Culture-Enriching Rapist in Issy-les-Moulineaux

It’s the same tired old story: a culture-enricher with a criminal record who was ordered to leave France, but was never deported, has committed yet more sexual crimes.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from CNews:

“Don’t move or I’ll kill her.”

A man under deportation order taken into custody for attempted rape of a woman in a medical office at Issy-les-Moulineaux

June 26, 2024

After a report of an attempted rape and murder in a medical office, a police operation took place yesterday evening in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). The suspected attacker was arrested and placed in custody, CNEWS has learned from police sources.

The events occurred around 10:30 pm. Notified by witnesses on June 25, police proceeded to a medical office located in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). At the scene, police observed an attack in progress, hearing the cries of the woman, the death threats, and the calls for help coming from inside the office, a police source told CNEWS on Wednesday.

While the screams were coming from a locked room in front of which chairs had been placed by witnesses to prevent the attacker from fleeing, the officers managed to enter. The victim, a medical secretary, born in 2000, was found nude, lying on the floor while a man was threatening to kill her using scissors he held to her throat.

According to CNEWS’ information, the suspected attacker reportedly yelled to police, “Don’t move or I will kill her”. However, thanks to the use of a taser, police succeeded in overpowering the individual before placing him under arrest.

For her part, slightly injured, the medical secretary told investigators that the attacker had entered the office under the pretext of having an appointment. After having asked her for help and complimenting her, he reportedly forced her to undress before grabbing a pair of scissors from the desk. He then reportedly locked the door and threw himself on her.

An attacker under order to leave the country

Born in February 1992 in Algiers, and of Algerian nationality, the man was the object of two investigative files. One was the Obligation to Leave French Territory (OQFT), and the other an Administrative Ban on Returning. In addition, the man admitted to officers he had consumed cocaine, which was confirmed by a drug test.

He was placed in custody for attempted rape while under the influence of drugs, as well as attempted voluntary homicide while under the influence of drugs. Finally, the suspect is known to police for aggravated robbery, kidnapping, extortion, and sexual attacks on minors. However, the police did not indicate whether he had been convicted for these acts, some of which date back to 2018.

The Testimony of the Phones

The propensity of culture-enrichers to take videos of their gang rapes and other crimes and distribute them on social media has helped generate a raft of evidence against a gang of underage perpetrators in Vienna.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Viennese gang rapists

Child raped for months by migrants: This is the criminal record of the suspects

For months, migrants raped a 12-year-old Viennese girl. She was not the gang’s only victim. Now the criminal records and analysis of the suspects’ phones reveal further crimes.


In the case of the months-long gang rape of a twelve-year-old Viennese girl by migrants, their previous convictions have now been made public. Investigators found photos of knives, weapons, cannabis and videos of group fights on confiscated phones, reported the Bild newspaper. The exclusively migrant suspects had raped, filmed, humiliated and blackmailed the girl for months. Ultimately, she turned to her mother, who then called the police.

The paper further quoted the 17-year-old principal perpetrator Ahmad: “The accused is a member of hacker groups that offer credit card data.” At the time of the crime, the Syrian was 15 years old.

Migrants planned “drug trafficking on a larger scale”

On the phone of 14-year-old Syrian Jakub, data forensics experts found recordings of sex “with female minors — sometimes with multiple people,” quoted the Bild newspaper. Further data from the cell phone has now been analyzed: “The iPhone also reveals chat conversations about plans for large-scale drug trafficking and the theft of mopeds. Rumors are being spread about a planned operation in connection with a prisoner transfer.”

The 14-year-old Syrian was sentenced to three months’ probation for theft in November 2023. In May of the same year, he stole a Dacia Lodgy. A few months later — in July 2023 — he stole a handbag.

Jakub was the only suspect in custody until April because he hit two police officers after his arrest and announced that he would “f*** them”. Since the investigating authorities see no risk of a repeat offense, all the others remain at large. Shaban, now 16, went into hiding in Bulgaria with his parents and siblings.

Fake chat histories should exonerate suspects

Meanwhile, the authorities are also investigating the falsification of an alleged chat history with the victim. Her lawyer is citing a report that the migrants created a fake Instagram account to exonerate themselves. The messages supposedly from the victim say: “You know I was raped… I reported it… But the thing is… I wanted it… and I told those guys I was 16.”

The twelve-year-old’s mother is appalled. “Why was I forced to move to protect my daughter, which cost me a lot of money and energy? Why doesn’t the justice system ensure that nothing bad happens to my little girl?” she asked in the Kronen Zeitung. [Well, lady, because the people in power want this to happen to your child and other children to signal their dubious “virtue”. As simple as that.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/25/2024

A police motorcycle squad was escorting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to the airport in Stuttgart when a woman driving a BMW turned into the intersection and hit a police motorcycle. The officer riding the motorcycle was killed, and another officer was seriously injured. Mr. Orbán was unhurt.

In other news, Tommy Robinson was arrested on an outstanding immigration warrant immediately after speaking at an event in Calgary last night. He was later released from custody, but must remain in Alberta during the legal proceedings.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Conservative Tree House, Dean, JW, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Argumentum Ad Mortem

Cultural enrichment descends on the parks and squares of German cities. Knives, axes, machetes, and broken bottles appear and become active. Arguments break out. Then, somehow, bloody corpses appear on the cobbles under the streetlights.

Those are some mean “arguments”!

These things just happen. There’s nothing the good burghers of the city can do about it except huddle behind barred doors with the shades drawn, hoping that the cultural enrichment spares their homes.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this editorial from the online news portal Nius:

Philippos (20) dies after beating attack: In the past, no one was dead after an “argument”

While we were sitting in the office today, doing our shopping, picking up the children from daycare or going to the gym, the machines that were keeping Philippos from Minden alive were turned off. Doctors had already declared the 20-year-old brain dead.

On the Sunday night, Philippos and a companion left Philippos’ sister’s graduation party in Bad Oeynhausen. In the spa gardens, the two boys got into “arguments” with a group of about ten men, according to the Bielefeld police. The group hit and kicked them, one of the suspects dragged Philippos away from the group and beat him so hard that he suffered severe head injuries. The attackers are said to be about the same age as the victim and of “southern” type. The police are now investigating for completed manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm.

A word is reinterpreted

More and more often, we read about such “arguments” in police reports. Once again, we are seeing how a word that actually has positive connotations is being reinterpreted to distract from the problems that come with migration. The term “argument” is omnipresent in last week’s police reports; at the same time, they read like bureaucratic migration prose.

  • The Munich Federal Police Directorate writes about “arguments” that took place on an S-Bahn on Saturday evening: “A 21-year-old Syrian woman is said to have been verbally harassed by a 22-year-old from Yemen and a 25-year-old Syrian on the S-Bahn. The woman’s fiancé, a 30-year-old Afghan, intervened. When the train stopped in Lohhof, the two men are said to have pulled the Afghan out of the train and kicked and punched him on the platform. When the 30-year-old fought back, the 22-year-old from Yemen hit him on the back of the head from behind with a beer bottle he had brought with him.”
  • The Central Hesse Police Headquarters reported from Giessen: “At around 2:40 p.m., several people initially engaged two men in a conversation. During the course of the conversation, an argument broke out. Suddenly, two of the 4-6 people pulled out pepper spray and a knife. A scuffle ensued, during which a 26-year-old was apparently sprayed with pepper spray. He also suffered a minor cut to his face. The attackers fled. They were all said to be black men.”
  • In Berlin, the police published a wanted notice on Monday. They are looking for Rimi Manreka, who is said to have pushed a 72-year-old man from behind onto the tracks at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz subway station in April. In this case, too, an initial report stated that the crime had apparently been preceded by an “argument.”

An achievement of the West

What all these “arguments” have in common is that they are different from the arguments we have known in the past: Twenty years ago, in Germany, no one involved died after an argument. Civilized argument is a democratic achievement, a central component of Western culture that developed historically. People began to fight for influence with words instead of fists. In heated debates, people sometimes hit the table, but no longer hit the opponent over the head.

But now, serious stab wounds are the least that can result from an “argument”. Glass bottles, axes, knives, machetes are the weapons used in these “arguments” — not words. The Western understanding of democratic disputes has no equivalent in many of the cultures from which people migrate to Germany. The negotiation processes that Western citizens have historically fought hard for are usually barely developed in the countries of origin. The term “argument” has now become a linguistic cover for brute violence.

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Multicultural Gang Violence in Udine

The knives have been running wild for a while, and now the broken bottles are getting in on the culture-enriching action. Thanks to cultural enrichment, public spaces in the northern Italian city of Udine have become dangerous places.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this editorial from Il Tempo:

Udine, no hope for Tominaga Shimpei, fear spreads in the city, and the mayor has disappeared

June 24, 2024

In the evening, the wife and 13-year-old son of Tominaga Shimpei, the man attacked in the center of the city on Friday who is fighting between life and death, will arrive from Japan. The latest crime news incident that has unleashed the anger of Udine’s citizens and businesspeople, who cannot take it any longer. The situation is out of control, and contrary to what the local institutions claim, every day at sunset in the city, fights break out between groups of young men, mostly minors and of foreign extraction. Drunk and under the influence of drugs, they are found during the day in the green areas surrounding the heart of Udine, then around evening, they head to San Giacomo Square, which from being the city’s living room, seems to have become their ring, where, armed with knives and broken bottle shards, they confront each other. But paying the price are not only the members of these “baby gangs”, but also ordinary citizens like Tominaga, whose hopes for life are, unfortunately, almost zero.

People no longer serenely go out of their homes in the evening; it is not the perception of insecurity, it is the real fear and also the anger of seeing the city in these conditions. We at least expected that Mayor De Toni would intervene publicly, but as often happens, he preferred to send his vice mayor to be interviewed by the editorial staff of Messaggero Veneto, words that certainly did not reassure the population. We also ask ourselves why it is more and more often that groups of young men arrive in the city from Veneto to commit crimes, like these five characters now under arrest. Last month, a young man of Albanian origin was stabbed in the throat in a Brovedani alley in broad daylight in the historic city center by another foreigner who came to the city from Treviso to settle a score. Many are also worried about the rise in drug dealing that takes place in broad daylight in the largest park in the city, Moretti Park.

After the summit meeting among the prefect, chief of police, and mayor, which took place late in the morning, urgent measures were taken. A ban on sales of alcohol in bottles after 9pm, a ban on serving alcohol in all establishments after 1am, joint patrols in the city center — Carabinieri, National Police, Guardia di Finanza, traffic police, and military will do foot patrols in the heart of Udine. There will be a fixed military post in San Giacomo Square. These are new ordinances decided on, and many ask why the system of dealing with minors was not taken into consideration, where there are precise rules that are never respected, where the boys are left in disarray and without rules.

Afterword from the translator:

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We Need Belt Control

In the last few weeks I’ve posted numerous stories about the increased activity of knives in Europe. Now it seems that belts are becoming restless, and also causing grievous bodily harm. It think it’s about time for belt control — get those belts off the streets!

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Afghan beats 16-year-old with belt, hospitalized

A 35-year-old Afghan used a belt to beat a 16-year-old in Lower Austria and sent him to hospital, wounding two other people. He is said to have previously stalked minors in an outdoor swimming pool. What are the police doing?


In Horn, Lower Austria, an Afghan asylum seeker beat a 16-year-old with a belt so badly that he had to be hospitalized. The crime is said to have occurred on Friday evening on the church square in Horn. The 35-year-old Afghan is said to have physically attacked a total of three people after an argument. He is said to have “wrapped his belt around his hand and hit the three victims with it,” a spokesman for the Lower Austria State Police Directorate said on Saturday.

The worst affected was a 16-year-old. He was so badly injured that he had to be flown to hospital by rescue helicopter and undergo emergency surgery immediately. The police spokesman spoke of “life-threatening head injuries”. The victim is now out of danger.

Afghan takes photos of minors

The other injured are a 16-year-old and a 53-year-old man; all three victims come from Horn.

A week earlier, the Afghan is said to have “taken photos of minors with his mobile phone in the outdoor pool”. He was arrested at the outdoor pool, but released again. He is also said to have kicked in a door in his asylum accommodation in the past. He is now in custody.

Afterword from the translator:

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Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

by Clare M. Lopez

Once again this month, our newsletter includes horrific examples of the worst abuse meted out to women and girls forced to live under rule of Islamic Law (sharia). Again, too, the prime examples of such places are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Pakistan, although as to be expected, such abuses are spreading across European countries now, too, where numbers of immigrants from these places are now preying on their host communities.

[Editor’s Note — Don’t forget: the number of Muslims is increasing in the U.S. and standard Islamic doctrine that prescribes horrendous abuse of women and girls is the same everywhere.]

“Germany: Afghan parents suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter” from fredalandmedforth, June 18, 2024

  • [Editor’s Note — Undoubtedly another Islamic honor killing of a daughter for adopting ‘Western ways’.]

‘Systematic Discrimination’: Taliban’s Drastic Cut In Salaries Of Female State Employees Triggers Anger” at RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi, June 18, 2024

  • Here, the discrimination takes the form of drastic salary cuts for Afghan female nurses, teachers and others in government-funded jobs. Afghan men in the same job categories continue to receive higher salaries. Many Afghan families are facing literal starvation, according to the United Nations.

“Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion” at the Christian Daily International-Morning News, June 13, 2024

  • Abduction, rape, and attempted conversion of a young Christian mother to Islam at the point of a gun. This story has a happy ending, but so many more do not.

“Rajasthan: After befriending Hindu girl on Instagram, Muslim man raped her, forced her into Nikah [Islamic religious ceremony], and gave her a new name after religious conversion” from the OpIndia Staff, 9 June 2024

A rape in Paris” by Ben Cohen at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), June 21, 2024

  • This is an awful story about a young Jewish girl in France who was abducted, beaten, raped, and subjected to vile anti-Semitic verbal abuse. What is especially alarming about this crime is that her abusers were three young boys, barely 12-13 years old. Tellingly, media reports do not mention the boys’ background, either immigrant status or religion.
  • Hundreds rally in France to protest anti-Semitic gang-rape of 12-year-old” by Michael Starr at the Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2024
    Perhaps a signal here that at least some in France are awakening to what they have allowed to infiltrate into their midst.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/24/2024

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has accepted a plea deal with the US government that will allow him to avoid jail time. He is expected to plead guilty to violating the Espionage Act, and receive credit for time served for the five years he spent behind bars in the UK while fighting extradition to the US. Mr. Assange is reportedly in ill health due to the harsh conditions he endured in Belmarsh Prison.

In other news, the governor of Louisiana has signed a bill authorizing surgical castration for sex offenders convicted of molesting children.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, JW, LP, McN, MM, Reader from Chicago, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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It’s Not OK to be German

Long-time readers will remember Björn Höcke, the popular leader for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) in Thuringia. He has been featured here on multiple occasions going back almost ten years, including several videos of his speeches translated and subtitled by the tireless efforts of Rembrandt Clancy.

I don’t speak German, but even so, I found his speeches compelling. With his clear, lucid manner of speaking, his eloquence came through, with the help of the subtitles.

More recently, stories about Mr. Höcke’s travails have appeared here, most recently on May 22 and May 24. The AfD leader has run afoul of the Modern Multicultural German state, which is determined to destroy him by whatever means come to hand.

Björn Höcke is headed to court again, this time facing the possibility of going to prison. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Shortly before the state elections

“Everything for Germany”: New trial against Höcke begins

Starting today, Thuringia’s AfD leader Höcke has to appear in court again. Once again, the issue is “Everything for Germany,” although he only uttered the first two words. This time, he faces a prison sentence.


The Thuringian AfD state and parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke will have to answer again in a second trial before the Halle Regional Court starting today, Monday, for the slogan “Everything for Germany”. This slogan was once also used by the SA and is therefore banned. The same regional court had already sentenced the politician to a fine of €13,000 on May 14 for uttering it in 2021. [Isn’t it funny that “Allahu Akhbar” is NOT banned — after all, it’s the battle cry for incitement and each and every rape and murder by Muslims against non-Muslims.]

This time it is about an appearance in December of 2023. The public prosecutor’s office accuses Höcke of uttering the first two words of the slogan as a speaker at an AfD event in Gera, Thuringia. He then used gestures to encourage the audience to shout the word “Germany,” according to the public prosecutor’s office.

Höcke sees no criminal behaviour

The prosecutors are convinced that the AfD politician and the audience would have known that this was punishable by law. At that time, Höcke was already aware of investigations into his speech in Merseburg, for which he was convicted in May. The politician is accused of using symbols of unconstitutional terrorist organizations. [Are they telling me next that being born as a native German is a crime? If so, then the entire “German” government needs to be imprisoned, because they use the word “German”.]

Höcke denies that his behavior has any criminal relevance. The verdict is expected this Wednesday. If he is found guilty, the 52-year-old faces a prison sentence of up to three years or another fine, according to the Halle Regional Court. The state elections in Thuringia will take place in just over two months, on September 1. The AfD is clearly leading in the polls there.

The first verdict is not yet legally binding. Höcke’s defense team appealed. The politician had always stressed his innocence. He said he was unaware of the use of the slogan in the Third Reich. The regional court dismissed these doubts and convicted him. [Especially since this was the original slogan of the SPD — which are now in power — and was plagiarized by Ernst Roehm and the SA. Does that make sense?]

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Every Day is Islam Day in Germany

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


Shocking details from secret Islamic conference

The government is calling on Islamic associations to stop anti-Semitism. They are refusing. The tables are turning: Now there is to be an “Islam Day”. And the demand for a caliphate in Germany is quite okay.


The Federal Ministry of the Interior, headed by Nancy Faeser (SPD), has announced, in private, to Islamic associations that an “Islam Day” will take place in Germany. This is reported by Die Welt. However, the two secret Islam conferences were actually supposed to be about something completely different — namely the open and spreading anti-Semitism among Muslims.

But the Islamic representatives denied the accusation at the first meeting in February: hatred of Jews does not usually come from Muslims. Rather, there has been a sharp increase in anti-Muslim racism since the Hamas attack on Israel, the newspaper reports, citing interviews and internal documents. [Sure, and Muslims have never ever called for the utter annihilation of Jewish people around the world either, have they?]

With their blanket attitude, the Islamic associations apparently gained the upper hand over the government. The Faeser ministry now tried to break the icy atmosphere by approaching the negotiating partners. One official had suggested organizing an “Islam Day”. [Let’s have a “From the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea” instead. Kick them all out and let them have that day in Islamic Countries if they want. But NOT on European SOIL.]

Islamic Conference, the Caliphate and the “Lord’s Prayer”

At a second secret Islam conference in May, the head of the Interior Ministry’s department for “Homeland, Democracy and Cohesion”, Jörn Thießen, went a step further. He appeased the association representatives with a daring comparison. They were upset after the media criticism of the demand to establish a caliphate in Germany: The Christian “Lord’s Prayer” also says “Thy kingdom come.”

The relativization of the Islamist demonstrations with the central prayer of Christians apparently appeased the other side. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry explained in response to a request from Die Welt that Thießen, as a trained theologian, had “made comments on secular and religious ideas about the ‘Kingdom of God’”. An equation with Islamist ideas had never been made. [Shows you again how naïve these puppeticians are when it comes to Islam.]

Afterword from the translator:

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The Attempted Assassination of Alejo Vidal-Quadras

Alejo Vidal-Quadras

Alejo Vidal-Quadras is one of the founders of the anti-immigration party Vox in Spain. He is a former vice president of the European Parliament and a member of the lobbying group European Friends of Israel, which defends Israeli interests in the EU.

Mr. Vidal-Quadras is associated with several Iranian resistance groups that oppose the current regime in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He received substantial quantities of money from those groups at the time Vox was founded. The payments are in the public record, and are not thought to have violated any laws.

Last November Mr. Vidal-Quadras was shot in the face outside his residence in Madrid, but survived the attack. He claimed that Iran was behind the assassination attempt.

Earlier this month the suspected shooter in the attack, a Tunisian-French man named Mehrez Ayari, was arrested in the Netherlands. See this English-language article in the Netherlands Times (hat tip Reader From Chicago) for more on the arrest of Mehrez Ayari.

Below are two articles about the case, both translated by Gary Fouse. The first is a Dutch-language report from RTL Nederland:

Link with drug criminals

Suspect in murder attempt on Spanish politician arrested in the Netherlands

Earlier this month, a suspect in the attempted murder of the Spanish nationalist politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras (78) was arrested in the Netherlands. According to Spanish media, it is the shooter, and the arrest points to the involvement of Dutch drug criminals. They possibly acted on behalf of Iran.

The news was announced today by the Spanish National Police. The suspect is a 38-year-old French national of Tunisian origin. This man reportedly carried out the murder attempt and was arrested on June 6 in Haarlem, where he was hiding.

The politician Vidal-Quadras, founder of the radical Vox party, was shot in broad daylight on November 9, 2023 as he left his residence in Madrid. The shooter, who was sitting as a passenger on a motorcycle, was lying in wait for him. The victim was hit in the lower jaw but survived the attack.

Messages intercepted

The suspect was earlier identified based on images from security cameras in Madrid, the Spanish newspaper El Pais writes. On the day of the attack, he kept his helmet on, but on the previous days during reconnaissance, he was less careful. Spanish investigators also intercepted messages that the suspect sent to his brother and other acquaintances in which he spoke of the attack.

Later in the month the victim accused Iran of giving the order for the hit. He provided no supporting evidence for this, but in the past, he has provided legal assistance as a lawyer to the Iranian political opposition. The Teheran regime allegedly targeted him for that.

Mocro-Maffia [Moroccan Mafia]

Based on police sources, El Pais reports that the arrested suspect has connections with the Dutch drug criminals from the so-called Mocro-Maffia. According to these sources, it is possible that the Dutch criminals acted on behalf of Iran.

The perpetrator was earlier sought out by others in the Catalan Independence Movement. This is because Vidal-Quadras’ party, Vox, is strongly opposed to the independence of Catalunya.

At the end of April, it was revealed that the attack was paid for and planned in the Netherlands. That came out of an investigation by Spanish police. On April 30, a woman with Dutch nationality was arrested. She reportedly paid for the murder attempt and was involved in the logistical preparation. The newspaper, El Pais, wrote then that the order and execution of the attack possibly came out of the Dutch drug world.

Six suspects have now been arrested, two of them in the Netherlands. The Spanish police are also still looking for an important player in the plot, a Moroccan with the nickname Pacho, who left Spain the day before the attack.

The second article, in Spanish, is from the online newspaper 20 Minutos:

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Those Itinerant Knives Are Busy in Berlin

“Knife crime” is in the news a lot lately — as if those evil knives just wandered around on their own, killing and wounding people. Strangely enough, there seems to be a correlation between knife activity and cultural enrichment in France, Germany, Britain, and other parts of Western Europe. I wonder why that is…?

This weekend it was Berlin’s turn to get a visit from those peregrine knives. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Perpetrator on the run! Knife death in the middle of Berlin

Knife death in the middle of Berlin!

A bloody act of violence took place on Berlin’s Uhlandstrasse on Sunday afternoon, in which a man was killed. According to NIUS’ information from the crime scene, the victim is said to be a 26-year-old who was apparently killed with a bladed weapon. The perpetrator is therefore still on the run. More precise circumstances about the course of events, perpetrator, or victim are not yet known.

The police confirmed to NIUS that a person was found with fatal injuries on Sunday afternoon and that they suspect a homicide. The fourth homicide squad has taken over the investigation.

Second knife death in two days

A fatal knife attack took place in Berlin on Saturday: According to the public prosecutor’s office’s findings, a 26-year-old was attacked by a group of people on the platform of the U8 “Kottbusser Tor” stop and fatally injured. Here too, the authorities assume that this was a homicide — the fourth homicide commission is also investigating. Witnesses found a lifeless person on an intermediate deck of the subway station.

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/23/2024

A synagogue, an Orthodox church and a police post were targeted by terrorist gunmen in the Russian Caucasian republic of Dagestan. Six policemen were killed, and a priest’s throat was slit. Some reports say the priest was beheaded.

In other news, a Canadian court awarded $35,000 to a trans “woman” after an Ontario women’s salon refused to wax “her” manly appurtenances.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, DV, JW, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Those Culture-Enriching “Southerners”

Some rambunctious “southerners” caused trouble and inflicted grievous bodily harm in the German spa town of Bad Oeynhausen. I wonder where they came from… Switzerland, maybe? Tyrol? Venice? Slovenia? Hmm…

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

20-year-old beaten almost to death: Police search for 10-person group with “southern” appearance

In the Bad Oeynhausen spa gardens, a group of around ten people is said to have attacked and beaten up a 20-year-old, causing life-threatening injuries. A 19-year-old was slightly injured. The police are now looking for the as yet unknown perpetrators, who are described by witnesses as being a group of around ten and as “southern looking, around 19-20 years old, some of them wearing Adidas tracksuits.”

According to the police, there was initially an argument between the two injured men and a group of around ten unknown men. “The group of people is said to have hit and kicked the two. An unknown suspect then dragged the 20-year-old away from the group and continued to physically attack him,” the police report states.

The injured were taken to hospital. According to police, the 20-year-old from Minden is in acute danger of death due to multiple, severe head injuries.

Homicide squad “Palais” investigates

The police and public prosecutor are now investigating the case for bodily harm and attempted manslaughter in conjunction with serious bodily harm. The “Palais” homicide squad is investigating at Bielefeld police headquarters.

According to witness statements, the descriptions of the perpetrators are as follows:

“The group is described as follows: circa ten people, male, southern European, around 19-20 years old, some wearing Adidas tracksuits. The unknown suspect who attacked the 20-year-old Minden resident can be described as follows: male, southern European, around 20 years old, around 176 cm tall, mustache and goatee, neon orange Adidas tracksuit jacket,” the police report states.

Afterword from the translator:

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