Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

After an extended sabbatical, our Indian correspondent The Kafir returns with an overview of the civilization-destroying ideology that is Islam.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

by The Kafir

“Moreover, whatever may be the respective crimes, virtues and deserts of various races, classes and nations, civilized society requires a certain rule and order to hold back from the edge of anarchic savagery where it is always precariously poised. Human beings must have at least a minimum security in life and property, must be able to move through the streets and between the cities, must accept certain common rules in their mutual inter-course, or civilization does not exist. If this necessary order is subverted, the civilization is destroyed, whether the subversion take place from the best or worst of motives, whether or not it is in some supposedly moral sense justified, whether it is carried out by saints or devils. At some point the guardians of a civilization must be prepared to draw the line.” — James Burnham (Suicide of The West, page 227 [Kindle edition])

Human perception is a very strange thing. Man’s mind may have perceived everything needed to visit the moon. But sometimes it may fail to see the most obvious, glaring thing, not for a few moments or days, but for centuries.

What exactly is Islam? A man born in the Arabian city of Mecca around 1400 years ago claimed that he had been contacted by the God who created this world, had been given a book, and had been commanded to preach that man should worship only that God, in formlessness. So far so good.

Each of us believes so many claims by our fellow men. Men are totally free to believe this man also. They are fully entitled to believe that he was a messenger of God, and should worship God the way he said He should be worshipped. There is no problem so far. The world will go about its business, some nations will have good rulers and hence will be rich, others which have not so good rulers will remain poor. There will be aid for the starving.

But that man said something else also. He said that his fellow men had no choice in the matter. They Must either believe that he was a messenger of God, and worship the way he said, or they ‘will have no security in life and property, will not be able to move safely through the streets and between the cities, and his followers are bound by no rules in their mutual intercourse with non-believers.’ (James Burnham paraphrased) That is, he abolished Civilisation. He abolished the moral laws that make Civilisation possible. (Qur’an 8.39, 9.5, 9.29 and hadith Bukhari 1.2.24).

Kafirs have made mistakes in their response to him from the very first day he proclaimed his mission. They did not figure out his true intentions, and they did not even translate his words properly. For example, jihad.

Jihad is variously translated as Holy War, warfare, or just war. But in a war, an army comes, challenges the army of the target country, the two armies fight, and the victorious army gains possession of the country. People start paying taxes to the new government. This is a war. The only way of war between the civilised countries.

Does this happen in jihad? No. From the very first “battle” the Muslims fought, jihad means something else entirely. In jihad, you can attack trade caravans, you can kill non-combatants, you can simply attack a home/village, kill all the men, rape women and sex-enslave them, and enslave children and trade them around like goods; and loot the goods of household. This is sanctioned in the Qur’an, this is sanctioned by the examples of early Muslims, this is sanctioned in hundreds of hadith, and there are whole chapters of sharia manuals devoted to detailing this. The only condition is that you have to share 20% of the looted women, children and goods with the leader of the moment, the Imam/Caliph/Amir.

Does it all sound like a war? This is actually dacoity.

Merriam Webster defines dacoity as “robbery by dacoits — now used in the Indian penal code of robbery by an armed gang of not less than five men” Dacoity is word taken into English from India. The synonym is robbery/loot. The same dictionary defines robbery as “larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat.” So the correct translation of jihad is dacoity/robbery. The man made dacoity/robbery lawful against those who did not believe him. He made dacoity/robbery a religious duty.*

And civilisations died. Wherever his followers went, the places they seized, civilisations died. Baghdad or Cordoba are paraded around as examples of Islamic civilisation. That is, Islam is claimed to have established civilisation of its own kind after it has conquered a non-Islamic civilisation. But what are the creations of Baghdad or Cordoba except some translations of Indian/Persian/ Greek texts? Any literature, science, architecture, paintings, roads, canals, dance forms, music, universities? Anything that we take as achievements of a civilisation? In reality, every Muslim kingdom meant only one thing: regular raids on the kafir villages and cities, the killing of men, the looting of women, children and household goods. That is, dacoity.

We only read in schools/colleges accounts of some actual wars Muslims fought. But Muslim historians have kept a full account of all the raids Muslims carried out on kafir settlements. But now, because nothing that shows Islam in a bad light can be told/taught, all those accounts of raids are not taught us.

But the raids have not stopped. Dacoity has not stopped. What happened on 7th October 2023 in Israel was not a one-off incident. This is going on every place where Muslims live next to kafirs. There are regular knife attacks in the markets of Europe, girls as young as ten are regularly raped, and extortions are exacted upon businesses. Violence is used to drive kafirs traders from a market/trade, and the monopoly thus established is used to fleece kafirs: taxi service, hawking, food carts, etc. Halal is used to drive kafirs out of the entire chain of meat supply and then extortionist prices are used to impoverish kafirs and enrich the Ummah. The criminal world is captured and then crimes are committed upon kafirs. Kafirs treat them as crimes, but for the perpetrators they are jihad, and hence fully moral and sanctioned by their people. Jihad cannot stop. In fact, Qur’an verse 9.39 makes it clear to Muslims that if they give up jihad, they also will be destroyed.

With the modern means of communication and strong kafir armies, regular raids on kafir settlements are not possible, except an occasional 7th October-like raid, but Muslims are now moving into kafir countries and carrying out micro-raids as described in the preceding paragraph. The raids will remain micro only until the Muslims gain sufficient numbers, which is only a matter of decades now. Then 7th October will be repeated regularly in every kafir country that takes them in. Cologne New Year’s Eve, Milan New Year’s Eve, will be the only type of New Year’s Eve such countries will have. Now the Christmas markets and tree lighting ceremonies are cancelled in a few Western cities. Soon they will be distant memories in whole countries of the West.

Why are kafir leaders, especially the kafir leaders of the enlightened, highly successful, glittering, prosperous Western Civilisation are allowing this? The answer lies in Qur’an verse 9.60. It details the uses of zakat, the permanent religious tax system of Islam, wrongly translated as ‘charity’ (one more wrong translation). The third use of zakat is bribing kafir leaders.

The leaders of the West (politicians, media, academia, bureaucrats, law enforcement) have become corrupt. They are up for sale. And Islam has zakat money to purchase them. Therefore, they are not only not ready to draw the line James Burnham talked of in the quote at the beginning of this article, they are in fact erasing the lines — international borders — drawn by their great ancestors. The raiders are happily moving in. Mayhem is beginning.

How did the West reach this point? After all, if leaders have become corrupt, where are the people? How are they putting up with the rape of their 10-year-old daughters and the knifing of their children in schools?

The answer is that people became corrupt before the leaders. They took the ‘black pill’, the pill that makes a man corrupt, the pill that goes by the more common name of ‘Welfare State.’ Once the Welfare State takes root in a society, people lose their moral compass, even the capacity to apprehend danger. Like the drug addicts, they only worry about their next fix. So the politicians are telling the people of the West that they need immigrants** to keep their old age pensions and old age homes running. The people seem OK with the arrangement: ‘I need my old age pension and the old age home to die in. If those who are going to fund it are also raping my ten-year-old daughter, so what? Everything has a price.’ But even by paying this horrendous price they will not have their old age homes. They will be simply be beheaded in their beds.

Those who are still sober and sane in the West have a decade, at most two, to rouse the population, to organise the people, and overthrow their corrupt elites and take back their countries. Because Islam soon will make even the organising of the people impossible. Because to organise people, you need to talk to them, to communicate with them, to explain your programme to them. But Islam even takes away your freedom of speech. So nothing can be organised against it once it has established itself in a society. The earth will move into permanent darkness. Every person next to you will be O’Brien of the novel 1984. You say anything against Islam, and you end up in room no. 101 of the Party Headquarters.

If you search Burnham’s quotes on internet, a lot comes up, but never the words I quoted at the beginning. Yet to me, they are his most significant words. Perhaps they have been pushed into the memory hole because they have the potential to awaken people to what is being done by their elites.

But even the most famous quote of one of the most famous writers, readily available on the internet, doesn’t seem to possess the capability to wake up kafirs to the true nature of Islam: “Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The great man laid it out for all to see, but we never connected the dots. That Islam is so violent because it is a lie. It can only be maintained by violence. Take away the violence, and it will die. And that is why Muslims so readily lie, because they have to conceal the violence. So every atrocity, every attack, every murder, every rape is denied. Even something telecast live, the 7th October massacre and rapes in Israel, is being denied, beginning on that day. Because violence can only be concealed by lies, and violence needs to be maintained if Islam is to live.

Will we kafirs wake up to the fact that Islam is actually the abolition of moral laws that make Civilisation possible, before it is too late? Will we overthrow our corrupt dhimmi elites (politicians, media, academia, bureaucrats, law enforcement) before it is too late? Will Civilisation live? Can the line be still drawn?

*   Till a few decades ago, dacoits were endemic to the Chambal River valley of India. But even as dacoits they had a moral code: never rape a woman. That is, during the dacoity in a home, no dacoit was permitted to touch the women in it.
**   Labour shortage is often cited as a justification of mass immigration into the West. But economics teaches us that labour is never excess or short. What is called labour shortage only means that the labour is not available at the price (wage) being offered. The wage needs to rise in that sector. So, mass immigration into the West is nothing but the rigging of the labour market. And it will have the same effect as any type of rigging of markets: it will destroy prosperity.

Previous posts by The Kafir:

2013   Dec   29   The Longest-Running Crime Family
2014   Sep   7   God Save Us From Our Own Ruling Elite
    Oct   30   The Lone Wolf Lunacy
2015   Jan   18   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Muslim-on-Kafir Violence
    Apr   5   It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
    May   9   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Jun   9   Pamela Geller, Asma bint Marwan, and America
    Sep   9   The Invasion of Europe
    Oct   26   The Ongoing Muslim Invasion of Europe and the Limits of Human Compassion
2016   Jan   6   Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Mar   7   Zakah: The Permanent Tax System of Islam
    Sep   7   Islam, Violence, Kafirs, and the Future of Civilisation

20 thoughts on “Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

  1. “What exactly is Islam?”

    Didn’t you get that memo re “TPS Reports”…

    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog….No stronger retrograde force exists in the world….Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.” —Winston Churchill, “The River War” (1899)

  2. Yep, everything we talked about over the years is in here.
    He has perfectly summarized the whole Crime-syndicate that is Islam in one fell swoop.
    Unfortunately for our Civilizations, in the past and present, those that sit in Government are at best intentionally uneducated of what Islam stands for, or are so ideologically retarded that they believe they can come to an accord with Islam for more power of their own.
    Islam doesn’t share Power, it uses it to its own advantage and the only language Islam and Muslims understand is Violence and until we are prepared to use it against them in our own countries we’re lost. Islam will conquer those countries and people that aren’t prepared to fight for their Freedoms and Future.
    Start boycotting any shop that’s run by Muslims, don’t sell them anything, especially your property.
    I’ve been boycotting them for years now, and it’s sometimes quite tricky in South Africa since Pakistanis have taken over so many former local shops.
    And the worst part is, while small South African run businesses suffer, they are getting Government subsidies, massive Tax-cuts and seem to be BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) exempt, because there you wont see 60% of blacks “working”.
    That’s also another part of Jihad in my opinion.
    How do I know this, because it was told to my wife by one of them after she asked how they can manage with so few customers coming to their shops while we are struggling, even though our work-load and customer base has increased heavily -although most of our big customers have closed down their businesses over these last 3 years -, but so have the prices and taxes that are eating up most profit now.
    I for one have been forced to dig, since the Plandemic, into my savings almost each and every month, like so many other people I know of.

    • Get into the security area, it’s booming, it is why I came to Joberg, that and to get out of a MN winter. Giving instruction to the farmers in the outer areas and other parts of SA is paying extremely well, time for a change my friend.

  3. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Islam, i.e. “the Man and the Book”, is nonsense and humbug from start to finish.

    You know, of course, that Mecca was not even contemplated when the fictitious fool

    Mohammad allegedly lived, right?

  4. _________________________________________________________

    Glory to Allah in Aarhus, Denmark

    It has caused quite a stir that Iman Siad Dakir Ali from the “Mosque of Peace” in Brabrand showed up at the royal service in Aarhus Cathedral wearing a partisan scarf with the text “Free Palestine”.

    Naive Danes might ask what “Palestine” has to do with Islam.

    But if so, it is because they do not realise that Islam is not a religion, but an ideology of conquest whose proponents hate and detest the inhabitants of any territory – such as Israel – that is not ruled by their so-called god.

    You can read about him in the Koran, and he is a man whom all parents should warn their children not to approach, even if he comes with sweets.

    But now Islam has been given a seal of approval by the royal family itself.

    After this, the defenders of Allah throughout the world can boast that they have got their hands on Denmark and that they are enjoying the grace of the royal couple.

    For no one should have any illusions that the court has not approved the list of participants. King Frederik and Mary know what they are doing, and we can no doubt expect more similar displays from these Wooke influencers.

    Critics and opponents of Islam can pack up, because Muhammad’s time has come.

    Unfortunately, several paid preachers of the Danish church have also accepted the inevitable takeover of power by the Muslims.

    They have promised to fight a heresy like Islam, but since they believe that Jesus and Mohammed can be the same person, there is nothing to defend – except the pension.

    The holy Jew-hater from Brabrand must be a happy man today. He now has the support of some of Denmark’s most important institutions – the royal family, the government, the Folketing and the Danish church.

    From now on, all you have to do is flex your muscles, and the high lords and ladies will rush together and bow to all demands.

    By Lars Hedegaard

    (from Danish by LN)

    • “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

      ~ Sir Karl Popper

      The nations of Scandinavia have smugly lectured everyone else for years how superior is their way of life in comparison to others, egged on no doubt in part by the various quality of life surveys which have ranked Sweden or Denmark as the “happiest” or “best” places in which to live.

      Their reputation for openness and tolerance has played no small part in their reputation and moral preening.

      Yet, as the long-time readers of this website are undoubtedly aware, there has been trouble in paradise for some time now.

      Ordinary Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, et al. seem not to be able to understand that the compassion of which they are evidently so proud has been weaponized and turned against them by their own political, economic and cultural leaders and the globalists at the European Union.

      These self-anointed “elites” have engaged in an epic betrayal of unprecedented historical proportions, by throwing open their respective nations to the oldest and most-dangerous enemy of Old Europe, namely Islam and the Muslims.

      Sweden is, for all intents and purposes, already conquered and part of Dar al-Islam, and tiny Denmark is now next on the menu. This observer is not familiar with conditions in Norway at the present time, so perhaps one of the other readers can comment on that.

      “If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.” ~ Dr. Thomas Sowell

      “Force” can mean many things, not just the obvious such as the bearing of arms. It can mean the power of policy and law, for example, or the ethical force of moral traditions, customs and habits.

      But his observation remains very true in the elemental sense of the word as well, which is that sometimes the wolf at the door isn’t metaphorical but very real. And that if you wish to prevent the wolf from having you for dinner, you’d better be prepared to defend yourself.

      The grave danger for societies like those in Scandinavia is that they have been safe, secure and prosperous for so long, that they have forgotten this elemental truth, if they have ever known it to begin with.

      If history is any guide, they will learn the hard truth again in the hardest of ways. This is something no civilized person should want, but as the old saying goes, hope makes a good breakfast but a poor dinner.

      Indeed, as the Swedes have learned, the predatory nature of Muslim men against infidel women and children has moved from the realm of hypothetical to being quite real.

      • “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

        Excellent quote!….which reminds me of this from Glubb’s “The Fate of Empires”…
        “The conquest of one nation by another is declared to be immoral. Empires are wicked. This intellectual device enables us to suppress our feeling of inferiority, when we read of the heroism of our ancestors, and then ruefully contemplate our position today. ‘It is not that we are afraid to fight,’ we say, ‘but we should consider it immoral.’ This even enables us to assume an attitude of moral superiority. THE WEAKNESS OF PACIFISM IS THAT THERE ARE STILL MANY PEOPLES IN THE WORLD WHO ARE AGGRESSIVE. NATIONS WHO PROCLAIM THEMSELVES UNWILLING TO FIGHT ARE LIABLE TO BE CONQUERED BY PEOPLES IN THE STAGE OF MILITARISM.”

        • It remains now to see what ought to be the rules of conduct for a prince towards subject and friends. And as I know that many have written on this point, I expect I shall be considered presumptuous in mentioning it again, especially as in discussing it I shall depart from the methods of other people. But, it being my intention to write a thing which shall be useful to him who apprehends it, it appears to me more appropriate to follow up the real truth of the matter than the imagination of it; for many have pictured republics and principalities which in fact have never been known or seen, because how one lives is so far distant from how one ought to live, that he who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil.

          Hence it is necessary for a prince wishing to hold his own to know how to do wrong, and to make use of it or not according to necessity.

      • Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society, ole Socrates said that 3,000 years ago and it still applies today. Unless and until we as a society of western civilization are willing to full on use very brutal and horrific force against our enemies, they will overcome us all.

  5. “At some point the guardians of a civilization must be prepared to draw the line.”

    The defense required is ultimately physical, yet at this point, all I hear from those most in a position to defend is, “We can”t be like them”. It seems that the “some point” will be after decades of subjugation.

    • “The defense required is ultimately physical, yet at this point, all I hear from those most in a position to defend is, “We can”t be like them”. It seems that the “some point” will be after decades of subjugation.”

      You betcha!
      “J6” was a feeble attempt to implement what the Declaration of Independence recommended in case the US government was taken over by BLACK Lunatic Madness (BLM) and/or infantile Bolsheviks (aka commie-toddlers).

      Trouble was, as you’ve correctly eluded to, the J6’rs weren’t [heavily] armed/tactically trained, highly motivated/goal oriented (“to institute new Government”), in sufficient numbers and equipped with the requisite tar/feathers and [pre-signed] deportation orders. Confronting a terrorist in a clown costume, football game facepaint and viking horns isn’t gonna end well.

      As’s been said, sadly, we’re just one Franz Ferdinand-style shot away from all-out calamity. But once large numbers of people’re unable to work or make a living…..well, I reckon history’s gonna repeat itself; but with unpredictable results.

    • Those that take the high so called moral ground and play by some sort of Queensbury rules are going to lose and be buried in their moral superiority. I never have taken a muslim prisoner and never will.

    • “Mohammed never visited Jerusalem and never said he did. There was a revelation about 1948.”

      I’ll do you one better..
      “And what about the Palestinian claim that Jerusalem contains Islamic holy sites? There are none in Jerusalem. We don’t expect you will ever hear this from anyone in the media. It’s just not nice and politically correct. The Qur’an says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. But it never mentions Jerusalem! With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Mohammed ever visited Jerusalem! Frankly, we don’t think there’s a peaceful solution to the violence. Treating a 5,000-year-old birthright backed by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence equally with illegitimate claims, wishes and wants gives diplomacy and peacekeeping a bad name.” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (2002)

  6. It’s not reasonable to blame the “welfare state” for these ills. It can be corrupt and inefficient, but basically it’s way of ensuring our fellow-citizens, who may be poor through no fault of their own, do not lack food, housing, medical care or education.

    It’s noteworthy, and praiseworthy, that Americans are more generous with charitable donations than most of the rest of us, but this is even more haphazard and inefficient.

    • The welfare state works fairly well with homogenous societies like Sweden, but does not work with diverse societies which always break down the system designed only for the natives.

  7. It comes down to the simple equation, no more muzzy’s = no more problems. Those that openly side with and support them are our enemies as well. No quarter, no mercy, no prisoners. Until none are left.

  8. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

    How and why Sweden became multicultural – Red Ice

    Webb13 juli 2015 · How and why Sweden became multicultural 9 Jul 13, 2015 Source: No one can deny that multiculturalism and mass immigration are a reality in Sweden today. However, it hasn’t …


    (PDF) How did Sweden become multicultural?
    Webb27 sep. 2022 · How did Sweden become multicultural? : A study of how the political elite went from a belief in an ethnically homogeneous to a …
    Författare: Lars-Erik Hansen



    * * * * START REPATRIATION * * * *


      * * * * START REPATRIATION * * * *

      I disagree.

      The way I see it (and have been pitching for it for nearly 20 years!), there’re two options: 1) go after those who’re housing and employing ILLEGALS with jail time and a significant fine—for the landlords and employers, not the ILLEGALS. Then, once the ready supply of housing and jobs dry up, the ILLEGALS’ll self-deport at no further cost to the tax-payers (parenthetically, this WAS the official view of the Democratic party until ~ 2008); or 2) riffing off the punishment often doled-out by early American colonists to corrupt politicians: tar, feature and deport. Easy-peasy.

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