A Note on the Comments

Altercation and disagreementI’ve just discovered that some would-be commenters are unaware of our new policy here at Gates of Vienna: We now moderate comments.

In other words, all comments have to be pre-approved by Dymphna or me before they appear on the blog. This helps screen out provocateurs, prevents vituperation, and limits the general trolling.

Since I was out most of the day, I’m busy reading the submitted comments now. Those which stay within our guidelines will appear on their respective posts shortly.

For future reference, bear in mind that wait times for comments may vary. The hours between 1:00am and 8:00am Eastern (7.00 to 14.00 CET) may be frustrating for night owls (or Europeans and Australians), because we are normally asleep then.

For an explanation of our guidelines for comments, see this post.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/15/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/15/2011More and more analysts and governments — including the Dutch government — believe that it is inevitable that Greece will default on its debts, and either be forced out of the Eurozone, or bring the euro down with it. France and Germany, however, remain optimistic, and have reaffirmed their support for Greece.

In other news, France has banned street prayers as of midnight tonight. The interior minister does not rule out the use of force against those who fail to comply with the new law.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Erick Stakelbeck, Insubria, JP, KGS, Rembrandt, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Danish Socialists Are Back in the Driver’s Seat

The Left did fairly well in today’s election in Denmark, and the Social Democrats to be able to form the next government. Helle Thorning-Schmidt will become the country’s first female prime minister.

Here’s an analysis from one of our Danish contacts, who was an observer at the polls earlier today:

The result is quite muddy. Social Democrats didn’t win, but will get the premiership anyway. Socialistisk Folkeparti (tougher left) lost heavily, hard left Enhedslisten won out big.

The centrist, pro-immigration Radikale Venstre also won big, as well as the new Libertarian party, Liberal Alliance.

Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People’s party) lost three seats. That’s not a disaster, but it’s their first loss ever.

It’s not as bad as I had reason to fear:

1.   The lefty majority is slim.
2.   It includes Radikale Venstre, who are fiscal conservatives.
3.   Bridging that with Enhedslisten is next to impossible.

My prediction: The new government can easily fall.

Danmarks Radio (state radio) notably didn’t bring up immigration in the final debate, and skipped asking anything EU-related as well. DR should be privatized, now.


  • Compared to the polls a week or two ago, the final result is a large improvement. The polls back then would have given a fairly stable leftwing government.
  • Now they will have the chance to try out Keynes on steroids
  • Dansk Folkeparti richly deserves some internal crisis.
  • The Social Democrats will be responsible for the financial situation now.
  • It’s worrisome that the hard left won so much.

Here’s a report from the Danish MSM, via the English-language Copenhagen Post:

Social Dems ‘Did It’

Social Democrat leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt put an end to a decade in opposition for her party tonight, when her centre-left coalition mustered enough votes to win a slim five-vote majority in parliament.

The electoral win puts a woman in the prime minister’s office for the first time in Danish history while at the same time ousting the Liberal-Conservative government, and its backers in the right-wing Danish People’s Party.

Addressing a crowd late Thursday evening Thorning-Schmidt proclaimed “we did it”.

“Today is change-day in Denmark. The Social Democrats are ready to work,” Thorning-Schmidt told a crowd of party faithful gathered at Copenhagen’s Vega concert hall.

The centre-left had campaigned on a platform of reinvigorating the social welfare state, and in her acceptance speech Thorning-Schmidt pledged to work for a society that “included everyone, and where everyone got a second chance — and another second chance”.

Continuing a theme that has laced this general election, Thorning-Schmidt also pledged to seek broad-based compromise and called on “everyone”, politicians and ordinary voters alike, to take part in that effort.

The new Social Democrat-led government and its allies are projected to have won control of 92 seats in the 179-member parliament. The Liberal-led alliance of now-former PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen is forecast to end with 87 seats.

Election night proved bittersweet for Rasmussen. Despite the centre-right bloc being forced into opposition, his Liberal party surpassed the Social Democrats to become parliament’s largest party with 47 seats, one more seat than the party earned in 2007.

The strong result had Rasmussen cautioning Thorning-Schmidt not to get too comfortable in her position.

“Take care of the keys to the Prime Minister’s Office, they are only yours to borrow,” Rasmussen said during his concession speech.

While it was Thorning-Schmit that claimed victory as the country’s new leader, it was two of her allied parties, the centrist Social Liberals and the far-left Red-Green Alliance that were the election night’s biggest winners.

Both parties more than doubled their representation in parliament and will wield significant influence over a minority Social Democrats-Socialist People’s Party government.

Also adding seats was the Liberal Alliance, a centre-right party supporting lower taxes and a smaller state.

Both the Social Democrats and the Socialist People’s Party lost seats in the election, as did the Danish People’s Party — the first time the party has suffered an electoral setback since entering parliament in 1998.

Part of the responsibility for the centre-right’s defeat is also due to be pinned on the Conservatives, who lost more than half of their representation and is now parliament’s smallest party.

The Systematic Destruction of Our Democratic State

Ummah — German

Kirsten Heisig was a German juvenile court judge who believed in decisive action and significant sentences for youthful offenders (including “youths”), in order to interrupt their criminal careers at an early age. She disappeared a year ago, and when her body was eventually found, her death was ruled a “suicide”.

Not long after that, Thilo Sarrazin caused controversy by criticizing immigration, especially Muslim immigration, in his best-selling book Germany Abolishes Itself.

Now comes another Islam-critical author, Joachim Wagner, a retired lawyer. His new book Richter Ohne Gesetz (Judges Without Law) discusses the parallel system of Islamic justice that has emerged in Muslim ghettos in Germany.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this book review by Udo Ulfkotte from Kopp Online:

Judges Without Law: Too True to Be Beautiful

by Udo Ulfkotte
September 9, 2011

Joachim Wagner: Richter Ohne GesetzSteady drips wear the stone away. Perhaps there is more than a glimmer of truth in this proverb. Almost exactly a year ago the book by Judge Kirsten Heisig appeared: The End of Patience. It was about youth criminality and immigration. Then came Thilo Sarrazin. And now the renowned ARD journalist, Joachim Wagner.

Many people will remember Joachim Wagner from the NDR TV magazine Panorama or from the program Report from Berlin. Born in 1943, the fully qualified lawyer always appeared politically correct and never caused any scandal. Now he is retired and he can speak freely and openly, without risking his job. Joachim Wagner is now one more drop from a barrel concerning the dark side of immigration. As a lawyer, Wagner points out many alarming examples of the fact that there is already an parallel Islamic justice system in Germany that is canceling out our constitutional republic.

The book, Judges Without Law, is worth reading. With a great deal of expert knowledge, it meticulously shows even the legally uneducated where our state is heading because of immigration from Islamic countries — to ungovernability. Wagner’s contribution is to have rigorously analyzed the dry facts of crimes and vividly shown their relationship with the illusory multi-culti ideal. What reader is aware that there is a space in every mosque for “settlement of disputes”? In every town with a mosque, there is such a room for “settlement of disputes” — which is nothing more or less than a challenge to our legal system, because the legal monopoly of the German state is being systematically undermined by Islamic “peace judges” or “dispute judges.” The victim and witnesses testify here, when they should come before judges in a German criminal court. And every mosque will deny that there is such an area, And if it is impossible to avoid speaking of this space, then it is only for “counseling in family disputes.”

The book Judges without Law is worth reading because a recognized and previously politically correct journalist describes facts which are anything but politically correct. According to these facts, imams are by no means merely benevolent and integration-friendly fellow citizens. There is a wholly different perspective here. Wagner does not shrink from reporting on the high crime rate among Muslim citizens. Anyone who has read Wagner’s book and has until now rejected or criticized Kirsten Heisig or Thilo Sarrazin is presented with a multitude of facts which could just derail a Do-gooder. It is not about “isolated incidents” — it is about the systematic destruction of our democratic state. We may wonder, then, whether the no longer politically correct Joachim Wagner will now be allowed to tell the truth in legal and public broadcasts.

Don’t Burn It, Read It

Koran, 9th century AD

When people become aware of the dangers of Islamization, they tend to take an interest in the Koran. Rather than rely on what the media or Muslims tell them, they decide to examine Islam’s holy book for themselves, and turn to the internet for help.

Needless to say, the best resources on the Koran are on Islamic sites. You can find anything you want from the Koran, in any language. However, the presentation at such sites is from a Muslim point of view, and doesn’t generally point the reader to the wife-beating or Jew-killing or infidel-beheading verses.

That’s not true of TheQuran.com. It contains detailed easy-to-use analysis of the Koran, produced by Arabic-speaking scholars from both Christian and apostate backgrounds. It is one of the more useful reference sites on the subject that I’ve come across: you can look up verses by topic, or you can search on keywords, or simply browse the contents. It also has a series of articles on particular suras and verses of interest.

As the main page says, it is “…a site for all things related to The Quran. This is the first site of its kind to provide a unique interpretation of The Quran unclouded by the myths and legends that surround Islamic heritage. TheQuran.com is the perfect site for anyone with the desire to study The Quran beyond the boundaries drawn by interpreters who are unwilling to contradict traditional Islamic teaching and refused to subject The Quran to literary and scientific critique, either due to their Islamic faith or weakness in understanding the Arabic language of the Quran.”


A new section has been added to this site to allow the visitor to view all the verses from the Quran relating to specific topics such as jihad, Christians, Jews, women, terrorism and others. You can view the list in different languages and translations.

On this site all registered users have the ability to comment on every abrogation, comparative reading, critical analysis and article. Registration is free.

Visit the Read section to read the Quran in multiple languages and view the commentary and analysis.


At the TheQuran.com you can:

  • Examine many of the historical variant readings of the Quran
  • Read The Quran more clearly and accurately
  • See abrogated verses alongside explanations within the text.
  • Learn more about the history of the Quran.
  • Examine the current sequence of the Quranic chapters in comparison to other historical codices.
  • Research many of the grammatical, historical, and scientific errors in the Quran.
  • Examine a variety of internal contradictions within the Quran.
  • Enrich your knowledge concerning the teaching of the Quran in areas such as; status of women; treatment of people of other faith; Jihad; and much more.

Plus, you will find many beneficial articles, resources and links to material that will increase your understanding of The Quran. Our goal is to make The Quran more easily accessible and understood while basing all commentary on authoritative Islamic sources.

In the future, visitors will be able to search for specific subjects and keywords within the text and participate in discussion boards! Due to ongoing scientific development and literary dialogue the content of our site will be continually updated with the latest articles and discussions related to The Quran. We welcome comments and suggestions from our visitors as we strive to make this site as user-friendly as possible.

The site’s owners are also promoting their book, The Qur’an Dilemma:

A book of terror or a book of peace? An inspired text or a political agenda? How is one to know the truth about the Qur’an? Where does one even begin? How can an English speaker ever hope to wade through the history, the translations, the sects, and the commentaries to begin making sense of the issues?

During the last decade, interest in Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an has grown globally. In order to allow Westerners to investigate the truth about Islam, this research text was translated from Arabic to give English speaking readers the opportunity to see the Qur’an with clear lenses that are not fogged by propaganda or missionary zeal. This book provides the background of the Qur’an in an objective manner. It also presents the text of the Qur’an with parallel commentary, addressing important issues that Muslim scholars have wrestled with throughout the centuries, shedding light on their attempts to solve them and giving a rounded view of the various schools of thought.

The critical approach in this book is inspired by the courageous tradition of those who have dared to analyze the Qur’an throughout history, while also incorporating the contemporary intellectual productions available in Arabic and foreign sources. The discoveries made through these scholarly critical methods are directed to non-Muslims and Muslims equally:

To non-Muslims who want to unravel the mysteries of Islam, this book presents information that Islamic resources rarely disclose—to allow those who seek the truth to comprehend the full picture with all its outlines, colors, and dimensions.

To Muslims who seek genuine choices far from the culture of “indoctrination,” this book opens a world of understanding to them, so that they can decide for themselves their intellectual and spiritual paths.

The Quran Dilemma (Volume One) — available now both in English and in Arabic — covers the first nine suras (chapters) of the Quran. The remaining suras will be covered in Volume Two, due for release in 2011. Articles and commentary found throughout this masterfully executed book — which explain and analyze each sura — are based on authoritative Islamic sources.

I haven’t really begun to access all the resources at TheQuran.com. I recommend that readers visit the site, and discover for themselves what else can be found there.

Hat tip: Russkiy.

Prison for Iranian Christians

Vlad Tepes just sent this translation of a news article about the punishment meted out to five Christians in Iran.

One of those imprisoned was originally charged with apostasy, but the purported crimes of the others are not mentioned in this article:

Five Christians Sentenced to Prison

Translated by Laleh Gillani ©2011

Last week, five Iranian Christians were sentenced to a total of five years in prison despite the fact that they were exonerated of all charges by a lower court. They were retried because the prosecutor had objected to the initial verdicts.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the Appeals Court of Fars Province has handed down a one year prison term for Behroz Sadeq Khanjani, Mohammad Belyad, Nazli Kamarian, Parviz Khalaj and Mehdi Forotan.

Mathias Hagh-Nejad who was recently released on a bail approximately equivalent to $28,000 confirmed the verdicts against these individuals and said, “Additionally, I am waiting for my trial, and Mehrdad Gharoni, another Christian citizen, is locked up behind bars in the Intelligence Agency’s detention center in Esfahan.” Yosef Nadarkhani will also be tried in Gilan’s Revolutionary Court, Branch 11, on September 25, 2011.

After the new verdicts were issued by the Appeals Court, these five Christian citizens were summoned to serve their prison terms.

Today, Christian Democratic Union in Germany released a letter written to Iranian Embassy to vehemently object to the incarceration of Yosef Nadarkhani and to ask for his immediate release. Yosef Nadarkhani is a Christian priest sentenced by Gilan’s Revolutionary Court to die on charges of apostasy.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/14/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/14/2011The debt crisis in Italy has intensified, with spreads on five-year bonds reaching new highs. Several news articles report that the Chinese are about to intervene and buy Italian bonds to ease the situation. Inside sources say, however, that China is actually planning to make commercial investments rather than buy bonds.

Meanwhile, Russia is reportedly negotiating with Cyprus to ease the island’s debt crisis by extending a five-year loan for more than €2 billion. It is hoped that this emergency loan will help the Cypriots get through the immediate crisis.

In other news, the British Home Office has decided against pushing for a new law criminalizing forced marriages. The decision is a disappointment to Muslim women’s rights activists in Lancashire, who fear that more women will be forced into marriages against their will if the new law is not passed.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to An EDL buck, C. Cantoni, CSP, Egghead, Gaia, Insubria, JP, KGS, McR, Nilk, Rembrandt, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Terror Threat in Norway

Kurt Westergaard and Lars Vilks © Snaphanen

On Monday I reported that the Swedish security police arrested four Somali mujahideen before they could carry out a terror attack. There were some indications that the artist Lars Vilks, who drew the infamous Roundabout Dogs, may have been their intended target.

Now a similar incident has occurred in Norway. This time the intended target was the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard (on the left in the above photo, with Lars Vilks). Mr. Westergaard is the creator of the iconic “Turban Bomb” cartoon, one of the twelve original Mohammed cartoons that were so offensive to the world’s 8.77 quintillion Muslims. He was visiting Norway earlier this week, but was forced to leave abruptly after the Norwegian authorities learned of a plan to kill him, and were evidently unable to guarantee his safety.

The official cover story was that the artist was taken ill, and had to return home, but this was not what actually happened. Here’s the story from yesterday’s Ekstra-Bladet, as translated by Henrik Ræder Clausen:

The Norwegian daily Dagbladet reports that the Norwegian intelligence service PST requested that Kurt Westergaard to leave Norway immediately.

The service — which corresponds to the FBI in the United States — is said to have received evidence of a planned assassination attempt, writes Dagbladet.

Turban boom!Kurt Westergaard is under permanent protection by the Danish police PET.

“I can confirm that Kurt Westergaard has been in Norway, and that he returned to Denmark yesterday,” says Trond Hugubakken, chief of communication for PST, to Dagbladet.

“Westergaard lives with constant death threats. Apart from that I have no comments,” says Trond Hugubakken.

Kurt Westergaard was in Norway to present a book and a CD he has illustrated for the Norwegian folk singer and author Geirr Lystrup.

But Monday night the publisher was suddenly informed by the police in Oslo that Kurt Westergaard had fallen ill and for that reason had returned to Denmark.

Folk singer Geirr Lystrup spoke on the phone to Kurt Westergaard Monday evening.

“I got a call from Westergaard late Monday evening, where he told me that he had had some heart trouble. It came as a bolt from the blue for me. It is shocking, and I am of course worried that something might happen to him,” says Geir Lystrup to the Norwegian news agency NTB.

Kurt Westergaard’s visit to Norway has been subject to heavy security measures.

Westergaard arrived Friday with his wife and several security guards.

Photo © Snaphanen.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/13/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/13/2011In a special election for a New York congressional seat once held by former Rep. Anthony “The Bulge” Weiner (D), Republican Bob Turner has scored an upset victory, and will represent the traditionally Democrat district until next year’s election. Mr. Weiner had to resign earlier this year after he was caught sending photos of his — ahem — apparatus to young women on Twitter.

In other news, the Grand Mosque in Moscow was demolished to make way for a rebuilt version. The old one was not properly aligned with Mecca. The demolition was expected, and approved by Russia’s mufti, but Russian Muslims are upset that the it occurred on the anniversary of 9-11, and a Sunday to boot.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to An EDL buck, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Diana West, Egghead, Insubria, JP, KGS, TV, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

A Win for Mosquebusters in Uxbridge

MosqueBusters logoGavin Boby of Mosquebusters (the action arm of the Law and Freedom Foundation) has scored a resounding success in the English town of Uxbridge, just to the west of London. His organization’s actions helped convince the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association to pull its planning application for a new “community center” in Uxbridge.

Here’s the story from Mosquebusters:

Round one to us in Uxbridge!

In June 2011, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association lodged a confident planning application for a — you guessed it! — “community centre” in Uxbridge.

But there is already a community centre next door! We all know how Islam has always bent over backwards to promote wellbeing in the country it inflicts itself upon (whoops! I mean “enriches with its presence”!), but building a new community centre smack next door to an existing one is too much even by their standards. Surely the mosque outfit are not being coy about a mosque proposal?!

Given their confident tone, imagine our surprise when this application was pulled a week ago, and an appeal lodged for “non-determination”. The mosque outfit didn’t want to wait for the Council decision. Fancy that!

Could this have anything to do with the number of objections coming in against the application?

Just to recap: in 2010 the Muslim Association applied to turn the Hillingdon Irish Centre members club into a “community centre”. They withdrew that application rather than get a refusal. But they reapplied in June 2011, this time offering 2 extra car spaces!

Local people objected, and the Law and Freedom Foundation helped them. More local objections went to the Council Planning Department, and the mosque promoters have now taken matters out of the Council’s hands by going straight to appeal. And it’s a “written” appeal, i.e. nowhere for awkward locals to show up and express their points of view.

Technically, you don’t have to wait for a decision in order to appeal against it. But this is rare, especially after the application is still new — less than 3 months old. This mosque outfit didn’t like the reception they were getting, and with good reason.

Round 1 to us. If you want to help us win round 2, then please click here, and find out how to register your objections to the Appeal. Make sure you do it — even if they don’t read them, they count them!

Royal Lane is crowded and extremely vulnerable. The site lies between 3 schools on Royal Lane (Bishopshalt School,? Meadow Special School, and Meadow High School next door), and Hillingdon Hospital. Just look on Google Earth to see the parking restrictions — postcode UB8 3QU. Here’s the location:

Safe traffic flows are essential and will be harmed by the parking overspill that will result. The road surface is already under severe strain due to potholes caused by heavy traffic. This is the wrong proposal in the wrong place. Even before you take into account the congestion, disturbance, and general parking jihad that usually accompanies a mosque.

Go over to Mosquebusters for more information, including photos and maps.

My Experiences with a Danish Sharia-Zone

Below is an article published last Sunday by a former Danish leftist, who writes about sharia-controlled zones in his old neighborhood in Århus.

Many thanks to Steen for the tip, and to Nemo for the translation.

Cultural enrichment in Gellerupparken

My Experiences with a Danish Sharia-Zone
by Dan Ritto

On the front page of today’s edition of [Danish newspaper] Ekstra-Bladet you can see the headline ‘Here, sharia law applies’, and a map of the areas of the country where the imams and so-called cultural societies have established an alternative judicial system based on sharia law.

One of these areas is Gellerupparken, where I used to live and participate in what I thought was an effort to integrate immigrants into society. A feature article in the newspaper says that according to experts, these areas will, in the course of 10-15 years, be anti-democratic. I’ll stipulate that depending on what you mean by “democratic”, Gellerup has already turned that corner.

Unfortunately, the criticisms coming from Islam-sceptics like myself are almost always swept off the table with the remark that we are stupid and ignorant. Therefore in the following I will present my credentials and background for talking about conditions in Gellerup, so that the readers themselves can judge whether I am ignorant or not.

When I returned home from seminary in London in 2004, I had no possessions except for some boxes with my books in them — and the clothes on my back. I had no money and no place to live. A couple of months later I got my apartment — in Gellerupparken, because back then as now it was very quick and easy to get an apartment there. On top of that the apartments were actually surprisingly lovely, in spite of the reputation the area had.

After some time I became an active member of the society called ‘Multikulturel Forening’ [Multicultural Society]. I even became its vice-president. But before then, very soon after moving in, actually, I had new neighbours. It was a very nice guy who moved in along with his family — among them a son in a wheelchair. No one in the family spoke any language other that Arabic, so I never got to talk to any of them. But they always greeted me with big smiles and a lot of warmth, and they as well as the master of the house made a fantastic impression. His name was Shaykh Raed Hlayhel. Shaykh Hlayhel was imam in the mosque on Grimshøjvej, but that interested me little back then. Later, when the whole cartoon crisis erupted, I learned with amazement that my good neighbour was one of the imams who travelled and spread lies about Denmark throughout the Middle East.

One day, Hlayhel disappeared from the country. Literally in the dark of night. One day he was there — the next, he was gone. It said in the newspaper that it was because of dissatisfaction with the cartoonists not being punished by the Danish courts. Based on what I saw and experienced leading up to his disappearance, I am pretty sure it happened because he was put under pressure. My guess is that PET [Police Intelligence Service] was involved, but that is pure guesswork on my part.

Shaykh Hlayhel was a good and respected neighbor, but at the same time he was an enemy of my country. That was the first time I experienced the double nature of Islam!

But as I said — at one point I became an active vice-president of the Multicultural Society. And because at that time I was also an active member of Det Radikale Venstre [a very centrist and immigration-friendly party], some of the locals had confidence in me. Ironically, that included some of the hard-core criminals who often sat down to chat when I sat and ate in Bazar Vest [a shopping mall in the area]. Over the next couple of years I learned an awful lot!

Of course I wanted to know about Islam, so I posed a lot of questions. I was told by everybody — the young as well as the old, convicts as well as pensioners — and those active in associations as well as businesses that the Muslims had come to create a new society in this country. They were absolutely candid about that, even proud. Because it will be better than the old ways, they said. And as I am not opposed to improvements, a lot of them told me more about the many blessings of the sharia law. The punishments most of them skipped lightly over, but a concept like ‘dhimmi’ (the rights of non-Muslims under sharia law!), I learned about for the first time up in the Bazar — and what they told me was later confirmed both by the Quran and other sources.

I also learned what they meant when they said ‘multiculture’. Namely that Muslims should live and be judged in accordance with the sharia law and the rest of us by our laws. However — our laws were never to contradict the sharia. This, by the way, was the reason I ran screaming from that Society, because that I would not be party to!

At one point during this period I got the suspicion that there was a direct connection between the imams (or some of them at least) and the groups of young men the media and the police called gangs. Neither then nor now could I prove this, but I notice that Ekstra-Bladet in its feature draws a connection between the upholding of the sharia court system and the youth groups belonging to the culture societies and the mosques. The intelligent reader is encouraged to draw his own conclusions!

Very often have I been told that ‘We have our own rules out here’ and that problems are solved without involving the police. Back then I couldn’t imagine sharia courts in the middle of Århus, but today I understand that was what they meant.

At the same time I know that during the ghetto-riots in the winter of 2008 (when the Muhammad-cartoons were reprinted!), the disturbances in Gellerup were directed from within the residents’ communal house, Yggdrasil, where the parents of most of the rioters sat together with a couple of imams. All while cars and dumpsters were set on fire and the ‘youths’ were fighting with the police.

During the 3½ years I lived in the area, I saw AK 47-rifles out in public three times. They were not fired, just taken out. On top of that, a couple of pistols and from time to time knives. My conclusion is that there are enough weapons in circulation out there.

I could go on for a long time describing my experiences in Gellerup, but that shouldn’t be necessary. The point of this whole tale has been to establish by credentials when I talk about Islam, integration and Gellerup, and should be in order now!

Also among the politicians here in Århus the real conditions in Gellerup/Toveshoej are very well known. Two examples: When the local city authorities in Århus some time ago wanted to draw up a plan to beautify the area, a lot of care was taken to obtain the support of the council of imams. During these negotiations the imams (who call themselves ‘The Islamic Societies’— which is exactly the same!) made a few changes. That, along with an ‘understanding’ on the part of the Social Democrats about the building of a mosque in the middle of the area, was what it took to reach an agreement. Only then did the politicians dare propose the plan in the City Council. The imams had to agree to it beforehand!

The other example is the mayor we had until a few weeks ago, Nicolaj Wammen (a Social Democrat). He has been elected mayor here in Århus twice, and both times he had long conversations way in advance of the elections with the previously mentioned ‘Islamic Societies’ — that is, the imams. Wammen got their support, and thus the votes of a majority of Muslims in Århus.

Today, the conditions in the social system in this city are such that women from immigrant families are hugely over-represented among those given an early retirement pension, both compared to all new ‘early pensioners’ and to immigrant women in the rest of the country. Young men from ‘the area’ are very seldom or never given menial jobs when they are on social welfare, as is supposed to happen. I would be breaking the libel laws if I were to claim that this is somehow connected to the talks Wammen held with the imams, so I won’t say that. I’ll just stick to wondering about it!

It must be added that the city council is just now working on a budget that has to cover a 300 million dkr. (about $55 million) deficit — most of which is caused by budget transgressions in the social departments. Now Wammen seeks election to the Danish parliament, and is predicted to become either a top minister in a new government or Helle Thorning Schmidt’s replacement as chairman of the Social Democratic Party should she lose the election. The thought alone is nightmarish!

The power the imams hold in Gellerup is such that the area is already anti-democratic. Contrary to what Ekstra-Bladet seems to think, you don’t have to wait another 10-15 years!

Conditions in the other ghettos mentioned by the newspaper I know nothing about. Yet, like anyone else, I could see that when a certain shop called NETTO on Nørrebro was the target of some aggression, it was a Danish-born imam who ordered the largest criminal gang in the area to discontinue the harassment, after which he himself held talks with Netto. While the gang leader of course sat next to him and looked threatening! In light of the information in Ekstra-Bladet about the implementation of the decisions made by the alternative court system and my own experiences and suspicions from Gellerup, this is very interesting. Again: The libel laws preclude my drawing any conclusions or claiming anything — I just have to wonder about the connection and the obvious authority this imam has in relation to the largest gang on Nørrebro! I am sometimes asked about my change of mind. How I came to change from being a relatively high profile vice-president of Multikulturel Forening to becoming a strong and uncompromising critic of Islam. Now you know. I am critical of Islam because I know both the Muslims and Islam. Given the choice, I have chosen freedom. Because freedom is better than slavery, because light is better than dark — because civilization is better than Islamic barbarity!

In a couple of days we will elect new members of Parliament. The choice is very simply between [the current government] and a government dependent on Det Radikale Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti and Enhedslisten, three parties with the common trait that they either do not understand the danger that creeping sharia poses or — as is the case with Enhedslisten — even support it. Not to mention characters such as Nicolaj Wammen!

To me it is a very easy choice to make.

How Do You Sleep?

Mujahideen carrying the black flag of jihad converged on the American embassy in London last Sunday. They announced the supremacy of Islam. They promised that democracy in Europe and the USA would be abolished and sharia would replace it. Their activities were aided and protected by Metropolitan Police.

Volunteers from the English Defence League arrived carrying the flag of St. George and the Union Jack. They planned a counter-protest in support of traditional British values and culture. Their actions were in solemn respect for the 3,000 people killed on 9-11. The police responded by reading them a Section 14 and forcibly removing them from the area.

It makes you wonder which side the Metropolitan Police are on.

The EDL has posted this video message directed at the police officers who protected the mujahideen so diligently at Grosvenor Square on September 11, 2011:

Hat tip: Gaia.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/12/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/12/2011At least one person was killed today in an explosion at a decommissioned nuclear plant in southern France. The plant is used to process nuclear waste, and the explosion occurred in an oven used for drying radioactive material. The French authorities say there was no radiation leakage as a result of the blast.

Meanwhile, according to a new poll, 56% of Canadians believe the differences between Islam and the West are “irreconcilable”. Also, 62% say that water is wet.

OK, so I made that last one up. But still…

In other news, the United States government is promoting the idea of establishing an “embassy” for the Taliban in Qatar. The USA believes that it will improve dialogue between Western countries and the “students” of the Koran.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to an EDL buck, C. Cantoni, Gaia, heroyalwhyness, Insubria, Janet Levy, JP, McR, Rembrandt, Srdja Trifkovic, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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