon how much money they would disperse for the privilege. And who kept them in line once they were trapped in their gilded cage.

          The inexplicable behavior of so many world leaders who do all kinds of things that further the globalist agenda against the wishes of their voters and to the detriment of their nations make far more sense when viewed through the lense of threats against their lives and the lives of their loved ones and being under duress.

          I don’t think this can be fixed by any means except the mass elimination of the global parasite class after first confiscating all their wealth and assets. It certainly can’t be voted away. Sovereigns can’t be less powerful than those whom they rule, and a supranational parasitic class wealthier than individual nations and with the power to control national governments can’t be tolerated.

        • Georgia, If you wonder why we got to where we are today with harsh methods of who determines who will rule? Look in the mirror, we did this, a dumbed down to the least common denominator society where the elites can manipulate every result and we are expected to go with the program for way life as we know to continue. Democracy as we know it is dead, only a violent means will save what remains of western civilization. What we will get as a result of our stupidity in allowing weak men to rule us, will be strong ruthless men who won’t tolerate the whiners and weak men a say in anything, but get a mailed fist for their effort. The days of the strongmen are inevitable.

      • Beria was so hated and feared by his fellow Politburo that they all stood around Beria when either Zhukov or Brezhnev shot Beria and then doused him in gas and lit him on fire just to make sure that evil SOB was really dead.

    • He not necessary has something to hide to be blackmailed. He has multiple children and a bunch of grandchildren. It is enough to blackmail him with their safety.

  5. >The latest announcement of the Orbán government is that they will bring significant numbers of guest workers into Hungary to serve the requests of many foreign companies, who already received significant taxpayer money to bring their factories to Hungary.

    liberalism and capitalism are the real hidden forces behind mass migration.

  6. Orban..Very highly & widely respected person in Poland among ordinary Polish citizens and Polish Army !!
    Only Politician in Europe we ordinary Poles trust.. Much more than current Globalist PM government of Jew Morawiecki..whom we call ” Pinocchio ” or ” Wry-mouth 2.0 ” whom we trust none..

  7. I guess you could say something about Poland: in addition to being used by the American Establishment to escalate futile war efforts, the Polish president allowed Google to re-educate Poles in its disinformation program in light of the war, and the alleged Russian narrative prevalent on the networks. Andrzej Duda’s government is basically bombarding the Poles with propaganda to support the war, while the government itself has ceded the country’s sovereignty to Brussels, and the globalist elite.

    The Polish government simply, during the pandemic, was the pioneer in creating the vaccination certificate, a technology that emerged in communist China. The government itself admits this on its official government website; and said that it has exported it to the EU, for use across the continent, and that it is now being designed by the EU and the WHO. The Polish government in 2016 signed the New Silk Road agreements. I think it is necessary to expose and scrutinize the actions of the so-called “patriotic” governments in Europe, on the right wing, much more, as there is a lot that we sometimes tend to ignore.



    • my commentary was cenzor again or will appear later..
      In one word..What you implying here is just simple bu…t. I/m Pole Soldier from Poland..
      Stay away from Polish affair..Take care for your Communist country Chile..

      • max:

        Your comment was not “censored”. You insulted and threatened a fellow commenter, and as an added bonus attempted to start a Jew-fight.

        The rules clearly prohibit insulting fellow commenters. There will be no threatening of anybody. And I’ll not have any more comment threads destroyed by Jew-fights.

        This is your last warning. Either restrain yourself, and stay within the guidelines for civility, or I will delete all your comments outright without reading them. Which is a lot easier — then I don’t have to attempt to decipher your peculiar locutions.

      • I believe that your insulting comments demonstrate your inability to debate in a healthy way, my dear. These are facts brought to you directly from your government’s official webpage. Furthermore, I’m not Chilean, but you got the geographic location right: I’m South American, and like your government, my government has an agreement with communist China in many areas, and that’s a shame for me, but I I believe it should be for you too. Poland was considering (I don’t know at this point yet) deporting Ukrainian refugees, who are fleeing a war they cannot win, and which is being used to advance several different elite agendas, both in Europe and the rest of the world. world, from geopolitical to military alignments.

        If you went through the Polish president’s pandemic totalitarianism, and adhered to the Digital Vaccination Certificate imported by your government from communist China (with whom your government has treaties, by the way), that’s your problem, and you should see the reality in front of you. But if you can’t see it, I’ll tell you as politely as possible: you are being manipulated by your government, which is being manipulated by the same elite you think it is fighting. Wake up, for your sake, before you lose your life uselessly on the battlefield in the future, just as Zelensky wants for the poor Ukrainian refugees in his country.

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