Queering the OSCE

When I was at OSCE Warsaw eleven years ago, sexual perversion was not a major feature of the conference. The trans craze hadn’t become dominant yet, and if I remember correctly, the acronym for the perversion fanatics was still stuck at just four letters — LGBT.

Well, that was then, and this is now. This fall’s conference in Warsaw went full out for deviance, which has now expanded to become LGBTQI+, and must be protected at all costs from anyone who might find fault with it.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was present at one of the LGBTQI+ side events, and noticed a particularly disturbing detail in one of the speakers’ remarks. She sends two videos from the conference, and includes this introduction to the first one:

On Monday, Oct. 7, my colleague Michał Specjalski of Pantarey Foundation and I spoke at Michał’s side event on the topic of “Transgenderism, a threat to children’s, women’s and family rights”.

On Tuesday afternoon, the US envoy for LGBTQ matters, supported by fourteen (!) European governments, hosted a side event, “Canaries in the Coal Mine: Linking the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons in the OSCE Region with Democratic Resilience”. The panel met to “discuss the disturbing and dangerous trends in backsliding on the rights of LGBTQI+ persons across the OSCE region and how they must be considered inextricably linked with democratic resilience.” The listed speakers were Ambassador Anna Olsson Vrang, the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the OSCE, and Eka Tsereteli, from the Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG), Georgia. The moderator was Jessica Stern, the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+).

I listened carefully and during the Swedish ambassador’s speech I caught a phrase — “non-traditional sexual relations to a minor” — which I then followed up on during the Q&A.

The rest is history, and is described in the following video.

The first half of the second video features Jessica Stern, the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, who was mentioned above. The second half of the video shows Elisabeth’s intervention on the topic of Free Speech vs. the Caliphate in Germany.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading this video:

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Culture-Enrichers Try to Abolish the German Police

It’s open season on police in cities all across the USA, and now it seems that the same disease has struck Germany. In the German case, the violent perps targeting police officers are mostly culture-enrichers. What a surprise, eh?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Attacks on our police: Foreign attackers cause explosion of violence!

Police officers have become a target in Germany: every single day, 291 officers are attacked, assaulted and many of them injured. In 2023 alone, the Federal Criminal Police Office counted 106,296 police officers who were victims of attacks.

In the last two years alone, the number of cases has increased by 16.6%, compared to the previous year by 8%. It is noteworthy that the explosion of violence against the police last year is almost exclusively due to an increase in non-German suspects. [Imagine my shock…NOT.]

While the number of attackers targeting German police has remained almost the same at 25,883 (+0.7%), the number of non-German suspects has jumped from 11,071 to 13,056 (+17.9%). The proportion of non-German suspects has thus risen from 30.1% to 33.6% — although foreigners only make up around 15% of the population in Germany. Among immigrants, i.e. asylum seekers, people with residence permits and tolerated persons, the increase (+20.6%) to almost 4,200 suspects is even greater.

This means that the explosion of violence against police officers can be attributed almost exclusively to non-German attackers!

The Islamist terrorist murder of the Mannheim police officer Rouven Laur is just the sad climax of what has become a climate of hostility towards the police in Germany — and this attack will only be included in the statistics for 2024. The people who ensure law and order day and night are shown less and less respect. They are being targeted as representatives of the state. The inhibition threshold for attacking officers has clearly fallen. [Fallen? Since these people HATE native Germans and Europeans and show their contempt for our cultures on a daily base for DECADES, how could this inhibition threshold have fallen?]

One of the drivers of violence is likely to be the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have been observed repeatedly since Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. But the evacuation of the village of Lützerath at the beginning of the year, which left-wing extremists wanted to prevent together with climate anarchists, was also a major event in terms of police violence. Train stations are also a hotspot for attacks on officials, as the Federal Police figures show: around two-thirds of the attacks on federal police officers occurred at the railway police station.

Faeser calls for “harsh criminal consequences” [For whom? The natives who have to defend themselves against the government-sanctioned invaders?]

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) stated: “Last year, an average of 290 police officers became victims of violence every day. Attacks on firefighters and rescue workers have also continued to rise.” She said that police officers, but also other rescuers, were sometimes pelted with bottles and stones and lured into ambushes — probably a reminder of New Year’s Eve 2023. Faeser continued: “These crimes cannot be justified in any way and must have severe criminal consequences.”

The federal situation report also contains data on rescue and fire service personnel who were affected by violent crimes during operations. With 687 cases (+5.7%) and 1,069 victims (+13.7%) in the fire service and 2,050 cases (+6.8%) and 2,902 victims (+8.4%) in other rescue services, record highs were also recorded in 2023.

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/16/2024

An explosion tore through crowds of people who had rushed to collect fuel spilling from a crashed tanker in northern Nigeria today, killing at least 147. Former Nigerian Vice President Atiku Abubakar called on the federal government to adopt rail transport of petroleum products across Nigeria to prevent similar tragedies.

In other news, top government officials in Slovakia are moving to ban the “dangerous” Covid mRNA “vaccine”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, MM, MR, Reader from Chicago, Roger, TN, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Jew-Haters in Amsterdam

Violent, masked activists attack peaceful people in Amsterdam commemorating the October 7 pogrom

A commemoration in Amsterdam of the October 7 massacre by Hamas brought the Jew-haters out of the woodwork — a coalition of culture-enriching Islamics and leftists/greens/commies, similar to what is happening on college campuses in the USA.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad:

House of Amsterdam Jew ripped to pieces “by pro-Palestinian activists”

October 10, 2024

The contents of Michael Asuss’ house in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert were completely destroyed by unknown burglars. He himself thinks that anti-Israel activists followed him home after the commemoration of the October 7 pogrom and then attacked his house. The police say they are conducting an investigation “with high priority”, De Telegraaf writes. Jewish symbols, in particular, suffered, and an antique Hebrew Bible was even torn up.

The mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, called the attack, “horrendous”. But it is yet another violent incident against Jews and pro-Israel demonstrators in the capital, and critics lay part of the blame on the refusal of Halsema to act against the exploding anti-Semitism in the capital. As an example, she permitted a “counter-demonstration” by violent, masked extremist leftists and Islamist anti-Israel activists to take place at the Damrak*, just a stone’s throw from the Dam Square, where a peaceful and dignified commemoration of the October 7 pogrom was being held.

Insert: Critics suggest that Halsema’s level of action depends on her own political preference.

The “counter-demonstrators” attempted to disrupt the commemoration and threw paint- and smoke bombs. The people commemorating October 7 were also physically attacked. Halsema says that she had no choice, and that the violent activists had to be allowed on the Damrak, but this call for freedom of protest seems in sharp contrast with how actions were previously taken against demonstrators during the Corona crisis or the protesters from Extinction Rebellion on King’s Day. The mayor has almost unlimited powers in the framework of public order and anyone could have foreseen that the commemoration would end in violence. Critics — including PVV leader Geert Wilders, as well as the JA21 faction in the Amsterdam City Council — are suggesting that Halsema’s level of action depends on her own political preference.

*   Damrak: An avenue running from the train station to Dam Square.

Those Randy “Germans”

The police in North Rhine-Westphalia, like other German government officials, are conscientious and meticulous in their collection of statistics. A freedom of information request from the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) elicited a list of the first names of all rape suspects in NRW in 2021 and 2022. Native Germans were shocked — shocked, I tell you! — to learn how many of those rapists had non-Germanic names. I took a quick look at the list, and noticed that “Suleiman” was well-represented. And in 2021 there were fifteen instances of variants of “Mohammed”, a traditional Westphalian name.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Aaron, Abdelilah, Abdelkader, Abdellah… These are the first names of all German rapists in NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of rapes has exploded: the police counted almost 3,200 rapes in 2023 alone. An increase of 8.5% compared to the previous year (2,949 cases) and almost 36% compared to 2021 (2,355 cases). More than a third (35.8%) of the suspects do not have a German passport. The proportion of foreigners in NRW is only 16.1%.

Remarkably, the number of children and young people suspected of crimes has increased rapidly.

According to police crime statistics, 31 children and 355 young people were suspected of rape in 2023. In 2022, the number was 20 children and 300 young people, and in the previous year, 18 children and 241 young people.

Few names sound German

In response to a government request from the AfD, the NRW Ministry of the Interior has listed the first names of all German suspects from 2021 and 2022. However, a remarkable number of these first names do not sound typically German…

18-Page List of Names:

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Decapitation as an Islamic Sacrament

Four years ago today a French schoolteacher named Samuel Paty was beheaded by a confused youngster of the Islamic persuasion. In this case, I’m not just being facetious when I refer to Abdoullakh Anzorov as a “youngster”, since the Chechen migrant was just eighteen years old when he lopped a head for Allah while yelling “Allahu Akhbar” (which is Arabic for “I feel marginalized by a racist society”).

In the following video, Samuel Paty’s sister Mickaëlle Paty talks about the traumatic moment when she learned of her brother’s death, and her subsequent visit to the morgue to view his body.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

See also the report at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/15/2024

I was out most of the day, and didn’t have time to do anything except get a news feed together. With the Lord’s help, I hope to resume normal programming tomorrow.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin strongly criticized the Biden-Harris Department of Justice after the DOJ sued the state for its implementation of a systemic removal of non-citizen voters. Meanwhile, according to a new poll, the vast majority of American voters want policies and procedures in place to guarantee the integrity of elections.

In other news, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin revealed an alleged plot to assassinate Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, due to the latter’s pro-peace stance on the war in Ukraine.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, DV, Fjordman, JW, McN, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/14/2024

Elon Musk has threatened to take legal action following reports that a California state commission cited his politics in a decision that refused a request by SpaceX. Meanwhile, Donald Trump said he would appoint Elon Musk to a new White House post, “Secretary of Cost-Cutting”.

In other news, three people were hospitalized after a chemical explosion at the University of Sydney. A staff member was reportedly carrying a bucket of acid at the university campus, when a chemical reaction occurred.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JW, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, TN, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Filip Dewinter: “Antwerp Should Be a Flemish City”

Filip Dewinter is one of the leaders of Vlaams Belang, the Flemish separatist party in Belgium. In the following video from Antwerp, Mr. Dewinter talks about the need to stop the Islamization of the city.

Many thanks to Henk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Beatrix von Storch: “We Will Never Submit”

Beatrix von Storch is deputy leader of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) and a member of the Bundestag. In the following video recorded recently on the floor of the Bundestag, Ms. Von Storch speaks about the significance of the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, and relates it to the ongoing Islamization of Europe.

“The 7th of October is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe.”

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Child-Rape at an Asylum Center in Brescia

A Bangladeshi culture-enricher has been accused of raping a 10-year-old girl at an asylum facility in the city of Brescia in Lombardy. To make matters worse, the unfortunate girl — who is also a resident of the asylum facility — is now pregnant.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from TPI.it:

Brescia — 10-year-old girl raped and pregnant in a migrant center: 28-year-old arrested

by Enrico Mingori
October 14, 2024

A 28-year-old man from Bangladesh was arrested in Brescia, accused of raping a 10-year-old girl, who then became pregnant. The crime reportedly took place a few weeks ago at a reception center in San Colombana di Collio.

Both the man and the girl were staying at the Cas [Special Reception Center] located in the Al Cacciatore Hotel, where some 20 refugees and asylum seekers are lodged.

According to what the local newspapers have reconstructed, the 28-year-old reportedly gained the trust of the little girl and the mother by showing kindness, only to turn to sexual abuse. A few weeks ago, the girl’s mother allegedly noticed a change in the daughter’s behavior, more and more detached from reality. The little girl then reportedly told her what had happened, which was reportedly also confirmed by the center.

The 28-year-old Bangladeshi has been in Italy for about two years, and until now was not known to law enforcement. The man is in jail, and his arrest has been validated.

The Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office in Brescia is coordinating the case. Up to now, the man reportedly has not responded to questions from the investigators.

Hat tip: Reader from Chicago.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/13/2024

A man name Vem Miller was arrested at a police checkpoint yesterday outside a Donald Trump rally in California, after allegedly trying to enter the rally with a phony press pass. Police searched his vehicle and found fake passports and driver’s licenses, along with a shotgun, a loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine. However, Mr. Miller’s friend and business partner told The Daily Mail that he is a full-blown Trump supporter and had no intention of killing the former president.

In other news, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky today accused North Korea of sending troops to the Russian army.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Conservative Tree House, Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, JW, Reader from Chicago, Roger, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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El Inglés on Substack

Long-time readers will remember a turbulent Englishman named El Inglés, who was one of our earliest foreign correspondents here at Gates of Vienna. His debut essay “The Danish Civil War” was published seventeen years ago, and was soon followed by “Surrender, Genocide… or What?”, which gained notoriety for single-handedly causing us to be booted out of Pajamas Media. I consider the occasion to be one of the proudest moments of this blog.

In the ensuing ten years, El Inglés published fifty-four more essays for Gates of Vienna (see the link at the bottom of this post for a complete list). He then took a well-earned sabbatical, but has recently decided to branch out by setting up an account at Substack.

Below is a press release for the occasion:

El Inglés at Substack

You would have to be of a certain vintage to remember him, but there did exist, once upon a time, a psychopathic genocide-espouser and occasional writer of lightly comic pieces who went by the nom de plume of El Inglés. Well, this disgraceful reprobate has decided to attempt a return to writing, and the proprietor of Gates of Vienna has kindly consented to allow him a brief PR spot here to publicise his return to political analysis, racist humour, and general all-round villainy.

Not having the technical sense or intestinal fortitude to set up his own blog, El Inglés has decided to join the hordes of people currently sharing their wisdom with the masses on Substack. Apparently, said website provides avenues whereby hacks and would-be gurus can easily monetise their writings, and turn a few trite observations about Kamala Harris’s laugh into millions of dollars.

That last bit is important, dear reader — unlike in the past, El Inglés cannot write for free any more. Any readers who remember his earlier writings and who found some value in them are encouraged to subscribe and check his work out on Substack. There will be

a)   new, shorter-form pieces of analysis and observation,
b)   reconsiderations of some of his earlier long-form essays in light of developments since they were published,
c)   humorous writing, much of it in extremely bad taste, and
d)   anything else he can think of that might gather a few eyeballs.

The greater the degree of interest, the more output there will be. If there is little to no interest, El Inglés will probably skulk off into permanent retirement, never to be heard from again. The democratic verdict of this precious corner of the Internet will be accepted in either case.

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A Mental Disease Called Islam

I reported last night on an Iranian culture-enricher named Hassan A.N., who brought a gun to a cinema in the German city of Krefeld and attempted to set fire to the place, but was shot before he could succeed.

More details have emerged about the mischievous youngster: he has an extensive criminal record, has used multiple false identities, and has been arrested and released numerous times, despite his record of violent crimes.

Also: the police are certain that his acts do not constitute “terrorism”, because… wait for it… he is mentally ill.

I never saw that one coming.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

27 identities and repeat offender: Iranian Hassan A.N. wanted to set fire to Krefeld

After the serious act of violence on Thursday evening in front of a “CinemaxX” Movie Theater in Krefeld, in which the police had to shoot down a 38-year-old incendiary attacker, new details have now come to light: The perpetrator is the Iranian Hassan A.N., who was known to the authorities and the police. He had repeatedly attracted attention in Europe for violent attacks and had disguised himself with a total of 27 different identities. Bild reported exclusively on these details.

According to the report, the Iranian had already attracted attention several times in Krefeld a few days previously. He smashed the windows of a gas station and was taken away in handcuffs by the police, but was released shortly afterwards. Two days before the incident in the cinema, the man also threatened an employee of the immigration office because the latter did not want to issue him a residence permit under a false name. Hassan A.N. is said to have threatened the officer: “You will have bigger problems.”

According to information from Bild, Hassan A.N. is registered under 27 different identities in the European refugee system. In his most recent incident, he also gave a false name to the police. The man is also said to be mentally ill and unpredictable. [And why is he then still allowed to create mayhem throughout Europe? It’s wanted, that’s why.]

The Interior Ministry in North Rhine-Westphalia also pointed to the Iranian’s mental illness: “He was known to the police, he was conspicuous and he was in our program area that deals with the mentally ill,” said Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) on Friday. [What program area? The local mosque with a radical Imam from Faeser’s special Madrassa in Osnabrück?]

Already more than four years in prison

The Iranian is said to have entered Germany illegally for the first time in 2002. Since then, he has been tolerated, despite several rejected asylum applications. Documents show that Hassan A.N. traveled through Europe as a criminal in the following years. He mostly stayed in France, where he also committed crimes. In 2010, he was sentenced to four years and six months in prison in Germany, for charges including grievous bodily harm, damage to property and attempted rape. [For 22 years they knew that this guy was serious bad news for the natives, and that’s why he was allowed to stay.]

On Thursday, the Iranian is said to have lastly visited the cinema after setting three more fires. According to police, there is no evidence of an extremist background. First, he smashed the window of a car and set the vehicle on fire. He then set fire to his apartment and went on to the employment office, which he also set fire to. [So 22 years of extreme criminal behaviour doesn’t count as extremely dangerous? Well, who would’ve thought? But I guess since he never committed a thought-crime against the establishment, so… not an extremist.]

The police later corrected the report that his apartment had been set on fire first. When Hassan A.N. finally tried to set fire to the cinema’s foyer with a flammable liquid, officers shot him. “There were over a hundred people in the cinema during the operation. No cinema-goers were injured,” said a spokesman. [How is it possible that these thugs can get apartments easily, but the locals have to run around for years and produce two incomes to be even considered? There’s something seriously wrong with that picture.]

Afterword from the translator:

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