Playing Bumper Cars on the Highway at 100mph — For Allah

This stories is definitely from News of the Weird. A culture-enricher goes careering down the highway in California at 200mph — so he says — steering his car into infidel vehicles thanks to his telekinetic powers and the guidance of Allah.

The miracle is that no one was injured in this particular instance of vehicular jihad.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this news video:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying article from FOX26:

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A Migrant-Friendly Mayor in Oersdorf Feels the Heat

The following article from the Rheinische Post describes an assault against the mayor of a small municipality in northern Germany. The victim had made helping the migrants his cause, and not all his constituents were happy with his actions.

No one has been arrested for the attack, but it is assumed that neo-Nazis are the culprits. However, it’s also conceivable — although unlikely — that one of the culture-enrichers may be responsible. And if some sort of crackdown on “right-wing extremists” occurs in response to what happened, a “false flag” incident becomes a distinct possibility.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation:

Joachim Kebschull… beaten up because he wants to help

by Philipp Jacobs

Thursday evening meeting of the building committee in Oersdorf, Schleswig-Holstein. As in every county it is also about the accommodation of refugees. Mandatory date, nothing special. Were it not for the hostility… Two sessions of the building committee of the municipality of 874 inhabitants in Hamburg just had to be canceled because of bomb threats. Mayor Joachim Kebschull gets letters with the words: “He who will not hear must feel” and “Oersdorf for the Oersdorfer”. Kebschull advocates for the few refugees in town. Apparently not everybody in Oersdorf likes that. On Thursday evening Kebschull goes to his car after the committee meeting. Strangers ambush him, beat him with a stick. Kebschull loses consciousness and is hospitalized.

Since June 2013 the 61-year-old is honorary mayor of the small northern county. Also a volunteer, he is committed to the “Oersdorfer Dörpjournal”, leads in the Kaltenkirchener Turnerschaft the Badminton Department, plays it enthusiastically himself and is training young people.

His primary occupation is as an engineering consultant for computer technology. Kebschull was first confronted with the refugee crisis in an abstract way in the news, then in a concrete one in Oersdorf, where asylum seekers are to be accommodated in an empty house. Whether the threatening letters are related to the attack on Kebschull, and whether they are from the brown milieu [Nazis] is not yet determined, but likely.

After the attack, the uncertainty in other municipalities is perceptible. Measures are required: “For threats against local politicians and their families, the Criminal Code should be supplemented by a crime of ‘politician-stalking’” urged the Federation of Municipal Authorities NRW [North Rhine-Westphalia].

We Knew Dogs Were Haram — But Cats?

Readers who are sensitive to descriptions of the mistreatment of animals may want to skip this post.

It’s well-known that Muslims feel a sharia-based loathing towards dogs. But what about cats?

As far as I know, there is nothing specific in the Koran or the hadith about cats. So maybe a culture-enriching sadist — which Islam produces in abundance — has free rein to indulge his whims with any unfortunate feline he encounters.

That’s what seems to be the case with the incidents described by the Belgian daily La Dernière Heure. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation:

Cats killed and tortured in the Fedasil center

By Nadia Lallemant
September 7, 2016

The culprits, two young Afghans were expelled.

The abuse of stray cats by two young Afghans, who lived in the Fedasil center in Bovigny (Gouvy), scandalized the team of the center, and the communal college of Gouvy warned about these barbaric acts.

“A tabby kitten, two months old, was found in the center, in a sad state,” said a staff member. “His jaw was broken and he had a nasal septum deviation. We phoned the county so veterinary expenses would be taken care of.”

Shocked by these heinous acts, the municipal college has agreed to pay the vet. “The former director, who now works part-time, decided to adopt it,” says the employee. “The kitten is doing better and better, even if he still has difficulty eating.”

Two other cats couldn’t be saved. They were killed by two torturers. “The incident occurred in the context of an adversarial relationship between the two young men and a lady of another nationality,” said the deputy director. “They attacked the stray cats that the lady was feeding. The relationship to animals varies from one culture to another. These reprehensible acts were committed despite awareness-raising with respect to animals provided by the team.”

The two Afghans were expelled from the center by the police in the Famenne Ardennes area. An investigation has been opened. Hearings are underway. “These facts are shocking and absolutely regrettable,” laments the Mayor of Gouvy Claude Leruse. “It is important to make them understand that we do not tolerate such acts here. That said, it is not only asylum seekers — perhaps disturbed — from a different culture, who abuse animals. Recently, while checking for social housing after the departure of tenants, three kittens were found locked in the house. They were dying of hunger and thirst.”

Dave Petteys: Shariah is Incompatible With a Democratic Society

On Friday we posted a paper about “message crimes” presented by ACT For America 5280 Coalition at last week’s OSCE/HDIM conference in Warsaw. Below is a video of the accompanying intervention by Dave Petteys.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Orders From the Politburo in Brussels: Scuttle the Hungarian Referendum

We are now less than 24 hours away from the Hungarian referendum on mandatory migrant quotas, and the propaganda push against Prime Minister Viktor Orbán — while not as massive as the blitz against Donald Trump — is intensifying.

Normally the media don’t pay much attention to Hungary, but I noticed a big spread of articles this morning on tomorrow’s referendum. They all, without exception, were totally negative about Orbán’s stance, and some of them were quite vicious. The worst was probably CNN. Here’s a representative sample from the WaPo.

Add to this the coverage of what’s happening in Syria, and you can quite clearly see that the Narrative is being enforced across the board (exception: Breitbart). There is no real dissenting voice; except for BB all outlets follow the Soros-approved playbook.

I don’t understand how this uniformity of ideological position is enforced, but it clearly is. And the closer we get to a breakthrough that violates the Narrative, the more vicious the multiculti propaganda gets. You can see it in what they’re doing to both Orbán and Trump, and if Geert Wilders ever becomes prime minister, it will be the same for him.

Below is an article about orders sent down by the “Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats” — an umbrella group of lefties in the European Parliament — for the comrades in Hungary to boycott tomorrow’s referendum. Since there is no chance of avoiding a “NO” vote, the strategy of the Left is obviously to deny Mr. Orbán the 50% turnout required to make the referendum binding. One can only hope that this blatant attempt at manipulation by the Imperial Center in Brussels will galvanize “no”-voters who might otherwise have stayed home to show up at the polls tomorrow.

Many thanks to CrossWare for translating this piece from the Hungarian news portal

Orders have arrived from Brussels!

The European Parliament social democratic fraction ordered the boycott of the Hungarian referendum on mandatory quota decisions imposed by the EU.

The European Socialists want to control whether the Hungarian people can express their opinion on Sunday about the compulsory settlement. Of course all is done in the spirit of democracy.

“Orbán does not stop with lies about the migrant invasion […] There is no invasion and it is a shame the Hungarian government is using this for its own internal propaganda purposes and blocking the decisions of the European Commission,” says the statement of the second-largest fraction on the European Union Parliament, the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), which includes the Hungarian MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) and also DK (Democratic Coalition-Liberal party).

Interestingly, while the Hungarian socialists tried to make the people believe that there is no mandatory quota (thus no reason to go to vote), their EU sister party is attacking the Hungarian government for refusing to act on the existing European Commission decision.

Below is the rest of the statement, in which they use well-known leftist slanders and try to denounce Hungary:

“The question is: how long will the European Union will tolerate Orbán and the Fidesz demonizing the migrants and the EU? To a European taxpayer it is worrisome how corrupt Hungary is, and it is not clear what financial resources it is using for this. The European Commission and the European People’s Party cannot turn a blind eye anymore to Orbán’s behaviour. We must show we are serious the in the enforcement of the rules and decisions of the European Union, to ensure that European values are uniformly respected.”

In the case of the quota referendum, the European Parliament’s Liberal fraction (ALDE) voiced their opinion and also “found the referendum in the upcoming Sunday very concerning, just as much as the treatment of migrants and refugees in Hungary.” In their statement they emphasized that “the Hungarian authorities distorted facts about the refugees, and they painted them as something that would bring danger to the future of Europe. They associated the migration with terrorism, and they even tried to name some non-existent no-go zones in European cities.”

So they still think there are no such things as no-go zones. They must be living in a very special world if they still think there is no correlation between migration and terrorism, and they probably never heard of Molenbeek, either.

CrossWare has also translated several comments that were posted below the article:

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Miloš Zeman on the Islamic State: Cannibals and the Enemies of Civilization

Czech President Miloš Zeman does not mince words when the topic is Islam. In the following report about a conference on the island of Rhodes, Mr. Zeman described the mujahideen of the Islamic State as “cannibals”, among other things.

Many thanks to CrossWare for translating this article from the Hungarian news portal Magyar Idők:

Czech President: The Islamic State is “Anti-Civilization”

On Friday Czech President Miloš Zeman called the Islamic terror state “anti-civilization”, describing them as cannibals with whom it would be impossible to negotiate.

Zeman spoke in the opening of a two day national security conference called “Discussions of Civilizations” on the Greek island of Rhodes. In his speech — which was reported in the Czech media — he referred to the Islamic State as a cancer on society which is trying to expand beyond Iraq and Syria into the world, and its only purpose is to destroy civilization.

As an example from the last century, he mentioned “Nazism, which tried to exterminate first the Jews and then the Slavs, and later other populations,” said Miloš Zeman in his Russian-language speech. The Czech President said: “You can’t have a discussion with cannibals. For them you are just a bite to eat.”

The Czech head of state emphasized that it would be mistake underestimate the Islamic State because just like last century — in the case of Adolf Hitler and the Nazism — that would lead to serious tragedies.

Before he was elected President, Miloš Zeman attended this event, which was organized by Vladimir Yakunin, a Russian billionaire who has a very close relationship with Vladimir Putin. The discussion forum has been held more than ten times on the island of Rhodes. Zeman participated in 2014 for the first time. The two-day conference will be closing with a speech from Václav Klaus, who was Zeman’s predecessor in the office of the Czech president.