Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/20/2024

An illegal immigrant who was ordered to be deported from the country in 2022 has been arrested as a suspect in a shooting spree in Charlotte, North Carolina. Meanwhile, a man who was charged with the murder of a Nashville restaurant owner is thought to be an illegal migrant.

In other news, CDC officials say there is evidence that a new variant of the COVID-19 virus has hit high levels in at least eight states.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Knives Become Active in Paris

The Olympic Games will be starting shortly in Paris, and it looks like the next few weeks will be a busy time for the Parisian police.

The following report concerns a Senegalese culture-enricher in Paris who was shot dead after attacking a policeman with a knife. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from France24:

Knife attack in Paris: The suspect may have committed a murder earlier in Courbevoie

The man who seriously injured a police officer Thursday evening near the Champs-Élysées in Paris is suspected of having committed a murder in Courbevoie in Hauts-de-Seine, according to information gathered by Agence France Presse, based on statements by the Nanterre Public Prosecutor’s Office. The events reportedly played out one hour earlier.

July 19, 2024

An investigation had already been opened for the “attempted murder of a police officer”. The day after the attack against a police officer near the Champs-Elysees, the Nanterre Public Prosecutor’s Office announced to AFP on Friday, July 19, that the suspect is also suspected of having delivered two mortal knife blows on a 16-year-old adolescent in a Courbevoie apartment before fleeing on a two-wheeler.

The man, killed by a police shot, had already reportedly showed up at the scene of the homicide, his parents indicated. Their son was squatting in the lodging, according to information given to the investigators. He showed psychiatric problems and had already fled from the family residence in Loiret and from the psychiatric hospital.

A man “known to the police”

Later in the evening, the man wounded a police officer who had been called by a private security guard of a Louis Vuitton boutique in the 8th arrondissement of Paris to report the presence in the store of an individual armed with a knife.

Police prefecture tweet:

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Gagged in Spain

A Spanish army colonel named Pedro Baños has published a confidential list of media outlets that the socialist government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez intends to censor. Needless to say, Col. Baños’ revelation has caused an uproar in Spain.

Below is an excerpt from the introduction to Col. Baños’ video posted by RAIR Foundation:

Pedro Baños is a Spanish Army colonel and an expert in geopolitics, security, and defense. He has held various strategic positions in the military and is a respected author and commentator on international affairs.

The List of Media Outlets to be Censored

In a recent video, Baños disclosed the names of media outlets that are on the government’s censorship list:

1.   Distrito TV
2.   EDA TV (Estado del Ejército TV)
3.   El Toro TV
4.   La Gaceta de los Negocios
5.   Radio Intereconomía
6.   El Debate
7.   Periodista Digital
8.   Negocios TV
9.   The Objective

Baños stated that he received this information confidentially but felt it was his duty to make it public. “I needed to say it. They handed it to me very confidentially, but I owed it to you,” he said.

Context of the Censorship

The Spanish government, led by Pedro Sánchez, is targeting these media outlets as part of a broader effort to silence conservative voices and anyone who challenges the government’s agenda. Sánchez falsely claims to be combating ‘fake news’ in the media, using the term to dismiss any viewpoints other than his own. Thankfully, his troubling actions are widely seen as an attempt to crush opposition and control the narrative, allowing the government to act without scrutiny or dissent.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2024

Former President Donald Trump spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the phone today, pledging to end the war with Russia. During the call Mr. Zelensky condemned last weekend’s assassination attempt on the former President.

In other news, a planned asylum center in a Dublin suburb was set on fire yesterday evening as part of Ireland’s growing immigration crisis.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Dora, JW, McN, MR, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Fruitweg Rioters Get a Stretch in the Pokey

Last February I reported on an incident in the Hague where rival gangs of Eritrean culture-enrichers fought each other and the police with iron bars, baseball bats, rocks, and fireworks, and amused themselves by setting vehicles on fire in the time-honored Muslim fashion.

Nine of those rambunctious youngsters have now been given jail sentences. The Dutch justice system really threw the book at them — one miscreant won’t see the light of day again for a whole year.

That’ll learn ’em.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from RTL Nederland:

Dozens of officers wounded

Nine Eritreans get jail sentences for their role in riots of “unprecedented intensity” in the Hague

July 19, 2024

In the Opera Central Hall on the Fruitweg on February 17, there was a meeting of the Eritrean community. A group made up of Eritreans opposed to the regime went inside and exchanged blows with those present.

“Unprecedented intensity”

According to the judge, the camera images show that most of the suspects threw paving stones at the police. The judge also holds the group responsible for the acts of other rioters. “It was a continuing process in which the group dynamic caused the violence to escalate to unprecedented intensity.”

The intensity can be seen in these images.

In total, twenty-six people were arrested for the riot. Today, the case against ten of them was heard, all between the ages of 19 and 36. Seven of them were convicted for their role in the violence, one for incitement and one, a 23-year-old man, for violence as well as incitement. A couple of days earlier, he called for a riot on TikTok.

The 23-year-old man got the longest sentence: one year in jail, and he was remanded directly into custody. The others may remain free on appeal.

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A Mostly Peaceful Evening in Harehills

More than seventeen years ago I wrote about the Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS), in France. They are dangerous culturally enriched neighborhoods that firemen and ambulance drivers won’t enter without a police escort, and which the police themselves avoid unless they absolutely have to go there. In English they are commonly referred to as “no-go zones”.

Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote in 2007:

The ZUS represent the perpetually inflamed tissue of the French body politic, with the nightly count of burned vehicles showing up as one of the green squiggles on the vital-signs monitor. Two hundred burned cars, and the youthful patient is having a good day. Five hundred, and the nurse is called to administer a sedative.

But it’s not the patient who goes to sleep; it’s the French public. Everyone is aware of what’s happening, but the magnitude of the crisis and the specifics of the situation are hidden behind a wall of official obfuscation and government-mandated censorship.

Within the ZUS, the gangs of Muslim youths have a free hand to loot, rape, and burn. Police are not allowed to use their weapons to enforce the law, or even to defend themselves. Trying to do his traditional job can put a policemen’s career in jeopardy, as the officers who chased two young criminals into a power substation back in October 2005 discovered.

What is not acknowledged is that France has lost sovereign control over large swathes of its urban territory. The only solution envisioned by French bureaucrats is a quintessentially bureaucratic one. The layers of jargon and classification and commissions and acronyms are like the wall of scar tissue that forms around a foreign substance that can’t be assimilated.

The areas designated as ZUS are effectively acknowledged to be dead. They are no longer part of France. They no longer possess any of the functions of a civitas.

They are the scattered pieces of la France Morte.

In the years since, Sweden has developed its own ZUS, which are now rife in the suburbs of a number of cities and towns, and rival anything that France can boast.

And last night a ZUS made itself known in a neighborhood of Leeds, in West Yorkshire.

In the late 1960s I lived in Harrogate, which is a spa town about twelve miles north of Leeds, in what was then the West Riding. Leeds was the nearest big city to Harrogate, and I visited it occasionally back then. It hadn’t yet become culturally enriched, although its sister city Bradford, just to the west, was the butt of jokes due to the presence of recently arrived “Pakis”. Nowadays, of course, it might as well be a district of Karachi.

The district of Harehills lies near the city center, just east of the A61, the route I used to take to Leeds. Mark Steyn points out that Harehills is also the constituency of a Green Party councilor named Mothin Ali, who recently shouted “Allahu Akbar” after being elected to the borough Council, declaring his victory a “win for the people of Gaza.”

Last night the good “English” people of Harehills got a bit hot under the collar. It seems that some social workers arrived at a home with intention of removing some children and placing them into care. The family raised an uproar, and the neighbors took exception to the government’s actions. They showed their displeasure in the time-honored Muslim fashion: they threw paving stones at the police, overturned a police vehicle, set street furniture on fire, and burned a double-decker bus. The police and the social workers were forced to vacate the area for their own safety, and it wasn’t until several hours later that order was restored.

The Hindustan Times provides a useful summary of the evening’s mostly peaceful events.

The BBC report on the incident is bland and restrained, but I found these pieces interesting:

The press conference heard that Ms [Mayor Tracy] Brabin had been involved in an earlier meeting with “key partners” and a plan was being drawn up to keep Harehills safe.

Ms Brabin said: “The imams and the faith leaders are also getting the message out there that we need to stay calm and ensure we don’t have what we saw, which was frightening, horrible and unacceptable.” [emphasis added]

And also this:

Leeds City Council said it was “immensely grateful” to the individuals who stopped the situation from “worsening”.

The “individuals who stopped the situation from ‘worsening’” are undoubtedly the imams. And when Mayor Brabin met with them — her “key partners” — I’m sure they explained to her what the civil authorities needed to do (or stop doing) to prevent any mostly peaceful incidents in the future.

This process is an example of what used to be called “community cohesion”, which people like Tommy Robinson were always accused of damaging. Community cohesion means that Muslim areas are de facto sharia zones, and lie beyond the reach of English Common Law. Anyone who wants affairs to run smoothly in the Harehills ZUS must negotiate with the community leaders — which means the imams, together with their designated appointees to political positions.

From a practical standpoint, of course, the result will be that children are less likely to be removed and placed into care within the boundaries the Harehills ZUS than they are elsewhere.

Below are two videos with clips of last night’s ructions in Harehills. The first is from the Indian news channel WION:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/18/2024

Yuval Noah Harari, a senior advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), warned that the re-election of President Donald Trump in November will destroy the global order. Meanwhile, according to a new CBS poll, former President Trump is now leading President Biden nationally by five points.

In other news, in the face of Russian advances, Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from the village of Urozhaine in eastern Donetsk and the village of Krynky on the east bank of the Dnipro River.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, JW, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them

The serialization of Paul Weston’s book about the COVID-19 scam (most recent chapter here) has made me ruminate on the official mendacity that has been the main feature of whole deadly process. We were lied to about how dangerous the disease was. We were lied to about its origin. We were lied to about the PCR testing regimen that putatively detected infection with the disease. We were lied to about the effectiveness of the measures used to mitigate and contain it.

And above all we were lied to about the safety and effectiveness of the alleged “vaccine”, the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Most of the liars who told the official lies could fall back on some sort of plausible deniability, no matter how flimsy, to allow themselves to evade responsibility. “Mistakes were made,” “We didn’t know that at the time,” “It was judged to be the best course of action, based on the available data,” etc.

But that wasn’t the case with the promise that the “vaccine” was safe. There is no plausible deniability for those who confidently asserted the safety of the experimental mRNA treatment.

The vax was not proven to be safe. That was obvious to me from the moment I first heard the government’s reassurances. It didn’t require any special scientific or medical knowledge to determine the falsity of statements that the vax was safe. All that was needed was common sense and the ability to think.

If you look at the history of the development of vaccines prior to the mRNA treatments, you’ll discover that a new vaccine typically takes at least five years, and sometimes ten or even fifteen years, before it is fully tested and approved for use. That’s due to a requirement that clinical trials show the new vaccine’s long-range adverse effects — out as far as five years — remain within acceptable limits.

The clinical testing of the mRNA “vaccines” went on for at most a few months before the treatments were given an emergency use authorization (EUA). In order to get around its own regulations, the government could only issue an EUA, because the requirements for general approval had not been met. It was on the basis of that EUA that millions upon millions of people were injected with an experimental new treatment — making them unwitting test subjects in the largest clinical trial in history.

Now that we’re more than three years in, the results of that clinical trial don’t bode well for the mRNA treatment ever being granted full approval for general distribution. The mountain of evidence for the harm caused by the vax just keeps getting higher and higher, with no end in sight. However, from the point of view of the health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies, it doesn’t really matter, because just about everybody who might decide to take the vax has already been injected with it. Massive amounts of money have been transferred from government coffers to Big Pharma’s bank accounts. Additional lucrative mRNA vaccines for new, improved diseases are in the works, so the future looks rosy for Pfizer and Moderna.

In summary: we were lied to about the vax. But not everybody was actually lying — that is, when they said the vax was safe, they thought that what they said was true. Ordinary citizens thought the vax was safe because their doctors told them it was safe, and they trusted their doctors (that trust has now been severely eroded, but that’s a different story). I assume some of those doctors actually believed it themselves, because they trusted the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. There’s no excuse for not thinking it through in a similar manner to what I described above. But then, most people, including doctors, have never really learned to think.

Way up at the top of the medical food chain, however, people were lying. Scientists and clinicians who had been trained in the development of vaccines and then moved into the highest levels of administration knew all too well that the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus could not be said to be safe. But they said it was safe anyway.

They were LYING.

I’m thinking specifically of Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky, but there were many others. They looked the camera in the eye and told the viewing public that the injections they were pushing on them were safe, but they knew it wasn’t true. They knew as well as I did that the safety of the treatments was not yet proven.

But they don’t care. They don’t have to care; they’re Big Medicine.

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Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/17/2024

President Joe Biden tested positive for the Wuhan Coronavirus today. He is reportedly experiencing mild symptoms, and is vaccinated and boosted. This was announced not long after Mr. Biden said he would be open to dropping out of the race if he developed a medical condition.

In other news, the UK has become the first European country to approve lab-grown meat for public consumption.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 12

Below is the twelfth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 12: Do I Need The Covid Vaccine?

Governments all around the world displayed an astonishing degree of fanaticism with regard to vaccinating everyone against Covid-19. It was truly mind-boggling to both watch and be part of. Despite the millions of argumentative words generated between pro-vax hysterics and anti-vax sceptics, there are really only three simple questions to be asked about the Covid vaccine:

  • Do I need it?
  • Does it work?
  • Is it safe?

Do I need it?

As I have outlined earlier, there was no lethal pandemic in 2020. The Infection Fatality Rate for Covid-19 was similar to that of influenza, so nobody needed an experimental, Emergency Use Authorisation vaccine at all, let alone the young, healthy, or pregnant.

Somewhat ironically, this was revealed in the drug trials themselves. AstraZeneca stated they “were running out of time” with regard to their vaccine trial and went on to explain this was because they were having great trouble finding anyone who exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, which obviously caused data input problems when it came to comparisons between the vaccinated and unvaccinated trial members.

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Silvia Sardone: “They Spit in the Face of Rules and Practices”

Silvia Sardone is an Italian MEP for the Lega (Matteo Salvini’s party). In the following video, Ms. Sardone describes the way the established parties in the European Parliament have closed ranks against Viktor Orbán’s new “Patriots for Europe” group, denying its members the offices which would normally be allocated to them.

I apologize for the all jump cuts, animations, and rapid-fire editing in this clip, but such things are outside of my control.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/16/2024

A man was shot and killed by police today near the venue where the Republican National Convention is being held. The man was in a fight with another man at a homeless encampment, and pulled a knife, prompting police to shoot. The incident was reportedly unconnected with the RNC.

In other news, a 21-year-old man was arrested yesterday just blocks from the Republican National Convention. The man was reportedly armed with an AK47 pistol, a full magazine, and a Scream mask in a large backpack.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Conservative Tree House, Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Dora, DV, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, WRSA, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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