Reports from Dutch Visitors to Cologne

A reader in the Netherlands kindly translated and sent us these excerpts from a post on a Dutch forum by visitors to Saturday’s Pro-Köln Demonstration Cologne:

NL:   Zelf heb ik dus in één van de twee bussen die vanuit Antwerpen (Vlaams Belang) vertrokken naar Keulen plaatsgenomen, om ook deel te nemen aan een demonstratie die later gevolgd zou worden door een congres.
EN:   I was in one of the two buses that departed from Antwerp (Vlaams Belang) to Cologne, also taken in order to participate in a demonstration which later would be followed by a congress.
NL:   Daar is dus door zeer felle straatgevechten door allerhande LINKS-EXTREMISTISCHE groeperingen (anarchisten, autonomen en meer van dat zeer gewelddadige spul) weinig van gekomen!
EN:   Nothing came of it, through street battling by all kinds of LEFT-EXTREMIST groups (anarchists, autonomic-leftwings and more of that very violent stuff).
NL:   Naar het schijnt zijn er vele honderden arrestatie verricht, ik hoorde zelfs een aantal van VIJFTIENHONDERD, en zijn er buitengewoon felle straatgevechten geleverd, en is een politiecordon doorbroken.
EN:   It seems there are many hundreds of arrests made, I even heard a number of FIFTEEN HUNDRED, and extremely fierce street battles occurred, and a police cordon is broken.
NL:   Alles wat er in Nederland van doorgekomen is, is dat een rechts-extreem congres is verboden, en niets over het een stad waar omvangrijke ongeregeldheden plaatsvonden, dus het omvangrijke geweld van linkse-fascisten!! (Een nog onbevestigd bericht luidt dat een politieagent zelfs ontdaan is van zijn dienstpistool!)
EN:   All that has come through to the the Netherlands is that a right-extremist Congress is forbidden, and nothing about a city where massive riots took place, Thus the extensive violence by leftist-fascists! (A still unconfirmed message is that a policeman was even stripped of his service pistol!)

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NL:   Al ver voor dat we Keulen wilden binnenrijden, kregen we dus in de bus het bericht dat door die ongeregeldheden de politie onze veiligheid niet kon garanderen, en werden we dus richting het Keulse vliegveld gedirigeerd, alwaar we uiteindelijk met vele Vlamingen en een aantal demonstranten van de Duitse Pro-Köln beweging in een metro wilden stappen waar zich dus ook enkele tientallen LINKS-EXTREMISTEN bleken te hebben verschanst, die ineens wild inbeukten op een paar van die Pro-Köln demonstranten onder het schreeuwen van de leuzen ´NAZI´S RAUS´ en meer van dat soort “fraaie” leuzen, al snel greep de Duitse ME in en werden we uit elkaar gehaald, en besloten wij maar weer de metro te verlaten, omdat ook diverse kopstukken van diverse partijen besloten hadden dan maar een persconferentie over o.a. die omvangrijke rellen veroorzaakt door LINKSE-FASCISTEN te houden in de hal van het vliegveld. Diverse (inter)nationale media werden verwittigd dat wij daar op het vliegveld omsingeld door ontzettend veel Duitse ME, die intussen vanuit de vele tientallen politiebussen gestroomd waren.
EN:   Long before we wanted to drive to Cologne, we got a message in the bus that because of the left-extremists riots, the police could not guarantee our security, and we were therefore taken towards the Cologne airport, where we ended up with many Flemings and a number of demonstrators from the German Pro-Köln movement on the subway steps which were also where a few dozen LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS were found to have hidden. They began to fight against a couple of those Pro-Köln demonstrators. Screaming under the slogans of “Nazis RAUS” and more of those kinds of “beautiful” slogans, we were quickly seized ny the German State Police and we were separated, but again we decided to leave the subway, because various leaders of various parties had decided on just a press conference, including the fact that massive riots were caused by LEFTIST-FASCISTICS — would be held in the hall of the airport. Several (inter) national media were warned that we are at the airport surrounded by a huge number of German State Police.
NL:   Uiteindelijk hebben we dus wel een rustige persconferentie kunnen houden in die hal van dat Keulse vliegveld, waar na die verwittiging veel media op afkwam, veel Duitse en ook Oostenrijkse media, maar is de vrijheid van meningsuiting en vergadering (manifestatie / demonstratie en congres) door toedoen van die LINKS-EXTREMISTEN heel veel geweld aangedaan….
EN:   So we finally have a quiet press conference hall at the Cologne airport, the press was also there, many German and Austrian media, but the freedom of expression and assembly (manifestation / demonstration and Congress) was damaged becauseof LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS who used a lot of violence.
NL:   En is maar weer eens gebleken dat Europa, in ieder geval Duitsland allang geen democratie meer is…
EN:   And it is once again demonstrated that Europe, at least Germany is just not a democracy anymore…
NL:   Ik ben benieuwd hoe onze Nederlandse dagbladen daar a.s. maandag verslag van doen, als ze er al verslag over doen!!!
EN:   I’m curious to see how our Dutch newspapers report about Cologne next Monday, if they really do report on it!!!
NL:   De diverse (Linkse c.q. pro-islamitische) redacteuren zullen er in ieder geval naar mijn stellige overtuiging zorg voor dragen dat die linksen (het begrip LINKS-EXTREMISTEN zul je bijna nergens terugvinden, terwijl geen enkele andere kwalificatie meer treffend, helder en terecht is als deze!!) als winnaars en de “goeden” ge-etaleerd worden, en wij als “EXTREEM”-rechtse “neo-nazi´s” als de verliezers en de “slechterikken!”.
EN:   The various leftist and pro-Islamic editors will in any case it is my firm belief ensure that those leftists are depicted as winners and the “good guys” are put down, and we as EXTREME right-wing neo-Nazis “as the losers and the “bad guys”. (the concept of LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS you’ll find almost nowhere, and no other qualifier more effective, transparent and justified as this!)

Life on the Dole

The story of Abdul Nacer Benbrika, one of six Australian terrorists who were convicted recently in Victoria, appeared in last week’s news feed. Like many other Muslim immigrant families in Australia, Mr. Benbrika’s wife and seven children subsist on the dole.

But exactly how generous is that dole? Right Wing Death Bogan took an interest in that question, and did some extensive investigation into the benefits that are available to families like the Benbrikas. The results are posted in “A Benbrika With Benefits”:

A bit of an update to an interesting topic: How much are we paying terrorists and their supporters?

So one of our local terrorists, one Abdul Nacer Benbrika has been found guilty of terrorism charges, which to me would seem a foregone conclusion given his willingness to declare allah’s laws against the Laws of Australia all those years ago.

I wasn’t on the jury, so my opinion is only that; an opinion.

In my previous post, I had a quick squiz at what sort of benefits Mrs Benbrika would be getting, since by all reports she was indeed receiving them, and decided it was time to have another look.

Apart from all the money ( $25mil* and counting) spent on the trial, with more to come, there are still the day-to-day living expenses of the poor, impoverished families of Benbrika and co to consider.

I’ll take Mr Benbrika as my example, since I’ve been there before.

All my costings come from the Centrelink website, which is publicly available.

Now, in the time that our mate Abdul has been incarcerated, his wife has given birth to another child. She was, by all accounts, pregnant with this child when he was arrested back in Dec ‘05.

For this example, I’ll make an arbitrary guess at the ages of the children. It’ll have to be arbitrary because a)I’ve not got a clue and b)I have neither the time nor the inclination to go stalking through teh interwebz for this sort of detail. Plus, that could also constitute an invasion of the children’s privacy, and that’s not by bag.

But back to the lesson.

We have a woman on benefits. She has 7 children between the ages of 2 and 16, her husband is in jail.

What does she get under our current system?

Go over to Nilk’s post to read the details of what the Benbrika family is eligible to receive. But, by making an educated guess as to which programs the family is likely to be drawing on, here’s the fortnightly bottom line:
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If this is a bit confusing, here it is again:

$472.80   parenting payment.
$338.10   FTB A (min rate)
$128.80   FTB B
$51.80   large family supplement.
$991.50   total benefits (so far at minimum rate).

Or we can look at it again with the maximum rate applied.

$472.80   parenting payment
$1047.34   FTB A (max rate)
$128.80   FTB B
$51.80   large family supplement
$1700.74   total benefits (so far at max rate)

But wait, as they say in the classics…there’s more…!

Since we know that the seventh child was born whilst Benbrika was in jail, we can have a look at what sort of payments are available to help with that sort of thing.

The Baby Bonus is currently standing at $5000 per child. If you have twins, that means you get $10000. Who wouldn’t get knocked up for that?

The Maternity Immunisation Allowance, which is a bit of a misnomer since you don’t actually have to get your child immunised, is a $243.30 one-off payment when your child is between 18-24 months and is (supposedly) up to date on all their shots.


So just to sum up, before I fry your brains with more figures, Benbrika’s wife, if she has no income apart from Centrelink, is potentially receiving between $991.50 – $1700.74 a fortnight. TAX FREE

That is between $25,779.00 – $44,219.24 per annum. Again, TAX FREE, and just from Centrelink.

The above figures are in Australian dollars. In Yankee dollars that’s roughly $21,580.60 – $37,017.70 per annum — tax free.

As Nilk says: nice work if you can get it.

Another Terror Attack in Jerusalem

There are two things I noticed about this report. Firstly, Israel News, unlike our own craven media, doesn’t hesitate to call the perp a terrorist. Not a “Palestinian activist”, nor a “militant”, nor even “an alleged terrorist”. Just a terrorist.

Secondly, no Israelis were killed because of the prompt application of deadly force by a well-armed bystander. Just as with the bulldozer murderer a few weeks ago, the rapid response with firearms probably saved a lot of lives.

According to YNet News:

Terror Attack in Jerusalem, 17 Wounded

At least 17 reported wounded as terrorist runs private car into pedestrian crowd at busy intersection in central Jerusalem. Paramedics say two in serious condition. Terrorist reportedly shot dead by IDF officer

A terrorist driving a black BMW ran his car into a crowd of pedestrians at a busy intersection in central Jerusalem near the Old City on Monday evening.

At least 17 people were confirmed wounded at Zahal Square, most in light-to-moderate condition. Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated those wounded to the Hadassah Ein Karem and Shaare Zedek hospitals for treatment.

Most of those wounded are reportedly soldiers belonging to the Artillery Corps who were on a ‘Selichot Tour’ in Jerusalem. Selichot are Jewish penitential prayers said during the High Holidays.

The terrorist, a Palestinian from east Jerusalem, was shot dead by an IDF officer holding the rank of lieutenant who was with the soldiers.

A female civilian sustained moderate-to-serious wounds.

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Rescue services rushed to the scene, and police have blocked traffic in the area. Sappers examined the terrorist’s body, fearing he may have been wearing a bomb belt.

The terrorist reportedly began his rampage on Shivtei Yisrael Street. Security authorities say they have been able to ascertain the identity of the terrorist, it has not yet been released for publication.

“The terrorist was in a private car, he rammed straight into a group of people touring the area,” said first responder Haim Weingreten, a ZAKA volunteer.

Police say had no alerts

Jerusalem District Commander Aharon Franco said that police officials did not have a specific warning regarding an intention to carry out an attack in Jerusalem.

Hat tip: Abu Elvis.

More Reports from Cologne

From a would-be participant in Pro-Köln from the UK:

Back late last night. The event (both days) was chaotic. Obviously someone in the police department had leaked all our programme as we were blocked at every step. I tried to accompany B. [an Italian] to the Friday private meeting, but we were blocked by loonies, and the police, instead of protecting us, sent us all away. B., as you can imagine, was furious! The same thing happened in the evening when we all tried to meet up again for dinner. The proprietor of one establishment, a bierkeller on the banks of the Rhine, threw us all out when he realized who we were. B. was a star. Asked him if his name was Adolf and then stood up on a wall outside the restaurant and gave an impromptu, rousing speech to all the assembled Germans to great effect.

From a member of Vlaams Belang:

Cologne Broken Window on the Rhine shipI was stuck at the train station of the airport of Bonn-Köln with approximately 400 supporters of Pro Köln (about half of them Flemish). Filip Dewinter was there, Andreas Mölzer (MEP for the Austrian FPÖ) and Henry Nitsche (German member of Parliament, ex CDU). The police made us wait three hours before announcing the banning of the meeting. All in all, I was relieved they didn’t put us on a train to the main station, because it would have been a slaughtering.

There was an improvised press conference in one of the halls of the airport, and Markus Beisicht (Pro Köln), Dewinter, Mölze and Nitsche spoke to their supporters.

Below the fold are two more photos.
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Filip Dewinter (front center; I don’t know who else is pictured here) in front of a banner sponsored by the blog Politically Incorrect:

Cologne: Filip Dewinter

Update: a Belgian reader supplies the names of the other people in the above photo:

At the left in the picture with Dewinter is Henry Nitzsche, member of the German Parliament, former Christian Democrat, now independent

Video link

Behind Nitzsche (barely visible) is Philip Claeys, VB MEP. Black-haired woman between Nitzsche and Dewinter is Hilde Delobel, member of the Flemish Parliament (VB). Next to her, behind Dewinter is Andreas Molzer, Austrian MEP.

Folks from Politically Incorrect with another banner:

Cologne banner

Translation: The new fascism does not say: “I am fascism.” It says: “I am anti-fascism.” (Ignazio Silone — Socialist)

A Warm Welcome for Mad Jad in NYC

As you may remember, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is in New York City right now for his speech at the UN.

I just received the following press release from the organizers of a rally to be held in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel on Thursday. Their purpose is to counter the love-feast mounted by the dhimmi appeasers of Ahmadinejad, who will be inside the hotel at the same time, lavishing their attention on the Dear Leader from Tehran.

Anybody who can be there on Thursday should take note of the details: September 25th, 6pm, East 42nd Street, near Lexington Avenue and Grand Central Station, New York City, NY.


Contact: Women United (212) 726-1124

Over 30 organizations to protest September 25 Ahmadinejad dinner-dialogue with U.S. “religious leaders”

New York City, September 22: Over 30 national organizations — including prominent Jewish and Christian leaders and political leaders — will mount a major protest across the street from the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City on Thursday, September 25 at 6 p.m., to counter a meeting by Iranian president Ahmadinejad with U.N. officials and “religious” leaders.

Over the weekend, national religious, human rights and public interest groups opposed to Iran’s stated plans for the destruction of Israel and America, proliferating nuclear weapons program, and brutal human rights violations, stepped up their efforts and began a 72 hour marathon of emails and phone calls to urge members to attend the rally.

“We are calling upon the participation of all human rights activists and religious organizations and leaders of all backgrounds, faiths, and political affiliation who find the threats to innocent peoples to be nothing less than an affront to morality and western civilization,” said rally organizer Beth Gilinsky of Women United, an international human rights organization.

Many of these organizations are frustrated with the “disinviting” of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska and all of the other elected officials for a rally that is taking place at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza today. They are participating in the Thursday 9/25 Rally to oppose Ahmadinejad, and because a wide spectrum of religious and highest level elected leaders of both parties have been invited to speak out in unity.
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WHEN:   Thursday September 25, 6pm on
WHERE:   Across the street from the Grand Hyatt Hotel East 42nd St, near Lexington Ave and Grand Central Station, New York City, NY.
WHO:   Over 30 organizations participating, list to be released shortly.
BACKGROUND:   Several Western “religious leaders” are about to betray their brethren across all religions, parties, and countries by “honoring” the tyrannical regime of Ahmadinejad and the Iranian mullahs with dinner and “dialogue.” Their names are The American Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Quaker UN Office, Religions for Peace, and the World Council of Churches-UN Liaison Office. Other organizations, political leaders and media have also been invited to appease the Islamic leaders who have turned Iran into a terrorist state.

For background, see this September 22 article on the Grand Hyatt Hotel meeting with Ahmadinejad from the New York Sun newspaper.

For more information on the rally, go to

Were the French Paratroopers Unprepared?


Michael Yon has posted a new essay on this issue:

Here in Afghanistan, I sense a storm brewing between NATO and the media. The official denial of the secret report on the 18 August Taliban ambush on French forces is not an isolated incident. There have been other instances which give the impression of a pattern of denial and cover-up. NATO credibility is critical in this war. Support is already weak in several NATO countries. The Afghani and, even more so, Pakistani populaces are often skeptical of our efforts and question our honesty. For example, when the U.S. was recently blamed for the deaths of nearly 100 innocent people in a single attack, the basic facts of the case were highly disputed. Who are the people supposed to believe?

Because they know the impact on the propaganda war, the Taliban routinely lies about casualties, exaggerating the number of civilians killed and claiming their own fighters were civilians. If NATO is found to be spewing propaganda, they will not be able to counter Taliban propaganda. Western journalists here already do not believe the Taliban or al Qaeda. We know they lie. But enemy shams do not translate into NATO credibility…

Continue reading the whole essay here.

Michael Yon recently sent an email to those on his list :

The French and NATO are challenging reports from me and a Canadian newspaper about existence of a secret NATO/ISAF document. This secret document describes the battle during which 10 unprepared French soldiers were killed. The document is real. If the French and NATO continue to challenge its existence, they face embarrassment.

Here’s the newspaper report to which Mr. Yon refers:

France denies troops ill-equipped in Afghanistan

The Globe and Mail reported Saturday that it had obtained a NATO document saying that French troops ambushed during a reconnaissance mission had to abandon a counterattack when weapons on their vehicles ran out of ammunition 90 minutes into the battle. The article alleged that the single radio of one French platoon went dead, leaving those soldiers unable to call for help.


The newspaper is “totally wrong,” Capt. Christophe Prazuck, spokesman for the French military, said Sunday…

The veracity of this account is crucial to the disposition of French troops in the future. The French legislature is set to vote quite soon on President Sarkozy’s plans for the country’s military strategy in Afghanistan. France will increase its presence to more than three thousand troops placed there if Sarkozy’s plans go forward.

There is little doubt that the August incident which killed ten paratroopers came as a shock to the French:
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“In its struggle against terrorism, France has just been hard hit. Yesterday, ten of our soldiers from the Eighth Infantry Parachute Regiment, the Second Foreign Parachute Regiment and the Regiment du March du Tchad died in Afghanistan. Another 21 soldiers were wounded during the joint reconnaissance mission with the Afghan National Army. Serious measures, notably in the air, were taken to support and extricate our troops caught in an extremely violent ambush. They were on a mission in the Kabul region, where our forces have been located, along with our allies, since 2002.

I acknowledge with respect and emotion the courage of these men, who fulfilled their duty to the point of the supreme sacrifice. My thoughts go out to their families and friends, to whom I express on behalf of France my condolences. To those wounded, I send my sympathies and my support during this trial. I share the pain of their fellow troops and to all French troops. This evening, I will travel to Afghanistan to reassure our troops that France is at their side.

My determination is intact. France is committed to pursuing the struggle against terrorism, for democracy and for freedom. This is a just cause, it is an honor for France and for its army to defend it. On behalf of all French people, I reaffirm this country’s faith in its troops to fulfill their mission.”

However, a problem has arisen regarding discrepancies in the After Report of the paratrooper engagement. The French military is claiming that a purported failure regarding their troop protection is “totally wrong.”

Michael Yon begs to differ:

Yesterday (20 September 2008), I linked an article in the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail concerning the Taliban ambush of French troops in Afghanistan on August 18. The article was based on a secret report that I have read very carefully. The Globe and Mail article described the contents of the report accurately. Now the French military and NATO claim that the Globe and Mail article is wrong.


If NATO and the French persist in making these claims, the secret report, written by American Special Forces who were present, could find itself on the internet. Certain embargoed details in the report are even more troubling than the facts that were published in the Globe and Mail article. [my emphasis – D ]

The loss of ten French soldiers is bad enough. Let’s not make it worse with cover-up. Truth leaks faster than helium. It happened with the mythologized death of Pat Tillman. And it will happen in this case.

There are pictures on Mr. Yon’s site of some of the damage done. He says there are more pictures available.

There is also dissension in the comments regarding the facts of the case. Here is an example, in which one reader responds to others’ opinions:

Rampant political CYA’ing within many of the European NATO countries have left the US, Canada, Australia and the UK holding the bag in Afghanistan, with situations like France’s troops often suffering the consequences. During extensive research a year ago on the conditions in Afghanistan vis-a-vis opium poppy eradication/elimination strategies, I was disturbed to find that several of the European contributors to NATO’s ISAF presence had placed unbelievably limiting ROE’s on their NATO contingents. I have not yet looked to see if this remains in effect, (and will do so shortly), but as of one year ago, Germany had restricted their troops in Afghanistan to only conducting ops during the day. Yep, their boys weren’t allowed out to hunt Taliban/AQ after dark. Can you imagine LAPD’s finest being told that they can only conduct ops against the Bloods and the Crips during the day??

Having seen that, sadly I was not all that surprised to hear that the French troops had been sent out in the middle of lion country with limited means. According to Clausewitz, “War is a continuation of politics by other means.” Unfortunately, politics too often undermines the military’s ability to conduct warfare effectively.

Gates of Vienna recently received a snail mail request from Mr. Yon for help with his reporting in Afghanistan. He thinks that the theater of the war being carried on in Afghanistan is being neglected, and I agree with him.

Yon does need more financial support in order to continue. I am going to attempt to contact him to see if the blogosphere can organize a large bleg for his work. If any of you know how to directly talk to him, please do so. He’s doing crucial, dangerous work; support for that work needs to be coördinated in order to have the most effect. Meanwhile, as slooow as snail mail seems to have become, we’ll attempt to reach him that way.

When the history of our efforts in Afghanistan come to be written in any definitive way, Michael Yon’s name will figure largely in the account.

And…as Yon points out, perhaps the French will learn from the cover-up of Pat Tillman’s tragedy. Maybe they will be courageous enough to allow the truth to be told. Our brass lacked that integrity and it cost them – and the Tillman family – dearly as the truth slowly oozed out into the public realm.

It would appear that in making one’s way up the military’s promotion ladder, honesty can end careers. There are medals for valor under fire, but there don’t seem to be any awards for truth when it comes to mistakes.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/21/2008

Ramadan Fast-a-Thons Raise Awareness About Islam Among College Students
Swift Co., Somali Workers, and “Obsession” DVD in Colorado
When Mortgages Are Handed Out by Skin Color Instead of Credit History
Europe and the EU
Abortion: Spain; Parliament Launches Committee for New Law
Denmark: Police Fear Increase in Gang Violence
Der Spiegel’s Photo Gallery in Cologne: the Supressed SIOE Demonstration
Fjordman: “The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison”
Islamization by Any Means
Mayor Tries to Keep Media Out of Moroccan District
MPs Take Tougher Tone Against Wilders
PNA: EU Provides Social Allowances to 46.000 Families
Bosnia: Serb Leader Says Breakup of Country ‘Not a Tragedy’
Middle East
Facebook + Blogs = Nervous Mid-East Autocracies
Iran: Hard-Line President Thanks Allah for New Sanctions
Iran: Teenager Sentenced to Five Years for Political Activism
Yemen: 10-Year-Old Divorcée Goes Back to School
Energy: Caucasus Crisis Speeds Up Nabucco Project
South Asia
Danish Intelligence Officer Persumed Dead in Pakistan Bomb Blast
Hundreds Feared Dead in Blast at Pakistan Hoteljason Burke and Mubashir Zaidi in
Megachurch Shows Indonesia Faith Freedom
Sub-Saharan Africa
Absalon Prevents Another Attack by Pirates.
Even Better: Group Sex Relief
Italy: Afghan Projects to Benefit From Pavarotti Fund-Raiser
Religious Imprinting and Jihadism
The OIC Secretary General Condemns the Shocking Bomb Blasts in Islamabad
Web Problems Delay Qaeda 9/11 Video Release

Thanks to Amil Imani, C. Cantoni, Dymphna, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, RRW, TB, and all the other tipsters who sent these in. Details are below the fold.
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Ramadan Fast-a-Thons Raise Awareness About Islam Among College Students

In a banquet room above the student union’s bopping pingpong balls and blaring arcade games, the groan of empty stomachs met the hum of Arabic prayer.

Tables of 20-somethings at the University of Texas at Dallas drooled over plates of hummus as their Muslim counterparts concluded their pre-dinner supplications for Ramadan. Then everyone ate for the first time since dawn. “Why do they put that in front of us to stare at?” whined 19-year-old Sara Arnold before she got permission to rip a hunk of pita bread and dunk it into the chickpea dip.

The Muslim Students Association’s fast-a-thon — a riff on religious doctrine — draws hundreds of non-Muslim students who choose to fast for one day with their Muslim peers and attend the daily iftar banquet in the evening to break it.

Participation numbers have more than doubled in the last several years, a factor religious scholars and students attribute to an outreach by the Muslim community, solidarity on the part of those who have become fascinated by the Islamic faith, and a curiosity about the spiritual act of fasting itself.

“A lot of people know what Ramadan is now,” said Ayaham Nahhas, the president of the Muslim Students Association at UTD, who says the fast-a-thon — which drew about 120 people — is the biggest activity his organization holds. “Islam has been getting more attention in the media, and people just want to know what we are all about.”

More than 240 Muslim Students Associations host fast-a-thons — groups at Southern Methodist University and Texas Christian University are among them — and have raised more than $50,000 for charity. Local businesses donate at least a dollar for each non-Muslim who participates.

The fast-a-thon notion started in North Texas several years ago, although it took root at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville just after 9/11. The event was intended to create a dialogue about Islam while participants engage in the charitable acts advocated during Ramadan as part of the holiday’s spiritual and physical cleansing.

All area groups are reporting increased attendance and are donating money to an orphan drive organized by the nonprofit Islamic Relief.

No one’s quite sure why attendance has increased so dramatically recently, seven years after 9/11.

“Maybe it’s a political empathy post-9/11, a wanting to stand alongside and experience something like this for the first time,” said Edina Lekovic of the Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.-based Muslim Public Affairs Counsel.

She said she’s noticed more non-Muslims across the country fasting in solidarity with their Muslim friends this year than ever before. “Whatever it is, it’s all the rage.”

Part of the heightened awareness comes from Muslim outreach efforts, especially fast-breaking celebrations hosted by area mosques that incorporate lessons about Ramadan.

But these interfaith actions are most obvious among college students, said Mustafaa Carroll, the executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“The fear is still there, but people are looking for answers, especially the youth,” he said. “There is a genuine interest to understand, and they don’t see the world the same way as the older generation. They’re not as uptight.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Swift Co., Somali Workers, and “Obsession” DVD in Colorado

You must see this lengthy report in the Greeley Tribune today by reporter Chris Casey…

…In Greeley, the dispute continues on prayer breaks for Muslim workers at the meatpacking plant. Sentiment has spread among some in the community that the newcomers are pushing too much, exhibiting a desire not to assimilate but rather impose their religion on others.

Nationally, the DVD arrived on 28 million doorsteps as rhetoric on homeland security heats up in the presidential race.

The confluence of recent events — the Muslim workers’ dispute and, on its heels, the “Obsession” DVD — is the talk of the town. Many Greeley residents have noticed the 400 mostly Somali refugees who’ve arrived in the past 18 months to take jobs at JBS Swift. The workers say they are here to escape the oppression of their war-torn homeland, build a new life and peacefully practice their religion.

What to make of these newcomers and their religion, which is indelibly linked to 9/11 and other violent acts across the globe, has sparked a variety of views. The DVD alone prompts widely different opinions.

A Greeley woman calls the disc “neo-con propaganda,” while a history professor at Colorado State University says the film is factually accurate and shows it in his classes…

           — Hat tip: RRW [Return to headlines]

When Mortgages Are Handed Out by Skin Color Instead of Credit History

While many pundits are pointing to corporate greed and a lack of government regulation as the cause for the American mortgage and financial crisis, some analysts are saying it wasn’t too little government intervention that cased the mortgage meltdown, but too much, in the form of activists compelling the government to pressure Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into unsound — though politically correct — lending practices.

“Home mortgages have been a political piñata for many decades,” writes Stan J. Liebowitz, economics professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, in a chapter of his forthcoming book, Housing America: Building out of a Crisis.

Liebowitz puts forward an explanation that he admits is “not consistent with the nasty-subprime-lender hypothesis currently considered to be the cause of the mortgage meltdown.”

In a nutshell, Liebowitz contends that the federal government over the last 20 years pushed the mortgage industry so hard to get minority homeownership up, that it undermined the country’s financial foundation to achieve its goal.

“In an attempt to increase homeownership, particularly by minorities and the less affluent, an attack on underwriting standards was undertaken by virtually every branch of the government since the early 1990s,” Liebowitz writes. “The decline in mortgage underwriting standards was universally praised as ‘innovation’ in mortgage lending by regulators, academic specialists, (government-sponsored enterprises) and housing activists.”

He continues, “Although a seemingly noble goal, the tool chosen to achieve this goal was one that endangered the entire mortgage enterprise.”

“As homeownership rates increased there was self-congratulation all around,” Liebowitz writes. “The community of regulators, academic specialists, and housing activists all reveled in the increase in homeownership.”


A New York Times article from Sept. 1999 states that Fannie Mae had been under increasing pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans among low- and moderate-income people and that the corporation loosened its lending requirements to comply.

An ominous paragraph of the article reads, “In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980s.”


… Freddie Mac warned of the logical pitfalls of pursuing loans on the basis of skin color and not credit history.

The Washington Post reported that the company conducted a study in which it was found that far more black people have bad credit than white people, even when both have the same incomes. In fact, the study showed a higher percentage of African Americans with incomes of $65,000 to $75,000 had bad credit than white Americans with incomes of below $25,000.

Such data demonstrated that when federal regulators demanded parity between racial groups in lending, the only way to achieve a quota would be to begin making intentionally bad lending decisions.

The study, however, came under brutal attack in the U.S. Congress and was ridiculed with charges of racism.

A few years later, when Greg Mankiw, chairman of President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, voiced a warning about weakened underwriting standards, Congress rebuffed him as well.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Congressman Barney Frank, D-Mass., in 2003 as criticizing Greg Mankiw “because he is worried about the tiny little matter of safety and soundness rather than ‘concern about housing.’“…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Europe and the EU

Abortion: Spain; Parliament Launches Committee for New Law

(ANSAmed) — MADRID, SEPTEMBER 18 — The equality committee of the Lower House approved today, despite the votes against of the People’s Party and the abstention of the moderate Catalan nationalists of CiU, the creation of a subcommittee which will study the change of the law on abortion. According to the text approved upon initiative of left-wing groups PSOE, IU, ERC and ICV, the committee will evaluate “the most innovative experience of the European law and the terms” in which the voluntary interruption of pregnancy must be done and will analyse “the functioning, the territorial equity and the accessibility in the offering of this service within the national health service”. The committee will have to launch a study by six months and elaborate conclusions on the application of the legislation in the field of voluntary interruption of pregnancy. PP’s vote against was justified by the spokesman with the fact that “the government has already taken a decision” on the new law on abortion, without “being interested in full consent”, nor in the fact that “there is no social need”. At the beginning of September, the Ministry for Equality expressed the wish that the new law on abortion enters into force at the end of 2009 or at latest at the beginning of 2010. (ANSAmed).

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Denmark: Police Fear Increase in Gang Violence

Police step up presence to quell further reprisals in ongoing gang turf wars

Copenhagen Police are increasing the number of officers on the streets this weekend in a bid to prevent an escalation in violence between rival gangs. The move is coupled with the ongoing search zone, which covers almost the entire city.

Per Larsen, head of the Copenhagen police, said they have prioritised their enquiries into the gang struggles and are increasing police visibility on the streets.

‘It has been quiet in Nørrebro in the past few days and we hope it will stay that way, but we’re staying alert,’ Larsen told Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

The search zone, which runs until 30 September, allows police to stop and search anyone on suspicion of carrying weapons.

One of the gangs implicated in the ongoing unrest is the Hells Angels bikers, its numbers swelled by the AK 81 support club. AK represents Altid Klar (Always Ready), with 8 and 1 numerically representing the letters H and A in the alphabet.

The bikers’ club released a statement on Wednesday denying its involvement in the alleged conflict, but also rejected reports of a truce between them and certain immigrant gangs.

‘Hells Angels is a motorcycle club that doesn’t bother anyone, but if someone steps on our toes, we’ll stamp back heavily.’

The club is also involved in ongoing tensions with the Trillegård immigrant gang in Århus, Jutland.

East Jutland Police have been tipped off by criminal sources that the Hells Angels plan to kill three Trillegård members.

Police sources also told Jyllands-Posten newspaper that the Hells Angels have been evacuating their family members from the city.

This follows the attempted shooting of two men connected to the Trillegård gang in a busy street on 4 August.

On 8 September, two hand grenades were thrown at the Hells Angels clubhouse in the north of the city. No one was injured, but the club was not going to take any chances. Police arrested a Hells Angels supporter outside the clubhouse on Tuesday night with a bullet-proof vest and a loaded gun, apparently protecting the premises. (kr)

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Der Spiegel’s Photo Gallery in Cologne: the Supressed SIOE Demonstration

“Iran asked France, which is currently the six-month rotating president of the European Union, to stop the conference.”

[GoV note — Cologne didn’t need any help. A very heavy boot descended on the attempt to demonstrate. Brussels, you are a noisy amateur by comparison.]

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Fjordman: “The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison”


These incidents may seem unrelated, but they are not. Make no mistake about it: Harassing the natives in order to crush them mentally and destroy any ideas they might harbor about defending their country against foreign colonization is a deliberate strategy on the part of the authorities and the ruling Multiculturalist oligarchy, whether you identify this as the British Labour Party or the European Union (both are correct). Of course, this is about the entire Western world, not just Britain, but Britain is arguably the worst example of all. I am not aware of arrests for “racist” dolls even in Sweden, Belgium or al-Canada, and they are all bad cases of suicidal Multiculturalism. Britain in 2008 is no longer the nation that gave us Shakespeare or Newton; it is the world’s largest open-air prison, an enlarged Marxist reeducation camp, a horror story where the authorities wage cultural and demographic warfare against the indigenous people of the country. The only good news is that I sense that native Britons are getting angrier by the day, and will not go quietly into the night.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Islamization by Any Means

A district court in The Hague has ruled that the State must release an illegal immigrant and pay him damages of 1,345 euros. During his detention, the paperwork was not in order.

On 23 August, the alien was caught travelling by train without a valid ticket. He said he had no passport and explained in a foreign language, which the conductor by chance also spoke, he had entered Europe via Turkey in the back of a truck and had been illegally staying in Brussels for four months. The police arrested him and took him into alien detention.

The train conductor had to present the statements in writing to the police. Instead, only an immediate report was drawn up by the police. As a result, it “cannot be established whether the description by the police is correct and agrees with how the conductor himself had experienced this,” according to the court.

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Mayor Tries to Keep Media Out of Moroccan District

THE HAGUE, 20/09/08 — Gouda municipality has asked camera crews to avoid the Oosterwei district, De Telegraaf reports. The Netherlands’ biggest newspaper published a big article on the front page Friday which suggested that Oosterwei has become a war-zone.

Drivers of bus company Connexxion decided last week to avoid the district, because they say they were repeatedly threatened and robbed by Moroccan youths. Journalists were subsequently attacked while the police were conspicuous by their absence.

In huge letters above photos of besieged journalists, De Telegraaf’s front-page read Friday ‘THIS IS GOUDA.’ The newspaper wrote that the hooligan youths rule the streets and that the police did not intervene when journalists were attacked. Additionally, the municipality is now trying to keep camera crews out of the district because the mayor decided “residents are getting angry about the mass media attention,” according to the newspaper.

Municipal spokesman Marian de Graaf confirmed this reading to “For some residents of Oosterwei, the attention became ‘too much’. We have then asked camera crews to avoid the district. If they then still want to go into the district, we have asked them to report this to the municipality.” Regional broadcaster RTV West acceded to the municipality’s request to stop reporting.

Contrary to what De Telegraaf claims, the spokesman says that peace has returned to the district. “And what actually happened, after all? I do not want to trivialise the incidents but ultimately there were just two incidents which were reported to the police,” according to the spokesman, referring to the robbing of bus-drivers.

Home Affairs Minister Guusje ter Horst also says it is quiet again in Oosterwei. She has the impression that Mayor Wim Cornelis has taken “very adequate measures” to bring the unrest among youths in the district to an end. There are now cameras on the Connexxion buses. Ter Horst and Cornelis are both Labour (PvdA) members.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

MPs Take Tougher Tone Against Wilders

The government’s 2009 spending plans were approved by MPs on Thursday night after two days of debate. A motion of no confidence in the government from anti-immigration MP Geert Wilders failed to win any support outside his own PVV party.

Analysts said the debate was notable for the tougher tone adopted against Wilders by other MPs.

Alexander Pechtold, leader of the liberal democrats D66, described Wilders as an extremist and accused him of racism, reports the Trouw.

And Mark Rutte, head of the right-wing Liberal party which has sided with the PVV on some occasions, said he has no desire to respond to Wilders’ ‘worn out record’.

More cash

Meanwhile ministers agreed to give a little more cash to pay for concierges in schools in deprived areas and extend the student rail card system to cover mbo colleges, in line with the wishes of the coalition parties.

These projects will be partly paid for by cutting the number of external advisors brought in by the government and by boosting income from state shareholdings, NOS tv reported.

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

PNA: EU Provides Social Allowances to 46.000 Families

(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, SEPTEMBER 19 — The European Union and the Palestinian Authority have today launched the payment of social allowances to over 46,000 vulnerable Palestinian families across the occupied Palestinian territory (Opt). The assistance takes the form of an allowance of NIS 1,000 (around 200 euro) per household, which is being channelled through the European mechanism, PEGASE. The 46,025 families who will receive this assistance have been identified in cooperation with the Ministries of Finance and Social Affairs, through the latter’s ‘Social Hardship Cases’ Programme. The Palestinian Minister for Social Affairs, Mahmoud Habbash, said today of the programme: “The contribution of the European Union has helped us to meet our obligations towards those who most need our support. We share a common objective of alleviating poverty”. John Kjaer, the European Commission Representative in Jerusalem added: “The European Union has promised time and time again that it will not let the Palestinians down. Today’s contribution is a tangible expression of that promise, which we hope will help to ease the difficulties faced by many families throughout the territory. This is particularly important during the holy month of Ramadan”. Compared to the payment made in June, an additional 5,000 families will receive the allowance; more than half of the recipient families are from Gaza strip. Beneficiary families can collect their allowance in 39 designated bank branches throughout the territory until 30 October 2008.(ANSAmed).

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Tourism: Islamic Tourism Grows, Generates 1% of Global GDP

(ANSAmed) — NAPLES, SEPTEMBER 9 — It is worth some 10% of the global turnover connected with tourism and generates 1% of the global GDP: this is Islamic tourism which registered in 2007 a turnover of $22.2 billion and which serves one and a half billion believers, 20% of the global population. The operators of the sector will meet on October 8 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) for the World Islamic Tourism Conference & Expo to analyse the aspects connected to one of the most interesting global businesses. According to an article published in ‘Il Sole 24 Ore’ daily, the countries which will invest the most in Islamic tourism by 2020 are located in the Mediterranean area, producing a turnover of some $3.76 trillion. Of this sum, $1.8 billion will be bound to the development of infrastructure and some one billion for the construction of structures for entertainment. These will be restaurants in which the use of impure ingredients is banned, such as animal fat, the derivatives of pork and alcoholic drinks, and hotels and tourist structures which have separate swimming pools for men and women and indoor places for prayer. The Islamic tourist also appreciates the airline equipped with efficient translation services and the airports in which the direction of Mecca is indicated. The travellers who are most prone to spend money for a holiday compliant with the Sharia norms come from the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia which alone spends $6.7 billion in the tourism sector, while the average budget for spending of the holidaymakers of the emirates is $1,700. This is 600 euro more compared to the average spending of the European holidaymakers. (ANSAmed).

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]


Bosnia: Serb Leader Says Breakup of Country ‘Not a Tragedy’

Belgrade, 19 Sept. (AKI) — Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has said that the disintegration of Bosnia-Herzegovina, torn by internal disputes between its Muslims, Serbs and Croat population, would not be a tragedy.

“The tragedy would be if such disagreements evolve into violence,” Dodik told Radio Free Europe.

Thirteen years after the 1992-1995 civil war, the mistrust and quarrels between the three ethnic groups have not subsided and are on the rise again ahead of the 5 October municipal elections.

For the past thirteen years, majority Muslims with the support of the international community, have been pressing for the creation of a unitary state and the abolition of Bosnia’s two entities formed by the Dayton peace accord, which have enjoyed most state prerogatives.

Dodik, who is the Prime Minister of the Serb entity, Republika Srpska, has responded to Muslim demands with a threat to hold a referendum on independence if the three ethnic groups can’t find a mutually acceptable agreement on the country’s new constitution.

“Bosnia-Herzegovina is a deeply divided country and society, which in past years has not found its internal reason for integration, but has been further disintegrating,” Dodik said.

“I have no emotional attachment to Bosnia-Herzegovina, nor do I love it,” he said. “I’m emotionally very attached to the RS and believe it can function,” he added.

“Therefore, we have to sit down with Bosniacs (Bosnian Muslims) and Croats and agree on the model of a state with which all sides will be happy,” Dodik said. “If that’s impossible, then we had better part in peace,” he concluded.

The European Union has linked Bosnia’s European Union bid to constitutional reforms and the United States has been pushing to strengthening the powers of the central government.

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Middle East

Dubai Islamic Bank Acquires Jordan’s Industrial Bank

(ANSAmed) — AMMAN, SEPTEMBER 16 — The UAE-based Dubai Islamic Bank has acquired the financially troubled Jordan Industrial Development Bank (IDB) for JD72 (USD 102 million), according to Samir Rifai, chief executive officer of Jordan Dubai Capital. The bank will be re-branded in the coming weeks as Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank (JDIB), said Refai. A Jordanian-UAE consortium bought 52% of the Jordanian bank by subscribing to 26 million shares offered in a private placement, raising the bank’s capital to JD 50 million (USD70 million) from JD 24 million (USD 33 million), said a bank statement following the signing of the agreement. “The new bank is expected to offer a full range of Shariah-compliant products for the Jordanian market,” said the statement. The consortium consists of Dubai International Capital (DIC), Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB), and Jordan Dubai Financial (JDF) which is the investment arm of JD Capital and the largest contributor to the investment in this venture. “There has been a growing demand in Jordan for Shariah-compliant banking organisations. This trend has become more apparent in recent years, as Islamic banking tools have proved to be more efficient and flexible in meeting a variety of individual as well as corporate client needs,” Al Rifai, said. (ANSAmed).

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Facebook + Blogs = Nervous Mid-East Autocracies

Glance through Reporters Without Borders worldwide press freedom index over the years and you’ll find the countries of the Middle East consistently languishing at the bottom. It’s no surprise if you look at the leadership: Hosni Mabarak in Egypt has maintained the press control the country’s endless state gave him. Muammar al Gadaffi in Libya uses the media to prop up his personality cult and even Morocco’s forward thinking young king allowed a blogger to be jailed recently for allegedly insulting him in a critical posting.

But it is exactly bloggers and social networking sites like Facebook that may now be denting their autocratic armour. Egypt forbids more than five people to assemble at any time, thus making protests and political meeting all but impossible. But on Facebook, where more than a half million Egyptians have accounts, there are no limits…

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Iran: Hard-Line President Thanks Allah for New Sanctions

Tehran, 19 Sept. (AKI) — Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said his country should “thank Allah” for any further sanctions the United Nations Security Council may approve against it.

“The more sanctions imposed on us the more we should thank Allah. The sanctions show the weakness of those who approve them,” Ahmadinejad told journalists in Tehran.

He was speaking ahead of a meeting of the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany on Friday in the US city of Washington D.C. on Friday to debate a planned fourth round of UN sanctions against Iran over its uranium enrichment programme.

Iran has continued to enrich uranium, claiming it has a sovereign right to civilian nuclear power under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The US and other western powers suspect that Iran may be covertly developing atomic weapons.

The UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei in a damning report on Monday stated that Iran has repeatedly blocked an investigation into its uranium enrichment programme and is continuing to enrich uranium.

Ahmadinejad once again attacked the UN Security Council, whose permanent members are Britain, the United States, Russia, France and China.

“It only represents the interests of a few countries — not those of the international community,” Ahmadinejad said.

“The idea of a ‘greater Israel’ is dead but also that of a country called Israel,” he stated.

“All those who have occupied Palestine should return to where they came from and give back the Palestinians their land.”

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Iran: Teenager Sentenced to Five Years for Political Activism

Tehran, 19 Sept. (AKI) — A sixteen-year-old teenager has been sentenced to five years in jail for political activism.

Ebrahim Mehrnahad was sentenced by a court in Zahedan, capital of Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province for ‘conspiracy against the central powers’.

Mehrnahad is the younger brother of Yaghoub Mehrnahad, a journalist and activist who was hanged on 4 August in Zahedan for alleged membership of Jundallah (Soldiers of Allah), an armed Baluchi group.

Ebrahim was also a member of a youth cultural association, founded by his late brother.

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Yemen: 10-Year-Old Divorcée Goes Back to School

Like children across the world, 10-year-old Nujood Ali went back to school this month after a lengthy break. But Nujood hadn’t been lazing about or playing hide-and-seek with her friends during the summer.

Instead, after she was pulled out of the second grade by her father earlier this year, she was married off to a man three times her age, who beat her and sexually abused her.

For many girls in this traditional society, where tribal custom and conservative interpretations of Islam dominate, that would have been the end of the story. But Nujood was outraged. She gathered up her courage and on the advice of an aunt went to court in April. She got the help of a lawyer and filed for divorce.

A judge quickly granted it.

And on Tuesday morning, the divorcee, possibly the world’s youngest, once again became a schoolgirl.

“I’m very happy to be going back to school,” she said, waiting in her ramshackle home for her younger sister Haifa to get ready…

Hordes of nonprofit organizations offered to help her get back to school, some even willing to foot the bill to send her abroad or to a fancy private academy, though they ignored Haifa, Nujood’s little sister and best friend.

In the end, Nujood opted for a small, government-run public school relatively close to her home. She would begin where she left off, starting the second grade again.

Nujood said she wanted to study hard, to be able to attend university and become a lawyer like Shada Nasser, the well-known Yemeni human rights advocate who helped her get her divorce.

The girl’s experience, and her ambition, have even served as an inspiration to her parents, uneducated rural people who moved to the capital’s outskirts a few years ago and say they married her off to protect her from the dangers of the city.

“We were never asked if we wanted to go to school when we were children,” said her father, Ali Mohammed Ahdal, who has two wives and 16 children.

“If we had a choice, we would have loved to study like Nujood.”…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]


Energy: Caucasus Crisis Speeds Up Nabucco Project

(ANSAmed) — ANKARA, SEPTEMBER 15 — Hungary takes the political initiative and dispatches its Nabucco envoy to Turkey ahead of an inter-governmental conference in Budapest in January, the Turkish Daily News reported today. Hungary’s ambassador in charge of the European Union-backed Nabucco project will hold key talks in Turkey this week as part of efforts to breathe political energy into the long-awaited alternative natural gas scheme, following fears that the latest Georgia-Russia crisis could derail it, TDN said. Ambassador Mihaly Bayer will arrive Thursday in the Turkish capital and the next day will meet with officials from the Energy Ministry and the state-owned pipeline company (BOTAS), one of the shareholders of the international Nabucco consortium, the TDN said citing sources. The meetings come as Budapest is set to host an EU-Nabucco natural gas pipeline summit on Jan. 26-27, 2009. The Hungarian envoy will extend an invitation for the inter-governmental summit to Turkish officials during the visit. Hungary is inviting Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Germany as potential recipients of the Nabucco natural gas; Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Egypt and Iraq as potential suppliers; and Georgia as a transit country, it has been revealed. Also invited are the EU’s energy commissioner, the Czech Republic as the holder of the EU’s rotating term president at the time, the United States, and the international Nabucco consortium. (ANSAmed).

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

South Asia

Danish Intelligence Officer Persumed Dead in Pakistan Bomb Blast

[in Danish]

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Hundreds Feared Dead in Blast at Pakistan Hoteljason Burke and Mubashir Zaidi in

A huge explosion ripped through part of a luxury hotel in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad yesterday, killing scores of people and injuring many more. The death toll may reach into the hundreds.

The blast, one of the biggest seen in Pakistan in recent years, happened at the Marriott hotel at around 8pm. The hotel was left burning fiercely all along its façade, with fears that it could totally collapse while other buildings in the vicinity were also left damaged.

Scores of bodies were being brought out of the flaming building as rescue workers battled the blaze in scenes of chaos. At least four Britons were injured in the attack, two of them children. Both sustained superficial injuries and were discharged from hospital last night while the two adults remained in hospital overnight for observation.

The Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, condemned the strike as ‘yet another shocking and disgraceful attack without justification’. He said such a ‘brutal act of terror deserves the condemnation of the entire international community’ and added that the British government would continue ‘to stand shoulder to shoulder with the government of Pakistan against the violent extremists who have no answers, but only offer death and mayhem.’

Witnesses said that security staff at the front of the hotel, where the blast was strongest, had ‘simply been vaporised.’ Hotel staff said that all the Marriott’s function rooms, including the large ballroom, had been hired for iftar — the traditional communal meal that breaks the day-long fast that Muslims observe during the holy month of Ramadan. According to the hotel owner, at least 700 people would have been in the hotel at the time of the blast at 8pm. Around 300 eating under a marquee at the back of the hotel away from the blast survived.

Senior police official Asghar Raza Gardezi said the explosion, one of the biggest such attacks in Pakistan for over a decade, was caused by more than a tonne of explosives probably delivered in a small truck. Other reports indicated a series of bombs — possibly one small explosion which paved the way for other larger blasts.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Megachurch Shows Indonesia Faith Freedom

JAKARTA — A multimillion-dollar megachurch opened in Indonesia on Saturday, September 20, showing religious freedom of minorities in the world’s most populous Muslim country.

“This proves that there are no restrictions from the Indonesian government to build religious centers,” preacher Stephen Tong told Reuters.

“It gives the world a new impression of Indonesia: it is not a messy country or full of troubles.”

Jakarta’s grand Katedral Mesias was opened in a rousing service attended by some 4,000 people singing hymns and reading from the Bible in Bahasa Indonesia.

Dressed in their finest traditional batiks, worshippers, most of them Chinese Indonesians, listened in rapt attention as Tong spoke in both Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia on a host of issues such as church reform and homosexuality.

The worshippers prayed and sang to Gregorian music and other hymns before ending the service with Handel’s Hallelujah resonating through the massive pillared hall.

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Sub-Saharan Africa

Absalon Prevents Another Attack by Pirates.

[In Danish] Seals, boarding teams and helicopter board three skiffs and confiscate rocket launchers, grenades etc…

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]


Even Better: Group Sex Relief

Global “World Players” obviously need to get down to the basics.

           — Hat tip: Dymphna [Return to headlines]

Italy: Afghan Projects to Benefit From Pavarotti Fund-Raiser

Milan, 16 Sept. (AKI) — A charity concert to honour legendary Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti a year after his death will be held in Jordan next month to raise money for Afghanistan.

Some of the world’s biggest stars of classical and pop music, such as Sting, Andrea Bocelli, Italian pop singers Jovanotti, Zucchero, Laura Pausini, and Romanian opera diva Angela Gheorghiu, will perform at the event in the historic city of Petra.

The concert, to be held under the patronage of Jordan’s Princess Haya Bint al Hussein, will raise funds for projects in Afghanistan for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the UN World Food Programme.

Pavarotti’s widow, Nicoletta Mantovani, announced the concert’s line-up of performers at a media conference in Milan on Tuesday. It will be conducted by Eugene Kohn.

The Italian government announced that it would donate 2.1 million euros towards the event.

“With this contribution, we wish to honour the maestro’s exceptional commitment to humanitarian activities and his dedication to fostering the development of other countries,” said Elisabetta Belloni, head of the Italian Government’s overseas aid department.

The proceeds from the concert will provide concrete aid for thousands of Afghan refugees who have decided to go back to what remains of their home villages, Belloni underlined.

Since 2002 over five million Afghans have returned to the country’s eastern provinces from Pakistan, Iran and elsewhere.

The UN projects will help the most vulnerable of the returnees, especially women and children. Funds will be used to construct schools and provide health, skills and literacy training, as well as projects to improve agricultural production.

For over ten years, until his death in September 2007, Pavarotti actively supported UNHCR projects in Kosovo, Pakistan, Zambia, and Iraq.

He won UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award and was named a UN Messenger of Peace.

“Millions of Afghans live in dire poverty. In particular returnees who after many years, arrive home needing everything: food, shelter and a future,” Susana Rico, WFP director in Afghanistan.

“The spirit of the great Maestro Pavarotti brings people together, even now. We will always remember him for his extraordinary efforts to help reach those in need.”

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Religious Imprinting and Jihadism

By: Amil Imani

Religious belief is emotional at its core. And emotions are not governed by logic or reason. Becoming religious is similar to imprinting, most dramatically seen in ducklings. During a critical period of time after hatching the ducklings become imprinted on any moving object—be it the mother duck, a mechanical duck, or a moving human. It doesn’t matter. The ducklings simply follow the initially moving object…

           — Hat tip: Amil Imani [Return to headlines]

The OIC Secretary General Condemns the Shocking Bomb Blasts in Islamabad

The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, expressed deep shock and sorrow over the deadly blasts that ripped into the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday 20 2008, causing the death and injury of dozens of innocent citizens including children.

The Secretary General condemned the attack in the strongest terms, dubbing it a terrorist act of cowardice that runs against Islamic teachings of tolerance. He added that the perpetrators of this act are enemies of peace, whom the international community should fight with determination and by all means.

Prof. Ihsanoglu conveyed his solidarity and condolences to the government and people of Pakistan, in particular to the families of the victims who lost their lives in this senseless terrorist attack. He also extended his sympathy to the injured and prayed for their early recovery.

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

Web Problems Delay Qaeda 9/11 Video Release

An al-Qaeda video marking the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks has appeared on the Internet more than a week late due to technical problems.

The delay of the much-touted 87-minute video, caused in part by the main Islamist websites crashing, has thwarted al-Qaeda’s yearly celebration of its attacks on U.S. cities in 2001.

Parts of the video — a compilation of documentary footage and messages by al-Qaeda leaders — were aired on Sept. 8 by Al Jazeera television, which did not say how it obtained it.

But the full version hit websites on Friday, eight days after the anniversary.

On it, senior al-Qaeda commander Mustafa Abu al-Yazid vowed that Western forces in Afghanistan would face “more large-scale attacks … where they least expect it” and called for militants in Pakistan to step up their fight.

           — Hat tip: TB [Return to headlines]

The Post-Mortem on Cologne, Part 5

AMDG was in Cologne yesterday, and has posted an extensive and detailed account of what he witnessed. He has included dozens of excellent photographs, and, since I haven’t borrowed any of them, I recommend that you visit his blog to get the sense of what happened at the aborted Pro-Köln conference.

Here are some excerpts from what he wrote:

A personal account of yesterday’s demo in Köln: Antifas block access to a demo: “We are the authority”.

My colleague A [I will use initials as I do not know whether the persons mentioned want to be identified] and I arrived at 10:30 in Cologne. We had gone by car and parked to the other side of the river in Deutz neighbourhood (to the right in the map attached). Please note that the name of the tram-underground station is Deutzer Freiheit, which means the Deutz Freedom. This is very ironical. There is no more freedom in Germany, or in Cologne, or in Deutz of course. I am afraid that only a miracle could save us, or a very severe economic crisis that wakes up the citizens.

Our original plan was to cross the river and reach the Heumarkt, which was just to the other side. I phoned G, who I was going to meet, and who was already at Heumarkt. I was utterly naïve indeed thinking that I could meet her on the spot: there was no way to cross the river. The tram connexion was cancelled and the bridge was blocked by a line of antiriot police (we would later see in the afternoon, when we were able to cross it back, that it was full of police vans). Furthermore, the bridgehead was taken by some 100 or 200 “antifas”. I think that there could be around 5000 in total, including fellow travellers and Gutmensch. Please note that all the figures given are my own non-expert estimations.

We took a picture to a banner, and then tried to make some portraits of the antifas, but they told us unfriendly not to do it. The antifas were the usual brainless scum that you can expect. All in black, most with sunglasses and many with the collar or the hood of the pullover covering their mouth or head. I took some pictures of the groups from a safe distance.

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It was obviously not possible to enter the Heumarkt. I tried one of the narrow streets of the old city; there was a line of antifas with black clothing and sun glasses. They have even dared to place one of those plastic red-white stripes in front of them. I told one of them that I wanted to cross, they say no way. One of them spoke Spanish, and I ask her whether she was any authority, she confirmed it “we are the authority”.

A line of anti-riot police agents was only two meters behind them. I can not find a better image of the creeping Eurabian fascism: The police not only do not confront them, they cover their backs. Alternatively, we may think that the antifa-lefty militants are just the stormtroupers (Sturmabteilung?) of the formal police. They have even an excuse: the demo was officially cancelled “after leftist opponents of the rally clashed with its right-wing backers”, says Reuters. Curiously those responsible for the violence could demonstrate and control the streets with police complacency.


Conclusions: The German political class succeeded in cracking the demo. The economic cost of the operation has been significant.

The political impact of the demo can only be confirmed in the next city elections. We will have to keep an eye to the immediate reactions in the following days.

The organisers were not able to hold the congress; we were not able to join the rally, but this is not important. We already know what any possible speech about the Islamización of Europe could say. That should not be our purpose, but to have an impact on the media. And we have had it, as never before. We should thank the counter demonstrants for that, without them, we would not have managed. But this cannot be a one-off event.

Read the rest at La Yijad en Eurabia.

The Post-Mortem on Cologne, Part 4

From a reader who works for a media outlet:

I went to the Cologne rally hoping to get fresh HD video of leaders like Le Pen and Dewinter, and to be honest, I figured it would end in a riot, not begin with a riot, as it did. I and my cameraman were escorted by police through the human barricades the Left had set up to block the narrow streets down to the heurmarkt.

Once in the square, it was a big nuthin’. The event had been strangled. The media outnumbered the participants by at least five to one, maybe ten to one.

The leader of Pro-Köln told me in English that he did not believe the police sided with the Left, but had “capitulated.”

I was astounded at the numbers and fervor of the Leftists, even though I have watched the Left-Muslim alliance march in London. It was obviously some kind of major religious experience for the Leftists. Quite disturbing.

[Post ends here]

A Gamed Poll About Cologne?

From Fjordman:

The newspaper Die Welt put up an online poll asking their readers whether they thought it was OK to to ban the anti-Islamization demo. As of midnight yesterday, 86% disagreed with this policy. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, thousands of new votes miraculously came in and the vote ended with exactly 50% in favor of the ban. Strange, huh? At least, that’s what the same blogger claims. He links to this story from Politically Incorrect, but my German is a bit rusty.

Another reader adds this:

He also reports that Die Welt deleted the comment section because many comments criticized the decision to ban the Pro Cologne meeting.

“Hi my dear Germans, It is pity that most of you do not have a clue what democracy and freedom mean. The entire press and all the politicians seem to be very happy that violent thugs can impose their will. I can only despise your lot, from taxi drivers to hotel owners to police officers to politicians.”

Comments such as these seem to be beyond the bounds, even for a conservative newspaper like Die Welt.

[Nothing follows]

The Islamization of Brazil

I received an email today from SP, a Brazilian woman who is now living in Europe. She gave me permission to publish it:

Dear Baron B.,

Mosque in São PauloI am half-Brazilian, born there and my father was Brazilian, and half-Italian my mother is Italian. So I can’t be a racist! I am a mixture. I can’t be religiously motivated, since I am a atheist. I cannot be a European extremist; I am partly a newcomer here!

I am an aeronautical-mechanical engineer, with a masters in nuclear science and a PhD in material science and aeronautical-nuclear engineering; my research was a mix of these fields. I got my PhD at Budapest University of Technology and Economy.

So I am a defender of Western culture and women’s rights, I am a woman, and I love European culture! That’s why I am in Europe. Now that I am here, I want to adapt, I want to be a part of it. I came here for Europe, not to change Europe into Brazil. And I do not want to change Brazil into Europe. That’s why I have solidarity with your site!

I wish for Europe to be Europe and not Eurabia. Whoever wants that should go to live in the Arabic world. And not bring that world here! If I can help to defend Europe and west culture I will do so, even against any physical security for me. Because there will be no more security anyway for me to live under an Islamic culture.

I was a leftist, and I have only one thing to say to them: come to live in an ex-Communist country. Now I live in Hungary. I was a leftist when I first came here. It is easy to be a leftist and “so-called pseudo-intellectual” when you are only theorizing. Freedom is as important as bread for the human being!

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I use to write manifestos about these subjects to myself because I get so alarmed by the events on our society. I need to express even if it is myself reading it.

In Brazil there are one million Muslims. It used to be they would come and adapt, mingle and be part of society like Jews and any others adopting our way of life. They had come for our society.

But the good times are over! Now those one million do not wish to adapt; the women use the veil and insult the native women; the men are arrogant towards the other Brazilian women.

Could anyone in this world imagine a Carnaval with women dressed in burkas? Of course it wouldn’t be Carnaval at all!

There is even a Muslin University in Brazil. At the Foreign Affairs Ministry, it can be seen at the website, a section dedicated to Arabian Relations but there is none to any other culture. Of course petro-dollars must be involved with that.

Do you know that the wife of Brazilian Ambassador in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was slapped in the face because she lifted her veil in a drugstore? What was done? Nothing! It should be an international scandal with official apologies and the withdrawal of our embassy! How by the human intelligence can this happen?

I have lots more to tell as well based on my real experience as a woman. I lived in France, The Netherlands, and other countries. I know what I am talking about. It is not theory. It is life experience!

— SP

The Post-Mortem on Cologne, Part 3

And now: equal time for the Muslim point of view. Or maybe oppo research.

In any case, the Arab point of view. Actually, this is ultimately from AFP, and it’s more balanced than most of the MSM stories I’ve read so far.

From Al-Arabiya:

Thousands of Germans Protest Anti-Islam Meet

German police said tens of thousands of Cologne residents took to the streets Saturday to protest an “anti-Islamization” conference of European far-right leaders.

Carrying banners saying: “We are Cologne — Get rid of the Nazis!” protesters gathered outside the city’s cathedral to demonstrate against the congress organized by the local far-right group Pro-Koeln (For Cologne).

Pro-Koeln began two days of seminars Friday during which speakers denounced an influx of Muslims to Germany and the construction of one of Europe’s largest mosques in the city.

Earlier Saturday, police banned a rally organized by far-right adherents in Cologne just as it was about to begin, following clashes with thousands of opponents.

Far-right rally banned

Some 3,000 police, drafted in to control the protests and seal off part of the old city, used truncheons and water hoses to fend off violent “anti-fascist” leftist activists.

“It is a dictatorship!” said a Pro-Koeln member of the decision to ban the far-right rally.

Andreas Molzer, a member of the European Parliament and an Austrian far-right group who attended the congress, called the ban an “anti-democratic scandal.”

Pro-Koeln had hoped 1,500 people would attend Saturday’s rally in the city center to oppose the mosque and an “immigrant invasion” of Europe.

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Those attending the congress, including far-right leaders from Belgium, Austria and Italy, protested against “Islamification” and voiced support for Europe’s “Western values and Christian traditions.”

The counter-protest, called by trade unions, churches and anti-racist movements, saw thousands of students, families and local business people carry signs with slogans including “No to Racism” and “Cologne is rebelling!”

The protesters disrupted the Pro-Koeln congress and ensured that fewer than 50 delegates were able to return to the meeting on Saturday morning.

Individuals fight back

Mayor Fritz Schramma, whose city council gave the green light for the construction of the huge mosque, slammed Pro-Koeln as “arsonists and racists” hiding under the cloak of a “citizens’ movement” in a speech earlier Saturday.

Meanwhile, around 150 bars in Cologne stopped selling Pro-Koeln members the local Kolsch beer with some taxi and bus drivers also refusing to transport delegates to the congress.

One hotel even cancelled bookings made by “undesirables.”

On Friday, several hundred opponents of the congress formed a human chain around a mosque in solidarity with the Muslim minority, which numbers more than three million in Germany, or four percent of the population.

Pro-Koeln has five elected local councilors and is chasing other official positions in the region.

Cologne, in the west of Germany on the River Rhine, is famous for its Gothic twin-spired Roman Catholic cathedral — a UNESCO world heritage site that survived Allied air raids during World War II.

Hat tip: TB.

The Post-Mortem on Cologne, Part 2

A commenter named maalmannen attempted to reach the Heumarkt in Cologne for the demonstration yesterday, but was unable to get through. Here’s his account:

Yesterday I tried to join the Anti-Islamization demonstration that was announced to start at 12:00 o’clock. And, naïvely enough, I believed that I could simply show up at the Heumarkt and join the rally.

Since I live in Strasbourg, I took the train from Strasbourg at 06:54 and the train was scheduled to be at Cologne Hauptbahnhof at 10:05. However, due to the sabotage of the train signal system, which blocked the railway from Frankfurt to Cologne that morning, the train was delayed by one and a half hours, so I got to Cologne at 11:30.

I tried to reach the Heumarkt, but all entrances were closed by counter-demonstrators and police. On several occasions, I observed people trying to join the demonstration being attacked and chased away by the leftist counter-demonstration.

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In one case, an old woman carrying a lot of anti-Islamization posters was attacked by a gang of Antifa activists. The rest of the crowd shouted “Nazis raus” when these criminals attacked the old frau and took all her posters away from her, and then ordered her to leave or risk more attacks. Another woman tried to capture the event with her digital camera, but she was stopped by the Antifas.

However, I have quite long hair and was taken by the counter-demonstrators as just another leftist, so I was able to sneak through the outer ring of counter-demonstrators until I met the inner ring of policemen. These policemen did not ask if I was a demonstrator or a counter-demonstrator; they simple did not let anyone pass. So although I passed the outer ring of all the leftists, I was not able to pass the inner ring of the policemen. And now I am probably counted in the mainstream media as just another counter-demonstrator.