Diversity Is Not Our Strength

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir compares and contrasts the various nightmares of “diversity” that are now playing out in Bangladesh, India, and the UK.

Diversity Is Not Our Strength

by The Kafir

The United Kingdom is 8,000 km from Bangladesh. Both countries have seen violence in the last few days. In both countries, those who unleashed the violence belong to the same religion, but victims in each case are followers of a different religion.

In Bangladesh, the US Deep State toppled a democratically elected quasi-secular government to install a puppet, but as happens in most cases when the West topples a government in a Muslim country, the puppet is just that, a puppet. Real power has gone to the religious Muslims, the Jamaatis in this case. Jamaat i Islam is a Muslim party of the Indian subcontinent that is working to bring back Muslim rule in the entire Indian subcontinent. It forced the partition of British India in 1947, and now works in all the three countries carved out of the British India — India, Pakistan and Bangladesh — to install sharia governments.

With the government that was trying to keep the administration secular in Bangladesh gone, Muslims resumed attacks on Hindus and other religious minorities. Attacks which have actually never stopped since the partition of 1947. Temples are being attacked, homes are being burnt, men are being beheaded, and women are being kidnapped for sex-slavery. With cameras in every mobile phone, this time much of it is coming to light, and so, many in the world are trying to highlight it to stop it. But Western governments are in denial. Elon Musk’s X can be visited to watch the ghastly, bone-chilling violence on non-Muslims that is continuing in Bangladesh. The Indian government has been forced to make some noises, but is also straining to resume aid, zijiya payments in effect, to “stabilize” Bangladesh.

In the UK, Britons started demonstrating to oppose illegal immigration after three schoolgirls were stabbed to death and many others, including teachers, were wounded by a new voter imported by the elite to somehow keep their fraud called the Welfare State going. The demonstrations everywhere were attacked by Muslims, often in the presence of the police. The UK government of Keir Starmer responded by arresting the demonstrating Britons, including those who posted on social media against the mass illegal immigration of Muslims into the UK. It is even claiming jurisdiction over the United States, for arresting American citizens who tell the truth!

So, a country that gave the world Magna Carta when kings were thought to have divine powers to rule is now home to an elite that says that people can say only what is approved. And people whose ancestors stood up to the kings and tyrants, not only in their own country but also in the far-off places like Germany, have submitted.

Circumstances seem to have conspired to make the Islam’s conquest of the world not only possible but inevitable. The West instituted the Welfare State. The Welfare State killed the family. With cradle to grave State care assured, people stopped having children. The elite thought if the natives do not want to have children, it can import children from the Muslim lands, where they seem to have plenty of them. Muslims were happy to oblige. They sent them, and are sending them, in droves.

But there seems to be a big problem. The incoming Muslims do not want to work to pay the taxes to fund the Welfare State of the aging West. They instead want the State itself. With girls and women as the Maal i Ghanima (war booty), and head-hacking of the locals to book the seat in Jannah. The ruling elite is feverishly denying that it is so, hoping that the denial will change the reality. The citizenry, morally enfeebled by 75 years of the Welfare State, desperately wants to believe the lies being broadcast by the elite. Because the truth threatens to completely upend their world. The truth will force them to work, and to commit to having families and children.

The present state of affairs all over the world seems to negate all the theories of the social sciences. With prosperity and education, masses have become stupid and cowards, not enlightened and brave. Hindus of present-day India saw the carnage by Muslims in 1947 and 1971, but did not force the elite to go for the total population exchange between India and the two Muslims countries carved out of it. In the just-concluded general elections, they nearly voted into power the parties which openly appease Muslims. In the West, with every election cycle, support for the parties which want even more mass illegal immigration and deepening of the Welfare State increases. With the flood of books and articles on internet bringing out the whole, unvarnished truth of Islam, the mass-educated people of the West, instead of grasping the truth, are lapping up the comforting lies about Islam.

People do not seem to seek happiness, safety and prosperity. They seem to prefer slavery, rape of their daughters, and destruction of their countries and, as a consequence, the disappearance of their prosperity. Nothing seems to rouse them. The rapes of their daughters and beheading of their sons may be telecast live, and still they will deny it all and rush to comfort Muslims, the perpetrators. The elite seem to think that the head-hacking and rapes will never reach them. Media have falsified the reality, and refuse to examine the fake world they have created, irrespective of how high the mounds of corpses get, or how loud the shrieks of women being gang-raped become.

My generation is accursed. We tasted the sweet fruits of Freedom and Liberty, the unimaginable prosperity made possible by them, and are now watching it all disappear because, well, people do not seem to want Freedom and Liberty. It now seems that the great civilizations of old did not disappear for lack of knowledge and information. It is destined like that. After every age of Civilization, the world is condemned to regress back to savagery, destruction and wretched poverty. Improved means of communication, reach of education, warnings, etc., cannot change the outcome.

Only, this time the Dark Night of sharia may last till the galaxies start colliding. Because Islam is truly the Big Brother State described in the novel 1984. Every Muslim is a two-way screen of the Big Brother. Organizing human beings against the tyranny of Islam to overthrow it will be impossible.

Previous posts by The Kafir:

2013   Dec   29   The Longest-Running Crime Family
2014   Sep   7   God Save Us From Our Own Ruling Elite
    Oct   30   The Lone Wolf Lunacy
2015   Jan   18   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Muslim-on-Kafir Violence
    Apr   5   It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
    May   9   The Power of Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Jun   9   Pamela Geller, Asma bint Marwan, and America
    Sep   9   The Invasion of Europe
    Oct   26   The Ongoing Muslim Invasion of Europe and the Limits of Human Compassion
2016   Jan   6   Low-Level, Random, But Unceasing Violence
    Mar   7   Zakah: The Permanent Tax System of Islam
    Sep   7   Islam, Violence, Kafirs, and the Future of Civilisation
2024   Jan   22   Islam: Abolition of Civilisation
        29   Islam: Abolition of Civilisation, Part II

13 thoughts on “Diversity Is Not Our Strength

  1. Their empire building brought the misery home to the grandchildren. I’ve watched Brit historians castigate America for slavery, all the while not mentioning that the British East India Company transported the slaves throughout the American colonies and Caribbean. Then they elected Cameron, May, BoJo, Truss then the sepoy. Each one delivered more tools of tyranny for the marxists to weaponize against them. At least they’ve still got great food, weather and sports to keep them occupied.

  2. With regards to the UK, the main reason for a falling indigenous population is, in my opinion, the number of abortions; that is, murders of babies; each year for the past 50 or more years. If these babies had been allowed to live, our indigenous population would have grown and we wouldn’t have any need to import any.

  3. The new UK liebour regime has installed sharia here, they are not concerned about violence to women and children, just retaining the religion of pieces vote. We now have a clear apartheid in who is protected and can do as they please and the majority who have to shut up or go to the gulag immediately.

  4. The West is undergoing a spiritual crisis. They killed the base of their institutions, thus they have nothing left to stand on.

  5. Even worse than sharia law is noahide law, which also has the support of our traitorous political class. Between the two, Christians of the world are being and will be systematically eliminated, per the plan.

  6. “Circumstances seem to have conspired to make the Islam’s conquest of the world not only possible but inevitable.”

    Sadly, yes. Here in the West, we (that is, the elites) have no will to fight them (and those of us who do have the will have no power). China has the will, but it is aging, as is Russia. India, it seems, also lacks the will. I can’t imagine Latin America or Christians in Africa being able to resist, once the rest of the world has become Islamic. Maybe Hungary will avoid it, but one small country against the entire world isn’t a pleasant prospect.

  7. I look at all the doom and gloom and defeatism of the above comments and look upon them as weak sheep who won’t even whimper to their slaughter by their attitudes and hopelessness, bah NONSENSE! I say! Get off your [fundaments] and start putting skin in the game and bloody well fight, do it clandestine do it sub rosa, sabotage their stuff, do things that start putting the fear in them and their enablers. History goes to the bold and most ruthless and nobody won wars by being civilized but utterly ruthless and no mercy no quarter attitude. Arm up and go forth doing God’s work, for sitting around wringing your hands over this mess is only going to get you killed on your couch. Do something for chrissakes!

    • You mention God and yet you blaspheme Jesus name.

      You are on the wrong team. No Christian would ever blaspheme jesus name

      • Well in the context of how I used Christ’s name, is not blasphemy in the slightest, defending yourselves against the devil’s disciples is completely within church doctrine.

  8. This is not the first note by an Indian author that I have come across recently, where the Anglo-Saxons are blamed for the tragedy of Hindus in Bangladesh. Apparently, this has become a stable narrative.
    Too many points of rejection of the “world hegemon” are being created.
    There is a modern Russian writer, Viktor Pelevin, who some time ago (10 or 20 years ago) ironically introduced the concept of the “Judeo-Anglo-Saxon world”.

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