An Islamic Checklist

The Janissaries Patrol Izmir, by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, 1828A lot of rhetoric on the topic of Islam ricochets around the blogosphere and in the media every day. Islam is a deadly danger and must be eradicated on the one hand. Muslims are victims of persecution by Islamophobes on the other hand. Assertions such as these are uncheckable and irrefutable, since they are based solely on ideology.

Suppose instead that we could make assertions that were checkable, ones that could be verified or refuted. Instead of grimacing and shaking our fists at each other, we might compile a checklist that we could mark up, based on the evidence at hand.

Here are the first ten items on my list:

  1.   Islam means “peace”.
  2.   We are in a religious war.
  3.   Muslims are unfairly discriminated against in the West.
  4.   Islam is tolerant of other faiths.
  5.   Islam is a political ideology.
  6.   Fighting terrorists in Iraq means we won’t have to fight them at home.
  7.   Islam has no expansionist designs.
  8.   Not all Muslims are radicals.
  9.   Islam can be reformed.
  10.   Our hope lies with the “moderate” Muslim.

And the final mark-up:
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  1.   Islam means “peace”.

No, it doesn’t. “Islam” means “submission”, specifically the submission of the believer to the will of Allah as revealed to his prophet.

If the will of Allah is that men be at peace, then Islam means peace. But, since the will of Allah is detailed in the Koran, there is ample evidence that Allah’s will mandates continuous warfare against non-believers until the whole world submits to him.

Regardless of Islam’s historical behavior, current events indicate that Islam is an extremely violent religion. The incidence of violence committed by Muslims in the name of their faith is several orders of magnitude greater than that of the world’s other great religions — Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism — combined.

  2.   We are in a religious war.

Yes, we are. You may be totally secular, and agnostic or atheist, but you are still a combatant. The enemy regards you as a legitimate target, and has license to exterminate you if you fail to convert to his religion.

This is a religious war, whether you like it or not.

  3.   Muslims are unfairly discriminated against in the West.

This is a favorite complaint of CAIR, MAS, ISNA, and the other organizations that claim to represent Muslims in the West, but there is no evidence that it is true.

One way to check it is to compare the number of crimes attributed to Muslim immigrants to the incarceration rates of Muslims. This can be hard to determine, because Western governments are loath to collect such statistics, particularly in Europe.

Even so, Fjordman’s exhaustive efforts concerning the statistics in Scandinavia demonstrate the fallacy of this assertion. Muslims are indeed convicted and imprisoned in excess of their proportion in the general population, but at a lower rate than the estimated incidence of crimes committed by Muslims.

  4.   Islam is tolerant of other faiths.

This assertion is not supported by the Koran, despite the frequent citation of the verse: There is no compulsion in religion. The number of verses which require the killing or subjugation of non-Muslims far exceeds the number of verses promoting tolerance.

  5.   Islam is a political ideology.

This is very clear. Both as demanded by the Koran, and as practiced in all Islamic countries, Islam specifies more than the private moral behavior of individuals. It insists on a specific code of laws enforced by a government that rules over all Muslims.

According to Islam, religion and government are not distinct from one another.

  6.   Fighting terrorists in Iraq means we won’t have to fight them at home.

This is only partially true. There are indeed many dedicated mujahideen being martyred in Iraq, but there are plenty more attempting to enter the United States so they can be martyred in the belly of the Great Satan.

There are also many Islamic terrorists already here. And not only immigrants — there are thousands of home-grown terrorists, such as the members of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, scattered across the country, waiting to be activated.

  7.   Islam has no expansionist designs.

This is disproven both by the Koran and by the statements and behavior of devout Muslims the world over. Osama bin Laden is not the only Islamic leader calling for the return of al-Andalus and the Balkans to the bosom of the Ummah.

In fact, you could spend your life poring through the dusty archives of Islam and never find a single prominent scholar who repudiates the ideal of reclaiming al-Andalus.

  8.   Not all Muslims are radicals.

This is true, but only in a limited sense. There are many Muslims — probably a majority — who reject radical action. The big question is how much silent support they give to the terrorists, or whether they will actively work against the fundamentalists.

So far the signs point to a passive acceptance of the Islamists in their midst.

  9.   Islam can be reformed.

This one is still up in the air. The fact that there have been peaceful, benign forms of Islam — such as certain branches of Sufism — gives us a slender thread of hope.

But in the here and now, there is no sign of a vigorous peaceful branch of Muslim with any claim to a large number of adherents. Once again, passivity seems to be the rule of the day.

  10.   Our hope lies with the “moderate” Muslim.

This is definitely true. The moderate Muslim is not necessarily an engine of Islamic reform, but more likely will serve as a conduit out of Islam.

For the peacefully-inclined Muslim, moderate Islam can be a stepping-stone to secularism, atheism, or conversion to a more benign faith.

The problem for any moderate Muslim or apostate is that he lives in constant fear of death at the hands of the radicals, with little hope of help from the passive majority.

But, I as I have said repeatedly, these folks are our natural allies, and need to be encouraged in whatever way possible. The alternative is an apocalyptic war of extermination.

Laban Interred in Chaos!

Laban Begravet i KaosSwedish reader LN emailed me the image at right, showing the front page of today’s Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet. The newspaper evidently provides an account of Abu Laban’s festive departure for his rendezvous with the 72 black-eyed ones, but its website makes the accompanying article available only to subscribers, so I can’t tell you anything about the story, even if I could read Danish.

LN tanslates the headline Laban begravet i kaos as “Chaotic burial of Laban”, but I gloss it as “Laban interred in chaos”. Our Danish friends are welcome to correct either or both of us.

If anybody has details of the news story itself, feel free to send them along. But not in Dansk, please! I can make my way painstakingly through Hans Christian Andersen, but modern colloquial Danish is beyond me.

Steen of Snaphanen sent the photos shown below — which he took himself — of Abu Laban back in those halcyon days before he shuffled off this mortal coil.

Abu Laban

[Nothing follows]

Abu Laban, R.I.P.

Abu LabanZonka notifies us that Abu Laban, the imfamous Danish imam, the noted apostle of the Religion of Provocation, has died of lung cancer. The funeral will take place at the Muslim burial place at Brødbyøstervej 180, Brøndby, about ten minutes after this post goes up.

We’ve written about Abu Laban previously. It’s not good form to speak ill of the dead, so let’s just say that he’ll be missed by those who loved him.

I’m not certain how many Danes would be included in that latter group.

[Nothing follows]

Questioning the Sanity of Liberals

The British author Paul Weston has sent us another essay, this one on the topic of modern liberals. Needless to say, Mr. Weston does not think highly of today’s liberals.

Now, I have to say that some of my best friends are liberals. They are well-meaning people who support abortion, affirmative action, gun control, and a large and proactive role of the federal government in peoples’ lives — all for their own good, of course. These are not evil people; they are friends who happen to hold different political opinions, and we can agree to disagree.

But Mr. Weston has a slightly different and more ominous kind of liberal in his sights. Read his article and see what you think.

Questioning the Sanity of Liberals
by Paul Weston

Is it possible to be well adjusted, attractive, educated, successful, and a liberal? Alternatively, is it possible to be both Politically Correct and a liberal at the same time? In order to understand the peculiar contradictions of contemporary liberalism it is necessary first to understand the meaning of classical liberalism circa 1900 and the liberalism of the West in 2007.

Classical liberalism meant a belief in the democratic process, freedom of the press, freedom of expression, equality of opportunity (although never quite couched in such terms), the presumption of innocence, small government, the individual before the group, religious freedom, trial by jury, habeas corpus, the rights of the child, an obligation to help the genuinely disadvantaged in society and, generally speaking, a live and let live laissez-faire attitude. It was the product of many hundreds of years of gradual evolution encompassing Christianity, the reformation, the enlightenment, common law, the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. It was a cause for the good and the term liberal one to be worn with pride.

How does this square with the self confessed metropolitan liberals of today? Imagine the smooth young advertising executive, hosting a dinner party in Greenwich village or Notting Hill, suddenly announcing to his Armani-clad coterie of media and public relations friends that, whilst holding himself up as a liberal, he disapproved of mass immigration, multiculturalism, state education’s socialist propaganda, the European Union, same-sex marriage, homosexual adoption, atheism and feminism.

As jaws dropped around the table some embarrassed diners would make their polite excuses and fumble for the keys to their oh so green Toyota Prius, whilst others, white-faced and shaking with genuine anger, would accuse him of racial bigotry, sexual bigotry, nationalism, religious fundamentalism and xenophobia. Yet whilst these proud young members of the privileged, cosseted elite may believe that they and they alone hold the moral credentials that personify the term liberal, they fail to understand that all their beliefs are the antithesis of true liberalism, that they have followed a long and winding path from the classical liberalism of 1900 to that which they are today — Totalitarian and Fascistic. In short they had mutated from Classical Liberalism to Politically Correct Liberalism.

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We see this in their extreme and hysterical reaction to those who disagree with them, their apparent hatred of Western civilisation, of Israel, of free speech, traditional education, our history and the leaders who helped make us what we are, of religion and of America — both internally and externally. And whilst they are busy hating the very society and culture which enables them to parasitically survive and prosper we see their love affair with all the ideologies that threaten our society, manifested in pro third-world immigration, multiculturalism, radical feminism and until very recently, Communism (oh, if only they could have made their economy work), and, of course, Islam.

And here the first of their varied pathological contradictions is exposed for the sane world to see — how is it possible for them to sympathise with Islam, a political ideology that runs counter to every issue they apparently deem of transcendental importance? One of the pet words of abuse that the Liberal love to smear their opponents with is Nazi yet are they so blind they cannot differentiate between the white Nazis of 1940 that we “right wing” classical liberalists went to war with and the brown Nazis of 2007 so admired by the “left wing” liberals of today?

Just look at the comparisons; Nazism was a racially supremacist, totalitarian, Messianic movement with an avowed aim of global domination; an ambition for which they were happy to use military force. They genuinely believed they were the master race and all others the sub-race. They promoted their ideology via overt propaganda in the brainwashing of their children; they wished to eradicate Jews and homosexuals; they thought women fit only for childbirth, the kitchen and the bedroom; and, finally, they thought nothing of killing their critics. Islam is… exactly the same. It is the 21st Century reincarnation of the Nazi Party and as every white European is now the new Jew or a member of the new sub-race, so Islam becomes our worst possible sweat-soaked nightmare as an enemy. And the Liberal’s new best friend.

Not content with ensuring that a new Nazi party is fostered and encouraged to grow within the West, the Liberal also works to ensure that his own society is traduced and destroyed from within. He does this by accepting the edicts of subversion planted by Soviet Moscow, with whose ideology and global ambitions they were not entirely unsympathetic. It says a great deal about the Liberal that he sympathised with an ideology penned by a man with an unhappy childhood and catastrophic adult life whose bearded scribbling led to a flawed revolution carried out in the wrong country at the wrong time which subsequently reduced the Soviet working man (at the expense of millions of deaths) to queuing for bread in Moscow whilst the capitalist working man was queuing for beer in Ibiza.

When the Communists were forced — purely by geographical necessity — to waylay their tanks used so successfully in the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, they turned instead to the use of Western liberals as their fellow travellers/useful idiots to create economic and cultural mayhem within their own countries, as a prelude to the post anarchic emergence of their longed for Communist International. To this end Western liberals attempted to destroy blue-collar industry via Trades Union action and white-collar commerce by the ruining of education through “progressive” educational techniques. In keeping with their Soviet counterparts they sought, and still seek, to abolish religion and morality, and — via feminism — the family.

They do this, as we well know, by their capture of the media and educational establishments within which they use the same brainwashing techniques geared toward the same ends as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mao (see: Thomas Sowell, Inside American Education). The political brainwashing of children is a manifestation found only in totalitarian societies. With past dictators it was a necessity to enable permanent power; in the West today it portends a coming dictatorship — why else would they do it? Although Lenin, the propagandist ancestor of today’s BBC or CNN, was the originator of the brainwashing of children, it was difficult, given the technology of the time, to systematically brainwash the adults, but the BBC and CNN have simply taken his practice and adapted it to an international, far reaching audience, surpassing even Hitler.

Hitler, whilst adopting the Lenin’s techniques for indoctrinating children, took adult indoctrination to a whole new level, as stated by Albert Speer, Hitler’s Minister for Armaments: Hitler’s dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in histor. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technological development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and the loudspeaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought….” What he could have done with twenty-four hour TV does not really beg the question because CNN and the BBC are doing it anyway, subtly perhaps, but this is an even greater method — given time.

Hitler was intent on using such propaganda in order to form the Master Race, Lenin the New Socialist Man, but what exactly does the Liberal of today wish to bring about? It is not, despite his insistence, The One World, Socialist, Multicultural Man, because this is where the Liberal deviates from the slavish following of his ideological ancestors — who at least attempted to advance their own countries — and sets up the indigenous population of his own country as the hate figure to be vilified. Hate figures are always necessary in warfare or dictatorships, be it Oceania, the bourgeoisie or the Jew. The white, male, heterosexual, Judaeo-Christian European now fulfils this model by dint of his imperial past and his supposed present day oppression/exploitation of non-whites, females and homosexuals.

That the lumpen masses are relatively unconcerned is due not merely to their lack of cogent reasoning but to their numerical advantage. Why should they feel threatened by people they seldom see and via media censorship, rarely hear about? But demographics suggest that the white European will become a minority all across the West within the next fifty years, in some countries even sooner. This reality, coupled with our acceptance of the type of abuse reserved historically for Hitler’s Jews and Lenin’s middle/upper-classes should cause us grave reservations. What on earth is the Liberal thinking of when he introduces “Anti-Racist” maths into school lessons or “Whiteness Studies” into university lectures? Can he not see where this leads, how can he be so blind?

Whilst they are busy beavering away at these destructive antics, the Liberal will demonise, vilify and intimidate, both verbally and physically, any opponents who stand in his way. By such repressive actions he again casts himself into the same mould as Hitler, who once said: “A systematically one sided argument must be adopted towards every problem that has to be dealt with. He must never admit that he might be wrong, or that people with a different point of view might be right. Opponents should not be argued with; they should be attacked, shouted down, or if they become too much of a nuisance, liquidated”.

The Liberal’s repressive attitude toward free speech can be seen on University campuses across the West today, even if liquidation is a step too far. Hilary Clinton was/is a firm advocate of such behaviour, having immersed herself as a none-too-attractive youth in “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. Yet whilst they shout down and intimidate the defenders of Western society, they seem blissfully unaware of the destruction their policies have inflicted on the young, the poor and the elderly – the very people the Liberal purports to represent, and the future international consequences that their peculiar ideology of multiculturalism can only bring about.

It is not conservative policy that has resulted in millions of our children leaving school ill-equipped to succeed in our First World economy, and it is not conservative policy that brainwashes these children into a blindness to the racial dangers they will face in later years. It is not conservative policy that causes drug-addicted lower classes to live in crime and squalor whilst the metropolitan liberal elites indulge themselves with recreational drugs, and it is not conservative policy that has bought about the destruction of the family and the serial sexual abuse perpetrated by this month’s “mummy’s new boyfriend”. It is not conservative policy that confines the elderly to their houses for fear of becoming the victims of violent, moral-free children, and it is not conservative policy that allows these feral children to have no fear of the police. It is not conservative policy that has turned the West into an outpost of Arabia and it is not conservative policy that threatens the white European with the very real possibility of eradication well before the end of this century. And finally it is not conservative policy that criminalizes any person who dares point out any of the above.

Not only is the Liberal apparently unaware of such destruction, he also appears unaware of where this will lead. This is another pathological contradiction that so assuages his ideology. By any objective analysis the path he has set Western society upon can only end in anarchy and racial based civil war, out of which must arise either an Islamic West or a counterrevolution led at best by a Pinochet, at worst a Hitler. From the cohesion and peace of the 1950’s we are descending into the bitter ideological struggles of the 1930’s Weimar Republic, the reds versus the brownshirts, the liberal left versus the “far” right. Whichever is the winner, there can be only one absolute guarantee; the liberal infidel or the liberal traitor will be the first up against the wall. How can they be so blind?

Perhaps the answer to this lies in Tammy Bruce’s book “The Death of Right and Wrong” which ranks as a necessary read in her exposure of the damage caused by liberal ideology. Tammy Bruce was a high-ranking activist in the National Association of Women (NOW) but became so disgusted by their attitudes that she broke ranks and started to write from the compassionate “right”. She believes the driving force of the Liberal to be “Malignant Narcissism”, a mental condition attributable to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or peers.

Bruce quotes psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg, who describes it thus: “This pathological idealisation of the self as an aggressive self clinically is called malignant narcissism. And this is very much connected with evil and with a number of clinical forms that evil takes, such as the pleasure and enjoyment in controlling others, in making them suffer, in destroying them, or the casual pleasure in using others’ trust and confidence and love to exploit them and to destroy them.”

Tammy Bruce then goes to say in her own words: “The core components of this syndrome are pathological narcissism, paranoid traits and aggression. Self-preservation, self-promotion and maintaining power are all traits that prevail in the malignant narcissist. The people and issues they supposedly serve exist only to be exploited for their own benefit”.

Bruce then concludes with this damning comment: “I have participated at both the local and national levels of NOW; I have spent time with other feminists and gay special-interest groups and their leaders; I have worked in the entertainment industry and all forms of news media; and I have worked with political campaigns for democratic candidates. I have also spent time around universities. I can say with full confidence that what I have seen driving and controlling the actions of the Left Elite in all these venues – culturally, politically and socially – is malignant narcissism. Issues are used and people exploited for the sake of power. Malignant Narcissism is the god of the Left Elite.”

One need not look far to see examples of this. Bill and Hilary Clinton, Cherie Blair, Jane Fonda, Marx and Engels, Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer etc etc. The list of liberals and dysfunctional childhoods is endless. Liberalism and mental dysfunction go hand in hand, leading to the reality that is the West today; our dysfunctional elites so consumed with virulent self-loathing that they are happy to preside over the eradication of the society they feel so damaged them. The West has become a lunatic asylum and the lunatics have taken control at all the various levels in all the various institutions that shape our future.

So, after fifty years of the ongoing, politically correct, liberal revolution what exactly has the Liberal achieved? That they have partially destroyed our race, culture, society and countries is not in question, but neither is it a result of well-intentioned incompetence. It is success on a massive scale, if you measure success as evil intent. They have caused untold hurt to the poor, the young, the vulnerable and the elderly and as they did this they utilised the propaganda and repression techniques descended directly from the two most evil empires in history, Nazism and Communism.

Their present flirtation with Islam is proof, if further proof is needed, that the appeal of brutal totalitarianism overrides their professed love of feminism and homosexuality, thereby redirecting onto themselves Hitler’s statement with regard to the liquidation of opponents: “The morally squeamish intellectual may be shocked by this kind of thing but the masses are always convinced that right is on the side of the active aggressor.” Perhaps this is why they favour the bellicose invasion of their countries via third world immigration and multicultural propaganda, but what this realistically shows is that they are consumed with such a loathing for the West and indeed themselves that they favour their own ethnic and civilisational demise and are characteristically unmoved that they will take us down with them.

To compound obscenity upon obscenity they deliberately camouflage this wanton, genocidal destruction under the banner of tolerance, diversity and equality. They are worse than the Nazis, they are treacherous Nazis. In answer to the opening question of this essay, they are not balanced, sane people, and they are not liberals. Their actions speak louder than their mendacious words; they are self-hating malignant narcissists. To call themselves liberal is as duplicitously self-serving as were a genuine Nazi to promulgate the same views he held in 1940 yet call himself a liberal today. Politically correct liberalism IS Nazism coupled with Communism, whilst classical liberalism is the ideology of we right wing opponents. They are insane, or so utterly evil that that in itself is a form of insanity.

We scribblers and readers of the supposed political “right” are not by nature terribly interested in politics. We were never radicals, activists or wannabe revolutionaries. That we exist today is purely a reaction to the Liberal’s attempts to bring down the society in which we live. Without them I would suggest that the vast majority of us would be content to mow our lawns, raise our families, pay taxes, give to charity and support benign political parties. YOU the Liberal have made us what we are today, YOU the Liberal have bought us into existence. Just as a peaceful man may be driven to assault a paedophile that molests his child, so we exist as a counter to your ongoing damage to our countries and by default our children and future children. Your belief that we will go quietly into the night is only further evidence of your arrogant disconnection from reality or sanity.

But now, with the advent of the Internet we have access to information that validates what we suspected but could not prove, and the means of using this information to spread and facilitate a defence. We’ve rumbled you, my liberal friend, you can no longer censor us out of your insane destruction of our countries and our cultures. You have lost your grip on the means of information and if you think that you are the self righteously angry defenders of the oppressed, well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. You have no idea how oppressed you make us feel, how angry we are, or how many we number. This justifiable anger is directed principally at the malignant narcissist liberal whose intention has always been to destroy, but you, the middle class liberals filled not with hatred but with well-intentioned guilt must understand that you have been duped, your alliance with politically correct liberalism is just as destructive, and we have had enough.

You, the Liberal, must understand that the people whose race and culture is being slowly swept away by politically correct liberalism are the very people who built the civilisation you have inherited. If this civilisation were to die we would become a tribal Iraq, Somalia or Yugoslavia. So I implore you, recognise the reality of what is happening, reappraise your idea of liberalism and channel your guilt not into the past but into the future, the guilt you would surely feel — you must surely feel — if you allowed your children and your grandchildren to inherit a Third World society, with all that implies, bought about by you — The Liberal.

(c) Paul Weston 2007. (Available to reproduce without financial gain)

Ah, Fame

The future Baron went to see Dinesh D’Souza debate last night at the Wren Chapel.

From The Florida Times Union, reporting on the occasion:

Why is Christianity being singled out for special exclusion?” asked D’Souza, whose books include “Letters to a Young Conservative” and “The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11.”

He contended Nichol was wrongly “driven by this idea that Christianity and its symbols are in some way offensive.”

Holmes noted that the chapel, built as an Anglican place of worship in 1732, did not even have a cross until about 1940.

Protestants, concerned about idolatry, used to be averse to having crosses in church, he said. The cross was transferred to the chapel while a local church was being renovated and has remained at the school.

“I am baffled to hear critics insist the altar has to have a cross,” said Holmes, who specializes in subjects including American religious history and architecture and worship.

D’Souza argued that the issue is not about historic authenticity.

The cross, he said, fits in with the William and Mary’s Christian heritage. The school was chartered in 1693 as an Anglican institution with a mission that included training ministers.

He also said Nichol had no right to act unilaterally, without consulting the broader college community, including students, parents, faculty and alumni.

Holmes pointed out that last week Nichol announced the creation of a committee that will study the issue, although he said he would be surprised if the committee were to recommend that the cross be displayed permanently, given the increasingly diverse religious backgrounds of the student body.

Holmes also said that William and Mary has been a public school since 1906 and the chapel is used for a wide variety of secular events as well as religious services.

Both men received loud applause from the audience, which included some students wearing hand-lettered name tags reading “I support Gene Nichol.” Because the chapel is so small, some people watched the debate on a closed-circuit television in a room nearby.

While the two men debated, about 20 people who want the cross to be returned permanently stood outside the chapel in the rain, holding a candlelight vigil.

“What kind of Christian would I be if I didn’t stand up for the cross?” said Karla Bruno, a William and Mary graduate who organized the vigil.

D’Souza initially had hoped to debate Nichol, who was out of the country when the original invitation to take part in the forum was issued. Holmes said he was participating in the debate on his own and not as a surrogate for the president.

The debate’s sponsors included the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which typically arranges debates between conservative and liberal speakers at campuses nationwide, and The Virginia Informer, an independent student newspaper at William and Mary.

Dinesh D’Souza and the Future Baron Bodissey
There was a reception afterwards, and the fB had his picture taken with Mr. D’Souza – whom, if you remember, was a rambunctious college conservative at Dartmouth some years ago.

The fB is pictured on your right, with some modification of his physiognomy – to bring it more into line with the Baron’s features.

[nothing follows]

All the Lonely Bloggers: Where Do They All Come From?

Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near.
Look at him working. Darning his socks in the night when there’s nobody there
What does he care?

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?

According to the latest academic twaddle, bloggers are all like Father McKenzie.

Either that, or we’re Eleanor Rigby perhaps —

Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved

Thus sayeth Michael Keren, a professor at the University of Calgary – a teacher of “communications and culture” (Canadian alert: these are your tax dollars at work). You remember those gut courses designed to allow colleges to collect tuition from the intellectually impaired? Who in his right mind takes those commuciation classes from “professors” like Keren? Jocks, perhaps? Or the “special” admissions the schools let in for their diversity photo ops?

“Was Eleanor Rigby a blogger?” asked an accompanying press release [to his new book], referring to the 1966 Beatles song in which the eponymous character picks rice off the floor after a wedding, stares wistfully out a church window and eventually dies.

Eleanor probably would’ve blogged about cats and had a rare old time. But the professor knows better; he sees through this blogging phenomenon to its true root:

Lonely Bloggers [In] “Blogosphere: The New Political Arena,” [Keren] suggests individuals who bare their souls in blogs are isolated and lonely, living in a virtual reality instead of forming real relationships or helping to change the world.

“Bloggers think of themselves as rebels against mainstream society, but that rebellion is mostly confined to cyberspace, which makes blogging as melancholic and illusionary as Don Quixote tilting at windmills,” the author says.

I’d like to tilt his windmill for him; make it list about ninety degrees starboard. What arrogant ignorance flows from the swilling pens of these academons! (as One Cosmos has christened such charlatans).

Want to hear some more about your pitiful self, as described in this book?
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Keren praises the Internet as a great place for self-expression, but he also suggests that blogs often have the opposite effect by creating feelings of loneliness for those who aren’t lucky enough to reach “celebrity” status.

“Many of us end up like Father McKenzie in the ‘Eleanor Rigby’ Beatles song, who is writing a sermon that no one is going to hear,” he suggests. “Some of us are going to be embraced by the mainstream media, but the majority of us remain [sic] in the dark, remain in the loneliness.”

“Celebrity status?” Not exactly. But on the other hand, about four thousand people a day wander through the Gates of Vienna (fewer on weekends, since people aren’t at the office trying to look busy).

Our readers come from all over the world, though the Spanish speakers are a bit spotty, as are the Asians. Thus, I was glad to see Babalu link to us recently[they describe themselves as “an island on the net without a bearded dictator”]. Meanwhile, the Baron’s long-term goal is to build a readership in the Indian blogosphere, one of his special interests.

Admittedly, when we first started I was skeptical that we’d gain enough audience to make it worthwhile. Back then, I laughed out loud when Wretchard mentioned in passing that we’d soon be seeing a thousand hits a day. Now, the links alone number well over a thousand, and they are myriad indeed. Now, other blogs link to us in languages I can’t read, in alphabets I don’t understand.

How many students do you think flock to “Dr.” Kener’s classes? And how many stay to argue with him and/or each other? How many are willing to tell him when he hasn’t got his facts straight? Our readers do so frequently – and so we learn. In fact, I’ve learned more history since starting this blog than I could have imagined. Every day, I suspect a bit more that what I don’t know that I don’t know is a rather large territory indeed.

Bloggers are “lonely”?? This poor sod lives in the echoing ivory towers of mediocrity, teaching “communnication and culture.” If he’d pop over to the Psychology Department, they could explain the theory of projection to him.

Need I say it?

Don’t buy the book.

The Nuts With Guns

The comments have been vigorous here in a couple of recent threads on the topic of the Second Amendment, gun ownership by private citizens, the “well-regulated militia” vs. “a mob”, etc., etc.

One of our Finnish commenters has been arguing intelligently and lucidly that private citizens wielding small arms are likely to do more harm than good. Our American readers — some of them naturalized citizens — have argued the other side of the debate with equal vigor.

Gun collectionWhat Europeans often don’t understand is the deep cultural meaning behind American gun ownership. It’s not about pragmatic government policies, or effective social policy, or the practical consequences of private firearms. It’s not about how good a shot the average bozo is with his pistol.

We Americans simply see it as our God-given right to bear arms; that’s why we wrote it into our Constitution.

It’s our guarantee against tyranny. As long as large numbers of Americans own firearms, there will be no tyranny here. All our other rights and freedoms flow from the right to bear arms. An armed citizen is the guarantor of all our individual liberties.

The failed state of Somalia is not an apt comparison, no matter how many guns its mobs possess. Until 1989 Somalia lived under a brutal dictatorship. It has never known the rule of law. Without the rule of law and a flourishing civil society, liberty cannot grow.

The English colonists who came here brought with them the rule of law and a functioning civil society. In addition, they brought with them a tradition of their “ancient liberties”, which they transplanted to the New World. These liberties have thrived ever since in our fertile soil, and only an armed populace can ensure their continued existence.

Commenter eatyourbeans said it best:

You speak English as well as I do, yet you are as ignorant of us as a Martian.

What you say may be true as Scripture in Finland; here in the USA it’s merely pedantic and silly.

Let me repeat. It’s my duty, and not merely a right, as an American Citizen to own firearms and to be able and willing to use them. I owe this to those who founded and settled and built and fought for and died for this country. And I’ll do my duty as best I can. No doubt I’ll fall short of your metric standards, but no doubt the yokels at Lexington and Concord would have as well.

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Lastly, let me tell you a story that was told to me. Maybe it’s true, maybe not; even if not, it still tells a truth about us. Somewhere in the northern parts of one of our Midwest States, the local authorities convened a meeting of the property holders. Country folk, rednecks — or would have been if the sun shined hot enough thereabouts.

Anyway, the purpose of the meeting was to announce that a power company wanted their land in order to run a natural gas pipeline or something down from Canada. Don’t bother objecting — it’s a done deal, the owners were told: eminent domain and so forth.

Now, the infamous militias, because of the Oklahoma Bombing, were quite active here; and it’s a fair bet that everybody in that room was armed to the teeth. So, when the property owners stood up, and one after another told the authorities and the guy from the power company that this was their daddy’s land, and his daddy’s land, and his daddy’s land… voila! Suddenly the “done deal” became an un-done deal. Score one for the Greens. Ah, but they weren’t there… only the nuts with guns.

Will you old-continent types ever get us? We got a good government only because we don’t trust it one frigging, old-fashioned English inch.

PS: God bless America. And damn anybody who has an objection.

Pentagon Halts Sale of F-14 Parts Coveted by Iran

As George Wallace famously said, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.”

In recent years that difference has dropped below three cents and is still sinking.

I won’t vote for a Democrat for the foreseeable future, but yesterday’s AP story was a refreshing reminder that Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and John Murtha aren’t the only people who represent the Democrat party at the national level:

The F-14The Pentagon said Tuesday it had stopped selling surplus F-14 parts, announcing the step after congressional criticism of security weaknesses that had given buyers for countries including Iran access to the aircraft parts and other valuable gear.

Sales of parts from the recently retired fleet were halted last Friday, Defense Logistics Agency spokesman Jack Hooper said, adding that marketing of the parts will remain suspended until a “comprehensive review” is completed. He did not immediately elaborate.

The decision comes as a Democratic senator moves to cut off all Pentagon sales of surplus F-14 parts, saying the military’s marketing of the spares “defies common sense” in light of their importance to Iran.

Sen. Ron Wyden’s bill came in response to an investigation by The Associated Press that found weaknesses in surplus-sale security that allowed buyers for countries including Iran and China to surreptitiously obtain sensitive U.S. military equipment including Tomcat parts.


U.S. law enforcement officials believe Iran can produce only about 15 percent of the parts it needs for its Tomcats, making the Pentagon’s surplus sales a valuable avenue for spares.

The Pentagon had planned to sell about 60 percent of the roughly 76,000 parts for the F-14, viewing them as general nuts-and-bolts-type aircraft hardware that could be sold safely without restrictions.

Well done, Senator Wyden.
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I’ve been following this story for a while. It’s one of those scandalous affairs that make you avert your eyes from the Republicans in disgust, the same way you did from Slick Willy’s deals with the Chinese.

But the Republicans — how could they?!

Now that the United States has retired the F-14, the only country still flying them is Iran; the planes are left over from the days of the Shah. The Iranian F-14s are quite decrepit, and are not really airworthy without those spare parts.

So here’s a Republic administration fighting a war against “terror” and selling spare aircraft parts to the biggest generator of terrorism in history. But the administration has a fig leaf to cover the deal — the parts are just generic parts, usable on other aircraft besides the F-14. Not only that, they’re selling them to third parties, and not to Iran itself.

Right. Uh-huh.

When you dig deeper into the deal, it’s clear that F-14-specific parts are indeed included in the package. And airplane parts, like oil, are fungible. The supply will find its way to the demand. The Iranians are going to get their parts just in time to scramble their air force against us or the Israelis during the coming confrontation.

But Senator Wyden has a mind to stop them from flying:

The Oregon Democrat’s legislation would ban the Defense Department from selling surplus F-14 parts and prohibit buyers who have already acquired surplus Tomcat parts from exporting them. Wyden’s bill, the Stop Arming Iran Act, is co-sponsored by the Senate’s No. 2 lawmaker, Democratic Whip Richard Durbin of Illinois.


“It just defies common sense to be making this kind of equipment available to the Iranians with all that they have done that is against our interests,” Wyden said Monday in an interview, adding that constituents brought up the surplus-sale security problems at his town-hall meetings over the past few days. “I just want to legislate this and cut it off permanently, once and for all.”


Wyden said his bill would cut off the sale of all surplus F-14 parts. The legislation includes all parts to cut off all opportunities for Iranian “fishing expeditions,” spokeswoman Jennifer Hoelzer said, adding that GAO investigations have found valuable surplus accidentally getting included in boxes of what are supposed to be nuts-and-bolts-type hardware.

Wyden is confident he can get the bill through the Senate in the next few months. Wyden, a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, also pledged greater Senate oversight of the surplus program.

In order for this kind of spare-parts deal to make it past the likes of Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, someone would have stood to make a lot of money from the deal. A defense contractor, maybe? The government itself? Somebody needed the cash badly enough to be willing to put our own servicemen in harm’s way.

Or maybe the brass hats know something that we don’t know. Maybe they know that we’ll never have to face the Iranian air force. Maybe they know we’re not really ever going to war with Iran, that our nation doesn’t have the nerve to confront a nuclearized Iran, that we’re going to cut a deal with the mullahs, just like Reagan’s people wanted to back in the 1980s.

They say it took a Republican president to go to China. Does it take a Republican to do business with Iran?

There’s more than this caper than meets the eye. I’m sure we have Pentagon experts among our readers — if any of you want to weigh in with an opinion, please feel free.

Fjordman on Bassam Tibi

Fjordman, referring to yesterday’s post at Gates of Vienna, has a short discussion at Dhimmi Watch about Bassam Tibi:

Bassam TibiTibi makes many valid points regarding the cowardice and censorship in Europe these days, and he should be given credit for consistently criticizing those Muslims who are pushing for the gradual implementation of sharia in Western lands. I hold him in higher esteem as a thinker than some other self-proclaimed reformists such as Irshad Manji.

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However, he states that Muslims, in order to live in Western countries, have to renounce Jihad and “give up” sharia. This is certainly a brave thing to say, but exactly how does he propose to do that in real life, given that, as he himself readily admits, only a minute fraction of those calling themselves Muslims would agree with such radical views? And even if such a transformation took place, could the resulting religion be called Islam anymore? Since there are dozens, probably more than one hundred, verses calling for Jihad, some of them explicitly violent, in the Koran, and even more references in the hadith, doesn’t this mean that Muslims have to renounce large parts of the Koran, the hadith and the personal example of Muhammad in order to achieve this? Even if that could be done, which I seriously doubt, the result could hardly be recognized or described as “Islam” in any traditional sense of the word.

Moreover, Tibi is one of those calling for Euro-Islam and a “Europeanization of Islam”. I don’t see how this can be done theoretically and theologically, and see few if any practical indications that this is happening. On the contrary, as Bat Ye’or warned already in the 1990s, “I do not see serious signs of a Europeanization of Islam anywhere, a move that would be expressed in a relativization of religion, a self-critical view of the history of Islamic imperialism…we are light years away from such a development…On the contrary, I think that we are participating in the Islamization of Europe, reflected both in daily occurrences and in our way of thinking.”

And this is happening with the active participation of the European Union, cleverly hidden from European citizens beneath a veil of meaningless words and phrases.

Excerpts from Daniel Pipes’ Talk

Below are some excerpts from Daniel Pipes’ debate with the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, on January 20th. Video of the event can be seen at YouTube; for a single clip version, see the posting at the Global Defense Group. For accounts of the debate, see the bibliography at “My Debate with London Mayor Ken Livingstone”.

The full transcript of the event is here. Initial transcription work was done by Gaia and Vicktorya of the 910 Group.

Another copy of the full transcript is available at Front Page Magazine.

Daniel Pipes Let me start with my position on the question of world civilization or clash of civilizations. One: I am for world civilization, and I reject the ‘clash of civilization’ argument. Two: The problem is not so much a clash of civilizations, but a clash of civilization and barbarism.


What Huntington did was to take an incident of the moment and turn them into something civilizational and it didn’t work. In short the clash of civilization idea fails, it does not fit the facts, it is not a good way to understand the world.

What about then a world civilization? Can it exist? If one defines it as Huntington does, as a culture, basically then, no, it can’t. As he puts it, correctly, “for the relevant future there will be no universal civilization but instead a world of different civilizations, each of which will have to learn to coexist with the others.” I don’t think there is anyone who would dispute that.

But yes, there can be a world civilization if one defines it differently. Civilization can be the opposite of barbarism. And civilization in this sense has a long history. In the Bible, there is a passage, “And ye shall… proclaim liberty throughout all the lands and unto all the inhabitants thereof.” In the Koran, “you are the best community ever raised among mankind, you advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and believe in God.” The American byword is ‘the pursuit of happiness’, the French is “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité “ Winston Churchill in 1898, writing about the Sudan, said that civilization is “sympathetic, merciful, tolerant, ready to discuss or argue, eager to avoid violence, to submit to law, to effect compromise.”
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Now what do I mean by barbarians? I do not mean people who are of lower economic stature. What I mean by barbarians — and I think all of us mean by barbarians in the past two centuries — are ideological barbarians. This is what emerged in the French revolution in the late 18th century. And the great examples of ideological barbarism are fascism and Marxist Leninism — they, in their course of their histories have killed tens of millions of people.

But today it’s a third, a third totalitarian movement, a third barbarian movement, namely that of radical Islam. It is an extremist utopian version of Islam. I am not speaking of Islam the religion, I am speaking of a very unusual and modern reading of Islam. It has inflicted misery (as I mentioned Algeria and Darfur, before), there is suicide terrorism, tyrannical and brutal governments, there is the oppression of women, and non-Muslims.

It threatens the whole world:. Morocco, Turkey, Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, you name it, Afghanistan, Tunisia, and not just the traditional Muslim world, but also Russia, France, Sweden, and I dare say, the United Kingdom.

The mayor defines multiculturalism as “the right to pursue different cultural values subject only to the restriction that they should not interfere with the similar right for others.” And he argues, as you just heard, that it works, that London is a successful city. I won’t dispute his specifics, but I do see the multicultural impulse creating disaster by ignoring a dangerous and growing presence of radical Islam in London.

One evocative sign of this danger is that citizens in your country have become a threat for the rest of the world. In 2003, Home Secretary David Blunkett presented a dossier to a Special Immigration Appeals Commission in which he “admits that Britain was a safe haven for supporters of worldwide terrorism” and in which he said Britain remains a “significant base’“ for supporting terrorism.

Indeed, British-based terrorists have carried out operations in at least fifteen countries. Going from east to west, they include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Algeria, Morocco, Russia, France, Spain, and the United States. I’ll give you one example, from the United States: it was Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, who I am primarily thinking of, but there is also the British involvement in 9/11 and in the Millennium Plot that did not take place in Los Angeles.

In frustration, Egypt’s President Husni Mubarak publicly denounced the UK for “protecting killers.” After the August 10th thwarted Heathrow airline mega-plot, of a few months ago, two American authors argued in The New Republic, that from an American point of view, “it can now be argued that the biggest threat to U.S. security emanates not from Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan-but rather from Great Britain.”

And I believe this is the tip of the iceberg. I believe it refutes Mr. Livingstone’s opposing view — that there isn’t a problem. This is the problem, the problem is radical Islam, also known as fundamentalist Islam, political Islam, Islamism. It is not, again, Islam the religion, it is radical Islam, the ideology.