Have Machete, Will Travel

In the following report, notice that the machete-wielding thug is identified only as a “man”. And, since he is a “man born in Saarbrücken”, that means he is a GERMAN, and not a Somali, or Nigerian, or whatever ethnicity he really is. Simply to be given a German passport is enough to make one definitively German.

It’s worth revisiting Hasan and Misho:

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Police shoot machete man in Mannheim university library

A man is said to have entered a library at the University of Mannheim with a machete. The police shot him. Shortly afterwards, the 31-year-old died in hospital. Now the LKA is also investigating.

A 31-year-old who stormed into a Mannheim University library with a machete was shot by police and died in a hospital. The police, the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) and the public prosecutor’s office said there was a threat to police officers on Tuesday evening, whereupon they used their firearms. The 31-year-old had become violent towards an employee before the officers arrived. Students were also there. A police spokesman claims there was no danger to them.

First, an armed man was noticed in the area of the library of the economics faculty. He had already been banned from the library because he had repeatedly behaved negatively, the statement said. When the police patrol arrived, he was reportedly holding a machete in his hand. After being shot by police, the 31-year-old man was taken to a hospital where he later died. According to the statement, the man born in Saarbrücken was known to the police. [I’m pretty sure that his name is NOT a typical name from the Saarland, it will be more like Mohammed or Abdul or something and most likely not a Frank, Peter, Felix or Dirk.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

by Clare M. Lopez

UN Called to Respond to Sharia Violence against Women” by Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute, March 25, 2024

  • On March 8, 2024 — International Women’s Day — a formal complaint addressing how Islamic Law (sharia) is inherently abusive of women was submitted to the United Nations. Attached were the signatures of dozens of men and women worldwide, including victims of sharia, human rights activists, and more.
  • [Editor’s Note — See the Executive Summary of the complaint. It documents sharia-linked violence against women, pegs its source as the Quran and Hadith, and details other aspects of Islamic culture which are demeaning to women (e.g., female genital mutilation). The summary states flat out sharia is incompatible with human rights.]

Impregnating Infidels: Another Form of Jihad”, posted by Raymond Ibrahim at the Virginia Christian Alliance, March 27, 2024

  • “Love Jihad” continues

This month, we have a series of articles documenting the ongoing, increasing atrocities being committed by the Taliban against Afghan women — including flogging and stoning. Flogging and stoning to death are Islamic Hudud punishments for a specific set of offenses enumerated in the Qur’an. This means that doctrinally speaking, Taliban human rights abuses are neither extremist nor radical, but horrific as they are, instead mainstream, orthodox obedience to the doctrine, laws, and scripture of Islam.

Don’t Betray the Women of Afghanistan” by Lisa Curtis and Hadeia Amiry at Foreign Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2024

“Taliban leader says women will be stoned to death in public” by Akhtar Makoli at The Telegraph, March 25, 2024

“Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 27, 2024

Taliban vow to Start Stoning Women to Death in Public for Adultery in Afghanistan” at Logan’s Warning, March 26, 2024

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Money Has Its Favorites

The following article is a suitable follow-up to last night’s story about war profiteers. It’s a reminder that making money off endless wars is just one form of corruption among many others. The EU in particular seems to have been deliberately designed to enable massive corruption of all types behind an opaque protective screen.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News:

The Rockefeller and Bill Gates foundations on the sponsorship list of EU decision-makers

Many of the more than 12,000 lobbyists who approach the EU institutions are sponsored by the Rockefeller and Bill Gates foundations, which provide enormous sums of money. As a rule, lobbyists officially try to influence the political decisions of EU heads of government in the interests of their own organizations. The European Court of Auditors has warned in a special report that lobbying without transparency mechanisms can lead to undue influence, unfair competition and even corruption.

Lobbying in the European Parliament and the European Commission consumes hundreds of millions of euros and more every year. More than 12,000 non-governmental organizations and companies are trying to influence the policies of EU decision-makers. In its special report “EU Transparency Register — Useful but limited information on lobbying activities”, the European Court of Auditors warns that lobbying activities without transparency mechanisms can lead to undue influence, unfair competition or even corruption.

“Registered organizations can self-identify which category they belong to and this determines what financial reporting requirements apply. There is therefore a risk that registered entities funded by third parties may not disclose certain financial information, including their sources of funding, by declaring that they represent their own or the collective interests of their members. Significant limitations have also been identified in the information provided on the public transparency register website. Some important data are missing, such as data on individual meetings with members of the European Parliament or historical data on newly registered organizations. Furthermore, the website does not provide aggregated data on lobbyists and their activities in an interactive form,” says the European Court of Auditors report.

Big names behind the lobbyists

Pandemic Action Network, a non-governmental organization based in the USA, joined forces on the 18th of June, registered as a lobbyist with the European Union in 2020 and met with representatives of the European Commission in 2020 to specifically prepare EU legislative proposals or measures as part of the Covid-19 response and reconstruction plans as well as the EU vaccination strategy.

The 2022 financial report names the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with almost €2.3 million, the Rockefeller Foundation with €715,000 and the pharmaceutical companies Merck and Johnson & Johnson as donors. The Rockefeller Foundation registered as a lobbyist in the EU Transparency Register in May 2023 and states that it works with the European Commission to combat poverty and promote a green future and has a lobbying budget of €294 million. The US-based International Aids Vaccine Initiative Inc., which officially registered as a lobbyist in March 2021, claims to be a non-profit scientific research organization developing vaccines and antibodies against HIV, tuberculosis and emerging infectious diseases (including Covid-19).

The organization has received EU grants of €2.45 million in 2022 and €3.5 million in 2023. In 2022, the organization also received €21 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and €73 million from the US government.

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Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

Update: Thank you all for your kind words. That was not quite the response I expected!

Your comments have given me a lot to think about for future twentieth-anniversary posts.

We’ll be coming up on the twentieth anniversary of Gates of Vienna later this year, and the process of preparing for an anniversary post has induced a sort of reverie in me as I contemplate the events of the past two decades.

Things have changed a lot, both externally and internally. I often feel like I’m too old to be doing this sort of thing. I’m over seventy now, and should be relaxing somewhere pleasant, enjoying the time that remains to me before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

And I sometimes feel like I’m close to burning out — I’ve just seen too way much information, most of it horrible. I wish I could return to the naïve, idealistic state of mind that I had when I started this job, but, alas, that’s not an option. Once you walk through the door of greater awareness, there’s no turning back. And, worst of all, I don’t think I’ve reached the limit of ghastly understanding. It seems likely that the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been working with Vlad for more than fifteen years now, and he says he’s feeling the pressure of burnout, too. We talk on the phone fairly frequently about all this stuff, in an effort to keep each other sane. With mixed results.

Anyway… for the time being, I’ll continue trawling through the hideous news every day and presenting it here, for your delectation (or horror, as the case may be).

The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. It used to be that I could post about every major incident when it occurred, but that’s no longer possible — most of the stories get relegated to the news feed, if I have any coverage of them at all. There are just too many of them.

As Islamization has increased, the persecution of those who criticize it — or even just point it out — has intensified concomitantly. A number of Europeans that I worked with have been prosecuted; once again, I can’t keep track of them all. Many of them have now ceased their Counterjihad activities — when the choice is between losing your livelihood and giving up your Islamophobia, it’s not surprising that people decide to quit this line of work. If I actually lived in Europe, I might well have been driven out of it myself.

I used to think that making more people aware of what’s happening would help turn the tide. If a critical mass of understanding could only be reached, especially among elected representatives, the process of Islamization might be reversible. Back in 2007 and 2008 I said I thought we had a window of ten or fifteen years in which to begin the process of reversal. Unfortunately, that window has now closed. The demographics of Western Europe have passed the point of no return. The white natives are having fewer children, while the Muslims are having more, and all the while additional “asylum seekers” are pouring in. Tomorrow belongs to them.

Central and Eastern Europe may well be able to avoid the worst, at least for a while, but Western European countries will metamorphose into Muslim societies. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and France will be the first to become Islamic republics, with Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy following close behind. It’s too late to stop the process; it’s only a matter of time.

No one in a position of political power will take action against the inevitable. Anyone who is inclined to oppose Islamization finds out as soon as he rises high enough in the hierarchy that opposition is not permitted. The order comes down from above, and you either give up your opposition (relevant example: Giorgia Meloni), or your career comes to an end. There are always multiple ways to make an independent-minded politician an offer he can’t refuse. I can’t say exactly who the shadowy unelected globalists are who give the orders, but they’re out there giving them. Their gravitational influence is large enough to shift the orbits of our elected leaders.

As we approach 2050, the Islamization process will intensify to the point where civil strife will break out in Western Europe. If nuclear war can somehow be avoided, it may be possible for white enclaves to form where the worst of the Islamic excesses are kept at bay. However, based on the current demographics, the Caliphate will have control of the major cities. If the welfare jizya ceases to flow to the urban ghettos, then the Muslims living there will have to resort to razzias, which is their traditional way of dealing with privation. We can expect well-armed masses of them to descend on the suburbs and rural areas, where they can rape and pillage to their hearts’ content.

They will have the arms, and, sad to say, they will have more military-age men than the white natives will. By that time most of the remaining whites will be geezers. Thus we can expect that their enclaves will gradually shrink, while the culturally enriched sharia banlieues will gradually expand.

And that’s just the Islamization aspect of the coming collapse. One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.

The most recent destructive fad is the “trans” craze, which is dissolving every social institution it touches so rapidly that it’s hard to take in what’s happening. And that’s certainly not the last such craze — it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon. For all I know, necrophilia, necrophagia, and cannibalism may be next on the menu. Cannibals have rights, too!

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Darmanin Orders the Protection of French Jews

The following translation came in a few days ago, but was delayed for various reasons. The news story was published after Iran attacked Israel, but before Israel’s retaliatory attack against Iran last night. The level of protection required to keep French Jews safe today must be enormous, given that at least 15% of the population of France is now Muslim.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Strikes against Israel: Darmanin asks for security reinforcement at places of worship and Jewish schools

April 14, 2024

At the approach of the Passover holidays, the Interior Minister has asked prefects to provide a “stationary and visible” police presence in front of places of worship and “the most sensitive and emblematic” buildings.

On Sunday, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin asked prefects to reinforce security in front of Jewish places of worship, as well as in front of religious schools, the day after the attack carried out by Iran against Israel and in anticipation of the Passover holidays. The minister is asking prefects to provide a “stationary and visible” presence of police in front of places of worship and “the most sensitive and emblematic” buildings.

“The security forces [police and Gendarmerie, editor’s note], of course, cannot carry out these missions alone,” the minister writes in a dispatch dated Sunday. “You will also need to requisition the Sentinel soldiers for this purpose,” he adds. On the approach of Passover, the Jewish Easter (22-30 April), he asks them to pay particular attention to the “religious services and gatherings that traditionally concentrate large numbers of people.”

“Stationary guards” and “ regular visits”

The Minister of Interior is also asking that “stationary guards be placed in front of religious schools beginning Monday, systematically, at the hours when pupils enter and leave.” Gerald Darmanin is also calling for the establishment of “regular visits by the police and Gendarmerie” at “specialized businesses”.

This decision was taken due to the “very high level of terrorist threat,” “the continuing high level of acts of an anti-Semitic character,” and “the persistence of tensions at the international level, including the attack by Iran upon Israel,” during the night between Saturday and Sunday, he detailed in the dispatch.

Tomorrow Belongs to Me

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Germany belongs to Islam: CDU buckles

The CDU has once again managed to follow the example of its chairman Friedrich Merz and immediately cave in to any criticism from the Left. The new basic program from December initially said: “Muslims who share our values belong to Germany,” said the CDU’s draft program. This was actually a clear sentence, with a clear offer to Muslims that they are welcome if they follow the values of the country to which they came voluntarily. But of course it didn’t take long before the usual outrage from left-wing politicians, media and Islam lobbyists began. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil rambled on about the rhetorical exclusion of an entire population group, while Aiman Mazyek, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, accused the CDU of using the formulation to fish for the right-wing fringe of voters.

Over the weekend, the CDU weakened the sentence and reworded it in a complicated manner. “Muslims are part of the religious diversity of Germany and our society,” it now says. It was also added: “An Islam that does not share our values and rejects our free society does not belong to Germany.” But of course that wasn’t enough for Mazyek and Co., either. The new version is also “another attempt by the Christian Democratic Union to fish in murky waters in order to stigmatize Muslims.” [Nobody needs to stigmatize Muslims; they are perfectly capable of doing that themselves and show it DAILY, especially contempt for anyone outside Islam.] For him, “if at all,” only a formulation that addresses all worldviews and religious communities, rather than just to single out a specific one and mark it negatively”. SPD parliamentary group deputy Dirk Wiese explained that the program was “not a program for the future, but a journey into dusty yesterday.” In these “challenging times” “cohesion and mutual respect are needed more than ever”. But the Union is doing the opposite and “consciously pushing for a policy of prejudice”.

No prejudices, just unbiased bloody experiences

The fact that reservations about Islam are by no means prejudices, but rather the results of decades and even centuries of experience with Islam’s claim to total dominance and its ongoing intolerance, willingness to use violence and refusal to integrate, is naturally not communicable to the historically and culturally illiterate leftists. They would rather continue to wallow in their multi-cultural dream dance and hope for Muslim votes that they have long since lost forever among the local population. Even left-wing media, which are forcibly financed by the general public, such as Radio Bremen, which is part of the ARD, make fun of letting young Muslim women loose on passers-by to ask them whether Germans in Germany speak German, whether they are Christians, because they look German or whether they distance themselves from the — allegedly — right-wing attack in Hanau. A young woman actually declared: “As a German, I distance myself from German violence.” This shows how far left-wing indoctrination has already progressed, especially among young people. The Union simply cannot manage to finally take a clear stance and express people’s concerns.

According to a current INSA survey, 55% of Germans and even 21% of Muslims (!) fear the Islamization of Europe. However, the Union allows itself to be driven by leftists and figures like Mazyek and can only bring itself to use waxy, completely meaningless formulations regarding Islam. Thorsten Frei, the parliamentary secretary, claimed that the changes were “certainly not a stigma, but a clarification”. One is “not prepared to accept every form of Islam”. That’s why “a clear announcement is necessary here”. However, it remains to be seen exactly. The Union has nothing to offer apart from airy talk of a “leading culture” that “everyone who wants to live here must recognize without any ifs and buts”. They do not explain what exactly is meant by this dominant culture and what its cultural foundations are. [I rather doubt that they even know their own culture, these puppeticians are so far removed from reality that one can no longer blame their ideological retardation which made it possible for Islam to plant a beachhead again.]

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Germany Thwarts Rich Chinese Migrants

It seems that rich foreigners can’t get into Germany as easily as poor Africans or Middle Eastern fellahin.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Residence permits for rich Chinese and Arabs: major raid in eight federal states against traffickers

The Düsseldorf public prosecutor’s office arrested ten suspects in a large-scale raid against an international smuggling gang in eight federal states.

More than 1,000 federal police and public prosecutors have been involved in the operation since early morning. A total of 101 residential and business premises were searched, including two law firms, as the Federal Police Directorate in Sankt Augustin near Bonn reported on Wednesday.

According to Bild, the smuggling gang is said to have obtained permanent residence permits for around 350 Chinese and Arabs for up to €350,000 by taking advantage of special rules for foreign skilled workers. [I guess these people aren’t gynaecologists or plastic surgeons like all the others the German State smuggles in.] There were raids in North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Berlin, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Emir of Sint-Joost Fails to Stop NatCon

The mayor of the Brussels municipality Sint-Joost-ten-Node is named Emir Kir. That tells you all you need to know: Brussels (at least that district) is ruled by an emir. It’s a province of the Caliphate.

Yesterday the police raided National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) in Sint-Joost on the orders of the mayor, in an attempt to shut the event down. However, they did not actually halt the conference. Judicial intervention allowed the proceedings to continue.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Flemish daily De Standaard:

Police raid during conservative congress blows up in the face of Mayor Kir

By sending the police to disrupt a congress of right-wing conservatives in Sint-Joost, Mayor Emir Kir gave those present the chance to make their point about structural censorship in front of the cameras. Premier De Croo also called Kir’s action “unacceptable”.

by Pieter Van Maele
April 17, 2024

“Belgium is bowing under the weight of sharia,” said the French radical-right politician, Éric Zemmour, Tuesday afternoon. “It is once again clear that in Brussels, a dissenting voice cannot be heard,” said Filip Dewinter (Vlaams Belang party). The Brexit advocate Nigel Farage said, “This undemocratic behavior has now convinced me that Brexit was the only correct choice.” Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian premier, tweeted that he was again reminded of his struggle against the communist regime in the 1980s. “We didn’t give up then, and we shouldn’t do that now.”

All four were supposed to take part in the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday, a two-day right-wing conservative congress. That was originally supposed to take place in a hall in Brussels-City until the manager got wind of the content and canceled the event. Then the organizers switched to Etterbeek, where the same thing happened. On Tuesday morning, they were forced to settle on Claridge Hall in Sint-Joost-ten-Node. The manager of the hall said that after “consultation with his lawyer,” he had decided the event could go forward.

Event not stopped

That was strictly against the wishes of Emir Kir (independent) the mayor of the Brussels municipality, who sent the police in Tuesday to put an “immediate” stop to the congress. He did that on the basis of a threat assessment by the anti-terrorist service Ocad, De Standaard learned, in which there was a warning of a possible disruption, not just by the right-wing event itself, but also by extreme leftist counter-demonstrators. “Racists are not welcome in Brussels, nor in Etterbeek, nor in Sint-Joost,” Kir also tweeted Tuesday.

Then around noon — Nigel Farage was speaking — a handful of police officers entered the hall, the meeting having been in progress for some hours. That took place literally behind closed doors. On the thickly-sealed roll-down shutters hung a note with the telephone number of someone in the organizing Mathias Corvinus Collegium, a right-wing think tank from Hungary.

Éric Zemmour stated to the press: “Belgium is bowing under the weight of sharia.”

The police did not completely stop the event. They did set up a cordon of about twenty riot police in front of the entrance to the hall. Whoever was outside the hall at that moment, like Zemmour, was not allowed back in by the officers. Inside, the congress went on virtually undisturbed.

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Junior Sharia Police Enforce Ramadan in Alsace

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche:

An adolescent (13) attacked for not respecting Ramadan

In Achenheim, (Bas Rhin [Alsace]), a 13-year-old minor was beaten by four Muslim minors who reproached her for not respecting the Ramadan fast while getting off a bus going to their school. Accompanied by her father, the adolescent filed a complaint Tuesday afternoon for the acts of group violence.

April 9, 2024

The day before Eid-al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of Ramadan, a female adolescent (13) was accosted by four minors in Achenheim (Bas-Rhin). On a bus heading to their school, she was accosted by four other pupils of the school who reproached her for not respecting the fast imposed by Ramadan. While getting off the bus, the victim, of North African origin, was beaten, according to our information from a judicial source. The adolescent was lightly injured, her face showing redness.

Complaint filed

After the attack the four minors, of Muslim faith, fled. As they are still in the process of being identified, the victim went to the police headquarters of Wolfisheim, accompanied by her father. She filed a complaint for the acts of group violence. With the matter in hand, the Gendarmerie brigade will begin an investigation.

Deadly Eid in Bordeaux

The following article concerns enricher-on-enricher violence in Bordeaux. It seems a devout Afghan Muslim executed Islamic justice with his knife against two less-than-zealous fellow Muslims from Algeria.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Knife attack in Bordeaux: Attacker formally identified, Korans and prayer rugs recovered

Born in Afghanistan, the attacker, who had reproached his victims for drinking alcohol, was killed by police shortly after the incident Wednesday evening.

The knife attacker in Bordeaux, who killed one person and seriously wounded another on Wednesday evening, has been formally identified, Le Figaro learned from the public prosecutor’s office on Friday, April 12. He is Ahmed Saboor Hamraz, born in November 1998 in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

Killed by police with several assault weapon rounds a few moments after the attack Wednesday, the individual had obtained refugee status from OFPRA on September 14, 2021, after an initial asylum request in Greece on February 27, 2019, the prosecutor’s office confirmed, as announced Thursday by Le Figaro. He was not under the influence of cannabis or alcohol during the incident. Toxicological analyses are in progress.

“Boxing medal”

His residence has now been searched. The authorities have recovered “a boxing medal, two Korans, a prayer rug, and a phone,” that will be examined, the national prosecutor, Fredrique Porterie, explained. The prosecutor’s office “remains in contact with the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office with a view of a complete evaluation of the situation,” he finally noted.

On Wednesday evening, the attacker stabbed two Algerian nationals near the Miroir d’Eau (Mirror of Water), a Bordeaux tourist site, after reproaching them for drinking alcohol during the celebration of Eid, marking the end of the fast of Ramadan. A police officer, armed with an automatic rifle, killed him a few minutes later.

Two investigations have been opened, one for murder and attempted murder, the other to examine the circumstances under which the police shooting was carried out. According to the magistrate, who assigned this second investigation to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), it is likely self-defense in view of the initial elements gathered.

Genoa: The Jehovah’s Witnesses of Islam

The video below is another documentary by Eugenia Fiore about Islam in Italy. In this instance the journalist visits an Islamic ghetto in Genoa to talk to the family of a recently arrested terrorist from the Tablighi organization (see last Monday’s report about Tablighi in the suburbs of Rome).

An interesting aspect of this video is that Ms. Fiore was discouraged from entering the Muslim area because she is a woman, and even worse, a blonde.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Think No More

MC’s latest update from Sderot is prefaced by some historical musings and a look at the larger political context.

Think No More

by MC

Over a hundred years ago Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a French Jew, was stripped of his rank and imprisoned. The world was happy that “the Joo done it” and no more questions were asked.

Whilst it was obvious the Dreyfus had not done ‘it’, the alternative was not thinkable; thus Dreyfus remained ‘guilty’ until Émile Zola forced a reinvestigation to prove him innocent.

Largely as a result of the Dreyfus affair, Theodor Herzl realized that Jews could not overcome anti-Semitism and would always be unacceptable in European circles. Thus he gave birth to the Zionist movement, the essence of which was to provide a homeland where Jews could be Jews.

The word ‘Zionist’ has changed meaning over the last 129 years, and has been turned into an epithet of all that leftists hate about Jooz.

Zion is the ancient name of Jerusalem, but like most Hebrew words carries a much deeper meaning, that of a place with a direct connection to Yahovah.

The word Yahovah itself has the meaning “I was, I am, I will be”. But unfortunately its meaning is lost in the translated Greek of the New Testament; see John 8 v 5. ‘Yahovah’ is a word of power and caused the Pharisaic arrest team to fall over.

There is a reason why Satanic forces continue to attack Jews, and Romans 10 & 11, oft ignored or glossed over, explains.

One must apply Occam’s Razor to both Judaism and Christianity to try and cut away the pagan influences and get to the TRUTH of Creation. Satan knows this so much better than we do, and thus continues to attack Jews.

Palestinian propaganda has been wildly successful, and even the White House is quoting the Hamas Gaza ‘Health’ Ministry (GHM) unchecked and verbatim.

Thus the canards of ‘starvation, Aid Worker protection and Rafah’ go both unresearched and unchallenged.

The UK called in the Israeli ambassador solely on the basis of a propaganda statement from the GHM — folly, considering the GHM’s past performance.

There are no ‘lies’ as such in Islam, and any fabrication is permitted if it hurts the enemies of Islam. It is incredible stupidity to trust any statement originating from the depths of the GHM.

But, of course, if that information is useful to pacify the residents of Dearborn (and help them vote Democrat), then think no more…

This also explains why the feminist left had such problems condemning Hamas’ (sexual) violations of female Jooz (and males). They had to make some decisions, and the thought of supporting ‘colonialist and oppressive’ Jewish women in the face of non-colonialist and non-oppressive Muslims proved too much. Rape is not a crime if the victim is deemed to be an oppressor.

So now, October 7th having been forgotten, they are free to support ‘Palestine’ and the institutionalized slavery of Muslim women — toujours c’est la même chose…

The burka is very pleasant to wear, you know — it stops men looking at you!

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Biden Administration Sides with Terrorists

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Biden Administration Sides with Terrorists

by Clare M. Lopez

Ramadan this year runs from sundown on March 10, 2024 to sundown on April 10, 2024. The White House Statement of support for the Islamic observance included sympathetic references to Gaza, where over 80% of the people have told pollsters that they support HAMAS.

“Statement from President Joe Biden on the Occasion of Ramadan”, The White House, March 10, 2024

“Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing With Hamas Supporters” by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine, March 11, 2024

“AOC and ‘Squad’ Dems Melt Down After CNN Panelist Accuses Ilhan Omar of Hamas Connection” by Jonathan Jones at The Western Journal, March 15, 2024

  • Seems this one struck a little close to home!

“US Intel Agency Wants To Ban Terms ‘Radical Islamists’ and ‘Jihadist’ Because They’re Hurtful to Muslim Americans” by Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon, March 27, 2024

  • The term “Radical Islamists” indeed ought to be banned, given that those, like “jihadis”, who are faithfully obedient to the doctrine, law & scripture of Islam are in fact mainstream, normative, and orthodox.
  • More here — “DEI top dogs warn intelligence officials to avoid using words such as ‘jihadist’ and even ‘Radical Islamists’“ by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 24, 2024

Biden Regime Invites Hamas-Linked CAIR to the White House, Then Lies About It” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, March 16, 2024

What does MENA mean? The U.S. Census’ new category” by Joe Grimm, March 30, 2024

  • The U.S. Census Bureau issued a formal announcement on March 29, 2024 that added a new category to its U.S. population count. It’s for “Middle Eastern/North African” (MENA).
  • “White House releases Census revision to include Middle Eastern or North African category” by Dorothy Tucker & Samah Assad at CBS News, March 29, 2024

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Cologne: The City of Muezzins

Long-time readers will remember the reporting we did in early 2016 on the culture-enriching Gropin’ and Rapin’ Festival that was held in the square outside the Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve.

The following video reports on a visit to Cologne by an Italian journalist eight years later. The city is even less Christian and more Islamized than it was in 2015, and young women are even less safe.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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