Update: Rattle #2


There was a 2.8 at 2:46 p.m., but we didn’t post it. In fact, we didn’t even look up.

But the one @ 8:04 p.m.? The Baron says it was magnitude 4.2, according to the USGS website.

Hey! What’s with this rittle-rattle? Some of us are trying to do a fund-raiser, ya know.

I definitely don’t have time to keep running outside with my scaredy black cat at my heels and us having to wait in the yard till the Baron’s paintings stop bouncing around in their frames…

Okay, so I’ll admit the first time was exciting. The second? Not so much.

Mother Nature needs to get a grip.

Fighting Dirty

Thom Jefferson is a Gates of Vienna reader and commenter who lives and works in East London. He encountered the following poster at 4pm today on Whitechapel Road in Tower Hamlets, and took a photo for us:

UAF poster: Breivik-Robinson #1

I enlarged the poster and removed the foreshortening to make it clearer:

UAF poster: Breivik-Robinson #2

So this is what we’re all up against.

This is an example of the favored tactic that is being used against us on both sides of the Atlantic, and we can expect more of the same for the indefinite future.

For what it’s worth, here’s my advice to EDL members and their sympathizers, both inside and outside the UK:

  • Don’t waste your time “denouncing” or “repudiating” Anders Behring Breivik. By going on the defensive in such a manner, you implicitly affirm the legitimacy of connecting the EDL with the Oslo killer. That’s a mug’s game, and you cannot possibly win it.
  • For the same reason, don’t bother saying, “We’re not racists.” That’s also a defensive stance, and automatically puts you one-down. Decline to take part in any discussions about race and racism. Islam is not a race, so such arguments are irrelevant.
  • Affirm your non-violence through your actions, not by declaring yourself non-violent. Actions speak louder than words. If the EDL is consistently peaceful, sober, and helpful to the community, then the demonization by the UAF and the media will not have its intended effect.
  • Stay on-message. Don’t be drawn into pointless arguments started by the enemy on his own terrain. Those can never be won. “Peacefully opposing militant Islam” says it all. That’s the topic; stick to it.
  • If a statement must be made, limit yourself to simple, one-sentence declarations. For example: “The EDL believes in resisting sharia through peaceful, democratic means.” That’s a winner.

One final note: if UAF are fighting this hard, and this dirty, it means they are losing.

They are afraid of the EDL.

They are frightened of the English people.

This means you’re being effective. Keep at it.

Shakin’ and Quakin’ in Virginia

Earthquake in Virginia

So there I was, stretched out on our bed and slathered with arnica gel in an attempt to bring down my pain level. That’s also when I usually meditate, though in truth it often becomes a half-snooz-itate.

The Baron was next to me with a pillow over his eyes, something he does for a few minutes when he’s been too long at the computer.

Suddenly the bed began to shake. “Oh, no! My husband is having an epileptic seizure!”

Except he wasn’t. The bed was empty (he’d long since tiptoed out and returned to the eye-ruining computer in his office).

Second thought: the earth is having an epileptic seizure…again! Which means running outside and waiting for it to pass. So we did. From outside, we could still hear the bedroom’s contents shaking. This went on for about a minute or so. Perhaps less. You know how it is when the earth moves. It does funny things to time.

Eventually silence descended and we returned to the house, looking to see if anything had fallen, if all our gear was still functioning. The phone was working, the electricity was on. A few things had fallen off the shelves. Otherwise it was quiet. That odd kind of stillness which I remembered from that first one a few years ago.

Next step: to phone our near by friends, neighbors, and relatives. One teenager in Richmond was shaken out of bed. A friend who works at home and lives a very short distance away as the crow flies had the sound of adrenalin in his voice (this is a very quiet fellow in usual circumstances) when he answered the phone.

Next — what else? — we opened Drudge. His “major news” headline in a huge font lettered in red:


That’s the real news for the real important people.

If you prefer reality the Baron located the epicenter in Virginia, between Cuckoo and Gum Spring. Yes, world, Virginia does have a teeming metropolis called Cuckoo. And another named Bumpass. America is full of strangely-named places: Desolation, Purgatory, Penance, Intercourse…wait. That should be Intercourse, Penance, Purgatory. For sure, there were some Quakers and Baptists naming their villages back then.

Three guesses where Obama was when they were evacuating the White House. Hint, it has long swaths of green grass interspersed randomly with sand pits and little tiny holes. I wonder if he uses his Secret Service agents as caddies?

Anyway, back in Big World, the headlines were streaming out. Here are a few the Baron collected:

  • 5.9 quake hits Va.; WH, Pentagon evacuated
  • 5.9 magnitude quake rocks East Coast
  • NYC feels tremors from quake in Virginia area
  • Quake rocks Washington area, felt on East Coast
  • 5.8 earthquake hits Washington DC
  • Earthquake rocks Washington area
  • Earthquake rocks New Jersey and New York
  • Quake rattles Washington, felt in New York
  • Earthquake In Virginia Shakes Manhattan, Brooklyn
  • 5.8 earthquake in Virginia felt in Washington, New York City, North Carolina
  • Earthquake strikes US east coast
  • Earthquake Felt In Washington, DC
  • 5.8 earthquake in Virginia felt in Washington, New York City, North Carolina
  • Possible Quake Shakes DC
  • 5.8 Earthquake Hits Virginia, Washington, DC
  • Earthquake Hits Virginia Area: Impacts Raleigh to New York
  • Strong earthquake strikes the US East Coast, widely felt
  • 5.9 Quake Hits Near Washington DC
  • Virginia Earthquake Felt In NH
  • 5.9 Earthquake Rattles W.Va.
  • Earthquake in Virginia felt in Kentucky
  • Quake Strikes Near DC
  • Quake hits near Washington, DC
  • Earthquake in Virginia felt throughout W.Va.
  • Earthquake in Virginia Shakes New York City

Here’s the government agency website for your earthquake news.

And good ol’ wiki for Virginia Seismic Zone, which lists most of the tremors in Virginia.

As I said, this latest one was bigger than the shaker in 2003. In fact, the wiki claims quakes of this size are rare. This is bigger than any of the others on the list, with the nearest being a 5.8 in 1897. Most of them are 2, 3, or 4, or else have no measurement listed.

When that last one hit in 2003, the Baron was working in Richmond. Gates of Vienna was unborn, and there was snow on the ground. My daughter had only two months left to live, though I didn’t know it then [this awful tic of measuring dates against May 8 2003, her death day, has begun to widen, to include July 22nd, 2011 as part of a new calculus. 9/11 was the previous end-to-ignorance. How many more can a spirit encompass? It’s as though I were measuring the talomeres of a thanototic ecology].

I have some vague recollection of writing a post about this, but the memory doesn’t make sense, given that GoV was’nt even an idea back then. Probably that memory is really an email to all our out-of-stare friends describing our remarkable event. As also happened today, I was in my bare feet, but back then I was hopping in the half-frozen snow out in the garden. The cats were frozen, too, but it looked more like fear on them. That one put a crack in the chimney on the south side of Schloss Bodissey, a chimney which has since been taken down. Not because of the quake, but just because it was unusable and ugly.

There was a strange phenomenon in 2003 which didn’t happen this time. As the quake began I heard what I thought was a train running down the driveway. I’d never experienced an earthquake before, so my immediate thought was, “My heavens, that train is close.” I realized I was harking back to an ancient time when I did live next to a railroad track. And then the present moment snapped back like a rubber band and I promptly evacuated the premises, with our cats following closely behind.

Later, I was told the mysterious “train” was in fact the noise generated by the phenomenon of thousands of bare tree branches oscillating rapidly due to tremors transmitted by the ground in which their trunks were rooted. This time, the trees are fully leafed, and any shaking noise was damped down by their presence.

I don’t understand the math of seismic measurement. The one in 2003 was 4.5, and the one which occurred today was 5.9 on the Richter Scale. This is Greek to me, but our resident Phi Beta Kappa math geek (Yeah, I’m bragging)* is attempting once more to explain what orders of magnitude mean:

“Each number on the Richter Scale represents an order of magnitude, so that a quake with a magnitude 5 is ten times as strong as one registering a magnitude 4, and a hundred times as strong as a magnitude 3. Thus today’s quake (5.9) was about 25 times as strong at the epicenter as the 2003 quake (4.5).”

*[Math Geek-in-Residence objects to my public notice re his brilliance. Objection duly noted]

To give some perspective on this event, the real thing in Japan last March registered 9.0 on the Richter scale, making it more than a thousand times stronger than what went down in Cuckoo today.

Which explains why the teenager only fell out of bed in Richmond rather than having the house collapse on top of him; and why the lamp fell off the top of the scanner which sits atop the filing cabinet in the Baron’s office when instead it would have spelled the doom of Schloss Bodissey and the Baron. The jar of onion powder falling off the spice cabinet would instead have meant the end of the kitchen in which the spice cabinet was built. Not to mention what might have happened to Lake Anna’s nuclear power plant, located in the same county (Louisa) as the epicenter.

I hope things were equally mild in Cuckoo, though I’ll bet a few chimneys cracked.

North Anna nuclear power plant

Regarding that two-reactor nuclear power plant at Lake Anna, located in the same county where the epicenter occurred: it appears the ‘shutdown’ was automatic. They’re using back-up generators for the critical stuff while assessments of possible damage are done.

Oh heavens, I do hope this doesn’t mean the descent of those Green Loonies who want all nuclear energy turned into plowshares. Or whatever it is they propose to use in place of a good system.

Someone in the Comments section of that news report said cryptically:

“No worries, its a Westinghouse facility not a GE.”

So can anyone here tell us why Westinghouse is better?

NOTE: Updated and edited @5:25 p.m.

Summer Fund Raiser: Sailing Home, Day One

Caspar David Friedrich: On the Sailing-Boat (detail)

Say wha’??

Nah, it can’t possibly be time for the Summer Fundraiser. Why the Spring bleg just ended a few…umm, let me look.

Oops. Spring Break at Gates of Vienna did indeed begin on May 15th. Oh my, that was a whole garden ago. So how come it feels like last week, while also seeming to reside in a dim memory from a former life?

Yeah, three guesses.

All those gawkers and squawkers from Norway and Sweden took their toll; the unrelentingly focused hatred was a brand new life lesson. As soon as I’ve recovered from those stare burns, I’ll read up on the answers in the back of the book and let you know what those lessons are.

Right now, though, I’m betting that y’all could tell me what went down better than I.

Here’s one lesson that’s still as fresh and purple as a bruise.

I now comprehend much more clearly how effective are the techniques of shaming and shunning for keeping people in line. Prior to Breivik’s slaughter I’d have said I understood this already.

After all, socialists and other fellow-travelers in America have long since branded us with the big R for racist. Not because we’ve ever said anything racist, but simply because we dare to discuss the subject.

Just so you understand the contrast: in Germany it is illegal to do scientific research aimed at understanding the differences to be found in those parts of our DNA which define our race. The fear-driven elitists have taken that quest for knowledge off the table. “Verboten!” Does it not remind you of the intellectual strictures the Roman Catholic Church once used against the pursuit of scientific understanding?

At any rate, slapping labels on our blog is so much easier than going through the trouble of verifying what others claim. It saves thinking. But our bullies over here are amateurs in comparison to Norway’s authorities and their mini-me media mouthpieces. I understand better than I did before Breivik how powerful such social pressures are in those countries. As a result, I will now defend against any commenter who attempts to lay the blame on individuals who live in totalitarian democracies. They’re no more responsible for the lack of integrity in their media, government and academia than we are for the rot we see in our cultural institutions.

In fact, Norwegians, Swedes and Finns have it much harder than we do. Their fate, to live in a gilded cage where your owners are so very kind, so terribly thoughtful — as long as you never, ever step out of line in word or deed — is not something I’d wish on anyone. Not even Charles Johnson. When I observe the increasing restrictions here I can guess what lies ahead for us if that same totalitarian mindset is allowed permanent ascendancy. Except our landscape will not be as pretty, nor our cities so clean.

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Tip jarAnd now… we’re still in one piece (and you’ll notice, still holding hands). From where we sit, you can just see Schloss Bodissey through the mists. Happiness is knowing that, give a league or two, Norway is five thousand miles behind us.

Since the gawkers are gone and comments are turned back on, let’s do this belated Autumn Fundraiser beginning now!

Don’t forget our ongoing pledge: we tithe our donations to Vlad Tepes. He didn’t ask for this, it was our idea. Not only is his video work a valuable contribution, but like us he lives carefully, he “manages” so he can continue to fight against the incursions of sharia into our culture.

We’re all in this together, so “Let’s Roll”!

The tip jar in the text above is just for decoration. To donate, click the tin cup on our sidebar, or the donate button. If you prefer a monthly subscription, click the “subscribe” button.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/22/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/22/2011Reports of the capture of Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi were apparently premature, since the son of beleaguered Libyan dictator Muamar Ghedafi appeared with an armed entourage at a hotel in Tripoli, where he was taped and photographed.

The Libyan dinar is expected to be withdrawn from circulation at any moment, and Arab businessmen are flocking to Cairo with suitcases of Libyan currency notes, which they hope to sell to their Libyan counterparts before it is too late.

In other news, after bouncing back and forth today, the stock market settled down at the close of trading slightly above its starting value, ending a major slide. American bank stocks were down, however, apparently in reaction to the continuing debt crisis in the Eurozone and the ECB.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to Diana West, Gaia, Insubria, JP, KGS, Nilk, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Forcing Immigrants to Vote

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends this translation from yesterday’s Aftonbladet, and includes this introductory note:

It seems that the Labour-led coalition government in Norway wants to capitalize on the ‘immigrant vote’. They are very aware that the majority of the third world immigrants will vote for them if they promise to keep their end of the bargain, which of course is to continue with their very liberal immigration policies.

The translated article:

Opposition parties don’t want compulsory voting

The political opposition parties aren’t thrilled about a proposal from the government’s integration committee about introducing mandatory voting in Norway.

A majority of the committee members believe that mandatory voting is an interesting idea which needs to be studied more closely. Such an arrangement could guarantee that all the different ethnic groups in Norway participate in national elections. A minority of the committee members, however, fear that a legal requirement to vote could lead to contempt for the political system.

If the government decided to propose mandatory voting, the task of looking into this will probably fall on The Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration. There is little enthusiasm for such a proposal in this committee, writes Aftenposten.

“The act of voting is supposed to come from an inner spirit of civic duty,” says Michael Tetzschner from The Conservative Party (Høyre). He fears what he calls ‘criminalisation of couch potatoes’ if this arrangement provides for the issuing of fines to those voters who choose not to vote without valid reasons.

He believes that the motives behind the proposal are honourable in that it would ensure that voters with an immigrant background exercise their voting rights. But Tetzschner also believes that it challenges the democratic spirit. Democracy also means the right not to vote, argues Tetzschner.

A member of The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs for the Conservative Party (Høyre), Per-Kristian Foss, points out that Belgium already has such a voting system. Things don’t seem to have improved in Belgium because of it, he says.

Foss instead suggests rekindling the old slogan that ‘to vote is a civic duty’ in which he puts emphasis on the word ‘duty’.

Gjermund Hagesæter from the Progress Party and Geir Bekkevold from the Christian Democratic Party also agree that mandatory voting sounds like a bad idea.

Bad: Email’s Down. Good: EU Skepticism’s Up

An announcement for anyone trying to reach us via our webmail:

It’s out of service and has been for several hours now. We have no idea why. I tried calling the couple who runs our ISP but no luck. So my guess is they’ve been served yet another huge dam of spam.

Had this happened during the day, I’d surmise some backhoe operator cut the cable, but since we’re past working hours, that leaves the spammers as the proximate villains.

This is a good excuse to post a video I found yesterday at Klein Verzet. Enjoy this glimpse of the growing phenomenon of Eurosceptic graffiti:

The Breivik Portfolio, Part Three: The OIC Connection

OIC: Hillary Clinton and Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu

Note: This post is of necessity long and involved, because the Organization of Islamic Cooperation does not pursue its goals in a straightforward fashion. If the OIC made all its moves in broad daylight where everyone could see what was happening, this article would not only be much shorter, it would be unnecessary.

Unraveling the knots of the OIC’s intentions requires lengthy exposition, much explaining, and laborious interpretation. The reader may be halfway or two-thirds of the way through this post before he realizes what I’m trying to do.

Bear with me: this really is going somewhere. The result will be worth your time.

In the aftermath of the Oslo massacre, the common theme in the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic was that “anti-Islam” websites like this one were at least partially responsible for the slaughter carried out by Anders Behring Breivik. According to the media’s logic, we “created a climate of hate” that helped legitimize the actions of the killer.

As our several of our recent posts have demonstrated, however, the opposite was in fact the case — any opposition to Islam in the West has been relentlessly delegitimized and demonized in public discourse for at least the last decade. The absolute ban on any meaningful discussion of the issues at stake prevented any normal political action, leaving the field open for a psychopathic mass-murderer to do it his way. Many ordinary people have long been silenced, since opposing Islam is often a career-killer, but why would a psychopath worry about such trivial matters?

The public standards regulating the discussion of Islam all across the West are remarkably uniform. Whether enforced formally or informally, they require the suppression of free speech in draconian ways that are not applied to speech about any other religion or group. How did this come about?

All of these rules about what may and may not be said about Islam — where did they come from?

Longtime readers already know the answer to that question: the discussion of Islam in the public forums of the West is regulated by the tenets of shariah, as described in the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet and codified in the four principal schools of Islamic law. This application of shariah in the West accords with the repeated demands of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as promulgated through resolutions at the United Nations. The behavior of the media, the academy, and Western political leaders closely follows the strictures against the “defamation of religions” as laid down by the OIC.

The first post in this series examined the American influences on Anders Behring Breivik. Part Two looked at the killer’s training and connections in Belarus, Russia, and Chechnya.

In this third installment we’ll highlight a different sort of influence:

  • What created the environment in which a Norwegian mass murderer could be “weaponized” so effectively against the European Counterjihad?
  • Why are our governments and our media complying with the demands of the OIC?
  • How did Western Europe and the United States become such willing and diligent enforcers of shariah law?

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To understand the astonishing degree to which the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has subverted the institutions of the West, it is necessary to investigate in some detail the historical and legal basis for the OIC’s demands.

Back during the Danish Mohammed cartoon crisis in 2006, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary General of the OIC, said this [pdf]:

The angry reaction in the Muslim world… is mainly due to the premeditated and deliberate attack on the revered person of the prophet, whose holy position, message and teachings were maliciously and calculatingly sacrilege by the so called defenders of freedom.

To Prof. Ihsanoglu, the rights and freedoms we enjoy in the West are illegitimate and deserving of scorn. He and the OIC recognize a different standard, one that sets well-defined limits on freedom of speech as required by Islam. As I pointed out last week, the OIC foreign ministers recently passed a resolution [pdf] that included these clauses (italics added):

7.   Expresses its deep concern over the frequent and erroneous association of Islam with violations of human rights and the misuse of the print and audio-visual media in propagating such misconceptions which lead to the reinforcement of prejudice and discrimination against Muslims and calls on the Member States to undertake information activities to counter these activities;
8.   Notes with grave concern the increasing trend of Islamophobic measures in the Western countries, stresses the responsibility of those States to ensure full respect to Islam and all divine religions and the inapplicability of using freedom of expression or press as a pretext to defame religions, and calls for refrain from imposing restrictions, in any form whatsoever, on the cultural and religious rights and freedoms of people.
10.   Expresses the need to pursue, as a matter of priority, a common policy aimed at preventing defamation of Islam perpetrated under the pretext and justification of the freedom of expression in particular through media and Internet.

As is often the case with Islam, common English phrases such as “human rights” and “defamation of religion” mean something different to the Muslims of the OIC than they do to non-Muslims.

The founding document of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (now the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) is its Charter [pdf], which states in Article 15:

The Independent Permanent Commission on Human Rights shall promote the civil, political, social and economic rights enshrined in the organisation’s covenants and declarations and in universally agreed human rights instruments, in conformity with Islamic values. [emphasis added]

So what “universally agreed human rights instruments” are referenced here? Is the OIC referring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was passed by the United Nations soon after its founding?

Not at all. The OIC considers the UDHR inadequate and un-Islamic. To codify the human rights of Muslims, the OIC created the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, commonly known as the “Cairo Declaration”. It is a formal legal instrument put together by the OIC on behalf of OIC member states in 1990, and was formally served to the United Nations in 1993.

Article 22 of the Cairo Declaration states:

(a)   Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari’ah.
    1.   Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari’ah.
(c)   Information is a vital necessity to society. It may not be exploited or misused in such a way as may violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets, undermine moral and ethical Values or disintegrate, corrupt or harm society or weaken its faith.
(d)   It is not permitted to excite nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or to do anything that may be an incitement to any form or racial discrimination. [emphasis added]

This is a clear statement of the doctrinal limitations imposed on free speech by Islamic law. Speech may not “violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets”, nor may it create “doctrinal hatred”. Above all, it must “not be contrary to the principles of the Shari’ah”.

In case the reader has any doubts, Article 24 tells us “All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari’ah”, and Article 25 says, “The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.”

Each term in Article 22 is carefully chosen to reflect a specific provision of shariah. At first glance, much of what is written there may seem innocuous to non-Muslims. However, a closer examination of Islamic law reveals meanings that are in direct conflict with the UDHR, the United States Constitution, and human rights as they are generally understood by Westerners.

Islamic law is based directly on the Koran and the hadith, but for over a thousand years it has been codified in various manuals of Islamic jurisprudence that are used in shariah courts. One of the most widely-used and respected manuals is ’Umdat al-salik wa ’uddat al-nasik, or The reliance of the traveller and tools of the worshipper. It was compiled by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri in the 14th century, and is commonly referred to as Reliance of the Traveller when cited in English. My copy is the Revised Edition from 1994, edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. This book is universally considered an authoritative source on Sunni Islamic law, since it is certified as such by Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the most respected authority on theological matters in Sunni Islam. The Keller translation is also certified as an authoritative English version by Al-Azhar, the Egyptian government, the Saudi government, and other official bodies.

According to al-Misri, defamation against Islam — slander — is considered an act of apostasy, or leaving Islam. Consulting Book O, “Justice”, in Reliance of the Traveller, we learn that the following acts constitute leaving Islam (§o8.7):

Among the things that entail apostasy from Islam… are:

(4)   to revile Allah or his messenger…
(5)   to deny the existence of Allah…
(6)   to be sarcastic about Allah’s name…
(15)   to hold that any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent…
(16)   to revile the religion of Islam…
(19)   to be sarcastic about any ruling of the sacred law…
(20)   or to deny that Allah intended the prophet’s message… to be the religion followed by the entire world…

This is what the Cairo Declaration and the OIC are referring to when they proscribe the defamation of religion. There must be no reviling of Allah or Mohammed. The divine mission of Mohammed may not be denied. In fact, one may not even be sarcastic about the prophet.

Most importantly, these rules do not apply to Muslims only — they must be obeyed by everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Hence the OIC’s outreach to the UN, and beyond that to individual Western nations, in an attempt to impose its definition of religious defamation on the rest of the world.

The OIC considers itself to be the principal consultative council of the Ummah, which is the collective body of all believers. This is stated explicitly in its Charter:

Article 6

The Islamic Summit is composed of Kings and Heads of State and Government of Member States and is the supreme authority of the Organisation.

Article 7

The Islamic Summit shall deliberate, take policy decisions and provide guidance on all issues pertaining to the realization of the objectives as provided for in the Charter and consider other issues of concern to the Member States and the Ummah.

When the fifty-seven nations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation meet, they declare openly in English that they are the Ummah. Thus the office of secretary general of the OIC — a position now held by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu — will someday be transformed into that of the Caliph, if the OIC has its way.

This may seem like a paranoid fantasy, but the Caliph was the recognized leader of all Sunni Muslims until Kemal Ataturk abolished the institution of the Caliphate in 1924. During all 1,400 years of Islamic history, only the last eighty-seven have seen the Ummah without a Caliph. The Caliphate is a very recent memory, and looms large in the collective consciousness of all Muslims who are educated in the history and meaning of their faith.

The Caliphate, under Turkish leadership, is what the OIC is aiming for.

When the Ummah achieves its aim, and the world Caliphate is fully realized, everything that I have said here — even though it can be established to be factually true — would make me guilty of slander under Islamic law.

For which, incidentally, the prescribed penalty is death.

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What does all this have to do with Anders Behring Breivik and the massacre of July 22, 2011?

Once again, to understand the connection between OIC resolutions and the aftermath of the atrocities in Norway, we must take a circuitous route and examine the OIC’s strategy as it is being applied in the West. The OIC is now halfway through a ten-year program designed to eliminate “Islamophobia” in the infidel world. To that end it established the Islamophobia Observatory, and every year the Observatory issues a report with its findings and recommendations.

The most recent of these reports is the “Fourth OIC Observatory Report on Islamophobia” [pdf], covering the period from May 2010 to April 2011. It was presented at the 38th Council of Foreign Ministers in Kazakhstan at the end of June.

On pages 32-33 we find this:

From the OIC’s perspective and a substantive standpoint, the following elements would have to be considered in evolving a future course of action:

  • Consistency would be required to be maintained at two levels, namely, between the different Human Rights i.e. ensuring that there was no hierarchy among these Rights whereby one would be preferred over the others; and secondly, an equal treatment with regard to the three elements of national, racial and religious hatred — in terms of both international law and practice — would be essential; [emphasis added]

This clearly refers to the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights, as described earlier in this post. The declared desire to eliminate “hierarchy among these Rights” is disingenuous — what will happen if any of these different sets of rights contradict each other? More specifically, what will happen if any of the specified rights contradict shariah?

The answer is obvious: the Cairo Declaration takes precedence. As Article 25 states, “The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.”

In other words, by accepting the Cairo Declaration as an equal partner among various sets of rights, non-Muslims would be implicitly affirming the precedence of shariah. There would be no “equal treatment”. A hierarchy would indeed be established, with Islam at the head, and any assertion to the contrary is deliberate deception on the part of the OIC.

The report continues:

  • It appeared that the situation with regard to the Articles 19 (3) and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights (ICCPR) could be summed up by focusing on three gaps which may be characterized by cause-effect relationships:
    1.   The first reflected itself in the ‘implementation void’ wherein the international law, as stipulated in ICCPR and ICERD, was rendered ineffective by the absence of enforcement mechanisms…
    2.   Secondly, there was an ‘interpretation void’ wherein the spirit or the essence of international instruments had not been adequately amplified for it to be translated into law and practice at the national level;
    3.   Thirdly, there was an ‘institutional void’ characterized by a lack of monitoring that could be best filled by reviving the Durban Review proposal of an Observatory at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights that the OIC had been supporting;

Cutting through the bureaucratic bumf, what the OIC is saying here is that there exists no adequate enforcement mechanism for human rights as Islam understands the term, so it proposes to implement the recommendations emerging from “Durban” — a forum dominated by OIC member states.

Further down in the report we read this:

  • Approaches like applying the ‘test of consequences’ were useful and would have to be explored/refined further in an objective fashion towards evolving a consensus with regard to effectively addressing the matter; and
  • As regards the issue of freedom of opinion and expression, the OIC could with the views of Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and expression with regard to making “very few exceptions” but the contours of such exceptions would have to be identified. OIC believed that unfortunate and outrageous episodes like the caricatures and the burning of holy Quran merited the grant of such exceptions; [emphasis added]

This is the heart of the matter.

The Cairo Declaration insists that there must be exceptions to the right of free speech — hopefully “very few” — when defamation of Islam or the prophet is the issue. Most European countries, under the benevolent guidance of the EU, have already fallen into line on this requirement, as evidenced by the state prosecutions of Geert Wilders, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Lars Hedegaard, Jussi Halla-aho, and numerous others.

The USA remains a stubborn holdout, thanks to an annoying little piece of paper known as the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. One of the primary goals of the OIC is to find a workaround for this problem, and the “test of consequences” may be the solution it has been looking for.

The idea is that the intent of the speaker and the meaning of what he says would no longer be the only issue. The judicial system would also be required to take the likely “consequences” of his speech into account when determining whether he is engaging in a form of protected expression. If he writes an article, performs a song, or draws a picture that is likely to anger a group of people and make them riot, then that is a consequence of his actions, and would justify restrictions on those particular instances of expression.

If the United States could be persuaded to adopt this test — supplementing the more familiar standard imposing a “test of content”, which covers incitement and so on — then the OIC could implement its plan and eliminate “Islamophobia” in America without ever having to amend the Constitution or change any existing laws.

As the report tells us on pages 36-37:

Reaffirming the validity of the recommendations made in the three preceding reports — as part of the strategy to combating Islamophobia and anti- Islam and Muslims tendencies and trends in the Western mind and media in particular — the Observatory would like to reiterate as well as propose the following elements:


d)   Ensuring swift and effective implementation of the new approach signified by the consensual adoption of HRC Resolution 16/18, entitled “combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief” , by, inter alia, removing the gaps in implementation and interpretation of international legal instruments and criminalizing acts of incitement to hatred and violence on religious grounds with a view to curbing the double standards and racial profiling that continue to feed religious strife detrimental to peace, security and stability.
e)   Constructively engaging to bridge divergent views on the limits to the right to freedom of opinion and expression, in a structured multilateral framework, and in the light of events like the burning of Quran geared towards filling the ‘interpretation void’ with regard to the interface between articles 19 (3) and 20 of the ICCPR based on emerging approaches like applying the ‘test of consequence’.

If the “test of consequences” can be slipped into American judicial precedent, the OIC will be well on the way to realizing its most important goals.

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So how is the project coming along? Are Americans so deeply asleep that they will allow the OIC to sneak this one past them?

More to the point, are our leaders so stupid and/or duplicitous that they will aid and abet the Ummah in its efforts to scuttle the First Amendment?

Whether he was weaponized in advance or exploited after committing his crimes, Anders Behring Breivik helped expedite the implementation of the “test of consequences” by providing the exact consequences that the Left-Islam alliance had been looking for. A mass-murdering white right-wing extremist is just what they needed to open the door for the new judicial regime.

Consider the following excerpts from an article by Sheila Musaji that appeared in The American Muslim just after the Oslo atrocities:

Islamophobia does have consequences

by Sheila Musaji

There are many questions raised by this terrible event, and the background of this man. Among them is the question of whether or not any of the statements made by the far-right individuals and organizations that he admired and quoted could possibly bear any of the responsibility for the terrible actions of this man.


Mark Sageman a former CIA officer and consultant on terrorism, said that it would be unfair to attribute Breivik’s violence to the writers who helped shape his world view. But at the same time, he said the counterjihad writers do argue that the fundamentalist Salafi branch of Islam “is the infrastructure from which al-Qaida emerged. Well, they and their writings are the infrastructure from which Breivik emerged.”


Those who have been mentioned or quoted in Breivik’s manifesto have been very quick to attempt to distance themselves from any possible responsibility. We are anti-Jihadists, we are opposed to terrorism, we have never told anyone to use violence or terrorism as a tactic against anyone.

That may be true, however, they have indulged in a discussion about Islam and Muslims that is characterized by extreme rhetoric.

The climate they have helped to create or reinforce is one of intolerance, fear, and resentment.


We have free speech in this country, and as long as they don’t break the law, these folks can say whatever they want. That doesn’t mean that we can’t speak out against what they are saying, or that we can’t identify their speech for what it is — hateful, bigoted, evil, dangerous, Islamophobia! In fact, we are not only free to counter hate speech, but it is a moral obligation to do so.

Whether it is extremist Muslims like Al Qaeda calling for a Jihad, or extremist Christians who want to bring on Armageddon (since they’ll be “raptured” they won’t have to suffer) and are calling for a Crusade, or extremist Jews who put Israel above Judaism. There are religious extremists everywhere who are using the internet and other modern means to get their message out more widely than ever before possible. Somehow we have tone down [sic] the hate rhetoric and find a way to live together in peace.

Ms. Musaji has laid out her requirements fairly clearly — we must “tone down the hate rhetoric”. Obviously, the only way this can be accomplished is to use judicial means to limit the First Amendment rights of American citizens. But will the Obama administration go along with it?

Actually, the Obama administration was already on board with the program long before Anders Breivik chambered his first round on Utøya. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been assiduously courting the OIC for months, and sealed the deal with the secretary general just a week before Mr. Breivik went on his murderous rampage. Below are excerpts from Mrs. Clinton’s remarks at the “Organization of the Islamic Conference High-Level Meeting on Combating Religious Intolerance” in Istanbul on July 15, 2011:

For our part, I have asked our Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom, Suzan Johnson Cook, to spearhead our implementation efforts. And to build on the momentum from today’s meeting, later this year the United States intends to invite relevant experts from around the world to the first of what we hope will be a series of meetings to discuss best practices, exchange ideas, and keep us moving forward beyond the polarizing debates of the past; to build those muscles of respect and empathy and tolerance that the secretary general referenced. It is essential that we advance this new consensus and strengthen it, both at the United Nations and beyond, in order to avoid a return to the old patterns of division.

The Human Rights Council has given us a comprehensive framework [i.e. Resolution 16/18] for addressing this issue on the international level. But at the same time, we each have to work to do more to promote respect for religious differences in our own countries. In the United States, I will admit, there are people who still feel vulnerable or marginalized as a result of their religious beliefs. And we have seen how the incendiary actions of just a very few people, a handful in a country of nearly 300 million, can create wide ripples of intolerance. We also understand that, for 235 years, freedom of expression has been a universal right at the core of our democracy. So we are focused on promoting interfaith education and collaboration, enforcing antidiscrimination laws, protecting the rights of all people to worship as they choose, and to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor. [emphasis added]

The blueprint for the implementation of the OIC’s program can be discerned from Mrs. Clinton’s carefully-chosen words. The United States will undertake “implementation efforts” providing “a comprehensive framework” to address the problem of “incendiary actions” (i.e. speech that defames Islam) that generate “wide ripples of intolerance”. Those “ripples” are the consequences for which the “incendiary actions” of the “Islamophobes” will be tested.

The Secretary of State is intelligent enough to realize that implementation of the OIC’s standards cannot be accomplished just yet. First there must be “peer pressure and shaming” — that is, people who criticize Islam must be put beyond the pale.

What we say here must be repeatedly excluded from polite discourse, stigmatized, shunned, and made unthinkable.

When that is accomplished, the legal niceties that codify the “test of consequences” will be an afterthought, a mere formal confirmation of what everyone already knows is the right thing to do.

Anders Behring Breivik provided a golden opportunity for the American media — who are more than eager to go along with Mrs. Clinton’s program — to begin the process of shaming and shunning the Counterjihad movement. Unfortunately, more Breiviks will be required before they can finish the job properly.

God help us all.

Previously in the Breivik Portfolio:

2011   Aug   11   Part One: The American Connection
        16   Part Two: The Chechen Connection

Previous posts about Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and the OIC:

2007   Aug   31   The OIC is Barking Now
    Sep   7   OIC: Insulting Islam is an Illness
        12   Sweden Apologizes Again… Or Not
    Dec   10   Countering Islamophobia
2008   Feb   17   Nice Little Civilization You Have Here…
    Mar   6   Our Man in the OIC
        13   An American Dhimmi in Dakar
    Apr   30   Is Europe a “Christian-Muslim” Continent?
    Jun   10   OIC: Time to Crack Down on Provocative Speech
        17   The OIC’s Plan for Fighting Islamophobia
        22   The OIC’s Crusade Against Islamophobia
    Aug   3   The Islam-Aligned Movement
    Sep   25   The OIC Fights Islamophobia at Columbia University
    Oct   11   Confronting Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
    Nov   1   Fisking Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
2009   Mar   5   Mandating International Respect for Islam
        20   What is Eurabian Culture?
2010   Jan   25   The Caliphate-in-Waiting
    Jul   27   Accommodating Sharia
    Oct   5   Decoding the Words of the OIC
2011   Jul   29   Pushback Against the OIC — From the UN
    Aug   2   The OIC Calls the Shots
        17   Whitewash in the White House

Hat tip: Frontinus.

Poisoning the Drinking Water of the Spanish Kuffar

Update: Commenters have supplied several English-language links and articles about this story. Click through to the comments to read more.

A reader just sent us this brief news summary from Spain:

It’s interesting that there has been no English-language coverage of this item yet, despite publicity about it in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.

It’s about a jihadi who was convicted for planning to poison the drinking water supply in Spain — particularly at campgrounds, playgrounds and parks where kuffar tourists are likely to be found. Translation of the comments section would indicate that the Spanish are no more enamoured of their Islamic invaders than other ethnic Europeans.

There isn’t much info (that I could find) on the exact charge for which the conviction was given, nor on sentencing. That may come out later or be found elsewhere — I didn’t have time to dig extensively, just thought it was interesting that it had not been covered in English.

This is indeed an intriguing story. I’ll post any further news about it as it arrives.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff on Urban Infidel

Elisabeth's Voice banner 3

Our Austrian correspondent Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was featured yesterday afternoon on Urban Infidel’s Blog Talk Radio program.

I neglected my duty and forgot to mention it before air time, but anyone who wants to hear Elisabeth talk about her case and answer questions from callers can listen to the permanent podcast here.

Most of you already know that earlier this year Elisabeth was convicted in a Vienna courtroom of “denigration of religious beliefs of a legally recognized religion”. Her “crime” was to refer to Mohammed’s sexual predilections as evidenced by his marriage to a nine-year-old girl — an event described in an authentic hadith from Islamic scripture.

In other words, to describe Islam accurately in its own words is to “denigrate” it.

For previous posts on the “hate speech” prosecution of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, see Elisabeth’s Voice: The Archives.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/21/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/21/2011Everyone in the world except for Dymphna and me seems to have gone on vacation. Most of our usual tipsters have disappeared, so the news feed is light tonight.

The big news of the day is that the Libyan rebels have overrun Tripoli, and are said to have captured three of Moammar Gheddafi’s sons. Col. Qadafi himself has not been seen, and he has reportedly already left the capital. It seems that endgame is very close for the Man of Many Spellings.

In other news, an Islam-critical politician from the “Pro” movement in Germany was attacked on the street in Berlin by a masked leftist thug, who sprayed acid in his face. The victim received burns around his eyes, but was released after being treated at the hospital. He is not thought to have been permanently disfigured.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to An EDL buck, heroyalwhyness, Kitman, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

“Democratic” Bullying in Sweden

In yesterday’s post about the EU, I had this to say about the political climate in Sweden:

It must be hell for anyone living in Sweden who publishes an opinion that lies outside the current consensus. Social pressure, public shame, shunning, ostracism, and the bully-boys of the “anti-fascists” await those who dare to step outside the marked boundaries of permissible thought. And all this before the government ever swings into action and files a hets mot folkgrupp charge against the offending freethinker.

In response to my description, our Swedish correspondent LN translated the following post from Thoralf Alfsson’s blog, plus one of the comments left on the post.

Many thanks to LN for his extended efforts on our behalf.

Thoralf Alfsson

Member of Parliament for the Sweden Democrats

The Many Different Forms of “Democratic” Bullying

The bullying rhetoric of Prime Minister Reinfeldt
“Just blame yourself, you bullying victim!”

Reinfeldt Rhetoric.

Now it has happened again!

A Sweden Democrat is again subjected to violence and threats. This time it is also a woman, Therese Borg, who had the windows in her home smashed. Which was also where her children were.

AFA [the “anti-fascists”] claims to be behind this political attack. How do the media react to this? As always, the silence is complete in the media when a Sweden Democrat is exposed to such incidents. None of the major media have mentioned this. I myself have been victim of smashed windows on three occasions. Why hasn’t David Baas written anything in Expressen about the persecution at the hands of the leftists that we Sweden Democrats are exposed to?

Sverigedemokraterna in the crosshairsIt’s about bullying on many levels. We are subjected to threats, violence, and vandalism, but it’s also about the bullying for which the media is ultimately responsible when they only write about what can be seen as negative publicity. That a woman with children is exposed to violence in her own home might arouse sympathy among the public, and therefore journalists like David Baas just shut up. It’s not about any equal values, but bullying by the media.

Worst of all, the media’s behavior sends out signals to society that may be perceived as saying it’s OK to commit crimes against the Sweden Democrats!

In the Swedish parliament another form of bullying is carried out. The other seven parties in Parliament refuse to talk to the Sweden Democrats, and they also will persist in doing it — refusing to talk — if we are to believe their representatives. Sure, that’s their rightful choice, but it’s not very democratic. The form of bullying that I will especially address is that SD is not allowed to be included in the ‘pairing off’ system. The system is a voluntary agreement between the parties, but SD is refused access. When voting in parliament usually 30-60 [of 349] members are absent or ‘paired off’ the vote. In practice this means that the Sweden Democrat members always are forced to attend all voting. At worst, it may mean that you can not attend a relative’s funeral or other family matter, may not become ill, cannot go on a training course if it coincides with a vote, etc.

That this kind of bullying is allowed to go on in the Swedish parliament is not in the least flattering to our country.

In Kalmar there is this political editor Ulf Wickbom who invites all parties except the Sweden Democrats to write their own debate article on the question of ‘Future Large Regions’. One of the more base ways to exercise bullying is to always and on all occasions leave out one person or one party.

We even have organizations in our country that receive state subsidies for engaging in bullying against selected parties. This is done by carrying through massive “slander” and by arranging indoctrination courses, particularly in public workplaces. In other words, a state-certified and -sanctioned bullying process.

The media are the most cunning bullies in our country, but then it is called “making an inquiry”(granskning). But for those who look behind the scenes, this “inquiry” stands out as completely one-sided, as not everything is examined, but only ‘the specially selected’. Those who stand on the barricades together with the politically correct avoid this “inquiry”, regardless of what they have in their luggage — because they belong to the “good ones”.

However, there are some journalists who try to be objective, but the risk is great that their careers will not be as straight as they had hoped for. An editor-in-chief can suddenly become a general reporter in a day. Another one can become an Asian correspondent.

The fact that we have a Prime Minister who, with his rhetoric, justifies the whole thing is to say the least deplorable. Fredrik Reinfeldt has had relatively few setbacks so far, but the way he has responded to them makes me deeply worried about the future. More and bigger setbacks lie ahead for Fredrik Reinfeldt, and then we will probably get the chance to see and hear even more unpleasant things that may amplify the “democratic” bullying and give it new forms.

To many of these bullies’ annoyance, the Sweden Democrats did not drop in the polls after the Norway attacks. Today came Sifo’s results for a poll conducted in August and based on voter interviews. The Sweden Democrats receive 6.0 percent, a very good result considering the massive bullying and the defamation campaign that has been going on for the past month.

This instead suggests a huge momentum behind the Sweden Democrats’ arguments and politics.

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A comment by Lassekolja:

That SD is not allowed to participate in the pairing-off system can be seen as another example of the bullying of the SD, which is in full swing. Is also a further confirmation that our Parliament has become more permanently Sweden’s most expensive and most unworthy sandbox.

In a real democracy, the exposure of a peaceful family to AFA’s methods of realizing their dream society would have brought down the full weight of the entire legal system. That this does not happen in the DEMOCRATURE “New Sweden” can only be because the AFA has the entire political and media establishment’s tacit approval. This is a disgrace to our country, which could have been so nice.

We must surely believe that truth and reality, both of which are SD’s strongest disciplines, win in the end, hopefully, “already” in the election in September 2014!

Sometimes I get the idea (terrible thought!) that the goal of the PC establishment, deep down, is that also we should get a Swedish Anders B Breivik, acting in frustration, given the kind of treatment SD is being given!?!?

2011-08-21 @ 11:18:50

A Growing Anger in Europe

EU Skull Dragon

Ever mindful of what happened during the first half of the 20th century, for the last six decades Europe has mounted a vigil against any rebirth of totalitarian ideology.

For the first four of those six decades Soviet-led Communism stood as the model of totalitarianism to be avoided. Like its brother socialist ideologies, Nazism and Fascism, Communism exerted its political control through military force, mass imprisonment and execution of dissidents, and brutal state repression. The three totalitarian socialisms provided the template for what was to be prevented. Europe was — and remains — determined to avoid the return of the jackboot.

However, while the sentinels of Social Democracy peered tirelessly over the parapets, guarding against the return of the storm troopers, another form of totalitarianism tiptoed in behind the walls and settled stealthily into place within European democratic structures.

Full-blown free market capitalism never really developed in postwar Europe, but under the umbrella of the American military, state capitalism and various forms of syndicalism allowed the creation of great wealth. At a consistently high rate of taxation, much of that wealth ended up in the hands of the State, enabling the formation of an all-pervasive welfare system. By controlling the material well-being of its citizens, the State could achieve a greater degree of political control than the Nazis or Communists had ever dreamed of.

The difference between the “Left” and the “Right” in modern European parliamentary democracies is laughable. Should the VAT be raised to 20% or 21%? Should we import 100,000 or 120,000 Muslim immigrants per annum? Should we cut the military budget to 1% of GDP, or would 0.5% be more appropriate to our peace-loving democracies?

Any political opinion that is truly different, that would address fundamental questions about state policy — or indeed question the size and nature of the State itself — is considered beyond the pale. Despite pervasive multicultural indoctrination, there are still people who believe that the European Union is an oppressive hegemon, that sovereign independent nations are the best political structures, and that the mass importation of totally alien peoples into Europe is a dangerous mistake. Those who hold such opinions are placed outside the bounds of polite society. They are labeled “right-wing extremists”, “racists”, “fascists”, and “neo-Nazis”. The thoughts they think are simply not permitted.

EUSSRThere is no need for the jackboot or the firing squad or the gulag to suppress dissent and enforce the doctrines of the new EUSSR. State-controlled media and academic consensus stand in absolute solidarity against heterodoxy. Social pressure and professional ostracism make an outcast of anyone who holds deviant opinions, and if such soft measures are not enough to discourage him, his employer — often an agency or affiliate of the State itself — can be relied upon to let him go. His access to state social benefits may also be curtailed.

So it’s easier just to go along with the program. Enjoy your short working hours and early retirement. Relish your six or eight weeks of paid vacation every year. Be glad that you don’t have to pay for your medical care. Be content with your subsidized apartment and state-sanctioned entertainment channels on TV.

Let the wonks in Brussels take care of all those complicated political questions! Why should you bother? Going against their program will only bring trouble and heartache upon you.

It’s not your father’s totalitarianism. It’s a kinder, gentler jackboot. Call it the velvet jackboot — that’s what Europeans are forced to live under.

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There is no more exquisite velvet jackboot than the spike-heeled rainbow version that now rests upon the neck of Modern Multicultural Sweden. As I mentioned yesterday, Sweden has perfected the social suppression of political dissent. There may be no nation on Earth that is more effective at the silencing of forbidden opinions without the use of armed force.

Anders Bruun Laursen, who runs the Euro-Med site, tried to leave a comment on yesterday’s post, but the Blogger system would not permit him to log in. He sent us his comment by email instead, and here’s what he had to say:

Sweden is presumably the most fanatic EU country with the politically most standardized population in Europe. Sweden has been able to subdue a free debate on the Muslim immigration by means of simple words like “racism”, “conspiracy theory”, “immigration is good and necessary,” “nationalism is bad”, and has brainwashed their population with them — in spite of big cities like Gothenburg and Malmö having seen large scale Muslim violence time and again — and even an angry Swede going about shooting at Muslims.

Sarrazin debateGermany was relieved from this hypocritical attitude a year ago by the politician Thilo Sarrazin. He asserted that the immigration was killing Germany and lowering the intelligence in the population. What shocked politicians was that most Germans agreed! Even the big papers and magazines began seeing Sarrazin as a much needed lightning rod — much like the Danish People’s Party. Such factors can make the electorate believe that the political system is doing something, thus calming down an angry population. The fact is that Sarrazin and the Danish People’s Party are part of the EU political system: They talk, but do absolutely nothing. The Danish People’s Party could have threatened to bring down Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s government if it went back on its word to give the critical Danes a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The DP had said they would do so — but also went back on their word.

José BarrosoToday there are so many EU immigration-critical blogs with so many readers that even the President of the EU Commission, José Barroso, knows he had better leave them alone. For more and more of the blog readers are becoming impatient and aggressive. Strikes — even general strikes are no longer unrealistic — have been seen due to austerity measures in Southern Europe.

The EU knows the anger among Europeans is growing because of its austerity dictates impoverishing the Europeans: This is the only mechanism that will allow the unnatural, political project, the Euro, an economically hopeless project, to survive — after the poor states have been robbed of value by the EU allies, the big Bank corporations — especially Goldman Sachs. Their natural regulations, the raising of interest rates and devaluation, were taken away from them, when they joined the Euro. The Euro will now only survive as long as the Germans are willing to pay for it. German blog readers know that, too, and write more and more about revolution.

The EU has expanded its economic governance in secrecy this spring. The European Semester commands all 27 EU member states to have their national budgets approved by the EU before presenting them to their national parliaments! Moreover, the Euro Competitiveness Pact was passed, requiring that the heads of state and government of all 27 EU members accept without discussion whatever economic measures the EU’s unelected government, the EU Commission, dictates (consensus rule). Of course, the renegade Danish government and opposition unanimously and immediately rushed to Brussels to join the Euro-stability pact, thus giving up the last remnant of Danish sovereignty, even though the Danes voted no to the Euro!

Who Was Really Responsible for the Norway Massacre?

The German lawyer Michael Mannheimer draws conclusions about where the responsibility for the Oslo atrocities lies, based on the type of “logic” habitually employed by the MSM.

His observations were posted last month as a comment on a article at Politically Incorrect. Many thanks to JLH for the translation.

Why No Guilt Attaches to Islam Critics for the Massacre in Oslo

by Michael Mannheimer

Don’t let it make you crazy! The Mainstream Media and The Bleeding Hearts as well as the political establishment are being exposed by their attacks against Christianity and Islam-critical forums. Here are a few examples of their argumentation.

1.   Despite a thousand kinds of exhortations to hatred, violence and murder from the texts of Islam and its contemporary apologists, the MSM argues in EVERY INSTANCE of the more than 17,000 (!) terrorist acts committed by Muslims nowadays that these acts have NOTHING to do with Islam, and that the majority of Muslims are moderate.

Now, however, with a SINGLE terrorist act by a non-Muslim — specifically a SINGLE Christian (!), that reasoning does not apply: Suddenly, Mainstream-Media-And-Bleeding-Hearts, Inc. holds all of Christianity responsible for it.


2.   Over one million dead from the 17,000 Islamic terrorist acts VERSUS 90 dead from one isolated Christian terrorist strike. Such a difference could be represented on the page of a newspaper by an ordinary bar graph. Using one-tenth of a millimeter for each person killed, the bar for Islam would be one-hundred meters long; the bar for the Norwegian assassin would be all of 9 millimeters. If you still wanted to use this kind of bar graph, you would have to choose a measure of a thousandth of a millimeter for each person killed. This would yield a bar of ten centimeters for Islam. The bar for non-Islamic attacks would be visible only under a microscope.

3.   According to the popular standard, cui bono? (who profits?), Islam and/or its Western supporters, in line with their characteristic mindset, should be identified as the beneficiaries of the Norwegian attack. Because both of them profit most from this terrorist act. I wager, however, that this time no one will be reading about any such conspiracy theories.

4.   If the political establishment really wanted to push the guilt for the Norwegian attack onto the Islam-critical forums, then they should ask themselves why they have never yet proceeded against the countless Islamic hate forums. These, logically, should bear the guilt for Islamic terrorist acts. There is no escape for them from this logical defect in their argument without admitting that they had been secretly supporting Islamic terror against the West. Even if this were true, none of them would admit it. And if one of them did do that, he would be defamed by the Western political establishment as an “isolated instance” or “psychologically disturbed.”

5.   Should the political establishment reproach Islam-critical forums with their contributing to hatred of Islam and therewith to this terrorist act, the establishment would be officially admitting for the first time that words do in fact lead to actions. In regard to Islam and especially in regard to some 2,000 calls from the Koran and the hadiths for the murder of all “infidels,” the political establishment has always denied this principle or equated it in the must rudimentary fashion by referring to the Mecca suras.

So if the political establishment should harass or forbid all Islam-critical forums, this should be supported without reservation… provided the political establishment is logically consistent enough to also forbid all Islamic forums as the cause of the entire problem. In which case, Islam-critical forums would be rendered obsolete.


6.   The Norway massacre can also be portrayed as the act of a desperate person, whose rage at the cumulative degradation of Norway and its Western-Christian foundation was expressed in this terrorist act. If Palestinian terrorism can be justified by the “occupation” of Palestine by infidel Jews — and this is done especially by PC Norwegians — why then are they incapable of similarly understanding or explaining the terrorist act of an individual Christian directed against the occupation of his country by Islam?

The answer is clear. It is not that Islam is occupying Norway and the rest of Europe. Rather, the political establishment — against the will of their own populations — is allowing Muslims by the millions into Norway and the other countries of Europe. The chief responsibility for the universal Islamization of Western countries is attributable solely to the overwhelmingly leftist — although in the best case also Bleeding Heart — political establishment of those countries. They alone were and are the ones who in the last fifty years have brought into their lands millions of Muslims who are incapable of adapting to the indigenous culture and values. They were authorized to do this by no one but themselves.


7.   You can, if you like, interpret this terrorist act as the long- foreseen beginning of a civil war in Europe… as the desperate act of a (still lone) indigenous citizen, using the tools of desperation to prevent Europe’s drift toward an Islamic caliphate. It is interesting that this act of terrorism pertained not only to Muslims, but also to parts of the political establishment. Not just the CIA but other Western secret services as well have long predicted this scenario. So Norway, 2011 is considered the prelude to a beginning civil war by indigenous citizens in defense of their continent. That need not mean that now all Europeans will reach for their weapons. But presumably the start has been made. No wonder the political establishment is taking fright.

In the Oslo terrorist act, the facts and the conclusions to be drawn from them are unrelated to one another, except that the defenders of Islam and the contemporary critics of Christianity (the “political establishment”) are united in combating and abolishing the West in general and Christianity in particular.

The defenders of Islam are collaborators with the Islamic ideology of hatred, they have brought Muslims by the million into their lands and have, in unprecedented measure, changed the face of Europe until it is unrecognizable. In doing so, they have oppressed the will of the majority of indigenous Europeans and are ipso facto responsible for the Norway massacre.

Previous posts by Michael Mannheimer:

2010   Nov   21   Islam as the Victor of Western Value-Relativism
        28   The Principle of Abrogation in the Quran
    Dec   19   Eurabia: The Planned Islamization of Europe

(Updated to correct an error in the intro)