Freedom of Speech

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends his thoughts on the role played by freedom of speech (or its lack) in our contemporary scene.

Freedom of Speech

by The Kafir

“O kafirs, be you all apes and monkeys; again.”

Anthropologists say that some 80,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens acquired consciousness. As conscious beings, they soon figured out that many weaklings acting together can fell even the mightiest of the prey.

And a bit player in the food chain, Homo Sapiens, jumped straight to the top of it, and is ruling the planet ever since. They controlled fire and used it to make food more easily digestible; they invented the wheel and made long journeys easier; they domesticated far stronger animals and used them to carry the goods, plough the fields and give other products like milk. They figured out that living together is easier in permanent settlements and thus created villages and cities.

They realized that not all human beings agree on everything; there are disputes, and some bands still insist on hunting, hunting even the settled human beings. They figured out that acting together, which had allowed them to control all other species, is also needed to face such bands of human beings who still want to hunt and loot others’ possessions, including women and children for slavery. They created permanent armed groups among themselves, an army, to take on such bands, because it was more convenient and effective than all of them mobilizing in the face of such dangers from the hunting bands of human beings.

And not only the Earth, they are now planning to colonize the Moon and the Mars also. All because they stumbled upon consciousness all those years ago, because they could talk to each other, they could discuss, they could debate, they could convey their thoughts, they could communicate.

But now, after 80,000 years they seem to have forgotten that “acting together” was what made them such a powerful, all-conquering species. And that acting together was made possible by their faculty of speech. A handful of them, called the Ruling Elite, have taken control of their armies, and other instruments of collective armed power, and are now openly, flagrantly, surrendering their countries, their villages and cities, their women, children and wealth; to a new-fangled band of hunters that has come veiled as a religion: Islam. It is openly killing children, raping women, and beheading adults, all over the kafir world, and kafirs are just sleepwalking. Paralyzed. The Ruling Elite has taken great care to make it impossible for any warners to reach their fellow human beings and wake them up before certain death by murder and massacres. Thus making self-defense impossible.

Every human being has an absolute right to be left alone, to live his life as he pleases so long he is ready to likewise leave others alone. Left alone with his possessions and his family. He has absolute right to defend his life, his possessions and his family. The right and duty to defend himself is his. The State is only an auxiliary which he himself had created as a convenience. The State can’t suspend this right to life or take away the right to defend it. No emergency, no state of affairs, has been made a justification to suspend the right to life in any jurisdiction of the world. And the right to self-defense is considered equally sacrosanct in all jurisdictions.

But to defend his life, a man is insufficient in the face of the organized bands of hunters, even when they call themselves a religion. To defend himself against an organized group, a man needs to talk to his fellow human beings, explain to them the entire danger, convince them to likewise act together as a group, to become a Team. That is, man needs to have freedom of speech. Absolute freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech, life is not only meaningless, it is not even safe, it is not even possible. The right to freedom of speech is thus right to life only, stated differently. Therefore, when a government restricts or suspends freedom of speech, it suspends the right to life, it actually endangers lives of its citizens. It sets them up for slaughter. And rape. And looting. And total subjugation.

We have lost possession of this fundamental truth, that freedom of speech is actually only guarantee of right to life. This basic trait of ours, faculty of speech, is being chipped away in almost all kafir countries, and has now been so restricted that we are not able to talk to each other to organize ourselves to save it, and hence save our lives, lives of our children and women.

The kafir ruling elite has now become certain that it so controls the freedom of speech that it can do anything it pleases, and no organized resistance will be offered by the kafirs. Of all the outrageous examples, the most in-your-face is the arrest of a UK citizen by its police for a thought crime, as he disembarked from a plane upon his return from abroad, as his family and other passengers watched. It was all recorded by the police and was then broadcast all over the world, thus destroying the life of that man and his family, even before any trial in a court of law. This happened in a country that gave the world the most beautiful of all legal principles: a man is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law.

And nothing could be done by his fellow Englishmen. Because they cannot organize themselves. Because they cannot talk to each other. They cannot come together. Because their freedom of speech has been taken away.

Will they, and all of us kafirs, realize, before it is too late, that actually our right to life has been taken away? That any restriction on freedom of speech is to make us mute, conscious-less beings again, to force us to regress back to being among other apes?

Why is the kafir ruling elite surrendering the world to Islam? Most likely it is for the handsome zakat bribes, the use number three of zakat (Quran verse 9.60). Muslims are the best bribe-givers in the world. The zakat chest is huge, huge. And Islam’s leadership knows the benefits the bribes bring. Not only in the short term the money comes back in the form of government grants to mosques, Islamic centres and schools multiplied many times over. But in the long term it always leads to capture of power, and hence the entirety of kafir wealth.

But will the bribes to kafir ruling elite continue forever? The kafir ruling elite should read a famous account from early days of Islam, recounted in various hadith. It is recorded therein that after Meccans surrendered to Mohammed and became Muslims, Mohammed used to give them higher share from the maal i ghanima (war booty) than to his old companions. When the companions complained, he said that let the new converts realize the glory of Islam. But after his death, soon Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, reduced the share of the new converts from the earlier high, though it was still higher than that of the companions. They went to complain to Umar, the second-in-command of Abu Bakr. Umar declared that even the reduced but higher share would not be given to them from then on. They would get equal to all. “We no longer need you,” said Umar.

The kafir ruling elite must know. Zakat bribes will stop once Muslims gain sufficient power. After that, even for the elite it will be all rape and slaughter. This has always been the pattern. In all countries, in all times.

Previous posts by The Kafir:

2013   Dec   29   The Longest-Running Crime Family
2014   Sep   7   God Save Us From Our Own Ruling Elite
    Oct   30   The Lone Wolf Lunacy
2015   Jan   18   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Muslim-on-Kafir Violence
    Apr   5   It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
    May   9   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Jun   9   Pamela Geller, Asma bint Marwan, and America
    Sep   9   The Invasion of Europe
    Oct   26   The Ongoing Muslim Invasion of Europe and the Limits of Human Compassion
2016   Jan   6   Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Mar   7   Zakah: The Permanent Tax System of Islam
    Sep   7   Islam, Violence, Kafirs, and the Future of Civilisation
2024   Jan   22   Islam: Abolition of Civilisation
        29   Islam: Abolition of Civilisation, Part II
    Aug   15   Diversity Is Not Our Strength

5 thoughts on “Freedom of Speech

  1. This is amazing. The best defense of free speech yet.

    Why? Because last night I was watching clips from the original “Planet of the Apes.” The humans, mute and feral, were defenseless and disorganized, stampeded this way and that by teams of shouting gorilla hunters wielding staffs, nets, and horns.

  2. One thing missing, of course, anthropologists have no conception of: G-d the creator. It’s strange because all over the planet there are ancient temples and edifices to a spiritual being, ( or the many aspects of such) in enormous carved stones etc. So where did consciousness come from all of a sudden after a random “80,000 years”?
    Maybe atheists can explain it to me.

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