Sweden Opts For Total Submission

The following report should remove any lingering doubt that Sweden has pre-emptively surrendered to Islam. I expect the next step in the process to be the prominent conversion of ambitious politicians to the Religion of Peace.

Note: Tobias Billström is a member of Moderaterna (The Moderates), who are commonly identified as “center-right”. Whenever Moderaterna defeat the Social Democrats in an election, foolish American conservatives consider it a victory worth celebrating. They clearly don’t understand the reality of Modern Multicultural Sweden.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Billström’s letter to the Islamic dictatorships: “Muslims enrich our country”

July 14, 2023

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström calls OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha “Your Excellency” in the letter and appeals to the Muslim leader to come to Stockholm and discuss “the fight against Islamophobia”.

Muslim immigrants “enrich” Sweden. This is explained by Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) in a thoughtful letter to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) — whose secretary general he calls “Your Excellency”.

Based in Saudi Arabia, the OIC brings together a large group of Muslim dictatorships, with 57 member states and associates.

After the Koran-burning in Stockholm at the end of June, the organization held a crisis meeting and demanded “an international law” against such acts.

Now Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) has written a letter to the OIC in which he expresses his disgust at “Islamophobic actions”, writes Svenska Dagbladet. He also invites the organization to Sweden.

“For many years, Sweden has welcomed a large group of Muslims from many different countries, a group that enriches our country,” Billström writes in the letter from July 10.

“I believe that a visit from Your Excellency to Sweden could strengthen the dialogue between Sweden and the OIC, and I would welcome the opportunity to deepen our exchange on important, current issues, including the fight against Islamophobia and all other forms of intolerance,” writes the foreign minister.

For more on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, see the OIC Archives.

11 thoughts on “Sweden Opts For Total Submission

  1. Good God this guy has the backbone of a jellyfish and couldn’t get on his belly, like the snake he is ,to kiss the boots of who pays his bills fast enough.

  2. There is a saying in historical circles which postulates that there is a cycle to the rise-and-fall of nations and their populations which is tied to the quality of the people themselves.
    “Hard times create strong men, strong men created prosperity, prosperity creates weak men, who make hard times,”and the cycle repeats over and over again.

    Standard disclaimer applies: “Men” are mentioned in the aphorism, but the cycle would seem to apply to women as well…

    Apologies for not being able to discover who uttered this nugget of wisdom, but it would seem to apply vis-a-vis Sweden and its preemptive surrender to Islam.

    The Swedes have been prosperous, safe, and civilized for so long that they have forgotten what to do when the proverbial wolf is at the door. And there are wolves in the world, literally and figuratively.

    If Foreign Minister Tobias Billström is at all representative of the fiber of Swedish manhood, they are in deep trouble over there. This soy-boy couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, let alone oppose the soldiers of Allah.

    • Georgia, well said ! When you get outside of the cities in Sweden, you find the Viking types, it is funny the more city civilized they are, the weaker they become, same for over here, go into the heartland you find fit hardy young men and boys who know what a hard days work is and aren’t afraid to fight even just for fun.

    • Yes, they’ve regressed from being fearless Viking warriors that terrorized Europe to being so weak and effeminate that the French could likely conquer them if so inclined.

      Perhaps Russia can be persuaded to invade. They at least believe in protecting their borders and wouldn’t tolerate the lawlessness and criminality that now pervades every Swedish city.

  3. This representative for the Swedish power elite
    is characterized by and gives expression to:

    his own and his colleagues’




    Jelly Back,

    Domestic terrorism,


    Excellent Swedish video –
    same subjekt

  4. Dead wood is floating to the top. Let the enemy think that’s all there is…

  5. Dead wood is currently running the government in most of the western world America (corpse man Biden) ,Canada (dress up third grade actor the Turd) ,Germany ,England and France .The Moslem invaders have nothing to fear from the current crop of leaders. Yes you can have good strong men good people in the countryside their” leaders ” in places of power will throw them in prison ,close their bank accounts , get them fired from their jobs , take their land . The MSM will not cover their problems ,label them Nazis ,racist ,ect. Have we not seen the way yellow vest protestors in France ,or the Jan 6 protestors in America, or the trucker protestors in Canada were treated by the MSM and the “leaders” in power. How BLM ,Moslems rioting in France, churches burning in Canada ,how the media and the elite embraced the people doing the burning rioting and killing or ignored what reality of the actions of protected groups committing violence ?

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