Shouting Fire!

Shouting Fire!

by MC

Western Civilization was defined by a ‘context’, but it was a context that our academic elites did not like. That context — the Torah (Ten Commandments) — undermined their authority by placing a God over all. Marxists do not like gods (which they cannot control); they prefer to set up dictators (gods they can control).

So, too, with presidents of Ivy League universities who like to control those contexts (knowledge of good and evil) for themselves within their domains.

Inciting genocide is a bit like shouting ‘FIRE’ in a crowded theatre, but the context is different, and the ‘action’ may be in a small despised country far away, and a time well into the future.

When Stalin genocided the Ukrainians, he justified it by creating a context, that of the kolkhoz (communal farm) from which Ukrainian farmers could be excluded if they did not comply, and thus starved them along with their families. Following in Stalin’s footsteps, the Palestinian context was created by the KGB in the early sixties.

This context claimed that the land which was defined as ‘Jewish’ under international law (in the Mandate for Palestine in 1922) actually belonged to Palestinians by right of occupation and residence, and that the definition of a Palestinian (in 1963) was a non-Jew who had lived in the land for two years in the period since 1922: the UNRWA definition used for Refugees of the 1948 War of Independence.

This construct was accompanied by bucketloads of propaganda, supposedly legitimising the KGB/Palestinian claim and describing Jews as ‘settlers and occupiers’.

The American left fell for it (as they always do for convenient hoaxes).

National Socialism grew out of Socialist Syndicalism, which is the idea that trades unions should control the means of production, and was the more ‘right’ of the three socialist collectivist ideological strains of the interwar years (Marxism, Social Democracy and Syndicalism). That National Socialism became branded as ‘far right’ was a hoax again engineered by Marxists to demonise conservative thought and also to dissociate the occult brutality of Marxism from the then-exposed brutality of National Socialism. It proved to be very effective and the majority of historians upheld the thesis (the alternative was to face ridicule from the leftist establishment).

‘Racism’, as an adjunct to National Socialism, became a huge political red herring. The real fish was the idea of the cultural context in which and by which ‘good and evil’ could be judged. Racism against victim cultures became the new unforgivable sin, and victimhood became a function of skin colour.

White bad, non-white good.

Jews do not fit into this simplistic context, Ashkenazi Jews tend to be white-skinned. Sephardic Jews tend to be ‘people of colour’, but although Jews are the original victims of National Socialism, they are ‘White Supremacists’, ‘settlers’ and ‘colonialists’. And, although they are the original victims of Nazism (and Stalinism), they cannot be seen as a victim culture. Hamas, on the other hand, with its direct association with the Nazis, is seen as a true victim culture (as a creation of the KGB it has an automatic entry into the victim club).

Cognitive Dissonance (a.k.a. stupidity) is one of the prime requirements of useful idiocy, and all three tranches of socialism require a partial lobotomy of reasoning ability.

Modern Democrats have allied themselves with the Left, but are unsure into which of the three branches of leftism they naturally fall, The majority are Social Democrats, some are outright fascists/syndicalists thinking they are ‘communists’, and a few are out-and-out communists (all power to the party). This ignorance makes Democrat politics very erratic, and many voters still think they are voting for the party of Presidents F.D. Roosevelt, Truman and JFK, of course.

In the ’60s, a teacher of mine described Democrats as conservative and Republicans as ultra-conservative. He was not allowed to comment on local UK politics.

That the conservatives of the world have been burdened by an association with Nazis is devastating, and has been a major cause of a political slide to the Left for most people for whom politics is a shallow matter of fashion and which one wears like a fox-fur mantle displaying one’s virtue and wealth.

Yes, there are fashions in politics, especially amongst those too lazy (or badly educated) to find out truths for themselves. Take Trump derangement syndrome. Statistically, President Trump was one of the best presidents the USA has ever had. He cut through much of the mud and faeces of traditional leftist-dominated politics and was well on the way to restoring the USA as the world power.

He was brought down by the deep, deep pockets and utter depravity of the globalist elites.

Bribery is very insidious, and, as Chicago gangsters proved, corrupted officials, protected by bought media can flourish to the detriment of all of us who have to pay the costs in inflation and taxes.

Socialism requires that the ‘workers’ pay for the ‘shirkers’, that society must be driven by equality of outcome, and that no value must be assigned or merit evaluated from the individual. Thus Socialism has a downwards spiral built into it, as productivity is strangled by welfare.

The Nazis created a huge welfare state which was far more expensive than Germany itself could afford, hence the need to make war, to occupy, asset-strip and enslave neighbouring countries. Nazis thought that Jooz were the economic parasites that caused the shattering of the German Aryan dream, and thus, according to the Nazi theorist Alfred Rosenberg, should be excluded from the economy (exterminated).

Socialism is a religion, a religion where a permanent dictator (Chairman/Fuhrer/President) plays god, and a committee of ‘good’ men back him up and enforce his diktats. This process may be hidden, as in the USSR, or the EU, or it may be in the open, as in the Nazi Fuhrer. The effect is much the same, and human life becomes the currency of state whimsy. Need more slaves? Send out an NKVD press-gang.

In the USA this creates a pressing need for the Democrats to ‘win’ elections and import ‘slaves’. As we have seen, we can hide a senile puppet in the White House whilst the real dictator is hidden away somewhere in the obscure halls of power, and the path to Utopia is always paved with the carcasses of the innocent.— The Omelette Syndrome.

In the UK system, the power is hidden in the very real spectre of a permanent civil service. It was the same in Czarist Russia: the Czar was a puppet of the Civil Service. The system broke down when the Civil Service became so corrupt that the people starved.

Even in evacuated Sderot, I can still go to the supermarket and buy what I need to survive. I am lucky; I have never had to queue for hours for basic commodities, but this is what happens in advanced socialist states. It will happen in California, too, if they persist in trying to get diesel powered trucks off the road. In Soviet Russia there was plenty of staple food, but it could not be delivered to where it was needed and it rotted in the fields and the storehouses.

The war continues and progress is slow. O’Biden is weebling about the need to finish it before the primaries start — what a ridiculous position to take, the people of Israel must be enslaved to the political needs of the DNC and White House. Who was it said something about no taxation without representation?

We are very grateful for the help and support provided by the American people, but this administration does not represent You the People. It appears to represent some external entity that wants groups like Hamas to continue to terrorise all of us, but the Jew first.

Romans Chapter 10 is rarely read and even less well understood, Jews are not grafted into a Christian tree, but neither is it a Jewish tree. It is a tree of Yah’s Word, Torah (or “Torah made flesh and dwelling amongst us,” see John 1).

If we are grafted into Torah, it does not matter what religion we are. If we abide by the Ten Commandments, then even ‘socialism’ works.

Judaism in Israel is different to Judaism in the USA. US Jews are overwhelmingly Ashkenazi, whilst here in Israel there are many Sephardic Jews with differing customs and appearances. US ‘wokism’ looks to Brooklyn for its definition of Judaism, and then tries to apply it to Israel. Sephardic Jews are the remnants of pre-Roman Jews. Jesus was a Sephardic Jew, born in Bethlehem a few miles from Jerusalem. The same Jerusalem that many so called Christians want to hand over to Hamas/PA. If you dig a hole in Jerusalem you will find objects, maybe a Jordanian mortar bomb, a Roman shield or a Hebrew ossuary. What you will not find is anything ‘Palestinian’. The occupants of the land from time immemorial were those same Sephardic Jews that do not, and have never lived in Crown Heights. My wife’s family came from Baghdad, and were expelled by the Muslims in 1953. They lived in tents in a refugee camp in Israel until, with the help of USAID, they were resettled in (at the time) modern apartment blocks.

Sderot was one of the places where Jews expelled from Morocco and Tunisia were similarly tented and then rehoused. They rebuilt their own community, and Hamas has repeatedly and regularly violated it for some twenty years. These Sderotians are people of colour, brown people, not the white male supremacists that the woke Democrats would have us believe. They are essentially resettled refugees who have assimilated, not colonialists, and not settlers.

Muslims don’t resettle; they only occupy. Kosovo, once a part of Christian Serbia, is now an extension of the Islamic State of Albania, Muslims are perpetually the conquers, the settlers and the occupiers.

Then they weep crocodile tears until President Clinton bombs hell out of Zagreb and out of those they displaced.

From the river to the sea — Islam covets, weeps and appeals.

Projection always projection, Alinsky had nothing on Mohammed.

Ignorance is bliss in woke circles and among their Ivy League acolytes. As history has been distorted by the relabelling of Nazism as ‘far-right’ so too has the history of Sderot, and of Israel as a whole been distorted by historical Lysenkoism in academia. Socialism requires cognitive dissonance (stupidity) to sweep inconvenient truths under the carpet, but to do this makes one a willing servant of the father of lies…

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

14 thoughts on “Shouting Fire!

  1. Now, just get the Leftists of Israel to admit they have been wrong for 75 years concerning the right of Israeli Jews to be armed.

    Ben Gurion’s second law in 1948 disarmed the Jews of Israel by outlawing guns. The left must now realize that they made a terrible error. The price was paid on October 7th when 3,000 Muslim psychopaths murdered 1200 mostly disarmed Jews.

    Netanyahu’s government is issuing 15,000 new “permits.” Permits? You need a damn permit to defend your family when the IDF, the police, the Mossad, Shin Bet and the rest of Israel’s Left Wing Extremist establishment spent all of the previous year trying to overthrow the elected government that was attempting to reform Israel’s Banana Republic totally corrupt judicial system.

    When the war is over – take to the damn streets and demand your right to bear arms for crying out loud. “Never let a crisis go to waste,” some Jewish American named Rahm Emmanuel once blurted out. Well, he meant more Communism and more Deep State. Turn the tables and demand more freedom. You only have your lives to be shattered in the future once more and your women raped again and again while you watch if you don’t change your ways.

    • Yes, an armed populace would be a self-existent deterrent. In fact, go one step further. Have the newly armed populace patrol their neighborhood streets and then watch the ‘palace-tin-ians’ crawl back into their rat holes in the baseboard. But of course, those who are ‘woke’ but not awake, won’t allow that and will fall down on the floor and chewing the rug in an ear-shattering screaming fit.

      • Had 6 Million Jews had had “assault weapons” or 20 Million French or 15 Million Polish, there would not have been a WW2.
        Or for the fact, that FDR/ democrats cut USA military spending 40% in 1934 – MacArthur resigned his commission – causing our enemies to see just how weak the USA was under FDR and now was their chance to dominate the world.
        FDR was so sick with polio and Artero sclerosis, he could not have gotten a job at the White House as a “paperweight”.
        Joey Biden has “outdone” FDR!!!

        • “Had 6 Million Jews had had “assault weapons” or 20 Million French or 15 Million Polish, there would not have been a WW2.”

          “If every Jewish and anti-Nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser [bolt-action] rifle, twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT, Adolph Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.” —Rabbi Aaron Zelman

          “History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.” —Adolph Hitler

          “Heavily armed people cannot be forced to take ‘showers’.” —posted to fb (2018)

          For those who don’t know…
          Why Jews Hate Guns

    • “Now, just get the Leftists of Israel to admit they have been wrong for 75 years concerning the right of Israeli Jews to be armed.”

      That’d be a first—a commie-toddler, without a gun to her head, admitting she’s wrong….especially, when it comes to guns. Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

  2. “…President Trump was one of the best presidents the USA has ever had…” How can one take someone seriously when they make such a statement? I hate to waste time rehashing the same old same old, but among the highlights: the promotion of LGBT worldwide, with threats of force; the refusal to take action against his opponents (the Clintons are “good people”) or the Deep State in general; the failure to address Obamacare; failure to secure the border; failure to combat voter fraud (dancing like a jackass to “YMCA” at at a rally shortly before having the election pulled out from under him); letting his daughter and son-in-law influence his politics; luring his followers to a rally where they ended up beaten, shot and jailed, then ignoring them for at least a year; pardoning numerous criminals before leaving office; firing good people like Sessions (probably at Kushner’s behest because Sessions was the only one willing to take action against the drug trade) and incessantly backing awful candidates in local elections; etc and etc and etc! Saying he had to fight not only the Dems but his own party doesn’t excuse four years of worthless narcissism and weak-willed ignorance. HE delivered us to what we’re going through now.

  3. I’m puzzled by your definitions, MC. I thought the Sephardi were the Jews of the Iberian peninsula, and those of the Middle East and North Africa were Mithrati or Misrati (which might incorporate some Sephardi after they were expelled by Ferdinand and Isabella)

    • In Israel there are two chief Rabbis, one Ashkenazi, one Sephadi, under the sephadi banner come the smaller groups which represent the locations where the Sephardic Jewws ended up, the Mizrahi, Magrebi are subsets of Sepherdi.

  4. I do not think of fellow Jews as being of “a color.” They are just fellow Jews. Some are lighter skinned, some are olive skinned, some are “darker skinned,” some are black skinned. Their are cultural differences across the spectrum of Jewish people.

    Also, in the US, there are communities that are predominantly Sephardic (Iranian origin, Iraqi, Syrian, etc.). There are part of Los Angeles that have “working class” Sephardic Jews, just like in Israel.

    Chasidic Jews and Jewish followers of various Askhenazi “sects” (following rabbinic dynasties and traditions from Eastern Europe and Russia) in Brooklyn, in Lakewood, NJ, and in Rockland County, NY are a focus of media attention, and this distorts the popular (common, typical) conception that non-Jewish Americans have of American Jews.

    Jews themselves have trouble defining and understanding full diversity of Jewish people, beliefs and practices. Educating non-Jews about Judaism may be a hill too tall and a bridge too far. For the sake of protecting Israel, keep it simple. Jews are Jews. To an enemy of Israel, the skin color of Jew makes no difference.

  5. “I do not think of fellow Jews as being of “a color.”

    You may not, but the ruling Wokerati separate all people (except Jews) into skin colour groupings. it is called ‘intersectionality’

    They, The wokerati have a very long article explaining why Jews are not a ‘victim’ group but are part of their ‘white supremacist’ group. My article is looking at this politically powerful wokery and contesting that only one part of Jewry is ‘white’, and that Israel is not Crown Heights.

    As you note Israel is full of PoC, But to a wokist they are all Ashkenazy ‘settlers’. colonialists and khazars’ as if Brooklyn had moved to Tell Aviv.

    It is these same woke groups who are on the streets chanting genocide of Jews in Israel based upon their hatred of Jews in New York. I was in Sderot on 7th October, my son and granddaughter left our house and just missed being shot up by maybe two minutes. We then had a week of lockdowns and bombardment.

    Israel is not a colony of the US diaspora that can be patronized and dictated to by the Biden Administration, or maybe the reality is that we hare are dictated to from the wokists of Washington DC.. From here Brooklyn seems to support the wokists, and seems to feel that Israel should be good little boys and not throw the tea overboard….

  6. Thanks MC, but I’m still confused. Many of the people who fled N Africa and the Middle East from the late 1940s included Iraqis and Yemenis, whose ancestors had been there since Old Testament times (The “Babylonian Exile”), are hardly likely to have passed through Spain.

    In 1990, I had the privilege of a conversation with the violinist Michel Schwalbe (accent over the “e”), leader (“konzertmeister”) of the Berlin Philharmonc from 1957-84, who was born in Poland. I asked about his surname, and he said his ancestry was Sephardi; in Spain, his ancestors were called “caballero” (minor nobility), and following the expulsion of the Jews. they moved to to France and were called “chevalier”. They moved again, to Alsace, and it was shortened to “Schwalbe”. Sadly, a typical example of Jewish history in Europe.

    (In 1940, he led an orchestra in Vichy France, and was warned the authorities were atfter him; he and his wife escaped to Swizerland in the back of a truck and he led the orchestra in Geneva until he was offered the position in Berlin, by Herbert von Karajan, who joined the Nazi Party twice to further his career). Life is full of irones.

    • In 1653 Ferdinand and Issabella of spain decided t make Spain and Portugal ;Jew Free’ This included such figure as Columbas and his crew who went West, Others went to the Maghreb and the Levant. Some, like my predecessors ended up in London where they founded the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue at Bevis Marks.

      At the time Jews in England were not allowed, but a blind eye was turned in the post Cromwellian ‘Puritan’ age. Jews we restricted and could not own property.

      All these are known as Sephardi Jews, and the term includes all those who were in Eretz Israel all through the various occupations.

      The Ashkenazi came from Central Europe and Russia, when Constantinople finally succumbed, the Jewish population fled North to Ukraine/Russia. At one time Jews were exempt from military service in Russia, so many white Caucasians ‘converted’ to Judaism.

      So it is a muddled picture, further complicated by the mass conversion of the Khazars which muslims like to use to deny that there were Jeews in Palastine.

      Todays’s Askenazim in Israel are usually immigrants from the USA. ‘Anglos’, much of the confusion with Judaism is because to most Americans, Jews are a sect in New York, they do not realize that Israel has its own culture and people.

      This is a very potted history, there is much more history – Try Johnson’s “History of the Jews” if you are interested”

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