Allah Goes to School

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

State security officials warn against Islamization of schools

A study from Lower Saxony on the attitudes of Muslim students shocks the republic. Now a state security guard is warning against Islamization in the classroom. German children may convert through coercion.


A state security official has warned against the Islamization of German schools. “More and more parents of German children are turning to counseling centers because the Christian children want to convert so that they are no longer outsiders at school,” he told the Bild newspaper. The background is the survey by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony, in which 67.8% of those surveyed agreed with the statement: “The rules of the Quran are more important to me than the laws in Germany.” In addition, almost half (45.8%) stated Islamic theocracy is the best form of government.

Such morals are normal among Muslim families, the official explained. The teachings of Islam are strictly followed and family honor is highly valued. The public protector continued: “When girls at school behave too westernized in the eyes of Muslim young people, do not wear a headscarf or meet boys, the male students think they have to defend their honour and warn the girls to act like one, to behave like a devout Muslim.”

TikTok as an accelerant for Islamism

In addition, there might be peer pressure at schools. Teachers, on the other hand, don’t know how to deal with it. “Real parallel societies are emerging in the schoolyards. And if a lot of refugee children come to school again in the summer, the situation will become even more explosive.” [If these teachers were to look into the mirror, they would know who to blame. They voted for this over and over.]

The official takes a critical view of developments on social networks. “There are certain TikTok channels in which Islamist pop stars convince students that they have to oppose the Western way of life and that only a caliphate is the right form of government.” Among other things, the message there is that non-Muslims are less valuable than Muslims. [Anyone who actually bothered to read Islamic scripture would have known that beforehand, now, wouldn’t they?]

A student from Essen told Junge Freiheit about her experiences with radical Islamic classmates . She was beaten and asked not to eat during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Out of self-protection, the 17-year-old followed her tormentors’ instructions. [When self-protection becomes a slavers’ shackle, it’s high time to sharpen the sword.]

Afterword from the translator:

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It is Almost Certain That Cultural Enrichment Has Reared its Head Again

A student at a secondary school in the town of Ammanford in South Wales went on a stabbing rampage yesterday, wounding three people before being restrained. When I first read the news, I wondered if cultural enrichment might be a factor. Seneca III had similar thoughts, and sends this report (which was written yesterday).

It is Almost Certain that Cultural Enrichment has Reared its Head Again

by Seneca III

A Welsh Language School located in Ammanford, South Wales, was locked down resultant from an incident earlier this morning. The school has 1,800 pupils aged from eleven to eighteen drawn from its local hinterland and also from the city of Swansea, a multicultural hell hole to its SSW. The school is situated north of Ammanford town centre, which is located a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4 motorway.

Police and emergency services reports were sparse on facts earlier, which is fair enough as criminal investigations were still underway at the time, but they have since announced that two teachers and a girl were stabbed and that a teenage girl is under arrest.

Headlined “Ammanford school ‘stabbing’: Person is arrested and three people including ‘teacher’ injured after ‘knife attack involving two girls’ as classrooms remain in ‘lockdown’, the Daily Mail[1] reports inside that “Dyfed-Powys Police and two air ambulances were called to the scene. One air ambulance is said to have now left the field and is reportedly flying towards the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on site.” followed by a succession of talking heads, predominantly political ones, waffling on despite their being no better informed than the rest of us as the police were playing this one very close to the chest, which in itself might have indicated that they felt at that time that the age, ethnicity or origin of the perpetrators and/or their victims was a matter of some sensitivity in modern-day Britain.

Demographically [2], Ammanford is as follows:

Male/Female = 57.2%/48.8%.

Ethnic Groups = White 5247; Asian 101; Black 18; Arab 7; Mixed 50; Other ethnics 21.

Religions = Christian 2425; Muslim 25; Hindu 22; Sikh 10; Buddhist 17; Jewish 4; Others 25; No religion 2610.

However, Swansea is a very different kettle of fish. It is a city at the mouth of the river Tawe with a working Maritime Quarter just around the corner from another notorious occupied territory, the Port City of Bristol, and therein lies an enigmatic clue to the conundrum facing the authorities in Carmarthenshire.

The 2021 Census recorded that 91.4% of Swansea’s usually resident population were white (around 218,100 people). The proportion of people with non-white ethnicity in Swansea has increased from 6.0% in 2011 (around 14,300 people) to 8.6% in 2021 (20,400). The largest non-white ethnic group in Swansea in 2021 was ‘Indian’ (around 2,900 people or 1.2%) with ‘Other Asian’, ‘Caribbean’ and ‘Bangladeshi’ also above 2,000.

67.0% of Swansea residents (159,900 people) expressed a ‘Welsh only’ or ‘Welsh and British only’ national identity (Wales 63.3%). This is slightly lower than the equivalent proportions in 2011 (Swansea 69.3%; Wales 64.6%).

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German Muslims Long for Sharia

Anabel Schunke is a young (Millennial) German journalist and influencer. In the following video Ms. Schunke presents the results of a recent survey about Muslim culture-enrichers’ preferences concerning the imposition of Islamic law in Germany. No surprises there.

Not to cast aspersions on Ms. Schunke, but I’ve been reading the same sort of survey results since I first got into this line of work twenty years ago, while she was still at the Gymnasium. Wherever there are enough resident Muslims for a survey to be taken, the majority state their preference for sharia to be the law of the land. They believe that women should be veiled and that anyone who insults Mohammed should be killed. And they want Jews to be eradicated.

These preferences are never hidden. Muslims are quite open about the future they want to see. Our ignorance is our own fault: the information is out there, available for anyone to look at. It seems that Westerners, by and large, simply prefer not to see the truth.

The results are fairly uniform for Muslim populations throughout the West, and they don’t change appreciably over time. In other words, there is no assimilation, or even integration, of Muslim immigrant communities in Western countries.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

Seneca III sends this update on the current state of the dystopia formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

by Seneca III

There appears to be a rising wave of political atheism sweeping across the land as the mantra “A plague on all their houses” gains traction. This should not surprise anyone, even those who have been coasting along with their eyes wide shut, as democracy in its current form has become a cesspit of competing personal interests with the denizens of Westminster showing little or no concern for the country or the people in it.

Whole swathes of Britain, (perhaps even all of it, when you look at the Mayor of London, the Prime Minister of Britain, the First Minister of Scotland and the well-tanned Zambian leader of the Welsh Assembly) have become what are known as the ‘Occupied Territories’, so perhaps the time has come to sweep the whole rotten mess into the gutter of history and start again, preferably without resorting to the use of piano wire? — Or perhaps not; ammunition is rare and expensive even if one can get hold of some.

Transgenderism is a growing cult that blights all our lives and it is a very dangerous one to boot, one that even makes vegans appear semi-rational by comparison. That children of any age should be brainwashed and encouraged to ‘transition’ by members of the teaching profession is the latest abomination thrust upon us. Transgenderism would be better described as transhumanism and its acolytes should be scourged together with all the other deviants who peddle it.

Nationally, the decrepitude of our essential public infrastructure is increasing. It is either failing or being systematically demolished, as in the case of our iron and steel industries that have been closed or are about to close in the name of the great net zero scam. Naturally clean water is now not to be found as untreated sewage has polluted our rivers, streams and coastal waters, killing much of our indigenous wildlife in the process. Mind you, the directors of the private water companies and their beneficial owners in the Middle East and China are doing quite nicely, thank you, as are the owners of the vast ‘green energy’ windmill farms blighting the land and sea, and mincing birds on the odd occasions when there is enough wind to make them work.

“Tories out, Labour in” is another popular mantra. The Tories are almost certainly going to be out, but an outright victory for Labour is not necessarily a certainty. If the Reform Party get their act together and take enough seats to block Labour from getting a workable majority in a hung parliament, which is not totally out of the question, then that will be a whole new ballgame. The effect of the rising ‘Muslim Party’ mopping up votes that would normally go to Labour muddies the political waters even further. Otherwise, only a super-miracle where Reformists actually got a majority (326+ seats) would be preferable, but that is as likely as Sunak and Starmer forming a coalition or the Grand Mufti converting to Judaism and wearing a kippah.

Londonistan, our largest occupied territory in the south of the country. is becoming a no-go zone for anyone who is a law-abiding citizen, particularly if they are white, heterosexual and not perverts — it is a living, violent dystopian nightmare both by day and by night, with muggings, gang warfare, knifings, drug peddling and burglaries the status quo. Also, there are the Palestinian mobs and other Muslim trash who have owned the streets in their thousands on weekends for six months now, and God help any Jew of Gentile who should fall foul of them because neither the government nor the police will do anything for fear of being called racist, Islamophobic or simply because they have neither the numbers nor the will to win a street battle of that magnitude and clean up afterwards.

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Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

Update: Thank you all for your kind words. That was not quite the response I expected!

Your comments have given me a lot to think about for future twentieth-anniversary posts.

We’ll be coming up on the twentieth anniversary of Gates of Vienna later this year, and the process of preparing for an anniversary post has induced a sort of reverie in me as I contemplate the events of the past two decades.

Things have changed a lot, both externally and internally. I often feel like I’m too old to be doing this sort of thing. I’m over seventy now, and should be relaxing somewhere pleasant, enjoying the time that remains to me before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

And I sometimes feel like I’m close to burning out — I’ve just seen too way much information, most of it horrible. I wish I could return to the naïve, idealistic state of mind that I had when I started this job, but, alas, that’s not an option. Once you walk through the door of greater awareness, there’s no turning back. And, worst of all, I don’t think I’ve reached the limit of ghastly understanding. It seems likely that the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been working with Vlad for more than fifteen years now, and he says he’s feeling the pressure of burnout, too. We talk on the phone fairly frequently about all this stuff, in an effort to keep each other sane. With mixed results.

Anyway… for the time being, I’ll continue trawling through the hideous news every day and presenting it here, for your delectation (or horror, as the case may be).

The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. It used to be that I could post about every major incident when it occurred, but that’s no longer possible — most of the stories get relegated to the news feed, if I have any coverage of them at all. There are just too many of them.

As Islamization has increased, the persecution of those who criticize it — or even just point it out — has intensified concomitantly. A number of Europeans that I worked with have been prosecuted; once again, I can’t keep track of them all. Many of them have now ceased their Counterjihad activities — when the choice is between losing your livelihood and giving up your Islamophobia, it’s not surprising that people decide to quit this line of work. If I actually lived in Europe, I might well have been driven out of it myself.

I used to think that making more people aware of what’s happening would help turn the tide. If a critical mass of understanding could only be reached, especially among elected representatives, the process of Islamization might be reversible. Back in 2007 and 2008 I said I thought we had a window of ten or fifteen years in which to begin the process of reversal. Unfortunately, that window has now closed. The demographics of Western Europe have passed the point of no return. The white natives are having fewer children, while the Muslims are having more, and all the while additional “asylum seekers” are pouring in. Tomorrow belongs to them.

Central and Eastern Europe may well be able to avoid the worst, at least for a while, but Western European countries will metamorphose into Muslim societies. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and France will be the first to become Islamic republics, with Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy following close behind. It’s too late to stop the process; it’s only a matter of time.

No one in a position of political power will take action against the inevitable. Anyone who is inclined to oppose Islamization finds out as soon as he rises high enough in the hierarchy that opposition is not permitted. The order comes down from above, and you either give up your opposition (relevant example: Giorgia Meloni), or your career comes to an end. There are always multiple ways to make an independent-minded politician an offer he can’t refuse. I can’t say exactly who the shadowy unelected globalists are who give the orders, but they’re out there giving them. Their gravitational influence is large enough to shift the orbits of our elected leaders.

As we approach 2050, the Islamization process will intensify to the point where civil strife will break out in Western Europe. If nuclear war can somehow be avoided, it may be possible for white enclaves to form where the worst of the Islamic excesses are kept at bay. However, based on the current demographics, the Caliphate will have control of the major cities. If the welfare jizya ceases to flow to the urban ghettos, then the Muslims living there will have to resort to razzias, which is their traditional way of dealing with privation. We can expect well-armed masses of them to descend on the suburbs and rural areas, where they can rape and pillage to their hearts’ content.

They will have the arms, and, sad to say, they will have more military-age men than the white natives will. By that time most of the remaining whites will be geezers. Thus we can expect that their enclaves will gradually shrink, while the culturally enriched sharia banlieues will gradually expand.

And that’s just the Islamization aspect of the coming collapse. One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.

The most recent destructive fad is the “trans” craze, which is dissolving every social institution it touches so rapidly that it’s hard to take in what’s happening. And that’s certainly not the last such craze — it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon. For all I know, necrophilia, necrophagia, and cannibalism may be next on the menu. Cannibals have rights, too!

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Tomorrow Belongs to Me

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Germany belongs to Islam: CDU buckles

The CDU has once again managed to follow the example of its chairman Friedrich Merz and immediately cave in to any criticism from the Left. The new basic program from December initially said: “Muslims who share our values belong to Germany,” said the CDU’s draft program. This was actually a clear sentence, with a clear offer to Muslims that they are welcome if they follow the values of the country to which they came voluntarily. But of course it didn’t take long before the usual outrage from left-wing politicians, media and Islam lobbyists began. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil rambled on about the rhetorical exclusion of an entire population group, while Aiman Mazyek, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, accused the CDU of using the formulation to fish for the right-wing fringe of voters.

Over the weekend, the CDU weakened the sentence and reworded it in a complicated manner. “Muslims are part of the religious diversity of Germany and our society,” it now says. It was also added: “An Islam that does not share our values and rejects our free society does not belong to Germany.” But of course that wasn’t enough for Mazyek and Co., either. The new version is also “another attempt by the Christian Democratic Union to fish in murky waters in order to stigmatize Muslims.” [Nobody needs to stigmatize Muslims; they are perfectly capable of doing that themselves and show it DAILY, especially contempt for anyone outside Islam.] For him, “if at all,” only a formulation that addresses all worldviews and religious communities, rather than just to single out a specific one and mark it negatively”. SPD parliamentary group deputy Dirk Wiese explained that the program was “not a program for the future, but a journey into dusty yesterday.” In these “challenging times” “cohesion and mutual respect are needed more than ever”. But the Union is doing the opposite and “consciously pushing for a policy of prejudice”.

No prejudices, just unbiased bloody experiences

The fact that reservations about Islam are by no means prejudices, but rather the results of decades and even centuries of experience with Islam’s claim to total dominance and its ongoing intolerance, willingness to use violence and refusal to integrate, is naturally not communicable to the historically and culturally illiterate leftists. They would rather continue to wallow in their multi-cultural dream dance and hope for Muslim votes that they have long since lost forever among the local population. Even left-wing media, which are forcibly financed by the general public, such as Radio Bremen, which is part of the ARD, make fun of letting young Muslim women loose on passers-by to ask them whether Germans in Germany speak German, whether they are Christians, because they look German or whether they distance themselves from the — allegedly — right-wing attack in Hanau. A young woman actually declared: “As a German, I distance myself from German violence.” This shows how far left-wing indoctrination has already progressed, especially among young people. The Union simply cannot manage to finally take a clear stance and express people’s concerns.

According to a current INSA survey, 55% of Germans and even 21% of Muslims (!) fear the Islamization of Europe. However, the Union allows itself to be driven by leftists and figures like Mazyek and can only bring itself to use waxy, completely meaningless formulations regarding Islam. Thorsten Frei, the parliamentary secretary, claimed that the changes were “certainly not a stigma, but a clarification”. One is “not prepared to accept every form of Islam”. That’s why “a clear announcement is necessary here”. However, it remains to be seen exactly. The Union has nothing to offer apart from airy talk of a “leading culture” that “everyone who wants to live here must recognize without any ifs and buts”. They do not explain what exactly is meant by this dominant culture and what its cultural foundations are. [I rather doubt that they even know their own culture, these puppeticians are so far removed from reality that one can no longer blame their ideological retardation which made it possible for Islam to plant a beachhead again.]

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Germany Thwarts Rich Chinese Migrants

It seems that rich foreigners can’t get into Germany as easily as poor Africans or Middle Eastern fellahin.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Residence permits for rich Chinese and Arabs: major raid in eight federal states against traffickers

The Düsseldorf public prosecutor’s office arrested ten suspects in a large-scale raid against an international smuggling gang in eight federal states.

More than 1,000 federal police and public prosecutors have been involved in the operation since early morning. A total of 101 residential and business premises were searched, including two law firms, as the Federal Police Directorate in Sankt Augustin near Bonn reported on Wednesday.

According to Bild, the smuggling gang is said to have obtained permanent residence permits for around 350 Chinese and Arabs for up to €350,000 by taking advantage of special rules for foreign skilled workers. [I guess these people aren’t gynaecologists or plastic surgeons like all the others the German State smuggles in.] There were raids in North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Berlin, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

Afterword from the translator:

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Magdi Allam: The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization

Magdi Allam is an apostate from Islam who was born in Egypt and now lives in Italy. He converted to Roman Catholicism and was baptized during the Vatican’s 2008 Easter Vigil service in St. Peter’s Basilica, which was presided over by Pope Benedict XVI. Long-time readers will remember that Mr. Allam was a featured speaker at our Brussels Conference in 2012.

In the following video Magdi Allam talks about Islam’s demographic conquest of Europe. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Junior Sharia Police Enforce Ramadan in Alsace

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche:

An adolescent (13) attacked for not respecting Ramadan

In Achenheim, (Bas Rhin [Alsace]), a 13-year-old minor was beaten by four Muslim minors who reproached her for not respecting the Ramadan fast while getting off a bus going to their school. Accompanied by her father, the adolescent filed a complaint Tuesday afternoon for the acts of group violence.

April 9, 2024

The day before Eid-al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of Ramadan, a female adolescent (13) was accosted by four minors in Achenheim (Bas-Rhin). On a bus heading to their school, she was accosted by four other pupils of the school who reproached her for not respecting the fast imposed by Ramadan. While getting off the bus, the victim, of North African origin, was beaten, according to our information from a judicial source. The adolescent was lightly injured, her face showing redness.

Complaint filed

After the attack the four minors, of Muslim faith, fled. As they are still in the process of being identified, the victim went to the police headquarters of Wolfisheim, accompanied by her father. She filed a complaint for the acts of group violence. With the matter in hand, the Gendarmerie brigade will begin an investigation.

Lounging at Ease in the Infidel Paradise

It’s been obvious for a long time that the “asylum seekers” who have infested Germany en masse since 2015 are parasites soaking up the wealth of the state — at least it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t hypnotized by government propaganda.

The latest official statistics confirm these grim conclusions: a full 40% of those who are permanently unemployed and subsisting on benefits are foreigners.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

40% of the permanently unemployed are foreigners

Once again, migration policy is proving to be a failure. The background is figures on foreigners and unemployment published by the Federal Employment Agency. The AfD is calling for drastic consequences.


Foreigners are greatly overrepresented among the permanently unemployed in Germany. Of the 1.5 million “employable benefit recipients” who have been receiving citizen’s benefit for at least five years, almost 40% do not have a German passport. [Well, the solution would be to give out more and faster German citizenship. Nancy Faeser needs to resign over this type of blatant “racism” against foreigners. Shame on her and the Ministry of Interior. Sarcasm off.] This was the result of a special evaluation by the Federal Employment Agency, which was commissioned by the labour and social policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group, René Springer. The proportion of foreigners in the total population in Germany is around 15%. Bild first reported on the evaluation.

As of June 2023, a total of around 3.9 million “employable benefit claimants” lived in Germany. This refers to unemployed people who could work but still receive what is now known as citizen’s benefits. 1.5 million of them have received basic security for at least five years. Of the 1.5 million, 948,076 were German (61.3%) and 599,230 were foreigners (38.7%).

The statistics also show that around 270,000 of these permanently unemployed people came from the top eight asylum countries of origin — Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria. [They call it jizyah in those countries, if I’m not mistaken.]

AfD wants to cut off citizen’s allowance for foreigners

AfD social expert Springer called for citizens’ benefits for foreigners to be canceled and for illegal immigrants to be consistently rejected at the border. “The message that is being sent to the world is fatal: once you have made it into citizen’s money, you can be permanently supported by the German taxpayer,” he told Junge Freiheit. This “mega pull factor and welfare state magnet” must be stopped immediately.

At the same time, the AfD MP took the federal government to task. “The fact that employable foreigners can apparently receive citizens’ benefits on a permanent basis is due to a lack of political will to end this unspeakable situation and to protect the German welfare state.” [Why the so-called opposition is asking such dumb questions boggles the mind. What’s going on has been part and parcel of the whole exercise of cultural and literal genocide of the West by the puppetician class for decades now.]

According to the evaluation, the federal states of Berlin and Bremen had the highest proportion of permanently unemployed people. In both city states, almost half of all employable benefit recipients have been receiving basic benefits for at least five years.

Afterword from the translator:

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Deadly Eid in Bordeaux

The following article concerns enricher-on-enricher violence in Bordeaux. It seems a devout Afghan Muslim executed Islamic justice with his knife against two less-than-zealous fellow Muslims from Algeria.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Knife attack in Bordeaux: Attacker formally identified, Korans and prayer rugs recovered

Born in Afghanistan, the attacker, who had reproached his victims for drinking alcohol, was killed by police shortly after the incident Wednesday evening.

The knife attacker in Bordeaux, who killed one person and seriously wounded another on Wednesday evening, has been formally identified, Le Figaro learned from the public prosecutor’s office on Friday, April 12. He is Ahmed Saboor Hamraz, born in November 1998 in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

Killed by police with several assault weapon rounds a few moments after the attack Wednesday, the individual had obtained refugee status from OFPRA on September 14, 2021, after an initial asylum request in Greece on February 27, 2019, the prosecutor’s office confirmed, as announced Thursday by Le Figaro. He was not under the influence of cannabis or alcohol during the incident. Toxicological analyses are in progress.

“Boxing medal”

His residence has now been searched. The authorities have recovered “a boxing medal, two Korans, a prayer rug, and a phone,” that will be examined, the national prosecutor, Fredrique Porterie, explained. The prosecutor’s office “remains in contact with the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office with a view of a complete evaluation of the situation,” he finally noted.

On Wednesday evening, the attacker stabbed two Algerian nationals near the Miroir d’Eau (Mirror of Water), a Bordeaux tourist site, after reproaching them for drinking alcohol during the celebration of Eid, marking the end of the fast of Ramadan. A police officer, armed with an automatic rifle, killed him a few minutes later.

Two investigations have been opened, one for murder and attempted murder, the other to examine the circumstances under which the police shooting was carried out. According to the magistrate, who assigned this second investigation to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), it is likely self-defense in view of the initial elements gathered.

Genoa: The Jehovah’s Witnesses of Islam

The video below is another documentary by Eugenia Fiore about Islam in Italy. In this instance the journalist visits an Islamic ghetto in Genoa to talk to the family of a recently arrested terrorist from the Tablighi organization (see last Monday’s report about Tablighi in the suburbs of Rome).

An interesting aspect of this video is that Ms. Fiore was discouraged from entering the Muslim area because she is a woman, and even worse, a blonde.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Cologne: The City of Muezzins

Long-time readers will remember the reporting we did in early 2016 on the culture-enriching Gropin’ and Rapin’ Festival that was held in the square outside the Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve.

The following video reports on a visit to Cologne by an Italian journalist eight years later. The city is even less Christian and more Islamized than it was in 2015, and young women are even less safe.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Brothers of Mohammed in Tor Pignattara

The following documentary filmed in a suburb of Rome uses a hidden camera to get some useful clandestine footage of Islamic zealots associated with the Tablighi group. The interviewer pays special attention to the way Muslim men treat their women. No surprises for anyone who’s been paying attention to Islam, but it may be shocking to Italians who have never seen this sort of thing before.

Not that it will make any difference at this point; it’s far too late.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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