“I’m Fed Up With the Denial of Reality”

In the following video, a former FEMEN activist talks about the harsh reality of what cultural enrichment has brought to the women of France.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita and Nathalie for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I also have a big problem with the left,
00:03   and a big problem,
00:06   a relative problem with the person I was,
00:09   I don’t know, about five years ago, who refused to admit that, yes,
00:14   in the street, all women know it,
00:17   and we talk about it, we just don’t say it publicly because we’re afraid of being lynched,
00:23   but of course we feel insecure in Barbès,
00:27   in the neighborhoods where there is an over-representation of men of African or Maghrebi origin.
00:35   It’s a fact, it’s a fact,
00:38   all women know it, it’s written on the web page of the Ministry of the Interior,
00:42   it’s like that. And I regret deeply that the left prefers to be under cover of anti-racism,
00:49   because for me, anti-racism is not that,
00:52   it’s not the denial of reality. I’m fed up with the denial of reality.
01:01   I can no longer stand the ideology and the dogma that serve to hide the denial of reality.
01:10   The reality, you have to accept it, it’s hard, but that’s life.
01:15   And so I have a big problem with the left who say it’s racist and will label you as Islamophobic,
01:21   because you say that when you go to these neighborhoods as a woman,
01:26   it’s not only uncomfortable, it’s dangerous.
01:30   And in that sense, I support the actions of the Nemesis collective,
01:35   I find them brave intellectually and physically.

15 thoughts on ““I’m Fed Up With the Denial of Reality”

  1. Again, until some VIP ‘toddler gets whacked by their feral “pets”, all reasoned or rational pleas will fall on deaf ears. It’s reality; it’s the nature of ‘toddlerism.

    • I vaguely recall but I think history disagrees with you. I think a politician or bureaucrats child, I think a daughter, was killed, maybe sexually assaulted or both and they were still in support of the policies. On the other side of that is if you live in such a world you can’t turn your back on it or now you potentially lose that to when you suddenly become the hater. Somebody may remember what I am referring to.

      • @ One of the Quiet Ones – Re: “I vaguely recall but I think history disagrees with you. I think a politician or bureaucrats child, I think a daughter, was killed, maybe sexually assaulted or both and they were still in support of the policies.”

        Do they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, or maybe some variant of beaten wife syndrome, or are they simply “true believers” to the extent that even the loss of a beloved child cannot penetrate their conditioning?

        We can debate the precise nature of the problem, but it seems clear that Swedes such as these have been brainwashed. Which is a method of psychological warfare. So, just who is waging psychological warfare upon Sweden and why?

    • Unfortunately, by the time the VIPs figure things out, it will be way too late to do anything. It is probably too late now as it is. I’m projecting Islamic law for Europe in a few decades.

    • Don’t be too sure about that. In Germany, Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year-old medical student, was raped and murdered by an asylum-seeking Afghan. Her father, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, was a senior EU official at the time (he may still be, but I don’t know). In her obituary, Dr. Ladenburger actually asked well-wishers to donate money to migrant charities in her honor.

  2. Is she the exception or the start of a trend? Femen are the worst of the worst militant feminists and its difficult to believe one of them can manage to extricate their head from their fourth point of contact.

    White Europeans need to get past the racist label and proudly own it. Owning the epithet takes away its power from the accuser.

    After all, why can every other race and ethnicity celebrate their melanin levels yet whites are forbidden to have pride in their superior lack of it?

    • “White Europeans need to get past the racist label and proudly own it. Owning the epithet takes away its power from the accuser.”

      You betcha! Been sayin’ the exact same thing for years.

  3. Poor woman. She wasted so much time fighting the imaginary “patriarchate” of the West, thus indirectly helping Muslims to increase their influence. Now she has somewhat sobered up and noticed at least one of the real problems of modern Western society. She will have to suffer both from Islamists and from her former comrades on the left.

  4. Those who ignore the lessons of history are bound to repeat those lessons. See “God’s of the Copybook Headings” by Kipling

    • “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [irrational fear of water; symptom of rabies —f333] in a dog.” —Winston Churchill, “The River War” (1899)

  5. Reading that woman’s remarks makes me think of the famous quote from Robert Louis Stevenson, “Everyone, at some time or another, sits down to a banquet of consequences. ”
    I think that feminist Swede is learning that lesson, whether she realizes it or not.

    Feminists bemoaning the absence of “real men,” the kind who vigilantly and silently stood watch upon the ramparts of European civilization for over a thousand years, protecting it from invaders such as the ones now running wild inside Sweden and other countries – should look in the mirror and acknowledge that those hard men were taken down off of the walls, and de facto outlawed as well, precisely because women like them demanded it.

    The best advice I can offer that woman is to start shopping early – while prices are still low and selection is still good! – for the latest in sharia-compliant clothing – her burka, her hajib, her niqāb, and so on. Hey, look on the bright side… at least you can get them in a variety of vibrant colors!

    • Bravo, there shall be no space available for former leftists when the castle doors are raised.

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