Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/1/2013

The federal government shut down today after the House and the Senate failed to reach agreement on a funding bill. National parks and monuments were shut down, but World War Two veterans stormed the barricades around the memorial on the Mall in Washington D.C., allowing them to visit the monument dedicated to their sacrifices.

In other news, the institution of “temporary marriage” is making a comeback in Tunisia, after being banned for decades by more secular, modernized governments.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Use of Undefined Terms

Below is the intervention read by Stephen Coughlin, representing Center for Security Policy at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 1 “Tolerance and Non-Discrimination”, Warsaw, September 23, 2013.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:

The prepared text for Maj. Coughlin’s intervention is available here.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

The Iconography of the New World Order

Update: This essay is now available in German at Europe News.

As I mentioned earlier, last week a group from ICLA and other like-minded NGOs attended a side event at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw. The event was sponsored by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE entity that organizes the Human Dimension Implementation meetings.

Below is ODIHR’s logo:

I don’t know about you, but I find this design a little bit creepy. A tree full of Orwellian eyes, watching everyone to make sure that no one’s human rights are violated! The ODIHR tree never sleeps…

And the three-colored foliage clues you in to the “diversity” of the operation. The subliminal message is that OSCE and ODIHR will be ever-vigilant in their enforcement of tolerance and inclusion for religious and racial minorities, women, the disabled, LGBT people, and so on.

In fact, the final item in the above list was prominently featured in last week’s conference in Warsaw. No matter the topic — tolerance, discrimination, the rights of women, religious freedom, etc. — LGBT NGOs sent representatives to the podium to speak up about the rights of people who hold non-traditional sexual orientations.

I’m not going to argue the merits of such interventions. But what I can’t help but notice is the massive funding behind the sexual-rights push at the OSCE. This implies the participation of George Soros’ Open Society Institute and other organizations in what might be called the “Soros Galaxy”. These trans-national leftist groups promote the deconstruction of Western culture through various means, acting in partnership with like-minded progressive organizations and well-meaning liberal Christian groups.

The following flyer was distributed on the fourth day of the event:

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A Free Press, Swedish Style

Sweden is proud that it guarantees freedom of the press. Every news outlet is free to publish anything it wants — provided that it agrees with the consensus of the government and the major political parties, if the minister of culture has her way.

Swedish media outlets depend on government subsidies for the survival of their operations. Without the help of taxpayers’ kroner, a newspaper would find it hard to survive, as attested by the recent experience of Dispatch International.

Up until now the government has guaranteed the impartiality of press subsidies. No matter the opinion expressed, the government would not curtail the funding of any newspaper. But what the government may grant, it may also withhold, and the temptation to manipulate content by withholding state subsidies is all but irresistible.

One suspects that this principle of government neutrality has been more honored in the breach than in the observance, even in Sweden. However, the real state of affairs has now been revealed — the iron fist is out of the velvet glove.

According to Fria Tider:

Swedish Government: Press subsidies must depend on attitude to immigration

Stockholm (Fria Tider). Swedish minister for Culture Lena Adelsohn-Liljeroth (Liberal) is critical of a Parliamentary committee and its decision to uphold the rules stating that press subsidies may not depend on newspapers’ political content. According to the responsible minister, a “democracy clause” should be included in the new legislation, barring “immigrant-critical” news outlets from receiving the statutory subsidies.

“One example is the debate that occurred while the pronounced immigrant-critical newspaper Nationell Idag received press subsidy” Adelsohn-Liljenroth writes in an article published on SVT Debatt.

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Why Don’t Minorities Integrate Successfully?

Below is the intervention read by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, representing Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 1 “Preventing Aggressive Nationalism”, Warsaw, September 23, 2013:

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:

Below is the prepared text of Elisabeth’s intervention (originally published by ICLA):

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The War of Words is Over

Diana West’s latest article about the controversy over her book American Betrayal has been published at Breitbart. Some excerpts are below:

The war of words to define American Betrayal as being beyond the boundaries of rational, productive debate is over. The same book that Ronald Radosh condemned as “yellow journalism conspiracy theories,” and that David Horowitz publicly declared I “should not have written,” former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky and his colleague Pavel Stroilov have now praised as “huge and brilliant.”

The 5,000-word Bukovsky-Stroilov review, which recently appeared at Breitbart News, may be an author’s dream come true, but that’s not to say the Russians are “correct.” What ends this war of words is that Bukovsky and Stroilov have decisively laid to rest the diktat, originating at Frontpage Magazine, that there can be no diverging from the orthodoxy about me and my book as set forth by Frontpage and echoed, completely unopposed for the past eight weeks, in a series of copycat pieces on multiple, leading conservative sites.

(Kudos to Breitbart News for being the gigantic exception in covering and featuring all sides of the debate. Kudos also to Canadian poet, author, and essayist David Solway for being the lone Frontpage contributor to publish two dissents — elsewhere. And a big shout-out to the spirited commenters and bloggers — in Horowitz’s words, the “kook army” — who spontaneously erupted in my defense, or, more important, in defense of free and civil debate after the appearance of every attack-piece.)

Establishing a party line, a conservative party line, against American Betrayal seems to have been what spurred Frontpage into battle from the start — that moment, in Horowitz’s telling, when Radosh persuaded him to remove an initial, positive review of my book from the Frontpage website on July 8, 2013. It was as if to say there would and should be only one response to my book, and he, Radosh, would write it.

The success of the ensuing effort, spearheaded by Radosh’s 7,000-word “take-down” (his word) of American Betrayal published at Frontpage on August 7, 2013, was always going to depend on making positive opinions of American Betrayal seem suspect, glaringly ignorant, or the result of my supposed wiles.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/30/2013

As I write this, the federal government is a few minutes away from its much-ballyhooed shutdown. The Senate refused to accept a funding bill sent by the House that included a delay in financing ObamaCare. The Senate sent it back to the House, and that’s where the impasse stands.

In other news, the IHP halal poultry abattoir has become the first company in Britain to be certified and monitored by the Sharia halal board.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Mary Abdelmassih, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Call to Eliminate Controversial Undefined Terms

Below is the intervention read by Stephen Coughlin, representing Center for Security Policy at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 1 “Tolerance and Non-Discrimination”, Warsaw, September 24, 2013.

His intervention was part of the week’s push by ICLA and its allied NGOs to make OSCE and ODIHR aware that their policies and programs are increasingly based on terms which are not adequately defined. In those cases where words are defined, those definitions have not been not established through a consensus of all represented political opinions.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:

The prepared text of Maj. Coughlin’s intervention is available here.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Did We Lose the Cold War?

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Did We Lose the Cold War?
by Fjordman

Diana West’s latest title, Diana West’s book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, challenges conventional wisdom about the Second World War and the Cold War. It has caused quite a stir in certain circles.

Old Town, Warsaw

As it happens, I started reading it while visiting Warsaw, Poland for the first time. This is fitting in many ways. Historian Timothy Snyder in his excellent work Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin demonstrates how East-Central Europe was crushed between the totalitarian regimes of two infamous dictators, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. One of their victims was Poland. Roughly 85% of Warsaw was destroyed during the Second World War. Its pretty Old Town is actually fairly new; it was reconstructed after WW2.

Today, the city is riddled with monuments and memorials to those who struggled and were wiped out during those fateful years, both from the Jewish minority population and the Slavic Christian majority population. One of the monuments of Warsaw’s Old Town is dedicated to the victims of the Katyn massacre, mass execution of 22,000 Polish officers in the spring of 1940. This evil deed was originally blamed on the Nazis, but it was in fact carried out by the Soviet secret police. Evidence of this surfaced rather early.

Katyn massacre memorial at Old Town, Warsaw

Yet this fact was deliberately buried by the Roosevelt Administration in order not to offend their new Soviet “allies,” after Hitler decided to invade the Soviet Union. This shameful policy continued for years even after the war ended, when it should have been clear to all sensible people that Stalin and the Communists could never really be anybody’s “allies.” Diana West argues that by actively covering up such atrocities, the Western world in some ways became complicit in Soviet crimes.

Towering over the city center of Warsaw even today is the Palace of Culture and Science. It was a “gift” from Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union in 1952. How nice of Uncle Joe, especially since he and Hitler had secretly carved up Poland and several other countries between them in the August 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact. The International Socialists of the Soviet Union were every bit as much expansionist totalitarian predators as were the National Socialists in Germany. Diana West reminds us that this isn’t always emphasized today, and asks: Why is this so?

A timely question.

Stalin’s gift: The Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw

It wasn’t the first time the Communists attempted to expand into Central Europe via Poland, either. As Adam Zamoyski details in his book Warsaw 1920: Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe, already after the First World War, the Bolsheviks under the direction of Vladimir Lenin tried to use military force to invade Poland and export the world revolution to Germany. This early attempt was successfully beaten back by Polish resistance. But the Soviets returned with a vengeance a generation later, under the leadership of Lenin’s ruthless apprentice Stalin. This time they succeeded in establishing Communist dominion over the eastern half of Europe as far as Berlin.

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Team Warsaw

ICLA logo (new)

The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) convened in Warsaw last week. A team of liberty-loving people from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, the UK, and the USA was in attendance. They represented the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA), Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE-Austria and -Germany), ACT! for America, ACT! for Canada, the Center for Security Policy, the Stresemann Foundation, and Women for Freedom.

A group photo of the core team is below:

Back row:

  • Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff (Austria), Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE-Germany)
  • Polish representative, International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • UK representative, International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • Alain Wagner (France) , International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • Pierre Renversez (Belgium), NONALI
  • Henrik Ræder Clausen (Denmark), International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • Chris Knowles (UK), International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • Felix Strüning (Germany), Stresemann Foundation — A Lobby for Freedom

Front row:

  • Ned May (USA), International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)
  • Stephen Coughlin (USA), Center for Security Policy
  • Valerie Price (Canada), ACT! for Canada
  • Marie-Luise Hoffmann-Polzoni (Germany), Women for Freedom
  • Liz Schmidt (Germany), Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE-Austria)
  • Dave Petteys (USA), ACT! for America 5280 Coalition

The team worked with tireless dedication all week. Everybody who participated has my deepest thanks.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

What About Jihad?

Below is the intervention read by Dave Petteys, representing ACT for America 5280 Coalition at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 1 “Preventing Aggressive Nationalism, Racism and Chauvinism”, Warsaw, September 23, 2013.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for subtitling and uploading this video:

The prepared text of Mr. Petteys’ remarks is below (pdf here):

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/29/2013

350 Syrian migrants were picked up in the Mediterranean by a Romanian Frontex ship. They are being brought to Sicily. Meanwhile, more than 500 refugees, most of them Syrian, landed on Lampedusa in two different boats.

In other news, a bank in Azerbaijan has launched Europe’s first sharia-compliant Islamic credit card.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Kitman, KP, Mary Abdelmassih, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Get That Nasty Thing Out of Here!

A few days ago German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party (the Christian Democrats, CDU) won the German elections. During the celebrations afterwards, a fellow party member handed Ms. Merkel a German flag.

You don’t have to speak any German to understand the clear message in this video about what the chancellor thinks of her flag, her country, and German patriotism:

Hat tip: Politically Incorrect.