Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/17/2024

EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson warned that “without immigration, we will starve.” Meanwhile, the European Union recorded the highest number of illegal migrants since 2016.

In other news, an Australian hospital is offering gender-affirming care to children as young as three, as long as they have a referral from a GP.

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Thanks to Dean, Diana West, DV, LP, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Come on in — Just Jump the Turnstile

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Mass naturalization fraud has no consequences

No security check, no scrutiny of economic circumstances: In Osnabrück, an employee of the immigration office sells off hundreds of German passports. The migrants do not have to fear any consequences.


Mass naturalization fraud in Osnabrück has no consequences for the foreigners affected. It had previously become known that an employee of the immigration office in the district had carried out “grossly incorrect naturalizations” in more than 300 cases since January last year, as Spiegel reported. The woman had put the naturalization fee into her own pocket.

However, the approximately 300 people who received German citizenship without tests will be allowed to keep it. The Osnabrück district spokesman, Burkhard Riepenhoff, assured that the naturalizations had been checked again. Since there was no other information, there was no reason for revocation.

The 33-year-old stole around €41,000. The Osnabrück public prosecutor’s office is now investigating charges of misprision, taking advantage and bribery, a spokesman for the authority told the epd news agency (Evangelischer Pressedienst). The woman was also fired.

Turbo-naturalization through cash payment

Among other things, she is said to have failed to carry out statutory security checks such as inquiries to the police and public prosecutor’s office, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Central Register. In 189 cases, she also omitted the examination of whether the previously foreign citizens could support themselves independently. In some cases, the identity of the people was not conclusively clarified and there was no evidence of German language skills. This significantly reduced the time of naturalization process for them, which normally takes months.

She received help from an agent who explained to foreigners seeking naturalization that the EC reader was defective. As a result, applicants would have had to make payment in cash. The money is said to have ended up in her own pocket. The clerk worked for the immigration authorities from February 2021 to July 2023 and processed a fixed batch of letters. The irregularities were discovered during a cash audit last year. [Shows you once again how stupid and greedy these bureaucrats are in reality, now, doesn’t it?]

No explanation of naturalizations

The focus of the public prosecutor’s investigation is the embezzled €41,000. The administrative acts of naturalization themselves are not part of the investigation, said public prosecutor Christian Bagung to the epd. Investigators currently suspect that the accused did not accept or demand any additional amounts of money. The offense carries a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years.

Another court case concerns the termination of the employee against whom they filed a lawsuit. Although an initial negotiation was unsuccessful, the main hearing is still pending. The accused denies any responsibility.

Afterword from the translator:

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Tom Vandendriessche: “Purposefully Organized Repopulation”

Tom Vandendriessche is a member of the European Parliament for the Flemish separatist party Vlaams Belang. In the following speech from the floor of the EP, Mr. Vandendriessche denounces the migration policies of the European Union. He places particular emphasis on the fact that mass third-world immigration is an intentional result on the part of European oligarchs. The migrant invasion is a clear confirmation of a Great Replacement policy, which is no longer a mere “conspiracy theory”.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/16/2024

Vivek Ramaswamy announced after the Iowa caucuses last night that he is suspending his presidential campaign, and endorsed former president Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said that if Donald Trump wins the election this year, Europe is on its own.

In other news, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if the situation in Ukraine is not resolved, Ukrainian statehood may suffer an irreparable blow.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Conservative Tree House, Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“Refugees” Bed Down at the Mall in Ludwigshafen

As economic collapse envelops Germany, what better place to accommodate the New Germans than malls and shopping centers? After all, they aren’t really being used much now…

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Asylum Crisis in Ludwigshafen

Colorful ‘urban development’: shopping center converted into an emergency asylum home

Once again an “emergency solution” that has long been part of the normality in this country many thousands of times over and of course, contrary to all political announcements, is not “limited” but rather permanent (and only the beginning in terms of distress): In Ludwigshafen, the next shopping center is being converted into a single refugee accommodation.

Asylum influx: Search for accommodation

What has already become normal everywhere with apartments, hotels and youth hostels up and down the country, now that the gymnasiums and community halls are hopelessly overcrowded, is now increasingly affecting the former scenes of a once-prosperous economy. Not even the inner cities, which are increasingly plagued by vacancies, decay and orientalization, are spared from the new self-imposed permanent enrichment.

Some people may even welcome this pragmatically: If refugees from predominantly Arab and African cultural areas are now accommodated in former malls and shopping areas, they have no choice but to go to the destinations of their choice — shisha bars, head shops, cell phone shops or camouflaged hawala shops for the purpose of transferring German social grants to their home countries — only briefly.

The authorities have long shrugged off the fact that more and more social problems and hot spots are emerging.

Shopping center becomes an asylum home

In Ludwigshafen it is the Walzmühle shopping center, which was once designed as a chic shopping magnet and is now almost empty, and which is now being “blessed” in this way. Even this hopelessly over-indebted municipality in Rhineland-Palatinate — Ludwigshafen is, after all, the second-largest city in the state — can no longer do anything else: there is a lack of money and capacity everywhere.

Nevertheless, the city now has to raise €6 million for this refugee accommodation project, as the Bild writes: There will now be accommodation for the new residents on a total of 8,000 square meters, spread over two floors. Of course the money is lacking elsewhere.

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Take the Infidels For Everything You Can Get!

In a following video, a young “French” woman gives her followers a crash course on how to game the French welfare system in order to make as much money as possible without ever having to work.

There’s no indication of the young lady’s ethnicity, and with her burka and hoodie it’s hard to determine much about her appearance. She speaks rapid, clipped French, which may help a native French-speaker identify her background. I can usually understand at least a little bit of a French-language video, but in this one I was lucky to pick out one word in ten, even with the French text right there on the screen.

So I’m betting she’s a culture-enricher, eager to milk the kuffar for everything she can get.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/15/2024

Up to 10,000 protesters gathered in Berlin, along with thousands of tractors, in the continuing farmers’ protest against the government’s removal of diesel fuel subsidies and other agricultural policies. Truckers have joined the revolt to show their solidarity with the farmers.

In other news, according to early returns, Donald Trump won the Republican Iowa caucuses with more than 50% of the vote, a record for Iowa. Ron DeSantis edged out Nikki Haley for second place.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Conservative Tree House, Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Jew-Hater Thwarted in Belgium

Belgian police have arrested a 19-year-old man on suspicion of planning to attack Jewish institutions in Antwerp. There’s no mention of ethnicity, naturally, but the justice minister makes a connection to the Gaza war and Hamas, so draw your own conclusions. Other Belgian sites also mention Hamas.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating the video and the article, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article from Het Laatste Nieuws, also translated by Gary Fouse:

Suspect (19) who targeted Jewish institutions in Antwerp arrested by police

by Patrick Lefelon
January 14, 2024

Update: A suspect who was preparing for a possible attack against Jewish institutions in Antwerp was arrested Saturday. That is what Justice Minister Paul van Tigchelt to VTM News this afternoon.

The Justice Minister made the statement after the incident last week with Flixbus. At that time, nothing was going on, as it turned out, after a thorough investigation.

“But the services remain alert. On Friday evening we received information about a man in Antwerp who wanted to carry out an attack on Jewish institutions. They leave nothing to chance. They intervened Saturday morning, and the man was arrested and held in custody. In this manner, we neutralize the threats that manifest themselves,” according to Van Tigchelt.

The Antwerp prosecutor’s office confirmed that on Saturday during an intervention by the Federal Police, a 19-year-old man from Antwerp was arrested who possibly intended to carry out an attack.

Spokesman Kato Belmans of the Antwerp prosecutor’s office: “The man was ordered held in detention by the investigating judge and is charged on suspicion of preparing to carry out a terrorist attack and unlawful possession of weapons. Next week, he will appear in front of the council chamber, which will decide on his further detention. The investigation continues under the direction of the investigating judge.”

Video transcript:

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Islamic Pedagogy in North Rhine-Westphalia

Last night I posted about the Brave New World of German pedagogy, as exemplified by ideological indoctrination in the state schools of Schleswig-Holstein.

Compare and contrast that with a different sort of radical pedagogy that is underway in the schools of North Rhine-Westphalia. This time it’s not state-sponsored, but it’s still a call for ideological indoctrination: the students themselves want to enforce sharia in the schools.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this news video, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article from the Tagesschau program, also translated by Nash:

Students Wanted to Enforce Shariah Law at School

Four Muslim students allegedly demanded the implementation of strict, Islamic law at the school — including segregation of the sexes in class. The police are now investigating. Even North Rhine-Westphalia’s minister of the interior Herbert Reul expressed his opinion about the incident.

Women should cover themselves. Muslims should be allowed to leave school earlier for Friday prayer. The separation of the sexes during swimming lessons should extend to teachers as well. These and many other demands were made by four Muslim students at the High School Nordstadt in Neuss, NRW. Furthermore, the students allegedly pressured and harassed fellow students who in their eyes were “bad Muslims”. In class, the four explicitly declared that they reject democracy. And that women should always be covered, as directed by Shariah law.

No Criminal Offenses

All this and more is documented in the police report, which was able to be viewed by WDR, and has been reported about by the Rheinische Post. According to the police report, there were multiple incidents, and two incidents — March and December of 2023 — were/are investigated. The school’s administration turned to the police about the March incident, but no criminal relevance could be determined. However one incident that took place in December 2023 is still being investigated for suspicion of threats and assaults

According to the police report, the parents of the four students have also been investigated: “No threat to state security has been assessed.” The investigators sent the information to the State Office of Criminal Investigations [BKA, Bundeskriminal Amt], with a request to forward said information to the Ministry of the Inner and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution [Verfassungsschutz]. The school furthermore reported the incidents to the district government, so that they may forward it to the relevant department of the ministry. All relevant agencies and authorities in North-Rhine Westphalia have been informed about said incidents at the Neuss school.

North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of the Interior Reul: “Take care of it in a timely manner”

NRW Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul expressed his opinion Friday afternoon. This case is serious, he said. He called upon parents, teachers and guidance counselors to practice more vigilance towards Islamist radicalization of young people: “When you notice something: Take care of it in a timely manner.”

Breakaway Program No Success

The school asked for help and advice from the State’s preventive program “Signpost” [Wegweiser] to gather more information and guidance about extremist Islamists, as well as a scientific expert for internal training. At any rate, the program was not a success so far, according to the police report.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/14/2024

A new study from Turkey showed that female rats injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines gave birth to offspring exhibiting symptoms of autism. Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul said that Dr. Anthony Fauci “should go to prison” for mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.

In other news, parts of O’Hare Airport in Chicago have been sectioned off to house illegal immigrants.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Brave New Pedagogy in Schleswig-Holstein

For a quick peek into the German campus of the Brave New World, check out this post from the website of the “the state representative for political education” in Schleswig-Holstein. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation:

Workshops for school classes

In the workshops “Crime Scene Social Networks: Conspiracy myths and fake news on the Internet” we want to sensitize young people to fake news and conspiracy myths and teach them how to deal with them confidently. Together with the journalist and blogger Carsten Janz, students discuss how conspiracy stories work and how you can deal with them and fake news.

The project is scheduled to last two years and includes 76 school workshops and four teacher training courses. The call for proposals for the workshops in the second half of the 2023/2024 school year is currently running.

Afterword from the translator:

This looks to me like trust in the established media and state institutions has sunk so low that in their desperation they are pulling out all the stops and giving up all restraint. They want to bombard students with courses and “learning materials” designed to condition them to believe what politicians and mainstream media say, and to dismiss doubters as “conspiracy theorists”. Why do I have the feeling that those pupils who successfully complete this course will raise their right arm and shout “Sieg Heil” at the “graduation” ceremony?

Teaching the Little Whore a Lesson in the Name of the Koran

In the following video, a group of four underage female “French” culture-enrichers insult and beat another girl, eventually stripping her naked, all while recording her on their phones so that they can spread the footage on social media.

It’s not clear to me whether the victim is also a culture-enricher, but the perpetrators are definitely Muslims, since one of them can be heard swearing “on the Koran of Mecca” while tormenting the victim.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/13/2024

Former Secretary of State John Kerry is planning to leave his position as climate envoy for the Biden administration. The 80-year-old Mr. Kerry reportedly intends to add his youthful flair to Mr. Biden’s re-election campaign.

In other news, an angry group of Hamas supporters attempted to breach the security fence at the White House tonight, and threw bloodied dolls over the fence to protest the administration’s policies on the Gaza war.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Violent Culture-Enrichers Stop Koran-Burning in Arnhem

I’ve reported in the past (most recently here) on Edwin Wagensveld, the leader of the Dutch branch of Pegida, who has burned Korans and engaged in other activities that have provoked a violent response from “Dutch” culture-enrichers and caused him to be arrested by police on more than one occasion.

The latest manifestation by Mr. Wagensveld occurred recently in the town of Arnhem, when he attempted an officially-permitted Koran-burning [see this video], but was set upon by the Soldiers of Allah, who were determined to stop him by any means necessary.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Dutch public broadcaster NOS:

Pegida leader violently prevented from burning Koran

NOS News
January 13, 2024

In Arnhem, an action by Pegida leader Edwin Wagensveld got out of hand. Counter-demonstrators wanted to stop Wagensveld from burning a Koran on Jans Square and sought a confrontation. Wagensveld was taken away by police for his own safety.

Due to the escalation, Mayor [Ahmed] Marcouch issued an emergency order and called in the Mobile Unit [riot police] to stop the violent crowd. In the disturbances, several police and the Pegida leader were slightly injured. Thus far, there have been three arrests. The police have opened an investigation.

“There were rocks and fireworks thrown, and the police barrier was violently broken through,” Marcouch tells NOS News. “I understand sadness and emotion, but not expressions of violence.”


Wagensveld had registered his action on the Jans Square in Arnhem with the municipality several weeks ago. According to the mayor, the demonstration met all the conditions, and so the leader of the radical-right group was granted permission for the Koran-burning.

In the video images, it can be seen how Wagensveld tries to set a Koran on fire while the police and the Mobile Unit keep the counter-demonstrators at a distance. A counter-demonstrator breaks through the wall of police officers, runs up to the Pegida leader, and kicks him.

[Caption in video: Edwin Wagensveld attacked as he tries to burn a Koran]

Before the escalation, Mayor Marcouch was also at the square. He engaged in conversation with the counter-demonstrators and asked them to find another location for the counter-demonstration.

Wagensveld is the leader of the radical-right group Pegida. He has been arrested several times in the past. In November of last year he was sentenced to 40 hours of community service for insulting Muslims. In an action in the Tweede Kamer [Parliament], he tore up a Koran and compared Muslims to Nazis.

For links to previous articles about PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) and related movements, see the PEGIDA Archives.