The PVV is #1

According to the latest Dutch political poll, the PVV(Partij voor de Vrijheid, Party for Freedom), Geert Wilders’ party, stands head and shoulders above the other parties in the Tweede Kamer. If there were no cordon sanitaire in place, Geert Wilders would be the prime minister, and the PVV would be in charge of all major policy decisions. As things stand, the PVV is in the government, but by no means exerts full control.

Key to Dutch parties:

FvD   Forum for Democracy
    Forum voor Democratie
    Conservative, populist, Euroskeptic
VVD   People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy
    Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
PvdA   Labour Party (now allied with GreenLeft)
    Partij van de Arbeid
    Social democrats
PVV   Party for Freedom
    Partij voor de Vrijheid
    Classical liberal, Islam-critical
BBB   Farmer-Citizen Movement
    Agrarian populists
SP   Socialist Party
    Socialistische Partij
    Left-wing populists, former Maoists, to the left of communists
CDA   Christian Democratic Appeal
    Christen-Democratisch Appèl
    Christian democrats, center-right
D66   Democrats 66
    Politieke Partij Democraten 66
    Centrist social liberals
CU   ChristianUnion
    Christian Democrats, left-wing, only “conservative” in being ostensibly religious
GL   GreenLeft (now allied with PvdA)
    Environmentalism plus hard left
SGP   Reformed Political Party
    Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
    Christian right, advocates a Christian theocracy
PvdD   Party for Animals
    Partij voor de Dieren
    Animal rights
Denk   Denk
50+   50PLUS
    Pensioners’ party
VNL   VoorNederland
    For The Netherlands
    Classical liberal party
PPNL   Pirate Party of the Netherlands
    Piratenpartij Nederland
    Anti-copyright, transparent governance
JA21   Right Answer 21
    Juiste Antwoord 21

Multicultural Europe Is Far Worse Than the Titanic

An earlier version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website Document.

Multicultural Europe Is Far Worse Than the Titanic

by Fjordman

When the passenger ship Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic on its maiden voyage and sank on the evening of April 14-15, 1912, it was a tragedy that made a big impression on its contemporaries. Of the roughly 2,200 people on board, around 1,500 died. The disaster was also a harbinger of a far greater disaster for much of Europe.

Just two years later, the European continent was plunged into an extremely bloody war, the First World War. In many ways, Europe has still not fully recovered from this senseless tragedy, more than a century later.

It could be tempting to view today’s weak and exhausted Europe, flooded daily by intruders from the south, as a kind of Multicultural Titanic. Yet if you think seriously about this analogy, you conclude that today’s Europe is far worse than the Titanic.

Obviously, Europe is a continent with hundreds of millions of inhabitants, not just a few thousand passengers. But let’s focus on another aspect of this comparison.

Reaction time is the time it takes from when you perceive a danger until you start reacting to it. If you’re driving a car or riding a bike, how long does it take from the time you notice a potential collision until you react by braking or changing direction to avoid a collision?

For a healthy person, the normal reaction time in traffic is usually a couple of seconds. This can become considerably longer if you are tired, inattentive or intoxicated.

When the lookouts on the Titanic finally spotted the iceberg in front of them, they immediately raised the alarm. The quartermaster quickly tried to change course. Unfortunately, it was too late, so the ship hit the iceberg and sank anyway. However, the reaction time of the Titanic’s crew from the moment they discovered a potential disaster can be measured in seconds.

The Titanic had a radio, or wireless telegraph, on board. This was a new technology at the time and was used to call for aid when the collision occurred. However, technology that could have been used to detect the iceberg in advance, such as sonar or radar, was developed in the years following this tragedy.

When the Titanic sank in 1912, it was an accident. Perhaps they were traveling at too high a speed, in an area where they could encounter icebergs, but they were also unlucky.

Compare this with today’s Multicultural Titanic. Western ruling elites haven’t merely had days, weeks or months to change course. They have had several generations to change course to avoid disaster, but they still refuse to do so.

For decades, many people have tried to sound the alarm but have been ignored, ridiculed or silenced. Some of those who have raised the alarm have been attacked verbally, legally or physically.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/27/2024

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured when a tire on a plane exploded early today at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport. The plane was a Boeing passenger plane, although that may have no relevance to the tragic incident.

In other news, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that F-16 fighter jets were used to shoot down Russian missiles, but he needs the West to send him more.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Anne Frank Sign Vandalized in Gouda

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from De Dagelijkse Standaard:

No chance! Anne Frank once again target of extremists: “This is pure anti-Semitism, nothing less!”

August 24, 2024

The pro-Palestinian extremists really pull out all the stops to show their reprehensible anti-Semitism. Vandals thought it was a good idea to smear an information board about Anne Frank in the Anne Frank public garden in Gouda with the colors of the Palestinian flag. The municipality of Gouda reacted immediately and let it be known that this kind of act is absolutely unacceptable.

A concerned resident of Gouda has filed reports with the municipality and the police. This person, who wishes to remain anonymous, called the act “low and disappointing” in a conversation with (news), and said that the act surely does nothing good for the community. “The defacing of an information board to commemorate Anne Frank is not only disrespectful but also shows a lack of fundamental decency.”

The political reaction to this incident leaves nothing to the imagination. Maikel Boon (PVV) member of the Tweede Kamer, has expressed his outrage via social media. “It is scandalous that even the Anne Frank Public Garden isn’t safe from this cowardly act of Jew-hatred, masked as so-called solidarity. This is pure anti-Semitism, nothing less!” Boon also wonders how long the Public Prosecutor’s Office will look the other way when it comes to such flagrant anti-Semitic acts.

Memorials of Anne Frank, unfortunately, have been the target of such idiotic actions more and more often. What drives people to connect a girl who was murdered with the conflict in the Middle East because of her heritage? When will these figures, who undoubtedly are also often to be found at socially disruptive XR demonstrations, finally realize that their actions achieve precisely the opposite of what they intend?

Moroccans Swim to Ceuta

Ceuta is one of two Spanish enclaves (the other being Melilla) on the coast of North Africa, surrounded on three sides by Morocco. Migrants from Morocco are intensifying their efforts to get into Spanish territory in Ceuta, swimming through the sea to reach the beach where Spanish holidaymakers are bathing. The culture-enrichers want to get onto EU soil, where they know they will get money for nothing and the chicks are free.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from El Faro de Ceuta:

Moroccans arrive at the beach sneaking in among bathers, one policeman injured

One officer received the impact of a stone, beach out of control with the arrival of swimmers from Morocco who mixed in with Ceutan bathers

by Carmen Echarri
August 25, 2024

The bathers who were present this afternoon in the area of Tarajal beach in Ceuta were transformed into witnesses of the arrival of some swimmers, apparently minors, who arrived at the beach taking advantage of the presence of other people in the water.

This was according to official sources consulted by El Faro after the dissemination of several videos showing a large number of people running on the beach, swimmers who found cover among those who were in the water.

The Moroccans mixed among the bathers to disguise themselves, generating confusion among the families who were there.

Then they left running from the location, chased by the Civil Guard.

One officer from the National Police was injured, being hit with a rock thrown in the Tarajal zone, where they attacked a police vehicle, hitting a colleague who was inside. It is not known who the perpetrator of this attack was.

He was taken to the hospital, and according to command sources, he is fine.

The police have not specified additional information in this regard. Both episodes took place on a foggy afternoon coinciding with a large presence of swimmers who are leaving Morocco.

The situation is also complicated for the neighboring country [Morocco], which is incapable of preventing the swimmers from jumping into the sea in the direction of Ceuta.

After what occurred last early morning, the drip-drip of arrivals has not ceased.

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Multiculturalism at its Finest

Last Friday a Syrian culture-enricher carried out a knife jihad in the German city of Solingen, killing three people and wounding eight others while he shouted “Allahu Akhbar”. Twenty-four hours later he turned himself in to the authorities and was arrested.

The following report features an eyewitness account by a man who tried to save the life of one of the stabbing victims. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

NIUS spoke to an eyewitness to the terror in Solingen: “My friend died in my arms”

Solingen experienced an unbelievable crime last Friday. At the festival marking the 650th anniversary of the city’s founding, right in the heart of the city, a cruel attack was carried out that changed the lives of many people forever. There, right in front of the stage, the ISIS terrorist mercilessly stabbed defenseless people.

NIUS spoke to an eyewitness and first responder who witnessed the gruesome act. On Sunday afternoon, he returned to the scene, where many flowers and candles had been laid in memory of the victims.

In an interview, he describes the moment of the attack: “I was there with my friend, whom I had known for 40 years.” Suzan Köcher’s Suprafon was playing on the stage. He and his friend stood in front of the stage along with numerous other festival visitors. Then, at around 9:30pm, the unimaginable happened. The stage, which was supposed to be a place of joy, became the scene of a terrible act.

“Suddenly several people around us simply fell to the ground”

“He was standing right next to me when the perpetrator stabbed him. Suddenly, several people around us simply fell to the ground,” says the first responder.

According to police reports, the attacker acted with frightening determination. He stabbed his victims in the neck and upper body without giving them the slightest chance. “It looked like he knew exactly what he was doing,” investigators said.

The memory seems to overwhelm him, but he continues: “They all looked as if they were dying. You could see so much fear in their faces. My friend didn’t understand what was happening to him.”

“I stayed there, he’s my friend”

The first-aider, who had taken a first aid course many years ago, remembered what he had learned and pressed his hand to the wound to stop the bleeding. “I tried to stop the bleeding by pressing my hand against it. I shouted around me, ‘press as hard as you can, everyone!’” he says. Despite the shock, he stayed by his friend’s side and tried to help him. “I stayed there, I wanted to help him. He’s my friend after all.”

For the 67-year-old victim, any help came too late. The man bled to death at the scene. Deeply shocked, the first responder reported: “He died in my arms.”

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/26/2024

Powerful explosions were heard in Kyiv early today as Russia once again launched large-scale drone and missile attacks targeting energy sites across Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians took cover in air raid shelters and subway tunnels to avoid the blasts.

In other news, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised stricter knife laws and increased deportations of rejected asylum seekers in the wake of the deadly knife attack in Solingen.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Synagogue Attack in Southern France

Last Saturday a culture-enriching hooligan set two cars on fire in front of a synagogue in the town of La Grand-Motte, in the Occitania region of southern France. The fire caused an explosion that damaged the synagogue and injured a policeman.

Below are two articles about the incident in La Grand-Motte, both translated by Gary Fouse. The first article is from Paris Match on Saturday:

Police officer injured, Palestinian flag — What is known about the attack against the synagogue of La Grand-Motte

August 24, 2024

At least two cars were set on fire in front of the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grand-Motte, in Hérault department on the morning of Saturday, August 24. Here is what we know.

During the morning of Saturday August 24, the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grand-Motte was the victim of an attack. Two cars were set on fire in front of the doors causing an explosion and injuring a municipal police officer. Gerald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal traveled to the scene this afternoon.

An explosion, one injured

At least two cars were set on fire in front of the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grande-Motte, in Hérault, Saturday 24 August around 8:30 in the morning. One of the cars, which contained a gas cylinder, exploded, wounding Jean Dupont, a municipal police officer.

The officer’s condition is “reassuring”, according to the secretary general of the municipal police, Ludovic Durand: “He is being examined, and is psychologically in shock,” he detailed to BFMTV.

Although two doors of the religious building were damaged, there were no injuries to be reported in the interior, stated the national prosecutor’s anti-terrorist office, which has opened an investigation. On X, (formerly Twitter), Emmanuel Macron assured that “everything is being done to track down the perpetrator of this terrorist act and protect religious locations.” “The fight against anti-Semitism is being fought constantly.”

Insert, Macron on X:

Thoughts for the faithful of the synagogue in La Grand-Motte and all the Jews in our country. Everything is being done to track down the perpetrator of this terrorist act and to protect religious locations.

A Palestinian flag visible on surveillance cameras

The synagogue’s surveillance camera revealed a glimpse of the principal suspect. A man was filmed leaving the site after the explosion, wearing a Palestinian flag, as revealed by BFMTV. The information was confirmed by AFP [Agence France Presse].

Another video surveillance image (whose authenticity has been verified by AFP) reveals that the man was wearing a red keffiyeh on his head, and a blue polo shirt, and was fleeing with his face uncovered.

Attal and Darmanin are at the scene

In the afternoon, President Gabriel Attal and Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin traveled to the scene to “accentuate the mobilized services”. The two outgoing ministers announced that they are “immediately” reinforcing protection around the Jewish religious sites. “We have avoided an absolute tragedy”, Gabriel Attal declared.

Insert, Gabriel Attal on X:

An attack targeted the synagogue in La Grande-Motte this morning. An anti-Semitic act. Once again, our Jewish fellow citizens are targeted.

The next day the alleged perpetrator was shot and captured by police. The second article is from Le Figaro:

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The War on us is Accelerating

As you all know by now, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in France over the weekend, The bogus charges laid against him are really just a punishment for his refusal to give government intelligence agencies a backdoor into users’ private accounts on his platform.

The following German language-report discusses the larger ramifications of Mr. Durov’s arrest. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News:

Agenda 2030 is moving inexorably closer: a global war against the freedom of the people is taking shape after the recent incidents and measures

The shadow over freedom of expression: A grim development in Europe

In recent years, a disturbing trend has emerged in Europe that recalls the darkest times in history.

The arrest in France of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is just the latest example of the lengths governments are willing to go to gain control over public opinion. While Google, Facebook and other tech giants have bowed to EU censorship, Durov steadfastly resisted — and paid the price.

Arrests and censorship: an attack on freedom of expression

Durov’s arrest raises serious questions about the future of freedom of speech. At a time when social networks have become the most important platforms for sharing ideas, we see even their operators being arrested when they refuse to follow the orders of powerful governments. Elon Musk, who is also under pressure to censor his platform, is another example of how freedom of speech is under attack. The pressure he and other reluctant entrepreneurs are facing is part of a larger war on the population that goes far beyond simple censorship.

Britain shows the danger: arrests for critical posts and memes

This trend can also be observed in the UK, where citizens who post critical posts on Facebook or publish memes are increasingly being targeted and arrested. These cases clearly show that the “Great Reset” and Agenda 2030 are not just theory, but are already in full swing. Arresting citizens for expressing their opinions on social networks is a direct threat to freedom of expression and shows how far governments are willing to go to suppress dissent.

Immigration and social control: divide and rule

Another worrying aspect of this development is the mass immigration from distant countries, which supports the agenda of control and surveillance. These demographic changes are increasing the number of knife and terrorist attacks on the local population, which in turn increases the demand for more surveillance and control. Governments are using these acts of violence to divide the population and consolidate their power. The strategy of “divide and rule” is used to stoke social tensions and justify the introduction of stricter control measures.

The role of controlled media: a tool of manipulation

A key part of this development is the role of the media, which are increasingly under the control of unelected organizations such as NATO and various NGOs. These media act as an extension of those who support the 2030 Agenda, and do not report freely and independently. Instead, they direct public opinion in the interests of their clients, while independent media are systematically silenced through defamation and manipulated “fact checks”. The controlled opposition serves as another tool to steer the population in the desired direction and neutralize any resistance.

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Solingen Knife Mujahid Arrested

The suspected attacker in Friday’s knife jihad in Solingen has been arrested. He is — surprise! — an asylum seeker from Syria. Like so many violent criminals in Modern Multicultural Germany, he has a one-letter surname, and is identified as Issa al H.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating excerpts from an article in the Berliner Morgenpost. The translator includes this note:

There seem to be conflicting stories in the German media, but it appears that police have the suspected Solingen stabber in custody. Different accounts say he was arrested as police stormed a refugee center, while the Berliner Morgenpost is reporting that a 26-year-old Syrian approached police on the street, dirty and bloodstained, and turned himself in.

The translated excerpts:

In connection with the knife attack in Solingen, police have arrested a suspect. That was announced by North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) to ARD Tagesthemen [news] and spoke of a “real suspect”, who had been sought the entire day.

According to information from Der Spiegel and the Bild newspaper, the 26-year-old Syrian, Issa al H., reportedly still blood-smeared, approached officers on Saturday evening and said, “I am the one, the one you are looking for!”

The alleged perpetrator was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. At the end of December 2022, he reportedly came to Germany and applied for asylum in Bielefeld. A year later he received so-called subsidiary protection, which refugees from the civil war often receive. He is reportedly a Sunni Muslim and as yet unknown to security authorities as an Islamist extremist.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/25/2024

Israel carried out a wave of pre-emptive strikes across southern Lebanon to thwart a large-scale rocket and drone attack by Hezbollah. Hezbollah, however, said it still managed to fire 320 rockets and drones at Israel.

In other news, police arrested four people — three men and a woman — following a stabbing in the British city of Birmingham.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Insubria, JW, McN, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Freedom of Speech

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends his thoughts on the role played by freedom of speech (or its lack) in our contemporary scene.

Freedom of Speech

by The Kafir

“O kafirs, be you all apes and monkeys; again.”

Anthropologists say that some 80,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens acquired consciousness. As conscious beings, they soon figured out that many weaklings acting together can fell even the mightiest of the prey.

And a bit player in the food chain, Homo Sapiens, jumped straight to the top of it, and is ruling the planet ever since. They controlled fire and used it to make food more easily digestible; they invented the wheel and made long journeys easier; they domesticated far stronger animals and used them to carry the goods, plough the fields and give other products like milk. They figured out that living together is easier in permanent settlements and thus created villages and cities.

They realized that not all human beings agree on everything; there are disputes, and some bands still insist on hunting, hunting even the settled human beings. They figured out that acting together, which had allowed them to control all other species, is also needed to face such bands of human beings who still want to hunt and loot others’ possessions, including women and children for slavery. They created permanent armed groups among themselves, an army, to take on such bands, because it was more convenient and effective than all of them mobilizing in the face of such dangers from the hunting bands of human beings.

And not only the Earth, they are now planning to colonize the Moon and the Mars also. All because they stumbled upon consciousness all those years ago, because they could talk to each other, they could discuss, they could debate, they could convey their thoughts, they could communicate.

But now, after 80,000 years they seem to have forgotten that “acting together” was what made them such a powerful, all-conquering species. And that acting together was made possible by their faculty of speech. A handful of them, called the Ruling Elite, have taken control of their armies, and other instruments of collective armed power, and are now openly, flagrantly, surrendering their countries, their villages and cities, their women, children and wealth; to a new-fangled band of hunters that has come veiled as a religion: Islam. It is openly killing children, raping women, and beheading adults, all over the kafir world, and kafirs are just sleepwalking. Paralyzed. The Ruling Elite has taken great care to make it impossible for any warners to reach their fellow human beings and wake them up before certain death by murder and massacres. Thus making self-defense impossible.

Every human being has an absolute right to be left alone, to live his life as he pleases so long he is ready to likewise leave others alone. Left alone with his possessions and his family. He has absolute right to defend his life, his possessions and his family. The right and duty to defend himself is his. The State is only an auxiliary which he himself had created as a convenience. The State can’t suspend this right to life or take away the right to defend it. No emergency, no state of affairs, has been made a justification to suspend the right to life in any jurisdiction of the world. And the right to self-defense is considered equally sacrosanct in all jurisdictions.

But to defend his life, a man is insufficient in the face of the organized bands of hunters, even when they call themselves a religion. To defend himself against an organized group, a man needs to talk to his fellow human beings, explain to them the entire danger, convince them to likewise act together as a group, to become a Team. That is, man needs to have freedom of speech. Absolute freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech, life is not only meaningless, it is not even safe, it is not even possible. The right to freedom of speech is thus right to life only, stated differently. Therefore, when a government restricts or suspends freedom of speech, it suspends the right to life, it actually endangers lives of its citizens. It sets them up for slaughter. And rape. And looting. And total subjugation.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/24/2024

Houthi rebels set fire to the Greek oil tanker Sounion in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, causing the crew to abandon ship. The Houthis have shared a video showing the explosion and fire on the Sounion.

In other news, the former Director of NIAID, Anthony Fauci, was hospitalized after being infected with the West Nile virus.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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An Allahu Akhbar Moment in Solingen

As a follow-up to last night’s report on the knife jihad in Solingen, the good citizens of Solingen were shocked — shocked! — to learn that the alleged and still uncaptured perpetrator had shouted “Allahu Akhbar” during his culture-enriching escapade.

Gary Fouse sends these additional details:

According to the Solinger Tageblatt, a 15-year-old has been arrested but police are not stating for sure whether he was involved. The arrest is apparently based on an overheard conversation prior to the crime.

At this point the suspect is charged with failing to report planned crimes.

The attacker is considered still at large. Police are not ruling out a terror motive. I am surmising from the articles that the 15-year-old was overhead by a witness talking with the attacker about an attack before it happened.

His translation of the first two paragraphs from the article in Welt am Sonntag:

Police report — Witness heard “Allahu Akhbar” shout

Welt am Sonntag is aware of an internal police report on the knife attack in Solingen. An injured witness stated that he recognized the suspect from the city and that he attended a local mosque.

In a Solingen police report that Welt am Sonntag is aware of, it states verbatim: “An injured witness stated that he knew recognized the man from seeing him in Solingen” and also that he was an attendee at a local mosque. A witness reported that the suspect shouted “Allahu Akhbar” during the crime.

According to this report, the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Below is a brief video report from Solingen, also translated by Gary Fouse. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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