Importing Islam Means Importing Violence

An earlier version of this essay by Fjordman was first published in Norwegian at the website

Importing Islam Means Importing Violence

by Fjordman

In February 2024, Norway’s public broadcaster NRK reported that rape centers all over Norway record more rape victims seeking aid. In the city of Oslo, the number has increased by 70 per cent in ten years.[1] Many of these rape cases are said to be very serious.

What does NRK suggest is the reason for this massive increase in rapes? Porn. The channel published an article about rapes in which immigration was not mentioned as a possible explanation. This despite a proven link between immigration and rape that exists in neighboring Sweden as well as other countries.

This is simply not credible.[2] It is misleading propaganda.

Norwegians are forced to pay billions of kroner annually to the country’s largest media company, which is actively trying to obfuscate why an increasing number of Norwegians are exposed to violent abuse in their own country.

The mass immigration that established mass media, including the state broadcaster, has supported for decades imports violent crime. This is a demonstrable fact.

NRK also reports in 2024 that so-called honor crimes, forced marriages and threats of honor killings have become part of everyday life all over Norway, not just in major cities.[3]

Forced marriages and honor killings were extremely rare phenomena in Scandinavia fifty years ago, if they existed at all. Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Somalia top the statistics for these crimes. The current problem is therefore overwhelmingly due to immigration.

In multiple Western countries, serious violence continues spreading as society becomes more ethnically diverse and multicultural. Women and men of all ages may be affected by violent crime in the streets, at schools, in public transport, or elsewhere.

My first significant, public text about Islam was published in Norwegian under my real name — Peder Jensen — in the national newspaper VG in August of 2003. At that time I had just moved to Oslo after studying and working for a couple of years in the Middle East.[4]

The driving force behind my career as a writer was a desire to warn against the great danger I saw from importing Islam to Europe.

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Changing the Berlin Constitution to Protect Culture-Enrichers

A move is afoot, led by (Muslim) socialists, to change the constitution of the state of Berlin to protect Muslim migrants from criticism.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian portal Heimatkurier. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Constitutional change in Berlin: SPD leader vows to “fight against Islamophobia”

Raed Saleh, parliamentary group and party leader of the SPD Berlin, wants to declare war on alleged “Islamophobia” and change the state constitution to do so. According to the native Palestinian, anyone who “crosses the borders” should have to deal with “defense ready democracy”. Is law and order coming under pressure due to ongoing replacement migration and Islamization? [It’s already at the bursting point towards sharia is all I can see here.]

Saleh, 46, is a native Palestinian and pursues politics based on his own ethno cultural interests in the migration-addicted client party SPD. In the current case, the Social Democrat wants to expand on a constitutional change that has already been considered: the city of Berlin, which is already swamped by Afro-Arabs among other things, must not only take a position against anti-Semitism and racism, but also take Muslim interests into account. “We do not tolerate Islamophobia, we do not tolerate racism,” said Saleh. Statements critical of Islamization and references to the ongoing replacement migration should ultimately become anti-constitutional. There has been no talk of German interests for a long time; instead, the well-being of the replacement migrants must come first. [The time to start the Reconquista of Europe from the menace of Islam and Marxism is almost beyond the grasp of the native Europeans by now.]

Protection of minorities in the constitution

Months earlier, the governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) and the social and integration senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) had proposed giving the “fight against anti-Semitism” constitutional status. The highest legally formulated goal of Berliners should therefore be the representation of minority interests — dissenters must expect consequences. Saleh literally: “And whoever crosses the borders will have to deal with the defense ready democracy.” The practicing Muslim’s statements leave no room for interpretation: his people should be beyond reproach and anyone who violates this is violating the constitution. This distorts the fact that a threat to the Constitution comes from the opposite direction.

Islamic danger to state and order

When the SPD official says, “Islamophobia is part of everyday life in our society. We hear reports of attacks on Muslims every day. And we constantly hear about structural racism,” he then deliberately plays the role of victim. As the Heimatkurier reported, citing the Federal Prosecutor General, the greatest danger in Germany clearly comes from growing Islamism and its terrorist side effects. In addition to Islamism, however, there is another danger that threatens the German constitutional state: the required change to the state constitution is one of them. The constitution, laws and jurisprudence are to be undermined with the help of smokescreens such as “structural racism and used against the actual creators and supporters of the constitutional state — the German people! [Since that guy is a Muslim and a politician to boot, why are people so ignorant of the practice of taqiyya that’s been elementary to both criminal “professions”?]

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Moloch Has His Day

Below are excerpts from an essay by Brandon Smith posted at, entitled “To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion”. It’s a hard one to read — we live in a grim time.

Readers who are not currently experiencing dysphoria may want to read the whole thing. Here are the most relevant paragraphs:

From Carl Jung to Joseph Campbell to Steven Pinker and beyond, all scientific evidence suggests that human beings have inherent psychological qualities and characteristics from birth. Some of these are unique to the person, some are universal archetypes and ideas that the majority of people share (such as conscience and moral compass). If we didn’t have these built-in qualities, humanity would have become extinct thousands of years ago. We still don’t know where exactly they come from, we only know that without them we are no longer human.

There is, however, a certain percentage of people (1% or less) that actually do not have these inborn character traits. They are generally known as psychopaths and sociopaths, and their behavior is very similar to that of the globalists. I have long held the theory that the globalist cabal is in fact a cult of higher functioning psychopaths.

Their lack of empathy and conscience, their thirst for godhood and omnipotence, their drive to attain all encompassing surveillance of the population, to know everything about us at all time, to have total control over the environment and society, the narcissistic self image of a supreme ruler who is worshiped by the masses, and the delusion that they will be able to read minds and predict the future. These are psychopathic fantasies, and they are willing to chase these fantasies by any means necessary.

But even psychopaths sometimes need a fundamentalist framework in order to maintain organization and inspire devotion within a group. It makes perfect sense that they would choose luciferianism as their religion.

Their “do what thou wilt” philosophy of hedonism takes the idea of freedom and removes all responsibility — It is a degenerate view of liberty, rather than a principled view. Freedom, they think, is only for people like them; the people willing to desecrate everything in their path and upend the natural order.

To watch the embedded videos, including one of Yuval Harari, read the whole post.

What used to be carefully concealed demonic rituals have become increasingly open. There seems to be a cadre of prominent people who yearn to sexually exploit (and even murder) children. The Lolita Express to Epstein’s island was just the tip of the iceberg.

Two or three millennia ago the same impulse drove prominent leaders to offer up their firstborn to the fires of Baal or Moloch. Nowadays the process of child sacrifice has been elaborated and extended — the children are genitally mutilated in accord with the new religion, sexually abused, and stupefied with various drugs. That is, if they are not killed before they are born, which is officially considered a sacrament by the Church of Satan.

I hardly need to point out the confluence of this globalist luciferianism with Islam, which also sexually exploits children. And those are the Muslim children — the children of kuffar experience even more ghastly treatment. Consider, for example, the case of Charlene Downes, who was murdered by those who exploited her, and may have wound up being dismembered, cooked, and served in the kebab.

Back in 2014, when the Islamic State first emerged in Syria and Iraq, I started saying, “Satan is loose in the world.” I haven’t seen anything in the intervening years to make me change my mind.

Hat tip: Hellequin GB.

Our Dystopian Moment

The two videos below are unrelated; I just happened to encounter them both today. They seem somehow emblematic of the apocalyptic times that we Americans are forced to live through.

The first clip shows remarks made by Peter Navarro at CPAC. Mr. Navarro is an economist who served as a presidential advisor during the Trump administration. After the “election” of 2020 he, like so many other Trump associates, became a target of the January 6 Inquisition when the Democrats were in control of the House. He refused to comply with a congressional subpoena to provide documents and testimony, and was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress. After being convicted on both counts, he was sentenced to four months in prison. He is appealing the verdict, but the judge ruled that he must serve his sentence in the meantime.

I don’t have any opinion on Peter Navarro, nor any idea on the merits of the legal cases against him. However, I know that the treatment of him is shameless political persecution. The mickey-mouse stuff he was accused of doing would have merited no notice if he had been a Democrat, or served under an elected pol with a “D” after his name. He is being persecuted because he had the temerity to hitch his star to the evil Orange Man.

He made the following remarks just prior to beginning his prison sentence:

The second video is an excerpt from Tucker Carlson’s interview with the inventor and entrepreneur Steve Kirsch. Mr. Kirsch has great expertise in statistical methods, and since early 2021 he has been investigating the statistics on the adverse effects of the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. He has done great service to his country by digging up and exposing to public view the ghastly figures on the adverse effects, especially deaths, caused by the vax. The CDC and the other panjandrums of the political-corporate power structure are doing their utmost to marginalize and shun him so that the general public will never become aware of the harm the government has done by coercing them to get jabbed.

I watched the full interview, which is almost an hour long, but it has since been taken down, presumably because TCN is zealously protecting its copyright. The video below shows only the first eleven minutes, but it will at least give you a taste of what Steve Kirsch had to say:

Hat tips: Vlad Tepes and Steen.

Canary in the German Coal Mine?

Continuing with the theme of “Post-Industrial Europe”, our Hungarian correspondent László sends this report on the decline of business conditions in Germany as experienced by a Hungarian entrepreneur.

Canary in the German Coal Mine?

by László

A Hungarian entrepreneur who currently runs his business in Germany says, in a viral video of 2.7m views, that he cannot really make a profit over there any more, so he’s decided to move back to Hungary. Which is quite something.

The Great Reset Impoverishment seems to proceed rather well in Europe.

Translation of the article of the Hungarian media outlet Mandiner:

A Hungarian entrepreneur is upset, says the German economy is in crisis, prefers to come home to Hungary (VIDEO)

The entrepreneur says the German economy will not “fall into recession”; it is already in recession.

February 22, 2024

In a video posted on social media, a Hungarian entrepreneur who has been living and working in Germany for years has voiced his dissatisfaction. The general consensus is that the state of the construction industry is an accurate measure of economic crises. It is precisely this sector that the Hungarian entrepreneur has now sharply criticised, detailing the negative aspects.

The man who made the video runs a large-scale painting company. At the beginning of the video, he explains that recently they were about to sign a framework contract for the painting of 80 flats in connection with a major construction project. However, in the video, he says that at today’s forint-euro exchange rate, they received a bid of 812 forints per square metre for two coats of paint, which he says is unacceptably low for the industry.

According to the contractor, it is getting to the point where Hungarian [contract] prices 20 years ago were even lower than German prices today.

In his view, since the start of the war, sanctions and the influx of Ukrainian migrant workers have driven prices down to the point where it is almost impossible for businesses like his to survive.

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Silvia Sardone: The Suicide of Europe

Silvia Sardone is an Italian MEP for the Lega (Matteo Salvini’s party). In the following video, Ms. Sardone points out the destructive absurdities of the “Green Deal” climate policies which are the current collective obsession of the European Union.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Unintended Consequences

In addition to an update on Sderot, MC’s latest essay discusses the sequelae of late-stage socialism.

Socialism always involves spending more money (usually other people’s) than the socialist entity can afford, which in turn increases poverty, and, in many cases results in a goodly proportion of the economy being driven by debt and slavery, and the need to eliminate those ‘useless eaters’.

As the Nazis (National Socialists) swept through Poland, they arrested young (mainly Catholic) men and herded them into (slave) Labour Camps, with many ending up in the notorious Auschwitz labour camp.

We are taught about Auschwitz in its later role as a death camp, but before it was a death camp (1944) with massive extermination facilities, it was a huge labour camp where young men and PoWs were put to hard and cruel work. Many had to work alongside the Jewish inmates in housed in the notorious Birkenau camps and were exposed to the same radiation and toxic substances such as mercury and cadmium. There was no ‘health and safety’ for Polish slave labour.

Conditions in these camps were primitive, food was scarce, and many did not survive. Nearly as many Poles and Slavs generally died in the camps as did Jews, Gypsies and Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Evangelicals).

Socialism is expensive, and the Nazis needed to rob Piotr to pay Paulus.

The unintended consequence of Nazism was eventually total and utter defeat as the Anglophone and Communist world turned on Nazi Germany and its vile excesses. Germany needed the slaves and the treasuries of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland to pay for the ‘welfare’ of the ‘master race’

Is this a familiar picture?

Wokism is Nazism with colour, and although many of the people of Israel are ‘non-white’ they are still Jooz, and thus honorary ‘white supremacists’.

Someone out there is bankrolling ‘Wokism’, bribing people of influence to ignore the rape and murder, the baking of babies and the kidnapping of children. I assume that the usual rent-a-mob has been well-rewarded for their efforts across the civilized world.

Staff sergeant Abraham Wovagen fell in battle in Gaza

Of course, Wokism, is like any other socialist venture, and is a total anachronism. Under Wokism, the white liberal establishment, ‘the deep state’, keep their jobs and their power and their patronistic mentality whilst paying lip service to skin colour prejudice. Jim Crow is back in the form of D’avon Pidgeon. This time Jews or people with white skins are the victims. It is thus acceptable to our elites, even while it is still deeply racist. But in a world that has adopted secular humanism as its main belief system, there are no depths to which a progressive liberal will not sink in order to get their ‘moment in the sun’.

The New York Governor Kathy Hochul thought she had a ‘gotcha’ moment when a dubious and victimless ‘fraud’ case against President Trump brought about an egregious fine. But now the Governor has to try and stem the flood of money out of New York City, real estate, banking and other finance business interests are fleeing the state, in her rush to put one over on the Donald, she and her cronies crossed a line. She blasphemed the rule of law and made President Trump a special case where opinion and emotion were substituted for the required blindness of Justice. There is no justice in a banana republic, only whimsy. The woke New York governor now seems to be panicking because she has destroyed vital business confidence — “Who next?”, one must think. Who next might become a ‘special case’? Is it still safe to trade with New York City-based businesses? Is the state going to use lawfare to solve its deep, deep deficit problems?

Hochul forgot decency in her zeal to be the first get a Trump conviction. There are always unintended consequences when the ends justify the means. I also suspect that she has, by her actions, put the Donald in the White House for the next four years. Overzealous Democrats have only one option left.

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Shilling for Hamas in the Flemish Parliament

Yesterday a session of the Flemish parliament was disrupted by the antics of a pro-Palestinian mob. Below are a video and an accompanying article about the day’s entertaining events.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article from Het Laatste Nieuws, also translated by Gary Fouse:

Flemish Parliament suspended by pro-Palestinian protest — Military police have to intervene

The Flemish Parliament plenary was disrupted Wednesday by a pro-Palestinian protest. A few dozen activists at a certain moment began chanting slogans, throwing pamphlets into the chamber, and waving Palestinian flags. The activists were removed by military police, and the plenary was suspended for about ten minutes.

February 21, 2024

Just after 3 pm, the Flemish Parliament plenary was suddenly disrupted by activists who chanted pro-Palestinian slogans from the public gallery. They referred to the “30,000 dead” who have died in Gaza and chanted, “Not in our name” and “Boycott ZIM. [ZIM is the Israeli shipping company mentioned as the transporter of Israeli weapons, also through Antwerp.]

In their pamphlet, the activists called for the “immediate halt” of all trade with Israel and “primarily the sale and transport of weapons and ammunition to this criminal nation.” “You are elected to be the people’s representatives and have the responsibility to avoid any involvement in the genocide,” it said.

[Caption above video: Look: Vlaams Belang Parliament leader Sam Van Rooy waves a small Israeli flag as counter-protest.]

Complaint for disturbing public order

Liesbeth Homans (N-VA), the chairperson of the Flemish Parliament, suspended the meeting and asked the military police to remove the visitors. Vlaams Belang [Flemish Interest] Parliament member Sam Van Rooy went with a small Israeli flag in his hand to confront the activists. The session was resumed around 3:20pm.

A complaint was filed by the Parliament against the activists for disruption of public order. The activists all had to show their identity cards, but they were returned afterwards.

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It Would Be a Shame if Anything Happened to Your Kid…

The German establishment is desperate to stop the rise of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany), to the point that it seems to have adopted traditional mafia-style tactics.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Non-party AfD candidate resigns after threats against family

The Thuringian Saale-Holzland district will elect a new district administrator in May. The independent entrepreneur Matthias Beerbaum was to run for the AfD. But due to threats against his family, he withdraws. The mood in the district is heated.


The independent Matthias Beerbaum has withdrawn his candidacy for district administrator in the Saale-Holzland district. The regionally well-known entrepreneur had wanted to run for the AfD. The reason [for the withdrawal] was a “threat and risk situation” against his family, as Beerbaum announced on Thursday evening. The decision wasn’t easy for him, but he didn’t want to have to deal with it. “That shouldn’t happen in a democracy.”

The district association showed understanding for the resignation. In the past few weeks, the mood in the district — as in all of Germany — has been heated, AfD district spokesman Denny Jankowski told Junge Freiheit. The police presence at party events, such as the recent one in Jena with 150 police officers, has increased dramatically. Several emergency vehicles are now required for regular campaign stands. However, neither the AfD nor the independent Beerbaum expected threats against the candidate’s family. [Welcome to the DEMOCKERACY of the best Germany of all time.]

AfD is looking for new candidates

It is still unclear whether the party will nominate a new candidate for the district administrator election. “The members have to decide on that,” Jankowski told Junge Freiheit. A new assembly meeting will be called in March. The election will take place on May 26, 2024.

The party remains optimistic about this. It was only in January that the AfD candidate won 47.5% of the votes in the first round of the district election in the neighboring Saale-Orla district. Ultimately, he narrowly lost to the CDU candidate with 48% to 52%.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Curious Case of the Chinese-Hungarian Law Enforcement Summit

It looks like Hungary, like other Western countries, is going to host it share of Chinese police stations. Our Hungarian correspondent László sends this report.

Chinese police station in Budapest

The Curious Case of the Chinese-Hungarian Law Enforcement Summit

by László

“Chinese-Hungarian Law Enforcement Summit”?!

Astonishing. And ominous.

I mean, what the yellow-red hell?!

The Minister of the Interior isn’t supposed to be… interior?

“During the official meeting with his Chinese partner on 16 February 2024 in Budapest, Minister of the Interior Dr. Sándor Pintér stressed that the cooperation between the two countries is based on the guarantee of security and stability […]”

I could find no further information on what exactly it all means (which is strange in itself), so I can only guess… Nothing good for liberty, for sure — especially for Chinese expats.

“The two leaders signed agreements on strengthening law enforcement cooperation and joint patrols.”

Huh? Does it mean Chinese policemen in Hungary?

I’m quickly sending this last S.O.S. message before my Covid card turns red and my internet access gets blocked. Food donations are welcome, as Chinese AI systems won’t allow me and my family to do the grocery shopping, as soon as this letter gets published.

OK, for the time being that’s a joke — but how long before it isn’t?

Translation of the announcement published on the official website of the Hungarian government:

Chinese-Hungarian Law Enforcement Summit

The State Councilor of the People’s Republic of China, Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong, paid his first official visit to Hungary after the Chinese New Year.

During the official meeting with his Chinese partner on 16 February 2024 in Budapest, Minister of the Interior Dr. Sándor Pintér stressed that the cooperation between the two countries is based on the guarantee of security and stability, which are essential for the establishment and further development of comprehensive strategic cooperation.

With the visit of State Councillor Wang Xiaohong, the parties took an important step towards the development of relations between the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of the Interior of Hungary. The two leaders signed agreements on strengthening law enforcement cooperation and joint patrols.

During his visit to Hungary, the Chinese Minister of Public Security, among other things, familiarized himself with the structure and capabilities of the Hungarian counter-terrorism service and inspected the construction works of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line.

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Tomio Okamura on the Right to National Self-Determination

Tomio Okamura is the leader of the SPD (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, Freedom and Direct Democracy) political party in Czechia. He is a multicultural Czech: his mother was Moravian and his father Japanese.

In the following video, Mr. Okamura gives a lucid summary of the right to national self-determination — where it applies, and where it doesn’t.

Many thanks to Xanthippa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Behavioral Sink in Brussels

Molenbeek, a district of Brussels

It seems the law of the jungle is the only law that remains in Brussels, the renowned capital of Modern Multicultural Europe.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Flemish daily De Morgen:

European parliamentarians in open letter regarding Brussels violence: “Growing feeling of insecurity in the capital city of the EU”

A number of European Parliamentarians addressed an open letter to the minister of Internal Affairs, Annelies Verlinden (CD&V), and the Brussels minister-president, Rudy Vervoort (PS). They are demanding a strict approach to drug violence and “decisive measures” to guarantee security in the European capital city.

February 17, 2024

The increasing drug violence in our capital city is also raising concern among the members of the European Parliament, according to the letter. They refer not only to the recent shooting in the capital city but also to the terrorist attack in which two Swedish football fans were killed in a shooting in December of last year, in which a worker of the European parliament was wounded.

The signatories to the letter also express concern over the situation in the Brussels South Station, “one of the most important entry ports to the capital city of the EU”. “The situation is further worsened by petty thefts, from telephones to cars, and by the increasing drug-related criminality,” the letter says.

Reference is made to a recent investigation which shows that Brussels ranks 15th in the cities with the highest crime index of 132 cities researched. “These are just some of the disturbing elements of a growing feeling of insecurity among the people who live and work in the capital city of the European Union,” the letter reads.

Extra police personnel

At a press conference earlier this week, Minister Verlinden stressed that this legislature has invested almost 500 million euros more in police services. “The fight against international criminality remains a priority for the federal government and the federal police,” she said. She also referred to recent efforts to recruit and select more police personnel. “With about 50,000 members, the integrated police have more employees than ever, but we also see that the expectations from the population have grown and that the fight against criminality is raising concern within the organizations, of which the crimes committed are often an expression.”

“Disinformation” is Whatever Goes Against the Narrative

Rob Roos is a Dutch politician who formerly represented FvD (Forum for Democracy) and then the party JA21 (Right Answer 21) in the European Parliament. He is now an independent. In the following video Mr. Roos speaks in the EP in Strasbourg about the EU’s attempt to censor Elon Musk’s platform X (formerly Twitter).

Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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“The Netherlands is in the Service of the Migrant”

The following video shows remarks made by a local politician for the FvD (Forum voor Democratie, Forum for Democracy) at a city council meeting in The Hague.

Here’s part of the introduction from RAIR Foundation:

Dutch politician Massimo Etalle from the Forum for Democracy party warned of the consequences of an ‘insane anti-Dutch policy,’ emphasizing the financial strain with ‘a gigantic tax burden of 60%’ to finance a ‘migrant resort,’ and lamented the loss of ‘centuries-old families’ due to government choices.

In a recent session at the Dutch city council of Den Haag (The Hague), a charged debate erupted over the issue of illegal immigration, igniting strong sentiments among political factions.

The discussion was instigated by concerns surrounding a new law mandating Den Haag to accommodate a significantly more significant number of asylum seekers, a decision met with widespread discontent among politicians and citizens alike.

Many thanks to Henk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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