Telling the Truth About Mohammed is a Crime in Sweden

Child Bride

Here’s another news story that demonstrates the importance of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day: a man in southern Sweden is being prosecuted for his presentation of completely factual and authentic material about Mohammed and his child bride, Aisha.

What was the crime in question? A poster depicting Mohammed and Aisha, accompanied by these words:

He is 53, she is 9. Is that the kind of marriage we want to see in Skåne?

This information is straight out of the sunna, and is considered an unquestionable truth in Islam. Yet a Swede is being prosecuted for saying it.

Ted Ekeroth has kindly translated an article from Sydsvenskan about this farrago of justice (he also has a blog post in English on the same topic):

Justice Chancellor to prosecute Herslow

The chairman of the Skåne Party, Carl P. Herslow, displayed anti-Muslim posters during a public meeting. He is now being prosecuted for hets mot folkgrupp [“inciting racial hatred”].

After holding a public meeting at Stortorget [“the grand square”] in Malmö at the beginning of May, he was taken away by the police for interrogation. The police intervened after he had shown posters with different texts and illustrations.

The pictures shows the prophet Mohammed naked with a 9-year-old wife.

Herslow was photographed and immediately taken into custody by the police. He has been interrogated and the seized posters have also been analyzed by Statens kriminaltekniska laboratorium (“the state crime lab”, SKL).

SKL has said that the posters were printed using a large-format printer, and the crime is therefore subject to the “press freedom laws”.

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The crime is labeled as “inciting racial hatred” (hets mot folkgrupp) since Herslow showed the pictures in public.

The decision to prosecute was made yesterday by the Justice chancellor, JK, and if convicted the chairman may face jail time.

“If you look at previous cases where representatives of extremist groups haves been convicted of ‘inciting racial hatred’, Herslow may spend 4-6 months in jail,” says deputy chief prosecutor Bo Birgersson. There are similar cases where leaders of National Socialist Front were convicted in the Supreme Court for inciting racial hatred according to the freedom of the press laws.

“This is incredible. It will be interesting to discuss Islamic superstition in court,” says the party leader concerning the case.

As early as April 21, Sydsvenskan wrote that both the police and at least one individual reported the Skåne Party for putting up anti-Muslim posters in Malmö.

Björn Lagerbäck (FP), leading the “Malmö dialogue forum”, appealed to Muslim groups not to be provoked and called the Skåne Party “a small isolated sect”.

This is unbelievably Orwellian: Mr. Herslow is being prosecuted under “freedom of the press” laws.

Another article on the same topic may be found here (in Swedish).

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

Public Square logo

Public Square has invited me to take part in an Everybody Draw Mohammed Day debate about the ethical implications of needlessly offending one-third of the world’s population. I was given the opportunity to write the first post. I’ve cross-posted my essay below.

I’m told that the ethicist Jack Marshall will offer his views on the same topic. Keep an eye on the Public Square blog to see the debate as it unfolds.

It seems they allow comments over there. If any of our regular readers decide to pay Public Square a visit, please wash behind your ears and put on a clean shirt before you knock on the door. And play nice — we don’t want to leave a bad impression, now, do we?

Everyone Draw Mohammed Day

Greetings to all the readers of Bloggerheads at Public Square.

Mohammed the GrinThe owners of this site have invited me to debate the ethical implications of what so many people will be doing today: drawing Mohammed.

Some of these drawings may be respectful of Allah’s messenger. Some will be neutral in content. Others will insult or mock Mohammed. But all are likely to offend Muslims.

As the Danish Mohammed cartoon crisis of 2005-2006 demonstrated, “insulting” images of Mohammed are used as an excuse for mass rioting and violence. Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist who created the iconic “Turban Bomb” cartoon, was later the subject of at least two plots on his life.

Comedy Central’s recent suppression of South Park over material that mentioned Mohammed — which is what inspired the woman who initiated Everybody Draw Mohammed Day — brought the issue to the attention of the general public. In the weeks since the South Park kerfuffle, more incidents of “Muslim Cartoon Rage” have been featured in the news. Last week the Swedish artist Lars Vilks was physically attacked in Uppsala while giving a seminar on freedom of speech — illustrating his lecture with a video containing sexually provocative images involving Mohammed. A few days later his home in Skåne was vandalized and firebombed by two young Muslim men.

The case of Lars Vilks is an interesting one, because the Danish cartoon crisis prompted Mr. Vilks to find out how far he could go before Sweden’s regime of political correctness stifled him. He knew that he could be as “transgressive” as he liked with the sacred symbols of Christianity, or even Judaism. But it was obvious that the same tolerant rules would not extend to the mocking of Islam.

In the summer of 2007 he created a little test of the system: when invited to contribute images of animals for display in an art exhibit, he drew several free-form line drawings of a dog shape with a human-looking head that sported a beard and a turban. He titled his works, “Profeten som rondellhund” — “The Prophet as a Roundabout Dog”. A rondellhund is a Swedish folk custom, a statue of a dog made of wood or metal that is placed in the center of a roundabout or traffic circle.

Mr. Vilks was very careful in what he drew. The dog in the drawing did not represent a real dog, but a statue made of wood or metal. And as, he stated in the early interviews, the prophet whose visage adorned the rondellhund was non-specific: it was some prophet or other, but he declined to say which one.

As he expected, the committee in charge of the gallery hastily took down his drawings when they realized the potential problem. Mr. Vilks responded indignantly that there no longer seemed to be any right to free speech in Sweden. He proceeded to draw more roundabout dogs in various styles, and added a few other variations such as “The Prophet Visits a Gay Bar.” He took a picture of two lawn chairs and titled it “Two Prophets”. He drew a crude face on a shoe and labeled it a “prophet”.

His doings caused only a minor stir until a month later, when the editor of the local newspaper Nerikes Allehanda published the first mainstream media depiction of the Prophet as a Roundabout Dog. Then the trouble started in earnest: death threats, directed both at him and at the newspaper editor; condemnation by prominent political figures; outrage and demands for apologies from Muslim organizations. The brouhaha continued for months, and through it all the artist continued to draw more dogs.

The fuss gradually died down, and the issue lay dormant until early this year, when several Muslim terrorists — including the notorious American “Jihad Jane” — were arrested for plotting to kill Lars Vilks. His name returned to the newspaper headlines, and not just in Scandinavia, but all over the world. From the Muslim world came a rising drumbeat of calls for his death, matching in intensity the fatwas and threats against Kurt Westergaard. Unlike Mr. Westergaard, however, Mr. Vilks lacks any bodyguards or state protection at his home. His only defense against murderous intruders is an axe.

The case of Lars Vilks has demonstrated — as he fully intended from the very beginning — that there is no such thing as free speech in Sweden, if that speech offends Muslims. His drawings depicted neither Mohammed nor a dog, but the perception that they did assigned him a permanent descriptive label as “the Swedish artist who drew a cartoon of Mohammed as a dog”.

Reality played no part in what happened to Lars Vilks. Only perception mattered, especially what was perceived by Muslims.

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Lars Vilks and the creators of South Park share something in common: they all set out deliberately to demonstrate that free speech does not apply to anything that might offend Muslims. They also proved that actual government censorship is not necessary: private foundations and media companies are eager to suppress anything that carries the possibility of causing offense to Muslims. When editors and publishers and producers and gallery owners see any work that involves Mohammed or Islam, they smell the burning cars in the street and hear the glass breaking their building lobbies. Nobody wants to lose his life or his career for the sake of creative principle, so almost everyone caves in and self-censors.
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In the United States we have the First Amendment, which assures of us the right to create controversial and unpleasant material, even if it offends someone else. Most European countries don’t afford their citizens the same protections; many have laws against blasphemy and incitement to racial hatred that limit speech. The latter principle — in Sweden the crime is known as hets mot folkgrupp, “incitement against an ethnic group” — has been extended to cover religious belief, so that laws against racism are used to crack down on anyone who defames a religious group. Needless to say, the religion in question is invariably Islam — no one gets arrested in Europe or the United States for defecating on a crucifix or depicting the Virgin Mary as a bondage queen.

The remarkable thing, however, is that the force of law rarely needs to be applied in cases that cause offense to Islam. Internalized social controls do the job better than the police ever could. Schoolteachers, pastors, office managers, business owners, minor municipal bureaucrats, editors, bookshop managers — all play a part in making sure that Muslims are never, ever offended.

Theo Van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam in 2004 for making a movie that insulted Muslims. He was the first martyr for the right to offend Islam, and there will undoubtedly be more. The list of artists and writers who have been harassed, threatened, intimidated, attacked, and prosecuted for offending Islam includes Lars Vilks, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Gregorius Nekschot, Kurt Westergaard, Salman Rushdie, Jussi Halla-aho, Paul Ray, and others too numerous to mention.

Freedom of speech in is being eroded in Western countries, and it is being eroded selectively. Causing offense to Islam — or even behavior that might lead to situations that offend Islam — is stamped out by social, political, and legal means. This is a result of creeping Islamization, and in Western Europe Islamization is no longer creeping, but has stood up and is starting to gallop.

This is why Everybody Draw Mohammed Day took off and spread virally at such an astonishing rate — it was an idea whose time had come. It was spread from computer to computer, from blog to blog, by ordinary people who were willing to do what famous and powerful people are unwilling to do: shake a fist at Muslim bullies and say, “Enough is enough!”

To draw Mohammed is to assert that one’s right to free speech is God-given and unalienable. It is not granted by the State nor permitted by law, but is inherent, and its suppression constitutes tyranny.

Today is the day when everybody draws Mohammed. And when they do, they are saying, “This is our right, and it cannot be taken away from us!”

Does this offend you? Very well, then — it offends you!

Deal with it.

Hold’st Thou Thy Manhood Cheap?

The great day has arrived at last.

A day to resound down the corridors of history. A day to thrill the blood of the young and warm the aching bones of the old.

I speak, of course, of the First Annual Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. The occasion was first announced a few weeks ago, and then experienced an unprecedented viral explosion. As of this writing, there are more than 68,000 members of the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day Facebook page. Pakistan has shut down access to Facebook to make sure that the tender sensibilities of its citizens will not be assaulted by all this vile kuffar blasphemy.

The fatwa-printing machines will be overheating tonight in Mecca and Al-Azhar.

Below is my modest contribution to this momentous occasion:

Jabba the Mo

And, for further inspiration and with apologies to Shakespeare, here is a slightly revised version of Henry’s speech before Agincourt in The Life of King Henry the Fifth (Act 4, Scene 3) :

But we in it shall be remembered —
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us on Draw Mohammed Day.

Below the jump is Vlad Tepes’ special EDMD project:
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Many thanks to everyone who sent their blasphemous insults to Vlad for inclusion in this video.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/19/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/19/2010In reaction to the announced boycott by the City of Los Angeles due to Arizona’s new immigration law, an official on the Arizona government’s utilities commission has threatened to cut off Los Angeles’ electricity supply.

I never thought I’d live long enough to see headlines like that one. This is a civil war, 21st-century style.

In other news, Russian investigators have confirmed that more than one passenger was in the cockpit of the Polish airplane just before it crashed near Smolensk on April 10, killing 96 Polish political and military officials.

Meanwhile, an increase in retail price inflation, coupled with wage stagnation, has caused greater financial hardships to British workers than they have experienced in decades.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, heroyalwhyness, Holger Danske, Insubria, JD, KGS, REP, TB, Vlad Tepes, Zenster, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

[This post is a stub — nothing further here!]

A Yes to a Burka Ban is a Yes to Secularization

JLH has translated a guest editorial by Cahit Kaya from Die Presse (print version April 29, 2010). Mr. Kaya is one of the founders as well as the current chair of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Austria:

A Yes to a Burka Ban is a Yes to Secularization

Guest Editorial by Cahit Kaya

A Burka Ban Would be a Rejection of the Repression of Women

I am sorry that I have to struggle with the Koran whenever burkas or whole-body coverings are debated. In the Koran, there are just two places where veiling of Muslim women is suggested, but without precise instructions on how this is supposed to look. Everything else was added over time, layer by layer, by Islamic theologians, and simply served to keep women on a leash and make them controllable.

The most important question here should be: What does it matter whether it is in the Koran or is considered to be prescribed by Islamic law? Religious freedom does not mean having to tolerate things that are so inhuman or undemocratic, just because they were required 1400 years ago by the founder of a religion and his ideological disciples, and are still seen by orthodox Muslims as exemplary (sunna). In a secular, European state, universal human rights are the basis of our mindset and our laws. Blind obedience to Islamic rules is not appropriate. If reason and freedom are rejected as heathen by orthodox Muslims, the logical conclusion is that modern democracy, which has arisen from reason and freedom, is also being rejected.

Anti-Intellectual Orthodoxy

Hanging onto the burka tradition is forcing a reactionary Islamic state inside of a European one. It is not necessary to mention how dissimilar our concept of human rights is from an Islamized version. We have reached the point where women have their equal place next to men. Irrespective of moral appearance.

The sight of this kind of covering can evoke only incomprehension and vigorous head-shaking in an enlightened person, since our modern concept of freedom contradicts this one, must contradict it. The modern European has his own history in this regard, which likewise speaks of a dark time, when voluntary submission to Christianity had so advanced that almost all of classical antiquity’s knowledge from Plato to Pythagoras fell victim to it. Hard to believe that there was a time when the Islamic caliphs tried to bring Hellenistic, secular knowledge into harmony with Islam.

But what is happening today, almost a thousand years later, no longer corresponds to that enlightened picture of Islam. Despite enormous income from the sale of oil and their geo-strategic location on commercial routes, the Islamic lands seem unable and unwilling to let these billions flow to the good of their own populace. As is documented so often in Islamic history, the wealth is shared out among the ruling class. Sumptuous palaces and mosques adorn the cityscape. What the average Muslim may enjoy of this wealth is the prayer given under the arches of richly embellished mosques.

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To conceal this social injustice, an external enemy is called up, which — occasionally rightly, but often wrongly — is given as the source of all problems. This can only be explained by an approach — both pliable to authority and inimical to knowledge — which recognizes the Islamic preacher as the only authority and opposes discourse as an “alien” and “liberal” mindset. That is how the person oppressed by Islam, without realizing it, becomes the strongest advocate of his own oppression. Fanatic faith makes him into the creator and preserver of this own misery.

Mohammed’s goal 1400 years ago was the expansion of Islam over the entire world, because he regarded Islam as the successor of all monotheistic religions known to him.

One could believe that it was never as easy as it is today to spread such an intolerant movement. A pretext can readily be found right in Europe for why this can be tolerated. Criticism of Islamic imperialism is considered racism — which seems completely absurd in a historical context. Diverse groups and ideologies located in Europe seem to have found an ally in orthodox Islam, which has been lost to them in recent decades. The preferred partner for opposing US imperialism is Islam, which speaks quite openly today of subjugating the entire world so soon as the chance presents itself. At that point, not much will remain of democracy and freedom of expression.

What should be assessed is the especially intense interest in the politics of various European nation states with comparatively high numbers of immigrants who play a decisive role in elections. Orthodox Islamic associations are the contacts allowed to represent Islamic communities. They are granted a certain immunity in the form of religious propaganda. To win Muslims as a voting block, they are not criticized, even though there would be clear grounds for it (for example, in Austria the president of the Islamic religious community IGGIO was complicit in allowing an Islamic textbook to be used for ten years which was very questionable from a democratic point of view, until this coincidentally became known).

The Blasphemy Paragraph

Now it becomes clear why it is important to declare a ban on burkas. An important indication would be given by a ban of the most visible element of orthodox Islam: a rejection of the public suppression of the Islamic woman and of the religious disenfranchisement of Muslims. As a further step, it will be necessary. to offer help to the clearly larger group of secularly oriented people immigrating from Islamic countries in organizing, together with enlightened Europeans, to oppose Islamic orthodoxy. Until now, help has been assured only for Islamic associations, since religion — as questionable as it may be — enjoys official protection and is given an untouchable status in our democracy by the so-called “blasphemy paragraph.” As a rule, it is not racism to reject intolerant representatives of a religion, although “genuine” racism leads secular “Muslims” to hold back from coming together with secular Europeans and forming a common front. It is precisely the most intolerant representatives of Islam who resort to the “racism club” to suppress any criticism of their methods.

The Secularized Muslim

The idea of the “secularized Muslim” implies a politically relevant group which quite openly confronts orthodox Islam — both in and beyond their circle of acquaintances — without fear of being exposed to insane imputations like racism. It is up to all of us to change things and to prove-even though the pure calculus of politics allows for questionable streams — that we ourselves are responsible and enlightened enough to recognize secularization among the immigrants and acknowledge their usefulness to the survival of an enlightened Europe. Because otherwise the burka ban will be pure political eyewash, merely taking the wind out of the sails of the Islam critics, and beyond that supporting the less visible, more dangerous influences of radical orthodox Islam. Have the courage to use your reason. Have the courage to support the secular powers inside the immigrant scene as a bulwark against Islamization.

Cahit Kaya (Born May 5, 1979, in Turkey) grew up in Vorarlberg. Chair of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims (ZdE).

Dhimmi Hood

A new movie about Robin Hood and the Crusades was recently released. Elan-tima (who comments occasionally here at Gates of Vienna) has spared me the trouble of seeing it by sending this brief review with his permission to post it:

Robin Hood — Ridley ScottAs a regular reader of Gates of Vienna I thought I’d write to you about the new Ridley Scott shclockbuster Robin Hood, which stars Russell Crowe.

Please make your readers aware that not surprisingly Mr. Scott has for the second time showed his dhimmitude by attempting to distort history and also by steering the blame and brutality of the Crusades squarely onto the heads of those Euro-trash from days of old.

In the opening of the movie it is written that Richard the Lionheart’s action in what was called the Holy Land is referred to as “his” crusade. As if it were the whim of one glory-hungry, misguided monarch willing to bankrupt England for a wrong cause (a not-so-subtle poke at the current adventures in the Middle East).

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Then comes scene where Russell Crowe speaks of a massacre of thousands of Muslims by the Christian invaders, and describes how an old Muslim lady looked into the eyes of Robin Longstride “not with fear or anger, but with pity”. After hearing this, King Richard dismisses Robin’s statement as naïve, and then punishes Robin (Crowe) by putting him and others in the docks. The figurative finger of shame is overtly pointed again at the guilty Englishmen.

It’s obvious that Mr. Scott is a chronic apologizer for Europe’s “sins” against the noble Religion of Peace, and it sours the rest of the movie. I suggest that everyone at Gates of Vienna spread the word about this big screen propaganda exercise.

Circling the Behavioral Drain

Lab rats

The term “behavioral sink” was coined by the research psychologist John B. Calhoun to describe the behavior of rats and mice under conditions of severe overcrowding. During his animal behavior studies at the National Institute of Mental Health in the 1950s and early 1960s Calhoun observed pathological changes in social behavior among rats who were allowed to breed in an environment free of any adverse conditions except the confined dimensions of their living space.

Sociation Today gives a concise summary of Calhoun’s findings:

Animal studies made famous by Calhoun (1962) show that crowding in the animal world results in what he calls the behavioral sink. Normal behavior and reproductive habits fail. Aggressive behavior increases when density passes a certain point as animals compete for resources. In the experience of the reviewer, those who deny any possible connection between any human behavior simply say that humans are not animals so there can be nothing learned from animal experiments. However, human animals do seem to exhibit much lower fertility rates in cities than is true in rural areas.

Carla Garnett describes Calhoun’s work in somewhat more detail at the NIH website:

Working at NIMH in 1954, Calhoun launched several experiments with rats and mice. In his first series of tests, he placed 32 to 56 rodents in a 10- by 14-foot case in a barn on a Montgomery County farm. Using electrified partitions, he divided the space into four rooms. Each was designed to support 12 adult brown Norway rats. Rats could move between the rooms only via the ramps he built. Because Calhoun provided unlimited water and food as well as protection from predators, disease and weather, the critters were said to be in “rat utopia” or “mouse paradise”…


He described the onset of several pathologies: violence and aggression, with rats in the crowded pen “going berserk, attacking females, juveniles and less-active males.” There was also “sexual deviance.” Rats became hypersexual, pursuing females relentlessly even when not in heat.

The mortality rate among females was extremely high. A large proportion of the population became bisexual, then increasingly homosexual, and finally asexual. There was a breakdown in maternal behavior. Mothers stopped caring for their young, stopped building a nest for them and even began to attack them, resulting in a 96 percent mortality rate in the two crowded pens. Calhoun coined a term — “behavioral sink” — to describe the decay.

A paper by Edmund Ramsden and Jon Adams for the Centre for Medical History offers further explanation:

With no predators and with exposure to disease kept at a minimum, Calhoun described his experimental universes as “rat utopia,” “mouse paradise.” With all their visible needs met, the animals bred rapidly. The only restriction Calhoun imposed on his population was of space — and as the population grew, this became increasingly problematic. As the pens heaved with animals, one of his assistants described rodent “utopia” as having become “hell.”

Males became aggressive, some moving in groups, attacking females and the young. Mating behaviors were disrupted. Some males became exclusively homosexual. Others became pansexual and hypersexual, attempting to mount any rat they encountered. Mothers neglected their infants, first failing to construct proper nests, and then carelessly abandoning and even attacking their pups. In certain sections of the pens, infant mortality rose as high as 96%, the dead cannibalized by adults. Subordinate animals withdrew psychologically, surviving in a physical sense but at an immense psychological cost. They were the majority in the late phases of growth, existing as a vacant, huddled mass in the centre of the pens. Unable to breed, the population plummeted and did not recover. The crowded rodents had lost the ability to co-exist harmoniously, even after the population numbers once again fell to low levels. At a certain density, they had ceased to act like rats and mice, and the change was permanent.

By the time Calhoun’s work was popularized in the mid-1960s, the “population explosion” craze had reached its height. His work, with its obvious analogies to human behavior in densely populated urban areas, was cited to support widespread anxiety over population growth.

Gin Lane by HogarthCalhoun was a self-popularizer, and was more than happy to help his work reach a wider public. He encouraged the application of his studies to human behaviors in pathologically crowded conditions, and the analogies were indeed compelling: sexual deviance, aggression, loss of fertility, etc. Life in the crowded noir underworld —captured so effectively many years later in the film Blade Runner — was put forward as a parallel to the behavior of rats in their confined “utopias”.

Calhoun viewed his studies optimistically, and saw them as a way to find solutions to problems associated with human overcrowding. In later years he devised modified living spaces which muted the “behavioral sink” pathologies and allowed the subject animals to cope more readily with increased population densities. His results were applied by architects, city planners, and behavioral psychologists to the design of living spaces in urban conditions.

Unfortunately for Calhoun, his reputation was cemented in the early years of his fame by popular writers such as Paul Ehrlich and Tom Wolfe. He was the Prophet of Doom, not the Apostle of Hope, and his optimistic attitude was unable to alter that perception.

In the seventies and eighties when the zeitgeist changed, his work fell out of fashion, and even into disrepute. As it became obvious that we were not headed for Soylent Green, and that there was no imminent population disaster, his work seemed irrelevant. Population pressure had been eased by the suburban safety valve, and conditions in the cities seemed to resemble less and less those in Calhoun’s rat pens — at least to the formerly urban middle class, and it was their opinion that counted.
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Moreover, the idea of applying data about animal behavior to humans became more and more frowned upon. “Nature” gave way to “Nurture”, and deterministic biological explanations of human activity were deemed ideologically unacceptable. Calhoun was pushed towards the dustbin of history, and his later years were embittered by his waning influence and marginalization.

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I first encountered the studies of John B. Calhoun when I was in college almost forty years ago. His work was so compelling that ever since then I have kept him in mind while tracking news and social trends, in an attempt to determine whether the behavioral sink is indeed emerging among humans.

As later sociological studies observed, crowding in the city centers was reduced as the affluence of Western society increased. More and more people developed the ability to migrate out of high-density areas and move to the suburbs and the edge cities where there was more living space.

During the intervening four decades, however, every single indicator of a human behavioral sink has increased.

Fertility has dropped to catastrophically low levels across the entire Western world, to the extent that some cultures are at risk of disappearing permanently.

Riots in BaltimorePromiscuity is rampant, and children become sexually active at ever-earlier ages. Sexual deviance, particularly homosexuality, has not only increased, it has moved from being illegal and socially disapproved of, through tolerance, then acceptance, until finally it is celebrated and even considered normative in some places.

Gang-related behavior and violence is at epidemic levels. In parts of Europe the violent crime rate has increased to a point that would have been unimaginable just a generation ago.

Some of Calhoun’s other indicators are harder to measure. The incidence of child abuse, molestation, and neglect seems to have increased dramatically, but that may be due to greater awareness and reporting of the crimes. In the popular imagination, however, the abuse of children is perceived as growing more and more frequent.

All of the above would seem to correlate with an increased crowding of humans within a confined space, but such is demonstrably not the case. So what is going on?

To discover possible answers to this conundrum, it is necessary to look more closely at Calhoun’s work. Ramsden and Adams outline the theoretical framework behind the “behavioral sink” research:

Central to Calhoun’s experimental design was his contention that there exists an upper limit to the number of meaningful social interactions that an individual could cope with before stress became a factor. This innate limit determined a maximum group size — a figure Calhoun set at twelve in both rats and man. As population density increased it became ever more difficult for an individual to control the frequency of social contact. The result was unwanted interaction, leading to adverse reactions such as hostility and withdrawal, and ultimately, to the type of social and psychological breakdown seen during the latter stages in his crowded pens. [emphasis added]

In other words, it was not crowding per se that triggered pathological responses, but the increase in unwanted contacts with fellow members of the group. Too much social stimulation is as bad for the individual as too little, and when the amount of excessive stimulation reaches a critical point, the “sink” behavior kicks in:

The way Calhoun describes it, behavior becomes more and more erratic until, eventually, the behavioral sink emerges like a vortex. Thereafter it acts as an accelerant, exacerbating the effects of the other pathological behaviors: “The unhealthy connotations of the term are not accidental,” Calhoun wrote, “a behavioral sink does act to aggravate all forms of pathology that can be found within a group.”

Calhoun dubbed his artificial rat environments “utopias”, and the temptation to draw parallels with modern Western societies is hard to resist. We, too, live in an optimum environment, artificially created to take care of all our needs. Calhoun drew the parallel himself, and explicitly stated the risks:

With its subsequent descent into “hell,” he seemed to be questioning by extension the viability of the welfare democracy — the more resources we supplied to the population, the more profound our problems became.


Our conception of “utopia” as an environment in which the basic requirements of the population were met and social hierarchy obsolete, failed to account for social, biological, and psychological needs: the border between utopia and dystopia was not merely fine and easily crossed, it was fictitious. As he stated in an interview: “Human beings thus face a predicament: If we try to make everybody totally happy, we’ll destroy mankind.”

So here we are, denizens of a Calhounian Ratopia, with all its wonderful benefits, and exhibiting all the predicted signals for an imminent descent into the behavioral sink. Yet our population density is not high enough to explain our current collective behaviors. What can possibly account for this discrepancy?

The answer lies in the theoretical basis for the pathological responses exhibited by rats in the behavioral sink: they were experiencing too much social stimulation.

As pointed out by Calhoun’s critics, human beings are not rats, and our neuropsychology is immensely more plastic than that of rats. Our perceptions are molded and our behaviors displaced by social factors, so that our instincts may be rewired to such an extent that the original stimulus/response patterns are barely recognizable.

Much of our environment now contains stimuli that are experienced as social interaction even when no personal contact is involved. Picture a commuter stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway. He experiences the presence of all those other cars in terms of social interactions, becoming just as angry and frustrated as if they were people invading his personal space. Strictly speaking, the density of humans on that freeway is very low — hundreds of square feet per individual. Yet the driver experiences the process as if he were in a packed bar at happy hour.

Watch him take out his cell phone and call or text a series of friends and coworkers — another string of social interactions with no other humans nearby. Follow him to work and see him open his email and listen to his voicemail — interaction, interaction, interaction…

At home that night he watches the talking heads yell at each other on the TV. More vicarious interactions there. Then a movie or a sitcom with sexual stimuli, violence, anxiety, and tension — as if he were on a crowded street, experiencing each of these as a personal contact.

I submit that our modern affluent technological society has replaced much real personal interaction with a virtual simulacrum, and it has ramped up the frequency of stimuli to such a level that the “behavioral sink” responses have been triggered and are now causing us to circle the social drain.

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This is not a cause for complete pessimism, because the instinctive responses producing the behavioral sink may well have evolved as a last-ditch desperate mechanism by the social group to relieve pathological overcrowding. As Jim Moore points out in a paper for the Anthropology Department of the University of California at San Diego, from the point of view of population ecology, behavior that is pathological under normal circumstances may actually be adaptive when conditions are grave and threaten the entire group or even the species.

Calhoun’s rat populations were so damaged by their behavioral sink that the population never recovered. But the conditions he imposed upon his rats were totally artificial, and would never occur in nature. It seems likely that under natural circumstances the “sink” behaviors would induce a dieback and a population collapse, but one from which the group could recover.

If the human analogy holds, then sometime in the next twenty to sixty years we will face a catastrophic worldwide collapse of the population, coupled with a radical transformation of our social environment so that the burden of excessive unwanted social interactions will be relieved.

If I am correct, a period of unimaginable human suffering and devastation lies ahead. But beyond the horror lies the chance for a rebirth of civilization. Those who survive will be able to live in a world that is less burdened with pathological levels of stimuli and is thus more conducive to the formation of social structures that align with the instinctual needs of the human species. We will be starting over.

It brings to mind Isaiah 37:31:

And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward.

This post was inspired by a discussion at Rebellious Vanilla’s blog about the “behavioral sink” as it applies to human populations.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/18/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/18/2010Security forces in Iraq have arrested a Saudi man who they say was plotting a terrorist attack during the World Cup in South Africa. The suspect said his intended targets were the Danes and the Dutch, who in his view have insulted the prophet Mohammed.

In other news, an anarchist group in Ottawa firebombed a bank, and issued a warning that they will be present at the upcoming G8 and G20 conferences.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Henrik, Insubria, JD, Reinhard, RRW, TB, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

[This post is a stub — nothing further here!]

Terror Arrest in Gothenburg

Another “new Swede” has been arrested for suspected Islamic terror activities, this time in Sweden itself rather than in Pakistan or Afghanistan. The news report doesn’t give the man’s ethnicity, but the plot he was a part of was intended to be carried out in Somalia.

According to The Local:

Gothenburg Man Arrested Over Somali Terror Plot

A man has been arrested in Gothenburg on suspicion of planning terror attacks in Somalia, the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) has said.

The man, a Swedish citizen, was arrested on Tuesday morning in the Gothenburg area, Göteborgs Posten reports. A warrant for his arrest had been issued some time ago, according to police.

He was originally arrested on suspicion of ‘crimes against national security’, but police later said he was now being held on suspicion of ‘conspiracy to commit acts of terror’.

Police must either charge or release the man by Friday.

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Prosecutors were on Tuesday giving little information about the man or the nature of the accusations against him. Agneta Hilding Qvarnström, at the national prosecutors’ office for security cases in Stockholm, told Göteborgs Posten:

“The identity is classified, the circumstances are classified, everything is classified.”

The Security Service warned recently that Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-linked extremist group in Somalia, had recruited more than 20 young people from the Gothenburg area to fight in the war-torn country. It is not known whether the latest arrest is linked directly to the warning.

Hat tip: Freedom Fighter.

Countdown to Mo-Day

Mohammed KitschThursday May 20th is the First Annual Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. Bloggers and blasphemers all over the Western world are preparing their creative contributions for this historic occasion.

Vlad Tepes is working on a special project to celebrate Draw Mo Day. He needs a few additional images to complete his work, and is asking for submissions. If you have made a photoshop or Mo-drawing or any other visual image that would be appropriate, please send it to Make sure to include your name, contact info, or URL as part of the image if you want to publicize it.

If Vlad accumulates extra material that won’t fit in this year’s project, it will be saved for next year’s Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.

Don’t miss out on your very own fatwa — Draw Mo!

[Post ends here]

The Blasphemous English Defence League

EDL header

As reported yesterday, the English Defence League website has just been taken down by its provider, presumably due to a posted article about the Koran’s instructions for relations with infidels.

The service which hosted the EDL until yesterday was 1and1. It’s hard to know for certain why the company decided to pull the website, but we can make an informed guess by looking at 1and1’s General Terms and Conditions of Service:

First of all:



The Customer shall:-

Ensure that it complies at all times with all relevant laws and obligations including but not limited to any licence under the Act which is applicable to the Customer and all related laws in any territory in which the Customer is situated or in which the Customer’s Website may be accessed or made available.

And then a little further down:


The Customer shall NOT:-



send, transmit, make available, copy, retransmit, broadcast or publish (whether directly or indirectly) in whatever form any data, information or contractual rights, material or statement which infringes the Intellectual Property Rights or contractual or statutory rights of any person or legal entity or the laws or statutory regulations relating to defamation, contempt, blasphemy, infringement of privacy or personal data rights and any equivalent or related laws in any territory in which they are or may be accessed or made available; [italics added]

As regular readers know, Muslims consider it blasphemy for non-believers to quote the Koran or publicize the truth about Islamic doctrines. So the blasphemy clause might very well explain the action taken by 1and1.

But why didn’t they at least have the courtesy to notify the EDL of their decision? Here’s a possible explanation:
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The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without notice upon any of the following events:- (a) the Charges and/or Additional Charges are outstanding for more than 20 calendar days; (b) the Customer is in breach of his obligations as set out in Clause 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 6.1.7, 6.1.9, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.2.6, 6.2.7, 6.2.8 and 12; (c) the Customer fails, despite prior warning to remedy a breach of Clause 6.2.7. [italics added]

OK, now I get it. This is a digital-age version of Catch-22, which says that they don’t have to show you the Catch.

That’s some catch, that Catch-22.

Mind you, 1and1 doesn’t have any problems hosting, one of Hizbullah’s affiliated sites. Business is business, right?

Interested parties may contact the press office.

Richard Stevenson — Press Contact
Head of Corporate Communications
Aquasulis House

10-14 Bath Road
Slough SL1 3SA

UK press / analyst enquiries:
Richard Stevenson, Head of Corporate Communications
01753 490 435

Thomas Plünnecke
PR Executive

Also: a little backgrounder on the company (pdf).

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/17/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/17/2010Noted linguist Noam Chomsky was turned back at the border when he tried to enter the State of Israel. A border official refused entry to Mr. Chomsky and his party when they attempted to cross at the Allenby Bridge. Mr. Chomsky offered the opinion that Israel is a “Stalinist regime”. Perhaps that explains why he was so anxious to get in.

In other news, police in Melbourne, Australia will begin enforcing stiff fines on motorists who leave their cars with the doors unlocked or the windows down.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, CSP, Fjordman, Insubria, KGS, Nilk, TB, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

[This post is a stub — nothing further here!]

The De-Islamization of Kosovo

The following article presents a compelling proposal: that the newly-created state of Kosovo must be de-Islamized, for its own sake as well as that of its neighbors. The reason for this proposed initiative may come as a surprise to the reader.

Many thanks to our Albanian correspondent Ilia Toli, Ph.D., for the translation:

Kosovo: Referendum for De-Islamization?

By Kastriot Myftaraj

An article on Kosovo published at the Foreign Affairs journal is always interesting, because this is the journal for the Council on Foreign Relations, which is an important think tank with a high impact on the definition of the American foreign policy. In its number for May-June 2010 there appeared an article by Nikolas Gvosdev, entitled “Unfreezing Kosovo: Reconsidering Boundaries in the Balkans”. The author is at least as interesting as the article. Nikolas Gvosdev is a Russian-American, a former editor of the American journal The National Interest. Ever since 2008 he has been a professor at the Naval War College, in Newport, Rhode Island. The Naval War College is a school for the training of U.S. Marines, and a center for geostrategic studies. Nikolas Gvosdev indeed acts as a Russian lobbyist in the American establishment. He is for a policy of appeasement towards Russia and is even an apologist for the present authoritarian regime in the Kremlin, for which he has coined the term “managed pluralism.” Gvosdev is indeed a Russian lobbyist in the heart of the American strategic establishment. This is a symptom of the illness of the American society today, and would be one more footnote in the list of those identified by Samuel P. Huntington in the book Who Are We: The Challenges to America’s National Identity. (2004)

Map of Kosovo

Gvosdev in his article says that with its sponsoring of Kosovo’s independence the USA has entered a dead end, because Kosovo failed to be recognized by the majority of world’s countries, that Kosovo is a failed state from the economic and institutional viewpoint, and that American support for Kosovo has hampered American collaboration with Serbia. Gvosdev suggests that in order to move forward Washington must end the connection between the independence question and the question of the borders. In other words, the question whether should there be an independent state with Albanian majority in Kosovo must be treated separately from the territorial issues. There are precedents to this approach: After WWI, before their creation, the international community recognized that the independent states of Poland and Armenia should be created. Today the Israel-Palestine peace process began with the assumption that the solution should finalize with the creation of two independent states, though there were no solutions to the territorial issues. Even during the failed Rambouillet negotiations diplomats committed the error of insisting that an independent Kosovo must cover the whole of the province, as defined by Josip Broz Tito. The issue of territorial adjustments must certainly be on the table. The general outlines of a solution are clear: regions with a Serb majority north of the Ibar river must belong to Serbia, with some adjustments made for the important sites of Serb heritage and the enclaves in South Kosovo.

In short, what Gvosdev suggests is the partition of Kosovo, with Serbia taking a part of it and the rest remaining as an independent state of Kosovo. Gvosdev takes no care to disguise his pro-Serb attitude [nor do I! — translator]. He says that it was a mistake to take for granted borders designed by Tito for Kosovo, but does not say that even these borders were at the expense of the Albanians, because they left out of Kosovo the Preševo Valley, which is evident. In a land-for-land agreement with Serbia, this solves only a part of Kosovo’s problems as presented by Gvosdev, citing even a high American official, that “As U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon said recently, Kosovo is hampered by ‘high unemployment, low investment rates, and a relatively small economic base.’ The government in Priština requires Western aid to meet its expenses. Meanwhile, Kosovo remains a regional hub for narcotics, weapons, and human trafficking, with corruption a major deterrent to foreign investment.” If Kosovo is partitioned, these problems will remain, their cause being the meager economic base and the diminutive dimensions of the country. Kosovo will be a poor country with circa 9000 square km and over 2,000,000 inhabitants, which will not make it interesting to foreign investors. This will create a vicious circle in which the institutions cannot function, corruption and organized crime cannot be fought because of the poverty, and the poverty cannot be mitigated for lack of foreign investment.

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What are we left with then, if Kosovo is partitioned again? If it is to be partition, as Gvosdev suggests, then there is only one reasonable scenario that solves the issue: partition of Kosovo between Serbia and Albania. If the issue on the table is partition, then negotiations must not be held between Belgrade and Priština, but between Belgrade and Tirana. This would be the optimal solution for the issues at Gvosdev presents. So, 2,000,000 Albanians would be added to a country of 38,000 square km, with a wide sea outlet, where there is already important foreign investment, which would automatically expand to the market in Kosovo. The increase of the Albanian market by 2,000,000 people would push other foreign investors to come to the country. If the partition were between Albania and Serbia, then even Preševo Valley would be on the table, as a compensation for the territory that Serbia would be taking in North Kosovo.

But Gvosdev does not want Kosovo to be partitioned between Albania and Serbia, he wants the independent state of Kosovo to remain, so that when conditions are ripe, Serbia may annex it, ethnically cleansing the Albanians. Gvosdev offers an expedient in his paper, which Serbia can use in the future, when he suggests the solution for the places of Serb cultural heritage that remain under the Kosovo state and the Serb-majority townships there:

“One possible model for the latter is the agreement reached between Italy and the Vatican in 1929. For decades, the Catholic Church had not recognized the takeover of Rome by Italy in 1870; the Italian state was similarly uninclined to cede its claim over its capital city. The Lateran Treaty resolved this issue by establishing Vatican City as a neutral but independent state. Additionally, the Vatican received extraterritorial rights over sacred sites in and around Rome and in other parts of Italy. Of course, the Kosovo case is not identical, but the Lateran model could provide guidelines for a sustainable settlement.”

A professor such as Gvosdev is not ignorant; he knowingly and grossly lies, as the Russian-Serb lobbyist that he is. The Lateran Treaty was implemented to guarantee the continuity of the existence of the Holy See as a state, as it was up until 1870, when the territory of the Papal States was annexed by Italy. In the case of Kosovo, Professor Gvosdev demands that this status be given to the Serbian Church. With the Ahtisaari plan, whose points now have been made into laws by the parliament of Kosovo, the Serbian Church earns practically the status of an independent country, as it enjoys sovereignty over vast territories, of the holy places in Kosovo, and in territories around them. Also the Serbian Church of Kosovo has earned other attributes that enable it to behave as a state; among others, tax and customs privileges, and the right to import and export goods with such privileges “for the economic activity that the Serbian Church exercises in Kosovo to sustain itself”. But these provisions are so wide that the Serbian Church has the right to import and export machinery, raw materials, goods, that would make it a center of black market activity and fiscal evasion for the entire Serb community in Kosovo, and probably also for the other communities that would collaborate with it. The Serbian Church in Kosovo is in a very favorable position to do this, because it exercises sovereignty over 42 places, the so-called protected areas, which are found all over Kosovo.

The Serbian Church of Kosovo has a peculiarity preventing it from acquiring the status that the Vatican attained with the Lateran Treaty. The Vatican was not connected with another state, and its center was in Rome, and not in another state. The Serbian Church of Kosovo is part of Serbian Church with its center in Belgrade, and is recognized as such by the Ahtisaari plan. For a similar reason the relations between Kingdom of Italy and Vatican were frozen till the end of WWI. The Holy See, with its center in Rome, was traditionally connected with the Holy Roman Empire, whose successor state was Austria-Hungary. The Italian kingdom, created in 1861, warily watched the special relationship between the Vatican and Vienna. It took the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire at the end of WWI to create the conditions for a treaty between Italy and the Vatican. Had the Serbian Church taken the status the Vatican has in Italy, this would just be a state expedient for Serbia inside what remains of Kosovo. The Serbian Church will be a micro-empire, with 42 micro-principalities distributed all around Kosovo, that would declare war on Kosovo. Through such a basis, Serbia would enact scenarios to undo the state of Kosovo, after the example of Israel in Gaza and West Bank. If the Serbian Church of Kosovo keeps the status that it has, scenarios of Islamic terrorist attacks against Serb holy places will be plotted that will bring about the intervention of the Serb army in Kosovo. The more the number of KFOR troops diminishes, the more Serbia will be tempted to do so in the future.

From the Gvosdev paper Albanians of Kosovo must understand the dangers that may come from where they least expect them, from the USA. Kosovo Albanians must learn a lesson from the fact that Serbia is using religion to regain control over Kosovo. Serbia lost Kosovo in the war, but it is earning it in peace, through the Serbian Church. But for Serbia to win this battle in peace, Kosovo must have an Islamic profile, with mosques, waqfs [Islamic trusts], madrassas, and crowds of Muslim believers that pray in on religious holidays. In such circumstances, Kosovo Albanians have one only alternative: to de-Islamize Kosovo. Either Kosovo Albanians will self-de-Islamize, or Islam will strangle them, serving as the loop by which Serbia will strangle them. Many people in Kosovo won’t care about this, because they think that it’s better to go to Jannat strangled by Serbs than to Jannam [Muslim hell — translator] as a denier of Islam. But I hold the belief that the vast majority of Kosovo Albanians don’t think that way. Kosovo Albanians must think about a referendum for the de-Islamization of Kosovo.

Silencing the EDL

EDL header

The English Defence League website was taken down today, apparently because of an article that used the Koran to describe Muslim attitudes towards the kuffar — that is, dirty infidels, you and me.

I haven’t seen the article in question, but I know very well what the Koran and the hadith say about the apes and pigs who do not follow the religion of Allah.

Here’s the story as reported by Aeneas at the International Civil Liberties Alliance:

English Defence League Website Apparently Taken Down For Telling The Truth About Islam

Today the English Defence League Website has been suspended, apparently because of an article that describes, using suras from the Quran, how Islam looks on the Kuffar (non-Muslims). This latest act of censorship is reminiscent of the way Geert Wilders’ short film, Fitna, has been demonised for revealing truth. Wilders juxtaposed Quranic quotes with acts of terror, the article in question did not even go that far. It seems that the thought police are about their work again, suppressing debate, denying reality, and bolstering established interests.

Apparently the reason provided for this blatant act of censorship was that the article ‘contravenes UK racism laws’. If this is the case then it means one of two things, that the Quran itself contravenes UK racism laws or Islam has an exemption from UK racism laws, and is treated as a special case. Since the Quran is still available for sale on the shelves of UK bookshops it must mean that the latter is true. That being so effectively means that the UK is already under a form of Sharia law which demands that Islam is above criticism and completely outside the realm of rational debate. When the Racial and Religious Hatred Act was put before Parliament the British people were assured that freedom of expression would not be a casualty. It would appear that the British people were seriously misled and that the Racial and Religious Hatred Act was nothing other than a Sharia enabling act designed specifically to usher in a period of Islamic rule.

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Promoting hatred is wrong and if our legislation exempts religiously inspired hatred then the laws currently on the statute book is not fit for purpose. All the law seems to do these days is empower those who want to undermine freedom and equality before the law, and discriminate against those who want to protect the British way of life. This is wrong and is an affront to our democratic system of government because it acts as the handmaiden of tyranny. Far from promoting multiculturalism, such legislation is effectively promoting the monoculture of Islam. Our legal system has effectively been subverted and is now simply a crude instrument of Islamic da’wa.

It is amusing to think of the great and the good cowering in their holes simply because they are chilled to the bone over the revelation of the truth. They construct a picture of the world that is not based on reality but on their feelings, and their desire to push forward the programme of globalisation without regard to culture or popular will.

The elephant is in the room, and the EDL is pointing to it. The ‘elite’ is acutely aware that the EDL is fully capable of mobilising large scale support and making it impossible for them to continue to hide their distortions and false premises. They worry that the truth will be revealed to the masses with such clarity that only the imbecilic and the corrupt can deny its presence.

It seems that the authorities really fear the EDL, and fear it because it occupies the intellectual high ground. Those who currently rule Britannia perhaps spent too much time in the smoky haze of the 1960s if they imagine that people cannot see what they are up to and that people will fail to peacefully oppose them and their nefarious scheming.