Lars Vilks is a Dead Man Walking

Vilks seminar
Lars Vilks is third from the left (thanks to Steen for the photo).

Yesterday I reported on a seminar in Stockholm at which Lars Vilks’ drawings were displayed, and the artist was present to discuss the Modoggies.

Now I have some additional information about the seminar, based on an article in yesterday’s Svenska Dagbladet. Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has translated it, accompanied by this observation:

The fact that Muslims can stand up at a public meeting and talk about Vilks as a “dead man walking” without police interference is quite telling.

And now for the translation itself:

Commotion while debating Vilks’ drawings

Halfway through a seminar on freedom of speech in Stockholm a group of Muslims hijacked the focus from Lars Vilks. In Swedish and Arabic Husam Madani criticized the Swedish artist and defended the prophet.

A ModoggieAccording to Arabic -speaking listeners Husam Madani said as follows: “Let his death be a lesson for the others.”

People in the audience took that as a threat. The police did not interfere while he was speaking.

Already half an hour prior to the seminar, arranged by Humanists of Stockholm and the Central Committee of Ex-Muslims in Sweden, a large media presence gathered outside the venue. Swedish as well as international press were ready.

Several police patrols cruised the area and the participants of the meeting were screened.

“Islam is becoming a political movement if you use religion for political purposes. We secular Muslims must react. To preserve freedom of speech is of utmost importance to mankind,” says Afsaneh Vahdat, Chairman of Ex-Muslims in Sweden.

Lars Vilks himself displayed the notorious drawing of the prophet Mohammed as a roundabout-dog:

“I couldn’t exhibit it and that’s why so few people have actually seen it. Some people say it isn’t art, so I have commanded myself to draw a better one.”

During the seminar some men prayed in the apartment above the seminar.

“We are Muslims and we love the prophet. We do not accept what this man is doing. It is forbidden,” says Husam Madani.

The others applauded. They were not affiliated with any particular organization, they claimed.

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When the seminar opened for questions the men entered. The meeting’s moderator allowed Husam Madani to speak.

“We do not accept anyone to say one single unpleasant word about our prophet. We love out prophet more than out parents, more than our children, more than our lives.

“I want to say a word to Sweden: I call you to Islam. And I will say a word to Lars Vilks.” And then Husam Madani said something in Arabic. During that he was interrupted by the audience and some shouted that he was threatening. Yet Lars Vilks and the other panelists wanted to hear what he was saying.

When Husam Madani had finished he and the men left the venue.

Once again it was publicized that more than 100 Swedish companies were threatened by militant Islamists. Addresses and maps have been published on web-sites.

“Some people say that I am responsible. I will not accept that. The responsibility lies with those who threaten,” says Lars Vilks in a comment.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

Gathering of Eagles, Part III

Protest on the Mall

Last Saturday, anti-war protesters under the umbrella of the Answer Coalition gathered on the Mall in downtown Washington DC to oppose American involvement in Iraq and push for the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Fortunately for rest of us, military veterans and other loyal Americans were there under the umbrella of Gathering of Eagles.

I wasn’t able to attend this time, but our Flemish-American correspondent ProFlandria was there, and he took a lot of photographs and sent us a written account of what happened.

One of the things I noticed in these photos — as I did in person when I attended the GOE event last March — was that the Answer Coalition is obviously very well funded, with expensive signs, materials, and equipment much in evidence. The organizers spared no expense in their effort to fight global capitalism.

There’s a large photo spread below the jump alongside ProFlandria’s account. If the “link” icon is visible when you pass your mouse pointer over an image, that image may be clicked to show a larger version of the photo.

Counter-protest on the Mall

Gathering of Eagles, Part III
by ProFlandria

The event started with a rally on the National Mall, with a bright sky and a gentle breeze. It was a little slow starting up — it didn’t really kick off until about 09:30. Lucky for me though; I could stroll around, get my bearings, and pick up a T-shirt from the March 17 event which I also attended. The mood was boisterous; a group of American University students proved very popular with the crowd. Maybe academia isn’t quite as lost as it sometimes appears…
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By about 10:15 the crowd was at its maximum, I would guess anywhere between 1,000 and 1,500. Of course, perception is everything — a higher vantage point would have helped!. By that time I noticed the press doing the rounds through the crowd as well (there was also a static platform for the press right across the podium, behind the crowd).

I was off on the northern side of the mall, so they likely started at the South side and worked their way through the crowd. We had some outstanding inspirational speakers and very talented singers; the crowd responded enthousiastically. All in all, the three hours of standing up just flew by. I do hope someone will make some kind video record (DVD?) of the event available some time in the near future…

Of course we couldn’t have everything our way. By about 10:45 one of the organizers got on the podium to direct the stewards towards a commotion in the back, where some counter-protesters were getting too close. He asked the crowd not to interfere, but a sizeble number of basically did an about-face — mostly out of curiosity — but it must have made an impression because our “guests” ran off, I believe even before the stewards could get there.

Right after that we did get a successful infitration — one lady with a small sign got almost halfway through the crowd. Her attire was business-casual, which is probably how she slipped through without getting noticed. Once she was spotted, though, people around her engaged her in “spirited conversation” which attracted the attention of the stewards and a little later, one cop.

With the “virus” properly encased in a protective cocoon, she was basically neutralized, and as far as I know, stood there for quite a while. She did loose her sign though; one of the people on the podium tore it into little pieces and scattered it to the breeze — the crowd went wild!

The rally broke shortly after noon; we were advised that the anti-war crowd would not be marching until 13:30, which gave us all some time to get some food. I quickly made my way to Hard Rock because it was several blocks away from our assigned spot between 7th and 9th Streets on Pennsylvania. By 13:30 I was at the Navy Memorial — ready for the next event!

At about 14:30 Code Pink operatives suddenly materialized on the intersection of Pennsylvania and 7th. What the…? They certainly didn’t march up Pennsylvania to get there like they were supposed to! If they were trying to avoid the gauntlet, they failed — within less than a minute they were on the side of the street being “debated” by the GOE people.

Several cops showed up to extricate them… and we were still waiting on the main crowd. The only thing to stare at was a large bus straight out of the Sixties — garishly painted and festooned with people on the roof, treating everyone to what I would charitable describe as “performance art”. Frankly, my four-year-old grand-niece could run circles around these people.

Between 14:30 and 15:00 we got isolated dribbles of protesters wandering up and down the Avenue. Quite a few of them were walking right alongside the barriers even though they had the whole Avenue, which led to quite a bit of taunting back and forth. In the meantime police cruisers and bicycle cops were converging toward the West end of the Avenue, so we know the herd is approaching!

And there they finally came, just after 15:00 — but wait, who are those people with the large banner saying “DANGER! Leftist protesters trying to demoralize our troops?” They’re right up front, surely this crowd didn’t just have a mass reconversion to sanity? Oh, wait — look at the rest of them! I suspect the guys with the cautionary banner were Protest Warriors. Awesome!

I stayed around for another half hour to get a feel fior the crowd. They sounded (and acted) a little more subdued than last March, and the cookie-cutter yellow-and-black signs were not as massively in evidence. I had to get back home before the die-in, so unfortunately I missed all the excitement there. I guess there’s always next time…


The Answer Coalition
The Answer Coalition

These Smelly People?
These Smelly People?

Peace Marchers
Peace Marchers

The People’s Cube
The People’s Cube

The Moonbat Bus
The Moonbat Bus

Peace is for…
Peace is for…

Flying the Flag
Flying the Flag

The Press
The Press

 Counter-protest on the Mall

Blog Talk Radio With Fausta and Siggy

Blog Talk RadioDymphna and I just spent an hour talking to Fausta and Siggy on Blog Talk Radio.

We had an entertaining time, discussing the “parachute fatwa”, Lars Vilks and the Modoggies, President Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York, and college education for illegal immigrants, among other things. There was quite an argument, although whether it was entertaining for anyone other than the participants is hard to say.

If you want to listen to it, the podcast is here. We talked for an hour, but it seems that only the first forty-five minutes were actually recorded for the program. Unfortunately, that means you will the miss the most exciting part, when I screamed at the other three and threw an empty snaps bottle at the telephone…

Siggy blogs at Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred. Fausta blogs, surprisingly enough, at Fausta’s Blog.

[Post ends here]

Family Channel News Story on Jamaat ul-Fuqra Airs Tonight

Erick Stakelback has done an investigative report on the Muslims of America which will air tonight (September 19th) at 11:00 on the Family Channel. He visited the MOA compound in Red House, Virginia, and talked to a former member of the organization as a part of his investigation.

Full disclosure: Mr. Stakelback contacted me before he went to Red House and asked for information and advice, which I was happy to provide.

A video version of the report with an accompanying article are available on the CBN website. Here’s an excerpt:

Terrorists Training in Rural America?
By Erick Stakelbeck
CBN News — Terror Analyst

Muslims of — RED HOUSE, Va. — Islamic extremists in the United States have traditionally set up shop in big cities with large Muslim populations: places like New York City, Dearborn, Michigan and even Washington, DC. But one secretive group is doing just the opposite.

They call themselves Muslims of America. They’ve established compounds throughout the rural U.S. Members say they moved to the countryside to lead peaceful lives free of “Western decadence.” But others say that doesn’t tell the whole story.

“Certainly, when you’re in a rural area it enables you to better escape from the prying eyes of law enforcement,” said CBN News consultant David Gartenstein-Ross.

He says Muslims of America has close ties to a violent Pakistani group named Jamaat Al-Fuqra. Both groups are led by the same extremist cleric: Sheikh Mubarak Gilani.

“Sheikh Gilani is an extremist figure known to be very much involved in the jihads against India, also known to be very much anti-Semitic,” Gartenstein-Ross said.

Gilani’s images and messages are all over the Muslims of America Web site.

He founded the group during a visit to Brooklyn in 1980. Shoe bomber Richard Reid and Beltway sniper John Allen Muhammad are said to have been among his followers.

Gilani encouraged his U.S. pupils-mostly African Americans-to move to rural areas and establish Muslim communes. The group now has dozens of these communes nationwide.

“Al Fuqra has compounds from coast-to-coast and what this indicates is they’re going to areas where land is plentiful—where you can get land for relatively cheap prices,” Gartenstein-Ross said.

CBN News visited the group’s 45-acre site in Red House, Virginia — a town so small you can barely find it on a map. There are no traffic lights, and the only signs of industry are a pair of convenience stores. So when a street sign popped up named after a radical Pakistani sheikh-along with men and women dressed in traditional Islamic garb- the locals took notice.

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CBN News spoke to a former member of Muslims of America who wishes to remain anonymous. ‘Mustafa’ says Gilani runs the group from Lahore, Pakistan.

“He’s the leader of the group. He’s a former member of the Pakistani military. His father was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan. He has great connections to Pakistani intelligence, the ISI,” he said.

Mustafa says Muslims of America serves as a cash cow for Gilani and Jamaat Al-Fuqra. Each member is required to send 30 percent of their income to Gilani. The group even had a treasurer that checked members’ pay stubs.

“He said that the 30 percent is money that God has chosen to take from you. And if you spend that 30 percent you are stealing from God,” Mustafa’ said.

Group members hand deliver thousands of dollars in cash at a time to Gilani in Pakistan.

Mustafa said, “The money got to Pakistan through the elders who traveled to Pakistan. They carried cash with them or they sent it Western Union. Since there’s Americans under Gilani’s rule who live in Pakistan, it’s like from one American name to another American name and it’s never linked to Gilani at all.”

Sheikh Gilani uses these American dollars to help fund the Taliban and other terrorist groups, according to Mustafa.

Muslims of America compounds are filled with ex-cons from rough backgrounds. Many converted to Islam in prison. Mustafa says there’s at least one semi-automatic weapon in every home.

A local law enforcement official told us he’s had no problems with Muslims of America in Red House. But the group has a long track record of violent activity on U.S. soil.


Mustafa says the group raises money through a variety of criminal activities.

“A lot of the guys will do bootlegging—you know, it’s all illegal- videotapes, CDs, clothing,” he said.

In March, federal investigators broke up a multi-state counterfeit goods ring. Local residents tell CBN News that some of those arrested lived at the Red House compound.

Mustafa said, “The counterfeiting comes in with the bootlegging. It’s all counterfeit movies not sanctioned by Paramount or MGM or things like that — they’re not legitimate.”

Law enforcement sources say they’re keeping a close eye on Muslims of America compounds.

“One of the law enforcement sources that I spoke to was concerned that you could have a Waco-type situation,” Gartenstein-Ross said.

That’s “Terrorists Training in Rural America” on ABC’s Family Channel at 11:00 P.M.

It’s Talk Like a Cossack Day

Steen tipped me about this story, but it was entirely in Danish. Fortunately, Mikael of Turban Bomb was kind enough to translate it. Here’s what he says:

Back in 1667, the Zaporozhian Cossacks defeated a Turkish army that had been sent in to the south of Russia. In spite of his defeat, the Turkish Sultan, Mehmed IV, sent a letter to the Cossacks, demanding their surrender.

The letter went like this:

As the Sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the Sun and Moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians—I command you, the Zaporozhian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.

And the response from the Cossacks?

Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

O Sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can’t slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?…

You’ll have to go to Mikael’s place to read the rest. The Cossacks weren’t PG-13 in their language, and you know what prudes we are around here.

It’s very entertaining, however…

[Post ends here]

The Counterjihad Calendar: October

Stop the Sharia Clock!

The month of October in the Counterjihad Calendar is represented by the Netherlands.

The Netherlands’ large industrial cities are among the most thoroughly Islamized in Europe. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has reported extensively on the problems in her adopted country, and Theo Van Gogh paid with his life for helping her.

Some of our Dutch readers say that many people in the Netherlands are still in denial about the significance of Mr. Van Gogh’s murder. They simply don’t want to confront what is happening to their country.

More so than any monumental public building, the windmill is iconic for the Netherlands, representing the long Dutch tradition of productive labor and industrious ingenuity (click for a larger image):


Thanks to Michiel Mans and H. Numan for their help in compiling this list of Dutch Counterjihad websites for the calendar:
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I still need some URLs for Australia and Spain. My goal is to fill up each sidebar with Counterjihad sites.

Once again, the twelve countries I will be using for the 2008 calendar are:

  • France
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • India
  • Sweden
  • Italy
  • The U.S.A.
  • Greece
  • Britain
  • The Netherlands
  • Australia
  • Spain

For each country involved, I invite readers to post suggested Counterjihad links in the comments, or send them via email. All except for the USA, that is, which is completely filled up.

I’m still on track to finish the 2008 Counterjihad Calendar around the end of this month, and then make it available at our Café Press site.

Next up on the calendar is Australia, for the month of November.


Testing the Limits

One of the things that I have noticed about the Modoggie Crisis is that Lars Vilks — despite the rudimentary nature of his scrawled drawings and the manifest unseriousness of the artist’s statements — did not undertake his blasphemous task lightly or at random. There is a method in his madness.

And now he has made that fact clear. According to The Local:

A ModoggieLars Vilks took part on Tuesday evening in a seminar in Stockholm organized by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Sweden and the Swedish Humanist Association.

Vilks reminded his audience that the drawing had been meant as a provocation. The art and culture communities in Sweden repeatedly criticize the United States and Israel, he said, whereas Muslim countries are rarely even questioned. The caricature of Muhammad as a ‘roundabout dog’ was his way of “testing the limits” of art.

“I suppose one could say that from that perspective I have been entirely successful,” said Vilks. [emphasis added]

Well, kudos to Lars Vilks!

The intentionality of his effort should give pause to the politicians who are now sweating bullets, hoping and praying that further escalation can be avoided, at least until the other party is in power.

It’s also evidence that he’s not going to quit provoking people with his drawings. He began this with full knowledge of what he what he was getting into, and a few piddling death threats are evidently not enough to deter him.

There was a report on his Stockholm appearance last night on Finnish television. Tundra Tabloids has a translation:
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Finnish MTV3 reports that Lars Vilks refuses to hide. Last night in Stockholm, and under heavy police protection, Lars Vilks, the artist that pictured Islam’s prophet Mohamed as a round-a-bout dog, showed his art work to about a hundred people gathered at the event.

MTV3 reports that “Muslim extremists have called for the boycott of over a hundred Swedish businesses, including SAS, Arla, Volvo and Ikea… Vilks showed the Mohamed characterised as a dog pictures to former Muslims and the Stockholm Humanist Society who arranged the event.”

When asked how he felt about the threats against his life, Vilks mentioned in the televised news footage that he was serious about the threats, and that it has made his life more difficult. The text in Finnish reads: “But otherwise I feel safe. The police know their work.”

Lars Vilks has been forthright in his statements, but not so the leaders of Sweden’s government. Here’s the latest from Prime Minister Reinfeldt, from Sveriges Television, as translated by CG:

“I always take threats seriously. Those who agitate for the use of violence will often realize their wishes in a way they did not expect,” Fredrik Reinfeldt says.

“I think I should take my part of the responsibility and try to oppose and deal with those who agitate for violence — or those who surround them — to try to ease it, to release the pressure so that we don’t get into an escalating development of which there is now a great risk,” he says.

Actually, given the Swedish tendency to indirection and conciliation, these are pretty strong words coming from Mr. Reinfeldt. He didn’t say, “There is an absolute right to freedom of expression in this country, and I will defend to the death Mr. Vilks’ right to draw Modoggies.” On the other hand, that’s not the way Swedes do things. This is stronger than previous statements, so the next step in the progression will be an interesting one.

The Local also talks about the boycott of Swedish businesses:

Islamists push for boycott of Swedish firms

Websites run by militant Islamists have listed the names of over 100 Swedish companies as possible targets in the ongoing row surrounding the publication in Swedish newspapers of a caricature of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

Detailing the addresses, maps and logos of Swedish businesses, the websites called for their readers to boycott these firms and “take revenge” on Sweden for the publication of a controversial cartoon by artist Las Vilks.

SAS, H&M, Alfa Laval, TV 4 and Arla were among the companies listed, according to SVT news programme Rapport, which based its report on a study carried out by the Washington-based SITE Institute (the Search for International Terror Entities).

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Lars Vilks, as has been noted previously, is no right-winger. His milieu is the trendy world of avant-garde modernist art, and his politics — as far as they can be detected by a non-Swede — have been straightforward left/socialist.

But he takes his leftist principles seriously. The freedom to shock the bourgeoisie at will has been unquestioned; now it’s time to claim the freedom to shock the Umma as well.

He’s an unlikely champion of Western Civilization, but we live in interesting times.

Hat tip for The Local: CG.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

Syria Plays With Sarin

Remember back during the Cold War, when from time to time a Soviet weapons test would go awry?

Sometimes word would leak out that a lot of people mysteriously died in some remote part of Siberia or Kazakhstan, as occurred after the anthrax “accident”. More than likely, though, no one outside of the CIA or NATO intelligence knew anything about it until after the USSR fell and the archives were opened.

The biggest incident, of course, was at Chernobyl in 1986, when Moscow tried to keep the lid on a nuclear accident for as long as possible. The radioactive cloud that passed over Poland and Scandinavia made that secret hard to maintain, however.

Something similar seems to have happened this past summer in Syria. Here’s the latest from the Jerusalem Post:

‘Dozens died in Syrian-Iranian chemical weapons experiment’

Proof of cooperation between Iran and Syria in the proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction was brought to light Monday in a Jane’s Defence Weekly report that dozens of Iranian engineers and 15 Syrian officers were killed in a July 23 accident in Syria.

According to the report, cited by Channel 10, the joint Syrian-Iranian team was attempting to mount a chemical warhead on a Scud missile when the explosion occurred, spreading lethal chemical agents, including sarin nerve gas.

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Reports of the accident were circulated at the time; however, no details were released by the Syrian government, and there were no hints of an Iranian connection.

The report comes on the heels of criticism leveled by the Syrians at the United States, accusing it of spreading “false” claims of Syrian nuclear activity and cooperation with North Korea to excuse an alleged Israeli air incursion over the country this month.

This is pretty scary stuff. Iran and North Korea are already rogue countries, and Syria, like so many Muslim states in the Middle East, has only a single corrupt dictator and his clique standing between traditional despotism and a full-fledged Islamist regime.

It’s food for thought.

Norway Confronts Islam… And Wilts

Fjordman’s latest essay, this one about his own homeland, has been posted at the Brussels Journal:

Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace

Norwegian police have discovered that a large number of Pakistani taxi drivers, many of whom have already been charged with tax evasion in one of the worst cases of welfare fraud in the nation’s history, have close contact with Pakistani gangs and operate as couriers of arms and drugs. In the city of Oslo it is documented that criminal Pakistani gangs also have close ties to Jihadist groups at home and abroad. This despite the fact that Norway, a nation of peace and home to the Nobel Peace Prize, should presumably get along just fine with Islam, which is, as we all know, a religion of peace.

Minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen from the Labour Party has called for increased immigration from Pakistan because this would be good for the economy. The majority of Muslims voted for the Labour Party in the 2005 elections, which the left-wing coalition won by a very slim margin. Eighty-three percent of Muslims voted for Leftist parties, just as all over Western Europe. Kristin Halvorsen, the leader of the Socialist Left Party, began her election campaign in 2005 in the Pakistani countryside, praising all the “blood, sweat and tears Pakistanis in Norway have spent on building the country.” She is now Norway’s Minister of Finance.

In 2007, Minister of Justice Knut Storberget said that the Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17th, is for “everybody,” and that it’s appropriate to demonstrate this by displaying a multitude of flags and cultures. It is now permitted to celebrate it by waving the flag of the United Nations. The editor of a Multicultural newspaper has suggested that the Norwegian national anthem should be translated to Urdu because this would be good for integration. Norwegians are supposed to celebrate their independence by singing their national anthem in Urdu, by wearing the national costume of Ghana and by waving the flag of the UN, an organization that is actively trying to curtail their freedoms and subvert their independence. This would be the equivalent of Americans celebrating the Fourth of July by waving the UN flag and by singing the Star-Spangled Banner in Arabic.

Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre from the Labour Party participated in a conference with participants from dozens of countries and media outlets on how to “report diversity” in a non-offensive manner, with Arab News from Saudi Arabia as a moderator. The Cartoon Jihad the year before had prompted Indonesia and Norway to join forces and promote a Global Inter-Media Dialogue. In June 2007 this was held in Oslo.

Read the rest at the Brussels Journal.

[Nothing follows]

Lars Vilks Earns His Fatwa

A Modoggie
Not only did Lars Vilks merit a bounty for his blasphemy, but also a fatwa. Here’s the latest from Carpenter:

The Modoggie affair has resulted in a Fatwa, issued by “The European Council for Fatwa and Research”, whose existence I wasn’t aware of until just a minute ago. Expressen published the Fatwa yesterday, point by point. No English version is yet available, as far as I know. But here’s my translation of the ten items of the Fatwa in question:

  1.   We condemn the caricature and consider it an insult to the religion of all Muslims, and also an insult of all people’s religions.
2.   We maintain our convictions on free press and strive for increased freedom of speech. But to insult other people’s sanctuaries is not included in freedom of speech; it’s a crime against human rights.
3.   We consider the caricature conflicting with our struggle for a positive integration between different European societies in which Islam is a part.
4.   We consider the caricature conflicting with our work on creating a inter-religious dialogue with other religious groups.

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5.   We ask European authorities to protect Muslims and other believers from insults.
6.   We ask religious and human rights organizations to counteract the insults to religions and sanctuaries.
7.   We repudiate all acts of violence, including murder, because it’s insulting to other people as well as contradicting the doctrine of Islam.
8.   We ask European legislatures to institute laws that criminalize insults to all religions and sanctuaries.
9.   We ask Muslims in Europe to be reasonable and defend their sanctuaries with the help of current democratic laws and to repudiate everything related to violence and acts of crime.
10.   We maintain our objective of helping European Muslims to contribute prosperity to their countries and that this mad caricature shouldn’t stop this important process.

Carpenter adds: “Number 8 is my favorite…”

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

Belgium on the Block

Going once, going twice…sold to the man in the ten gallon hatSomeone with a sense of humor offered his country to the highest bidder on eBay – and got an offer of Euro 10 million. After last week’s display of truncheon and tyranny in Brussels, that may be over-priced.

On the other hand, one person interviewed for the story thought it would be good to have a tripartite division, with Brussels as a tax-free haven. Not bad… the rest of the EU could pay its upkeep. I’m sure that would thrill them.

Unfortunately, the offer was taken down by a nervous management, so we’ll never know what might have happened. Some Saudi billionaire might have picked it up as a trifle for one of his wives.

Or even better, a rich Texan could have hauled Belgium home to the Lone Star state and used it as a wall between Mexico and the U.S. Think of that roiling mix of Moroccans and Mexicans.

Think of the new cuisines! Tex-Mex waffles…barbeque and couscous…endive smothered in pinto beans.

What a failure of nerve on the part of Belgium’s eBay.

Hat tip: FB

[mercifully ends here, unless you have some recipes to add]

UN Human Rights Council Boycotts Denmark


Top left balloon (UN): Sorry, but what about your treatment of women, if I may ask?

Muslim: You little Zionist Islamophobic racist! This is not a women-conference but a HUMAN rights conference!

Bottom balloon (EU): Uh… ehh… I’ll just say… Allahu Akbar…

The following article appeared yesterday in the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende. It has been translated into English by our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc:

UN Human Rights Council Boycotts Denmark

In parallel with the war on terror and fundamentalism a fierce battle is going on in the UN. A battle the West is losing, says Canadian law professor Anne Bayefsky. Last year Denmark was rejected as a member of the council.

When Anne Bayefsky participated in the 2001 UN Conference on Racism in Durban she and many others were shocked. The conference touched on neither the situation for women and minorities in Arab countries nor the massacres in Congo or Durban — or any of the other catastrophes in the world. No, most of it was about how Israel treated the Palestinians, and the conference adopted a slew of resolutions against Israel and the USA. The two of them left the conference in protest while the delegates from all European countries and NGO’s — Danes included — stayed and put a good face on it.

The Durban conference is only one example of the war inside the UN, where the Arab countries together with a host of third-world countries have an absolute majority and conduct the war. In the UN Human Rights Council a slew of the most murderous regimes sit in the place of honor and see to it that the majority of the council’s resolutions are turned against Israel and that nobody ever investigates what’s going on the in the dictatorships. Some observers considered Durban a turning point because it marked the new offensive by Muslim countries that will culminate at the next Durban Conference, scheduled to take place in 2009. Here, says Anne Bayefsky, the Muslim countries will settle accounts with Western countries’ freedom of speech and once again criticize Denmark for the Mohammed cartoons.

Anne Bayefsky is better suited than most to follow this battle because she, as a law professor, followed it for several years — resolution after resolution. On her homepage,, she documented what happened in the UN regarding UN resolutions and ballots. Her homepage became a success since it started in 2002, registering more than 500,000 hits.

Do you consider the Durban Conference a new offensive by fundamentalism?

“Not only a sign of a fundamentalist offensive, but furthermore a proof of the degeneration and corruption of the human rights movement. In reality we see a coalition between many Western human-rights organizations and oppressive regimes who launched this show without any Western organizations protesting.”

What could they have done?

“They could have interfered a long time in advance of the conference. This kind of conference doesn’t come by itself. You’ll have preparations, and it was absolutely obvious what was about to happen, namely a condemnation of Israel and the USA. Accordingly Israel was compared to Nazi Germany in several contexts. Everything was prepared, and it was absolutely clear that the Arab countries had kidnapped the conference well in advance of it actually taking place.”

In the end Israel and USA walked out of it. Should the European countries have followed?

“Of course. The European countries should have left together with Israel and the USA. But in reality the European countries enjoyed having a place at the table, and especially France loved the part of being the leading negotiator between USA, Israel and the Arab countries in the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference). By staying, the European countries betrayed democratic interests.”

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The Durban Conference was the first in a series of conferences on racism. Preparations for the next conference in 2009 are already under way, and in articles all though the world media Anne Bayefsky has warned that the next conference will be even worse than the first. Now the objective isn’t only the USA and Israel, but the Western World’s freedom of speech, including Denmark’s. According to Bayefsky, Europe has already given up:

“The EU is an extremely weak construction and can in no way withstand the deluge of hate which manifests itself in the UN and its various organizations, especially on behalf of the OIC. The EU’s passive strategy is evident in ballot after ballot. They look at the numbers and realize that Western countries are the minority. They make a show of resistance, then fold and join consensus, as happened in Durban.”

And all this is happening right now?

“Yes, it’s going on right now. During the November UN Assembly a resolution about the continuation of Durban was put forward. USA and Israel voted against it while the EU vacillated, but promised to support it if only Durban II became a confirmation of Durban I and nothing else. But that agreement was an empty promise and the Arab countries had no intention of keeping it. Over a few weeks the Arab countries and the African block rejected the deal and the UN Human Rights Council decided to head for yet another conference with a new and more radical objective. The first preparatory meeting took place a few weeks ago and a new, more aggressive agenda was decided upon, in clear conflict with the deal. EU member-countries acted like babies, protested at first but caved when the OIC and the African countries just insisted.”

What agenda did they propose?

“Apart from the usual items about Israel, the Danish Mohammed cartoons and Islamophobia. The whole agenda is clearly anti-West and anti-democracy. In the end the EU joined in spite of the fact that OIC and the African countries had broken the deal and humiliated them.”

Then the Mohammed affair and free speech is up once again?

“No, not at all. Freedom of speech is a non-issue, that’s the last thing they want. They want to talk about something else, which the preparations show clearly, because this majority decided to invite only that same UN-’Rapporteur’ who writes the annual report on religious matters and especially Islamophobia. The EU protested and claimed that in this case the ‘rapporteur’ on freedom of speech should be invited as well. But what happened? When the OIC refused to invite him, in the end the EU accepted their decision with an insignificant pirouette in order to get free speech into the equation.”

According to Anne Bayefsky and many American observers there’s a game of hypocrisy going on inside the UN, and the EU let it pass due to fear and short-sighted political interests. In private conversations with European delegates they apologize, says Bayefsky, but the EU doesn’t have the courage or the will to stand up to the OIC and the majority. But Bayefsky considers it more seriously than moral surrender:

“Apart from Israel and the USA everybody is happy. The EU is directly responsible for lending the extremists and dictatorships a nice facade and legitimacy.”

And how about tiny Denmark in all this?

“Last year Denmark aspired for membership in the UN Human Rights Council, but was rejected at the last session. Why? — well, because the OIC punished Denmark over the Mohammed cartoons.”

We haven’t heard much about that in Denmark?

“No, that kind of things isn’t flattering for Denmark and they want to keep it in the dark. But one can read it directly in the reports from the Arab delegates. On behalf of 52 states the Egyptian deputy said that their gravest concern is the consequences of 9/11 where one saw ‘a new and dangerous phenomenon, namely racist and religious hatred (…) The extremely obtrusive drawings published by a Danish newspaper offended more than a billion Muslims all over the world and threatens social harmony and peace nationally as well as internationally.’“

So, the Mohammed affair is still alive — and Denmark is still in focus?

“Yes, and the Arab countries use it in order to inflame the public and claim that a billion Muslims are being humiliated and in order to strangle Western freedom of speech. The tragedy is that the EU is hiding and lacks the moral spine to protest.”

The Danish public hears very little about those battles and defeats. Why?

“One of the reasons is that EU member countries describe the results quite differently from what really goes on. Following Durban and the ballots in the UN Human Rights Council, where the EU joined the OIC’s common declarations, they turned things upside down and pretended that a compromise was reached, which clearly wasn’t the case. In the final statement given after each ballot the EU explanation was as far from the truth as possible, because they did not want to admit their evident surrender.”

Can’t it be disclosed?

“The delegates of EU countries seem to believe that their populations and their press are too stupid or indifferent to be able to reveal it. Rather than demand ballots and vote against it, the EU consequently avoids ballots and joins the Arab countries’ consensus-statements, and this must be covered up, of course. It is done partly by silence and partly by obscuring the result in the explanatory notes followings the ballots. But everyone following the UN proceedings knows what’s going on.”

What can be done?

No to the UN!“I’ll tell you what: just stop funding the show! It’s USA and Europe who pay all expenses to the Durban Conference. We can protest by closing our wallets and thus quit being fooled for our own money, which means the taxpayer’s money.”

Anything else?

“Hardly. The hysteria is organized and it’s a battle of the fundamental values of the West; as long as Europe doesn’t understand — or refuses to understand — that battle, there’s not much one can do.”

Hat tip: Steen.

The Veiling of Sculptures in Germany

In cities all across Germany this morning, residents woke up to find female statues in their municipalities veiled. Based on the photos, mannequins in store windows were included among those figures forced into modesty.

A press release from the group that claims responsibility for the action was emailed to us this morning:

Veiling of sculptures and statues in a Germany-wide campaign

Veiled German sculpturesOn the 18 September 2007, several female statues and sculptures in the cities of Berlin, Braunschweig, Bremen, Hamburg, Cologne, Witten, and Wuppertal are veiled with a Burka and a headscarf.

The aim of this campaign is to point out that the European idea of “unity in variety” is valid in Germany and that democratic and liberal as well as secular thinking is one of the most precious values that is to be protected and to be advocated for.

In a religious system that promotes totalitarian ideas and demands submission of individuals, such an achievement can easily get under pressure. Therefore, there should be a public discussion on whether the European vocabulary and the vocabulary of certain religious systems share a common basis. For instance, the “house of peace” and the “house of war” have a different meaning in Islam and in our understanding. According to the Islamic view, the “house of peace” can only exist where Islam reigns.

CAMPAIGN-PICTURES: Veiling of sculptures and statues in a Germany

To oppose these systems, we refer to the article of the German constitution about the right of an individual to develop individual freedom without violating the freedom of others. This is shown by printed signboard.

Even here in Europe, this value and other values of the German constitution are not accepted as the most precious value by certain continuously growing parallel societies.

With this campaign, we want to counter this development.

Anonymous group for democratic and free thinking

If you are a member of the “Anonymous group for democratic and free thinking”, please contact us at I’m interested to find out more about your group, and I will preserve your privacy.

Below the jump is more detailed information about the individual figures that were veiled in their various cities.
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1.   “Neptunbrunnen”; Spanndauerstrasse, 10178 Berlin
2.   “Schiller’s Females”/ “Schillers Frauen”; Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin
3.   “Female Caller”/ “Ruferin”; Strasse des 17 Juni, 10785 Berlin
1.   “Braunschweiger Venus”; Am Wendentor, near the Torhaus
1.   “Lying female on an architrave block”/ “Liegende Frau auf einem Sockel”; in the “Wallanlagen”
1.   “Waiting Woman”/ “Wartende Frau”; in front of the district office of Elmsböttel (service center)
2.   female scupture at the “Mönckebergbrunnen”; Mönckebergstrasse/ Spitalerstrasse
3.   “Female Postie”/ “Briefträgerin”; in front of the postoffice called Hoheluft
4.   man & female; at the Arno-Schmidt-Platz, in the front of central bank
5.   “Hammonia” auf der Brooksbröcke/ on the Brooksbridge between the Old Town and Old Warehouse District
1.   “Curious Tailor’s Female”/ “Neugierige Schneidersfrau”; Heinzelmänchenbrunnen, at the Roncalli-Platz
  Sculptures by Christel Lechner; in the urban area of Witten,
1.   in the pedestrian area
2.   at the registry office
1.   “Mina Knallenfalls”; Local famousness, pedestrian area, Poststrasse

What?? No Dialogue??

Romney lives in realityFormer Governor Mitt Romney laid it on the line today: the UN should withdraw its invitation to Iran’s insane leader to speechify to the folks at Turtle Bay or…the US should consider withdrawing its support of the UN.

You can find his letter [pdf] to the UN Secretary General here.

Yahoo has excerpted the juicy parts:

“I call on the United Nations to revoke any invitation to President Ahmadinejad to address the General Assembly,” Romney wrote in a letter to Ban.

“If President Ahmadinejad sets foot in the United States, he should be handed an indictment under the Genocide Convention,” Romney wrote.

“The United States and the world must take a strong stand against the terrorist Iranian regime and the time for action is now.”

If the United Nations fails to act on the threat from Iran, Romney said “the United States must reconsider its level of support and funding for the United Nations as we look to rebuild and revitalize effective international partnerships to meet 21st century threats.”

Yahoo recalled that this is not the first blunt attack on Iran by Romney:
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At the annual political conference in Herzliya, Israel this year, he described Tehran as the heart of the global “Jihadist threat” and represented the greatest challenge to the world “since the fall of the Soviet Union, and before that, Nazi Germany.”

Be still, my heart! A plain-speaking politician.

Now, let’s see if Romney has any plans for John Bolton. They certainly talk the same language.

As of today, Romney just won my vote.

Hat tip: Larwyn
(Thanks to Paul for reminding me that the UN is *not* on Long Island)