Fjordman: 9/11, Twelve Years On

Twelve years after the events of September 11, 2001, Fjordman has some personal reflections on that awful day and all that has occurred since.

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9/11, Twelve Years On
by Fjordman

It’s been twelve years since September 11, 2001, when a group of Arab Muslim Jihadist terrorists murdered thousands of unarmed civilians on American soil. A lot has happened since then. Perhaps the single most positive development is that millions of ordinary people in Europe and the Western world are waking up. Many are now a lot more aware of the Islamic threat than they were in 2001.

The single most negative development is that this has so far not changed the outlook and policies of Western governments, other than in mostly cosmetic ways. The divide between the common people who cherish their nation and culture and the ruling elites who want open borders no matter the cost is growing wider throughout the Western world. It is threatening to become a chasm.

Mass immigration, including Muslim immigration, continues at breakneck speed. The attitude of the ruling elites and Western mass media towards everything Islamic is as suicidal as ever. If anything, fear and self-censorship concerning issues related to Islam and Islamization are more widespread now than they was just a few years ago.

I’ve been told that I am more “radical” now than I was a decade ago. Others may judge whether this is the case, but if there is any truth to it, it is only because I respond to real-life events.

Now that my true identity is known, I can report that on September 11 2001 I was living in Egypt as a student of Arabic language at the American University in Cairo. I was never more than mediocre in Arabic, and my Arabic skills are now quite weak, since I haven’t practiced that language for years. Yet I still learned a lot about the local attitudes, culture and religion from living in the Middle East.

It is simplistic to suggest that is was a single event than turned me against Islam. After exposure to Arabic-Islamic culture, both through living there and through my studies, I was already growing more skeptical of Islam before September 2001. There were probably several dozen separate events plus self-studies that made me grow even more skeptical over the next few years. I also learned a lot from working in the Palestinian territories and spending some time in Israel. But 9/11 certainly accelerated something that was already underway in my mind. Living in the biggest city in the Arabic-speaking world at that moment was an eye-opener.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/10/2013

The European Union expressed its support for Russia’s offer to mediate a transfer of Syria’s chemical weapons to international supervision. Meanwhile, President Obama rushed to claim the idea as his own, and asked Congress to postpone a vote on the Syrian war until after diplomatic efforts had run their course.

In other news, recently revealed information indicates that while the IRS was investigating and harassing Republican groups during last year’s election campaign, it gave special treatment to black groups, who received official advice on how far they could go in campaigning for President Obama without running afoul of the law.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Enforcing Islamic Blasphemy Laws in Tower Hamlets

Last Saturday supporters of the English Defence League marched across Tower Bridge in London and staged a demonstration at the very edge of the Borough of Tower Hamlets, the most notoriously enriched neighborhood of East London.

After the demo EDL leader Tommy Robinson was arrested “for breaching section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 and inciting others to breach section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986.” I assume that means he ran afoul of this provision:

If the senior police officer, having regard to the time or place at which and the circumstances in which any public assembly is being held or is intended to be held, reasonably believes that — (a) it may result in serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community…

In other words, Tommy and his associates — as he pointed out in his speech — are being repeatedly arrested because the police cannot do their duty and prevent violent attacks against a lawful and peaceable assembly of native English citizens.

Below is the entirety of the speech Tommy gave that day. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Here’s a brief news story about Tommy’s arrest:

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Avoiding the Left Plague and the Red Cholera

As mentioned in last night’s news feed, Norwegians went to the polls yesterday and threw out the Socialists, ending an eight-year run by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and the Labor Party. The new government will be a conservative coalition that includes the immigration-critical Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet) under the leadership of Siv Jensen.

The following brief article was originally published at Politically Incorrect. It was translated from German into Dutch by E.J. Bron, and from Dutch into English for Gates of Vienna by El Rubio:

Norway: a clear victory for the conservatives

The long-time socialist prime minister Jens Stoltenberg has lost the majority to the conservatives during the current parliamentary elections in Norway.

After tallying more than half of the votes, the coalition including challenger Erna Soberg (right in the picture) already obtained about 99 out of the total of 169 seats. The rightist, immigration-critical Progress Party of Siv Jensen (left in the picture) apparently is also strongly represented by 16% of popular support, in spite of the fact that a young Anders Behring Breivik was a member of this party. This shows that Norway is a normal democracy, where a change from the left to the right and anything in between is possible, and emphasizes the fact that the only choice is not just a choice between the left plague and the red cholera.

“Moderate” vs. “Dormant”

In the comments on one of Sunday’s posts, the topic of the elusive “Moderate Muslim” came up again. The discussion began with criticisms of the post (written by our British correspondent JP) by Rob of Joshua Pundit, who was disturbed by JP’s seeming abandonment of Muslims who behave well, accept Western norms, and in no way contribute to the Great Jihad.

These “moderates” are analogous to ordinary people who were forced to live under Communist tyranny behind the Iron Curtain. They did not believe Communist ideology, nor did they accept the legitimacy of the regimes that oppressed them, but the political and social environment in which they lived made it dangerous for them to protest or publicly question the validity of Communist doctrine.

And so it is under Islam. Dissidents or skeptics who live in Muslim-majority countries — or even in predominantly Islamic enclaves within Western countries — take their lives in their hands if they criticize Islam or depart publicly from orthodoxy. Such people deserve our sympathy, and those who actually dare to dissent deserve our respect and admiration.

Nevertheless, I find the distinction between “moderate” and “extremist” Muslims to be useless. It’s not so much that I don’t believe there are “moderates”, but rather that the distinction between “moderates” and “extremists” is meaningless. It is a false dichotomy, and has no significance within Islam itself.

The word “extremist” actually gives the game away. To be an “extremist” implies an adherence to “extreme” doctrines of one sort or another. And what doctrines are those? Why, the core teachings of Islam itself! The “extremist” is one who proclaims the need to return to doctrines as they were originally written in the universally accepted documents that became the canonical teachings of Islam.

Extremists are thus “fundamentalists”. Like Christian fundamentalists, they want to return to the true religion. But Christian fundamentalists are not generally described as “extremists”, because the core scriptures of Christianity — the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation of Saint John — are not extremist by modern standards. Modernity may regard the New Testament as outmoded superstition, but it does not see it as violent, extremist ideology — because it isn’t.

The Koran, the hadith, and the Sunna are another matter entirely.

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Rob’s discussion on JP’s post prompted a response from a commenter name “ManoftheWest”. Evidently a man after my own heart, to bolster his case he cited ’Umdat al-salik wa ’uddat al-nasik, or The reliance of the traveller and tools of the worshipper. It is commonly referred to as Reliance of the Traveller when cited in English.

The Revised Edition (published 1991, revised 1994) is “The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law ’Umdat al-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1368) in Arabic with Facing English Text, Commentary, and Appendices”, edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller.

This book is an authoritative source on Sunni Islamic law, because it is certified as such by Al-Azhar University in Cairo. There is no higher authority on Sunni Islamic doctrine than Al-Azhar; it is the closest equivalent to the Vatican that can be found in Islam.

The rest of this section is adapted from ManoftheWest’s comment. First of all, he noted that the penalty for a Muslim apostate (someone who no longer believes in or no longer follows the tenets of Islam) is death. From Book O, “Justice”:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, “Trim your nails, it is sunna,” and he replies, “I would not do it even if it were,” as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)

o8.1   When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.
o8.4   There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).

But it gets worse:

Acts That Entail Leaving Islam

o8.7   (O: Among the things that entail apostasy from Islam (may Allah protect us from them) are:
    (7)   to deny any verse of the Koran or anything which by scholarly consensus (def: b7) belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it;
    (8)   to mockingly say, “I don’t know what faith is”;
    (14)   to deny the obligatory character of something which by the consensus of Muslims (ijma’, def: b7) is part of Islam, when it is well known as such, like the prayer (salat) or even one rak’a from one of the five obligatory prayers, if there is no excuse (def: u2.4);
    (17)   to believe that things in themselves or by their own nature have any causal influence independent of the will of Allah;
    (19)   to be sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law;
    (20)   to deny that Allah intended the Prophet’s message (Allah bless him and give him peace) to be the religion followed by the entire world (dis: w4.3-4) (al-Hadiyya al-’Ala’iyya (y4), 423-24).)

There are others, for the subject is nearly limitless. May Allah Most High save us and all Muslims from it.)

#14 and #20 above are doozies when one reads in Reliance of the Traveller that offensive, military jihad against non-Muslims is a communal, religious obligation:

The Obligatory Character of Jihad

o9.1   Jihad is a communal obligation. When enough people perform it to successfully accomplish it, it is no longer obligatory upon others (O: the evidence for which is the Prophet’s saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),
    “He who provides the equipment for a soldier in jihad has himself performed jihad,”

Who is Obliged to Fight in Jihad

o9.4   Those called upon (O: to perform jihad when it is a communal obligation) are every able-bodied man who has reached puberty and is sane.

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Rob and ManoftheWest inspired me to respond with this:

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The Rebuttal: Part Three

The third part of Diana West’s long-anticipated rebuttal to Ronald Radosh’s hit piece on her book “American Betrayal” has been posted at Breitbart’s Big Government. Some excerpts are below.

Previously: Part 1, Part 2.

The Rebuttal: Part Three
by Diana West

Chapter 3

The Aggressively Attacked Detail #2: Uranium

The next aggressive attack on detail is plucked from the colossal Lend-Lease program the US created to supply allies during World War II. Supplying the Soviet Union was a bitter pill for the American people to swallow. FDR whoppers — such as declaring religious freedom existed in the USSR — didn’t help. But supply “Uncle Joe” we did — and to a needlessly dangerous extreme, I conclude from the sources contained in my book.

From American Betrayal, p. 43:

War supplies didn’t just “flow” to the Soviet Union, they flooded it, with over half a million trucks and jeeps, nearly $1 billion worth (1940s dollars) of ordnance and ammunition, thousands of fighter aircraft, bombers, and tanks, 13 million pairs of winter boots, 1.7 million tons of petroleum products, a merchant fleet, 1,000 steam locomotives, 581 naval vessels including minesweepers, landing craft, submarine chasers, frigates, torpedo boats, floating dry docks, pontoon barges, river tugs, and a light cruiser. There were also icebreakers, which were essential to keep the northernmost ports of the Gulag Archipelago supplied with fresh slaves, another “lost” fact. American Lend-Lease didn’t just keep the Soviet police state humming along internally, either. As Nikita Khrushchev would say to Life magazine in 1970 of those half a million trucks and jeeps, “Just imagine how we would have advanced from Stalingrad to Berlin without them!”

Radosh, of course, doesn’t mention any of that. He writes:

West also insists that Lend-Lease aid was a crucial “rogue operation” orchestrated by Hopkins and the NKVD for the purpose of getting not only war supplies to the Russians, but “the materials that go into making an atomic bomb…up to and including uranium. (Her emphasis.)

This, of course, is supposed to sound appropriately “unhinged” if not “crackpot” — just so many more “yellow journalism conspiracy theories.”

My italics underscore the historical fact that a US government program run by a suspected Soviet agent of influence procured three-quarters of a ton of uranium (including Manhattan-Project-embargoed uranium) and other atomic materials for Stalin. Additionally, as George Racey Jordan writes in From Major Jordan’s Diaries, his memoir of Lend-Lease, “It seems fair to take into account not merely what the Russians got, but what they tried to get.”

This was a huge news story in 1950 and then it virtually vanished from our “narrative,” a matter I explore in depth in American Betrayal.

I do not, however, “insist,” as Radosh claims, that “Hopkins and the NKVD” “orchestrated” Lend-Lease. Once again, he is exaggerating a fact to deride his own exaggeration…

In this case, however, the reality is too not much different.

What is in my book is that it was Harry Hopkins, Armand Hammer, and Harry Dexter White who got Lend-Lease going in the first place — a trio of veritable Soviet assets. Rather than convey these alarming facts as laid out in American Betrayal, Radosh invokes the “NKVD,” as if to inspire snickers. You can almost hear jackboots stomping through the White House.

Then again, the NKVD did have a line of sorts into Lend Lease for real. Over security objections of both the State and War Departments and Army chief of staff Gen. George C. Marshall, Hopkins insisted on elevating Army officer Philip Faymonville, a.k.a. the “Red Colonel,” to run Lend-Lease in Moscow. There, Soviet records show, Faymonville was recruited by the NKVD in 1942.

NKVD recruit Faymonville would help run — “orchestrate?” — Lend-Lease for the duration.

As for my discussion of Lend-Lease as “rogue operation,” I frame it with a question and end it with a question.

I pose the question:

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Two Former Hostages Go Against the Narrative

A Belgian writer named Pierre Piccinin and an Italian journalist named Domenico Quirico were captured and held hostage several months ago by the Syrian rebels. When they were finally released yesterday, they had devastating news to reveal: based on conversations among the rebels that they overheard, the sarin attack in Ghouta had not been ordered by the Syrian government, but was launched by the rebels themselves.

Many thanks to S. Victoria for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for subtitling this news report from Belgian TV:

Further reading on the topic:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/9/2013

Secretary of State John Kerry apparently made an off-the-cuff goof when he seemed to offer the possibility of postponing the war, provided that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad agrees to surrender control of his stocks of chemical agents. Vladimir Putin seized the opportunity, and offered to mediate a deal in which the Assad regime would put the weapons under some sort of international supervision. US foreign policy has been thrown into disarray by the gaffe, and it’s not clear how the Obama administration will respond.

In other news, Norwegian voters threw the socialist rascals out today, and a new conservative (by Norwegian standards) government will be formed with the much-reviled Progress Party forming part of the coalition.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Movable Feast

A week ago we reported that a conference in Quebec for Muslim youth organized by a group called “Collectif Indépendance” had been cancelled, due to security concerns. The event was originally scheduled to take place at the Palais des congrès, a convention center in downtown Montreal, but was pulled at the last minute.

Now it turns out that Collectif Indépendance was able to move the venue to a nearby mosque, and the conference went ahead on schedule.

A reminder: the security threat was alleged to be posed by demonstrators who were expected to gather to protest the associations — including the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim World League — of the organizers of the event.

Update: Vlad Tepes has uploaded a video of the news report:

Here’s the story from CTV News Montreal:

Muslim Conference Goes on at Nearby Mosque After Palais Des Congres Cancellation

MONTREAL – A Muslim conference that was cancelled last week after the PQ government objected to the participation of four speakers invited from France was held anyway Sunday at a downtown mosque.

The conference, entitled Between Heaven and Earth, was to take place at the Palais des congres convention centre in downtown Montreal on September 7 and 8. It was instead held at the Al-Omah Al-Islamiah Mosque on St-Dominique St.

About 100 people attended the conference at the new location, where organizers wouldn’t comment to media, but several participants told CTV Montreal they felt it was unfair the event was initially cancelled. They said they did not feel there was anything extremist about the nature of the conference.

About 1,000 to 2,000 people were expected to attend the event at the Palais des congres, which the convention centre cancelled last Saturday due to security concerns after some groups threatened to protest against the event.

A protest planned for Sunday evening outside the mosque on St. Dominique brought out two people.

CTV Montreal reporter Kevin Gallagher attended a session where speakers discussed how to be a good Muslim; giving examples of donating to charity and being kind to neighbours.

The Independence Collective, which had organized the event, held a press conference last Friday to defend itself against charges of embracing a radical view of Islam and denounced what they said was a vilification campaign against the event.

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Eyeballing It

I just came back from the retinal specialist, who administered the fifth treatment for choroidal neovascularization (wet macular degeneration) in my left eye. Regular readers know that the process involves the injection of a chemical into the vitreous humor of the affected eye.

It’s not a pleasant process, but I’ve grown used to it, and the effects of the treatment — an amazing improvement in my left eye over the past six months — provide such positive reinforcement that I don’t really dread my appointments anymore.

After my July visit, the doctor extended the interval between treatments to six weeks.

Since then there have been two pieces of good news:

1.   About two weeks ago I removed the patch from my left eye while I work at the computer screen. It took a while for the two eyes to become reacquainted with one another’s company, and my left eye still suffers from reduced acuity, but at least they are able to work together again. I don’t notice much in the way of problems now while I’m working here in front of the monitor.
2.   Today the doctor told me that the eye is doing so well that we can lengthen the interval between shots to eight weeks. I don’t know whether this will become my permanent interval. I’ll be having these shots for the rest of my life — or until ObamaCare intervenes to triage me out — but for the time being I can go two months without suffering through this ordeal.

So my eye is sore, but I’m feeling pretty good tonight.

Posting will be light for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow will be more like normal.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/8/2013

The Pentagon has revised its plans for the Syrian war, and now reportedly intends to extend the air bombardment to three days. In related news, the German government is alarmed by intelligence reports indicating that more and more “Germans” are becoming mujahideen and traveling to Syria to fight in the jihad.

In other news, a Danish mosque plans to broadcast the programming of the Al Aqsa TV channel, which is owned and operated by Hamas. If the plan goes through, it may violate Danish terrorism laws.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, McR, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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An Army of Kooks

The controversy over Diana West’s book American Betrayal has gotten ugly, and it’s bound to get uglier still.

When someone stakes out such an irrational and malicious position, and then doubles down when called on it, there’s no way out without an immense loss of face. A Chernobyl-type meltdown is now underway, and radioactivity from the disaster will dust a lot of people before all this is over.

If you’re sick this story — and I’m pretty sick of it myself — you can skip this post and go read about President Obama or Miley Cyrus or something. But a recent exchange at FrontPage Magazine drew my attention, and it deserves at least a mention here.

Yesterday Mr. Horowitz published a response to Diana West’s rebuttal of Ronald Radosh. It appeared first at Breitbart, and was mirrored soon afterwards at FPM, where the comments have become… ahem… rather heated.

In the comment thread, one “ziggy zoggy” said, inter alia: “Andrew Bostom, you Westrolls are worse than Paulbots… You need to take of [sic] your tinfoil hat. It’s baked your brain like a potato.” That gives you an idea of the level to which public discourse has descended at FPM.

In response to Mr. Zoggy, David Horowitz, the editor of the whole shebang, said (words and phrases of interest have been marked in red for further attention):

Thank you Ziggy Zoggy. I haven’t the foggiest idea who this Lopez woman is, I haven’t communicated with Nina Rosenwald in six months, I am not familiar with Gatestone, and I am not the aggressor in all this. The victim lady is. She attacked me as a totalitarian for removing a review that made at seem as though Frontpage was endorsing a preposterous book. Then she organized a kook army of which Bostom is a prime member to attack me as a closet communist. She is incapable of rebutting any of the criticisms made of her book first of all because the criticisms are sound, secondly because they are over her head, and thirdly because she has invested all her energy in concocting a conspiracy theory to explain her critics instead of attempting to answer them.

Before I analyze the text, did anyone else besides me notice how much this screed sounds like Charles Johnson? Adapted for the appropriate context, it could have been written by the Grand Lizardoid himself back in 2007 or 2008 in the comments at Little Green Footballs.

The stylistic resemblance is unmistakable. It’s uncanny… and creepy.

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Now let’s take a look at some of those interesting terms. I’ve rearranged the order of the items for the purposes of this discussion:

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The Islamophiliacs and the EDL

Our British Correspondent JP takes this opportunity to specifically attack the fence-sitters who refuse to come out in public to defend the EDL when they are in influential positions to make a difference.

The British No-Islam-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) Squad — The B-NIMBLE-SQUAD in disavowing the English Defence League

by JP

Among back-slapping Etonians and other stalwarts of this small island establishment, Cameron’s clownish antics at the G20 may have won our increasingly-detached from reality Prime Minister some lukewarm applause. But Cameron forgot to mention in his list of Great British Achievements (not to mention endless repeats of the Britain’s Olympics opening ceremony — the greatest celebration of mindless multi-kulti propaganda since Leni Riefenstahl’s Nazi shenanigans) our very own merry band of Islamophiliacs — one can mention them by name without great embarrassment or discomfiture, since they themselves admit to such — Melanie Phillips, Douglas Murray, Andrew Gilligan, John Ware; the list is endless.

And how do these self-confessed Islamophiliacs, for this is undoubtedly what they are, proclaim their adherence to Islam and its entire evil works? They do this by any number of means — through faults of omission, subfuscation, obfuscation. They have books to write, mortgages to pay, the full spectrum of entanglements which prevent them from them taking an honest look at what Muslims do and say, and taking ethically-sound journalistic steps to inform their readership of what is taking place in our towns and cities, in Europe, the USA, and most everywhere else.

Surely they have taken lessons at the feet of Horror and Horrorwitz with their ability to twist truths and argue against factual evidence. For their ultimate shame and everlasting iniquity is to scapegoat the English Defence League, as if the inability of the British Government to control and police its unruly, uncouth, vulgar, and quite frankly, murderous Muslim community is somehow the fault of a bunch of unruly and uncouth English lads who like a pint occasionally.

It needs to be spelt out loud and clear to Phillips and her ilk that when it comes to an understanding of Muslims and Islam in the United Kingdom, or anywhere else for that matter, that she is holding the wrong end of her too-clever-by-half stick.

There are no moderate Muslims in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world. They do not exist. Repeat: there are no moderate Muslims anywhere on this planet. There are Muslims who are inert, there are some that are politically active, there are others that lead moderately sedate lives, but to actually characterize a Muslim as moderate is a fallacy, an inconceivability, a panjandrum of an astonishing singularity. Find me a moderate Muslim and I will produce you a unicorn or a fiddling leprechaun, hey presto.

It is a gross disgrace for writers such as Phillips, Ware, etc., to calumniate the EDL and to purse their lips when it comes to discussing its activities, as if Phillips et al are in league with the authorities in a damage limitation exercise to keep a lid on an explosive situation, to scapegoat the EDL in the mistaken belief that somehow the British on this small island, which Cameron chortles has produced such great wonders of history, will muddle through, Blitz spirit, carry on camping amidst a surfeit of endless Jane Austen and Downton Abbey re-customizations while Muslims Islamify this country to their hearts’ content.

Get this straight — it is people like Cameron and his misbegotten cabinet of power-hungry ornaments that will ensure Britain, England, Wales, have no history when the salami-slicing Islamic project of conquest of the UK reaches its not-so inevitable conclusion. The alternative of a bloody awful civil war might lead to a pile of smouldering rubble which may retain an aroma of spent forces unpleasant to the nostrils, but is one option of which many ordinary people could quite correctly say: ‘Could see it coming, without a doubt.’

The reality is that Muslims do not mix with other communities and are toxic wherever they may be found: countries would do well to control the number of Muslims permitted to reside within their borders, and those that do decide to live in the West should be reminded in no uncertain terms that they reside in these countries according the laws of those countries and fake religious courts will be prohibited, ridiculed if need be, particularly the misogynistic sharia courts, one of Britain’s most grievous mistakes, which should never have been allowed to mushroom into such prolific prominence. Similarly, every single minaret defacing our towns and cities should be removed, no argument.

Credit to Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League for recognising these essential facts, and eternal shame on the Britain’s small island establishment enforcers for getting it so wrong, but then the British small island establishment has had centuries of practice of being maladroit when it comes to questions of leadership, and were it not for the achievements of small groups of individuals, we would be rooting around in the dirt for turnips and other salutary treasures.


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The Rebuttal: Part Two

The second part of Diana West’s long-anticipated rebuttal to Ronald Radosh’s hit piece on her book “American Betrayal” has been posted at Breitbart’s Big Government. Some excerpts are below.

Previously: Part 1.

The Rebuttal: Part Two
by Diana West

Chapter 1: “Groundless and Worse,” He Says.

But Not in My Book

Radosh presents my entire book and its arguments as a “conspiracy thesis resting on five claims.” He writes: “In this review, I will focus on each of these claims in turn and show that they are groundless, and worse.”

I strongly reject this compression of my book and hope readers of the Radosh review, not my book, will one day discover for themselves that the nature, substance, thematic structure, and tone of American Betrayal are wholly unrecognizable next to the Radosh presentation.

For purposes of this rebuttal, however, I will address the five Radosh claims, one by one. I will be as brief — but also as comprehensive — as possible. I will focus on disproving unsupportable claims and rectifying the distortions inherent in these “five claims.” I will show that Radosh’s treatment of the subject matter bears little — and often literally no — resemblance to what is actually on the printed page. In other words, that it’s Radosh’s claims about my book that are “groundless and worse.”

In so doing, I will also point out a number of mistakes and inaccuracies — and outright fabrications — that pock and riddle the Radosh “take-down.”

One final note: In rebutting these five charges, I will sometimes need to lead a reader more deeply into the weeds of fact and context than others. With that in mind, I will start with the most easily grasped set of Radosh misstatements.

The fifth and final section of the Radosh review is called “The Issue of the Second Front.” It runs more than 1,800 words, which makes it a little over 20 percent of the whole review.

Bear that in mind that it critiques a debate over the “second front” in World War II that is not in my book.

Radosh sets up Claim No. 5 as the debate over when to invade northern France: either in 1943 or 1944.

He writes:

Let us assume for a moment that a cross-Channel invasion had been mounted in 1943 (before the Axis armies had been decimated in North Africa, Sicily and Italy) instead of at Normandy in 1944. In that case, as [historian Laurence] Rees argues, the Allies might indeed have reached Eastern Europe earlier in the fighting and Soviet influence would have been lessened. West, as we have seen, attributes the failure to Soviet agents who prevented Roosevelt and Churchill from following this course, allowing Stalin to take control. But Rees also writes (in a passage West also ignores) that “the cost in human terms for the Western Allies would have been enormous.

Just to be clear, Radosh is saying that my discussion of the “second front” debate concerns the timing of the invasion of northern France. The US and Britain failed to invade northern France in 1943, Radosh claims I argue, due to “Soviet agents.”

There is a surreal quality to what I now must write: This section, 20 percent of the Radosh review, in no way, shape or form tracks the debate over the “second front” that is examined in American Betrayal. It’s simply not the debate I work through in my book. I repeat: It’s not in my book.

Further, Radosh calls my “interpretation of this event” (the one that is not in my book) “shallow and erroneous.”

What American Betrayal does examine in Chapter 9 is whether the abundantly confirmed presence of agents of Kremlin influence inside the US policy-making chain turned, shaded or shaped “second front” planning to Stalin’s advantage in the epic debate among the so-called Big Three. This great debate was over whether to amass US and British forces in northern France or in the Italy/Balkan region.

In simplest terms, I wrote about France vs. Italy/Balkan — not, as Radosh erroneously asserts, France ‘43 vs. France ‘44.

The word “Italy” does not appear in this section of the Radosh review in relation to the “second front” debate. Nor does the word “Balkan.”

This is so incredible I must repeat it: Radosh missed my entire debate, from the crux of it to the fine details.

The chapter in American Betrayal in question is 13,500 words long with 84 endnotes.

This omission automatically renders a series of related Radosh charges against me non-applicable and therefore false.

For example:

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