Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

Update: Thank you all for your kind words. That was not quite the response I expected!

Your comments have given me a lot to think about for future twentieth-anniversary posts.

We’ll be coming up on the twentieth anniversary of Gates of Vienna later this year, and the process of preparing for an anniversary post has induced a sort of reverie in me as I contemplate the events of the past two decades.

Things have changed a lot, both externally and internally. I often feel like I’m too old to be doing this sort of thing. I’m over seventy now, and should be relaxing somewhere pleasant, enjoying the time that remains to me before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

And I sometimes feel like I’m close to burning out — I’ve just seen too way much information, most of it horrible. I wish I could return to the naïve, idealistic state of mind that I had when I started this job, but, alas, that’s not an option. Once you walk through the door of greater awareness, there’s no turning back. And, worst of all, I don’t think I’ve reached the limit of ghastly understanding. It seems likely that the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been working with Vlad for more than fifteen years now, and he says he’s feeling the pressure of burnout, too. We talk on the phone fairly frequently about all this stuff, in an effort to keep each other sane. With mixed results.

Anyway… for the time being, I’ll continue trawling through the hideous news every day and presenting it here, for your delectation (or horror, as the case may be).

The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. It used to be that I could post about every major incident when it occurred, but that’s no longer possible — most of the stories get relegated to the news feed, if I have any coverage of them at all. There are just too many of them.

As Islamization has increased, the persecution of those who criticize it — or even just point it out — has intensified concomitantly. A number of Europeans that I worked with have been prosecuted; once again, I can’t keep track of them all. Many of them have now ceased their Counterjihad activities — when the choice is between losing your livelihood and giving up your Islamophobia, it’s not surprising that people decide to quit this line of work. If I actually lived in Europe, I might well have been driven out of it myself.

I used to think that making more people aware of what’s happening would help turn the tide. If a critical mass of understanding could only be reached, especially among elected representatives, the process of Islamization might be reversible. Back in 2007 and 2008 I said I thought we had a window of ten or fifteen years in which to begin the process of reversal. Unfortunately, that window has now closed. The demographics of Western Europe have passed the point of no return. The white natives are having fewer children, while the Muslims are having more, and all the while additional “asylum seekers” are pouring in. Tomorrow belongs to them.

Central and Eastern Europe may well be able to avoid the worst, at least for a while, but Western European countries will metamorphose into Muslim societies. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and France will be the first to become Islamic republics, with Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy following close behind. It’s too late to stop the process; it’s only a matter of time.

No one in a position of political power will take action against the inevitable. Anyone who is inclined to oppose Islamization finds out as soon as he rises high enough in the hierarchy that opposition is not permitted. The order comes down from above, and you either give up your opposition (relevant example: Giorgia Meloni), or your career comes to an end. There are always multiple ways to make an independent-minded politician an offer he can’t refuse. I can’t say exactly who the shadowy unelected globalists are who give the orders, but they’re out there giving them. Their gravitational influence is large enough to shift the orbits of our elected leaders.

As we approach 2050, the Islamization process will intensify to the point where civil strife will break out in Western Europe. If nuclear war can somehow be avoided, it may be possible for white enclaves to form where the worst of the Islamic excesses are kept at bay. However, based on the current demographics, the Caliphate will have control of the major cities. If the welfare jizya ceases to flow to the urban ghettos, then the Muslims living there will have to resort to razzias, which is their traditional way of dealing with privation. We can expect well-armed masses of them to descend on the suburbs and rural areas, where they can rape and pillage to their hearts’ content.

They will have the arms, and, sad to say, they will have more military-age men than the white natives will. By that time most of the remaining whites will be geezers. Thus we can expect that their enclaves will gradually shrink, while the culturally enriched sharia banlieues will gradually expand.

And that’s just the Islamization aspect of the coming collapse. One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.

The most recent destructive fad is the “trans” craze, which is dissolving every social institution it touches so rapidly that it’s hard to take in what’s happening. And that’s certainly not the last such craze — it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon. For all I know, necrophilia, necrophagia, and cannibalism may be next on the menu. Cannibals have rights, too!

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The Road Back to Slavery

Our Hungarian correspondent László brings a European perspective to bear on the frame of mind that makes people long for slavery.

Escaped slaves, Cumberland Landing, Va., May 1862

The Road Back to Slavery

by László

I was reading this article about the American Civil War when I saw this picture of a group of “contrabands”. The site defines the word, in the context of the Civil War, as “a term used to describe freed or escaped slaves.”

Then it struck me that while they (in the picture) are halfway out of slavery, we seem to be halfway in.

Look at the picture: how disoriented, confused, purposeless these people seem to be. I searched for more pictures and they all look the same in all of them.

Actually it’s a specific phenomenon, what I call “prisoners’ nostalgia”, popularly known from the movie The Shawshank Redemption, in which long-time prison inmates become unable to function properly in society when they finally get out of jail, and hence they kind of long for their old “home”.

I conclude that capabilities for freedom (an inner capacity) are indispensable for living in liberty (an outer condition).

So again, ex-slaves apparently go through a state of disorientation, confusion and purposelessness. They’re obviously unable to live in, and with, liberty in that state of mind and level of education and life experience.

Now, what’s happening to the people of the West? With every new generation folks are becoming increasingly more disoriented, confused, purposeless: the exact condition in which people long for slavery and captivity. The point where they give up liberty for safety.

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Artificial Intelligence vs. Artificial Ideology

In my limited experience, the online Artificial Intelligence assistants seem to be basically like Wikipedia — that is, when the topic is not political or otherwise fraught, they’re a good, coherent source of well-organized factual information. But as soon as the subject veers into sensitive politically correct areas — which are constantly expanding — the bots will shoehorn whatever they talk about into the Narrative, no matter how much they have to torque the facts.

The following report is from the European Institute for Climate and Energy (Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie). Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation:

Artificial Intelligence vs. Artificial Ideology

by Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Döhler

Today I asked the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT some questions about CO2. If you ask the right question, you will get answers that make sense:

Question to ChatGPT: Why are aquariums gassed with CO2?

ChatGPT: Aquariums are often gassed with CO2 to provide the plants in the aquarium with additional carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is an important nutrient for plants, helping them grow and produce oxygen through photosynthesis. By adding CO2, aquarium plants can grow healthier and improve water quality.

Question to ChatGPT: Why would there be no life on earth without CO2?

ChatGPT: Without CO2 there would be no life on earth because carbon dioxide plays an essential role in the cycle of life. Plants need CO2 for photosynthesis, where they produce carbohydrates and release oxygen. Oxygen, in turn, is essential for breathing in animals, including humans. The carbon captured by photosynthesis in plants enters the food chains and webs and forms the basis for the entire ecosystem. Without CO2, this vital process would come to a standstill and life as we know it could not exist.

Question to ChatGPT: Which metabolic processes does CO2 stimulate in the human body?

ChatGPT: CO2 plays an important role in the metabolism of the human body, particularly related to the regulation of pH in the blood and tissues. When CO2 is created in the body, it reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which in turn affects pH. This pH value is crucial for the normal functioning of enzymes and other biochemical processes in the body.

Furthermore, CO2 plays an important role in the regulation of breathing. An increase in CO2 levels in the blood stimulates respiration, resulting in more CO2 being removed from the body to maintain normal pH and prevent CO2 accumulation in the blood.

In addition, CO2 is involved in other metabolic processes, such as: B. the regulation of hemoglobin in the blood, which transports oxygen, as well as the regulation of the acid-base balance and blood circulation.

Question to ChatGPT: Can humans survive without CO2?

ChatGPT: No, humans cannot survive without CO2. CO2 is a natural product of metabolism in the human body. It is produced as a byproduct of various metabolic processes, particularly respiration and the production of energy from nutrients. The body must remove the produced CO2 from the body through breathing, as a buildup of CO2 in the blood can lead to a shift in the acid-base balance and ultimately lead to life-threatening conditions. So CO2 is essential for the human organism, but excessive accumulation can be dangerous.

Question for ChatGPT: What would happen if you removed all CO2 from the air?

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Magdi Allam: The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization

Magdi Allam is an apostate from Islam who was born in Egypt and now lives in Italy. He converted to Roman Catholicism and was baptized during the Vatican’s 2008 Easter Vigil service in St. Peter’s Basilica, which was presided over by Pope Benedict XVI. Long-time readers will remember that Mr. Allam was a featured speaker at our Brussels Conference in 2012.

In the following video Magdi Allam talks about Islam’s demographic conquest of Europe. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Genoa: The Jehovah’s Witnesses of Islam

The video below is another documentary by Eugenia Fiore about Islam in Italy. In this instance the journalist visits an Islamic ghetto in Genoa to talk to the family of a recently arrested terrorist from the Tablighi organization (see last Monday’s report about Tablighi in the suburbs of Rome).

An interesting aspect of this video is that Ms. Fiore was discouraged from entering the Muslim area because she is a woman, and even worse, a blonde.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Think No More

MC’s latest update from Sderot is prefaced by some historical musings and a look at the larger political context.

Think No More

by MC

Over a hundred years ago Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a French Jew, was stripped of his rank and imprisoned. The world was happy that “the Joo done it” and no more questions were asked.

Whilst it was obvious the Dreyfus had not done ‘it’, the alternative was not thinkable; thus Dreyfus remained ‘guilty’ until Émile Zola forced a reinvestigation to prove him innocent.

Largely as a result of the Dreyfus affair, Theodor Herzl realized that Jews could not overcome anti-Semitism and would always be unacceptable in European circles. Thus he gave birth to the Zionist movement, the essence of which was to provide a homeland where Jews could be Jews.

The word ‘Zionist’ has changed meaning over the last 129 years, and has been turned into an epithet of all that leftists hate about Jooz.

Zion is the ancient name of Jerusalem, but like most Hebrew words carries a much deeper meaning, that of a place with a direct connection to Yahovah.

The word Yahovah itself has the meaning “I was, I am, I will be”. But unfortunately its meaning is lost in the translated Greek of the New Testament; see John 8 v 5. ‘Yahovah’ is a word of power and caused the Pharisaic arrest team to fall over.

There is a reason why Satanic forces continue to attack Jews, and Romans 10 & 11, oft ignored or glossed over, explains.

One must apply Occam’s Razor to both Judaism and Christianity to try and cut away the pagan influences and get to the TRUTH of Creation. Satan knows this so much better than we do, and thus continues to attack Jews.

Palestinian propaganda has been wildly successful, and even the White House is quoting the Hamas Gaza ‘Health’ Ministry (GHM) unchecked and verbatim.

Thus the canards of ‘starvation, Aid Worker protection and Rafah’ go both unresearched and unchallenged.

The UK called in the Israeli ambassador solely on the basis of a propaganda statement from the GHM — folly, considering the GHM’s past performance.

There are no ‘lies’ as such in Islam, and any fabrication is permitted if it hurts the enemies of Islam. It is incredible stupidity to trust any statement originating from the depths of the GHM.

But, of course, if that information is useful to pacify the residents of Dearborn (and help them vote Democrat), then think no more…

This also explains why the feminist left had such problems condemning Hamas’ (sexual) violations of female Jooz (and males). They had to make some decisions, and the thought of supporting ‘colonialist and oppressive’ Jewish women in the face of non-colonialist and non-oppressive Muslims proved too much. Rape is not a crime if the victim is deemed to be an oppressor.

So now, October 7th having been forgotten, they are free to support ‘Palestine’ and the institutionalized slavery of Muslim women — toujours c’est la même chose…

The burka is very pleasant to wear, you know — it stops men looking at you!

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Requiem for a Culture, Part 6: The End of Reconciliation

This is the sixth essay in an occasional series. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Requiem for a Culture

Part 6: The End of Reconciliation

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

— William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, Act I, Scene III (page 80 in the Vintage paperback edition)

Southern partisans, especially those who have ancestors who fought in the War for Southern Independence, are well aware of the depredations that have been visited upon Southern monuments in the last three or four years. The process culminated late last year with the desecration of two cherished monuments, the statue of General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. I’ll give a brief recapitulation of these events for readers who may not be familiar with what happened.

A bronze statue of General Lee, the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, had stood since the 1920s in a little park next to the library in downtown Charlottesville. The “Unite the Right” false-flag fiasco in 2017 started the ball rolling on the statue’s removal. Late that summer General Lee and his horse Traveller were covered with a burka to prevent passers-by from being triggered by the sight. Then in 2020 the fentanyl overdose of Saint George Floyd provided the coup de grâce: the following year the statue was finally removed from its plinth. To make sure that the South would never rise again, last October the revered general was cut into pieces and melted down.

The widely-published photo of General Lee’s molten bronze face was like a knife in the heart for Southern partisans (or at least for this one).

The second destructive event is not as well-known as the immolation of General Lee, but may well turn out to be even more of an outrage from the perspective of those who revere the memory of the men who fought and died for the right of Southern states to be free of Federal tyranny. I refer, of course, to the renowned Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

The national memorial for Confederate soldiers was commissioned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the early 1900s. It was designed by the widely acclaimed sculptor Moses Ezekiel, a Confederate veteran as well as the first Jewish cadet to be enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute. Completed in 1912, the monument was unveiled in 1914 in a ceremony that featured a speech by Woodrow Wilson, and was attended by numerous grandees from both the North and the South.

A full account of Moses Ezekiel’s monument would be too long for this space, and would require a deeper knowledge of the topic than I possess. For an excellent overview, I recommend this article by Richard Hines at Chronicles.

Last December the Arlington monument was dismantled and removed from its pedestal by the Army (which owns it) and moved to an unknown location. Its final destination has not yet been announced, and it may or may not eventually be melted down (see this article from The Northern Virginia Daily).

The national Confederate Monument was above all intended to be a memorial of reconciliation, bringing together the two sides in the Recent Unpleasantness so that they could coexist in the same polity without rancor and recrimination. Southern soldiers were thereby honored as patriotic and courageous fighters for their home states, and accepted as such in the official collective memory of the new (and now completely Federal) republic.

Mind you, the Northern hegemonists had an ulterior motive for embracing reconciliation: they needed the fighting prowess of Southern soldiers for their new wars of Manifest Destiny. Confederate soldiers had shown themselves to be a superior fighting force, and only lost to the Yankees because they were so badly outnumbered and so ill-supplied. Southern boys, especially the pugnacious Scots-Irish of the southern Appalachians, have been the mainstay of the U.S. military ever since. Whenever Uncle Sam deployed troops abroad to make the world safe for democracy, the descendants of the Confederacy were in the van bearing the brunt of the fighting.

That’s what reconciliation was for. But reconciliation is now officially dead.

For the first time since the late 1800s, Southern “cracker” families are discouraging their sons from serving in the military. The U.S. government and the armed services have made it clear that they have no respect for the Confederate heritage, and nothing but contempt for the descendants of those who fought for the Stars and Bars from 1861 to 1865.

So they’re on their own now. When the pink-haired correctly-pronouned trans creatures go forth to fight the next war with Russia, or Iran, or China, or whomever our neocon masters decree to be the enemy, they will do so without the assistance of Southern partisans.

If the rebel yell is ever heard again in combat, it will be in a completely different kind of war.

Today is the 159th anniversary of the Confederate nakba, the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9th, 1865.

In honor of the occasion, I present the story of the encounter between General John Brown Gordon, CSA, and General Joshua Chamberlain, USA, that took place at Appomattox three days after the surrender. More than any other occasion, that incident exemplifies the spirit of reconciliation that the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery was intended to convey.

This is quoted from “The Last Salute: Gordon and Chamberlain at Appomattox”, published by Ultimate Flags:

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The Brothers of Mohammed in Tor Pignattara

The following documentary filmed in a suburb of Rome uses a hidden camera to get some useful clandestine footage of Islamic zealots associated with the Tablighi group. The interviewer pays special attention to the way Muslim men treat their women. No surprises for anyone who’s been paying attention to Islam, but it may be shocking to Italians who have never seen this sort of thing before.

Not that it will make any difference at this point; it’s far too late.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Brutal Treatment of Samara

The following report concerns enricher-on-enricher violence in a French middle school. Apparently the young female victim had been following scandalous Western customs in dress and behavior, and was accordingly taught a lesson by her classmates.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the French daily Midi Libre. The translator includes this prefatory note:

This story concerns the savage beating of a young schoolgirl by three schoolmates. The local French press is downplaying the religious aspect, but it appears that the victim is a Muslim girl who was too Westernized for her Muslim schoolmates.

The translated article:

Attack on Samara: The rector of the Great Mosque of Paris “strongly condemns” this “hateful behavior”

Four days after the attack on a schoolgirl in Montpellier, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris spoke out to denounce this “inexcusable” violence.

On Friday, April 5, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris condemned the “inexcusable” attack of an adolescent girl of 13 in front of her high school in Montpellier. “I strongly condemn the inexcusable attack of which Samara was a victim. Violence and harassment have no place in our society,” Chems-eddine Hafiz announced in a press release.

He affirms his support to Samara’s mother, “rejecting any political exploitation,” and stresses that, “violence is formally prohibited, and the essence of our faith resides in peace.”

“The trivialization of extreme violence”

“While certain people persist in blaming Islam, let us concentrate on constructive solutions to combat harassment and ensure the security of our children,” he states, in the belief that the true problem is the “trivialization of extreme violence and the harmful impact of social media.”

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Whose Face Will Be on the Trillion-Dollar Bill?

Some of the things that President Biden and the Democrat Party have been doing over the past few months are pretty bizarre, considering that this is an election year.

Hispanics and even blacks are shifting away from the Democrats. Young people — the parti-colored Zoomer TikTok generation — are increasingly drawn towards Donald Trump. The way things are going, there won’t be enough dump trucks available to haul in the “found” ballots required to put Joe Biden over the top on the night of November 5th. The Democrats are virtuosos at rigging elections, but even in the dystopian twilight of 21st-century America, elections can only be stolen at the margin. The race has to be at least somewhat close in order to pull off an effective steal.

The Democrat apparat seems utterly unconcerned with making sure the race is a tight one. One unpopular policy after another is being pushed — open borders, criminals released without bail, the promotion of sexual perversion, the war against the internal combustion engine, uniformed soldiers with pink hair mincing around in high heels…

And, to top it all off, there was the “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday. Don’t they even want to win the election?

Well, maybe they really don’t.

I’d been thinking along those lines for a while, and then last week I happened to read something similar at ZeroHedge, an essay saying that they’re going to let Trump win.

These are the key paragraphs:

Let Trump back in, and fight him on home turf — in the maze of the executive bureaucracy. Some of his backers have announced their intention to become politically competent in the event that he wins — but compared to the alternatives, that’s a very manageable risk.

More importantly: let Trump hold the bag for the all-but-guaranteed economic calamity of the next four years. The regime could skate for another decade if they succeed in pinning the collapse on a dangerous, erratic right-wing upstart. [emphasis added]

Everything I say here tonight is pure speculation. I’m not an expert on any of these matters, and especially not on financial issues. I’m just a reasonably well-informed layperson who reads a lot of information from diverse points of view.

It’s undeniable that the country is headed towards some form of fiscal calamity. As I mentioned last month, money-printing is being taken to new extremes:

I swore off making specific predictions after the previous great fiscal crisis in 2009, when my prognostications were so completely wrong. I never would have thought they could keep the racket going for another fifteen years, but here we are. The Powers That Be have managed to do a lot with derivatives and real estate bubbles.

But the debt graph can’t keep going up with a steadily increasing slope — it just can’t. Someday the pyramid scheme will come crashing down, and the chickens will come home to roost. Based on the current debt acceleration, it won’t be much longer. It might take a week; it might take a decade. But the chickens will be roosting relatively soon.

The thing is, the people who keep the Ponzi scheme afloat know exactly what’s coming. They know the money-printing tactic will eventually stop working. It’s a complex process, what with cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, derivatives, paper and digital “futures” of precious metals, and now the BRICS alternatives. Keeping those plates spinning must surely be a tricky business.

And the people in charge know that a collapse of the dollar will eventually come. In order enrich themselves fully, and assure themselves an unbroken hold on the levers of power, they will need to time the crisis carefully. At exactly the right moment they will topple the pillars supporting the dollar-based economy, after having thoroughly prepared the replacement system that will be built on the smoking ruins of the old one.

So which patsy will be nominally in charge when the house of cards comes tumbling down? Who will preside over the Great Collapse?

Whose face will be on the Zimbabwe-style trillion-dollar bill?

For a long time I thought Brandon was being set up as the fall guy. He was always obviously a disposable president, a non-re-electable senile geezer who could be pushed aside when he was no longer needed. The people who crafted his policies and wrote his speeches clearly didn’t try to make him more popular. I assumed that when the time was right, he would be gently eased out (and Kamala, too, although that part would be tricky), and a substitute such as Gavin Newsom or Big Mike installed to run in 2024, someone who was at least plausible enough that the election could be rigged on his behalf.

But it never happened. And the scripts that Brandon has been following have been so damaging to him that it’s obvious that his handlers don’t really want him to win re-election. It is intended that he go down in flames, taking the Democrat Party with him.

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Under the Veil in Italy

Below is another report by the journalist Eugenia Fiore about the ongoing Islamization of Italy and the resulting oppression of women. It begins with an account of a parricide by a young Muslima, and then visits various cities to look at the compulsory veiling of very young girls, and the de-facto institution of purdah to keep Muslim women secluded.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Culture-Enriching Easter in Sweden

I’m posting this now, because by the time I get up in the morning, the window of opportunity for an Easter terrorist attack in Sweden (and the rest of Europe) will already have passed.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Terror threat against churches at Easter

March 28, 2024

Before Easter and in the wake of the Muslim terror attack in Moscow, the terror threat in Europe has lately been judged as high. In addition to Easter masses, many large events are coming up in Sweden, such as Eurovision in Malmö.

At least 137 people were killed in the terror attack against Crocus City Hall outside Moscow. In France, the terror threat level has been raised to the highest level, and in Germany, an “acute risk” is accessed. In Italy, armed police will be on patrol.

On the eve of Easter, which is the Swedish Church’s busiest period of the year after Christmas, the country’s churches are on guard.

The Swedish Church’s civil preparedness chief Lisa-Gun Bernerstedt tells SVD news that there is no information that the church would be especially singled out, but that all faith communities should be alert.

“It is clear that with an increased threat level, preparations and awareness have increased. The importance of making assessments prior to every event that brings in a lot of people is important,” she tells the newspaper.

Regardless of the world situation, the Swedish Church will remain open, and wants to “signal its presence, openness, and hope.”

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Sharia Law Dehumanizes Women

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Law Dehumanizes Women

by Clare M. Lopez

We’re all still dealing with the abominations committed by HAMAS and civilian Gazan jihadis on October 7, 2023. Israelis will be dealing with the horrors perpetrated against their women and girls for the rest of their lives. In fact, we should not, must not forget. Not now, during the month of March, which is Women’s History Month, and not ever. The theme running through all of this month’s articles is the dehumanization of women that seems hard-wired into Islamic Law (sharia) — or at least the way sharia culture is inculcated into the men who grow up under its influence.

“New Report Details ‘Sadistic Sex Crimes’ Perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, Forced Families to Witness Rapes” by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, February 21, 2024

“A UN envoy says there are ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7” by Edith M. Lederer at AP News, March 4, 2024

“A ‘male’ humanoid robot was unveiled in Saudi Arabia. It then inappropriately touched a female reporter”, by Joshua Zitser at Business Insider, March 12, 2024

  • So, in Saudi Arabia, even the robots treat women like sexual objects — seems we need to wonder about the algorithms programmed into them!

“Document Shows Iranian Protester Raped Before Murder” by Nika Shakarami at Iran International, February 21, 2024

  • The Iran International Iranian dissident group, that produces TV programming and published articles from its London headquarters, seems able repeatedly to breach the servers of official Iranian regime agencies. Here, the group has obtained a trove of documents from inside the Iranian judiciary. This report documents a “state sanctioned campaign of sexual violence” against protesters during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that swept through Iran following the murder of Mahsa Amini by Iranian police in 2022. Sexual violence against Iranian dissidents and protesters, both male and female, has been a recurring abuse documented throughout the now 45-year rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“ISIS caliph al-Baghdadi’s wife says he had sex slaves, child bride” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, February 24, 2024

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 18

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

City of Stockholm grants one million kronor to Ibn Rushd — stops contributions to association against honor violence

March 28, 2024

Last December the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million kronor to the controversial study association Ibn Rushd after the Public Education Council determined that the study association’s teaching materials dealt with child abuse, child marriage, and described homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the Cultural Committee in Stockholm decided to resume the payments, Swedish Radio reports.

The criticized material was reportedly used by the study association in other places than in Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with a plan of action as the city was visiting the association’s operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm stopped payments of 600,000 kronor per year to the association “Never forget Peta and Fadime” (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association put up postings on his private Facebook page that the city views as breaking the city’s guidelines.

GAPF states in a press release that it has distanced itself from the board member’s now-deleted posts and that the association has taken measures such as updating its communication policy and ethical guidelines, as well as conducting training for staff and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing by its decision.

“We wonder how the city really works within democracy. How can a study association that has links to the Muslim Brotherhood and has been involved in brokering temporary marriage contracts, i.e. trafficking in women’s bodies according to a disclosure by Uppdrag Gransking [Assignment Examination] qualify for support but not us, who strongly help and protect vulnerable women and girls?” says Sara Mohammad, founder of GAPF, in a statement.

Since the election, the city of Stockholm has been run by a coalition made up of Social Democrats, the Left Party, and the Green Party.