How Bad Was Your Batch?

Bug or feature?

That’s the crucial question about the enormous variability in the makeup of various batches of the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from AUF1. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Chemically surprisingly different “vaccine” batches from BioNTech

A Leipzig professor of analytical chemistry recently found that even the outward appearance of the alleged Corona vaccine from the Mainz-based company BioNTech is surprisingly different from different production dates. More detailed analyses by the expert revealed astonishing things.

The company BioNTech of the married couple Özlem Türeci and Ugur Sahin [Jihadists?] has existed since 2008, but had not brought a product onto the market until the Corona pandemic. When the Mainz-based company from the Goldgrube [street name and seat of the company] launched large quantities of the allegedly technically advanced RNA “vaccine” BNT162b2 onto the market worldwide for billions of people at high speed from the end of 2020 after an amazingly short test phase, experts were amazed at how this might work without quality problems.

Danish study shows extreme differences in effectiveness

And indeed — as Daniel Matissek earlier reported here at AUF1 — a current Danish study shows significant differences in the side effects of the “vaccine” from different production times. These production batches or “lots” must be numbered and clearly documented so that inspectors can determine who made what mistake when and if problems arise.

The Danish researchers found that some batches caused a particularly large number of reports of suspected vaccine damage, others significantly less. Was it sloppy — or was the recipe different at different times? Also striking: Denmark received a certain batch particularly frequently — was one or the other lot delivered with priority after expectations of profit?

Even officially: Chemical composition different

The Leipzig chemistry professor Jörg Matysik and his colleague, the expert in organic chemistry Prof. Gerald Dyker from Bochum, researched with other scientists about the production circumstances of the BioNTech miracle drug. Grotesque: Officially, the recipe for producing the “vaccine” is not clear. The fat globules (nanoparticles) that smuggle the RNA into the patient’s cells can be amazingly different in size. The pH value, which indicates how acidic a solution is, may also vary by a full unit — only a tenth of a unit is usual! The substance ALC-0315, from which the nanoparticles are partly made, may also be contained in different proportions. In addition: The safety data sheet of ALC-0315 states that the substance is carcinogenic and irritating to the skin. After Matysik’s request, the information was described as incorrect and deleted.

Dyker and Matysik asked the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) in Berlin, which is responsible for approvals in Germany, why the tolerances for the BioNTech “vaccine” were so high — no answer.

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The Rot Starts at the Very Top

In the following video Paul Weston discusses the high-level corruption of the British police. His jumping-off point is the notorious recent incident in West Yorkshire in which a 16-year-old autistic girl was dragged away from home by police officers for using the word “lesbian” in what was considered to be a “hateful” manner (see this Breitbart article for more on the story).

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/19/2023

A Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv killed seven people, including a 6-year-old girl. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky paid a visit to Sweden and asked for more weapons and equipment for Ukraine.

In other news, Hurricane Hilary is expected to make landfall in Baja California tomorrow afternoon, and then later bring catastrophic flooding to Southern California.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JW, LP, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Koran: The Book of Kill Them

Here’s a timely reminder from Michael Copeland about the nature of the Koran.

Koran: The Book of Kill Them

by Michael Copeland

The Koran, Islam’s book, is “dripping with murderous levels of hatred”, as a critic put it. “Kill them,” it commands, of non-Muslims, kafirs, “Kill them wherever you find them.” (2:191, 9:5) “Between us [Muslims] and you enmity and hatred forever.” (60:4) “When you meet the kafirs strike the necks.” (47:4) Kafirs are “filthy” (9:28), “the vilest of beasts” (8:55), “a clear enemy to you” (4:101): “Do not take them as allies.” (4:89) “Let them find harshness in you” (9:123); “Fight the unbelievers until they pay the jizya [extortion tax] … in a state of subjection.” (9:29) Muslims are “the best of peoples raised up for mankind” (3:110), “merciful to each other, ruthless to the kafir.” (48:29)

These are not quaint Old-Testament-type exhortations from their historical time, like “Slaughter the Amalekites and Hittites.” The Koran, all of it, forms part of Islamic law. These are current instructions of Islamic law. “Muslims must kill kafirs wherever they are unless they convert.” said Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt. “Islam says: kill all of the kafirs. Jihad stands for killing all kafirs. Prophet had sword to kill people,” thundered Ayatollah Khomeini. “Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us,” wrote Osama bin Laden. “Jews and Christians are filthy. Their lives and property can be taken by the Muslims in jihad,” preached Yasir Qadhi in Tennessee. “Allah, strike the Jews and… the Christians, Allah, count them and kill them to the last one” — Al-Aqsa TV ( 2010-12-03).

The Koran is promoted as “valid from eternity to eternity,” explains Sam Solomon, a former professor of Islamic law. Its instructions are “universal and trans-time,” says Ahmed Saad, the imam of North London Central Mosque. “None may change his words,” says Koran 18:27. Denying any verse instantly makes a Muslim an apostate, one who has left Islam, a kafir. The punishment is death, with a sinister twist: the killing may be performed vigilante-style by anyone. There is no penalty, “since it is killing someone who deserves to die.” (Manual of Islamic Law, Reliance of the Traveller, o8.4) Islam is a tyranny held in place by fear. “If they had gotten rid of the punishment for apostasy Islam would not exist today”, said the famed scholar and broadcaster Yusuf al Qaradawi.

For kafirs the Koran is the Book of Kill Them, the Book of Enmity and Hatred. Islam is opposed to Christianity and Judaism, in fact all other religions, and atheism: in Saudi Arabia atheists are beheaded. Islam is much more than prayers: it is a system of governance, in Arabic a deen, with its own body of laws. “Islam is the perfect system for all mankind, Man-made laws go to Hell,” say the placards, “Ban Democracy, Implement Islam!, Islam will dominate.” Mullah Krekar explained, “Islam is not like Christianity. Our Islam is political.” Islam’s deen opposes democracy, and indeed any kind of governance other than Islamic. “Fight unbelievers”, says 8:39 “until all the deen is for Allah.” Islam has to dominate: it must be spread “by persuasion or by force” (Ibn Khaldun) to form a global Caliphate. “If anyone desire a deen other than Islam never will it be accepted of him,” says Koran 3:85.

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A Chinese Bioweapons Lab in Reedley, California?

Garry Bredefeld is a member of the city council in Fresno, California. The following video shows a press conference called by Mr. Bredefeld earlier this month, following revelations about the discovery of an illegal Chinese bioweapons lab that seems to have been conducting experiments with the COVID-19 virus using genetically modified mice.

The lab was discovered back in March, but its existence was not publicly revealed until late last month. In his remarks Mr. Bredefeld decries the failure of Fresno County officials to inform the public about the potential dangers posed by the lab. The political situation is further complicated by the fact that the lab was in Reedley, in Fresno County, but Mr. Bredefeld represents the city of Fresno. He is currently running for a seat on the Board of Supervisors of Fresno County.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading this video:

To provide more context, here is an excerpt from an article published a few days ago by The Fresno Bee:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/18/2023

The United States government has given permission to Denmark and the Netherlands to deliver F-16 jets to Ukraine. However, Ukrainian pilots will require at least six months’ training to be able to fly the new jets, and a Pentagon official said that it would take four to five years before the aircraft can be fully utilized.

In other news, an Afghan culture-enricher in Sweden who had been found guilty of attempted rape has been sentenced to do community service, and will avoid deportation.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Islamization Crisis in Sweden

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this op-ed from Det Fria Sverige:

The increased Muslim terror threat is the fault of politicians

by Dan Eriksson
August 14, 2023

The security situation in Sweden is worse than it has been in a long time, and the Muslim terror threat hangs over Sweden. This is a direct result of the politicians’ betrayal, says Det Fria Sverige‘s chairman, Dan Eriksson.

Great Britain has changed its travel advisory to Sweden in the past days. It writes that tourists should, among other things, “practice a high degree of vigilance in public areas,” and warns that “an attack may be indiscriminate and happen in places often visited by tourists.” At the same time, Foreign Minister Gunnar Strömmer confirms that we find ourselves in a “more serious security situation than six months ago.”

Everywhere people are talking about “the risk of an act of terror”, but why doesn’t anyone say it clearly? It is not Hindus, Catholics, or Pastafaris whom we are worried about carrying out an act of terror on Swedish soil. It is Muslims. And that is a direct result of the fact that for almost fifty years, Swedish politicians have left our borders wide open and encouraged and financed the establishment of Islam in our land.

A direct result of policies pursued

The Muslim terror threat against Sweden would have been minimized or even nonexistent if we had not allowed this foreign religion to gain a foothold in our country. If we had only learned from other countries where Islam was allowed to establish itself, we would have understood that the consequences will always be conflict, terror, and death. Many of us warned about it, but politicians had decided. Sweden would no longer be Swedish! Most Swedes were never informed about the monumental changes politicians were pushing through in our country, and the media completely concealed the problem.

But it isn’t enough that politicians have allowed Islam to establish itself in our country; they have also shown submission in recent years. Instead of standing up straight for Swedish freedom of speech and basic Western values, they have vacillated and searched for ways to adapt our country even more to Islam. That type of weakness is like inviting even more threats, extortion, and acts of terror. Swedish politicians have proven that you can be intimidated into obedience.

Where such neglect leads to in the long term is taken up in a pedagogical manner by Det Fria Sverige‘s board member Magnus Söderman in the latest episode of the “At the Fireside” podcast.

Now that we see an increased Muslim threat against Sweden, we must thus be clear that this is a direct result of treacherous politicians. Whether it is red, green, or blue is irrelevant — they have together all pushed our country to the abyss and actively worked so that we Swedes would become a minority in our own land.

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Whoops! Never Mind.

The European Union, through its disease control agency, has locked the barn door after the horse has been stolen. In fact, not only has the horse been stolen, it has been sent to the knackers’ and rendered down into stew meat and gelatin.

It seems that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has determined that all the COVID-19 measures it enforced against the population were stupid and counter-productive. We “Corona-deniers” were saying exactly the same thing more than three years ago, and for our efforts we were vilified, stigmatized, cancelled, censored, and occasionally prosecuted.

It’s cold comfort to say “I told you so”, especially now that almost everyone has been jabbed with the Myocarditis Turbo-Cancer Special.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The conclusion of the European authorities: Pandemic restrictions should not have been imposed by law

According to a study by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), measures such as house arrest and contact bans should not have been imposed during the pandemic, but only issued as a recommendation. The European authority reveals that the 2020-2022 restrictions had a catastrophic impact on all EU citizens.

ECDC research into the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the lives of adults in the EU during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022) seems preposterous without knowing how disastrous the impact of the restrictions and bans have been. However, the action taken by the European authorities is not accidental, but is preparing a different approach to a future pandemic, which is being talked about more and more on all channels. In summary, the investigation concluded that the measures, which severely restricted and impaired citizens’ freedoms, should not have been enforced by force. The most correct approach would have been to leave these measures at a recommendation level, most likely referring to the case of Sweden.

Likewise, the ECDC concludes that while it would be better not to introduce such restrictions, when they are imposed they should not be generalized, and the impact they would have on both the different social categories and the economic sector should be analyzed carefully. Although it is not said directly, the ECDC acknowledges that the measures taken to combat the pandemic have been inadequate in every respect and have had dramatic consequences at all levels.

“When planning the implementation of NPIs (non-pharmaceutical measures) at the population level, the scientific community and policymakers should consider not only their effectiveness in controlling disease and improving population compliance with NPIs, but also other aspects in the context of their impact on the community in general and on groups that have been shown to be more vulnerable to adverse impacts. An example could be public health, including health indicators not directly related to infectious diseases,” the ECDC document said.

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Penetrated U.S. Government Works with Islamic Terror Charity

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Penetrated U.S. Government Works with Islamic Terror Charity

by Clare M. Lopez

UN bodies receive millions from ‘terror charities’ — opinion” by Jordan Cope at the Jerusalem Post, July 30, 2023.

Four different UN agencies “have partnered with and accepted [millions of dollars] from the terrorism-affiliated NGO Qatar Charity,” which presents itself as a humanitarian organization.

“Qatar Charity” has been sanctioned for links to Islamic terrorism by several Arab countries and remains affiliated with the “Union of Good” umbrella organization that is banned by the U.S. Treasury Department because of funding provided to HAMAS. “Qatar Charity” nevertheless has worked with USAID (US Agency for International Development) and several UN agencies as well. Among those UN agencies is UNRWA (UN Relief & Works Agency), which is closely affiliated with HAMAS, and the UNHCR (UN High Commission on Refugees). Another UN recipient of Qatar Charity funding is the International Organization of Migration (IOM), which is deeply involved with moving illegal aliens across the U.S. southern border.

U.S. Taxpayers Donated $391K to Terrorist-Defending Imam’s Two Organizations”, Focus on Western Islamism, July 28, 2023

Almost $400,000 in Massachusetts taxpayer funding was given to Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, an Islamic jihadi, for two of his “charity” groups. Note that there is nothing remotely “Islamist” about Imam Faaruuq: he is a devout, faithful, practicing Muslim.

Biden Regime Lied to Senators About Iran Envoy Under FBI Investigation”, by Daniel Greenfield at Jihad Watch, July 16, 2023.

This is the curious story of Robert Malley, former Biden administration envoy for the Iran nuclear talks. It is still not clear why he lost his security clearance or was relieved of his position because neither the U.S. Department of State nor the FBI has clarified publicly what “mishandling of classified information” actually means in his case. Suffice it to say, however, that Malley has long been known as sympathetic to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s jihadist regime and earlier, during Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Malley was dropped from his advisory position there due to overly close relationships with HAMAS.

“Iraq pays billions to Iran after US waives sanctions that prohibited such payments”, by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, June 25, 2023.

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Pathological Recriminations

I’m not familiar with the context surrounding this controversy over pathologists researching patients who received the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. I’m hoping that German readers who know more will weigh in on the issue in the comments.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of the Epoch Times:

Reutlinger Pathology stops research on COVID-vaccinated people

After it was recently announced that the pathological examinations of COVID-vaccinated people will continue even after the death of Prof. Arne Burkhardt in Reutlingen, there is now an abrupt reversal. Late in the evening of August 14th, The Epoch Times received the sudden and unexpected news: “Pathology in Reutlingen is closed with immediate effect.”

Prof. Walter Lang, who had agreed to take over the medical direction of the research, is no longer available for the project.

The reason given was “legal pressure to fight through the dismissals of employees before the labor court” by the Association of Doctors and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy (MWGFD). The association had supported the pathological examinations with donations.

MWGFD threatens to sue

In addition, the MWGFD, on whose board of directors is the well-known microbiologist Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, had threatened Prof. Lang with a lawsuit through a lawyer. As can be seen from the legal letter available to the Epoch Times, it was about the surrender of the laboratory equipment. These were given to Prof. Burkhardt by the MWGFD for research purposes.

The lawyer for MWGFD asserted the ownership rights of his clients “after the business basis had ceased to exist” as a result of Burkhardt’s death. The value of the medical-technical laboratory equipment is estimated at €132,220.90. Alternatively, Prof. Lang was offered the purchase of the equipment.

According to insider circles, this was the last straw that finally broke the camel’s back after months of quarrels with the MWGFD.

In a press release on August 9, the MWGFD announced that a new site for pathology examinations would be built. This was justified by the fact that the premises of the Reutlingen laboratory were part of the estate of the late Prof. Burkhardt.

The society has found an institute that will act as an intermediary to the existing pathological institutions and will have modern telepathology at its disposal so that the work can continue according to the methods used by Prof. Burkhardt.

Afterword from the translator:

I wonder from which direction the pressure came that made Dr. Lang fold? A rogue who thinks that evil is afoot…

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/17/2023

There’s almost no news feed tonight, due to the fact that Reader from Chicago is on sabbatical. Nevertheless, there’s an interesting story about yet another drone attack on a skyscraper in Moscow. The city’s air defenses shot down the drone, and the attack is being blamed on Ukraine.

Also, nuclear materials were discovered during a raid by the Australian Border Force on a suburban home in Sydney.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, JW, LP, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Mean Streets of Hamburg

Hamburg is one of the most thoroughly culturally-enriched cities in Germany. The relentless enrichment has had a predictable effect: an increasing percentage of residents don’t feel safe in their own homes or on the street.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Tichys Einblick. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Every third Hamburger hardly dares to go outside at night

Since June there has been a survey on Germans’ sense of security. With good reason, because the news it contains is not good, as the example of Hamburg shows: around half of the people in Hamburg no longer feel safe using public transport. 60% of women do not dare to go out alone at night.

SKiD — that means “security and crime in Germany”, and is a representative survey that was commissioned by the Federal Criminal Police Office and has since been published without much media attention. It is about the so-called dark field research, so the survey should allow a more complete picture of crime in Germany than the police crime statistics offer. The “resident population aged 16 and over” was surveyed. The languages available were German, Turkish, Russian and Arabic. A good 45,000 questionnaires were evaluated for this purpose. According to the BKA, the study is “designed to be repeated regularly”. Comparisons with the past are hardly possible due to the lack of similar studies.

In Hamburg, the state police’s SKiD report is required to be public. It is online in a “Version 1.0” from June 2023. However, since the results do not always fit the narrative, it was put online in an inconspicuous place so that no curious citizen would stumble upon it right away… Around 23,000 Hamburgers were contacted from November 2020 to January 2021 through paper and online questionnaires. As is well-known, this was the time marked by Corona measures and it is suspected that the changed life had an impact on the answers. One can neither prove nor disprove it. However, it is obvious that the citizens surveyed drew their experiences and memories from the pre-Corona period. In any case, the resulting image remains highly topical and relevant. In Hamburg there were around 8,500 answered questionnaires that can be evaluated. Slightly more women (4,520) than men (3,862) completed the questionnaires.

In any case, there must be a reason for the move. So let’s start with the most important results, as explained by the Hamburg police in a few boring but informative paragraphs (with a link to the entire report).

Accordingly, almost all Hamburgers feel safe in their apartment and residential area during the day. Surprise! Where else should security be guaranteed? In local public transport (ÖPNV), that’s not true for 11% during the day. And only around two-thirds of Hamburg residents (69.7%) feel safe in their own neighborhood at night. This also means that almost a third (29.2%) no longer dare to go out at night. 22% often no longer leave the house alone. This applies above all to women who, in addition to burglaries, have recently feared in particular sexual harassment. The fear of rape and sexual harassment as part of “normal” life has joined the classic burglary. Only around 60% of unaccompanied women feel safe at night.

The experience of criminal offenses greatly increases insecurity

Overall, only half of Hamburg residents feel safe using public transport at night. But — the authors of the study tell us — this is still a good value in the national and large-city average. This in turn means that less than half of the users on average feel safe in German subways and buses (exactly 46%; among women: 33%; men: 60%). A third of those surveyed in Hamburg avoid public transport at night as much as possible. Nationwide, this even applies to 37% and 52% of women.

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The Great Train Robbery, With Machetes

More mischievous high jinks from those boisterous “youths” who love to play their pranks on the trains near Milan.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Today Cronaca:

Brutal aggression/Lecco

Robbery with machete blows on train: Gang in handcuffs

The violence captured on security cameras on the regional train connecting Lecco and Milan: A group of foreign youths is arrested after having attacked and robbed a minor.

Two foreigners, ages 22 and 25, were arrested by Lecco police accused of robbery, aggravated injury, and illegal possession of weapons, after attacking a man on board a train, striking him with a machete. The alarm was sounded when a boy on board the regional train Lecco-Milan called the operations room of the Lecco police headquarters, reporting the presence of a foreign man who was threatening passengers while brandishing a large machete-type knife.

Robbery with machete blows on train

Agents of the Rail Police, having arrived at the train station of Olgiate Molgora, where in the meantime the train was halted, ascertained, also with the help of the Carabinieri of Merate and Brivio, that two non-EU citizens had just robbed a minor, causing injuries to his face using a large knife. The proceeds of the robbery, a cell phone and bag, were found on the two foreigners and were returned to the victim, who was treated at the scene by emergency medical personnel.

The weapon used to carry out the crime, on the other hand, was recovered hidden between two seats inside the train. The policemen therefore placed the two Central Africans under arrest, who were also charged with interrupting public service, given that the train resumed its regular route with a 180-minute delay from its normal timetable. Both youths, after being turned over to the competent judicial authority, were lodged at the detention facility at Lecco.

Four persons arrested

After further investigation, it was ascertained that the band of robbers was composed of a total of four individuals. The third subject, also a foreign youth, and initially reported to be on the loose, was later placed under arrest on July 25, in the area of Riccione, by personnel of the Railway Police subsection of Lecco and the PG Squad of the Railway Police in Lombardy. The last member of the group, who managed to disappear on the night of the incident, was identified by agents of the Railway Police of Lecco subsection, who, during the day on August 3, in concert with the prosecutor’s office in charge of the proceeding, arrested him as a person seriously suspected of a crime, which was then validated by the judge of instruction, who also issued an order for preventive custody in jail.

Subsequent investigation by the Lecco Carabinieri also determined the precise responsibility of one of the two Central Africans arrested in the act, who after a dispute for trivial reasons, on the evening of July 6 in Diaz Square in Lecco, struck another youth on the head with a large knife, causing a wound that was treated at the city hospital.

Beatdown by Culture-Enrichers

As I reported a couple of days ago, a politician for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) named Andreas Jurca was ambushed and severely beaten in the city of Augsburg by a group of “southern-looking” gentlemen.

Below is an interview with Mr. Jurca recorded after his release from the hospital. It was conducted by Deutschland Kurier, the AfD’s in-house media service.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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