ISIS vs. Taylor Swift

I reported on Wednesday about the mujahideen who plotted a massive terror attack at a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna. Ripples from the incident are spreading through Western media, especially the German-language outlets.

Below are two articles related to the planned terror attacks by would-be shahids, both translated by Hellequin GB.

The first article, from the online news portal Nius, concerns responses by leftist/feminist women in Austria and Germany, who blame “toxic men” for the cancellation of the concerts of their favorite pop star. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Islamism? Not at all! The enemies of left-wing Swift fans are “toxic men”

Taylor Swift was once an icon of classic Republican America: she grew up on a Christmas tree farm, sang country pop and embodied a conservative ideal. Then left-wing feminists discovered the singer for themselves — and a pop-cultural liaison full of contradictions began.

The left-wing Swifties form a strange subculture within the Swift universe. Like all Swifties, they are not only good at memorizing song lyrics, screaming their hearts out and stringing pearls, but also have remarkable skills in denial. This is how they manage to celebrate Swift as an icon of feminism while simultaneously reveling in her deeply conservative lyrics, which primarily revolve around two themes: Women want men. Women don’t want men anymore.

Prominent examples of left-wing Swift fans include the Green Party politicians Ricarda Lang and Emilia Fester. [No self-respecting man would want them in any case.]

Lang, who has benefited from the women’s quota within the Green Party all her life, filmed herself singing along to the line “ the patriarchy” while attending a Swift concert. Fester, who is known to a wider public primarily through dance videos in the Bundestag, even felt called upon to write a detailed, culturally critical reflection on Instagram from the perspective of the “former theater maker,” but despite everything, she also came to the conclusion that “ the patriarchy” was the “right approach.”

“How can this be?”

The foiled Islamist attack on Swift concerts in Vienna, which led to the cancellation of three events, now opens up new opportunities for left-wing Swifties to demonstrate their talent for repression.

The political scientist Natascha Strobl, who is otherwise committed to the fight “against the far-right,” set a good example. In a cascade of tweets, she vented her outrage, which was primarily directed against the authorities: “How can that be? How can you not ensure security? Any filthy thing can take place, but Taylor Swift can’t?” She even called for the resignation of Interior Minister Gerhard Karner: “Why couldn’t the police guarantee security for the organizers? What a f***ing scandal. Karner must resign. Really.”

Strobl asked numerous questions — in a commendable, power-critical manner: “Why do you only find out about it one day before a concert and only after being tipped off by foreign services? What is that? Why do other countries manage to host the Olympic Games and Austria cannot arrest potential terrorists in time and on its own?” In fact, the perpetrator was at least arrested in time to prevent anyone from being killed. The concerts had to be cancelled anyway, which not only angered Strobl because she had already made numerous bracelets to exchange, but also made her politically suspicious: “Then no major event can take place at all right now? It was generally said that major events took place. Why can’t Austria manage to get the biggest star in the world to perform?”

Strobl seemed to suspect some kind of conspiracy against Swift and her fans: “Was Taylor Swift or her fans directly targeted or was it some major event and Swifties were just unlucky? If 2: why are other major events still taking place?” Strobl had at least four words for the 19-year-old Islamist: “F*** terrorists. F*** ISIS.”

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A Fly in the Ointment

Below are excerpts from T.L. Davis’ latest essay:

A Fly in the Ointment

by T.L. Davis

If you want any semblance of the life you now live, however humble it might be, you’re going to have to fight for it. You are going to have to question everything and everyone and become, as John McClane in Die Hard put it, you’re going to have to be “the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench.” You may never live the comfortable life you do now, but fighting back is the only alternative to being used, abused and discarded after they’ve mined your body for reusable parts.

We are being abused right now. There is no Commander in Chief, there just isn’t, unless a president can grow six inches overnight or change the shape of his face and ears, the color of his eyes, from what historical evidence exists. It’s not all that important, when it comes down to it, because the lesson learned is that the whole of congress, Democrats and Republicans, the whole Executive branch is willing to go along with the ruse, because they have no respect or sense of duty to the people. Where that is true, there is no limit to the degradation and defilement they are willing to heap on the masses. We mean less to them than a group of ants on the periphery of one’s lawn, but should that group of ants begin to invade the picnic, there’s no hesitation to dump a load of gasoline on the anthill and incinerate them all.

The toughest part for people who have always been patriotic to the flag and the principles of freedom embodied in the Bill of Rights, is that aside from decorations, that union no longer exists. The only thing holding all of it together are threats and bribery, that’s not a union, that’s just organized crime.

The best demonstration of what I’m writing about is the recent clashes in the UK. Finally, the Muslims went too far and enraged the whole nation with their murderous tendencies. No, I don’t think the 17 year old of Rwandan descent woke up one day and decided to kill three little white girls, that’s something that has to be planted, nurtured and encouraged throughout one’s life, that doing so is a mark of bravery and faithfulness to a violent god.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/8/2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin convened the Russian Security Council yesterday after Ukrainian troops entered Russian territory in the Kursk region. Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry said its troops are battling to push back Ukrainian forces.

In other news, newly released body camera footage from Butler Township police shows the moments before and after Thomas Crooks opened fire at a rally for former President Donald Trump.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Dora, DV, JW, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Lefties Go Wild in Berlin

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

“Infrastructure of War”

Attack on Berlin S-Bahn: Police suspect left-wing extremist perpetrators

For days, the Berlin S-Bahn has been in crisis mode because of an attack. Police investigations point to a left-wing extremist motive — but the alleged letter of confession raises questions.


After an attack on the Berlin S-Bahn last Friday, the State Security Service has begun investigations. The police are currently assuming that the attack was politically motivated, a spokesman said. The main focus of the investigation is a possible self-incriminating letter on the left-wing extremist platform Kontrapolis.

The anonymous authors describe the rail network of the parent company of the Berlin S-Bahn, Deutsche Bahn, as “part of NATO’s military infrastructure” because it is used to move troops. If the railway is attacked, the “infrastructure of war and arms production” is attacked. In addition, the company is said to have profited from “colonial and environmentally destructive projects in the Global South”. However, according to the investigators, the letter is not an “authentic letter of self-incrimination” like other similar acts.

Not only the S-Bahn is a frequent target of attacks

The unknown perpetrators carried out the attack on Friday afternoon. After the attack, there were numerous train cancellations and delays at Berlin Central Station, among other places. The regular timetable will not be in effect until Wednesday morning.

In the greater Berlin area, there have been repeated attacks on infrastructure by left-wing extremists. The Tesla factory in Grünheide, Brandenburg has also been the target of such attacks. In March, left-wing extremists from the “Vulkan Group” set fire to the nearby power grid.

Afterword from the translator:

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Is Cardiff the Capital of Wales or Just Another Londonistan on Steroids?

Our English correspondent Seneca III sends us this update, with a focus on the Welsh corner of Modern Multicultural Britain.

Is Cardiff the Capital of Wales or just another Londonistan on steroids?

by Seneca III

Today there are just over 45,000 Muslims living in the principality of Wales, many of whom are Rwandan immigrants who settled there before percolating out to such places such as Bank, an area close to Southport on Merseyside. More than half of that 45,000 live in Cardiff, where they are served by a total of 28 mosques, so understand this: Islam plus African DNA is the most savage, Frankensteinian combination that one can imagine. If it had been created in a lab by genetic engineers they would, justifiably, be taken out and shot on the spot, an option that we should keep in our back pockets for the likes of these…

…as we wonder what has happened to the Men of Harlech whose ancestors defeated an overwhelming force at Rorke’s Drift, produced world class Rugby teams time after time and gave us the sound of voices raised to the sky rendering glorious choral masterpieces in the valleys? The answer is simple and can be found in the dark underbelly of the Welsh addiction to Marxist-Socialism, the destroyer of people and cultures, as Starmer’s new, already tarnished Labour party is now so openly demonstrating in England.

Unsurprisingly, the person of one Anil Kanti “Neil” Basu, a retired ex-over-affirmative actioned BAME police officer who served as Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations in the Metropolitan Police and the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Counter Terrorism Policing from March 2018 to September 20211 and was also the Senior National Coordinator for Counter terrorism, has now surfaced to abuse us as he imitates a bad odour coming from a blocked lavatory.

Mass immigration will destroy the UK as surely as if we were hit by a stray asteroid. Beyond a critical point in a finite space freedom diminishes as numbers increase. This is as true of people in the finite space of an island ecosystem as it is of gas molecules in a sealed container. We have currently been forced to live in the fading remnants of a once safe and generally happy ecosystem, in essence a loosely closed system that maintained a form of fluid stability that can be destroyed by a single action and, if we fail to recognise and prevent that reality from occurring, then the system collapses. When that happens the human question is not about how many could possibly survive within such a system, but what sort of existence is possible for those who do survive? Hence, those are the questions that our political leaders, their beneficiaries and their ideological bag-carriers fear to address publicly because they know that they cannot conceive of a way to reverse the course they have taken in their pursuit of power and wealth. Consequently, the reversal will have to come from elsewhere, from We The People, for it is our ecosystem that is on the cusp of extinction, not the parallel alien one being superimposed upon us from within and without.

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Before the Deluge

Actually, the deluge is already here, even though the center of the tropical depression formerly known as Hurricane Debby is still well south of the North Carolina border. The rain has been heavy for a while, and there is some wind, but not a whole lot of it.

Nevertheless, Central Virginia is currently under a Tornado Watch:



The internet went out for a few hours, then came back on a little while ago. So be advised that I may disappear without warning. Knowing the phone company, if enough water comes down, the outage may last for several days.

All day the rain has glided, wave and mist and dream,
Drenching the gorse and heather, a gossamer stream
Too light to stir the acorns that suddenly
Snatched from their cups by the wild south-westerly
Pattered against the tent and our upturned dreaming faces.
And we stretched out, unbuttoning our braces,
Smoking a Woodbine, darning dirty socks,
Reading the Sunday papers — I saw a fox
And mentioned it in the note I scribbled home;
And we talked of girls and dropping bombs on Rome,
And thought of the quiet dead and the loud celebrities
Exhorting us to slaughter, and the herded refugees;
As of ourselves or those whom we
For years have loved, and will again
Tomorrow maybe love; but now it is the rain
Possesses us entirely, the twilight and the rain.

— From “All Day It Has Rained” by Alun Lewis (1941)

Alun Lewis was killed fighting in Burma in 1944.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/7/2024

London Mayor Sadiq Khan placed the city on high alert today as anti-immigration protesters arrived in immigrant-heavy neighborhoods. Meanwhile, polls show the majority of Britons believe that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is handling the riots badly.

In other news, an explosion rocked the Usinsk oil processing plant in Arctic Russia yesterday, causing major fires. The cause of the blast is not yet known.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Dora, DV, JW, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Bread and Circuses for Criminals

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Police union demands one year of free Netflix for criminals who voluntarily hand over their knives

Knife violence is escalating in Germany. Now the police union GdP is proposing a “scrappage bonus” for knives, combined with a “knife amnesty”. Criminals who voluntarily hand over their butterfly knives will receive free Netflix for a year.

It is a strange suggestion that has caused a stir: The Federal Chairman of the Police Union (Gewerkschaft der Polizei, GdP), Jochen Kopelke, has called for an immediate knife amnesty after the brutal knife attack in Stuttgart. This means that anyone who hands in their knife should receive a reward. The Federal Minister of Justice should implement this. “Last year, my colleagues recorded almost 9,000 knife attacks causing serious and dangerous bodily harm. These figures are cause for great concern and make swift action essential,” the GdP head explained on Tuesday. [Are they serious? Why don’t they deport these bastards immediately, and if they come back, shoot them? No more knife crime from that one.]

“Serious incentives for those who surrender”

Banned and dangerous knives must be removed from private hands as quickly as possible, demands the Bremen police chief. A knife amnesty is a possible first step. He is initially counting on the voluntary cooperation of knife owners. “For this measure to be effective, the federal government must create serious incentives for those who hand them in. In concrete terms, this could mean a year of Netflix for handing in a banned butterfly knife.”

GdP welcomes knife ban

According to Kopelke, German gun laws are currently too complicated to clearly regulate the scope of knives. The GdP is therefore proposing a simplification. Long-term structural adjustments are needed, said the union leader.

In principle, more restrictions are needed, added Kopelke. In this context, the GdP welcomes the proposal to ban the carrying of knives, “but we would like to point out that this will entail increased controls. Their reliable implementation requires additional staff and improved equipment for our police forces,” said the GdP chief. [It’s not the knife that the problem, STUPID, it’s those who use them to attack and stab people with them that are the problem.]

The Police Union, or GdP for short, is a German trade union founded in 1950 that has over 200,000 members. It has been a member of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) since 1978.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Great Jihad Targets Taylor Swift in Vienna

As has been widely reported today, Taylor Swift’s planned concerts in Austria were allegedly targeted by mujahideen for the Islamic State.

The article below describes the heightened security that was planned in the wake of the first arrests. Just after it was posted, all the events were cancelled (see, for example, this report from The Chicago Tribune).

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Heute:

Taylor Swift Concert

Terror in Vienna planned — other suspects on the run

A 17 and 19-year-old planned an attack on one of the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. Explosive: Suspects reportedly on the run!

by Newsdesk Heute
August 7, 2024

A police operation in Ternitz on Wednesday has expanded into a massive terror investigation by the authorities. A radical Islamist duo, who had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State and its leader a few weeks ago, reportedly were planning a terror attack in greater Vienna. Most probably at one of the three mega concerts by Taylor Swift with ten thousand fans in Ernst-Happel Stadium. The 19-year-old Austrian with North Macedonian roots was arrested in Ternitz, the 17-year-old in Vienna.

As to the young suspects, no further details are as yet known. What is certain, according to the authorities, is: Preparations were being made for a terror attack. The target is believed to be events in greater Vienna — for certain one of the Taylor Swift concerts was “in focus” for the Islamists. During the house search in Ternitz, “chemical substances” were reportedly found which will be analyzed by the specialists. Security measures at the concerts would be massively heightened, the police announced.

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Edwin Wagensveld: “I Do Not Care Whether I Am Convicted or Not”

Edwin Wagensveld, the leader of the Dutch branch of Pegida, has appeared in this space a number of times, most recently here. Mr. Wagensveld has gotten into trouble on multiple occasions for burning and/or tearing up Korans in public spaces, and for his public utterances on those actions.

He was prosecuted for one of his public utterances, in which he compared devotees of the Koran to Hitler. That was considered a form of “group insult” by the Dutch judicial system.

The following interview with Edwin Wagensveld was recorded before the verdict in his case was handed down. Since then, according to the NL Times (hat tip Reader from Chicago), “The court of appeals in The Hague has sentenced Pegida frontman Edwin Wagensveld to a conditionally suspended community service of 40 hours for group insult.”

Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Lefties Love Kids

Viewing kiddie porn on an official parliamentary computer — that’s a pretty serious accusation. But the accused is a good socialist, so the whole unfortunate matter will probably be buried quickly and forgotten.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Child pornography raid on Thuringian Linke [Left] Party

Child pornography raid on the Linke Party in the Thuringian state parliament. A member of parliament is said to have been browsing relevant forums using an IP address from the state parliament.


On Tuesday, the police searched the rooms of a Thuringian Linke Party MP on suspicion of possession of child pornography. On the morning of the same day, the Thuringian Justice Committee lifted the politician’s immunity at the request of the Erfurt public prosecutor’s office.

It is unclear which parliamentarian this is. The public prosecutor’s office did not comment on the matter when asked by the Bild newspaper. A spokesman for the parliamentary group concerned told the paper: “There was a confidential meeting. The police are still in the state parliament. We have to wait until our parliamentary group executive committee comments on this.”

Left faction promises cooperation with authorities

Afterwards, the leader of the Left Party, Steffen Dittes, said: “The seriousness of the criminal charges appalls me.” The entire parliamentary group has “guaranteed every support for the investigative work of the public prosecutor’s office and the police” and will continue to do so. He hopes that the judiciary will solve the case “consistently and completely.”

According to the MDR [Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, public broadcaster], the accused is said to have gained access to illegal websites via an IP address belonging to the Thuringian state parliament.

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/6/2024

At least 19 people, including six soldiers, were wounded in northern Israel today after Hezbollah launched drone attacks from Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hamas announced that it has chosen Yahya Sinwar, its top official in Gaza who masterminded the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, as its new leader.

In other news, Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her vice-presidential running mate. Mr. Walz is most famous for letting Minneapolis burn during the George Floyd riots in 2020.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Gary Fouse, JW, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Vehicular Jihad in Cologne

A Jordanian taxi driver went on a rampage in Cologne yesterday, running down women with his car. It’s interesting that the city has a “police commission for rampage crimes” — evidently this sort of crime is common enough to warrant special police attention.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Bild:

Several injured in driving rampage in Cologne — Taxi driver apparently deliberately runs down women

Cologne — What an unbelievable driving rampage

On Monday evening in Cologne Old Town, a Jordanian (44) deliberately ran down several women, and some of them were seriously injured.

According to witnesses, the taxi driver from Velbert (North Rhine-Westphalia) raced his car shortly after 10 pm in the Kleine Budengasse — there he hit two women (22, 23) head-on who were heading to the Old Market.

But that did not stop the man’s rampage. Then he raced his VW Passat further in the direction of the Rhine, and there he drove at three other women. He hit two of them, and one woman was able to jump to the side.

What is striking about the rampage: The Jordanian apparently was targeting only women. According to initial investigations and evaluations of video material from surveillance cameras, the 44-year-old deliberately drove toward his victims and hit the gas before impact. The police commission for rampage crimes has taken over the investigation. Thus far, the motive of the taxi driver is not exactly clear.

Waiter is a hero

A waiter (34) at the brew house, in front of whom the crime occurred, was a brave hero. The police report: “On foot, he took chase.” In doing so, he put himself in great danger: At the Grossen Neugasse, the taxi drove at him — the driver drove at him without braking.

Despite a leap to the side, an outside mirror struck him on the upper body. Finally, the waiter managed to hold the driver, who had gotten out of the vehicle at the Old Market, until the arrival of the police.

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A Culture-Enriching Family Business

A Syrian family in Stuttgart has racked up an impressive collective criminal record. As devotees of Allah living in an infidel land, they regard the kuffar as legitimate prey, and act accordingly.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Family of Stuttgart knife attacker has already committed more than 100 crimes!

  • The family of 17-year-old knife attacker Khalil H. is responsible for a total of 110 crimes.
  • Ten of the eleven siblings have committed crimes; two brothers are currently in prison.
  • The father is also known to the police and has committed twelve crimes.

The 17-year-old Syrian Khalil H., who attacked a family in Stuttgart last week, comes from a highly criminal family. Since migrating from Syria in 2016, Khalil H. and his ten siblings have been responsible for 110 crimes. Bild reports that two brothers are currently in prison. His 18-year-old sister only finished her prison sentence in February.

A life of crime

The younger members of the family are particularly conspicuous. Khalil’s 14-year-old brother is said to have already committed 21 crimes and is in a youth detention center. Even the youngest brother, just 12 years old, already has three entries in his police file.

The father of the family is also no stranger to the police. He has committed twelve crimes, including several violent crimes against his own daughter. The only people who have not committed any crimes so far are the mother and a sister of the family. [I guess that last two are just a bit smarter when committing a crime and haven’t been caught yet.]

Afterword from the translator:

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