Muslim Migrants Carry Their Contempt for Women to New Lands

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Muslim Migrants Carry Their Contempt for Women to New Lands

by Clare M. Lopez

This month’s collection of “Women Under Sharia” accounts comes to us not only from Islamic Republics, like Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, but notably — and increasingly — also European countries like Austria and Belgium. What this tells us is that the doctrine, ideology, and social mores of shariah are being carried with migrants who leave traditionally Muslim countries and move into traditionally Christian countries of Western Europe. Plus — more on Love Jihad, oppression of women in Islamic Republics.

Shariah Mores Encroaching on Western Europe

Brussels: “The prevalence of the abaya is such that even girls who are not Muslim are forced to wear draping clothing”, at Medforth, June 21, 2023

  • Editor’s Note — an abaya is a garment meant to remind Muslim women of the importance of modesty (i.e., not provoking Muslim men who lack self-control to rape them) and of their diminished status in Islam.

Austria: Syrian stabbed mother of 3 to death because he had to ‘restore his honour’”, at Medforth, July 15, 2023

Love Jihad Never Ends — It’s About Keeping the Bloodline Muslim

Delhi: Raj Kumar brutally stabbed to death by Muslim girlfriend’s family, Ashfaq and Meraj arrested” at OpIndia, 11 July 2023

  • Editor’s Note: The boyfriend was not Muslim and was murdered for having an interfaith relationship with the girlfriend.

“Bangladesh: Muslims Kidnapping Mostly Minor Hindu Girls”, by Ashlyn Davis at Front Page Magazine, July 20, 2023

“India: Muslim raped and blackmailed Hindu girl for five years”, by Christine Douglass-Williams at Jihad Watch, July 6, 2023

Muslim in Pakistan Confesses to Killing Christian Woman” at Morning Star News, July 3, 2023

They abducted, gang-raped and killed her because she refused to convert to Islam and marry the primary Muslim suspect.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/20/2023

Ukraine has reportedly started to use cluster bombs supplied by the USA, but promises not to use them on Russian soil. Meanwhile, the private American firm Draken International will be training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s in Romania.

In other news, the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee will not endorse Turkey’s entry into the European Union.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Bad Germans Must Stay Home

The following text was translated by Hellequin GB from a PDF document posted at the official website of the German Bundestag. The translator sends this explanation:

This is a proposal by the Traffic Light Coalition* to build another Wall by refusing travel documents to people they deem dangerous dissidents.

I’m trying to translate this bureaucratic balderdash into understandable English, and I’m pretty sure that, since I don’t really understand the convoluted syntax of that “language”, there will be mistakes. But the gist should be clear to all.

The translated proposal (the translator’s comments are in square brackets):

June 7, 2023


The parliamentary groups of the SPD, BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE GRÜNEN [Greens] and the FDP to a resolution of 4th Committee of the German Bundestag

— Committee on Home Affairs and Homeland —

Passport refusal when participating in foreign events, when their content is contrary to the principles of the liberal democratic basic order of the Basic Law

I. The Committee on the Interior and Homeland of the German Bundestag notes:

In the past there have been prohibitions of events of the right-wing extremist spectrum within the Federal Republic of Germany under the general norms of legal powers to avert danger. Among these were, for example, martial arts events aimed at empowering the participants and to teach them fighting techniques to use in the fight against the libertarian basic democratic order and towards people with different opinions. [And they aren’t doing this? Yeah, right. Hypocrites.]

The consistent and sustained approach to such events had, as a result, shifted these increasingly abroad and thus access by the domestic authorities was removed. To prevent German nationals taking part in right-wing extremist events abroad, we were able to refuse departure and passport, based on §§ 7, 10 Passport Act (PassG) against any participants, made by the competent authorities. Some of those affected persons contested this before the courts.

The administrative courts decided often, within the framework of temporary legal protection, that the respective exit and passport refusals were likely to be unlawful. In particular, they pointed out that the authorities did not put forward sufficient factual basis, according to which the assumption of a specific endangerment for the international reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany and thus any other significant concern of the Federal Republic of Germany within the meaning of Section 7 Paragraph 1 number 1 variant 3 PassG is recognizable. In these cases they granted the applications of participants in such events.

Taking into account this decision-making practice of the administrative courts, the necessity to provide the authorities with further information for the interpretation of Section 7 Paragraph 1 Number 1 variant 3 PassG is a given. Because if you participate in extremist events abroad, whose contents are contrary to the free democratic basic order, it thus is a threat to the international reputation of the Federal Republic Germany and another significant concern.

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Another Swedish Embassy Goes up in Smoke

Last month I reported on an incident in which an Iraqi named Salwan Momika burned a Koran (or part of one) in front of a mosque in Stockholm. The world’s 7.9 quadrillion Muslims rose up as one over this blasphemous outrage and threatened the Swedes with severe and painful consequences for allowing such a heinous transgression to take place.

A month later, it’s déjà vu all over again for Sweden. Mr. Momika was granted another permit for a demonstration in which a Koran would be burned, this time in front of the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm. The event was scheduled for (and took place) today, but before it happened an angry mob of Muqtada al-Sadr supporters stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad and set it on fire. When the demonstration finally occurred, Mr. Momika stopped short of burning a Koran and only stomped on one, but that was bad enough. Iraq expelled the Swedish ambassador, and the world’s 15.9 octillion Muslims took to the streets in fury over this blasphemy against their god.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Göteborgs-Posten:

Swedish embassy in Iraq stormed

Hundreds of people stormed and started a fire at the Swedish embassy in Iraq’s capital city of Baghdad on the night between Wednesday and Thursday. Police used electric batons and water cannons to try and disperse the crowd.

Embassy personnel are safe, the Foreign Affairs Department reports to TT.

July 20, 2023

During the night, reports came in that several hundred persons stormed the embassy, something Reuters was first to report on.

At 3am, an Agence France Presse journalist who was at the scene reported that security forces had been called in. The forces reportedly used electric batons and water cannons to try and disperse the crowd.

The Swedish Foreign Affairs Department writes in an email to TT that they have been informed about the situation and that personnel at the embassy are safe. The Foreign Affairs Department reportedly has ongoing contact with the personnel.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2023

A man armed with a pump-action shotgun entered a construction site today in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, and began shooting people. The gunman killed two people and wounded six others before being shot dead by police. The unfortunate incident occurred just hours before the beginning of the Fifa Women’s World Cup. Authorities said that the attack did not appear to be an act of terrorism. The killer was later identified as Matu Tangi Matua Reid, who was known to police and had a history of mental health issues.

In other news, Russia launched a second series of overnight air raids against Ukrainian targets in the Odessa region on the coast of the Black Sea.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“I’m Fed Up With the Denial of Reality”

In the following video, a former FEMEN activist talks about the harsh reality of what cultural enrichment has brought to the women of France.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita and Nathalie for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Sweden Opts For Total Submission

The following report should remove any lingering doubt that Sweden has pre-emptively surrendered to Islam. I expect the next step in the process to be the prominent conversion of ambitious politicians to the Religion of Peace.

Note: Tobias Billström is a member of Moderaterna (The Moderates), who are commonly identified as “center-right”. Whenever Moderaterna defeat the Social Democrats in an election, foolish American conservatives consider it a victory worth celebrating. They clearly don’t understand the reality of Modern Multicultural Sweden.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Billström’s letter to the Islamic dictatorships: “Muslims enrich our country”

July 14, 2023

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström calls OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha “Your Excellency” in the letter and appeals to the Muslim leader to come to Stockholm and discuss “the fight against Islamophobia”.

Muslim immigrants “enrich” Sweden. This is explained by Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) in a thoughtful letter to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) — whose secretary general he calls “Your Excellency”.

Based in Saudi Arabia, the OIC brings together a large group of Muslim dictatorships, with 57 member states and associates.

After the Koran-burning in Stockholm at the end of June, the organization held a crisis meeting and demanded “an international law” against such acts.

Now Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) has written a letter to the OIC in which he expresses his disgust at “Islamophobic actions”, writes Svenska Dagbladet. He also invites the organization to Sweden.

“For many years, Sweden has welcomed a large group of Muslims from many different countries, a group that enriches our country,” Billström writes in the letter from July 10.

“I believe that a visit from Your Excellency to Sweden could strengthen the dialogue between Sweden and the OIC, and I would welcome the opportunity to deepen our exchange on important, current issues, including the fight against Islamophobia and all other forms of intolerance,” writes the foreign minister.

For more on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, see the OIC Archives.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/18/2023

After withdrawing from its grain-export deal with Ukraine, Russia used cruise missiles and kamikaze drones to strike the Black Sea port of Odessa and the surrounding area. The attack is thought to be a revenge strike for Ukraine’s sabotage of the Kerch bridge in the Crimea.

In other news, the Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called for NATO to be disbanded.

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Thanks to Conservative Tree House, Dean, JW, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“We Have Been Lied To”

Alexandra Henrion-Caude is an Anglo-French geneticist. She holds a doctorate in genetics from the University of Paris-Diderot.

In the following video Dr. Henrion-Caude lists a series of assertions that were made about the experimental mRNA treatments intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus, and later turned out to be false.

Many thanks to HeHa for verifying the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Taking Pride in Her Work

Crime scene: The Minister of the Interior: Nancy Faeser
Christopher Street Day in Frankfurt, Hessen, where Nancy Faeser wants to become Prime Minister. The Minister appears in a rainbow T-shirt. Lettering: ‘Rainbow in BMI’.

The following article is a German analogue of “Defund the Police”, but with a special twist: the featured participant is Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who serves as the boss of the police at the federal level.

Ms. Faeser marched with a group of proud sexual deviants who later attacked a police car.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Scandal at CSD in Frankfurt: Minister of the Interior Faeser marches with haters of the police

There have never been such pictures of a Minister of the Interior: Nancy Faeser (SPD), the chief employer of the police, marches side by side with haters of the police, who openly called for violence against officials — and later attacked the police.

Over the past few years, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has repeatedly instructed citizens that one should not demonstrate with people who are, for example, “right-wing”. But the interior minister does not heed her own call. She marches with people who openly call for violence against police officers and for the abolition of the police. [I guess she wants a queer “police” squad to use as her private attack force. Just like with ANTIFA or like in the “good old days” with the SA and later SS. After all, Ernst Röhm (SA) was a fudge-jockey himself.]

Side by side with violent left-wing extremists — that’s obviously clear

Pictures from Christopher Street Day in Frankfurt show the ideas that Interior Minister Faeser shares: Protesters carry a black placard that reads “Form Gangs”. The A in Gangs (Banden) is painted on the poster as an anarchist symbol. Below it is written: “Abolish the Police. Queers Fight Back!” In German: “Schafft die Polizei ab! Queers schlagen zurück!” Nothing other than a call for violence against the police.

Police officers should stay away from Pride events, the demonstrators demanded.

A huge pink placard reads: “NO COPS AT PRIDE!” No police at the Pride parade.

“Abolish the police,” says the poster. Faeser followed along unmoved.

A woman is masked with a balaclava in rainbow colors. Another hooded woman wears a top with the numeric code “1312” which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards”, one of the worst hate slogans against the police. Another masked woman can be seen who has the letters “ACAB” written on her stomach, “All Cops Are Bastards”.

It didn’t stop at just calls for violence. The CSD participants took action and, of all things, attacked a police car that was covered in rainbow colors. The Frankfurt police on Twitter: “As a participant in the demonstration, our patrol car was attacked by individual participants from the demonstration. To ensure further trouble-free progress, we removed the patrol car from the demo. “This police car was attacked by CSD participants.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/17/2023

Another explosion shook the Kerch Bridge in Crimea today, bringing down a span of the highway bridge and killing two people. Russians attempting to flee Crimea caused bridge traffic to back up for miles. The government of Ukraine later claimed responsibility for the attack.

In other news, a train carrying toxic materials derailed in Whitemarsh Township, Pennsylvania, prompting authorities to evacuate the surrounding area.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Diana West, Fjordman, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The EU Pays Protection Money to Tunisia

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

EU buys help against asylum mafia — for €900 million in tax money

Illegal migration to Italy is increasing massively. Now Tunisia should help out. Even before the vessels set off for Europe, they are supposed to be stopped by Tunis. The EU Commission is making a proud €900 million available for this.

Italy is currently experiencing an explosive increase in illegal migration. More than 75,000 migrants have arrived on Italy’s shores since the beginning of the year. That is more than twice as many as in the same period last year, when there were around 31,900. One of the most important transit countries is Tunisia. A new deal between Brussels and Tunis is now intended to slow down the influx.

The deal: the EU is helping the economically ailing country with massive financial aid; in return Tunisia is doing more against the trafficking mafia.

€100 million for rescue operations and repatriations

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the heads of government of the Netherlands and Italy and Tunisia’s President Kais Saied announced the signing of the relevant declaration of intent in Tunis. The EU Commission will make a proud €900 million available for the North African country.

Tunisia, on the other hand, is supposed to reduce departures to Europe and therefore do more than before to combat people-smugglers and illegal crossings. The EU Commission wants to make a good €100 million available for search and rescue operations and the repatriation of migrants. This corresponds to three times the amount with which Brussels recently supported the country on average each year. Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in particular had pushed for an agreement. Rome wants the boats leaving Tunisia to be stopped earlier on their way to southern Italy.

Von der Leyen: “Have a good package” [And how much is her commission from that “package”?]

A good month ago, EU politicians were already in Tunisia for talks to initiate the deal. “We have a good package. Now it’s time to implement it,” von der Leyen said. Tunisia’s President Saied declared: “We are determined to implement them as quickly as possible.” When it came to migration, he spoke of an “inhuman situation” that had to be solved collectively.

Afterword from the translator:

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Taharrush in Heidelberg and Mallorca

Below are two grim tales about the culture-enriching experiences of young women in Modern Multicultural Europe. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translations.

The first report is from JournalistenWatch, and concerns the predatory behavior of “youths” in Heidelberg:

Colorful Heidelberg: Two cases of rape — Three “refugees” in custody

The crimes in the migrant-drunk “Safe Haven” Heidelberg occurred on July 1 and 8 — the victims: 17- and 22-year-old young women. The alleged perpetrators: Three so-called “refugees” who are now in custody because of urgent suspicion of rape.

Two young women were approached by a 22-year-old in the student city of Heidelberg — woke and green like all student cities in this broken country — at around 5am The two women “politely stopped the conversation”, according to the prosecutor — and separated from the “young man”. The woman of the same age and later victim took the tram. The man followed her onto the tram. After getting off at Dossenheim station, the woman was approached again by her later tormentor, who then tried to kiss her. Again, the young woman rejected the attacker, whereupon he became more and more aggressive. He pursued his victim, then ambushed her in a backyard and raped her. The scream was heard by local residents who approached the crime scene, after which the rapist fled, not without taking possession of his victim’s mobile phone first. After a police search was immediately initiated, the “young man” was arrested in the large refugee camp at Patrick-Henry-Village.

Then, a week later, the life of a 17-year-old girl was destroyed by criminal migration policy. After the fireworks event “Heidelberger Schlossbeleuchtung” (Heidelberg Castle Illumination), they set off on their way home around 1am. Although the city was still full of people, the 17-year-old was approached by two men (18/19) who then followed her on bicycles. The young woman ran away, hiding behind a tree. There, however, she was discovered by her tormentors and thrown to the ground. The prosecutor’s description: “The 18- and 19-year-olds held the 17-year-old down and carried out sexual acts on the victim against her vigorous resistance.” With courageous resistance, the 17-year-old managed to put the perpetrators to flight.

And in this case, too, it turned out that the perpetrators are so-called “refugees” who live in the Patrick-Henry-Village accommodation, which the taxpayer has paid for. The two Merkel guests are currently in custody in different prisons for joint rape.

Whether the left-woke refugee cheerleading troupe, which in 2018 made the council decision to make Heidelberg a “safe haven”, and thus declared solidarity with the goals of the self-proclaimed sea rescuers “Seebrücke” (Seabridge) — referred to by critics as “Mediterranean human trafficking boats” — will be concerned over the destroyed lives of the two young women through their irresponsible actions may be doubted.

Afterword from the translator:

As I grew up in Western Germany I seriously cannot remember seeing much news about rapes and murders over the years. And when something happened, it made national FRONT PAGE HEADLINES that went on for weeks. Now, since these rapes and murders are a daily culture-enriching occurrence, they are quite often only mentioned in a local weekly newspaper, and most likely the news won’t even make it to the front page there, either. Those are already South African circumstances, although here in South Africa the majority of the local population knows how to deal with rapists if they get hold of them before the police, who quite often drag their feet deliberately so that the community can take care of these monsters. Needless to say, if the people, especially those in the townships, get hold of one before the police, well, their life-expectancy shrivels to zero within minutes.

The second article is from eXXpress. It describes the ordeal of a young German woman on holiday in Mallorca at the hands of five of her fellow “Germans”.

It’s worth noting that her encounter with the first culture-enricher was consensual. You would think that by now she would have known that it’s not a good idea even to enter the migrant milieu, but apparently she was clueless:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/16/2023

A young man named Mohamed Barakat opened fire on police officers and emergency personnel responding to a traffic accident in Fargo, North Dakota. One policeman was killed and two others wounded before the gunman was shot and killed. Police say there is no apparent motive for the attack. The incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

In other news, Mohammed is the most common first name listed for those who were arrested during the recent French riots.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, MR, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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